g PAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY, M 1.1. ii7. TVK r - NEW CLASSIFIED ADVEETISINO BATES Eat P" word New Todtj: lick insertion, er word. It Oa week 18 insertions) per word 5 M month (29 insertions) per work 17e The Capital Journal will not bo ro tpMitibla for more thaa oat insertion for error! in Classified Advertisements. SttA 7"r aJverlisemeat tke first dm) it sppctri and notify oj immediately Xiiamum charge, 15e. HAVE VOU WOOD SAWING I Call phone 7. tf TOJt EENT 5IGN8 For tale at Cap ital Journal office. tf KILL SFXL 22 head S and old mules. Dwight Misner. year tf GET TRICES On farm tale bills at The Journal office. GET TRICES On farm sale Talis at The Journal office. JONES' NCESERY State and 24th. . tl MEN WANTED TO WORK-Frce Tent 123 N. ltroudway. 3-17 FDK SALE OK TRADE 4 West Salt'in. I'hone 914J. lots in 3-17 FOR SALE Team of yoiiu; black marcs, weight (t00. 825 N. 22. 3-16 j-Oit SAI.K Aiieona eggs, scttini?. - I-") Center St. $1.00 per a-2 FOR SALE Horse and singlo harness Call Club Stables. 3-16 Kill )DE ISLAND RED EGOS 75c setting. 204.') l'ortland road. 3-1 HEMSTITCHING Room 10, Nack bldg. E. A. Adsitt, McCor 4-5 WANTED Men S. 2 1 st St. to work, Call at Kit) 3-D) KitH SALE Hi li'C) Mission. uvv work harness- Call 3 17 HIGHEST Market price paid beans. I'hone 175, "Mr. Cooper. for tf GARDENS FLOWED At right es. V. E. Mills. Phone 837. pric 43 HARRY Window cleaner. Thone 1391 J. 3-24 TRESPASS Notices for sale at Jour nal office. tf 6IX CHrROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS $5.00. Dr. May. Phone 572. tf TT RATES In Taxi aorvico within 14 blocks of O. E. depot. 15c or 2 for 2.e. Independent Auto Service. I'hone u3(i. 3-19 DRY FIR AND ASH Oars will be on west Trade. Phone 2501J2. Fred K. Wells. 3-19 FOR RENT Small house and several lota suitable for garden, rent cheap. Phone Carey- F. Martin, 419. 3-15 FOR RENT Small house, lot and some mat. S2 per month. 1'nono tJarey . Martin, 419, 3-15 Id MONTH Fenialo Boston Bull pup tor sale $!, a bargain. Z care Jour nal. 3-15 FOR SALE Eggs for hatching, Sicil ian JinMcj'iHip strain, $1.00 per set ting. Phone 100F23. 3-15 WANTED Young man to room and Hoard $..!) per week. 481 JN. cnnrcn 3-1 WANTED Second hand, three horse t-pnn; tooth harrow. C care Journal 3-15 MONEY TO LOAN Furnished house to rout. Ivan (f. Martin, Masonic Temple. 3-1 WANTED To contract strinsr beans for canning purposes. Apply Oregon Packing Co. Phone 226. 3-16 FOR SALE Good, cheap, fat, farm team at Jack Dorr Feed barn, Sat in-day March 17. 3-16 NIC-E 3 room furnished apartments Housekeeping. 491 N. Cottage, ZzlM- 4-1 FOR RENT 2 office rooms, one furn ished sleepina room. Hubbard bldg. W. H. Norris, receiver. tf WANTED To buy old oak timber for logs. Phone or write E. A. Way, Sa lem, Ore. ' tf UfcT YOUR Trespass notices, new supply of cloth ones at Capital Jour nal tf A-l MAN WANTS RANCH WORK Married, no childrenIf no chance for !rivnipmcnt do not answer. 32 care 1 Journal, i , 3-16 13 ACRES AT SALEM HEIGHTS Modern 6 room house, ideal for chick en ranch or fruit. Will lease for term of yorg at ridiculously low fi- r uri Phone G2F3. 3-17 THt, Busx t,yuiFPJfii Place in ea lem for cabinet work, furniture made remodeled, repaired and upholstered. H. W. Eeinhard, 266 Chemeketa St., opposite Y. JM. C. A. 3-24 L EL HUM YickSoTong CARE OF CHINESE MEDICINES AND TEA COMPANY Has medicine which will cure Any known Disease Open Sundays from 10:00 a. m. nntil 8:00 p. m. 153 South High Street. Salem, Oregon Phone 283 c i TODAY Pni Bin? t , . - k" . A uSlea rmui "7 et. h ay. Oeorge Swegie. tf FOB HALE-Blark Belgian 6 year. olJ we.Kht about 17U0. 7 mile, V,utB of Silverton. Rosa Anututz. FOR RENT Nicely furnished house keeping rooms reasonable. 805 N Couil. FOR REXT-Small old style dwelling, cheap rent. I'hone Carey F. Martin. J 3-15 1 iOll RENT room dwelling in bus iness district, suitable for shoo shop, etc I'hone Carey F. Martin, 419. 3-lj FOR KENT Furnished house keening room on first floor. 694 N. CuinT. Thone 2454W. 3 i0 WANTED Black setting. E. A. Ore. taiiRshan eggs for Stevens, Aumsville, 3-l.i WANTED A band saw, bench joint er, small planer, lathe, 6 horso motor. Address 315 caro Journal. 