(Tl)e3m(nr U:!al IfcuraaL SALEM, OREGON MONDAY. APRIL 2, 1917. . ei cm H Unusal Sale of New Spring Dresses at . . . $19.85 See the New White Kid Shoes for Women $8 to $10 pr. - . if ' 11 Attractive Specials WOMEN'S 82 00 GAUNTLET AUTO GLOVES Tsn or Cray d'lg'kin Tuesday mid Wednesday $169 Pair -Men's j.iN) and i.5u Felt iiittv nt $1.50 A elran-up of broken lines, all f-iws from, 6 3 i to7 3 8 blues, gtays, browns, black in a. num ber of styles Tuesday end S dnesdsy $1.50 Each " c 1 pound cons o Good Talcum Powder 14c American Rose, t'arylopsis or arnatioa odors Tuesday and "Wednesday only. New Cotton Repp, special at 39c a Yard Tuesday and Wednesday only. A splendid grade, fine corded material for sum mer dresses, waists, etc. 36 inches - wide and a regular seller at 55c a yard. YOU W. B. ' Corsets - - Dr. D. X. Eeecbler, dentist, located 3-4 mile north of the fair grounds, Fort Janet road. Owing to no ol'fico expense prices reasonable. 8-21 o tetters to the boyg in Company M should be addressed to Vancouver, Wash. Vancouver Barracks, care Com l"ny M. A, It. Deal oT Stayton, who was charged with the. larceny of some oats, was given a hearing by Judge Webster Ibia morning and cleared. , o During dull season suits pressed 60c. Cleaned and pressed $1.00. Modern. Cleaners, Phone 8i0. 463 Court street. ' O "" - Sergeant Robin of the U. S, recruit ing office i home after a two weeks recruiting trip to the north, including Don't Be j AH Around Town strain, smarting, weak eyes, dizziness, headaches, red eyelids, or any other trouble, I will correct any of these defects. Defective vision is the most frequent cause of these ailments. Indangering themselves by a warning that should be heeded, imperfect eyesight can be relieved instantly by properly fitted glasses. IF TAKEN IN TIME appearing simple defects, while neglected may lead to serious trouble. , I have completed my sixth year of successful work in Salem and have successfully treated over sixteen thous and satisfied patients in both Marion and Polk counties. Nearly eleven hundred children between the ages of seven and sixteen I have also successfully treated, besides the great many students of the government and state insti tutions. No extra charges for examination. Ifl find that you are not in need of glasses but need medical attention in stead, I will tell you so and will not sell you glasses under any consideration. However, if you need glasses I will fit you with ones that will give you the greatest comfort and satisfaction. I do not use any drops or drugs of any kind. All broken glasses are duplicated while you wait. DR. M. P. MENDELSOHN ; 219-10-11 United States National Bank Building. Telephone 110 - s f ! for Lloaday, Tuesday, Wednesday at Meyers 1.25 Sport Pongee Silks, ' . at - 88c a yard Here are new Pongees in sport designs, 34 inchea wide and of fered at this low price for Tues day and We.lnes&ay. A big sale of fine new TaffetA Ribbons in plain, Moire and eidf patterns juit the ribbon for hair bows, etc. Pinks, I (lues Red, Yellow, Old Kose, etc 25c yd 10 DOZEN MTJSLIK AND CAMEEfO GOWS AND PET TICOATS. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY 98c CAN ALWAYS DO BETTER "" - tee Woodruirn, Canby and Oregon City. He enlisted several men at these, points and expects additional recruits. "Promptness and neatness In watch repairing." Pomoroy and Wallace, 325 Commercial. " tf -o Vick Brothers today bought twenty four tickets for their employes to .at tend the Elks' show. This purchase is certainly appreciated by the Elks, and it) will ieortaiifly be appreciated by tho employes of icks. Call patttn Plumbing Co.. 355 Che meketa. Phone 1906.Try us on repair work. ' 4-22 La Corona Cigar made in Salem. On sale everywhere. Costs a dime ' worth a lot more. tf. Misled You do not pay one cent more at Dr. Mendelsohn's for your glasses than you do elsewhere. My prices are very reasonable. My mater ial is the best that money can buy and I guarantee satisfaction in every respect. If you suffer from eve U. v lloOODlOOODG fcl Bere it ' TOMORROW--THE 1 M ff7 A beautiful lot of new Muslin Garments, dainty lace nd em broidery trimmings in a cumber of pretty styles. These are Soring J917 Undennuslins. Kayser Silk Vests Lisle, Body