Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 15, 1917, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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'Salem's Big Department Store"
Meyers Can Save You Money
Here are some big value specials for Tomorrow
and Saturday.
Women's "Merode" Union Suits
While, cotton ribbed, light weight for spring nl summer; high
neck, elbow sleeves, light knee; tl-00 seller. Thursday, 1'riditv
ud Saturday
" 59c a Suit
Women's "Mcrodo" Union Suit! A sale of pink or blue Enameled
lixle woven, ribbed cotton. i-,
spring weight,' high, neck, long Garment Hanger., for gown.,
eleeve, ankle Iwigth $1.00 and dresses, waited, skirts. Big value.
U.25 sellers. Thursday, Friday Thursday, Priday and IT
Saturday 67C a Sujt 8 I0C
A Black Taffeta Special, 32 inch A sale of Black Mcssaline Silk,
black taffeta silk of fine texture 36 inch Mcssaline in a rich, luv
a "quality" article. Thursday. rou' Jfe-sclls n many stores
i .j , at $1.50. Thursday, Friday and
89c a Yard l.J1.09 a Yard
K .Sale of Ribbons at J 9c a Yard. A worthy sale of Sheet at 89c.
hon.i-,l?.0,,Prtt3r Bi!ik Biib' 1Iore,i clanca t0 s"ve on a
none in plam colors and also . ... , ,
floral patterns, Maize, etc., household need well made, ex
widths up to 6 inches. Thursday , lunt 9imlity Sheets nice wide
Friday and 1ft V J kems' fu" 81x90 size' CQ
Saturday IVC H IZTA Tll"-. Fri.Sat 030
A Clearance of Women's Dainty A Tbree-day offering of Men's
and Women's Tweed and Kuick-
Neckwear. Thursday, Friday erbockor Cloth Hats. Popular
BIll1 , styles, in greys, browns, plaids
a AQp Faph aild mixtures. Thursday,
Saturday w l4a'u Friday and Saturday, fri or
up to ?2.0fr sellers 9 l.OO
A sale of Silk Dresses-Taffeta, Special Price on New Stock of
Crepe de Chino and combination n:. - i m.
ff,... . a ii , , Dainty Envelope Chemise. Lace
effects; most desirable styles,
selling to $23.00. Thursday, Fri- an embroidery triuinicd. Extra
fa? ud jr nr special for Thursdav, Fri- ftr
wrtw - ylo.VD oay and S8tur(lar ; VDC
Ed Hamel was in the city yesterday
from Libert. . ...
W. W. Tait, of Corvallis, is registered
at the Bligh.
H. W. Stratton, of Albany, was in the
city yesterday.
J. C. Powell, of Waterloo, was in the
city Wednesday.
H. F. Fox, of Olmpia, was registered
et the Capital hotel yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Downing, of
Sublimity, were Hnlem visitors yester
day. The Beet Recommendation
Tuo strongest recommendation any
article may receive is a favorable word
from the user. It is the recommenda
tions of those who have used it that
iikv1.ps Chamberlain's Cough Remedy so
popular. Mrs. Amanda Gierhart, Waynes
viHe, Ohio, writes, "Chainberluin 'g
Cough Remedy has been in my family
off and on for twenty years and it h.s
never failed to enre a cough or cold."
Obtainable everywhere
I"" " "
A .firf a m V-T ;"
Just received by express large shipment of
Latest novelties in Oriental Goods suitable for
Sport Suits and Dresses for all occasioons. Moder
ately priced at
aie Lomoan v
Commercial and Court Sts.
cooaa n
Governor Withycombe went to Cor
vallis this morning on the Oregon Elec
Elbert Thompson is in Stayton today
looking after the Hudson automobile
Mrs. Cora Rickabaugh and son, Bil
lie, are home from a visit of several
months at Sacramento, Cal.
Mrs- Fred ldtlings left this morning
for Mapleton, Iowa, and other cities
where she will visit relatives.
