Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 13, 1917, Page SIX, Image 6

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A" new thing
fora cigarette' to do
In addition to pleasing the" taste;
Chesterfields just "touch the spot,"
they let you know you are smoking
-they "SATISFY"!
. - I1
i-. : j And yet, they're mild!
; If you want more than good taste in
a cigarette, try Chesterfields.
Attratlira tina tl IOOChlflaMa
Mat, prepaid. M raeaipt ( Vic if
your InIw cannot aupplr 7k
AddrMi: l.it" A Mfin TobuM
C... 21. Fifth At.. Naw York City
i Jiest
olMFOBTED DOMESTIC hiaaosZ-Btin&cfi
Bantam Weight Ready to
Show New Yorkers Who
Are Missonrians
By R. C. Hamilton
(United Preaa tsff correspondent)
New York, March 13. i'ete Herman,
who defeated Kid Williams and fame
into ft doubtful bantamweight cham
pionship a short time ago, will make
his appearance iu New York tonight
when he faces Dutch Brandt, a local
Pete is here to vindicate himself. He
want to prove to New York, where
they have come to be Missourians when
fights are considered, that Johnny
Krtle isn 't a champion at all, foul iu ,
Wisconsin or not foul.
Krtle lias Referee Roche's decision
to back up his claim to the crown,
while the official who stopped a bout
between Williams and Ertle never did
make a decision.
Herman is a tiny fighting machine,
built like a heavyweight champion.
His bands are bin? and his shoulders lire
round ami smooth- He is pleasant iu
conversation. Just like all champions,
he is a vouth who trains every minute
he is in a gymnasium.
If he should lose his recently ac
quired crown tonight he will at least
leave behind him the memory of a
champion who didn't ask that a sec
tion of the moon be fenced off for his
benefit before he fought and he would
leave the impression of a fighter who
can fight a fighter who is willing 1o
Germany Objects to Amer
icans Being In Charge of
Belgian Relief
New York, Xarrh 13. Germany has
protested, unofficially, against admin
istration by Americana of Belgian re
lief work, in the occupied portion of
northern France, This fact was reveal
ed today when Herbert C. Hoover, di
rector general of the relief work sail
ed suddenly for Spain.
Hoover sailed for Cadiz, Spain, to
day on the steamship Antonio Lopez.
At the offices of the commission it
was endained that German authorities
had initmated they would rather have
the relief work in northern France ad
ministered by citizens of some neutral
nation, in view of the international re
lations of the I'nited States and Ger
many. Hoover will arrange for Hollanders
to take over the work in this section.
He dropied the great new campaign
for funds recently launched iu this
country and made hurried arrangements
for the trip abroad.
Before leaving Hoover refused
comment on the situation brought
bout by the torpedoing of the Belgian
relief ship Storstad.
Hoss at Record Price
In Portland Yards
Announces Line Vessels
Will Resume Sailings
prican T.inc passenger and freight ves
sels will resume sailings. No date l'or
Hie resumption of business was given.
It would bit a violation of a request
from the navy department to give such
New York, March 12. An announce
ment posted toilny in the offices of the
For a quiet game of Pocket
Billiards, a good cigar or the
latest Sporting News, call at
The Up-to-Date Billiard Parlor
437 SUM.
Early Vegetables and r
should" Is started now. Plant
Morse's Gran J Prize Carrots,
Cabbage, Omoni, Beets, Peai,
Spinach and Tumtpi. Alto Mora'
Swaat Pea sod Paniiea.
All are (elected
California Seeds
Don't uVe eecls that are 7ujt a$
good." Ct Moric's.
Oa SU If all Lead-off Dealer
If your dtaler doe not carry Mowte
Seed, Mftd direct for our aTttutfui;r,
Your order will ba promptly attended to.
C. C. MORSE ft CO.
Seedsmen San Francisco
International Mercantile limine
carried the information that the
The four passenger shins, the New
York, l'hilaitelphiu, St. iuul und jst.
Louis, already are fitted with super
structure and deck plates for the
mounting of guns nnd they could be
fitted in a short time.
The Finland and Kroonlnnd, freight
carrying vessels, will have to go
through n longer process. They are new
er vessels und never have had guns
luuuuted aboil rd.
Senate To Be Told Ratification
of Treaty Has Become
Washington, Mar. 13 Contracts were
awarded Monday by the navy depart
ment for HI dirigible balloons at a total
cost o'i ifOlO.LMO.
