MONDAY APRTL2. 1917. Nut Cake is simply delicious when made with Tufi nXfrirtr PnwnrR '1 , l r b f Pure Healthful Economical The highest grade of baking powder pos sible to buy and your money refunded if it fails to satisfy. Ask your dealer. Jaquet Mfg. Co Chicago 1 Li zr Aim Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Warren Francis Pow ers (Mabel Bmith) who recently came to Salem from Detroit,' Michigan, and have been visiting Mrs. Powers' par ents, Dr. anil Mrs. J. X. Smith, are now in Seattle where they are plan ning to make their home. . Mrs. Squire Karrar of Portland is the house guest of Mrs. W. 8. Mott. Mrs. Karrar e.ame the middle of last week and will be here for several day Hhe formerly lived in Salem and is be ing welcomed bv her many old friends. ' The Ladies Aid society of tlio F.ngle wood United Brethren church will be entertained on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Step pard P. Hale and her daughter, Miss Alberta Halo, 1704 Broadway street. Mr. and Mrs. Henry V. Compton had their guests last week tho latter 'e nneln and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur F. Morris of Portland. They were accompanied by their daughter, Miss .lane Klizabcth Morris. Palem friends of Miss Junnita Do Yoe will be interested in the announce ment of her marriage to Arthur llash- or of KI Ccntro, California, which took place, in that city a few days ago. Mrs. Bushor formerly lived in Sa lem, having passed her girlhood here, with her grandmother, Mrs. i O. De Voe of I32rt Chemeketa street. Mr. Rashor is engaged in the auto mobile, business and they will make their homo in Kl Centro. Farly in the summer Mrs. Bashor will come to Halcm for a visit to her erandmother, and will bo joined later by Mr. Ua-sbor who will make the trip to Oregon in his ear. There will be no meeting of the Aid society of the Woman's Kelief Corps this week, but tho members are urged 9 attend the annual meeting of tho Marion County Veterans association in Woodburn at, In armory Thursday. All ladies ere requested to take bask ets of lunch. Tho hospitality of Mrs. Ivan 0. Put nam was enjoyed Thursday afternoon, when she entertained tho Toleto tin broidery club. Fourteen members gathered for the afternoon which was pleasantly whil ed away with sewing. . The rooms were gaily adorned with spring flowers, and late in the after noon a dainty lunch was served. As sisting the hostess were Mesdames liowd and Kcene. A happy reunion was enjoyed Sat urday at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth 11. 'Fletcher, 1387 North Win ter street. . ' The early part of the day was spent in relating reminissences and later a lunch was served, after which the old er members of the family gave short speeches. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Lewis H. Fletcher, Mr. and Mrs. Hen ry 0. Fletcher, Mr. and Mrs. K. U. Fletcher, Miss Flora Fletcher, Miss Lorraine Fletcher, Mrs. A. J. Horndon, Kllsworth netcher, Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Stone and Miss Lois Stone of Thorn ton, Wiash., Miss Laura Woodward, Miss Kva Woodward of Walla Walln, Miss Arelle Whcaldon. Ruel M. Fletch er or nam View. Oregon, Mrs. wn- liah Fletcher of Watervillo, Wash., Mrs. Lois Whealdon, Portlnnd; Mrs. Kmaline Hobard of Silverton, Mrs. Lucy Churchman of Sheridan. New Orleans will be the mecca for the club officers of all parts of the United States within a few days. The biennial council of the General Fcdcr ation will open on Kaster Monday, but the delegates will be on their way soon, Oregon will be represented ami Charlie Perm Manufacturing Ex pert of The America Tobacco Company and a famous authority oa chewing tobacco 1 X. H. 1 3 L. r aKaHBHEaoas rf.rl aW Iu 1838 tlie renn Factory was a little country store in Virginia Photo Earl I.eRoy Jcnks. Mrs. A. J. Rahn, who plays "Bessie" In "Get-Rich-Quick WaMngfofd," to be given at the Grand Theatre tomorro w and Wednesday nights. It is gratifying that women's clubs all over the state have taken an act ive part iit patriotic week. Mrs. Josiah Kvana Cowles, president of