Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 02, 1917, EXTRA, Image 4

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    Editorial Page
. !!;;.
e Editor ana Maaagw
or j ne.-v
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
chas. n. msitei?,
Vice President.
tec. and Tret.
Piily by carrier, per year
Paily by mail, per year
Per month
Per month .
Ward k Lewi. Now Yoife, Trilnm Ltiilding,
Chicago, W. . ritocVwell, People's Gas Building.
Th Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put tbe papers on th
porch, Jf the earrier dors not do this, nausea you, or neglects getting tbe
paper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, this is the
only way we can determine whether or rot the earners are followicg in
t, ruction's. Phone Main SI before 7:30 o'clock anil a paper will be sent you
by special messenger if the earrier has missed you.
ican house of lords to be done away with entirely. The j
present case is one where the quickest way to untangle j
an interminable mass of red tape, is to cut it. Those sen- j
ators who tried to do their duty bhouia follow the scrip-!
i 4t ...i : i i
iuim iiijunciiun aim inuise vno arc innocent snouia Iirsi
cast a Stone.
Carranza has so far failed to reply to Secretary Lans
ing's note asking his position in relation to the German
proposal for an alliance, and the accepting of Texas and
some other American territory as his reward therefor.
The so-called president of Mexico is only a comic opera
official at home, but in his dealings with- the balance of
the world and especially the United States he will have
to be the real thing or step down ?.nd make way for some
one who will. If the German situation is solved peace
fully, which we all hope, it would be a fine time while the
army is together to make a permanent end to the Mexican
banditry. It would be at great cost if we should inter
vene, but it looks as though this will finally have to be
done before Mexico can enter on that era of peace and
prosperity which will in a short time make her one of the
most prosperous and richest of nations. We will have it
to do sometime and we should attend to it when we are
fully prepared. We have gotten along peacefully with
i.ur neighbor, Canada for more than a hundred years and
could do the same with Mexico if the would act as a civil
ized nation should, and show respect for thersrights of
other nations and other people. The Latin races are
i.aturally suspicious, and at least pretend to fear the
United States has designs on their territory. Her course
with Cuba should remove this fear. Her conduct in with
drawing her troops from Mexico should convince the
Mexicans we had nothing but her good and our own peace
its an object. However good intentions go but a little
ways with a country governed by gangs of bandits, prey
ing on their own people and.murdering and plundering
all foreigners. The job of cleaning up Mexico and setting
her up in business for herself is before us sooner or later,
and the sooner, the quicker it will be over. v
Some misguided persons back ast have started some
thing in trying to raise a fund for aiding needy authors.
The country now has some thousands of this class, but
Unfortunately no monev assistance, will rpnrb thplr rtirpst
needs, which is brains. There seems to be a lively contest !
on between American authors- -if they can be called that i
to see which can spoil the more white paper, and one
cannot but suspect the paper factories are helping them
so as to keep the price of print paper high for the news
papers. Ihere does not seem to be any other reason for
their efforts. As for those who dash off a few yards of
poetry on all occasions and of whom Saxe, who was no
slouch of a poet himself, said they: Harangued the land
scape they were born to till." They need no assistance,
the horde, is abundant and undismayed.
England has controlled the sens for more than a hun
dred years. That is to say her fleet of battleships has
been more powerful than the combined fleets of any 'two
nations. In all that time she has never used that power
to the injury of any other nation. She has not interfered
with the rights of any nation to pursue such trade as it
pleased with whom she pleased, and without interference
on her part.. She has been absolutely fair in her dealings
in this respect, and has been a sort of world policeman on
the seas, and at her owti expense. Some other nation oc
cupying so commanding a position might have done as
well, but it is doubtful. .
The Germans are making cloth from tha fiber of net
tles, and it is claimed for the new goods that they are a
very good substitute for cotton.. Still a nettle shirt sug
gests too much uneasiness to be at once' attractive to the
fellow who knows anything about nettles.-' It seems too
much like that hair shirt so often pointed out as peculiar
ly fitted to torture the wearer.
There seems to be an epidemic of revolutionary fever.
Portugal was soon followed by Russia, and Spain has con
tracted it, but so far the attack seems light. It is quite
probable some of the other European monarchies will
have it, as even Big Russia was not immune, ..