Mrs. E. B. Lethburn and daughter
left this morning on the Oregon Electric
for Wcnatcheo, Wash., where they will
make their homo.
Judge P. H. D'Arey is in Albany to
attend a session of the Elks' lodge this
evening iu hia official capacity as dep
uty district deputy.
C. J. Nichols, accompanied by his
wife, daughter and son, left this morn
ing for his former home in Mitchell, 8.
D. About a year ago Mr. Nichols
bought the Sperling grocery on North
Commercial stroet.
The following Salem citizens were in
Portland yesterday: A. H. Lea, regist
tered at the Imperial; Mr. and Mrs. J.
D. Matthews, at tho Seward; Mr. and
Mrs. M. O. Welch, at the Cornelius; W.
L. West, at tho Portland.
Formerly Chicago Store
All Around Town
March 1516. Albany
school orchestra at
March 17. Company M jitney
dance at armory.
March 23. Lecture on Palestine
by Dr. Doney, Salem public
April 14. Marion County Odd
Fellows ' convention.
Dr. 9. X. Beechler, dentist, located
3-4 mile north of the fair grounds, Port
land road. Owing to no office expense
prices reasonable. 3 21
i Bert Rue was found guilty of assault
and battery on the person of H. B.
Skagen, of Silverton, in the justice
court today. He was fined $20 and
Salem's Prld.e the smoker 'i joy
Sold tn all cigar stores La Corona, gen
erously good 10c. tf
During dull season suits pressed 50c.
Cleaned and pressed $1.00. Modern
Cleaners, Phone 360. 466 Court street,
The Woman's Auxiliary of St. Paul's;
church will meet Friday afternoon at
2:30 o'clock at the homo of Mrs. Ed
Weller, 105 North Seventeenth street.
Members who have mite boxes are re
quested to bring them to this meeting.
Dr. L. A. Bowman dentist, room 504
D. S. Bank bldg. 3-23
' 'Promptness and neatness In watch
repairing." Pomeroy and Wallace, 125
Commercial. tf
J. P. Alexander, who has been with
the Misner garage for the past year,
left thiH morning for Eugene, where he
will represent Vick Bros-, as agent for
tho Hudson.
You can buy goods at our auction at
less than wholesale price. E. L. Stiff
& Son. 3-17
Col E. G. Snider, "The whirlwind
auctioneer" in charge of the auction
every Saturday at 341 N. Commercial-
As one of its series of lectures to help
Sunday school teachers, Mrs. Danunhow
er, of Portland, will deliver a lecture
at the Presbyterian church Friday ev
ening. She is superintendent of the
teeu age work of the state Sunday
school association. Her subject for Fri
day evening will be "The Teachers'
Three R's.'"
You, can buy goods at your own
prico every Saturday at 341 N. Com
mercial. 9 3-17
Free souvenirs for the ladies at E.
L. Stiff & Son's auction, 341 N. Com
mercial. Every Saturday at 1:30 p. m.
The month of March will go on the
records as a remarkably dry one unless
there is twico as much rain tho next
two weeks as lias fallen during the first
half of the month. So far the total
precipitation for the month lias, been
only 1.40 inches. The river is falling
with a gauge today of 4.5 feet and the
range of temperature yesterday was
from 47 to 29.
Auction every Saturday, rain or
shine, 341 N. Commercial. 3-17
We guarantee erery article sold at
I auction or any other time. E. L. Stiff
& Son. 3-17
Kenneth Irwin, age about 15, years,
yesterday stopped to play ball, and
placed his coat and a sack confining pa
pers on an automobile standing near
the curb. When he returned from his
gijine, ho found coat, sack and automo
bile gone. He was coat less, end sackles
He reported I he matter to the police.
However, ho does not think tke coat
was taken intentionally. He lives at 212
South Cottage and would like to get his
coat back.