The awards were miu7e tig follows:
A New Wrestler
Chicago, March 13. Displaying won
derful strength but showing little in
the line of scientific wrestling, John
Olin, Worcester, Mass., Finnish grap
pler, pinned Dr. II. F. Roller, of Seattlo
to the mat in straight falls here last
night. The first fall came in 47:51
with n reverse body lock and the sec
ond in 4:50 with a body scissors.
Washington, Mnr. 13 The Colombian
treaty, modified in two particulars, but
with the sum to be pnid Colombia left at
ijii;5,000,000 was again reported by the
The Curtiss Aeroolane comi'anv. Buf- senate foreign relations committee to
falo, throe, for $122,250. - " day. It will go to the senate formally
Connecticut Aircraft company, New tomorrow.
Haven, two for $84,000. ' I That phrase in tho document which
Coodvoar Tire and Rubber compnnv, expressed regret by this government
Akron, Ohio, nine for .'!ti0,000
H. F. Goodrich company, Akron, Ohio,
two for $83,000.
Information has been received here
that Phillip Millen, the young man
killed by a train near Ln Grande Inst
week, formerly lived at the home f
Marl in Hnuson, near Silvertou, and was
well known to ninny citizens here. lie
left Silvertou last summer to go east,
w here ho expected to remain permanent
ly. He has been in constant communi
cation with members of O. G. Kvens'
family during his absence, and a letter'
was received by some one iu that family
niter the young man lost his life. It'
seems that he had mailed a letter stnt-'
ing that he was eu route to Silverton
nnd requested no answer, as he would
likely bo hero before a letter could reach
his nddress. Before the letter reached
its destination Milieu, it is believed, fell
from a train on which he was stealing n
ride, and his body was mangled almost
beyond reeogntiou. l'eople who knew
tho young man are inclined to discredit
the story thai he was stealing n ride.
He is said to have been a good worker
and always hid money t pay his way.
Lester Havre, of Silvertou, wl!o was
engineer ou the train thnt picked up the
remains, stated iu a letter to his pnrents
that Milieu is supposed to have climbed
upon the train at La Grande and fell '
off, meeting P terrible death. Tribune.
Why the Jonrnnl is popular
It prints the world's news to-
day while it's news.
over differences between the govern
ments was changed so as to read that
both governments regret the differ
ences. A phrnso also was added emphasizing
thnt nothing in the treaty shull be held
to cast any doubt about, the title of the
Cnited Stutcs to the Panama canal
When the treaty is reported tomorrow
the senate is to be told President Wil
hoh "has information which makes rati
fication imperative at this time."
Stock Market Is Dull
Prices Slightly Lower
New York, Mur. 13. The New York
Evening Sun financial review today
For some tinio past, the distinguishing
characteristic of the securities market
has been its steady resistance to pres
sure. This characteristic has at no
tiiuo been better illustrated than in to
day's trading. Overnight developments
were distinctly bearish.
Tho situation with regard to the rail
road labor, is, to say the least, confus
ing, although it does not appear that
the trainmen are bent on strike in any
event, assuming tho railroad managers
do not yield.
It is to their credit that they have
sent a communication to the president
stating that their services will be avail
able in cose of war no matter what hap
pens. Tho impression of Germany's con
dition brought home by the suit of ex
Anibassndor Gerard tends to turn Wall
street thoughts once more to the pos
sibility of peace, and this must be tak
en ns a bear influence.
Despite this rather formidable line
up of adverse factors, prices of stocks;
in general did not recede more than a j
point or so esccpt in tho case of some!
of the specialties. By mid day practi
cally all early losses were regained. I
The railroad list was inclined to be j
soft and neglected. As the afternoon
advanced prices moved forward frae-j
In tho lule session trading was prncti
cally at n standstill.
Tto Tackle Stecher
S:.n Francisco, March 13. Antonc
Irsa, giant Bohemian wrestler, will ar
rive here tomorrow and begin training
tor a bout here next week with Joe
Steelier. Tho Bohemian, who weighs
nearly an eighth of a ton, is not known
in this section of the country.
To Box in Portland
Portland, Or., March 13. Kddie Mil
ler of Sun Francisco will make his bow
to Portland fans tonight when he meets
Billy Nelson over the six round route
The" bovs fight at 130 pounds. Frankie
Sanders of New Jersey and Jimmy
Duffy mill on tnc same card.
