Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 15, 1917, Page SIX, Image 6

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Brown Has Only 24 Hours to
Di? Up $300,000, and
Digging Is Poor
I'U'v ';" ;V. V-'."J'.';-' - vs ,
K."T- '.i. .,. ; VJV I Pi''a',J''' wowmi mr mimm I
Zw pleasing your
taste isn H all
Not Ly . long shot ! Uccause lots of cigarettes
way jilcase your taste you've never expected a
cigarette to do more than thut.
But Chesterfields do something else besides please
the taste
Chesterfields just "touch the spot," they do
what cigar smokers suv a cigarette can 7 do they
And yet, they're mild!
It's the blend that's the idea! That, together
with the extra high-quality of the Imported and
Domestic tobuccos. And the blend can't be copied.
If vou want good taste in a ciga
rette, and then more than that: a
cigarette that "satisfies" try Ches
terfields, today.
gf IMPORTED and DOMESTIC iobaccosBIenJed
1 A.
tun il
State House News t
Accorfling to the tariff filed with the
public soivicj conimissioii by the rail
roads the now rates from l'ortluud to
Chicago from nil cities in the North
west has been increased if.'). Under this
new ruling tho traveler will pay $10(1
to go from Portland to Chicago ond re
turn. If ho goes by way of Wan Fran
cisco direct to Chicago and return tho
taino way ho will be required to pay
$l!!5.10; if ho desires to Ro this Hitui'e
Touto but takes the steamer instead f
tho train from Portland to Han Fran
cisco his faro will be $1L'S. Should the
traveler desire to no by way of Scuttle
on the Friuci) liupcrt routo,'it will cost
him $121. In going from Salem, tho
fare from this city to Portland will be
Kdward .T. .Tiidd, Astoria; C. O. Wil
son, Limit 011; Jacob (leier, Portland,
and V. K. ATahoney, of rortlnud, were
re-appointed yesterday by Governor
Withycouibe as members of the atato
lioard of pilot commissioners. They are
to serve for two years, nud were first
appointed by the governor in 1IUS. In
making the appointments, the governor
commended highly the work of the
board. . .
In reply to a query from K. I.. Orintl,
publisher o tho Insurance Intelligence
of New York, asking whether the laws
of the state of Oregon allow the writ
ing of insurance against bombardment
and explosion, Insurance 'Commissioner
Wells stated yesterday that the insur
ance laws of the state do not permit the
writing of such insurance. The com
munication ntates that in the east, on
account of so many explosions in muni
tion plants, it has been found necessary
to write this kind of protection. Com
missioner Wtlls stated also that when
the new insurance code goes into effect
on May 20, Insurance companies will be
allowed to insure against explosion and
casualty companies against bombardment.
An extension of time until May 1,
1917, i.s asked by the state highway
commission of Oregon of the secretary
of agriculture through tho office of the
attorney general, for the purpose of
coming under the federal act to secure
aid for the roads of Oregon. Tho com
mission cites the fact that it was not
created until February 28, ID17, while
tho federal ret requires that applica
tions for the federal aid must be miule
before Octobei 1, 10UI.
When you wash your hair, bo careful
what you use. Most soaps and prepar
ed shampoos contain too much lkaJi,
Which is very injurious, as it dries the
ticslp and makes the hair brittle.
The best thing to use is just plain
jiiiilsified coconnut oil, for this is pure
and entirely greascless. Its very cheap,
mid bents tho most expensive soaps or
anything else all to pieces. Vou can
Kot this at any drug store, and n few
ounces will last the whole family lor
Himply moisten tho hair with water
and rub it in, about a teaspoon ful is
all tliat is required. It mnk'es an abund
ance of rich, creamy lather, cleanses
thoroughly, and rinses out easily. The
hair dries quickly' and evenly, and is
Bft, fresh looking, bright, fluffy,
wavy and easy to handle. liesiJea, it
loosens ami takes out every particle
of dust, dirt and dandruff. .
Ooveruor Vithyeombc yesterday re
appointed A. C. Marsters, of Roseburg,
a member of the state fair board. His
term of office expired yesterday. The
re-appointment is for four years.
