Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 13, 1917, Page THREE, Image 3

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Eleven busy Owl
factories prove what
smokers think of me.
' mmmmi
Ux 11111 mjtmtf;'t?.
Lake County Examiner: Suit was
filed in the coun.ty elt'rk 's office Tues
day to restrain the collection of taxes
for the rabbit bounty. Tho plaintiff
in the case is I. A. Cnrriker, promin
ent stockman and rancher of the West
Side ami Mrs. Lucy A. Cnrriker. his
wife. W. I.air Thompson is handling
the case for the plaintiff- Tho de
fendants named in tho suit are Lake
county, K. H. Smith, county judge; J.
I'. Duke and K. D. Lutz, county com
missioners; AV. B. Snider, sheriff, and
F. W. I'ayue, county clerk. Papers
nere served on the defendants Tues
day. Fort Rock Times: An ice vein has
been discovered in the well which Mr.
Denning is drilling on the homestead
belonding to Mabel E. Clcvenger. Mr.
Denning has been engaged in the busi
'ness 'for a 'gfcat Tnatiy years' but says
ho has never before heard of anything
of a like nature. The ice vein shown
in several places at depths from l(i to
5:1 'feet. Tho well is now at a depth of
SI feet.
t State House News t
The OvhofO Irrigation project, fon-
ixting of about WXK) acres near
rnneville, for the development or
which a bond for lt.000,000 ha ben
favorably voted on, will probably be
the first project to come under the new
art permitting irrigation districts to
bond. As the act goes into rffeet on
May 20, the state engineer is of the
opinion that the bonds will be effect
ive on May 21.
The act as passed by the legislature
provides for a bonding board which
consists of the state engineer, the at
torney general, and the state superin
tendent of banks, which board is to ex
amine iuto the feasibility of the pro
ject, the value of the securities, the
water supply. Should the report be ac
ceptable, the secretary of state cer
tifies the bonds which are then avail
able as securities for savings banks.
trust companies, etc.
The building committee appointed
bv Governor Withvcombe to look after
tho building work at the Oregon State
Normal school has appointed John li.
Bennis of 1'ortland, architect to pre
pare the jdans for tho addition author
ized by the late legislature. The addi
tion to the school is to cost 25,000.
The committee appointed by Govern
or Withvcombe consists of J. A.
Churchill, stato superintendent of pub
lic instruction; H. (r. Starkweather o!
Albany,, and C. L. Starr of Portland,'
formerly tax commission secretary; W.
C. Bryant, of Moro; and Miss Cornelia
Marvin of Salem, state librarian.
According to the report of Parole Of
ficer Keller of the Oregon state peni
tentiary, the 245 paroled prisoners
earned for the month of February an
average sum of $52.07 each. This is de
clared to be the most favorable show
ing of any month since the parole law
became effective. Tho report states
that only 107 violations of parole have
been niado out of a possible 84o.
Rules of Conduct for Nary
Men On Merchant Ships
Matter of Getting Quarters In
SteusM Building Up
Wednesday Night
By Carl D. Croat
(United Press'staff correspondent)
Washington, March 13. Instructions
to American navy gunners regarding
their conduct in de'ending United
States armed merchantmen from Ger
man submarines in Germany's barred
death area, are completed and approv
ed, and will be issued "whenever need
ed." Secretary of the Xavy Daniels drew
the orders and then in two conferences
with Secretary of State Lansing, made
some changes, believed to.be minor.
Daniels, who announced today com
pletion of tho instructions, declared
they would be secret and said ho had
control of the situation so that the
contents would not be made public
from any source.
There will be little delay in forward
ing the . instructions, 1t is assumed.
Daniels, however, declined to give the
exact time on the ground that this
would serve as a means ot showing the
sailing dates of the armed ships.
1 resident ilson, it is understood,
saw the orders when they were com
pleted and with secretary" Lansing ap
proved them.
Secretary Daniels made the specific
request that newspapers refrain from
any speculation or inference as to the
contents of the order.