1 - . . ..-i.-
Poland is to hold an election ia decide.hat kind of
government it desires. One interesting feature about the
election is the element of uncertainty as to whether it
can get it after deciding the matter.
To All Ca
r uwners
Don't forget to have
your battery tested
Testing warns you of things you can't
see and might not find out until too late
to prevent trouble.
Testing is free repairs cost money.
If you want bright lisjhts,
quick starts and lower cost
of electric current, come
Mayor Gill, of Seattle, and those accused with him of
iolating the laws concerning the sale of liquors have beenl
acquitted. This was the verdict expected by those who!
have kept in touch with the trial. The main witness was:
Fred Killingsley, self-confessed perjurer, bootlegger, and
briber. A witness admitting he had often 'committed!
perjury naturally awakens the suspicion that he may be
doing so in the case before the jury at the time. Despite
the verdict which of course settles the matter so far as
i i j l . v j l ce
the courts are concerneu, me mayor am not come on wim s
flying colors. There are several things not explained, '
especially the returning of the incriminating papers to S
Billingsley, that have a nasty look. Another disclosure T s
made "at the trial was that Gill while a- member of the
council had accepted a loan from the president of the K
Seattle Electric company in the amount of $5,000. This.i
does not necessarily imply crookedness on Gill's part, but 1 vWs v
it certainly shows he was wofully indiscreet. A conven-Lf ;
. . . . i f i ii ?j. zJr--
lent oan is a moaern means oi urioery, anu wnue u may k jn
nave neen an ennreiy niirinniss umiMcuun in uiu s case,
it has an ugly look. Mayor Gill has been cleared by the
jury but at the bar of public opinion he can hope for
nothing better than "unable to agree."
w w f m m
r k a. y
m m m m
" wife 1 fi" jjiig iii'.ri-siitfr--'
I--- m i a.. i i
The wind blows off my lid and makes me
reel and skid, and say distressing things;
it jars me like the deuce.lt blows my whis
kers loose, it swats me and - it stings. It
comes and takes a fall from my new par
asol, to my intense disgust ; it blows all
kinds of dirt against my Sunday shirt, and
fills my ears with dust. ''Yet blow, O
wind," I say, "and all the livelong day your
program weird rehearse ; 'for if you'd dis
appear, they'd send some weather here that
would be nine . times worse." If winds
should cease to blow, we'd have a lot of snow, or rain, or
hail, or slush; perhaps a thunderbolt would giye my muse"
a jolt, and make my harpstrings hush. However bad
thines be. I look on them with glee, embalming them in
verse; when evil things are, gone, we'll likely see the dawn
in to see us. , - :
And if you "o need re
pairs, we - have factory
' trained battery ex per ts w h o
can do a good job for you,
7'Aij card entitles tiny ovhw
to free iesttrg oj htj baUtry.
Moose Bldg., Court and High Sts. Phone 203
We are glad to test your battery at any time
giving thfl- Rfid Cross members Tiresent
an opportunity or active sorvieo, sym-
bnUciilly sncakinsr.
To obtain partners for supper the men
had to shoot the names of airls, with a
What promises to be the most schol-' grounds, has installed a new so, f
lliftn tonioht i VL L-1bh(,1-i,,"- "'W pieeo of furniture is Mr
TU : "L"'':! ""U,rk, and is a very
self-feeding air-gup. Befrcshmc.t, nf i authorities .. . , 7.0 l."''""'"" "tun. , .
