Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 20, 1917, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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The Daily
: Capital Journal
A Quick, Handy Reference
for Busy People
Soap should he ud very rarefully.
if jrou want to keep your hair looking
it best. Most son s and prepared
shampoo contain too much alkali. This
dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle,
and ruins it.
The best thing for steady use i
just ordinary mulsii'ied rucoauiit oil
(which i pure mid greaseles!, and is
lietter than the most expensive soap
or anything .else you fan use.
it in. Jt makes an almndaiire of run,
oreniny lather, which rinse out easily,
removing every particle of dust, dirt,
dandruff and excessive oil. The hair
dries quickly end evenly, and it leaves
the scalp sott, and the hair fine and
silkv, bright, lustrous, flutfy and easy
to manage
Willamette Valley News
Monmouth News
(Capital Ji.urnal Spvigl Service.)
The room were prettily decorated with ! meinlxTa. of tat fatuity and sevtral.
scamroeks and spring floweis. Jolly prominent senior.
aame were played, Irish aoncs sung Mr. and Mrs. Bittick. Marie Bittick.
and kike told. Refreshment consisting! Haxel Bitnev, Ida Hendricks. IH-wev
Monmouth. Ore- Mar. Itt. A joint; of wndwiehe, pn-klea, fancy cake and j Bitney ami Raymond Lawrence motor-
' of the Vespertine ami Delphian i cwu wor' "'"'" plendid tune led to Donald batnrdav night in the lat
rv societies of the O. X. s. was ,jr b' Miss Hawley acted as; tor's ear, to attend the Hard Time
Good Old Uome-MaJi
Family Cough llemed j
Mark Better thaa h Htnifr
Ma Kln4 K.mUr ai
- Cavaatjr riiifc
meet in
heUl Saturday night iu the chapel
1 li ou can K "'ulsified eocoauut oil
J 11 at any pharmacy, its very cheap, and a
I 5 ! few ounces will supply every member
ijof the family for months.
Tclephont I
Washington, Mar. 20. The Tinted
EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL states government is preparing to rec-
Sulem Electric Co, Masonic Temple, 127 North High Main 120(',,gujw the new rule established by the
ri,umDinu, sxabi. nuiau AINU TXNJNIMO I Russia,, revolution, it was learned to-!"""
. ' bv toasi
If von combined th enratira proper
tiea of avrrf known "rwidymads" nuiHi
remedy, voii would hardly hv it tbent
all the curative power that lie in this
bail. i aimnle "hoste-nwde" eouuh avnip -which
Mrs. S.,T. Johnson and daughter, Ukea only few minute to prepare
Mm. Wagongiast, of I'ortUnd. went to 7 1? ,"t TS,.
Roseburg last week where she will vi.it ESftiffc ' !WJ&J
" ' " . . .. , . . - ; ill h 0trfct.ni aSIIU IIU nv aV l T ihis
sion of the inter -collocate oratoriffll "!-.... .i w ii wir , im. ' aramilated augar svrup. The total
contest held J here reeeutlv. A ,,iRIU1 W'H l le t'1 comply with the regum-l Mrs. B. Willwy left Thursday to L about 64 wnti and pives you full
ri.. and a vocal dnet were aiven aft-i"" OI wrpR,.v pmcuce. .nr. tiKinsi visit ner oatiunter in battle- (pint ol really oetter eouen arrup mre
me or two tea-poonfuls will cleanse pleasant feature of the eveuinK was the V " !K . .. nn"nal
hnir and s, alp thoronplilv. Wniply interestin,; account by l'rot'.d'ittman of , f18 "'""benip chanj
steu the hair with water and rub ; the excursion to Orvallis on the oeca- ,B.. oa!rt f"','r Jt Luen
. chawrone.
Ai'v. r-iKins, oi ine i urisiian ruurcn,
ted from
to the
Main IMS
T. Jf. Carr, 104 South Commercial street
' Salem Truck & Dray Co., corner State and Front streets Main 74
roa bent
Kul! KENT 2j acres, comfortable
house, good barn, chicken pens, good
soil. Ou good road, near Salem.
Ninre Deal Renltv Co., 208 U. B.