Big Meet at Corvallis
Corvallis, Or-, : March 13. Accept
ances were expected today from sever
al imjKirtaut coast colleges which have
been invited to 'enter tennis in the in
door relay carnival hero April 7. ( all
fornia, Stanford and the University of
Southern California have been especial
ly ureod to send squads. Oregon and
the Oregon Aggies will have the big
gest entry lists.
Tho teams which come here for this
event will go to Portland to compete
in the relay carnival to be staged by
Columbia University there April 14.
All schools, colleges and athletic clubs
on the coast are invited to participate.
East Again Buying
Potatoes In Oregon
Portland, Or., March 13 There has
been a resumption of buying in the po
tato market, not only by coast inter
ests, but by eastern speculators, al
though but "little change is indicated in
It developed during the day that
some of the big California speculators
who had been heavy purchaserds in
this district this season, had not been
storing their stock as generally believ
ed, but were selling right along. This
interest is again in the market.
While extreme weakness is indicated
in the potato trade all through the
eastern states, some of this weakness
is said to be merely for the purpose of
forcing down values here.
While there has been more general
offering of potatoes by northwest grow
ers recently, since the price became
weak and depressed, still the offerings
are -morally of small lots nnd the to
tal holdings are comparatively small.
Along Front street there is a small
increase in sales of potatoes, but pric
es are unchanged.
Portland, Or., March 13. Yester
lay's hog market made the most sen
sational jump in prices ever made here.
There was but a light supply here
about 1500 head which was bought
up rt sellers' prices. The demand was
several times larger than the supply
and first bids were on a 50 cents high
er oasis. Atter a short while bids were
aain lifted and several loads were dis
posed of at $14(5)14.10. Prices for the
day were from 50 to 75 cents higher
than last week 's close. Three loads of
prime hogs sold at $14.35 to outside
raakers, with several other bunches at
$14-25. All other sales were made at
$14 and $14.10. Pigs were advanced 75
cents, with best stuff being taken at
$13 and the bulk xf the sales at $12.75
Tho market closed W a firm basis, sev-
buyers not getting their orders
Philadelphia, Mar. 13. Richard
Jacobs, n prisoner hero in the police
ftation, declared today he was one of
tho German sailors, who, under orders,
wrecked the machinery of the Herman
liner Yaterland at Hoboken, N. J.
Jacobs walhed to Philadelphia from
New York.
j Speaking of tho bone dry, ncknowl
i edgnieut is duo a wise man of the
i eastern seaboard who has observed
that most of the arid states of the
l'iiion are among the most fertile.
126 South Commercial
ii Naps"
ii r
Dennis Eucalyptus Ointment
Tuata B6C JAH BOO 0tf7:
We have bought the stock and
fixtures of the O. K. Grocery
and are going to close out every
thing as quickly as possible.
Every article ln the store will
he sold very cheap, we quote a
few prices to give you an idea
as to how we are going to sell
this Btock.
German American Coffee per
pound 25c
Golden West Coffee per lb. 30c
Bulk 40c Coffee per lb. 28c
Bulk 20c Coffee per lb. 11c
Ridgways Tea, Vi U. can 15o
Ridgways Tea yt lb. can 30o
Several Brands at per sack $1.95
Drifted Snow Flour, per sack,
Large PacSage Oat Flakes, per
package 28o
Large Fackag Wheat makes,
Per package 28c
Grr.pe Nuts, per package 10c
Kriukle Corn Flakes, , per pack
age 5c
All kinds of fixtures for sale,
all in splendid condition. This
stock will be ready for your in
ING. Located on 12th street be
tween State street and the Wool
en Mills.
V ' C
K ft
Last year the Western Union transmitted one hun
dred million messages. 273,954 telegrams was an
average day's business, 11,415 an hour's work, 190
cleared the wires every minute. Every time the clock
ticked 3 messages were received and delivered by
The bulk of hogs sold a week ago at
$12.5fel3.50; a month ago at $1'2
12.20; a year ago at $S.tj0((i); two
years ago at $7(i 7.25; three years ago
at $8.(i0(i 8.70; 'four years ago at $9
Cattle Are Weaker
After last week 's large run of cat
tle, which totaled over 2200 head, and
the market closing with an easy tone,
yesterday's run of cattle totaled over
1400 head. There was a good demand
from small coast butchers, who took
their supplies early on a steady basis
with a week ago. Large killers who are
all well supplied with present needs
were rather bearish and the bulk of
the day's beef was disposed of at 10
to 20 cents lower than at last week 's
opening. The feature of the day's trade
was the sale of a few heavy steers
owned bv F. C Oxmaii of Durkee, Ore
gon, at $10.00.