W. O. W. Big box social and dance
Derby building, Friday March 10. Pub
lic invited. , 3-15
Many an hour's comiort in a good
rir of glasses, if fitted by Gardner
Z. J. Riggs, druggist, cut a corner
yesterday just as a police officer was
looking, and as a result ho was arrested,
and cited to appear in tho police -ourt
this morning. He pleaded guilty to tho
charge and paid the sum of $10 into
the city treasury for taking tho short
cut. As lie parted with the ten dollars,
he thought of the many, many gallons
of gasoline about 50 that he could
have bought. But then
Auto for hire, day and night service
country trips a specialty, Day Phone
947; night 0;iS. C. tt. McEIroy. 3-21
Dance at Ryan hall Sat. Everybody
welcome. 3-15
Notices that chickens are running
loose contrary to the ordinances of the
city of Salem are being sent out to va
rious chicken owners by the chief of
police. When complaints are sent iu
to the police department that chick
ens are running loose, these notices are
Sign of Good Digestion
When you see a cheerful aud happy
old lady you may know that she lia's
good digestion. If your digestion is im
paired or if you do not relish your
meals take a dose of Chamberlain 's
Tablets. They strengthen the stomach,
improve digestion and cause a gentle
movement of the bowels. Obtainable
sent to the owners of the offending
birds and unless the fowls are corralled
the owner will be haled tnto the police
court for a fine, and a fine time there
will be.
i Artisans attention Initiation to
Special meeting of Pacific
Lodge No. 50, A. F. k A. M.,
this evening. Work in the"il.
M. degree. Visiting brethren
Artisans attention Initiation to
night. Ben Olcott, secretary of state, will be
one of the L'uited Artisans after this
evening, as tonight he is scheduled for
initiation, along with several others.
Artisans attention Initiation to
il ight.
....The social and banquet announced
for Friday evening of this week at the
Vnitarian church has been postponed
until next Friday, March 23.
Judge P. H. D'Arcy went to Albany
this morning to attend a session of the
Albany lodge, No. 359, B. P. (). E. The
judge will preside over the session to
night in his official capacity as dis
trict deputy grand exalted ruler. In
his honor, a banquet will be given at
the Albany hotel.
Private Dancing Lesons taught hy
Priscilla Fleming. P. 0- box 3.05,
The beautiful Steinway grand which
will be used Friday at the Cadman
Tsinnina concert is loaned bv courtesy
of Mrs- H. M. Hofer.
1 o
In the days of not so long ago, the
automobile ajtnt had to get out and
hustle for business. Now this is all
changed. Tha man who wants to buy a
Ford has to do, the hustling. Deliveries
are slow on account of the ear short
age. However, a carload came in this
morning and Vick Bios, apportioned
five of the cars as follows: W. D.
Darling, rural route No. 8; S. A. Mc
Call, rural route No. 8; C. J. Cook, city;
Ben West, city; Fred West, city.
The Unitarian Alliance will meet
with Mrs. Arthur H. Moore, 1010 Les
lie St. on Friday afternoon.
-i o
The active pall bearers for the fu
neral of former Governor Z. F. Moody
Saturday morning are Judge A. Lake,
of The Dalles; Fred W. Wilson, of The
Dalles; C. B. Moores, of Portland; Har
ry Hogue, of" Portland; Dr. W. H.
Byrd, of Salem,, and Henry W. Meyers,
of Salem- The honorary pall bearers
are Governor Withycombe, 'former Gov
ernor T. T.1 Ceor, former Governor Os
wald West, Chief Justice Thomas A.
McBride, Justice Frank A. Moore and
Justice George H. Burnett.
Dr. Stone's Drug Store makes free
delivery. Phone 35.
The expert marksmen of the Salem
Rifle club are doing their bit towards
putting Salem on tho map as the thou
sands of members of the organization
known as the National Rifle Club asso
ciation each week read that tho Salem,
Ore., Rifle club ls leading in its class
and scoring higher than several of the
clubs of larger cities in the east. Last
evening the scores were as follows:
Fred Day, ISO; H. V. Doe, 180; A. B.