Hank bldg.
rologist, nervous and chronic diseas
es a specialty. 35 yrs. experience with
drugs, surgery aud druglcss melhods.
Examination free. 71il State St. Phone
Cic per 100 lbs. news paper and mas;
amines. Highest prices for hides and
pelts. A large stock of logan berry
and fence wire for less than half
"price. 1'lione SOS, 302 X. Commer
cial. 4-5
day, as soon ns the new Russian regime
definitely formulates itself, the I'nited
Mates will send greetings.
A. O. V. W. Protection I.oilKe Xo, 2,! TUI7 MIDITCTC
a. ';, 'ii T7"c , ',,!f, " mniuL.ij
.M. A.t ('. A. Vlbticrt, secivtuiv, Crown
I 'nii; store. ::SK Suite street.
street. i.. (. .Miisim, M. XV.; S, A
Mol'mldcu,- recnriler ; A. I.. limn u,
financier; If. H. lttiucfln, treasurer.
president; .Mrs. l.oii 'It I sou, secretary.
All cases of cruelty' or neglect of utua
nulimilH " should be reiiorted to the
secretiiry for investigutiou.
liegiilur eouclure fourth Krlday iu each
month at S o'clock p. in., in Masonic
Temple. Sojourning Sir Knights are
courteously invited to aieet with us.
Clim C. Mies, K. C. ; II. . Tliielseu.
recorder. . .
The following prices for fruits
and vegetables are those asked by
the wholesaler of the retailer, and
not what is paid to the producer.
All other prices are those paid tho
ptoducer. Corrections are made
'Ferry Sts. Full line nursery stock.
Italisur'priuio a specialty. Nursery lo
cated one mile east of penitentiary.
Address R. G, Salem, Ore. Thone 100
DR. O. L. SCOTT fJradante of Chiro
practic's Fountain Head, Darenport,
Iowa. If yon have tried everything
and got no relief, try Chiropractic
sninal adjustments and get well. Of
fice 40G-7-8 U. S. Rational Bank
building. Phone Main . 87. Residence,
: Main 82S-R. ,' ?
A. M. Clough morticians and funeral
directors. Latest modern methods
known to the profession employed.
439 Court St..-Main 120, Main 9888.
directors and undertakers, 252 North
High street. Day and night phone
proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all
Kinds removed on monthly contract!
at reasonable rates. Yard and cess
pools cleaned. Office phone Mais
2217. Resideuce. Main 2272.
Ill )l ISO COI'NCIL, No. 1, It. A S. M.
Stilted assembly first Monday in each
month. Masonic Temple. K. A. Marcus,
Thrice lllustriuuos Master; , tlleu, C
Niles. recorder. "'
Nothing new today is tinted in the
markets, and no quotations arc chang
ed. There seems to be little stronger
feeling in the potato market on ac
count ol inquiries from the east.
( nlifornia broccoli is now on
SAI.K.M ("OI'NCll, No. JliL'J Knights anil
1 llllit.M Itl' Mlll'llt'itC l Hilt a AVt.l'V ''till tlllll
4th Wednesday each ' month 'at Hurst! Oats, new
Hull. Visiting members arc invited to Barley, ton
uueiiu. r,. r. iMiuou. inlander, rco n,
14th Street.
Friday night nt 8 o'clock . in Ierby
lildg., Court and. High Sts. A. .1.
Sweinliilt, O. C. ; L. S. .Ceer, clerk,
5o7 Court street, l'lioue "iH.'i. '
lira n-
Shorts, per ton
Haj', cheat
Hay, vetch .....
l'ACIFig LOIKIE NO. 50, A. F. & A. M,
Stated communications third Friday
In each mouth at 7 :!to p. ui. Iu tbeUfhy, clover
. iii.iaiiiwc jenipic. iv. 11. iancy, -a, .u
Ernest II. Cliuate, secretary. :
It. X. A. ."Oregon Grape . Cump" No.
i:i(iO. meet every Thursday evening in
. Herb', and I.Wkr- iuild'mg,' t'purt and
High .streets; Mrs. Sylvia Scliaupp,
1M71 ''Market, oracle; Mrs. Melissa Per
sons, recorder, 12i0 North Commercial.