3-10 FOR SALE Or trado for stock a house ami 1 acre with berries and some fruit. 402 caro Journal. 3-1 WANTED Experienced grafter for illusory. Jones Nursery. I'liouo 413. -10 WANTED Second band farm truck, with wooden wheels, 3 ',4 in,, must be in good condition. I'hono 53R13. 3-1."j FOR RENT 3 furnished rooms ground floor. Phone 103BM. Mrs. R. L. Wil kerson. - 3.1G HEMSTITCHING Nu Bone Corset Parlors. A. E. Lyons, Phone 10:S2. 3-19 FOR RENT Old hnuso and good lot. Will rent to person who will reptfir house and renovate premises in pay ment for rent. Phono Carey F. Mar tin, 419. 3-15 SECOND HAND MENS CLOTHING bicycles, jewelry, musical instru ments, tools, guns, etc., bought, sold and traded. Capital Exchange 337 Court St. Phono 493. HEAD QUARTERS-For auto and truck bodies, auto upholstering and repair ing. H. W. Rcmhard, 266 Chemeketa, opposite x. M. U. A. 3-24 BABY CHICKS S. C. White Leg horn, $9 per 100. cheap, two Old Trusty brooders. E. J. Miller, Tur ner, Or., H. 2.' 3-21 FOR' RENT Very pleasant house keep ing rooms, suitable for 2, telephone, hot water and electric light. Call in the afternoon at 715 Center St. 3-17 ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN Wants work in town, somewhat mechanical, can give references. B care Journal. 3-15 FOR- SALE 150 bushels of spring grass wheat. W. II. Humphries, Jr., Shaw, Or., R. 1, box 60. Phone 22 F5. 3-15 WANTED Old False teeth, Don't matter if broken. I pay $1.00 to $5.00 per set. Mail to L Mazer, 2007 S. Fifth street, Philadelphia, Pa. Will send cash by return mail. 3-24 WANTED TO RENT Strictly modern bungalow, 5 on 6 rooms, good loca tion, prei'erablv with furnace and garden. Address 3-J Journal office 3-17 POTATOES WANTED Don't forget we are always in the market for po tatoes in small lots or car lots at the highest cash price. Phone 717, Man gig Bros, tf Market Unruffled by Strike Situation New York. March 15 The New York Evening Sun financial review to day said: f inancial ana securities circles await ed with more than usual interest the outcome today of the parley between the railroad managers and the brother hood representatives on the strike sit uation. A variety of opinions were of fered. These air converged toward the view that there would bo no strike on Saturday nor at any other time in the- immediate future. However this may be, the stock mar ket continued the even tenor of its way quite unruffled by news of the lav, whether tavoraDie or oinerwise. It. is a matter for surprised comment daily that the general list steadily re- INVESTMENT Eight-room house, barn, bath, toilet, ghts, fire place, wood shed, house plastered; corner lot oOxloo, both streets paved, and paid up, on the corner of one of the best streets in Salem; rents for $14 per month. Price $2,000. H. A. JOHNSON & CO. TRY JOURNAL WANT IDS ; ATTflDMCVe CUitpu pnifmimn mmpmi f nuimnuo OIIIIUII UUVLfilUf JUflilOUll LIGHT Ofl SHERIFF Inquire Into $1,050 Contribu tion by Billingsley To His Campaign Seattle, Wash.. March IT, f,.i., Stat, ,i(,llt , tes attorney! witched the spot- on Ex Sheriff Robert Hodne to day nhen they called Mike Hally, his campaign manager when he ran for governor Inst fall, to testify in the booze-graft eonsphacv case' against Mayor Gill, Chief Berkingham, Hodge and City Detectives Peyser, Poolman, McLennan and Doom. Hally was asked to explain campaign contributions amounting to $1,050 do nated by Logan Billingsley, bootlegger, whose stories of muuicipal graft have entangled the local officials. William If. Pielow, co-worker with ISillingsley, was on the stand and sub jected In a grilling cross-examination following his testimony yesterday that he saw Fred Billingsley, brother of Logan, pay Chief Boekinghani $'h(0 for a truckload of contraband liquor, and declared Fred had told him that Logan paid Mayor (Sill $4,000 for the return of papers seized in a police raid on one of their drug stores. That Walter S. Pulton, attorney for Chief of Police Iteckinghain told him in the latter 's office "to keep away from George Vamlcrveer because, if there was any crooked work among city officials Vamlcrveer was mixed up in it," was a sensational bit of testimony by V. II. Pielow, Billingsley 's transfer man, in the booze graft connspiracy this