Poole, 17S; Bert Whorley, 177; Fred J.
Rosenberg, 1V4; Frank Mapes, 171;
George Keuscher, 107; J. C- Mullen,
Hill; C. W. Elgin, 155.
Cadman-Tsianina concert, seats are
selling fast only a few left. Gallery
seats on sale unreserved at 50 cents.
Many sold Wednesday. Only onough
tickets to seat the gallery comfortably
will bo sold. Concert 8 o'clock.
Women are now eligible for member
ship in the "Forty-five Efficiency"
club. The object of the club is to pro
mote gooa ieuowsiup among the people i
o,t balem and help provido work for
all and to also help the man that is out,
to get. a job- The next meeting will be
held Friday evening at the auditorium
of the Salem public library at 7:30
o'clock. Since the "Forty-five" clubs
have been organized, hundreds of men
more than 45 years old havo secured
employment in the larger cities and the
movement is receiving support in all
parts of the country.
Cadman-Tsianina Concert at 8 p. m.
Friday. The Grand.
J. E. Adams, who is in charge of the
navy recruiting station in Salem, with
quarters in the posto'ffiee building, re
ports that recruiting for the navy shows
a net gain of 2.080 for the 28- days of
February, the greatest gain that has
been made in anv month sinco the
fpnnish-American war. There has been!
a gratifying increase in recruiting, es
pecially in the southern states. There
are now 217 navy recruiting stations in
the country. There are 22,022 vacancies
in the allowed complement of the navy.
Now-a-days, if the young man who en
lists in the navy is ambitious, lie is giv
en ample opportunity for study and ad
"The Cookery" ls the latest In Salem
to help the good housekeepers who
haven't time or inclination to do thoir
own cooking or who need specialties
for any occasion- Mrs. Chas. E. Bier
and Mrs. M. H. Farrar have opened a
home cooking establishment at 307
North Liberty street at the Bier home.
They have remodeled the residence and
will have their formal opening next Sat.
urday. Mrs. Bier has lived in Salem
nearly all her life. At the opening
Saturday everJ-oiie is invited to at
tend, especially the ladies who will ap
preciate the advantages of securing
their fancy and staple cooking that is
really home made.
Cambridge, Mass., Mar 15.
Legs, even men ' legs, are t ill
a shock to Boston. When the
Harvard Hasty Pudding club
applied for permisMon to have
some of its actors at the home
talent show next mouth, dance a
bare-legged back to nature af-
fair, Censor John McCasey put
his foot down on their legs, as it
"Men' legs, or women's
legs," said he, "it make no
difference. Bare legs are shock-
ing, unless as part of a bagpipe
player. As women ' legs, men '
legs cannot appear. "
Hauser Bros. Collection
of Arms Interesting
For variety and period of time rep
resented, theollection of antique fire
arms which has been the cynosure of
all eyes in the Hauser Bros, store win
dow for several days, is unique in its
way. The Hauser Bros, have been in
the sporting goods business in Salem.
Albany and Eugene for several years,
and during this time only have suc
ceeded in bringing together a collec
tion of firearms which is probably the
largest private collection in Oregon.
There are pistols, revolvers, guns ami
knives ami the exhibit lias had a
crowd of admiring and interested spec
tators all this week. Have a look.
Washington, March 15. Dr.
Cary T. Grayson, passed assist-
ant surgeon of the navy and
President Wilson 's personal
physician, was confirmed as
medical inspector of the navy,
with the rank of rear admiral,
by the senate today. Tho sen-
ate voted 37 tor and -6 against
Captured 300 Quarts
of Real Skid Grease
Tacoma, Wash., March 15. More
than 300 quart bottles of whiskey
packed in five barrels labeled "skid
grcaso" and estimated to be worth
$2000, are in possession of James
Wood, internal revenue officer here
today. The shipment was seized late
yesterday by Wood at a local dock af
ter it had been unloaded from the
steamer Governor.
