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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1917)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 1917. THREE 4 : 'u, 1 . SI :: 24 onTon FRONT LACE I ..X . jt J 7 . . . - Royal V orcester and Bon Ton Corsets Authcrititative as to style, correctness. Recognized by discriminating women as hav ing no superior in securing the smart lines that fickle fashion demands. They are also conducive to comfort and their wearing qualities are splendid. Perhaps vou have been wearing a much higher priced corset. Try these and ioin the crowd of WELL DRESSED WOMEN who de- clare "There are no better corsets than the ROYAL WORCESTER and BON TON." OUR FITTER will be pleased to wait on you. St. Joseph Organizes Red Cross Auxiliary A St. Joseph 's Auxiliary to the Bed Cross was organized at a meeting held last evening at St. Joseph 's hall, with the election of Mrs. A. E. Mickel a? chairman; Mrs. Frank Davey,. treas urer and Mrs. A. E. Iluekestcin, secre tary. An address was made by Wm. W. Hush, field agent of the American Na tional Red Cross. He will return Fri day evening for an executive session. Auxiliary red cross associations will V formed at Willamette . University and at the smaller towns in Polk and Marion counties and all will be sub ject to directions from- the Salem chap ter. Those who wish to become members KIDNEY MEDICINE GAINS jNPOPULARITY For twenty years we have been sell ing Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root and our customers are well pleased with the re sults obtained from its use and always speak favorably regarding it. We have Heard or several ailments ot tne Kid neys, liver and bladder that have been cured by the use of Swamp-Root, and we believe it is a splendid medicine for what it is intended. Verv truly vours, BIRCH & COMPANY, Dee. S, 1915. Orland, California. will find application blanks at all the banks. There is a fee of $1 for joining and this may be left with the treasur er, David V Eyre, vice president of the U. S. National bank; with Miss Berg of Willamette sanatariuui or with Mrs. E; E. Fisher. Mr. Eyre is treasur er of the Salem Red Cross association. After the executive meeting Friday evening with Mr. Hush, the Salem Red Cross and all auxiliary chapters will bo assigned their work and arrange ments made for addresses on the du ties of those in the Red Cross work. At the meeting held last evening at St. Joseph's hall, applications were re ceived from 32. The Red Cross authori ties figure that each city should have a membership of at least two per cent ot its population and on tins basis .sou from Salem should become associated in tho work. Six Germans Guilty of Putting Bombs On Ships New York, April 3 Six Germans accused of placing incendiary bombs ou food ships bound for allied ports were found guilty here in federal dis trict court Monday afternoon by a jury which was out fifty minutes. The men are Captain Charles Von Kleist, a naturalized American; Karl Schmidt, chief engineer on the German liner Frederick DeGrosse; Ernst Beck er, Wilhelin Karbade, George Praedel and Frederick Parades, assistant en gineers. Sentence will be passed on them Fri day' by Judge VanFleet, TANGLE OVER FERRY MAY GETJNTO COURT Council Does Much Business Provides for Flying "OldGtaf It was plainly evident from the com munication presented to tho council last night by Skinner and Bushmdl, proprietors of the Balem Ferry, that the whole proposition would find its way into the courts before they would relinquish their right to do business. The -communication was addressed to Mayor Keyes and the common council. The point develotied was whether the olice officers had any right to compel Skinner and Bushnell to stop digging on city property and whether tho city engineer had a right to refuse thorn a permit to excavate so they could lay a dead man for their cable." The commu nication went into derVil regarding the procedure of th 'fetry controversy They stated they have been operating at a loss so far. Salem will have band music and vo cal music during the coining spring and summer. At the meeting last night the council voted to enter into a contract with the band for IS concerts at $1628 This was one of two propositions sub mitted by the band. The other was $1(S83 for 10 concerts. Both propositions provided tor vocal music. Did Not Accept Deed The park committee reported back that it was unwilling to accept the deed to Bush's pasture on account of some parts of it being somewhat am biguous. The question was referred to the city attorney. Councilman MeClcllnnd saw the boys drilling last night, ami noticed that onlv a few bad rifles. This he thought should lie remedied so tie moved tat City Recorder Race be instructed to get in touch with thw war department so as to get, if possible, some second hand Grag-.lorgensen rifles for tho boys to drill with. Although the rifles would not be good for much in actual service, it was thought tliev would be highly serviceable in drilling: The motion was earned. On account