morning. It precipitated the most bitter fight yet staged between gov ernment and defense attorneys. Tt followed quickly announcement by As sistant Attorney General Reams that the government expected early tomor row to close its case against Mayor Gill and the other defendants. USE "IIZ" FOR SORE, TIRED, ACHING FEET No More PufFed-Up, Burning, Sweaty, Calloused Feet or Corns Just take your shoes off and then put those weary, shoe-crinkled, aching, burning, corn-pestered, bunion- tortur ed feet of yours in a "Tiz" bath. Your toes will wiggle with joy; they'lllook up at you and almost- talk and then thev '11 " take another dive in that "Tiz" bath. When your feet feel like lump of lead all tired out just try "Tiz'. It's grand its glorious. Your feet will dance with joy; also you will find all pain gone from corns, callouses and bunions. There's nothing like "Tiz." Its the only remedy that draws out all the poisonous exudations which puff up your feet and causo foot torture. Get a 25-ccnt box of "Tiz" at any drug or department store don't wait Ah! how glad your feet get; how com fortable your shoes feel. Vou can wear shoos a size smaller if you desire. sists all pressure, actually advancing at intervals in the face of bearish in fluences. There are several reasons for this firmness. One of them is that there is unquestionably a very large short in terest and that speculative lines have been practically all . liquidated. Prices in general ranged above the previous closing level, at times as much as two to three points and in case of certain of the specialties four "to six points or so, until well into the after noon session. When reports of revolu tionary outbreaks in Russia began com ing by wireless from Berlin, the mar ket hesitated because it did not know how to interpret the news at once. GEHMAN SAILORS REPORTED SHOT Philadelphia, March 15. Two sail ors of the interned German raider Kronprinz Wilhelm, at the Philadel phia navy yards were shot and wound ed by United States marines, accord ing to a report today, during a fight on the deck of the vessel last night. The story was denied at the navy yard hospital and the commandants office would not discuss it. BATHE INTERNALLY And Keep Weill ".Nature lias mightily equipped us all, old and young, to resist disease but she requires that we give her a chance. We give her 110 chance if we permit the lower intestine to be more or less clogged with accumulated waste. Yet that is a universal condition today, as is proven by the number of laxative drugs that are consumed. You can help nature in nature's most effectual way by internal bathing and in an easy, non habit forming way keep the intestine as sweet and clean as na-j ture demands it to be for perfect health and surer defense against eontagion. Over half a million keen, bright, heal thy people testify to its results. Mrs. Harry J. Rhodes, of Eickreall, Ore., writes: "The Cascade arrived. I have used it about a week. 1 presume you are ac customed to the revelations your pa tients send you. I deeply regret that I had not bought it a dozen years ago, when I thought I could not possibly af ford it. I only wish it were possible for every sufferer to know; when they would make a sacrifice to buy. Yours truly" Just call at Daniel J. Fry 's drug store Salem, Oregon, and request free book let "Why Man of Today is only 50 per cent Efficient." The most efficient device for internal bathing, the "J. B. L. Cascade," will also be shown and explained to you if you so desire. Advt. I iilOUi STEPS 001 AND OUT William Douglas Stephens Became Governor at Noon Today Sacramento, Cal., March 13. Hiram Johnson resigned his office as govern or of California at noon today to be come United States senator. The resignation was handed to Sec retary of State Frank Jordan who then prepared a commission for William Douglas Stephens, California's new chief executive. A joint session of the senate and house of representatives was called in the assembly room at noon for a fitting ceremonial on the occasion of John son 's 'retirement.. United States Senator-elect Johnson is expected to leave shortly after April 1 for Washington, D. C, to attend the sKcial session of congress called for April 16. It was the