ice cream and cake were served. Sonic iy. He received his I'h. D detnee int-REOTSTPHPn unnvno
naughty boys stole two cakes and nlt'ffew York university, an l a v.t n W :??D.. lDS AKEIVEB
nnivnmit. ..!, 1 7 7. i " "inner IOX SnuiKlR
unneiwty hebool of IVda-jniale and female, nrrivml t ),. i
the candy, but "all kinds" : of theiiVen- York
served. - . lilennin., v-f. -T . T'Z ' V 6 .- tiou Tuesday mora
J)fl in , Joint resolution by the twnj fiction to Sc Z1XeZ the war f roT Ke ' t
lasses, the secretary soihonmT cation." This !,, ,. 5. ?. A. . . .. X ... a." tlle fl0m Kentucky
ela3s and the viceresident of the fresh-! dial invitation is extend d to t , , , X ! i i, ".. Jb V'l
man class were .instructed tn hiti,1 he. ' ,, i , . ,' i "'v mwu ur. one
"night letters" to their ZlXZll ". VPZ ? " the,r
are with Company M. Theso -lifft. ! To facilitalP tl, ;t..M,.t;.. ' , .,..! '. X."0' ?nd " lo"od
jwero addressed to Ray Atterbery. presi-! numerous lettersnd ' bri of' fox' ho Z Z" i , " Z
r""1 sopi omores, and Vjetor Tay- earner brings daiU- to Eaton hail. C. ('.States and tho .,- i 1
superintendent of buildings andi 1X. Simmons and Johnnie Morley.
i Bilverton Ajmeal. .
of something: twelve times worse. I look on things like
1.:- J TJ i?..ll P 1,1 : ,V,, T'w. 4- -Pinll ynnnc
Congress is in session again, but under the. new rules! uu hU A.lu,iU1VUi 17 A, X,,i TwVv ZnA
adopted by the senate there will not be another so dis-and,f the windy day .-1 wend my cheerfuljway, and
graceiui a scene as marKea tne closing nours oa.tne iast ; r..0...,
session, under me ruies oi preceaence, long since worn; (! !l! ))cHc
threadbare, Senator Stone remains as chairman of the
Committee on Foreign Relations, and announces that he State NfiWS In Brisf
will oppose any thing appertaining to the trouble with U"
Germany until a declaration of war is made; after which,!
he says he will do all he can to carry the war to a success- J jirry 8nl.i.mgton, ged ' is,
ful termination. The United States senate is facing a lit-drowned in the coquiiie river
tie revolution of its own. If it proves now what it has
generally proved in every crisis, a stumbling block for the
country, it will be rubbed off the state. This has been
suggested several times, and it would require no great
amount of neglect of duty on its part to cause the Amor-
rarliorsburg yesterday. ll,e whs return
init from a dance, and st
tbe launch fell from the
the boys nt the nnnmil sophomore re
1 (-option to the freshman, given in the
; Websterian-Adelnnte hulls, Saturday
: night, those present report a very en
'joyable evening. Complimentary to the
spirit of the day the entertainment was
i of a patriotic or rather warlike Tia-
As the guests entered the reception
rooms they were presented with flags
four numbers, H, I,
eppins out of:OT'" um of :
wharf. h- K' 3"ct'K
ilonverton hud a meeting of .100 far
mers Friday io discuss the road bond
issue. A vote was taken showing, bond
issue was favored.
LADD & BUSH, Banker;
Established 1863
CAPITAL $300,000.00
Transact a General Banking Business
Safety Deposit Boxes
It is expected
Third regiment
Vancouver today
battalion of tin
companies W t"1
i Oregon .National Guard. I pon these
same flags were one of the numbers ii,
18, IS, it), to designate the present
classes. " After piano solo by Caroline
Sterling and 8 humorous reading of pa
triot ie net nre by Fnve Molin, the crowd
divided into "the respective class
will be moved from gieu)''- racu symbolic cuiss imuisueu
to an unknown dest i- ''r s'r of "", f" by representing
! popular students in the collegiate class-
. , es, 1 lie one that was awarded lust non
Monroe V frHt caur.erv Hhi.h has- tus. judged bv general appreciation, "was
been idle six vears is to be reopened. clever portrayal Mr. Earl Flegel
' land Miss Barbara .Steiuer. This was ef
i'nrniers of 3ufur, Wflsi o county, fectcd by Mr. Waldo Marsters as Flegel
have endorsed "Tort hind's move to and Mr- 1'hilip Bartholomew as iliss
build grain elevators. j Steiuer.
