THE DAII.X CAPITAL JOURNAL, "SAI,EM. ORFOQV, MOXDAY. APRIL 2. 1917. rrvB .J y NEYV TODAY - CLASSIFIED ADTEETISISa SATES Kale per word New Tod 17: Xcb UHrtloa, per word le 0i week- (9 insertions) per word 5e tl month (6 insertion!) per work 17e Tie Capital Journal will sot be re sponsible or mora thaa one insertion for errors in Classified Advertisement, Jiead jour advertisement the first da; It appeara aad notify ci immediately Minimum charge, 15c. WHITE ROCK EGO-For 1'bone 403K. hatching. 4 S WANTED Men to work in lugging camp at Buena Tiita. i'booe til-, Balera. - 4 2 FOB SALE A djsc harrow that has bwu tio-l not mora than three davs. Frank Fwla, K. No. 1, bos 21. 4 2 WOOB FOK BALE Phone 79F4. HATE TOO phone ?. WOOD BAWINQ f Call tf FOB KENT SIGNS For sale at Cap ital Journal office. tf GET PRICES On farm aala billa The Journal office. 4 WANTED A man for farm work. ply 3iW State St. An-42 WANTED All purposa hotse or team. I'hone S1F3. ' 4-4 HAERY WINDOW CLEANER l'hofie 1391J. - 4-29 GARDENS PLOWED At right prices C. E. Miller. Phone 837. 5-3 JONES' NTJB.SERY State' and 21th. tf FOR TRADE 5 room modern bunga low. L. Cv care Journal. 4-3 CKEAM SEPARATOR FOR SALE Phone GOiSV, i-'OSO Trado St. 4-2 FOB SALE Typewriter. St. Phone 216.. 121 S. Com 1 4-3 WANTED Housekeeper by 2123 N, Broadway. widower. 4-2 FOR SALE Baled grain hay and vetch hay. George Swegle. tf HIGHEST Market bean. Phone 175, price paid Mr. Cooper. for tf TRESPASS Notices for aale at Jour nal office. tf SIX CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS 15.00. Dr. May. Phone S72. tf 2JICE 3 'room furniahed apartment housekeeping. 491 N. Cottage. 2203. 4-1 WANTTD General farm hand, mar ried man preferred. D. D. Steele, Tur ner, Or. 4 3 FOR SALE CHEAP Five room bun galow, three lots, near car ... line. Phone 1334 or write 445 Meyers. 4-9 WILL EXCHANGE Good business property in Salem for farm, value $7,000. -Address 533 S. Liberty. '4-4 IFOR SALE Five horses, one bicycle, one narrow, one brooder, one riding : plow; A. W. Lathrop, Turner, Or. 4-3 FOR SALE CbaalO acres under cul tivation near Chemawa. Address Sa lem, Orv B. 2, box 80. 4-2 WANTED MiMser and barn man. Pinekney Bros. Dairy. Phone 1437. 4-2 15 WHITi LEGHORN CHICKENS For sale or will trade for White Kock er-Wyandotte. Phone 2501W3. 4-3 FOR SALE OR RENT 10 arret 3 miles out, all under cultivation, house and barn. Phone 944M. 3-31 FOR SALE 3- year old heifer, with neiler call, very gentle. 1 hone JUi 4. 43 WANTED Man and wife to take charge of milk room, wash bottles and tin ware. Phone 1437. Pinekney Bros. Dairy. 4-2 FOB SALE-Fine young asparagus roots; day old Rhode Island Red chicks; setting eggs. D. E. Park, 376 8. 24. Phone 2160J.. tf FOR SALE CHEAP 1910 Buick in good order, just the thing to make over into good truck. Phone 2500J2. 4-3.1 MONEY LOANED On furniture, ve hicles, livestock, implements, etc. Union Loan Agency, 217 S. High street. 4-28 GIRL WANTED For general house work, must be good cook, no wash- ' ing nor ironing. Apply forenoons 325 Capitol St. 4-5 MRS. SQUIRE FARRAR Will lease her lot on Counrt street between Cottage and Church for building purposes, lot 82xl35. Address Gen. Del., Salem. 4-4 ONE DUROC JERSEY SOW To far rtw in 2 weeks $30, I. H. C. feed grinder $20, gang plow with 2 14 in. plows, all steel, $00. G. L. John ston, R. 6, box 36D. - 4-3 AUCTIONEER Do yon want the best, then get-Col E. Q. Snider. He's dyna mite in the sale ring. Res. 1505 Mis sion St., Salem. Phone 1428M. Terms right. tf FOR RENT 2 single bed rooms, 1 suite of housekeeping rooms, with modern conveniences, very reason able. Call in afternoon 715 Center. ' ,4-2 SALEM'S QUOTA IS TOMrs EUUfTLNS PLACED AT FORTY ! London, April 2. Eight thounad Turks ere kiiied and weondVd ia the j British victory achieved near Gaza, j Palestine, Ckanrellor of the Exrfceqaer j sonar i-aw ttecisrea in the house of eoDiiooni tkn afternoon. He read a telegram from General i Murray, commanding the British ex j peditioaary forces, declaring th battle fell "just short of a complete disaster to the enemy," insufficiency of British water supply alone preventing a eonlia- "Your Country Needs You Now. 1 nation of the attack. The British "Adjutant General Has Called for I force lost less than 400 men in -the Captain Gehlhar Promises tie! Jicn and Its Up to Salem to Make Good TO EXCHANGE 320 acres good land (j million ft. good timber on river and anto road, also creamery route, $18. 