Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 17, 1917, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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SATURDAY, MAR. 17, 1917. ,
Ufa Mbhi Ifdiira'ai,
"Druckcr Trunks" "Salem's Big Department Store' "Lilly Cases and Bags
Over 36 Years of Successful Merchandising in Salem !
X IT. " R',
flf . "J:
X Keep your money at home and keep building up this community; ::
patronize jour home merchant, 'give him the encouragement to enlarge
t his stocks and thus be in a position to serve you better, 'Bring .Your
I Wants To Us. We guarantee to give you value and save you money as ::
our mercnanaise is sianaaras ana soia ai lowest, puces vuuaiateiu wau
uood uoods.
"'l natvutin ritmfl Pimm tr ii'miniv Itm nioorc?
A kauiam sriurib arum ur nuiuuia ami bumu
New Coats, New Suits, New
Dresses, New Skirts
and Waists -
Smart styles are in profusion here. Wool velours,
Jersey and Gabardines are popular fabricspleats and
panels are much in evidence. The dainty style touches ju Delineator
and colored effects will please all women who admire the
best in fashions. Models to suit all tastes and a wide ls ready now! Set
range of prices. "Let Salem's Style Store Suit You." your copy afe the pat
Watch our window displays for the Season's new things, tern counter.
Worth while savings on dependable Merchandise for all who take advantage of these special offerings at
Bleyers. Some of these specials are for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday; others will continue and
may end without notice. It will pay you to investigate these big values.
New Lining Poplin 36-inch, up to $1.50, Monday, Pear's Unscented Soap, Meyers price. . . 2c a Cake
Tuesday and Wednesday . . . ...... . . . . 98c Yard T " : 7 T
.. . ' '' ' Silk Thread, black, white and colors, Meyers
Sn?pJaftenJers' black or whitf' Monday T,Ic1sda" price ......... 3 Spools for 10c: 35c a dozen Spools
and Wednesday .................... ..5C dozen ; 2-
- r TT TT TT" $1-25 Embroidery and Laceffrimmed Muslin Gowns,
Coat's Spool Cotton, Meyers price . .7 Spools for 25c low neck, short sleeves, Monday, Tuesday and
Cotton Ratts, pure white cotton, 10 ounces, Mon- Wednesday 7gc ach
day, Tuesday and Wednesday ......... . $c Each Broken Line Mens Initial Handkerchiefs, colored
35c Linen Crash Toweling, 17-inch, Monday, Tues- initial, fine soft flaxette, Monday, Tuesday and
day and Wednesday .................. 23c a Yard Wednesday . . . . V. . . . . ............... . . . 2 for 25c
50c Mentholatum, Meyers priceextra spl. 39c a jar 75tEmbroidered Linen Crash Cushion .Covers,
, A, . 7 TZ ITT oblong shape, fringed ends, big value, Monday,
50c Pebeco Tooth Paste, best for the teeth, Meyers f F ' on .
price .7............ 33C Tuesday and Wednesday , ............. , 39c Each
25c Mcnnen's Borated Talcum Powder, Meyers Ready made Scrim Curtains (ecru only) $1.25
price ..... ... ................ 1 .. . ............ 15c Curtains , ggc par
Palm Olive Soap, a fine grade skin Soap, Meyers Lace edge and insertion, 2 3-8 yards long, $1.50
price 2 f or 15c Curtains, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday J9 Pair
All -Around Tovn
I mm events :
March 17. Company 21 jitney
dance at armory,
March IS. Governor Withy-
combe snd Mayor Key? at
ConfrregBtioual church patri-
otic services, 7:30 p. m.
March 19. Meetings of City
March 23. Lecture on Constan-
tinople by Dr. Douey, Salvia
. public library.
March 23. Lecture on Palestine
by Dr. Doney, Salem public
April 14. Marion County Odd
IlloW', convention.
jjc 9c ft jC jt 3G 3C 5C JC 9l $t 3C St
Spring's ne-cst Sport Skirtings in
silks, wool and cottons, beautiful stripe
and figured effects in artistic colorings;
Plan your spring and summer gar
ments now buy the materials while
assortments are at their best , sport
Skirtings and Suitings in wool $3.50
a yard. Sport Skirtings and Suiting in
Silk $1.19, $1.50, $1.75, $1.89, $2.00,
$2.50. Sport Skirtings and Suitings in
cotton 39c, 59c, 75c.
