mm VP? p W T1 f F !M '" 1 Lit I I Klibi SI- 'cocliCiOBs faster uoraes and Diioes. For Men and Young Men Are Particularly Fine FROM THE DAILY CAHTAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY. AfRIL 2, 1917. t tttt tt -Tt XX XX HATS TO SHOES , .-v. . if ill mm " ' !: fTs r ' vJW e HI m - 'mm- CLOTHES Men who like smart clothes , are sure to Oke these; they are so attractive in model ing, pattern, weaves and "color effects. Breezy clothes fcx the young man and more con servative ones for the wee bit older man. The tailoring of our cloth ing is masterly, woolens su- perior, their designs smart, their values exceptional. Nearly everyone knows OUR CLOTHES TOP THE QUALITY FIELD. THE BEST CLOTHING VALUES ARE ALWAYS HERE. Florsheim Emerson and Beavon .Shoes . Three lines of the most strictly up to dale Shoes now in the AMERICAN MARKET, and we have a stock of these to select from that will be appreciated by partic ular MEN who want ' ' , Style Value and Unquestion able Shoe Correctness When buying at this store you are sure of getting the best merchandise to be"had at the price. JOIN THE EASTER PARADE in a pair of these BETTER SHOES. J23 f . It's a Gordon The Hat With the Thorough Lines. " EASTER GREETINGS and EASTER CLOTHES FOR MEN AND BOYS Do your EASTER purchasing where Reliability is the slogan of each transaction; where FRICES are the LOWEST and MERCHANDISE THE BEST BUY AT Brick Brothers THE HOUSE THAT GUARANTEES EVEEY PUECHASB THE CORNER STORE STATE AND LIBERTY , ,. MANY ATTEND SHOWER At the home of Mrs. T. Y. MeOllan a miscellaneous shower was given in honor of Miss Ossie Condit when about 30 of her friends and neighbors met last Saturday afternoon. There were several guests from Amnsville and several who could not be present sent (jiftg by oth ers more fortunate. While all were pres ent Miss Comlit opened her parcels that the guests might enjoy fleeing them. These gifts consisted of glassware, fancy china, aluminum nn.l earthen ware, bed linen, handsomely finished in hand work, doilies, scarfs, towels and many other pieces. Music and social converse were features of the afternoon entertainment. At the refreshment hour a delicious lunch wn served by the hostess assisted bv Miss Addie t'ondit, Mrs. Emma Coridit, Mrs. Marguerite Martin and Mrs. Nipple. The guests of the afternoon were: Misses Addie and Osie , Condit, Roxana (iunsaules, Agnes and Clara Bovvnc, I-eona Forrctte, liivoii and Clara Martin, Battle Dively, Kliz- jabeth Swank, Mrs. Giggy, Mrs. AVePs, Mrs. ii. lonuit, Mrs. Koyal tend it, Alt. Ross Condit, Mrs. R. I. Hammer, Mrs. Nipple, Mrs- R. Van Nuys, Mrs. ieo. Howard, Mr. C. F. Loose, Mrs. J. Ouu saulot, Mi. T. Y. MeCleHun, Mrs. Park er, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. J. B, Bo win, Mrs. C I.Rthrop, Mrs. Dively, Mis.' Chas. Martin and Mrs. 8. S. Swank. Aumsville Record. . MADE RUN ON BANK Hillsboro, Ore., Mar. 3I. Local buries today -experienced a run of German de positors who closed their accounts ai,d demanded gold. Fear of confiscate i of bank deposits of all Germans by tl: government is blamed 3k i SENATOR Ll ATTACKED BY IS One Alexander Bannwart, Is Beaten Up By Telegraph Operator Christ's church, Dorchester, Mass., was said to be a third member tf the pa cifist party, but took no part in the fight. - . Bannwart was later removed to the Sixth precinct police station7 He said ho was socretary ot the Woodrow- Wil j son Independent League of Boston. . lie was bleeding irom several cuts from the beating administered by Her man. Henntor I .mice, -is fi7 yrnrs of age. , Washington, April 2 vetcrnn Massachusetts -Senator Lodge, senator, was ADVERTISING CONCERN TO TAKE NEW NAME Chicago, April 2. Today the Mahin Advertising company became the Wil liam 11. Rankin eompaifjs taking lLs uT. knocked down and painfully injured to-, new name from that of its prcsideu" day in a clash with two Bostouians, a jnan and a Ionian who are said to lave come here in the pacifist cause. Alexander Bannwart, 338 Washington boulevard, Boston,, and Mrs. Anna Pea lody, of Cambridge, were arrested, eharged with making the assault. The twopproached Lodge near his room in the nae office building. Bannwart started to argue with Lodge, telling him his constituents are agahist war.