Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 04, 1917, Page THREE, Image 3

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1 ' Mlll ' - ' ' f - ' '
This Wonderful Little 2800-lb.
Goes under trees only four feet off the ground (where no horse can go.)
"Gees" and "Haws" like a team turns inside a 10-foot circle pulls as strong
on turns as on the straightaway gets into the corners pulls out of soft
spots just like a team.
You do not need to buy more land in order to earn more money, you can
make more money on the land you have with a Bean Trackpull Tractor.
F. A. Kurtz Farm
-" Two miles north of Salem on the River Road - .
It is a light eater never tires Eats only when working and makes a
profit for you. Don't miss the opportunity of seeing the BEAN TRACK
PULL Demonstrated. Come out and see for yourself.
APRIL 6 FROM 1:30 P. M. TO 5 P. M. AT F. A KURTZ FARM, Salem, Ore.
Charles R. Archerd Implement Co.
Says Wilsons Speech'
Rank With Those of Wash
ington and Lincoln
By Lord Northdtf fer,
(Written for the t'nited Press.)
London, April 4. I have taken a few
hours to collect opinions of member
of both hmiiuin nf ntrli.matit
I ii.iuiiu auu HI HJ
of the general public.
Experts in statesmanship regard the
president's speech as likely to rank
with the most notable utterances of
Washington and Lincoln. Its dignity,
restraint and insight are considered ab
solutely worthy of the chief of a hun
dred million of the republic's citizens
at this tremendous moment.
. The joining with the allies by the
United States is- especially welcomed
by Englishmen who are fighting side
by side with the heroic French.
We regard the coming in of t'nele
Sam as the help of another big brother
in Frauce's fight against the Prussian
We will be able to take care of our
own part of the war on land, on ea,
in munitions plants and in the treasury,
but the territories of France and
Belgium have been chosen by the
Hohonzollerus as their battleground
for the conquest of the world and it is
speaking nations Americans, British,
fitting that we of the free English
Canadians Australians, New Zealnnd
crs. South Africans should combine
with Russia and with Italy to rid the
world of kaiserism just as the Rus
sian people united against the domin
ation of czardom.
Tho intervention of the T'nited
States is the greatest event in the his
tory of the war since August, !H4.
Combination. j
A comprised in Hood's ParaaiMrin
mi I'rpiirnn 1'illn. thene valuable i
remedies posaess unequalled henlth-
value, for the alleviation and cure of
a long train of ailments common
among our people in this 20th century. ,
In these days of rushing and push
ing:, beyond the endurance of even the '
most robust, nearly every man and
woman needs and must have the aid i
of the health-givlnff powers of this !
combination of medicines to support
and sustain normal health tone. If it !
is not supplied, the depletion of the
blood and the broken-down nerves will I
soon Rive way to permanent invalid- '
ism and ruined health. I
The very best remedies for blood
purifyinpr and nerve-building are I
found in Hood's Sarsaparilla and i
Peptiron Pills. Tou know well the
great tonic properties of iron. They !
y much increased and improved in ',
tais combination Hood's Parsnpa
nX ueXora meals, Peptiron Tills after.
We have all seen versions of the so
called Hula Hula, some of them barely
Oregnn t Conference
United Evangelical
Church April 5-8
The twenty third annual session of
the Oregon conference of the United
Evangelical church will be held in Sa-
latii Ai-..;i K.Q U.r il r. "r 11 -j.
loin is secretary, Hev. C. P. Gates of! A- retined version of this daueo is a
ieature or tn.) program presented bv the
Koyal Hawaiian Songbirds at Bhgh
' ( ' I ' ' '""
I ' ,0,3 r
J J i'y
bp Uw
. E
Do your EASTER purchasing' where Reliability is
the slogan of each transaction; where PRICES
Brick Brothers
escaping the description of being vul
gar, but tho true Golden Hula Hula, as
danced at Hila, is extremely artistic.
tmu ii i
iwp mmm
American College Men
Making Name for Amrica
.in Balkans, Says Carolinan
By Wilbur G. Torrest.
Paris, March 15. (By mail.) A lit
tle band of American college men are
making a name for America in the Bal
kans today. ,
This band is composed of more than
50 Voiing Americans who sailed for
France about a year ago to become am
bulance drivers for the American Am
bulance Field (Service, under the direc
tion of A. I'iutt Andrew, of LaPorte,
Ind., and Gloucester, Mass., former as
sistant secretary of the U. S. treasury.