tne uenerai Federation of Womem clubs, has sent the following telegram to Presi dent Wilson: , The General Federation of Wo men s clubs stands loyally rtcnina me government. It is our desire to serve the nation to tho best of our aDility. And it is her urgent request, that all state federations and clubs display our national flag at all meetings. May 1 add my request to hersf" ' New club joining the federation re cently are Madras Study club, Mrs. L. May Turner, president; Fannie 3. Kane vice president, and Delia Xcwell, sec retary. .lumper Liiterary ciuo, Heamonu, airs J. H. Dittcmore, president. April 14-21 is Western club women's consumers' week. Oregon again will do her share to promote this week. The Chamber of Commerce of Portland the work of the great organif-ation will will send out a list to each club of the be brought back tt the local women with all tha inspiration that co-operation and being a part of the federation can bring. Following is ,ftn important message that Mrs. Charles H. Cast ne r, president of the Oregon Federation of Women's clubs, has issued and to which the at tention of the club members of the state is called: state, telling the kinds or Oregon made products that are on the market and clubs are urged to observe the week Governor Withyeombo has is sued the following proclamation: v " Whereas, There is again a move ment on foot to encourage the develop ment of local productions in the West, and, - . "Whereas, 'The women of the West , . 01 J i'l'iAf Now Being Displayed at tMarieX Saih Jftcre Our Shelves and Counters are Overflow ing with Spring and Summer FabricsrQual ities and Prices that will astonish the most. Economical shopper. Look our lines over before purchasing. It will pay you. NEW VOILES M M SKIRTINGS represent its greatest purchasing pow er, especially in connection with our household, and, " Whereas,,The club women of the West have expressed a lively interest in the problems and possibilities of local consumers' organizations, and have asked us to set aside a Western consumers ' week.;. "Now, therefore; I do hereby pro claim the week of April 14-21 as West ern club women's consumers' week. and during that period I suggest that all public spirited, women and men of this state make a special enori to pur chase western crown and manufactur ed products for their home and busi ness consuniDtion. and that they make of this organUed effort an example which will materially etfect the pur chasing habits of the western public durins the remaining portion or .tne vear. "In witness whereof, I have here unto set mv hnnd this 6th day of March, 1017. f' .-"JAMEiTITnYCOMBE, "Governor." . -Portland Orcgonian Court House Notes Late Saturday 'afternoon the grand jury made its report to Judge Kelly and stated that it had visited the Ore gon State hospital and farm, the Ore-, son state penitentiary, the Oregon state training scnool, tne nome jot the feeble minded, and the Oregon state deaf mute school. All these in stitutions were found to bo in excellent conditWn execnt the state prison. The management of the institutions appear ed to be very efficient and tne great est care eiven those whose welfare is under chaise. At the penitentiary, the ronuuiUHH rcklwruiUK rmununvu nun buildin? are not what they should be. The ventilation is said to be bad, the cell system antiquated, and not to con- form to the requirements of present day prison management. The manage ment, however, appears to be doing the best possible for the prisoners under the present conditions. The signers of the report are L. T. KeynoKIs, foreman; F. H. Coleman, John McCormick, L. H. Harnett, Charles llejnz For four generations of family and nearly a century of time, the PENNS have manu factured chewing tobacco. The enormous growth of the Penn -business is evidence of the skill of the Penns as tobacco manufacturers and of the superior quality of Mi, Chewing Johacco The choicest leaves of the famous iCcntucky white hurley tobacco are selected for Penn's Thick stemmed; flavored and pressed into thick juicy plugs. TRY A 10c CUT TODAY. "It's as mellow asa June apple and as sweet as a nut."