Parent-Teachers Meeting
at Spring Yalley Friday
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
ISpiing Valley, Ore., Mar. 15 The Parent-Teachers'
meeting at the school
house Friday evening was well attend
ed, and a most enjoyable program pre
sented. Five students of Airs. Anna
Rogers Fish, of the School of Expres
sion, in JSalem, contributed the most of
the program, and the young people did
remarkably well. The program was as
Polo Maurice Ishepard.
Bondings by Rex Howard: Shop. (E.
E. Baker); One Legged Goose, (IIop
kinson jSmith); Nothiu to Knt, (Strick
land Oilliare).
Readings by I.ora rurviue: It Hap
pened That Way. (Rilev); Wata Mil
lions, .( Robertson) ; Dad's I.ittlo Fid
die, (.Smith).
Holo, There, Little Girl, Don't Cry,
Murio Looney,
Readings by Ted Howard: Casey at
the Bat; A Little Feller, (Kllsworth);
Tho Family Drum Corps.
Solo, Love's Old Sweet Song, R. E.
Readings by La Bonne Coppoch: The
Besetting Sin, (Cooke) ;The lieu,
(Cooke) ; The Domestic Ripple.
Readings by Albeit Schiudler: Mr.
Dooley On lyric, (Dunne); Out Sleigli
in' With Sophie; The Revruit, (Cham
bers). Reading of the paper, "The Bugle,"
Mrs. W. N. Crawford.
The young people were all heartily
encored and responded with several ad
ditional readings. Lunch was served at
the close of the program.
Plans are being 'made for tho next
meeting, March HO, nt which time the
"Kid Komedy Klub, " Mrs. Fish's class
of boys, will preacut a. play.
The Presbyterian Missionary society
held its regular monthly meeting nt the
home of Airs. W. D. Henry on Wednes
day afternoon. ,
Rev. Pottsmith, of MeMinnville,
preached hero Sunday morning. The ser
mon next Sunday will be by Mr. Dodd,
a Willamotto student, who will serve in
place of Air. Douglas, who is touriug
with the Willamette tilee club.
Jack Spong, of Lincoln, visited over
Sunday with his cousin, Robert Craw
ford. Mrs. W. D. Henry is serving as
deputy assessor in the Spring Valley
and West Salem precincts.
Mrs. Lucy French, of Salem, is visit
ing her son, James French, and family.
This part of Polk county is without
tho daily mail today, as the mail carrier
could not get his rig across the river,
on account of the ferry bont not run
ning. These ferry tales are different
from tho fairy tales of our childhood,
when the fairies performed ones wishes
as soon as spoken. Here's hoping for
better times.
Alothers who value their own com
fort and the welfare of their children,
should never be without a box of Aloth
er Gray's Sweet Powders for Children,
for use throughout the season. They
break up colds, relieve feverishness,
constipation, teething disorders, head
ache and stomach troubles. Used by
mothers for fii rears. These powders
never fail. Sold by all drug stores, 25e
Don't accept substitutes. Sample mail
ed free. Address Mother Gray Co., L
Roy, N. Y. '
By H. C. Hamilton,
(United Press .Staff Corrrcpondcnt.)
New York, March 15. Tex Rickard,
foTed to back out of the way once, to
day loomed as the real, brass bound
contender for the boxing privilege at
Madison Square (inrden. Unless Grant
Hugh Brown, who at last reorts was
running things in Madison Square can"
dig up a little matter of $300,0(10 to
day he will ln iuvited to move his of
fice safe and other incidentals and the
New York Life Insurance company will
look for other tenant.
There was no reason to believe that
ten or twelve hours more would mean
any more to Brown than a month did.
Ho couldn't convince Paris Singer yes
terday that $.100.00(1 more would save
tbe f I '10,000 already invested. How
ever, ho was granted the extra time in
the hope that snmthing might develop.
Meanwhile Rickard and his partner,
Sam McCiacken, sat back to await de
velopments. When its all over Tex
will begiii where he left off when
Itrown was given the Garden boxisc
l; 53
Tiresome Tongue Boxer.
Alihvaukee, Wis., Afarch 1. Finht
fans believe that Les Darcy is planning
to ap"opt n match here soon. The
boxing commission is today in receipt
of letters from Fred Gilmore, the Aus
tralian champion's sparring partner.
and from Darcv's lawyers. These let
ters give Darcv's side of the Whitman
incident and also state that no one is
authorized to sign for the champion.