of the fact that Y. J. Fry is not the only one who would be affected by a widening by seven feet of the pavement on the west lino of Church street, and because other prop erty owners could enjoin the improve ment, City Attorney Maey reported to the council that he did not deem it wise to enter into a contract with Mr. Fry in that regard. Four Streets Dropped On account of remonstrances against improvement of Luther, Fir, Fairmount and Superior streets, presented by Councilman Elliott, it was decided to cease action ou thuse streets. Property- owners along the fair grounds road opposed to paying as sessments on the improvements made tiled remonstrances with the city coun cil. They were referred to the city at torney. The , following items were referred to the street committee: Bids for furnishing the city with 3000 barrels of Portland cement; bids for five sets of street signs; and bids to furnish paving material for the city. The police matron question popped un azain when an ordinance bill to repeal the ordinance creating the offico of police matron was presented, jr. was referred to the police committee. Councilman Unruh presented an or dinance designed to prohibit the play ing of cards in public pool halls. The ordinance was referred to the commit tee on health and police. Flag on City Han Council ninn Unruh presented another good 6212111' TODAY PEARL. WHITE in "PEARL OF THE ARMY" And 0 DAYS 0 STARTING SUNDAY, APRIL 8 JULES VERNE'S Leagues Under the Sea Played two solid weeks in Portland; 10 days in Seattle; one week in Spokane, in the best and biggest houses, at prices from 15c to $1.00. OUR PRICE WILL BE 20 CENTS. Ye Liberty Theatre Heal heat attracts No one will long live in a poorly heated house, and the vacant house fast goes to pieces. There's, genuine home -making in Ideal American heating that is proved by the demand of thousands of renters who prefer to pay 15 percent or more rental for this guar anteed comfort, cleanliness, fuel economy and freedom from repairs and drudgery. The living,renting and sales value of any building, small or large, is greatly increased by an outfit of AMFDIf AI TftFAT Ideal American heating l'lLIlVilN 5? I UJlU outfits saved millions in L Radiators IBoilers coal waste last winter Both IDEAL Boilers and AMERICAN Radiators will give wonderful service every year as long as the building stands. Made of non-rusting, ever-wearing cast iron sections which can be installed anywhere without tearing out doorways, walls or partitions. IDEAL Boiler does not require expensive excavation or brick-setting. If building is altered or enlarged the boiler and radiators may have extra sections added easily. Did you ever see a second-hand IDEAL Boiler or AMERICAN Radiator? And you never will 1 They're always like new. Fully gua ran teed! -Summer is always on tap in such a house" Look, before you lease, for Ideal heating! t IDEAL Boilers have large fuel pots in which the air and coal gasea thoroughly mix as in modern gas or oil man tie or burner, thus ex tracting every bit of the heat from the fuel. Easier to run than a tove. Sold by all dealers. No exclusive agents. Don't discount your new home or let your present building get behind the times for lack of this heating outfit. No other feature of a building yields equal returns in fuel savings, absence oV repairs, household cleanliness, and least care-taking. If you are weary of everlasting blackening, repairing and coaxing,' discard at once the old way and put in an IDEAL-AMERICAN outfit at this season, when you get best attention of most skilled fitters. Send for free booklet' Ideal Heating" which explains how to get full returns from every heating coal bill This permanent Vacuum Cleaner Is best to hnv Installed in any new or old building without tearing lip anything. Now also made in twoi sweeper size for apartments, hotels, office buildings, etc. Lasts for years always ready on most thorough cleaning. Fully guaranteed, in sizes at $175 up. Sold on Easy Payment plan. t- i r . i . i t i . t a nn ii, . i . . ocuu jur cataiug ana Know wiiy toe nittu wniiu is Dest 10 Duy. AMERICAN RADIATOR COMPANY Write Department S-48 Yeon Building;, Portland. Public showrooms at Chieaeo, New York. Boston, Providence, Worcester, Philadelphia, Newark, Wilkesbarre, Baltimore, Washington, Albany, Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Detroit, Grand Rapids, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Atlanta, Birmingham, New Orleans, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, St. Paul, St. Louis, Kansas City, Des Moines, Omaha, Denver, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, Spokane, Portland, Toronto, Brantford (.Ont.) ordinance- also. This provides for a li cense fee of $50 a year for garbage collectors. The money is to be used in maintaining a city dumping ground. Penalty for violation is from $10 to $100. This measure was referred to the committee on health and police. An ordinance regulating and licens ing of peanut and popcorn wagons on the streets was passed. The ordinance