- At last Lodge turned and said: "Any one who wants war at this time is a ward. " Bamiwnrt, it is said, retorted: "Any ene who wants war at this time is a coward." It is said Bannwart struck Lodge, knocking him to the floor. David B. Herman, a telegraph operator passing through the corridor, threw himself on Bannwart. A rough and tumble fight followed. "-. - The flash eaiisai intense excitement in the corridars in the capitol, thronged hy hundreds of . the invading pacifists end anti's. ' One account of the trouble was that Senator Lodge turned to Bannwart and truck him after Bannwart had called JOHNSON VOICES THE SENTIMENT OF WEST California Senator Speaks to Great Throng In v Philadelphia AT ONCE! STOPS STEM MISERY GE ? Wilbur D. Nesbit is vice president of the company and Herman A. Groth is secretary-treasurer. The company specializes in creative advertising. Its work includes news paper, magazine, farm paper, forcienj language, trade paper, streetcar, bill-j board aiid outdoor advertising. The or ganization numbers 100 people and in cludes some widely Known advertising experts. Mr. Rankin is president of the West ern Advertising . Agency association ganization and to create a better feel ing among rival agencies. Soldier Did Not Like -the Mixture of Flags '"' Tacoma, Wash., April z. The first canture of a foreign flag by the United States army since the present niobiliza tion is recorded here today. It is Aus trian and is in possession of a sailor of the Second Washington infantry, who snatched it f rom tho porch of. John Mar desich's home here yesterday. The Austrian colors had been entwined with the American flag but with the former on top. "American and Austrimi flags don't lim a coward. Lodge suffered a slight I mix well right now," the soldier re jmiise on the cheek. marked in reply to the angry protest ' Eev. Faul Harris Drake, pastor of , of Mardosich. Philadelphia, Pa'., March 31. The voice of the far west as interpreted to the vast patriotic throng in Independ ence Sqnaro this afternoon by Senator Hiram W. Johnson of California, calls for war iu defense of honor. America will suffer much, "to the very tension of honor," before engag ing in war, the California senator said. "But a nation such as ours,' he add ed, "dependent for its perpetuity upon the character of its citizens that dare not maintain its ideals and will not protect the. lives of its citizens sows within itself the seed of dissolution. , "Our destiny must bo the ultimate destiny of tne world democracy, Am erica must keep -burning the beacon light on the mountain top to which the eyes of all mankind may turn. "But yesterday, China, benighted with her centuries of superstition and ignorance, looked across the Pacific for the liglit and fashioned her gov ernment with the spirit of America. "Today Russia autocratic Russia after centuries of cruel despotism with wistful vision across the Atlantic has seen the beacon light of liberty and has added to the world a new democ racy, with the spirit of America. "In, no vainglorious sentiment we would wrap this old banner of the Stars and Stripes about every American cit- "Papa's Diapepsin" Makes Sick, Sour, Gassy Stomachs . Feel Fine CLARK IS ELECTED (Continued from page One.) Do. some foods you cat hit back, taste good, but work badly; ferment Wnto acids and cause a sick, sour, gas sy stomach? Xow, Mr. or Mrs. Dyspep tic, jot this- down: Pape's Diapepsin helps neutralize the excessive acids in the stomach so your food won't sour and upset you. There never was any thing so safely quick, so certainly ef fective. No difference how badly your stomach is upset you easily get happy relief in five minutes, but what pleas es you most is that, it helps to regulate your stomach so you can eat your fa vorite foods without fear. Most remedies give you relief some times they are slow, but not sure. "Pape's Diapepsin" is positive in neu tralizing the acidity, so the misery won't conic back very quickly. You feel different as soon as "Pane's Diapepsin 'ponies in contact with the stomach distress just van ishes. your stomach gets sweet, no gases, no belching,-no eructations of undigested food,, your head clears and yon feel fine. - Co now, make the best investment you ever made, by getting a large fifty cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store. Von- realize in five minutes now needless it is to surrer from indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach disorder due to acid fermentation. Wednesday and Thursday Wm. S HART IN "The Gunf ighter" Full of Hard Ridingr, Hard Living and Reckless Dare Deviltry -A gasp a minute. - The Oregon ; Quality Always It i - '- - ii I "-'ill i i f V - , f I izen. we wouiu mane u nis ouijiiier and his shield and his absolute protec tion wherever he might be on land or on sea. Cannot Shake Hands With German People Under Hchenzollerns i Petrograd, April 2.