calling of the so cial session which occasioned John soil's resignation from the guberna torial chair at this time. Arthur H. Breed, Oakland million aire, virtually becomes lieutenant gov ernor upon the resignation of Johnson as governor. Breed is president pro tern of the stnte senate. Governor Stephens is expected to fol low closely the program of his prede cessor in all departments. Official Bulletin of State Game Warden Gives . Informatioon of Interest Portland, Ore., March 15. Fishermen and hunters mav save fiftv cents on each license by buying them before May 21st, as on that date the law passed at the recent session of the lcgilature goes into effect increasing tho price . of hunting and angling licenses from $1.00 to $1.50, and a combination license from $2.00 to $3.00. State Game Warden Carl D. Shoemaker says that there has been quite a rush for licenses in many parts of the stnte, due in all probability to the fact that the raise in licenses will become ef fective soon. Other changes in the game code made at the sessioon of the legislature just closed are as follows: Free running dogs, or dogs following upon the track of any game animal, may be declared a nuisance after noti fication in writing to the owner of dogs, and the animals may then be killed without any criminal or civil li ability on the part of the person killing tho same. One-half of all fine moneys will here after be sent to the credit of the Game Protection Fund. . , Women are exempt from purchasing angling licenses, but ) must obtain a hunting license if they desire to hunt for any of the game birds and game animals o the state. The deer season for District No. 1, which is western Oregon, has . been shortened two weeks and will hereafter open on August 15th and close on October 15th, the bag limit has been re duced from three to two deer in any season. : In Game Dist rict No. 2, the open deer season begins ron September 1st and will close on October 31st, with tho exception of Klamath, Malheur and Harney counties, where the season will be the same as in District No. 1. Bag limit is reduced to two deer. Tho open season on migratory birds throughout the state will 4e from October 1st to January 15th, with the exception of Malheur and Harney coun ties, where the season will be from September 16th to December 31st. The Chinese pheasant hen has been protected and only male birds may hereafter be killed, the bag limit is five in any one day and not more than ten in any seven consecutive days. In Hood River county a ten days' open season on male Chinese pheasants has been provided, from October 1st to October 10th, with a bag limit of three birds in any one day or ten dur ing the season. All over the state the bag limit on trout has been reduced from 75 to 50 trout, or 35 pounds in any one day. Winter fishing for trout in Game District No. 2 has been prohibited with the exception that trout over 18 iuehes in length may be caught. The open season on six inch trout i The In. comparable Baby Food. Makta delicate babies keallhri km hteUthy bubita well. ".Yaai-at U M01W Milk" WIDEMANN'S PUKS, UNSWCETINID, evapoato GOAT MILK A Perfect Food also for Invalid. AT HADING DHUCOIT ll-OI. Tin., 20c. WIDEMANN GOAT MILK CD. Physicka ft B19- .p--i.- ' Sn Franco CL $7.00 PLAYS ANY RECORD GUW5WP AMMUNITION 126 SOUTH COMMERCIAL ST. NOSE CLOGGED FROM A COLD OR CATARRH Apply Cream In Nostrils T Open Up Air Pasaages. Ah! What relief! Your cknged no triila open right up, the air passages of yonr head are clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuf fling, mucous discharge, headache, dry ne bo struggling for breath at night, your cold or catarrh is gone. Dont stay stuffed up! Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from vour druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic crenro in your nos trils, let it penetrate through "every air passage of tho head; soothe and healj the swollen, inflamed mucous mem bran", giving you instant relief. Ely's! Cream Balm is just what every cold and! catarrh sufferer has been seeking. It's just splendid. Three Steamers Sent Down by Submarines Washington, March 15. Consul! Frost, at Queenstown, reported to the ! state department this afternoon that ; the Belgian steamer llainault, was! sunk March 12, but that there were no! fatalities- Two Americans Herman Pinto, of Princess Anne. Md., and Francisco Rodriguez, of Brooklyn, N. Y. were on board. Americans Saved Washington, March 15. Six lives were lost, but flie three Americans aboard were saved, when n Germau submarine sank the liritish steamer Momnon Dakar March 12, without warning, according to an oficinl state department report from the Liverpool consul this afternoon. Ship Lemnon Sunk Washington, March 15. Submarin ing of the liritish steamer Lemnon, with two Americans aboard, was re ported to the state department official lv this afternoon. Will Take Off All Excess Fat Do you know that there is a simple harmless effective remedy for overfat ness that iuay be used safely and secret ly by any man or woman who is losing the slimness of youth? There is; anl it is none other than the tablet form of the now famous Mar mola Prescription, known as Marmola Prescription Tablets. Y'ou can well ex pect a reduction of from two to four pounds a week without dioting or ex ercising. Marmola Prescription Tablets are sold by all druggists at 75c for a large case, or if you prefer you can or der direct from the Marmola Co., 864 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. begins April 1st and sportsmen are urged to purchase their licenses and carry them on their person as strict orders have been given deputies to check up all anglers found fishing in the streams. - COLOMBIAN TREATY Washington. March 15 The senate fight for ratification of the Colombian treaty is on behind closed doors .fol lowing the voting down of a motion to discuss the treaty in open session. Senator Stone, chairman of the for eign relations committee, speaking in favor of the treaty, opened the debate. EXPECT DISCLOSURES. New York, March 15. Startling dis closures regarding tho operations in this country of Albert A. Sander and Karl W. Wunnenberg were expected to be made this afternoon by George Vaux Bacon on his appearance before the federal grand jury here. State House News JL 1m i am ' V aV aV 1 kaV Amortization plans for the retire ment of the, rural credit loans were completed this morning at a meeting of the state land board, and as a re sult the loans will be available for the farmer about the first of- April. The details havfc been worked out to the satisfaction of the board nnd the work of printing will be-rushed through as quickly as passible. As soon astthe printing of the plans arc completed they will be sent to the attorneys of the land board throughout, the state. Based on a loan of a thousand dol lars for ten years and annual payments covering principal and interest Mould be $130, except, the last year which would be $123.50. On a twenty year loan, the payments would be $80 a year," except the last which would be $-S8.0.'i; on a thirty year loan the payments would be $65 a year except the last which would be $08.47; on a thirty-six year loan the payments would be $60 a yi-ar except the last yar which would be $101.67. According to this scheme, it is seen that the longer the loan the smaller arc th'j payments required each year to liquidate it. This plan, however, does not forbid the farmer from making greater payments than thoso given in the table. These payments will not re duce the amount of the yearly amounts due but will cut down the number of FO'R ANY DISTURBANCE of the functions of the s t o m a c h or bowels TRY HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters It is a good Spring tonic 1 t r v; i , v I 1 1 1 1 i i 1 1 . r " .4 For sports wear, street wear and dressy wear, the separate skirts for spring occupies the first plase In the women's wardrobe. The varity is as pleasing as the styles are charming. This showing embraces every new and distinctive creation that has been developed from plain colored, striped and plain woolens, plain silks striped, plain and fancy designed sport silks. PLEATS, BARREL EFFECT AND STRAIGHT LINES PREDOM INATE. Pockets, with braiding and embroidery being extensively em ployed. All are here in this early spring display. Prices ranging from $3 to $10.00 each WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF STYLISH . WOMEN SEND IS