There were 10 loads" of prime steers
irom Montana which were weighed to
local killers. The receipts of cattle are
much heavier than was expected and
the present decline in cattle values is
believed to be onlv temporary.
Sheep Prices Hold Up
Sheen supplies yesterday were light
and prices on a steady basis. Demand
was fairly good, although packers are
not killing very much on account of
the light demand from retailers. One
load of good wool ewes brought $9.75
with a load of shorn wethers at $10.00.
There have been no lambs on the mar
ket for over a week, but prime wool
lambs are quoted from $12.90 to $13.10
Wool Situation Tight
E. W. Rumble, manager of the Co
lumbia Basin Wool Warehouse Co. in
reviewing the wool markets and the
outlook for the year says:
"The wool situation is certainly get
ting to be a tight one. Wool markets
in manufacturing centers keep mod
erately active, and prices have been
mounting rapidly. Back of this is the
fact that London sales are finishing
at the highest point, with greasy Me
rinos selling three to six ecnts, and
cross-breds four to six cents above
"Boston has now reached an asking
price at east of about $1.40 clean basis
ior good staple fine wools, $1.30 for
French, $1.25 nossibly for half bloods,
' and $1.10 for three-eights, (quarters
have not been taken hold of so well
lately, but undoubtedly they will im
prove shortly.
"Dealers throughout the northwest
I are taking contracts for wool on the
I sheep's back, when the growers are
, willing to sell, at prices ranging from
. 33c to 35c for fine wools and 40c to 45c
i for medium and cross-bred wools.
Theso prices, at the moment, would
! not appear out of line with asking
1 clean prices, Boston. The fact remains,
however, that ti.e entire market at the
present is purely speculative. Grades
and qualities jteem to ue a remote con
sideration, as it is an evident fact that
both dealers and producers are content
ing themselves with the thought that
'wool is wool,' and that the real mer
its of the trade will not be known un
til the wools are prepared and ready
for market."
As soon as legal requirements are
complied with, work will be com
menced on a bridge across the John
Day river at the mouth of Cottonwood
canvon two Howe truss spans of 180
and' 120 feet. The elevation will be
! seven feet higher than the bridge that
Iwas washed away.
n a nn
y i win
mm, in
This Is 12 Per Cent of Ger
many's Whole Undersea
Fleet Other News
Washington. Mar. 13. About CO Ger
man submarines were captured and de
stroyed between January 1 and Feb
ruary 15, according to reports reaching
here today, the first authoritative word
of the entente success in coping with
the undersea boats.
At this rate an average of one and
one-half submarines a day the suecess
of the German submarines in the long
run is doubtful, it is believed here. No
information is available here as to the
number of U-bont-s Germany has, though
unofficial reports have claimed that she
had from 300 to 500.
Experts think, however, that if the
entente can continue at the rate shown
between January 1 and February 15
and can improve thereon Germany will
soon feel the strain upon this weapon,
and that ultimately she will be forced
to give up its use.
German Attack Repulsed.
Paris, Mar. 13. A strong German of
fensive on the I.ouvemont work of Vcr.
dun was easily repulsed by the French
forces, today 'a official statement assert
ed. Soissons was bombarded during the
night. Between the Avre and the Aisne
the French successfully raised German
trenches., French forces also successful
ly repulsed two attacks, one on the Croy
road, the otbter near Beaulne and Chivy.
It was stated that 150 German prison
ers were taken yesterday in the fighting
around erdun.
"Kie-Yie-Yie! Get
MeGcts-It' Quick P
2 Drops Make Corn "Fall" Off!
"I've joined the Xcver-Again club.
Never again will I use anything for
corns but 'get's It.' Put 2 drops of
'Gets-lt' on, and from that second tho
Famous Flyer Killed.
Berlin, via Sayville wireless, Mar. 13.
The well known German flyer Hans
Yolmoller, was killed during a trial in
an aeroplane, the official press bureau
announced today.
In 1010 Yolmoller distinguished him
self as a constructor of a new aeroplane
which held several records. His brother
is the well known poet and author of
Sumurun and the Miracle, staged in the
United States.
Germans Hold Height.