W. "Curley" Clark, who was at. lib
erty on $500 bonds, following his ar
rest Tuesday for alleged illegal sale
of liquor, was rearrested, charged with
having conspired to transport intoxi
cating liquor into dry territory. He
also will face a charge of violation of
the federal revenue laws, officials say.
Way bills bearing Clark's name are
said to be in the bauds of the govern
ment officials. Clark denies all knowl
edge of the shipment-
The name of the consigner is in the
hands of Wood, but will not be reveal
ed. His arrest is expected today at
San Francisco. Wood says an investi
gation will bo conducted to decide
whether to institute charges against
the steamship company.
Early Morning Fire
Causes Dress Rehearsal
Los Angeles, Cal., March 15 Eight
hundred guests of the exclusive Ross
lyn hotel fled into the streets thinly
clad early today as a result of a fire
discovered in the older part of the
establishment. The basement of the ho
tel and some of the business houses in
the hotel block were damaged. The loss
is estimated at $100,000.
Y. K. Lee, a Korean, was injured by
jumping from the third floor.
Confusion reigned as smoke swept
through the upper floors of the hotel
and for a time it was feared the panic
among the scantily clad men and wo
men would result in loss of life. How
ever, the majority of the people es
caped by the stairways, and elevators,,
and the rest were rescued from fire
escapes or their rooms by firemen, po
lice and hotel attendants.
The hostelry itself was not greatly
damaged. Small business houses in the
Rosslyn building facing on .Main street
were "badly damaged by both fire and
The confirmed criminal puts a com
ma instead of a period at tho end of
his sentence. Old Man Sage. N
Washington, Mar. 15. Dissatisfac
tion with recent bids offered by Ameri
can ship builders for naval vessels has
virtually caused the navy department
to decide to construct four of its five
new battle cruisers on a cost basis, plus
a 10 per cent profit, to the private
Tho fifth ciuiscr will be constructed
in a government yard, according to pres
ent plans.
Washington, Mar. 15. Motion for a
mandate to ttirn over the German prize
ship Appam to her British owners, in
accordance with tho supreme court de
cree on Mareh 6, was filed in the su
preme court today on behalf of Henry
G. Harrison, British master of the Ap
pam, and the British and African Steam
Navigation company, owners.
The motion will be presented in open
court Monday.
How to Prevent Croup
When the child is subject to attacks
of croup, see to it that he eats a light
evening meal, as an overloaded stoni
aeli may bring on an attack, also watch
for tho first symptom hoarseness, and
give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as
soon as the child becomes hoarse. Ob
tainable everywhere.
Higb School Notes
The baseball eitnatiea at the high
school is in a doubtful way. On acronnt
of lack of funds the student body can
not appropriate any money to this ac
tivity which in the past has been one
of the main athletic activities ot the1
Manager Ro?s however las scheduled
jinnies with teams that will pay Sa
lem's war to their town bnt will not
demand a return game in Salem. These
towns are Amity, Woodburn, Silverton
and Monroe and are not expected to
put out good teams, so Salem will not
play any team of her own class as the
prospects are now.
If any funds are raised games will
be likelv to be scheduled with the
larger Willamette valley teams if these
teams have an open date.
Track season will soon begin. Coach
Fletcher will call a meeting Monday
for the purpose of lining up track pros
pects which from present indications
Iseein to be good.
Manager Hales has so tar scheduled
meets with Eugene, Lincoln high of
I'ortlitnd and, the ). A. V. freshman.
He has also scheduled a dual meet
hetween the Willamette vallev hih
Ischools sometime in May.
Many students have secured tickets
to attend the Cadman conceit given
Friday evening at the opera house. The
concert is under the direction of Miss
Mngers. of the singing department, and
many of her pupils will attend in a
Rank Foolishness
You occasionally see it stated that
colds do not result from cold weather.