Two sections of ambulances in addi
tion to many others now working on
the western front are with the French
armies in the Monastir region of recoil-
In the Most Daring Picture He Ever Made
A' m
Deadly Undertaking
A Keystone v
Again we
want to
draw your
attention to
The Oregon
"Where the Crowds Go"
quered southern Servia.
Carrying wounded always at night,
over wild roads, through rocky moun
tain passes and over mountains is only
part of tho work these American col
legians are doing, according to Knnis
Brown, of Charleston. S. C, who has
just reached Paris on his way back to
America. Brown joined the ambulance
service while a student at Virginia uni
versity, lie is the first American to
return since the Americans embarked
at Marseilles for Salonica.
"For mouths since our allies took
Monastir our ambulances have been
very busy in the Balkans," Brown told
tne uniteo rreas today.' "irom our
headquarters near Monastir we have
carried the wounded from the trenches
north of Monastir; from Koritza to the
i west, where the French blesses come
t fmin 1)0 flftllt KlIUU t nulla lnnlr nfnv
the mountains and from other points
wherever we are directed by the French
military authorities. Sometimes it has
been necessary to use good strong
American arm work to pull even our
light American caig over the. dififcult
"To give Mime sort of an idea what
the wounded are going through, it is
sometimes 15 days before a man reaches'
a good comfortable hospital after lie is
wounded on the. front lino west of Kor
itza. Our ambulances can only pene
trate as far as Koritza. Here we take
aboard men who have traveled for days
on mule back. We then rush them as
fast as possible toward comfort in the
nearest thing to a mule that be found
in the Balkans our little Detroit made
Sometimes the American drivers take
their cars almost to the front trenches
north of Monastir. Usually, however,
we can pick up a loud in the town it
self. . .
"All drivers are armed with revolvers
now on account of the Turkish and
Bulgar comitadjis who have no use for
Americans. Several drivers, including
John Imbrcy, of Washington, D- 0.,
have had adventures with them but
luckily so far no one has been hurt."
When Brown left the Balkans seven
When Brown left the Balka ns sev
en cars of the two sections had been
smashed by shells, four of them beyond
repair. Among the members of his sec
tion were: Arthur Blumenthal, of Wil
mington, N. C, famous football tar nt
Princeton ii 1913; Levering Hill, New
York City, former Harvard student;
Powell Felton, Philadelphia, of the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania; Charles Baird.
I of New York City, and many others,
I mostly Harvard students.
Before Brown went to the Balkans
he had driven an American ambulance
through the big attack at Verdun last
year. The termination of his six months'
ieulistment and ill health caused him to
j leave for home. Despite finding himself
ion a ship en route which was the victim
I of a submarine in the Mediterranean,
Brown reached Toulon - and Paris in
I safety.
The lawmakers at Lansing, the De
troit News says, expect to make Michi
gau(lie dryest slate in the union. Well
it oufcht to be, with water cutting it
in two and almost surrounding the two
I Dayton, Ore., statistical secretnrv mul
j Rev. 8. .Mumey. treasurer. The bish
'op, W. H. Fouke,:'D. D of Naperville,
111., will attend the sessions and deliv
er several addresses.
The program' for the three davs is as
Tuesday April 3, 7:30 p. in. examina
tion or junior preachers.
ueunesuay, s:;su a. in. examina
tions continued.
2 p. m. Annual meeting of church
extension society.
3 p. m. Annual meeting educational
aid society.
i p; m. Annual business meeting of
conference missionary society.
7:30 p. m, Metting of conference
missionary society; President's address,
Rev. M. J. liallantyne. Address by Mrs.
Thompson of the woman 'g missionary
society. Bishop Fouke.
Thursday 9 a. ni., conference sessions
open. 'Bishop's address and communion
1:30 to 2:30 p. m Devotions and
lectures by Bishop Fouke.
7:30 p. in. Sunday school and Chris
tian Endeavor rally. Rev. C. P. Gates
presiding. Addresses by Prof. L. P.
Gilmore and Rev. R. U.' Caves.
'Friday H a. m. conference session.
1:30 to 2:30 p. in. Bishop 's hour.
7:30 p. m. Sermon by Hev. A. P.
Layton, St. Johns, Ore.
Saturday 9 a. m. conference session.
1:30 to 2:30 p. in. Bishop's hour.
7:30 p. m. Srtnioii by Rev. 11. II.
Faruham of Portland Ockley Green
church. .
Sunday . 10 in. S. S. in charge of
Supt. Mrs. Thompson. Addresses by
Kevs. A. R. Schiualle and W. S. Plow
man. 11 a. m. Sermon by Bishop Fouke.