Gilmore asks tho commission whether
it intends to follow the Whitman rul
ing In case Darcy signs for a bout in
Ryan To Meet Burns.
Baker, Or., Alarch 15. According to
Charles X. Ryan of Portland, Tommy
Bums has signed articles to meet Wii-
lio Meohan of San Francisco ovrr the
four round route at Seattle, April 2.
Ryan is a close friend of Burns. He
declares that Burns told him these
facts in Butte, Alont., and that the
former champion is training hard to get
rid of his excess poundage.
Will Meet Stecher.
San Franciseo, March 15. Antone
Irsa, a Bohemian wrestler, who tips the
scales at 240 pounds and says he has
no fear of the scissors hold, will meet
Joe Stecher Tuesday evening at the
Civic Auditorium, lrea is inclined to
question Stecher 's right to the title of
champion of the world.
Wrestler Versus Boxer.
San Franciscb, Alarch IS. To decide
whether or a boxer is superior in the
game of self defense "Fighting Dick"
Hyland, once, famed as a lightweight
will meet tomorrow night at a local
cafe. Hyland will adhere to the
Marquis of Queensberry rules while
Miller will conduc himself according
to the rules for wrestlers.
Capital Nationals
Won Championship
The championship of the Commercial
Basketball League of the Y. AL C. A.
was last night won by the Capital Na
tional bank team by-defeating the Trice
Shoo company in the second game of
the championship series by the score
of 7 to 5. The game was probably the
most importaat of the year. The Price
company in order to have one more op
portunity at the championship had to
win the game which they were unable
to do.
At no time since the beginning of the
(.Ommercial league scries did tho bank
ers play as good a game as they did in
the contest last night and the guards,
Ryan nnd Socolofsk-, are particular
ly to bo commended on the work they
did in intercepting passes and break
ing up the team work of their opponents.
Captain Baker scored tho total seven
tuiui3 iiuuie uy uig team. mKer nau
his eye for baskets from the foul line
with him ami was successful in scoring
tive or a possible six throws. He also
scored a basket from the field early in
the game.
For the Pi ice company Gill scored
one from the field and foul line each
and Bayea also scored ono from the
Captain Utter for tho Price company,
congratulated the members of the bank
team after the contest and said that
while he was sorry that he lost he knew
that the better team won. The loss of
Dr. R. T. Altlutire by the Price com
pany during the important games of
the series seriously crippled the Price
team. His leaving is held to be re
sponsible for the loss of the champion
ship by the Price team.
The line up:
Capital Nat. Bank. Price Shoe Co.
r-SV3333 pcn e sea,ed cnd wIth your
iExM f in2er nail
mSfJi'P Ik- ' the sticks project
r 4sa PaM out one push the others
McU' 'jTyyassa Unwrap the double cover and
KvO 0?' see how surpassingly full- "
Ui'i r flavored and delicious it is!
ill- yr1'
FiliflJ THREE '
rva . kinds
-'HflH "fie Flavor lasts
'Ghew sf after
tF.UlA it 1 WWk I P H 2
Baker (7) .
S. Raddiff.
Bayes (2)
Gill (3)
.., Utter
:. Collins
O. K. Franzke, referee: H.
timer; O. B. Gingrich,
scorer; Glen C. Xiles, doorkeeper.
Bring all your shoes in Friday and
have the best rubber heels made put
on at one-half price, 25c. All kinds of
heels, white, tan, black; full and half
heels. Vou can not make money faster
than to buy a standard article at half
price. Tne Price Shoe Co.
Given aw'av in TT. R mnncv in
anyone that will come to our shop and
buy one of our new live rubber heels,
the best in Salem, at the regular price,
50c. The Price Shoe Co.
Blue S
erge suits
The early Spring season is always a
splendid time for the use of blue serge suits.
We make a special effort on blue serges
and keep in stock for your selection over
300 suits, every one guaranteed to be all
wool and fast color.
Owing to our taking advantage of early
buying we are able to surprise you with the
values we are showing.
Hart Schaffner &
Marx Blue Serge
Suits, in English
and staple models,
$25 and $30
Bishop All - Wool
Suits; five different
models to select
- S20 and $25
A special line of
a 1 1 - y e a r - round
weights, fast color,
good make, special
We can fit the stout
or the slim man, al
so the small fellow,
in the $20 and $25