000, one mile town. Room 14, Brey nian bldg., Salem. ; 3-31 FOR RENT Plastered 7 room house, ., gas, ity water, leetric lights, close in on- paved street, $8.00 month. - Jhone 2041R or call 745 N. Church street; 4-4 y ii"M"jjsi AND COLDS t uenrcs tucaiypnis uunmem AT ALL. DRUQ STORES Tubes 25c jars 60o FOR RENT Five room modern house. : O. G, Bolter, Phone ?20GW, 20161n T. ivuvaa i vui uaiuvtu . Trade St. WANTED Man and yard work, long job. team for hop Phone 1891J. 4-5 WANTED Good shipping- potatoes. Will pay top price. Salem Fruit Co. tf WANTED Telegraph sounder. Inquire operator Journal oitice at auu p m. - ' tf FOR RENT 2 office rooms, one furn ished slcenins room. Hubbard bldg. W, H. Norris, receiver. x tf FOR RENT Modern 8 room house ntn iraraee. 3 blocks from state earage, house. Phone 083 tf MONEY TO LOAN At 6 per cent oil farms. G. E. Unruh, 202 Bank of Com merce bldg. Phone 815. : .-, tf WANTED Hop wire, highest price naid for anv amount. Phone 399, or call at 197 South Commercial 4-1 "WANTED To buy old oak timber for logs. Phone or write JS. a. way, o leu, Ore. 0ET YOUR Trespass notices, new supply of cloth ones at Capital Jour- aaL FOR RENT Nicely furnished bocse reasonable. 855 N. Coml. 4-1 HEMSTITCHING Room 10 aack bldg S cents a yard. Adsitt. McCor E. A. 4 5 BLACK HORSE 1300 pounds, sound, good single or douoic. to irauo ior light team. Address" Salem, Route 7; box 10. SECOND HAND MENS CLOTHING Bicycles, jewelry, musical instru ments, tools, guns, etc., bought, sold nd traded. Capital Exchange 337 Court St. Phone 493. 4 27 (FOR SALE Five acres in good local ity for small dairy ranch, well fenc ed, one half in fruit partly bearing, buildings temporary; also ten acres of pasture and seven acres oats and retch on rented land, easy terms. Write J. Warren Ciark, owner, Jef ferson, Or., R. 1. 3 WANTED To sell or exchange, nice ncre home, well located, on mam thoroughfare, close in, fruit, berries etc., in liv saw mill town Falls City valued $1800, for unimproved land, acreage near Snlem, or Salem city " property, near equal value. What 1 have you. P. O. Box 196, Falls City. Oregon. 4-2 Sell it Journal classified ad way. . To Be Held ia City A chess tournament will be held in Salem at the Commercial cluni com mencing next Friday evening. There will be several prizes and inducements in the way of honors to interest all the champions of tne city. Tne tourna ment is under tire management of Isa dore Greenbaum. -Four teams will play two games with each other and it may reauire four evenings , to decide the contest. Those who are interested might apply to Mr. Greenbaum as all the first class players in Salem are wanted. Among those who will play are: Dr. W. H. Byrd, A. N. Moores, John Roland, L. W estaeott, C. L. Diek, Judge T. F. Ryan, W. H. Evans, Harry Savage, J. 'P. Oswold, Theo. Roth, J. N. Smith, Leslie Dugan, Ralph Miller, Jonathan Bourne, Georgo Faulk, Chas. Givens, C. F. Hed Jos. Baumgartner, Paul Wants, Ralph Moores, Prof. V. S. Dotson, Walter Stolz and 1. Green baum. . While Salem is getting ready to en joy the regulation balmy spring weath er, which has been temporarily delayed, Idaho seems to be right in the midst of real winter. Mrs. Carey F. Martin writes friends here that near Grange ville the car windows were broken by the icy snow that was so deep that it was just level with the windows and often lirol" irln. HR 1 1 ' ir WHAT IS AN' INMAl BATH? tlf you were to ask a dozen people this question probably not one would ans wer correctly, although half a million Americans are now using it with a marked improvement in health and strength. """" The internal bath of today is no beefsteak dinner at the auditorium of more like the old fashioned enema than i the Commercial club at 6:30 o'clock a vacuum cleaner is lako a whiskbroom. Friday evening . Verv important ques Now, oy means of the " J. B. L. Cas- ti0M wm be discussed at this, dinner. 