This new stock has just been
opened shows the pinch back
model and new three piece belt?
Tweeds, cassimeres," cheviots
and home spun are popular fab
rics and the patterns will please
the parents and the boys.
We take particular care in out
fitting young Americans.
Suits price range " ,..
$5.00 to $12.50
An excellent assortment of
flew Embroideries and Laces
Select from this stock for
Spring and Summer Gar
it ments and you get the best.
b -
Br. B. X Beechler, dentist, located
3-4 mile north o the fair greumls. Port
land road. Owing to no office eipense
prices reasonable. 3 21
HalTorseu Sl Burns axe busy today
unloading a car of Maxwell cars after
a delay of aevernl weeks on account of
the p-eat demand for the car and the
tailway ear shortage.
Salem 'a Pride the snicker's joy-
Sold in all cigar stores La Corona, gen
erously good 10c ' tf
During dull season suits pressed 50c.
Cleaned and pressed $1.00. Modern
(Jleanets, 1'ncne 3oo. 400 court street.
' e
Rehearsals are progressing for pro
duction of "Get. Rie-h Quiek Walling
ford," by the Elk lodge under the di
rection of James Mott. The piny is one
of the strongest and most dramatic
plays that Jlr. Mott has produced in the
eity. It will be given during tho first
week of Apm. r
Dr. L. A. Bowman, dentist, room 504
O. 8. Bank bldg.. 3-23
"Promptness and neatness in watch
repairing." Pomeroy and Wallace, 125
Commercial. tf
A reception to the 45 new members of
the Friends Highland church will be
given next Wednesday evening at the
home of J. E. Hockctt. A committee
has been appointed to arrange for 4he
reception and nvening'g program.
You can bny goods at our auction at
less than wholesale price. E. h. Stiff
& Son. 3-17
CoL E. O. Snider, "The whirlwind
auctioneer'? in charge of the auction
every Saturday at 341 N. Commercial
- 3-17
The river has been gradually fall
ing for the past eight days and this
morning the gauge read 3.7 'feet above
the low water mark. Ihe range ot tem
perature yesterday was from 54 to 34-
You can buy goods at your own
price every Saturday at 341 N. Com
mercial, o-ii
Free souvenirs for the ladies at E.
L. Stiff & Son 's auction, 341 N. Com
mercial. Every Saturday at 1:30 p. m.
. 3-17
Tim poster for the C adman recital
at the ouera hou lt nigh were made
by the pupils of the art class in the
high iwhool The one shown at The
so caught the fany of Jlr. Cadman
that he -rill hv an advertising cut
made of it to be used in muskal publications.
S. H. Snyder, rentals, successor to I.
Bcchtel k Co., 341 State St. Thone 452
. ;. o '
Picture Framing at prices below the
regular value. Hamilton's, 340 Court
Three fatal accidents were reporusd
to the State Industrial Accident com
mission during the rast week. The fa
talities were Rubin MeKinney, coif-
struction, Portland: Thomas J. Rich
ards, ship building, Portland: Frank
Meeker, locaing, Bull Kun. VI the to
tal of 2S5 accidents, 231 came under the
provisions of the compensation act.
Many an hour s conuort in a good
pair of glasses, il fitted by Gardner
& Keene.
Mr. and Mrs. 6. E, f erwilliger, grad
uate morticians and llineral directors.
770 Chemekcta. Pbone 724.
A letter was received by the local re
cruiting officer in Salem from Selba L.
Suell of Troop B, First cavalry, sta:
tioned at Calcxiti Cal. He writes:
"The army is a fine place aud I intend
to put in one more enlistment after this
one. This is a fine climate down here,
and I am having the tiiue of my life.
Tho cavalry is one of the best branches
in the serviee and l am glad that I have
Dr. If. 6. Altman, homeopathist, 296
Jf. Liberty.
. o ' -
Get prices on dishes, electric lamps
and glassware. Hamilton 's, 340 Court
Judge Bingham was in conference
this morning with the Park commit
tee of the city council explaining the
conditions of the gift of the Bush pas
ture to' Mm e.'ty. After talk hi); over
the provisions and details of the condi
tions of the aii't, the committee decid
ed to take up the matter of acceptance
at another meeting to be held in the
near future- On thiscommitteo who
have the acceptance or refusal of the
gift are Charles. H. Jones, chairman;
Frank S. Ward and Lloyd T. Rigdon.