Tuion Suits, at sale price Tues day, Wednesday - S8c Suit Aa excellent Spring and Sum mer garment, fine Bilk vest with lUlo woven body. If you're in terested in a big Summer Under wear value, attend this sale. A SPECIAL EVENT WO MEN'S FLORENTINE BILK PEJTTICOATS AT $2.85 Tuesday, Wednesday, Fine new stylo Petticoats in taupe, gray, green navy, Belgian blue, purple, gold, red, old rose, black or white. Bale price for three days, com mencing Monday $2-95 AT "Nemo" TTTtTTTT TTTTtTttTTTTITtTtT Better delivery service. Morning delivery now leaves store at 9:30 in stead of 10 o'clock. Ward K. Richard son. o The case against James Eapphahn, who was charged by the city with op erating an automobile . without a li cense, whose trial was set for one o'clock this afternoon, was dismissed on advice of the city attorney for want of evidence. Hotel well furnished in center of Salem. Must be sold at once. 439 State Phono 1109. v 4-3 Word of Thank Wishing to thank the, public for the kind and liberal patronage they have given 'tis, the last two years we have been in business in the city of Balcm. At all times we havo endeavored to give you the! worth of your money and will continue to do so. Commencing April 1st prices of our regular meals will be 35 eents. Break fasts 10 to 35 cents. Yours most sin cerely. Home Restaurant; 223 N. Com mercial street, John Lopor, proprietor. 4-2 -o "The Meaning and Value of Philos ophy; Its Relation to Science, Religion and Education," is tho subject of the lecture to be delivered by Dr. Chns. L. Shorman this evening at 8 o'clock in the chapel of Willamette uiversity. Thero will be no admittance charge and the public is invited. o Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn, the well known oculist has recently sold his property 215 Lincoln street to Dr. G. 11. Garnjobst. Dr. Mendelsohn will oc cupy the house until June 15. The doc tor has no thought of leaving Salem now or at any time. "I have more friends in frnlom than any place else" ASK FOR and GET - Elic!i's The Original malted TMk Substitutes Cost YOU Same Price. Auction" Sale of Real Estate At 2290 North 4th St., Salem, Oregon, on Wednesday, ' April 4th 1917, at two o'clock p. m. sharp. Consisting of 1 good corner lot, 1 six room Jionse, 1 barn, with extra large hay mow, wood shed, 'etc. Close W school. Liberal terms made known on day of sale. Owner authorizes me to sell to highest bidder, so don't miss this sale. Remember place and date. . Col E. G. Snider, AUCTIONEER Hi .o (Tj) fj11pi SEATS ON SALE AT OPERA HOUSE PHARMACY 'ill' -J Oranges ere good fo you eat more of them. When you ordor today, jk for Sun kit. They are uniform! - good oranges. Uniformly Good Oranges CMraJFrafc&ewEasaa9 . COMING EVENTS April 2. Lecture at University Chapel by Dr. C. L. Sherman Tonight. April 3 " and 4. Elks' play, "Get liich Quick Walling ford," at opera house. April 5-8. Twenty-third annual conterence United evangeli cal church. April 7. Annual meeting ila rion County Potato Growers' association. April 14. Marion County Odd Fellows' convention. o said Dr. Mendelsohn recently, and my practice is one that satisfies me so thoroughly that I feel sure no other place in the world offers such oppor tunities. ' George Palmer Putnam, priva"te secre tary to Governor Withycombe, who was operated on at the Balcm hospital, a week ago for appendicitis, was removed from the hospital to his homo yesterday and is reported as convalescing rapidly. The Capital City Bod & Gun club will hold a shoot next Sunday morning at their grounds south of the fair grounds. It will be a ISO bird shoot. About 20 professionals from Portland are expect ed to take part in the shoot. . o I Joe Plinsky, of Silverton, Is In the city. Ho was formerly proprietor of the Capital hotel in Salem, but is now engaged in the furniture and second hand business in Silverton. He reports everything booming and businoss good in Silverton, ' . , The Silverton members" of the Broth erhood of American Yeoman were well pleased with their visit to the Solein Hdge last week according to a com munication addressed to the Capital Journal. Fifteen members from Silver ton were initiated, and the secretary of that lodge, Mrs. Josie Fry reports about 20 more ready for