That is rank foolishness. Were it true
colds would be as prevalent in mid
summer as in midwinter. The microbe
that causes colds flourishes in damp,
cold weather. To get rid of a cold take
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is ef
fectual and is highly recommended by
people who have used it for many
years as occasion required, and know
its real value. Obtainable everywhere.
Any kimd
Any time
Special rates on country trips and to
State Institutions. . Office Bligh Hotel.
Drugless Physician
Superintendent Hydro-Electro
Therapeutic Institute
202 to 206 Masonic Temple
Phone 1182.
Hours 9 to 5 7 to 9
Clean, Fresh, Airy Rooms
(Formerly Hotel Keith)
459 State St.
Phone 1109
Booms 50c to $1.00 a Day
Special Rates by the Week
, MRS. M. M. LAY, Proprietor
Every Saturday 1:30 P. M.
We are receiving several consignments of medium
and high grade "furniture for our sale next Saturday
and you cannot afford to miss this sale if you are in
need of furnishings of any kind. The list includes
almost everything necessary for modern house
keeping. - '
Kitchen Cabinets
Kitchen Tables
Utensils & Dishes
- Washing Machines
Sewing Machines
Everything put up goes strictly to the highest
bidder and is a bonafide sale, as we hire no person
to bid in furniture that does not bring in high
enough prices.
Dealers have attended our sales and remarked
that they were able to buy for less than wholesale
This is certainly the place to get furnishings for
that extra room or even the whole house.
Free Souvenirs for the Ladies. 341 N. Commercial
COL, E. G. SNIDER, Auctioneer
Saturday, March 17th, at
The Peonies' Quick Ex
change Auction Market,
Corner Commercial and
Ferry Streets, beginning
at 10:30 A. M, Horses,
Cow's, Farm Implements,
Consisting of one fresh Jersey
cow, and probably others; 5
calves, ranging in size from i
weeks to 6 months; one middle
breaking plow; one 16-inch steel
beam Oliver plow; one 10-lnch
steel beam plow; one spray
pump with hose and extension
rod; one 2-section iron barrow;
one 12 shovel 2-horse orchard
cultivator, good as new; two
top buggies; one set single
harness; one heavy one-horse
wagen; one 240 egg Old Trusty
At 1:30 P.M.
Household Furniture comprising
the costly furniture of a seven
room house, which we have
moved to the . market for con
venience of sale.
Consisting of one waxed oak
library table; one waxed oak
rocker, Spanish leather seat; one
waxed oak sewing rocker; one
waxed oak round extension
table; one -waxed oak buffet,
plate glass mirror; six waxed
oak ..dining chairs; one non
tarnishable brass bed-stead; one
Vernis Martin bedstead; two
Yum-Yum springs; two felt mat
tresses; two solid oak dressers,;
one combination dresser and
commode; one extra good kitchen
treasure; one fall-leaf table; one
nearly new 6-hoie DeLuxe range;
one 8-ft. step ladder; 10-ft. rub
ber hose; one garbage can; one
magazine rack; one galvanized
wash tub; one ax, double roaster,
house plants; wash board and
many other things.
NOTE: All of the above furni
ture is like new, and is suitable
for any home. Seeing is believ
ing. Come and see.
C. G. NICHOLS, Owner.
Phones 511 and 224
Household ..Furniture. Woodry
& Greer, the auctioneers, will
pay highest cash prices for same.
Phones 5,11 and 224.
t Used Furniture Wanted
Highest cash prices paid for
used furniture.
Phone 941 or 508.
600 Candle Power $6.50
Tlrcalest temp value nov cffcrf4
Used u stand or hanging lamp
Complete with pump, shade, mantles, torch-
Gasoline lamps, lanterns, irons, mantles, etc
316 N, CmnibPfUl Street
Carpet Sweepers
Vacuum Cleaners
Sanitary Couches
Matting 1
Morris Chairg.
Lawn Mowers
Garden Tools
And dozens of articles
too numerous to