The United States government is not
placing armed guards aboard the mer
chant men to protect contraband cargoes.
The official announcement to the ;
world yesterday, confirming tho armed
guard plan, specifically omitted men
tion of protection of tho cargo, saying
only that the guards were placed aboard
New Book at
the Public Library
Sundway School
Cope Evolution of the Smidny
Dnnicbon Object Lessons for the
Cradle Hull.
Hurlbnrt Organization and Building
Up the Sunday School.
McKlfresh Training of Sunday
School Teachers and Officers.
Reisner Social Plans for Young Feo
incent The Modern Sunday School.
Mead Modern Methods in Sunday
School Work.
Arnim The Caravaners.
Macon The Memoirs of a Babr.
Bennett The Ghost
Butler Pigs is Pigs.
Gerould The Great Tradition.
Gerould Vain Obligations.
Olinstead A Cloistered Komance.
Keed Lavender and Old Lace.
Sienkiewicz With Fire and Sword.
Tompkins Diantha.
Turnbull Handle With Care.
Auer CainpFires in the Yukon.
Dana Manual of Mineraloy.
Davis Myths and Legends of Japan. ! b-ok them over
Haecki-I Kiddle of the Universe.
Hoyle Hand Bouk of Games.
Fhillips Poland-
juiller-('oueh On the Art of Writ !
Books for Sunday School Workers.
The public library is putting out i
shelf of book on Sunday -hw! net;
of various kii.da. Other ubm an- t
lie added in the near futnre. upvrii -tendruts
and teachers will do well I
Sav- ;he imt.
t-inith What Can Liteiature Do for
Thorndyke The Miuor Elizalx-than
Williams Luther Burbank; His Life
and Work.
Luther Burbank, His Life and Work.
This is the title of a new book by
Henry Smith Williams which has just
been added to the shelves at the public
Allxiuy Herald: The announce
ment today of the reorgaititation tf
the Albany Fruit Juice cuinpnny wit'-i
solid financiil backing gave the enm-
niuuity substantial visions of an enor
mous manufacturing industry in th
community within a few years. It
has been knewu that the loganberry
could be grown here in large quantities,
aud of a good quality, and that thcr
was a great demand for the juice whe
i properly prepared for the market an I
library. The book is less biographical that the Albany company had the proper
than descriptive of the work accomp- process, so the building of a large in
lished in the plant world. It is sugnea-i dustry ill the community depended only
tive of gardeners. Three chapters are' on getting plenty of capital back of the
devoted to "the human plant," show- company, which has now been Becom
ing how the principles of biology apply plished by men of Albany and vicin
to the improvement of the human race. I ity.
f'liief f'lerlc Dvnffer. Chlenilnr Clerk
Erskine, Journal Clerk Moorcs, and j 40 llr?tect live!? al,d Plcrty.
' .... ... . ' . 1 Tina vai iDlrnn
Representative Charles Elgin, who
have been revising and correcting the
house journal will linisli their work to
This was taken to. bo a notification
that the government wishes it clearly
understood tunt it recognizes the right
. An irrigation system is scheduled
to be installed in" the Crane section,
the water to be diverted from Mal
heur lake, five miles southwest of
Crane. Surveyors are being made, for
tho ditches and a pumping plant on
the shore of the lake, electric power
to be developed on the Malheur river
above Drewesey.
Members of the Commercial club will
have something of vital interest to talk complcteai
Wednesday evening of this week.
At the meeting of the directors last
evening, plans were submitted for the
securing of new quarters for the club,
as the present lease expires within a
few mouths.
The proposition to be placed before
the members is whether to secure quar
ters in the new building to be erected
by Stcusloff Bros., for the Portland
Railway, Light & Power company, on
Liberty street just opposite the Elks'
temple. -
The plans as submitted give the see
ond and third stories of the building
to the Commercial club and the building
to be known as tho Chamber of Com
merce building.
The building is to be 53 by 90 feet.