Berlin, via Sayville wireless, Mar. 13.
' ' The much disputed height 185 was
maintained tenaciously against a numer
ically superior force," declared today's
official -statement detailing the western
front fighting.
"The enemy paid with sanguinary
sacrifices for a locally limited and nar
row gain of ground on the southwest
On Italian Front.
Berlin, via Sayville wireless, Mar. 13.
Livelier fighting was reported from
the Italian front in the Vienna official
report for today, received here.
' ' Near Goerz an aeroplane which
alighted in the vicinity of Saint Andre
was destroyed by our artillery," it
:m-'M itA StH ii. -iia.iy-,.'
"Oh, Don't Toneh lit It' So Sor!"
l'e "Oets-lt" uud It Will Never
Be Soret
corn begins to shrivel, instead of swell
ing up like a little white sponge. Then
it loosens from your toe and, glory
hallelujah! the corn comes off as though,
you'd take a glove off your hand!"
Yes, "Gets-It" is the corn discovery
of the age. More "Gets-lt" is sold by
many times than any other corn reme
dy in 'existence. Try it and you '1 know
tho reason why. It takes two seconds
to apply it, and it dries at. once. That's
all. Don't experiment follow the ex
perience of millions and use " Gets-It. "
"Gets-lt" is sold everywhere. 25c a
bottle, or sent on receipt of price by
E. Lawrence & Co., Chicago, 111.
Sold in Salem and recommended as
the world's best corn remedy by J. C
Perry, D. J. Fry, Opera House Pharmacy.
Advance Beyond Bagdad.
London. Mar. 13 British forces press-
. iug beyond Bagdad have occupied Kad
himain, taking 100 Turks prisoners, an
! official Mesopotamian statement declar
1 ed today. Pursuit of the retreating en
jemy continues. British gunboats are
manager of the company, says that mar
ricd white men will be employed by
The mill is equipped electrically
throughout and machines of the most
up to date type have been installed,
serving to save labor in cutting the
daily capacity of 225,000 feet.
Silverton is now in the full bloom
of a healthy growth, as scores of new
residences have been built since work
was commenced ou the new mill. New
business blocks have been erected and
new places of business have been open
ed. .
Ashland Tidings: Steelhead fishing
in both Bear creek and Rogue river is
very good despite the high and muddy
waters. Numerous Ashland partes met
with good success at the river in the
past few days and big catches aro
brought up from Bear creek daily.
Strings of 'five or more steelhead are
not unusual as a result of a few hours
spent down on Bear creek, and the ang
ling fever is getting into the blood of
every owner of an outfit. Salmon eggs
are used for bait and a No. 6 or 4 hook.
Fred Herrin says he got one hooked
down at the river the other day that
looked as big as a submarine. It zipped
out to the end of the line and kept right
on going, taking most of the line with,
him. Fred says if he hadn't slowed up
the old brute he believes it would have
catapulted high onto the bank on the
other side.
of the
relieved in
Each Cap- fTS
twars th tM OY
name -
I Half Million Dollar
Sawmill at Silverton
Is Sawing Lumber
Silverton, Or., March 13. Silverton
$500,000 sawmill began operations here
yesterday. About one year ago prepa
rations were begun for the erection of
what now is one of the largest saw
mills in the Willamete valley.
The Silver Falls Timber company is
the owner of the mill located on a site
of 143 aires adjacent to the city on
the north. The company has standing
timber in the Abiqua basin which will
last for a period of 30 or 40 years,
while running ihe new, mill to capacity.
The company operates 35 miles of
logging railroad and will build two ad
ditional miles each year. The timber
tract covers 30,000 acres, most of
which is fir. Two locomotives and 120
logging cars will be used to supply the
mill with logs. .
There will be employed in the log
ging camps between 350 and 400 men,
while 225 to 250 will work in the mill.
i.l. C. Woodward, secretary and general
J Gives a brilliant glossy shine that
Gives a brilliant glossy shine that
aoes not mo ctt or oust oil thnt
anneals to the iron that lasts four
times aa loug as any other.
Black SilkStove Polish
Is In a class by Itself. It's more
carefully made and made
troin bmer materials.
Try It cm your parlor
Biove, your cook aiove
or your bus ran(re.
If you don't And it
i ne ueEt ponsn you
ever used, your
hardware or
grocery dealer is
aurhurUed to re-
iund jour
Shinm In
. Every Drop"
1 - - - --- - -i I,.