initiation. The steamer Gray Eagle, owned by the Spaulding Logging company, left this morning for the mouth of the I.uc.Uiamute. It will tow to Salem about 100,000 feet of timber. At Black Bock there ia two feet of snow, notwithstand ing the fact that the almanac figures today as being the second day of the balmy month, of April. On request of the grand exalted ruler of the Elks that the various lodges of the coualy adopt resolutions endorsing President Wilson's preparedness plans, a special meeting of the Salem lodge is called for this evening. All members of the Pnlem herd are urged to be pres ent on this occasion. These resolutions will bo wired to President Wilson at the earliest moment. Fishermen report ordinary bad luck yesterday on account of high water. One lone fisherman reports a good catch on 1 Tingle creek, but as this is early in the season almost all followers of the hook and rod told the truth whieh was to the extent that there was nothing do I ingyesterday. . i Plans were made to attend the Marion 'County eVterans' association picnic at Woodburn Thursday,' April. 5, at a meeting held in the armory last Satur day afternoon. The meeting was attend ed by members of the Grand Army of the Republic, the Woman's Relief Corps, Xadies ot the G. A. R., United pSanish I War veterans and Mexican Border Serv ice veterans- Those going from Snjcm will meet at the Oregon Eleetric depot ;at 0:30 o'clock and if 15 or more are going, the round trip tickets will cost 70 cents. i o j Briefs in the case of the City of Sa- lem against the Cottage Undertaking parlors, an action brought to abate an alleged nuisance in that the undertak ing parlors are situated in a residence district, were filed with the city re corder this morning, bniita & shields represented Mr. Terwilliger and City Attorney Macy and the municipality. The undertaking parlors are loeaWrl on C'hemeketa street between Cottage and Winter and in close proximity to resi deuces. " 0",r ! Vv A FERSONALS u J. H. Hue, of Iudij-endrnce, is in the city. Verne Draper went to Portland Sun day. Georpi" Courey, of Dallas, pent Sun day in .alm. Viola -Colaon, of Dallas, was In the citv Kundav. Mrs. J. V. Forbes, of Corvallif, is a Salem visitor. J. V. Hubbard,, of Yamhill, was ia the city riunday. Mrs. Bert liewitt, of Seattle, is in the city visiting relatives. J. E. Danu, of Oregon City, was a Sa lem visitor yesterday. Mr. . and Mrs- Covey visited w ith friends in Independence funday. Lieutenant Dana H. Allen is iu the city, from Vancouver barracks. Mrs. Lester Stiffler, of Bellingham, is a visitor at the home of John tiraber. Dr. C. F- Cropp, of Independence, was in the" city Sunday registered at the Bligh. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Snyder, of Lewis ton, Idaho, were at ,the Capital hotel Sunday. Mrs. C- E. Knowland and daughter, Pauline, visited in Albany over Sunday with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Ward are in Portland attending as delegates the state convention of the Yeoman. O. A. Steven left for San Francisco this morning over the Oregon Electric. He expects to make his home in Cali fornia. E. T. Barnes and son, Ralph, were visitors .yesterday at Vancouver with the high school boys who enlisted in Company M. Reed Rowland was in Vancouver Sun der visitina his brother. Edirar M. Row land, who is a member of the Third Ore-. gon band. Winnifred De"nison left Sunday for his home in Medicine Hnh-Xlttnadu. He has been a student at the Capital Busi ness college. H. Parks and daughter, Dorothy, of Los Angeles, are visiting af the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Baker. Mr.Park may decide to locate in Salem- Miss Jane Scott, of Seattle, execu tive o'f the northwest field of the Young Women's Christian association, arrived in this city thislrtfWning on the Oregon Electric. She will devote two weeks to the Y. "W. C- A. work. Mr. A. R. Crittendon, of Morenci, Arizona, has been the guest of hi-s sis- tei Mrs. DuGholson, the past few days. Mr. Crittendon and Dr Rice, of Los An geles, Caj.