... Guaranteed V Penns Thick ..oee t .ii.sfy ycu in every way. return 11 to any oesmr. , He is hereby JUtherued to refund Ml purchas. tea.t - : - ' tit.' .Viiu 4''nfi'' and A. A. Oueffroy. In the matter of the guardianship of Hiram R. McCord, an insano -person, aged 70 years, on petition of W. TI. Parker, Jdge Bushey Saturday appoint ed him guardian. The property involv ed i $100. Jffdge Bingham Saturday granted a divi;r(;e to Minnie Jones from her hus bann, ilarry Jones. The judge granted her 'authority to resume "her maiden naini of Minnie Potwin. . LONGING FOR A CHILD 39-inch Voiles in Blue, Pink, Rose, White, (Jreen Tan, Corn, Navy,'.. Grey ,and .Lav ender; unusual grade, 25c Yard 36-inch Heavy Weight Sport Skirtings; attrac tive stripes, in Pink, Gold, Blue, Black. Priced at 60c Yard 27-inch Egyptian Tissues; A SPLENDID WASH FABRIC, and Embroidered Patterns; many Colors. Plaids, Stripes 3C-inch Printed Voiles in Figures and Stripes; A WONDERFUL ASSORT fyfENT; excellent values 25c a Yard 3Q-inch Printed Flaxons and Lawns in an array of patterns at . . .20c a Yard You will also find a VERY LARGE ASSORTMENT of New Percales, Devon shires, Ginghams, Shirtings, Crepes, Madras, etc. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THIS GREAT SHOWING. Young Wife Almost m De spair, now has Beautiful . Baby GirL The county clerk Saturday issued a marriage license to D. Butler, a Cor vallis school teacher, and Buth C. Har ber, of Salem; Joseph H. Brosig, a stu dent of this eity, and Lula Crousl. May Flatman was granted a divorce from Arthur Flatman Saturday by Judge Bingham. The defendant is re quired by the terms of the decree to pay the plaintiff the sum of $10 a month for ber sutinort. She is civen E. F. Wells the custody of the minor child. John Ben Stenger, a farmer of sic- , Kee, who emigrated to this country from Austria, and Herman Kiepcr, a na tive of Germany, noma farmer of Tal bot, made declaration with the county clerk Saturday of becoming American citizens, btenger renounced his allegi ance to'Emperor Charles of Austria and Kieper his allegieuce to Kaiser Wil helin. '; Beautiful Bast and. Shoulders -1 sre KiW if you will wear a scientifically constructed " Bien Jolie Brassiere. ii Tlie HrsirKine weight, of nn unronnned bust so sfretclie the upportuig niuscied titat tlie contour of the Atfurc is spoiled. kfrtrsfl W put. the hn.t hnck where it be- "USffa L l"Ki. prevent, the full bust from 9 lUilLrliiirf n?vlnr iiio Hpucarftnce 01 uao- ' m.trrl llllief.". l-llll!liriH HIT tlHIIRCr Wit rirj a coif nrf drawing muscles and confine the DltHOOItKXJ 41csl f tlio eljouider giving a grateful line to the entire upper body. They are the daintiest and most serviceable garments imairi nahle come in ail materiaU and styles: Cross Ha-k, Hook Front, Surplice, BsHdeaii, etc. Honed with "Walolm," tlie rustless laming permitting washing without removal. Have your dealer show you Bien Jolie Drawieres,,if rot stock ed, we will gladly send him, prepaid, samples to show you. BENJAMIN & JOHNES, SI Warren Street, Newark. N. J. lino IBBKIBIBWttii Thero is nothing more charmino; than happy and healthy mother of children, nd indeed child-birth under the right conditions need he no hazard to health or beauty. Lydia E. Pinkham'g Veg etable Compound has brought joy to many childless women by restoring them to normal health. Here is a notable case. Omaha, Neb. "I suffered from fe male troubles when 1 waa seventeen years old. At eight een I was married and my trouble waa no better so I con sulted a physician who said that there was not much I cculd do and I could not have children. I read of Lydia E. Pinkham'i Vege table Compound and decided to try it. and it has proved If fr. lllilt7 QUICK RELIEF Fill Treat The Body As A Delicate Machine Ton would not let a machine built for efficient work, get rusty and full of dust and dirt Why . let the body, the most delicate of all machines, get rusty and run down from inattention T . Cleanse the blood; that's the secret; keep it clean. S. S. S., proven for 50 years the best of all blood tonics, will do it. Get a bottle at your druggist's. yODAY and take it according to directions. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, ATLANTA, GA. S.S.S. Keeps It Always Fit Ask -Grandfather Hell Tell Yon ClMIPATIOH Painless Pctrker Outlaw worth its weight in gold to me for I am not only well but have baby girl, so when I hear of any woman suffering as 1 waa I tell her of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." Mrs. W. Hughes.19 Majestic Apts-.Omaha.Neb. In many other homes, once childless, there ore now children because of the fact that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound makes Vfomen cormat. healthy and strong. - POINT OF BRITISH fContinued from page twoj Get Dr. Edwardrf Olive Tablets That is the joyful cry of thousands since Dr. Edwards produced Olive Tab lets, the substitute for calomel. Dr. Kdwards, a practicing physician for 17 years and calomel's old-time en emy, discovered the formula for Olive Tablets while treating patients for ' chronic constipation and torpid livers. ' Dr. Kdwards' Olive Tablets do not contain calomel, but a healing, sooth ing vegetable laxative. No griping! is the "keynote" of these I little sugar-coated, olive-colored tablets. 1 rri . t. - V . i t- ... jincy cause itic uuwcis gnu liver iu iiti normally; They never force theni to Unnatural action. If yon have a "dark brown mouth" now and then a bad breath a dull. tired feeling- sick headache torpid liver and are constipated, you'll find His Confessions In' S i I Here was the artistic system they that ; employed: They would send a patient i to me, and, sfter I hud extracted his ml J take h scribino th Alon- "'" pretence or --recurving my CHAPTER XVII. !'For ways are dark and tricks Bret Vlarte in de-i u"v wouiu uiKe iiiiu in nana, aim, : unit goli an poker plav-er.i --iuuuer, mey ou.u pui arw i 'the Heathen thinec i""1'-;'- .-.."." , , J . 1S picunar- ( ' :.,.,:,i,i.. Well, take- it from , " "- ..,,. i man who Knows, """"-"t the Heathen Chinee ! unfortunate that I had given him blood has nothing on thei poisoning; he would have to go to the Medicine Man vouri hospital aim nc siiomu ceriaimy jne 'ethical" d'entist !'t for damages against me. " 'Avho is willins to to! One peculiar vu-tous case I recall was ' the limit to keep his! "ft of a graft f roiii being ex ment annonneed today. Keard Pendjivin in the OangsikhiTe- 'i Fourth avenue barber, into nuick. sore and only nleasant results! ,.f, r,.,,,, u:n ...Uvboso tooth socket one of the "ethical" from one or two little Dr. Edwards' - UK'utists placed arsenical fibre, after I Olive Tablets at bedtime. i 1 ,, ' . . . , ' . x. nd treated him. When I saw him he Thousands take one or two every' The tnfi 1,7 rKd on me in Ui)d a holo in lhc side of his face into night just to keep right. Try them. w ?lc u cnon8h- And Vaml uln.-n I could stick my fist. Before h' 10c aud 2Sc per box. All druggists. j thankful to say, they were vam. ' j ho visitod lnv famiiy physician end , , I In one year, .1304, they framed up j laid before him tie whole ilot. Had it gion an offensive by the Turks s,as re- against me mailpractice suits to the . not been for this fortunate circumstance pulsed.' i v .c. ; . tune of 1275,000. . jit would have goue hard with me, I hate I If I had boon wrong, you can seem, dcubt. Oennaus forced Back. , where I would have got oft". How vainl l'xhibit "A for the Medicine Men in Taris, April 2. South of the Ailetto that sort of campaisuing against me! their fight against "1'aiuless Parker" French forces today drove back Ger- proved is shown by the fact that tbey ' found a resting place ou a Morgue slab, man troops beyond Vanxhaillon, the of- never won one of those cases; most, of j thanks to the "ethics" of the einbat-; ficial statement declared. them they never tried to win; just filed ll.-l Dental Trust. Adv. "Our patrols found the lines in the these lawsuit for their "moral" effect regiott of !t. Qnentin strongly occupied npon the public. '.' '. TT. 1 c intinm.l ) by the eaeuiy," the war office reported. . ' .