YOUR MAIL 4i6 State St- Notice to the Publi'c . We have secured large contracts for SCRAP IRON, WASTE PAPER AND HIDES. We therefore wish to call your attention to the fact and that it has placed us in a position to pay more for IRON, PAPER, and HIDES, than any dealer or buyer. What haw you in our line. We will handle any amount from 100 lbs. to 100 Tons. See us before you sell ot CALL 706. WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR 25 CAR LOADS OF GALVENIZED OR BLACK HOP WIRE, HOW MUCH HAVE YOU? COMMUNICATE WITH US. WESTERN JUNK CO. Salem's Leading Wholesale Junk Dealers. SALEM SILVERTON INDEPENDENCE years on which the payments will bo due. Articles of incorporation filed with the corporation commissioner this morn ing agregate $71,000. Tho C. E. Gates Auto Company filed with a capital of $25,000 to do a gen eral automobile and motor business in tho city of Medford. The incorporators are C. E. Gates, George E. Gates, and Win. A. Gates. The Reedsport Fish Company filed with a capital of $25,000 for the pur pose of catching, curing, ond selling fish. The place of business is Heeds port and tho incorporators are W. P. Reed, J. E. Fickle, both of Gardner, and Clyde Chase, of Reedsport. The Johnson and Moocrs, Inc., with a capital of $20,000 to do a general logging business at Astoria. The in corporators aro W. F. McGregor, George II. Moocrs, and John Johnson. Tho Post Canyon Lumber company filed, to do a lumber business with a capital of $1000 at Hood River. The incorporators are J. R. Phillips, F. E. Newby, and A. A. Lausman. The Mt. Pleasant Presbyterian church of Linn County filed papers for the purposed of maintaining religious services and public worship. The place is given as Scio, the capital as $100, and the incorporators as J. C. Huber, Harry Shank, and Frank Lambert. The annual reports of the water and telephone companies are coining in to tho public service commission. The Drain Water company filed its report yesterday showing operating expenses as $472.31 and its earnings $1950.40. This morning tho T'amhill County Mu tual Telephone company filed its re port, showing an operating revenue of $4514.74 and operating expenses as $3778.34. The report of the Tillamook B EANS??? ALL GEO WEES OF DRIED BEANS, AEE REQUESTED TO MEET AT THE COMMERCIAL CLUB NEXT SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 17TH AT THREE O'CLOCK. SEVERAL MATTERS WILL BE TAKEN UP AT THE TIME, AND YOU WILL FIND IT TO BE TO YOUR ADVANTAGE TO ATTEND. Salem Fruit Union W. J.PATTERSON, GRADUATE VETERINARIAN, LICENSED TO INSPECT STOCK. UP-T O-DATE METHODS, MEDICINE AND OPERATING TABLE. Phones: Office, 278; Res. 1961. 420 S. Commercial THE NEW SKIRTS Show many style Variations for Spring SKIRTS TOR STOUT OROtnS KE PAY POSTAGE Saiem-Oregon County Mutual Telephone company showed operating revenues ns $525M.:iO and operating expenses ns $4553.!) I. The Oregon-Washington Telephone company of Hood River in its report shows that the total operating reven ues amounted to $4I,!)84.1)1 and tho total operating expenses as $.12,545. lit. Tho operating income is given um $!U;i!).72, wJik'li with othl'r expenses deducted, leaves the net operating in come us $7,5!)(1.12. SHINE IN EVERY DROP" Black Silk btove Polish Ih different. It does nt drff out? ran he Maori In flu. ! last drop; liutiiil and Davie I one quttlitv; absolutely no B w.u)u; nooun or (lire. lou I get your muuey's worth. I Black Silk " Stove Polish If not only most economicttl, but it a.vtm brilli ant, silky lustre (hat Qtmitot Ik? oblnfnttl wilh nny other polish, lilai'k Silk Htove Vuhxh doca not rub off-ll lt (our limes ua loiiir ub ordinary poiiftli-ftO it saves ou time, work and money. Uon't forget when yoo want etnvo (xtiiih,bi9irre to rkforHlakStik. If it isn't tho bcttt at ova polish you evi r lined your dealer will refund uur money. Black Silk Stov PoIitK Works, Sterling. Mlinou. Use Hlick Silk Afr Drying Iron EtifMiirlou gram, tvtc intfnr.uiuvu-piiies.aml auto mobile tire rinia. I rovcnts nrntinu. Try it, t se filack Silk Metal I'Tl Uh for tUvvrwiwe( nickel, tin ware or brats. It works fpiirkty. eariiy and Iavtn a hi ill i ant surface. It ha no equal lor um on automobile. M. D' V. 51 el HBBaSHDaLBESbCaSBaSV SB-1 i