If you wear glasses or
need to wear classes ask:
us about KRYPTOKS.
KRYPTOK Glasses are for"
everyone who needs double
vision lenses. 1 hey enable
you to see both near and far
objects clearly without re
moving or changing your
glasses from morning to
KRYPTOKS (pronounced
Crip-tocks) are the only"
double vision glasses with
clear, smooth, even surfaces
-free from seam or hump.
'The old P1KRYPT0KV
I Bifocal f." Bifocal I r
v i 4 ,,.'(- -'it'.',;! -i ,j;r,
an,-, i.i m ' ii ii --'T-- -
109-210-211 United States
'National Bank Building
Phone 110
Household ..Furniture. Woodry
& Oreer, the auctioneers, will
pay highest cash prices for same.
Phones 511 and 224.
T' '
T '
4 '
S. G. Price, of Black Rock, is a visit
or in Salem.
Attorney Ivan O. .Martin went to
Portland this morning. .
O. M. Stites, of Portland, was In the
ity yesterday, the guest of Dr. M. C,
COO Candle Power SG.50
J, '-v ?wttti Lain v1. ww (?Prtl
f ' Y tiwd M CtUI r Iwnii'tnK Un
fc..r--sJ you WANT TH!3 LIGHT
' Jk ' nuoitwUwi.tMUm.um.iimtintk
C. A. llaight, of Parker, in iu the
C. S. Graves is in the eity from Dallas-Mrs.
0. J. Bngley, of Suvrr, is iu the
ill's. S. M. Burch, of Albany, is iu
the city.
Miss M. llohan iv in the city from
. Mrs. Ld O. Kelson is iu the city from
Sllverton. , :
Mrs. F. M. Martin left this morning
for Clatskauie, where sh will nrake her
home. ' ' '
Dr. Hay Pomeroy and wife, of Port
land, are in the city tor an over Hun
day visit. .
Frank Davey, for many years prom
inent in the politics of the state, and
a former newspaper man, was the
principal speaker at an entertainment
given liift uii'.lit in the parish hall by
the Parish Debt' society of M. Mark's
iect was, , 'rt. Patrick 's 1'lauting: Its
Fruits." The large audience was de-j
lighted with the address. Eugene Re
nder. ,'.
Use Journal classified ads
Alcaear Banges ax just the thing
for summer and winter use. Cool' in
summer and warm in winter Hamil
ton g store.
vivu i sway mij Utvw)
(Formerly Hotel Keith)
439 SUrto-et -Phone
Eoetns 60c to UXd a Cajr
PY-.t-rtar- IfatM by the Wek
BitS. M. M. IiAY, froprlotcr
E. Voursen, of Simpson, Kansas, is in
the city, just looking the country over.
Mr. Voursen is a large land owner in
Kansas, but now that he is about to re
tire from active work, is desirous of
picking out the garden spot of the 17.
S. in which to live- Hence he came to
the Willamette valley.
o '
Auction- every, Saturday, rain or
shine. 341 N. Commercial. 3-17
r O
We guarantee every article sold at
auction or any other time. E. L. Stiff
& Son. ' 3-17
o "
Every member of Company M. and
every former member is expected to be
in attendance at the First Congreca
tional church Sunday evening' for the
big patriotic meeting that will be held
there at that time. Rev. Elvin is
planning some fine special music, Gov
ernor v ltnyeoniDe win speaK ana aiso
Mayor Keyes. In addition there will
be some war f iim,s show n.
.r O
Auto for liire, day and night service
country trips a specialty, Day Phone
947: nicht 63. W. McrJlioy. J-vt
"Boosting the other fellow" Uni
tarian church Sunday at 11. 3-17
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Grady, of Port
land will appear in (special dances at th
Klks' ladies' social to be given at the
Klk lodge on the evening of luesday,
March 27. E. Cooke Patton, who is in
charge, announces that other headliner
specialties have been secured, every
one of them, equal to anything appear
ing on the Orpheum circuitf
4 ' Boosting the other fellow" Uni
tarian "church Sunday at 11. 3-li
"Boosting theother f ellow ' Uni
tafian church Sunday at 11. 3-17
o '
Of course this being St. Patrick's
day, green is quite au fait and green
ties and green carnations are muchly
in evidence. For the benefit of those
who are not quite up in their botanical
ctudies, it may be said that green car
nations are grown only on the 17th of
March. Carl F. Huef had on display a
large cluster produced by ehemical-ac
tiou from the white.