- "Wo cannot shake hands with tho German people until they rid themselves of the cursed Jiohenzollnrns, rtectarcd Vice Presi dent Shobeleff of the duiun, in a speech delivered today to a patriotic mass meeting outside tho duma build ing. In the crowd were members of the workmen's and soldiers' council with hundreds of plain citizens. "Kaiser Wilhelm and Chancellor Jlollweg are most redoubtable enemies to Russian liberty," 8hobcleff de clared. "To their- hypocritical greet ings to the RusHian revolutionists, we can only reply with the bayonet." Grand Duke Xifholas, formerly com mander in chief of Kussra s armies, ar rived at his estate at progressives, voted for him. So did Lon don, socialist, and Randall, prohibition ist. Representative'Fullcr, of Massa chusetts, independent, bolted the repub lican candidate with Gardner and Bil linger, of Massachusetts, and Gray of Now Jersey, nil of whom left the repub lican caucus (-Saturday,1 and voted for Representative Gillet of Massachusetts. Haskell and James, republicans, answer ed " present. " Lehlbach, New Jersey, republican, voted fr Clark. lTho dramatic moment of the house or ganization was the nomination of Clark for speaker by Representative Thonius D. Schall, the Minnesota progressive-republican. Kchall'g action was entrely unexpected. He had been listed as a sup porter of Mann. Hchall is blind and was led to tho centei of the house by a page. Blind Put Patriotic. "I realize that the action I am about to take will bo used to attempt my po litical death in Minnesota," Schall said in nominating Clark. "About 32,000 oui of tho 43,000 votes in my district are republican. "With my sightless eyes I would be of little service to my country on the field of battle, but I can use the light that God gives mo to vote right to day." While the voting was under way Chairman Flood" gave out the adminis tration war resolution and adjjed that he would present it when tho organiza tion is complete. . Champ Clark was escorted into the chamber by his opponent, Mann, .amid a storm of cheers from both sides. Mann Introduced Clark. Mann introduced Clark as a patriotic representative of Missouri and the na tion. Responding, Clark spoko for co operation. '. Admitting it would be difficult to conduct house affairs otherwise, he do-! clared there must bo no partisanship. : "Let all tho ends we aim at be our country's and in the accomplishment of thetmds may the God of our fathers be with ur and uuide us in the way which will rebound to the honor and perpetuity of tho greatest republic that ever existed in the flood of --time." Representative TalbotU "father of the house," insofar as length of service is concerned, administered tho. oath to Clark. it Members were then lined up in the well of the house to be sworn in by state groups. Four out of 4.15 members today did not answer to their names. They were: Lee, democrat, Georgia; Capstick, re publican, New Jersey; Helgesen, repub lican, North Dakota, and Bleakley, re publican, Pennsylvania. . Came on a Stretcher. Lee, later, was carried into the cham ber ou a stretcher in time to vote for ClaTk., ' , There wero twov vacaneiVs Conroy, New York, and Hullway, New Hamp shire, having died recently. This made tho total of absentees on" the first roll call number six. - Mason, Illinois, republican, like Schall, cast his choice with the demo crats. South Trimble, democrat, was elected as clerk of tho house by a vote of 217 to 211. At this time, Mann refused to permit grouped voting on the other offices, so the roll culls proceeded. NERVOUS SPELLS And Combination of Troubles Relieved by Combination of Medicines. A quotation from one recent letter: "I have been taking Hood's Parsapn rllla and l'eptiron 1'illn as a course of medicine and lliul thl combinaUo.i has worked like a charm. They told me I had neuralgia, and certainly I was In a very low and discourage) slate of health. I suffered eMremHv with nervousness and had neuraUi i pains so I could nut loej night. "Those nervous sipells were awful! "I heard about taking Hood's farsu parilla aiid..'pptiron I'IMm one befmo meals, the other after the sugsestioii struck me favorably so that I liav taken the medicines carefully and faithfully with most pleasing result . "It Is a long time now since I hnv had one of those severe nervous spell-!. I can do a good day's housework, ran work in mv garden and walk a mile.'" Mrs. Fred J. Weekley, Bagdad, Fix. Vour druppist will be pleased to supply you wilh these good medicine. YELIBERTV Sunday- Monday -Tuesday APRIL 8, 9, 10 8 Reels Filmed at the Bottom of the Sea Off the ' Tropical Bahama Islands NOTHING LIKE IT ON EARTH! " ' ' Superlative adjectives cannot do Justice to this master picturl." Chicago Post. "The greatest cinema achievement ever offered In the history of the art." Chicago American. "An epoch-making accomplishment in picture productions." Motography. ... 1 JULES VERGE'S "20,000 LEAGUES UNDER the SEA ALL THE BIO CITIES PAID $1.00 TO SEE THIS PICTURE. PRICE WILL BE 20 CENTS. BRING THE KIDDIES. OUR LAST TIMES TODAY The yorld's Greatest Screen Comedian Charlie CHAPLIN in "EASY STREET" They screamed and laughed till they cried at this picture. DORTHY PHILLIPS The Beautiful Bluebird Star in ... "THE GIRL IN THE CHECKED COAT" today, accompanied by two govern ment commissioners. He will go into retirement here. j President Rodzianho of the dunia, in j addressing a group of supporters ofj woman's suff'rns;!, told tiie.m equal i franchise would he submitted to the! constituent assembly. He personally' Alijdia, Crimea said lift favored such a move. . Tcmorrow-"THE WAX MODEL" With "VIVIAN MARTIN"