40 more Volunteers ' "To Fill up Company M of Salem. "Enlist Today. Capt. Max tiehihar, recruiting officer, Room 14, Ladd and Bush Bunk Bldg., Salem." Three thousand dodgers bearing the above appeal have been printed and are being distributed today in an ef fort to fill up Company M to war strength. Over 000 men are needed by the Third regiment to bring it up to re quirements and the adjutaut general has apportioned the number of recruits to the various towns. Salem's quota is forty men. They arc wanted at once. Captain Gehlhar has promised that these men will be secured within three-days with out fail. Miss Cleveland, of the Girl's Nation al Honor Guard, who is also secretary of the Y. W. C. A, has a company of girls tacking up the placards all over the city. This evening they will meet the eye everywhere. Jefferson Will Help Captain Gehlhar haa arranged with the postmaster to have a bill placed in each mail box on the rural routes. Batches of the placards aro being mail ed to the various small towns in the vicinity of Salem. They will be posted there at "onee-j-and it is expected there will be a hearty response. Captain Gehlhar was at Jefferson Saturday evening and that littlo city has promised to raise a squad to send down to fifct the ranks of Company M. Members of the Girl 's National Hon or Guard and girls of the Salem high Gehlhar 's office this evening to fold Gclhar's office this evening to fold these dodgers to send out through the mail. First Lieutenant Allen is in Salem today looking after recruiting and will arrange to have a recruiting sergeant sent here from Vancouver to take charge of the paper work. The adjutant general . has sent to Mayor Keyes a special appeal, asking that he urge recruiting. If recruiting fails, the general staff plans to dralt young men of military age into tie guard. The authority was given under, the National Defense act passed by congress last June and now in effect. Its Enlist or be Drafted - The alternative of the young men of military age is volunteering or be ing drafted. . - The military authorities find much objection from the women of the city concerning recruiting. This condition is deplorable, they Bay, because these same women will meet and pass resolu tions endorsing 'the president in his course of action; but when the prob lem faces them personally they fail to meet the issue squarely. - , A woman called up Captain Gehlhar on the phone and wanted to know why ho asked her son to join the guards. She said she objected to war. ... She was a staunch supporter of Pres ident Wilson 's policy and endorsed hiui and his course. Captain Gehlhar replied that if the United States had now an. army of a million men there would be no danger of war. He told her it was the women and men who met and passed res olutions endorsing the president, etc., and then who objected when the issue came home squarely that was one ot the causes of the issue being where it is. . - - ; ' The mother then said her boy could enlist, ' ' . In Good Quarters Lietenant Allen reports that the Sa; lent Roys are situated in warm com fortable barracks, and that -new uni forms and equipment are being issued today. He also stated that no unit of the Third regiment is to be sent out until it is thoroughly equipped, al though reports of a battalion being or dered to an unknown destination have been-published. Salem young men who wish to go with the Salem company will have to enlist now if they wish to be certain of 'going with it. When the company has reached its war strength, men who enlist will be assigned to companies as the ' need ib. Concerning the young men who are taking the work in the officers reserve corps class, Lieutenant Allen said they could do the same work in tho national guard aB it would not interfere with their reserve corps examination in the least. He suggested that the young men who are taking military training in this corps enlist in the Salem company and go on with their studies and take the examination just the same. Cherrians Notified to Attend Dinner Cherrians, attention! Now that the winter is about over, the Cherrians are atout to awaken from ihs long win ter's sleep and proceed to prepare for the summer s doings. King Bing Ker chin has issued a call to ell true and faithful vassals about like this: "King Bing commands all Cherrians to be present at "Hoot Mon" McGilchrist's battle M N 11 n ti . li it ti ii -ti M - U M t! Germans Oi Wi. Hf rlin, via Wireless to Sayville, April j I ! 