( accompanied Mrs. Gholson's sick mother to Salem where she will re main indefinitely. The river is falling notwithstanding the rains of Saturday and Sunday. The gauge Sunday morning was 9.5 feet and this morning, 8.9 feet. The rainfall for Saturday and Sunday was -62 of an inch. ''The range of temperature for Sunday 'was from 4(3 to 34. o Eight young ' men who enlisted through the naval recruiting office at the postoffice left this morning for Portland to be later sent to San Fran cisco for training. The hospital corps claim Harry Pierce, Harvey Wilson, Willard Simpson and Oral Hagedorn. Ernest Blue enlisted as beker, Richard Collins, Gov Domngalla and Howard Pearsons will take up several months training before being assigned. O ' : Members of officers reserve corps class will, meet this evening in the old armory in the city hall. Negotiations are under wav to secure the' new ar- -"Optometry Means Eye Service" When to Consult an Optometrist When your eyes tire and When print blurs or becomes dim after reading; when you involuntarily frown or Dartly close the eyes when looking At an object; when the eyes smart, , ache -or water; when they get in flamed frequently, or when there are pains in. the eye ball or orbit; pains in the temple, forehead or at the base of the brain, that can not otherwise be accounted for. Wc wTould be pleased to have you call and let us ex plain how such conditions can be relieved with proper ly fitted glasses." -: MISS A . McCULLOCH, Optometrist 208-9 Hubbard Building. Phone 109. ELKS' - PLAY 1 r 1 J 1 NOW. 50c, 75c, $1.00 3 iviessacfcs jByC3odcTlck Last year the Western Union transmitted one hun dred million messages. 273,954 telegrams was aa average day's business, 11,415 an hour's work, 190 cleared the wires every minute. Every time the clock ticked 3 messages were received and delivered ty WESTERN UNION THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. morv for the drilling 'and it is expected! it will be available by next Friday night. DIED DJ3 LAP At her home, seven miles I west of alem, in Polk county, Satur- (Tay, March 31, 1017, Mrs. Achsad De Lap, in her Sdd year. The funeral services will be held at the Oak Grove church Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock and will be conducted by the Rev. W. J. Warren. Burial will be in the cemetery near the Oak Grove church. : HUNT At his home in Brooks, March 31, 1917, Samuel W. Hunt, in his 67th year. ' y The funeral was held this afternoon at Brooks and wasfonducted bv the Rev. Hall. Burial was in the Tioneer cemetery. BORN BLACKMAN To Mf. and Mrs. Her man Blackman, of Hollywood, Mon day, April 2, 1917, a son. KALB To Mr. and Mrs. George Kalb, Of Silverton, Monday, April 2, 1917, a son. He has been -named . George Albert Kalb, Jr. . v 'if DRIVES OUT COLDS When in SALEM, OREGON, stop at BLIGH HOTEL Strictly Modern vFree and Private Baths RATES: 75c, $1.00, $1.50 PER DAY The only hotel in the business district. Nearest to all Depots, Theatres and .' Capitol Buildings. A Home Away From Home T. G. BLIGH, Prop. Both Phones. Free - Auto Bus J Clean, Fresh, Airy Rooms J HOTE LOUVRE t (Formerly Hotel KeithT Hi 459 State St. Phone 1109 ' Booms 60c to f 1.00 a Day Special Rates by the Week MBS. M. M. LAY, Proprietor e PI GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 6TH I - - '..if Is the only day this year you can buy :. " HOLSUM HOT CROSS BUNS " Hot Cross Buns go with Eastertide like Turkey with Christmas. You'll find Holsum HOT CROSS BUNS the best you ever tasted. So that you may be sure to have them Friday morning order from your grocer now. Fifteen cents per dozen. Heat in the oven a moment "and .-. : serve ',; CHERRY CITY BAKING CO. Holsum and Tip-Top. Bread 0 1 1 . WANTED Household ..Furniture. Woodry & Greer, the auctioneers, will pay highest cash prices for same. Fhones 611 and 22L . ) Used Furniture Wanted Highest cash prices ' paid for " used furniture. - E. L. STIFF & SON, Phone 911 or 508. - q m 1 I Safety HUBBARD BUILDING . - KINGSTON STAGE HEADQUARTERS Marion Hotel, Phone 2010 ' 5 and 7 Passenger Enclosed Cars. ' ; I DR. C. H SCHENK sat ..... . '. . . Dregless Physician ' Superintendent Hydro-Electro Therapeutic" Institute - 202 tp 206 Masonic Temple Phone 1182. - Hours 9 to 57 to 9 j jC l5 )(( ( S(S 5(c ijc ijc 5ft jj( 5( mm CAR5 0f PLACE; Any kind Any time: Special rates on country trips and to State Institutions. Office Bligh Hotel. p In)'99 V