On the second floor will be located the
social or reading room, 20 by 53 feet;
a billiard room 36 by 39 feet; the three
offices of the club; a kitchen 10 by 12
which is necessary on account of the
number of banquets served; coat room
10 by 12 uud a ladies' parlor 10 by 10
day. They have been engaged the past U1"7 ""niranun.i, 1Hlt lllsl8 Tnar
22 days in getting tho journal in shape 1 thl be done, in accordance, with inter-
tnr- tl winter. Hnenker Stnnfield will , UH1 mml 'v uoi tnrougn unwnrneu a
i a j. c!..i.... t,mv i tacks,
11UYU CUUie IU OUIm iUl a anvil Lilil
to sign the necessary papers, and tlren
the work of the session will be finally
Tho Addaehine Manufacturing com
pany with a capital of $100,000 filed
articles of incorporation to deal in real
estate. Tho office of the concern is
in Portland arid the incorporators are
Fred W. fiodolf, George W. Roberts,
and E. K. Brown.
Supplementary articles were filed by
the Portland Automobile Trado As
sociation, Inc., to add the additional
enterprise of assembling and distribut
ing used motor cars. The stock is al
so increased from $100 to $1000.
Tho Federal Machinery Company
filed supplementary articles and
changed its name to tho Bolton Serv
ice Company.
The Old People's Home, with an es
timated valuation of $300,000, filed
supplementary articles for the purpose
of establishing one or moro homes for
tho ag'sd in Multnomah county.
superintendent of the
Coquille river hatcheries, who was in
the city today, said thajt salmon are
hatching faster now than 'for some
time past and there are about 2,000,
000 fry in the troughs. He expects the
two hatcheries will have over 7,000,000
about two and a half million on the
Coquille i-ivr being included in the
During the first 13 days of March
tho state insurance commissioner has
received 43.S52 from the insurance
On the third floor will bo located the j companies doing business in tha state,
auditorium 40 by 00 feet with coat The tax is on the premiums received
i rooms and serving kitchen. On this by the companies aud amounts to two
rni.l,fii.l,t Bpcniil. Wmilf Smith
Coos river and ;Tioor niso aie ne orrices to be rented. pcr cent. The money was turned over
this morning to tne state treasurer.
Klamath Falls. Ore.: Need of in
. creased acreage for the Grants Pass
sugar factory is- evidenced in a letter
received here by Charles W. Eberline,
asking if it will be possible to secure
200 or 300 acres for beet production
this year in Klamath county for the
: factory. Rates from Klamath Falls
to Grants Pass have been applied for
from the Southern Pacific. by Manager
Nibley of tho Giants Pass factory. The
. company pays $5.50 per ton delivered.
Albany Herald: Yesterday afternoon
15 wool growers of Linn county met in
the First National bank building in Al
bany for the purpose of studying co
operative marketing. No organization
"was formed, but the matter of forming
n pool of the wool of Linn, Lane, Ma
rion, Benton and Josephine counties was
There will be an elevator and also stair
Figured from a financial standpoint,
it will cost the club more than the rent
that is now being paid. Those in fa
vor of the change feel that one of the
principal advantages will be that of
having an auditorium for the use of the
various conventions that come to the
city and for the use of the clubs and or
ganizations that are in need of a suit
able place for special meetings.
All sides of the proposal are to be
brought before the members Wednesday
evening and as this is the biggest
proposition that has come before the
club for some time, the indications are
good for a live and interesting session.
In addition to using all products nec
ssary for tho county farm of Lane
county the past two months,'' the su
perintendent, B. F. Russell, sold pro
duce to the value of $402.62. The cost
of operating the farm for the two
months was $516.08. The average mini
ber of inmates was 23.
(Continued from page one.)
the conference of tho nation's leaders
Between $75,000 and $SI,000 are ex
pected to be collected by the insurance
commissioner in all.