. .Phone 14:-itlM.
J i i"
ON Good Real Estate Security
Over Ladd & Bush bank, Salem, Oregon
Eastern Money at Lowest Rates, on
approved Security. Hbmer H. Smith,
Room 5, MeCornack Bldg., Salem, Or.
CHAS. B. HODGKIN General InsuT
ance, Surety Bonds, real estate and
rentals. Hubbard bldg. Phone 386. t
50 years experience.
Depot National and American fenc
Sizes 28 to 53 in. high.
Paints, oil and varnish, etc.
Loganberry and hop hooks.
Sdlem Fence and Stove Works, 25f
Court street. Phone 124.
Lv Salem Train No. Ar I'ortlnud
4:85 a ni ..... 2 Owl fi :."ij a m
7 ;1." a ni 0 !t :2j a m
! :4r am .... 10 Limited ... 11 ::" a m
11:20 a m ....... Vi 1:35 p m
1 :oU p to , 14 4 :(W p m
4 :0U p m .... Itt Limited .... 5 :iiO p m
i"i ::iu p m 20 7 :40 p m
7 :35 p m 22 10 :00 p ui
Portland to s.iij:.m
Lv Portland
G:3ii iii Salem 8:3. Eugene 10 :.)
8 : a m
10 :45 a m
2 :" p m .
4 :40 p m .
(i :tt"i p m
9 :20 p. in ,
11:45 i m .
Lv Corrallls
4 :10 p m ,
Lv lCugene
7 :;I5 a ui .
1 :55 p m .
5 :2. p m '
12 ;05 p m .
5 Limited
. . 13 Limited . .
... 11 Local ...
... 21 Owl
. . 20 ......
. . 10 Limited . .
. , 10 Limited . .
I.:.: '
.10:11- a m
12 :55 p m
, 4:15 pm
. G :40 p m
n :llt p Ul
11 :20 p ra
1 :35 p m
Ar Salem
5 :'M p m
Ar Snleiii
. :45 u m
. 4 :OD p m
7 :.io p m
. 4 :33 ii m
Kutterfat 39c.
('reamei'v butter, per pound 4()c
Country butter 3032c
Eggs aud poultry
Egs, trade
Eggs, cash .r.:.
Hens, pound
Roosters, old, per pound ....
Pork, Vel ana Mutton
Pork, on foot '. $12.5012.
Veal, according to quality.... ll(ti'12c
Lambs -
Wethers -
Tigs an Dates
Figs, 38 12-oz :
Black figs
White figs
Golden dates
Dromedary dates
er which" the soeiety adjourned to the
separate meeting places of the two so
cieties w here, each proceeded to carry
out their own program. The Yeer
lines gave a fairy play. "The Vrog
Fairy, " under the direction of Miss
tlriffin. a fairy hoop drill directed by
draco AW'her; after which came a so
rieR of delightful folk stories of the dif
ferent nations told by different mem
bers of the society in their own indi
vidual wny.iA flower dance and a flow
er fniry drill were beautifully done and
thoroughly enjoyed by everyone.
The lMpliisuis opened their program
with roll call which was responded to
ts complimentary to the various
lepartments of tho normal. The old folk
tale, "Snow White and Rose Red" was
dramatized under the direction of Aliss
llnlvorseu, a patriotic reading was giv
en by --Mios Medler and a "Fiske"
monologue given bv Miss Moench. The
impromptu speech on "The Teacher's
Home," by A'.iss Vtiekberg. was espe
cinlly interesting to would-be-teachers.
Miss Parrot, then gave her cjiitic 's ni.
port which eoiicluded the program.
Cit Huiwriutendent Tooze, of Ore
gon City, favored the nornuil with his
: presence; on i ridny and addressed the
i chapel asseiiibly on the subject of
.... . . . f, I.. ..... ... , ,' T ' .
coma i nases oi i-oucaiioii. . begin
ning with the priinntive teaching meth
ods of. -pioneer dava he told of the.
changes that have come ?bout all along
down to the present time, and dealt
with the various problems that confront
the teacJier of today'. .