3 p. in. Ordination service.
6:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor, Ruth
Thompson leader. Addresses by Walter
Larsen and Rev. V. A. Ballantyne.
7:30 p. in. Sermon by Bishop Fouke
Wheat Opened Above $2 "
But Dropped Again
Chicago, April 4. Wheat opened up
today above the $2 mark, tho highest
of the season. Corn and oats also made
new tops. Prospects of congress de
claring war and poor crop conditions
were responsible for the advance.
Later in the day the quotations drop
ped, wheat going below Monday's close.
May wheat opened up 'A H, but subse
quently .lost 1 1-8, going to 1.9S 7-H.
July opened up 1-S, later lost 1-2 and
dropping to $1.67 1-2. September
opened down 1-2 and later gained 3-8,
going to 41.51- 3-8.
Corn showed sharp advances in the
face of moderate trailing. May opened
up 1 3-4 Inter lost to $1.23 3-1.
July opened up 1 5-H, subsequently
Germans Blew Little Girl
American College Man Was
Visiting With, To Pieces
Paris, March IC-rBy mail) Many
times a day the little band of .15 Am
erican college students driving cms for
the American ambulance in tho Bal
kans get their fill of the horrors of
K ii ii i a Brown of Charleston, S. C, the
theatre next Monday and Tuesday, and . 01 V""1, 18 nZ t(0llnv
the interpretation of the Golden Hula ,o1'' ,!,fi " o of Robert Montgon -Hula,
offered by Princess Pauahi. Bl''!;v' . boy trom New iork
real native Hawaiian princess, is an ex-lnt-v' ''l' 0,,1,y ?"e ' 1 , """W
ceptionally beautiful I, j IaX
1 t i i. 1 i r.
i National tiiiam Mhvps i'"'-" m Wrown- "ai"i "''"y r"h
streets and never allow them to be seen
in the open squares. The ambulaiuH
base was therefore moved to Negozaut,
south of Monastir, from where wo worn
ed, always at night, bringing tht
wounded back to the base hospilu'i
from the front lines."
Complaint is constantly made
we are starving in the midst of id
ty."' But whoso plenty i
. ' ii;'HU il IS. wri iiriiuiun iiiiHluiuin
i IPCtinhtn IC Sofrflf ! passes and over country' no niiin would
uesiHumn is oecreiihillk ot. tl.nvoiinK iu ,-,en,.e time.
t, .i i . ., , . I "Shelling of our territory bv the big
Portland, Or., April 4. Strict cen- jOenuau guns is ceaseless. Kven in the
sorship 'yesterday veiled the move- town we are constantly strntfed. Mont
ments of the Third Oregon infantrv. Igomery was sitting in bis ambulance
' Early in the' morning the First bat-1 ,mo t,alki" ta "je tot of a lit
, ,. . . . . - . tie girl who was interested to know all
talion, conq.rismg companies A, 11, C j,,,.,,,,,. of im.onsequently tilings about
and I), left Vancouver. The military the ambulance nnd Aineiii ans in tren-
einl. As they tallied and laughed, a
Get at the Real Cause Take Dr.
Edwards' Olive Tablets
That's what thousands of stomach
sufferers are doing now. Instead of
taking tonics, or trying to patch up a
poor digestion, they are attacking the
real cause of the ailment clogged liver
and disordered bowels.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets arouse
the liver in a soothing, healing way.
When the liver and bowels are per
forming their natural functions, away
goes indigestion and stomach troubles.
If you have a bad taste in your
mouth, tongue coated, appetite poor,
lazy, don't-care feeling, tin ambition or
energy, troubled with undigested foods,
you should take Olive Tablets, the sub
stitute for calomel.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a
purely vegetable compound nlixed with
olive oil. You will know them by their
griping, cramps cr pain.
Take one or two at bedtime for quick
relief, so you can cat what you like.
At 10c and 2Sc per Lox. All druggists.
authorities vil not permit publication
of the destination of these troops.
Orders moving others of the two bat
talions remaining at Vancouver are ex
pected at any moment. They will be
ready to move as quickly ns thev can
be mustered.
With the military censorship so
strict, there is little to be told about
the Third Oregon and its activities; be
yond the efforts to obtain recruits.
About 20 men were enlisted yesterday
at the recruiting - station oil Fourth
street, bctwwen Washington and Stark.
Colonel John L.. May, commanding
the regiment, has been authorized to
incur expenses incident to sending out
recruiting details to various towns. Re
cruiting parties will probably be sent
out at once.