2. French, and English forces advanr- ing oa Cambria, and St. Quentia gained j ground only after... heavy losses and t j . . i unman i. svym uau (ivrn W tt Y an ordered today's official statement as serted. German forces took fifty pris oners and some machine guns. The statement put the principal fighting between the roads from Ba- paumc to Ctciielles and to Cambrai, as well as on both banks of the Somme west of St. Quentin. ' - Russian Attacks Repulsed. Berlin, via Sayville wireless, April 2. Repulse of Russian attacks, in some places in hand to nand fighting, was detailed in today's tfficial statement. The attacks centered on Duena and on both sides tf the Uz valley. at 9 o'clock at the Masonic Temple u w. .a ttidrn will Vtn a stprminff mi rtv 1 - ."ii r ,."--.r- The fine part about al lthis invitation ana one that insures a large attenuanco is that all will be free and the entire evening's program will not cost a Cher rian a cent. Sacramento, Oakland, Ta conia and Seattle are sending invita tions to the Cherrians, and a lot of smnller towns would like to be honored with a Cherrian visit. The meeting tTiday evening ai owner in me com mercial club auditoriim is to discuss things for next Summer. One Ferry Running "Another Tomorrow Skinner & Bushnell are now running their large ferry from the foot of Trade street to the landing on the west side built by Polk county.- The Marion county court will have a ferry running tomorrow or Wednesday which will be free to the public. It is more than probable that as soon as the county be gins its free ferry, that Skinner & Bushnell will get out an injunction and the free ferry will be held up awaiting the decision 01 the court. The Marion county court will operate from the landing between Court and Chenieketa streets and one that has just been built on the Albert and Wallaee land on the ti n n i n M ti M U 11 M II 83 tl M 11 ti 11 11 11 4 II N El El II El n tl 1 1 ii T0DAY-T020RR0W No Raise Ia Prices i I .; IN "THE POOR LITTLE RICH GIRL" MAX n ti ii ii u ii t J n El ii ii n is mm laii !. i mmm Mr) 'ill ' P Copyright Hart Scharliwr & Marx 11 Wed is tut one essential in making cloiks. More import ant lyings are skill, study, patience, experience. All wool may be botched by bad methods, or butchered by poor styles. HART SCHAFFNER & MARX $20 $25 ?30 BISHOPS ALL WOOL SUITS $15 $20 $25 These clothes are better to day than most clothes for the reason that thirty years of handling raw materials and manufacturing clothes have produced these perfected garments. There can be none better. They combine manufacturing efficiency, collective purchas ing power, national distribu tion and a world-wide knowl edge of style requirements. MaRory Hats $3.50 and $4.00 SALEM WOOLEN MILLS STORE in Just Wright Shoes $5 and $6 em n .11 u tl I: I tl I -S 1.1 It tl 1 1 ti n M t i a I! t 1 t . n f i n ti n r i u r- 13 13 M EJ ii H li EI M !! I i '- El El El 11 ti 11 tl 11 li II II Ei ti n n El ii ii E1 11 t ES Ei II ii li Li west side. 'Anyhow, it is a pretty safe and quartets. Solo parts will be sung Holy Week services will 1- held at bet that the ferry proposition will be j by Thomas Lurkin Williams, tenor j St. Paul's beginning today ns follows: in the court within a day or stwo and t George C. L. Snyder, Basso, and F. G. . a short service each eveninsr at 7:30 that will start ancihjr fhupter jn the long drawn out question rf a ferry across the river from Snlem. The city and- county wants to run. a free ferry and Skinner & Bushnell will try to prevent by carrying the lenl pbttso cf the matter into the o;irts. Deckebach, baritone, all of which i o'clock, except Saturduv: a celebration voices are too well known to the Salem 'of the-Holy Communion on Wednesday public to require enconiinum. Thesoland Saturday at 9:30 h. m., and mi with Win. MeGilchrist compose the .. Tuesday and Thursday : nt 7 :'! s. in. male quartet introduced at intervals. , The usual three-hour service will be Mies Myrtle Kuowlaiid will preside at j held on Good Friday beginning at the organ. I twelve noon. UNDER IN . MAX COMES ACROSS THE MAN WHO LAUGHS TO LIVE AND LIVES TO LAUGH ASK THE CROWDS THAT SAW IT YESTERDAY Hippodrome Bill Clever at Jligh Theatre A personally selected bill of. Hippo-j drome vaudeville was gazed at, at tho i Bligh theatre yesterday. The first act ! was "Pope and Uno" billed as "The! limit of animal intelligence," which j is all that it meaus; the littlo black, or dinary looking dog in the act does! everything from helping his master to I play a be!) solo, to turning out the ! light and getting to bed and covering j Hi) under the covers, this is ntin nf the cleverest canine actors that bus ever i been in Salem. Sam Hood, the man from Mexico all blactred up with cork told some very funny stories and sang some good parodies that pleased the audience. Helton, Mariena and Helton, one of vaudeville's cleverest emiilihris tic trios, was the closing act, they -filled about ten minutes wUh thrills in terspersed with an abundance of com edy that created many laughs, A Blue bird feature, one of Lois Weber's lat est stories, "The Mysterious Mrs. M." featuring Mary McLaren at her best, this with an L-Ko comedy which was a scream, went to make up an excel lent program. R0STEIN& GREENBAUA DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, CLOTHING, SHOES We are keeping down the high cost of living Men's Wool ' Suits, worth more wholesale $9.7a Boys' Suits $2.50, $3.25, $4, $4.50, $5.00 Men's $: and $8.50 Hats now $1.75 EASTER MHXINEUY Big display in rear room. Be sure and visit this department. Expert milliners ready to supply your wants. We use the best of materials and the, very newest shapes and trimmings. Moderate prices. cade," simple warm water cleanses the lower intestine the entire length, re moves all the poisonous waste matter therein and keeps it clean and pure as nature1 lemands it shall be for perfect health. Vou will be astonished at your feel-5 ings the morning after taking an inter-i nal bath by meant of the "J. B. L.1 Cascade." You will feel bright, brisk, confident and a though everything is j "working right" and it is. It absolutely removes - constipation j an prevents auto-intoxication. t Daniel J. Fry's drug store in Salem, -Oregon, will explain it fully to you andi on request will give' you a free bookj on the subject by an eminent special ist. Ask or send tor this free book to- Cherrians are advised to tell all wives, sisters and sweethearts to meet them day, called " Why man of today is only I 30 per cent efficient" while you think- Chautauqua Heallh Lectures J. C. ELLIOT, Lecturer Auspices of Y. Y. M. O. A. First Congregational Church Tuesday, 2:30 "Disease, Its Cause and Cure." Wednesday, 2:30 "Foods and Nutrition." 60,000 people beard J. C. Elliott ..ia.. Trinity Audi torum, Los Angeles. Ad mission free. I eIoiI j ChapUn at His Best ; Charlie Chaplin was seen in latest land we think his best comedy, "Easy street ' at re Liberty yesterdaj', this picture two reels in length, was filled with thrills from starts to finish, of course we could not begin to describe the funny things and the laughs that were seen in this picture as this the same as all other Chaplin, pictures, are built for laughing purposes. Dorothy Phillips was seen in an ex tremely clever Blue bird feature, "The Girl in the Checkered Coat." A 'Luke' comedy and a Hippodrome vaudeville act yPale and Weber" two pretty young ladies, that ottered a very clas sy violin and vocal number, the act was well put over and very highly ap preciated by the large crowds that vis ited this popular play house. Holy Week Services at St. Paul's Church A leading feature in the services of Holy Week at St. Paul's church will be the presentation by the choir of Sir John Stainer's Oratorio, "The Cruci fixion," which will be rendered on the evening of Good Friday, April fl at 7:30 p. rn. This is the name oratorio as was presented last year with such marked success. The oratorio consists of twenty-four numbers, including the heavy choruses, "Fling Wide the Gates" and "From the Throne of His Cross," together with hymns interspersed, solos, duos, Kayser's Silk Gloves, double tipped; old price 50c-75c R. & G. Corsets ' new models 5c, $1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2 New Percales 10c, 15c New Ginghams 10c, 12 y2c, 15c New Voiles 20c Shantung Silks, the newest, yard - wide, priced at $1.25, $1.35, $1.45 and $1.50 Yard New Lawn Waists only . $1.00 Envelope Com bination Suits 50c, 75c, $1.00 Curtain Scrims and Marquisettes Yd. 10c, 15c, 17c and 20c Ladies' Union Suits 75c, 50c, 39c Children's Union Suits 2 to 6 25c Ladies' Sleeve less Vests' ' 25c, 19c, 10c . 240 AND 246 COMMERCIAL STREET 1 W. J. PATTERSON, M. D. V. GRADUATE VETERINARIAN, LICENSED TO INSPECT STOCK. UPT O-D A TE METHODS, MEDICINE AND OPEEATINO TABLE. ? Phones: Office, 278; Res. 1081. 420 S. Commercial i of it, . .