nrnvidea tliat no such wagon can re main in one half block more than one j hour. In order to equip the city hall tower so that a flag pole can be erected, Councilman Jones moved that the city engineer be instructed to draw pinna for remodeling it. The motion was car AND ONLOFTHEM FREE I City Ferry Carries Only Light Rigs But Will Have Big Barge Soon There is no reason now why teams or autos should not cross the river ns ried and as soon as the flag ordered . Salem boasts of two ferries. The one the landing built ly the city on the signed up in this section, or more thnn ciiougu io assure an amount mar can be handled profitably for all parties. A good portion of this amount was suti scribed in the Donald section, one hun dred and twenty i'ivo acres were re ported Saturday from there. Hubbard Knterpriso. Albert & Wullace land, just south of the I'olk county landing. Within a I'ew days the city will have a larger barge 'for its free ferry. The road from the city's landing on the I'olk county side runs directly to the plank road built by I'olk county or Skinner & liusliucll, but ns this is bar red by a railing and u watchman on guard, those who use the city's free ferry just drive to the main ronii with out using unit mult by I'olk county Lose Your Fat, Keep Your Health Superfluous flesh is - not healthy, The intentions: of the I'olk county au-' neither is it healthy to diet or exercbe a few weeks ago arrives it will he fly ing from the tower. F-'iaw. (a sr as .m m s a -ssl' : 'l1! S-3S?1 r Isrfl r 1 A a". :.:ir COURT HOUSE NEWS run by Skinner & Bushnell is a charge ferry, running from the foot of Trade street to the lauding built by I'olk count' on the west side. This barge can carry a dozen teams or autos and there is no limit to the size of the load. . The ferry run bv the city is not as yet adapted for the larger autos or thurifies necm to be to make it as dif ficult ns possible for the I'olk county people to get a free ferry into Salem. However, the city's free ferry is run ning on a five minute schedule, taking passengers' and lighter vehicles. And within a few days there will be ac commodations for nil. WILL RAISE BEANS TODAY Tomorrow and Thursday Very few farmers-at tended the meet- heavy loads. The city ferry is free iind j ing at the city hall last Friday evcu onerates from the lundintr in Salem be- inir to discuss benn rniximr with v.. V. Complaint for divorce was filed in 'tween Court and Chemeketa streets, to I Patterson of the Salem Kruit company. the circuit court yesterday by E. J. j Interest was not lacking, howev er, but Nunn against Alice Nunn, his wite. tails of tho flag salute and will require j the storm was too general. There were nc reage too much for its removal. The simplest method known for reducing the over fat body two, three or four ''pounds a week is the Mnrmolu Method, tried and endorsed by thousands. Mar, inula Pre scription Tablets, .containing exact, doses of the famous prescription, nni sold by druggists at 75 cents for a large case, or if you prefer you can obtain them by sending direct to thu Marmola Company, Slit Woodward five. Tetroit, Mich. They are harmless and leave no wrinkles or f labbiue.s. They are popular because effective and convenient. Desertion is alleged as ground for the ( that each school fly the flag when the j separation. The couple was married at Sydney, Australia. An action for the recovery of money alleged to be due for services render ed was begun yesterday in the circuit court bv James Neal against (leorge Ncwbill'for the sum of 1!H5 with $;i," attorney's fees. It is stated in the com plaint that the work was performed between July .'i, 3ft Hi, and March 1!7, 1917. Vivian. Maetii ("HE WAX MODEL ton j fletfotv.T Sheriff Xeedliani made a tax turn over Monday amounting to $."i!l,!)2.).':)8. Since tax collecting began he has made eight turn overs, which total the sum of $2i)fi,73r).ftn. Taxes are coming in rapidly by mail. The sheriff expects to receive about three hundred letters to day from people who send in their taxes in -this way. In faet, he says that the majority of taxes are paid by let ter now. A marriage license was issued by the county clerk yesterday to M. i. Hur ler, a professor of Corvallis, Oregon, and Hnfh C. Harbert, a Balem clerk. weather is good and salute it morning. The law reipiires that school shall fly the flag. . present, and wi'll lite each ! gotten at tins meeting and the next eachjilav, Mr. l'atterson thinks more than MI,,.1A 1,., 1 ..9 t ...:n i... liiiii- in, in n n in Ht-,lllK Will OU :& Why the Journal Is popular It prints the world 'i newg to- day while, it'i new. S!. Sj!4!H Wednesday and Thursday w w? vH HART c.Jr4 It - n.f 'Uft" '- "-'.".- . 3 - "The Gunf ighter" The Wildest, Most Thrilling Play He Has Ever Produced Annual report blanks arc being sent out to the teachers of Marion county by School Superintendent Smith. These are accompanied by Instructions for filling in. He is also sending out de- NO KAISE IN PRICES " ' "His Deadly Undertaking' A Keystone The Oregon "Where the Crowds Go"