Hchildkjet's . Hungarian orchestra
gave an entertainment here last Mon
day night to a large and appreciative
the ' audience-,- Tho flute solos and the .Hihi
gariau eynboluiii ,weie the nicest popular
numbers given.
Mr- John V. Benin's has been chosen
by the! committee from the board of
regents as architect for the construc
tion of the wing to be added to the
fc'Ml i nm ill hnlldiiir of the Hfil lM!)
$32 I , At a special meeting of the Coinmer
.. $SrlO cial club hold recently the national sit
$1011 imtion was discussed and resolutions
$10(tt)ll endorsing President Wilsoil and the
stand ho has .taken lor armed neutrality
were adopted tmd ordered sent to Wash
ington at oncA
Those in attendance t the Dallas
good roads nutetihg'last Tuesday even
ing from Monmouth were Messrs. Park
er, Ackermnn, Jones, Butler, Powell,
Morlau l.ightfoot, Boothby, Hamilton,
iiul Walker. ..Atthia nieeting the Polk
b ounty Uood Koad association was or
gatiizod with Dallaai- headquarters. It
was also learned here that Polk county
is not" in such financial straits us was
generally supposed.- According to the tf
judge there are sufficient funds to pay TT
its share tor I he building ot the bridge
Mrs. Plat tii and daughter, Mrs. eouhi buy ready-made for $2.50.
" George Knight, of Hubbard, were in Tt plewant and .ever .polls,
im m MuhinUe lias Pme and sugar syrup pi
14 OOUgtl
holds the rank of captain with the pay
of lieutenant.
Mr. Ham Work, who has been ra
for "Cncle Fob" Williams, was taken. Mrs. timer Hoff visited .silverton'l SL'WZJ2 IZL Li"7"" ZJTi
ill very suddenly Tuesday aud had to Thursday. - loosens tlie phlegm, to the pasty
be carried to his home. He is in very The Miss Ixira, Frances and Mildred throat tickle and heals the aora, irri-
serious condition and another stroke is Masters, of Portland, spent the week- taied membrane that Hue the throat,
end with friends in Woodburn. fJS 1W'S.1 I.JfaM.Sw
The two weeks' revival meeting held M. U Hendricks transacted bmWaiil&b
itt ( tixr v ui iri mil vim i ' ii irnuutti ill tii. . m inu'lll UUi"UQV,
... 45e
, 45c
....... 5e
accessions and 21 confessions of faith
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Judd, who have I
just returned from an extended visit in
Colorado, say they are glad to get back
again to "God's country" after the
severe cold winter in the Rockies.
Mrs. Fred Baker, of Willamette, is
here with her two children for an ex
tended visit with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Ike Freum.
Mrs. K. II. Siekafoosc has been en
joying a visit with her brother, Dr. 8.
A. Alulkey, of Central Point, Ore., who
spent several da here this week.
Clark Ilembree shipped a carload of
hogs to PortUtud one day this week.
Mrs. Riddell, Jr., haij been visiting
with friends in Hillsboio several days
this week.
Mrs. Matthis gave! a very pleasant
surprise party last Friday evening in
honor of the doctor's birthday. Refresh
ments were served nnd tho pvpnimrf
spent in games and social conversation.
lhe fc-vangelical people are planning
to build an addition to their church in
the near future.
The Bowman family had a reunion
Sunday at the home farm two miles
south of town, Gordon and his r ife ex
pect to -start for eastern Oregon on
Momluy, where he will farm."
(Capital Journal Special Servw-o.)"'
Woodbuin, Ore., Mar. 20 -Mrs. A, T.
Humphreys and little sons, Harold and
Veryl, are visiting at the home of the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.' M. L.
Hendricks. They are on their way to
join Mr. Humphreys in Baker, Ore.
Miss Hazel Bitney, of the Good Sa
maritan hospital, Portland, spent the
week-end at the home of her .parents,
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Bitney.