Second hand bicycles and motor.
yele-s at remarkably low prices. Watt
6hipp Co.
, o ' '
Do you throw your old tires away1?
We can turn them into dollars. Watt
Phipp Co.
' . 0 , t -
Ouce in a whil a young man la so
r1ca.sed with the conditions of army life
that he cannot keep from writing the
recruiting officer and telliug-about it,!
Dr. Stone's Drugi Store for trusses. J
The postmasters in all. parts of the
country have received instructions from
tho postmaster general at Washington
to at once report an overt act iu case
there is a general railroad strike. In
structions aro given to ut onep report
to the U. S. district attorney who will
co-operate with the district attorney.
Postmasters are also instructed to keep
the ' government authorities fully ad
vised as to local conditions and nf nnv
interference with the-government mail,
in case there ia a strike.
See the Mahogany bedroom furni
ture -in our north window. Hamilton's
340 Court St.
The band committee of the city coun
cil would like some frank expressions as
to whether the people want vocal music
along with their band concerts or
whether they would prefer to havcrfess
vocal and more band playing. There
is some "doubt in the minds of the com
mittee as to how the public stands, and
Charles H. Jones, Frank S. Ward and
Lloyd T. Kigdqn who are on the com
mittee, invite expression? of opinion
eitner through tie newspapers or per
sonally. ' . . o- '-.
Opal Ranges the heaviest and best
built range for the pike. Guaranteed
fifteen years. Hamilton's, 340 Court
t.. - . '
o '
Dr. Stone makes no charge for con
sultation, examination or prescription.
f The funeral of former Governor Z.
F. Moody was held this morning at
10:30 o'clock from the family home, 825
Court street. The services were eon
ducted by the Eev. Carl H. Elliott of
the First Presbyterian church. A quar
tette choir composed of Miss Alice
Judd, Miss I.ucile Barton, Albert Gitle
and Chas. Koth, sang by request.
"Nearer My God to Thee," and
"Abide With Thee." The active pall
bearers were Judge A. Lake and Fred
W. Wilson of The Dalles; C. B. Moores
and Harry Hogue oil Portland, and Dr.
W. H. Byrd and lenry WS-Meyers of
Salem. Burial was in the City View
cemetery in the family lot.
. i o .
Terwilliger Funeral Home (Cottage
"Undertaking Parlors) residence parlors
homelike. Lady embalmer. Phone 724.
o '
Dr. B.Meurio Eoberts, osteopathic
physician, 309 Masonic, bldg. Phone 409
Used Furniture Wanted
Highest 'sh prices paid for
used furniture.
Phone 941 or 508.
CAR? oj
aw KiriD
Any time
Special rates on country trips and to
State Institutions. Office Bligh Hotel.
Dregless Physician
. Superintendent Hydro-EIcctro
Therapeutic Institute
202 to 206 Masonic Temple
Phone 1182.
Hours 9 to 57 to 9
When in SALEM, OREGON, stop at
Strictly Modern
Freo and Private Baths
BATES73c, $1.00, $1.50 PER DAY
The only hotel in .the business district.
Nearest to all Depots, Theatres and
Capitol Buildings.
A Home Away From Home :
T. G. BLIGH, Prop.
Both Phones. Free Auto Bus
Boom moulding, regular 4c and 5c
moulding, 1c per foot. Hamilton a.
The executive committee of the state
teachers' association is in session in th
office of Mtate Superintendent of PuU
lic Instruction Churchirk, and educa
tional ' problems are under discussion.
Committees for the meeting of tho stato
association next December are to be ap
pointed and the work outlined. Seven
members out of nine are present at t.I.e
Optometry Means Eye Service
You insure your home or your auto,
or anything else that you value. Why
not insure your eyesight! WitlioSit it
all else is of little worth. Bo why not
guard against its loss or injury!
PROPERLY FITTED GLASSES are the best insurance ylm can give
your eyes. Come in and let us examine them NOW.
t Miss A. McCulloch, Optometrist t
t 208-9 Hubbard Bldg. ' Phone 109 t