Mayor Evans, of McMinnville, culled
on George A. White, adjutant-general
of the Oregon National (Juard, yester
day and promised to do all possible to
encourage enlistments in company A
of that city, which is one of tho two
smallest companies in the regiment..
He said several students of McMinn
ville. college wanted to enlist," but de
sired to obtain college credits for their
period of service. The mayor said the
question would be taken up with the
college authorities.
That's the woman's dread when she
gets up in the morning to start the
day's work. "Oh! how my back aches! '
GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules
taken today eases the backache of to
morrow taken every day ends the back
ache for all time. Don't delay. What's
the use of suffering? Begin taking
GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules!
today and be relieved tomorrow. Tako
three or four every day and be per
manently free from wrenching, distress
ing back pain. But be sure to get GOLD
MEDAL. Since 1(51)6 GOLD MEDAL
Haarlem Oil lias been the National
Remedy of Holland, tie government of
the ivetuerlands having granted a spo-
cial charter authorizing its preparation
and sale, 'i lie housewife of Holland
would almost, as soon be without bread
as she would without her "Real Dutch
Drops" as she quaintly calls GOLD
MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. This is
tho one reason why you will find the
women and children of Holland so
sturdy and robust.
GOLD MEDAL are the pure, original
Haarlem Oil Cupsules, Imported direct
from the laboratories In Haarlem, Hol
land. But be sure to get GOLD
MEDAL. Look for the name on every
box. Sold by reliable druggists in seal
ed packages at 2"e, 50c. and $1.00. Mon
ey refunded if they do not help you.
Accept only the GOLD MEDAL. All
others are imitations.
German shell fell, blew tho child to
pieces and wounded Montgomery. He
is now recovering.
"The boys drive their little cars un
der fire when necessary to carry a
spark of human life bnoit to safety
where it can have n ehnuee to flume up
"Back there in the little English
cemetery, at Salonica, is one who will
never return. He is. Edward Sotwell,
Cambridge, Mass., a former student of
Harvard, accidentally killed-on duty.
"We buried him immediately" said
Brown. "A French priest conducted
the service while we stood around.
"Sotwell was the victim of an auto
wreck not long after 'we arrived at j
Salonica after a hard voyage on a stiit' l
ty troop ship down tho -Mediterranean. I
"From Fiorina we headed directly!
for Monastir," added Brown. "We in-!
rived there just after the bnttle in!
which allied troops, including the Scr-1
bians, had driven out tho liulgais. Dead I
were lying everywhere. The liulgnrs
hail retreated to lines north of Monas-i
tir and us we drove in they were shell
ing the town. Bulgar and Turk regu
lars still occupied many houses and'
were continuously 'sniping' the sol-j
dieis. None of us were hit.
"The real danger commenced when I
the Germans took over the Bulgar lines'
to the north. The Germans moved in j
heavier artillery and gave Monastir its I
daily deluge of steel. Through their I
system of espionage and observation it!
was not safe for even a small Ford j
ambulance to move through Monnstir's j
crooked streets. Shells would drop just
behind our cars as they passed along;
tlii range nt times so exact that the ;
explosions would follow the curves and .
corners. I
"The persistent shelling op Monastir j
filially made it too unhealthy for the j
American ambulances there.' It was i
necessary to hide the cars In narrow
Clark Irvine's Gripping Story
of love and High Finance
Friday -Saturday
"-"; ;
- fc? i'. X
Iff t-t(Ss'
dropping 1-2 to 1.22. September
opened up 3, later losing 1 3-4 to
1.19 1-2.
Oats followed the advance in the
major grains, but subsequently lost on
the decline. May opened up I 7-8 later
losing 1 3-8 to (53 ) H. July opened up
olive cclor. They do the work without J 1 and declined l'k to .i-8. he
tember opened
to 53 3
up 3-S, but later lost
Provisions opening with a good gain,
continued the upward climb during tho
morning trading.
Captain Nemo, hero of Jule Verne's
"20,000 Leagues Under the Sea."
"20,000 Leagues Under the Sea," the
greatest achievement in cinema drama
will be presented at re Liberty theatre
next Sunday and Monday, April H and
0. It is a dramatization of the most
imaginative story ever written. All of
Jules Verne's characters, including
Captain Nemo and Ned Lund are made
human iu this thrilling photo-drama.
Pictograph Comedy
A story of the Aviation field,
" Vaudevilfe Saturday :
Sunday, Monday and
Police Court and "J00'
Filmed at the Bottom of tho
Flashing Scenes from Ocean,
earth and sky that surpass all
the dreams of fiction.