The junior class of the Woodliurn
high school gave the seniors a banquet
in the domestic science department last
Thursday evening. About CO, includ
ing the ;'faculty, sat down to a prettily
decorate table, Toasts were given by
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bonney entertain
ed Mrs. Merle Davis and ebildren, Mr.
and Mrs. J. Jt. W. Bonney Sunday.
Oscar Olson, of Salem, spent the
week with his parents, Mr. and Airs. M.
J. Olson.
Mrs. J. H. Collins entertained in hon
or of the b.isketball boys Friday even
ing. The feature of the evening was
an indoor traok meet. A delicious lunch
eon was served by the hostess assisted
by Mrs. Elmer Settlemier. Those en
.i""'nK the evening were: Misses Nell
Gibbons, Elizabeth Van Cordon, Jesnie
Hicksj Ida Hendricks, Olive Haskell,
Millie Branigar, Opa Broyles anil the
Messrs.. Bruce Sims, Raymond Dimick,
Elburn Win, Dewey Bitney, Harold Ol
son, Lee SitiHi. Floyd Rice and Doyle
Johnson and Mr. and Mr C. R. l.unl.-..
The senior play has beer, chosen ami
the parts assigned. "Deacon Dubba"
was selected.
.Mrs. Georgo Bonney went to Port
land last week to visit her granddaugh
ter. .Mrs. C. K. Moor.
Dr. C. E. Templcton mado a trip to
Portland Saturday.
Charles Ogle transacted business in
Salem Monday.
. j i. .. ,i i I, ... j
OrullMtrr cvuku aim iui uiunuHHn.
croup, whooping couirh and brouchial
asthma, there is nothing better.
Pinex ia a most valuable concentrated
compound of genuine Norway pine ex
tract, combined with guaiacol and ha
lieen used for geaerations to break up
aevere couch. -
To avoid disappointment, be aura t
ask your druggist for "2'i ounce of
Pinek" with full directions, and don't
accept anything else. A guarantee of
absolute satisfaction or money prompt
ly refunded, goes with this preparation,
lhe Pines Co., Ft Wayne, Ind.
ported to be doing nicely, , ,
Attorney llarrick spent Sunday, in
If. Hirshberg spent the week end in
A. B. Robinson and -wife of Dallas
spent Sunday here with relatives. ..
Mrs. R. Robinson went to Portland
Sunday "'for a few days.
MfK B. Johnson left for Oregon, f it jr
Saturday to visit relatives for a Jew
days. -
Mrs. B. F. Swope and daughter. Miss
Bessie Swope, were Salom visitors Sat
urday. Mr nnd Mrs .T B. Thompson of Al
bany are the guests of Moss Valker
" Sir, A. Conklin, of Eugene, spent for ft fpw days
Tueiidnv night--with his daughter. .Miss! Miss ale Hilterbrand
Evelyn' Conklin.' j spent Saturday here w.th 1,
Independence News
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Independence, Mar. 20. Mrs. Wm.
Button and daughter, Phalotna, of
Portland are spending a few days here.
Emma Hiukle of ('orvallis,
spent Sunday here with her mother,
Mrs. Hattie Hinkle.
Mr. and Mm. Grover Mattison of
Camas, Washington, arrived here the
last of the week to visit with relatives
for a few days.
Miss Pearle White of' Corvallis spent
the week end here with her mother. ;
Mrs. W. S. Kurree, who underwent
an operation one day last week at the
Willamette sanatorium in Salem, is re?
of Airlio
ier- parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Rilterbrand. .
' aui4uayijipuMipa
As aRule ourWa
DES. B. H. WHITE and R. W. WAL
TON Osteopathic fSysicians, and
narve specialists. Graduate of Amer
ican school of Osteopathy, Kirkaville.
Mo. Post graduate and specialized is
nerve diseases at Los Angeles college
Treat acute and chronic disea,sea
Consultation free. Lady attendant
Office 505-506 U. S. National Bank
building. Phone 859. Residence, 3
North Capital street. Phone 469
corner Commercial and Trade street!
' Bills payable monthly in advance.
gon Cedar Camp. No. 0240, meets every
Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Herby
Imildini;. corner Court and High streets,
J. F. Kay, V. C. ; J, A, Wright, Clerk,
SAI.K.M I.OIMIE Xo. 4, A. F. & A. M.