, . ' I The next form of amusement was
Thft time for furnishing the l'orlland 1 nirnn-hed after the guests were ar
i:oso show- a sloijnn has been extended ranged iu conipauiosf according to the
to April 10. , . letter on. the individual flags. Each
company entertained the others with a
mock military drill. Considerable excite
ment was aroused by one person shout-
, nig " JlocK iler Kaiser. " A tree for all
VUboilgb the girls fur outnumbered followed in which many were injured,
University Notes
lor, president of the freshmen.
j Clark,
We bade Tom's friends good bye as
we reached the Forty-second street sta
tion. To tell the truth 1 was nor sorry
to part company with them, in some
way J scarcely could have explained
how Miss Morton, with her stvlish
clothes and easy manners made me feel
awkward, unlike myself. Her escort,
Mr. Brown had boldly looked his sur
prise and admiration when Tom pre
sented him: and that also embarrassed
me. 1 wondered why so few of Tom's
friends and acquaintances knew he was
married, floth asked where we lived
before wo separated, and Tom eave
rliciu our address rather reluctantly 1
"1 must get, Mr. Brown to "bring
me to call some evening," Miss Mor
ton declared, "that is if it wilk be
ourenient, " she. added as she just
glanced at me.
'Perfectly so,"- ! answered, "and
evening is the only time you would
find Mr. Randall at home." I said
Mr, Randall" on purpose. She hart
kept ealling him "Tom" but until I
Knew lier better 1 would not be inti
mate, even in mv talk.
"Your friends are very nice," I re
marked to Tom just as we reached
the theatre.
"I am glad von liked them," he re
plied, and then we took our seats and
1 torgot everything else in my inter
est in the play and the people around
me. I seldom had attended the thea
tre, and this wonderful playhouse, with
row upon row of beautifully dressei
women and wtell groomed men was a really Tom I'm d.eadfullv huncrv 1
revelaUon to me. I was glaa I had) was so ex.-itcd when you said we were
u, oes!,, ni Tcauzeitj going to the theater that
wim cnagnu mat my nest, was decided Uy anything.
ly -ordinary oeside the elegance dis
played all around mo.
Intense Interest
but I soon forgot all such
as clothes, Tom's friends, and
1 ate senrce-
"o f fiotieed'?
An Extravagance
"But Tom.'' 1 interniT.tiH
things!. you afford to spend anv more tonirrhtt
averv- v e ve lieen nu-fnllv ,.,... .
t(,; u. -.. ... .. ui i-
"""S vnp nit; iuty. AT W3S li'dl " ) I IM .
rie's "Uttle Minister''' with Maud! "VVe'l .just have something simoi
Adams in the part of Bab. While I had; to round out the evcninc " he ten ie'il
read the book, as had all the girls in las hi piloted me to a restaurant with
our town, I had no conception of the! in walking distance of tbe theater
sweetness of the story until i saw the) If I had been dazzled bv the th'ea
play. It held me spellbound until the iter, the restaurant made- me Basn with
very end. Tom tried to talk to mo dur-j delight. The blaze of lijihts the flow
ing the intermission, but 1 held up myjers and potted plants, tie 'disr.lav of
t.nger for h,m to keep still. I didn 'tj fashion, was unique and quite over
want to think of anything but thf? play powering to me. Ii, onr town the only
and Tom, realizing, smiled understand ; eating house was in the r-iilroad sta
ingly at me and slipped out. "Bid you tion, and wile on our weddin trip" we
like it Snef-' Tom asked as he heljdj either had been served in our rooms
me on with my wrap, ho smiled quiz-! or sat in a quiet corner of the hotel
zically.as he asked the auesfion. well dininir room it i.
knowmg what my answer would be. that I actually trembled with
nn"0 TOm: Sh"r,y Sroom "1 Tm dWn k'"hf
x BEiHit nave to pian to lane you', A man m evening dress whom
ju on, u iHcaseii, uk ani.iirst i took to be a friend of
V.v: it , 1 , - preeeaen us to a table
xui me piuvwas oear, wasn't my eliair, their with
hand motioned
itf" I insisted
"Yes, it is a very appealing little
play, and the part just suits Maud
Adams," he answered. Then "how
would you like to go somewhere for a
"I'd like it immensely, Tom, And
Tom 'a
pulled out
a wave of his
waiter In nttxnH n
1 locked with awe at the dignified
head waiter Tom said that was his
position and wondered ,if ever I
should dare, give so elegant a creature
an order?
(Tomorrow An unexpected meeting)