Stated communications first Friday in
each month at 7 :.'io n. m. In the Masonic
Temple. Fred A. Mclutire, W. -M. :
Si. Z. Sulver, secretary.
Ci:T!!AL LOIKiK. NO. 18, K. of P.
iierhy htiildlnir, every Tuesday evening
or each week nt 7 :.!. I.oyu 1. ltiicuoii.
. C. ; V . I!, (iilson. K of K aud S,
i:XITKI 'AttTISA-NS C.ipUal AssemUly
No. K4. nu'ers pyerr Thiirsdar at 8 p.
m., iu I. O. O. F. hall. A. A, Cneffro.v,
Lv Salem
1 :55 a m
10:15 a ni
Lv Salem
1 2 .55 p in
Lv Salem
4:15 P m
Lv Salem
li :45 p in
'. 21 Owl ..
5 Limited .
MOt'Ill no HMD
Ar Eugene
:5t) a m
12:25 p m
Ar Alhany
, . 7 . 1 :50 p m
Stops at Corv'alis
Ar Albany
, . 0 ....... . ! :10 p m
Ar Albany
a m
Ar Kugene
. 1.1 -. . 8 :3U p m
Lv Corvallis Ar Solem
8 :r, a m 10 :4. a m
12:12 p m 34 1 :45 II m
0;41 p ui Hi 4 :00 p ui
4 :lo p m 20 fi ::io p m
0 :1 p m 22 7 :u5 p m
sot rii nou.su
Lv Salem Ar Corvallis
10:13 a m 5 n : ni
4 :l"i p in 5 :ac p m
12:5." p ni ... ". 7 2 :2 p in
0:40 p m r 13 ... 3:00 p in
Salkm-Gkkr Link
Xo. 73 Arrives nt Salem f):).'i a ni
No. 70 Leaves Salem tt :50 a m
No. 75-r-Ar. Sulem (mixed) 2:00 p m
No. 74--Leave Salem '...3:05 p m
No connection south of (eer.
Sai.km, Falls Citi asd Westkrn :
Xo; nil Ly. Salem, motor .....7:00 a ui
Xo. l(i:i I.t. Salem, motor 9:45 a ra
No, 1G5 LV. Salem for Multnomah
and Airlle .1 :40 p m
No. 107 Lv. Kalem. motor ....4:00 p m
No. lllft Lv. Salem, motor ..
No. 2:t Way Fr't lv. Salem.
No; 102 Ar. Salem ... .
No. 104 Ar. Snlero
No. 100 Ar. Saleai
No. 108 Ar. Salem
No. 170 Ar. Salem
.. lie
.. 15e
Cabbage 4.y;!c
String garlic 710c
Potatoes, per 100 pounds ....2Vi(u.2U,e
Parsnips, carrots and beets $1.25
Green onions .. .. 40c
Artichokes : $1
Lettuce. California, erate ..$2.003.50
Onions 7Vec
Celery $1.10g1.25
Tamalo husks, lb lUe
Caumiower $2.50
Brussels sprouts 12c
Turnips - $2
Rhubarb, box $3
California broccoli $2.75
. rrults
Oranges, navels ,
Lemons, per box
Bananas, pound ....
California grape fruit
Florida grape iruit ?o,.av(gjo.ou
Pineapple . : Se
Honey , w $3.25
Cranberries - $8
Cocoanuts ,. $1.15
. . . ' $3.a()3.25
... $3.75(34.00
0:15 p m
.5 :II0 u m
8 :.1o a m
11 :Io a ia
.3:15 p ra
. 0 :00 p in
;7 :43 p m
No. 240 Way Fr't ar. Salem ...2:3o p in
Orcyon Vity Tru-naportoliim Cuniptifllt
I'.nats leave Salem for Portland Monday,
Wednesday and Friday at 11 n. m. : and
Tuesday, Thuimlny and Snturd;iy mornings
ar 0 a. m. For CorviUIis the boats leave
Salem Tuesday. Thursday nnd Saturday
evenings, at 8 o'clock, lioats leave Port
land lor Kalem at 0:45 each morning.
Retail Price
Creamery butter
Country butter
Kggs, dozen f
Sugar, cjrne ..
Sugar, beet
Flour, htrd wheat $2.10$2.40
Flour, valley $U902.05 1 nit,hv.
.... $8.45
Portland, Or., March 20. Wheat:
Club $1.07
Red Russian $1.02
Bluestem $1.72
Fortyfold $1.08
Oats, No. 1 white feed $37.25
Barley, feed $39
Hogs, best live $14.50
Prime steers $9.5ll(a 0.73
Fancv cows $8
Calves $10
Spring lambs $13 25
Butter, city creamery 3S(a39e
Fggs, selected local ex. 20(0 27e.
nons 1.1(3) 19c
Broilers 30c
Geese 12(a3c.
Why the Journal Is popular
It prints the -world's news to-
day while it'a news.
at Salem nnd to prepare the county, -ff
.....I j 1...H.. . .1 .1. Ar.,,.....,tl. ... iff
louu iiom juiiira luiuiin .iuiiiiiuuiii w
Independence for the hard surface, esti
mating the cost at $500 per mile.
The -principal subject discussed at tlie
council lneetiiigr-iTitegday night was
sulewnlks; about one mile of concrete
walks was ordered in to replace the old
bonrd walks that have become a men
ace to the well-being of pedestrians. A
resolution was adopted to widen the
walks on Main street, making them ex
tend to the curb. A two-year lease was
granted th.o Willamette' Valley 'Lumber
company for the use of the property
they occupy, end other business was at
tended to. ;
Mr. Ord, manager of Hoist Bros.' hop
ranch, gave the information to your
correspondent, that they had abandon
ed 300 acres ot hops this year, owing
to the poor outlook for future markets.
He says there is no market in London
and almost none in New. York. They
are preparing to raise other crops on
the ranch and already have 150 acres
of pears and prunes set alternately. It
looks as if the hop industry in Oregon
is a thing of the past as Horst Bros,
see the futility of continuing in the
business. Mr. Old became n member of
Monmouth grange at the last regular
meeting. -.
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Corn well have
adopted a three months old baby girl
and have named it Mary Louise. Mr.
Cornwall got the baby at the orphans
home in Portland, and asked no ques
tions about its parentage, believing
that, environment is the more import
Agate Rebeckah lodge, No.-177, gave
a delightful St. Patrick's party on
Thursday evening after a hurried busi
ness session, it being regulur lodge
An appropriate program of
Irish gongs and readings was given as
follows: "Tippotary," by all; Story
of St. Patrick, E.! B. Ostrom; song,
"I'm a Dude," Air. Webber: History
of St. Patric't, Mrs. Force; song, When
Irish Lves Are Mailing, by all; humor
ous reading, Maggie Butler; song, with
guitar accompaniment, Mr. Hressler:
song, "Biddy McGee, " Mr. Ostrom; at
the eouclusion of these numbers the
"Virginia Reel" was danced by eight
couples in costume, after which dancing
was enjoyed to a late hour.
Co-operation is in the air in the visin-
ity of Monmouth; tho cooperative
creamerv which has been operating
about a vear has been a success and is
an inspiration to have more such enter
prises. Now a co-operative warehouse
is beinn considered and a meeting is
scheduled for next Saturday, the 24th,
fime it is expected the question will be
thoroughly discussed and some definite
action taken, Air. t C. .Meyer, presi
Successors to Mfckenhnm k Co. dent of the mnitniicid co-operative
rri. i,i,.L ,i. t, I warehouse, will be the principal speak
eggs, poultry, veal, hogs and i in the Norm theatre, building, at which
lit.io. iicr- A co-operative company will prob'
rtn fnti. nert 3 .lava 17e 4 ably be organized tobuy out the Ore-
h;,w ir tn one I son Milling and Warehouse company
160 S, Hlgn . Thone 10 : now operating here, or to erect new I
Munitions auequnie ior rue necus oi me
, to,, ...... .......
Sunshine farm was the sccno of a
merry Ht. Patrick's party Saturday ev-
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Nothing adds so much to the spirit of home as a rich,
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