Western Players Took
All But One Tennis Match
Los Angeles, Cab, March 13. The
victory scored bv the West when the
University of Oregon defeated tho Uni
versity of Pennsylvania at football
New Years was followed by another
overwhelming victory for the West
when western players took all but one
match in the four day East-West ton
us tourney here. Today the stars of the
East are wending their way homeward,
preparing to tell their supporters that
they were outclassed.
Maurice McLoughlin, formerly
world '8 champion, staged another great
comeback yesterday when he decisive
ly beat Harold - . Throckmorton, na
tional junior champion.' (5-4, 6-4, 4-0,
6-3. He had the edge on the easterner
In the closing singles event, Mary
K. Browne, West, defeated Molla B.jur
stedt, East, national champion,- 7-5,
6-0. To make the defeat even more com-
oughlin do
University Notes
"College Men and Community Lead
ership" was tho gist of Raymond Rob
ins' adress to men only in the univer
sity chapel last night. In part he said?
"We are going to do things with
folks in the future." Tim action of
the community will condition a life
even if lived on the most secluded
ranch in eastern Oregon. As illustra
tive of his thcinc 'tho purification of
America's life he gave a vivid account
ot his experiences cleaning up the sev
enteenth ward in the west side of Chi
cago. He characterized a foreign com
munity in a great industrial center as
a point where stress is greatest in the
breakdown ot the social welfare. The
fight in this was chiefly directed a
gainst "Buck" Serven, the political
boss of the ward. To fight him the re
formers did not need to tell the peo
ple he was a gratter, they knew it,
but honored him all the same. In this
tho Christian method was used. The
little band, that initiated the reform,
found some vital point in the life of
tho people, where good work would
mean the most. "It won't do any good
to talk about tilings, guess about
things, you must know things."
With this idea in mind the party
conducted a scientific investigation of
the ward's lood and sanitary condi
tions. While discovering that the milk
and meat was rotten, and that the gar
bage was seldom hauled awaj', they
found that the ward was honeycombed
with graft. Realizing that actions
speak louder than words, means were
provided that the poor could get pure
milk for their babies. After cleaning
up one thing another was attacked, un
til Robins and his co-workers entered
politics to get control of the social life
that modern society demands. After a
hard bitter fight, that was greeted
first only by defeats, the corrupt polit
ical machine of tb,e community was
Another lecture for men only has,
i,., ,..,i f,.,. t,.,,;,,i,t ot 7-:m iii
the chapel. Robins farewell address
will be at a mass meeting in the Meth
odist chnrch, Wednesday night.
Wheat's Snow Blanket j
Fails to Check Rise!
. I
Chicaeo. March 13 The threat of aj
railroad strike, which influenced tho J
i ji l.. i ...u j:.a:.. ...uiti ,.. . . ..- i-r..i
c t t i -cl I'-ii . , ji muur, wuu me ucciumn wiui laiiur a mete. 31iss nrowne aim iucijuujim1" ; i . ,i. ,,,..., inuf :u
mrt Tf con- ? -tinned feated Miss Bjurstedt in mixed doubles!
bear features biter and good gains
nl Vi,i." .! . ,. ominously silent on tne striKe question, (,-s:, b-.'. !. r,1(,istpi.(, li(,lJOrts of ivy,
snows which means millions to wheat:
trol this morning to award the con
tract for the erection of the new
$60,000 wing to the Oregon state re
ceiving hospital to Edgar W. Lazarus &
Co., of Portland, with provisions con
cerning a weekly visit of the architect
for supervising purposes.
Wo neither confirm nor deuv that a
strike call will be issued," said their
Will Do Their Part.
As evidence of their determination
not. to embarrass the government in an
emergency, the brotherhaad chiefs,
without argument, voted with the labor
council unanimously to uphold a reso
lution expressing the willingness of
more than two million members of or
ganized labor as represented by the
brotherhoods and the American Federa
tion of Labor to "do their bit and do it
with all their energy," in any national
emergency that may arise.
Chief Lee, spokesman for the four
chiefs, indicated todav that a formal
Count fifty! Your cold in head or statement regarding the brotherhood's
catarrh disappears. Your clogged nos-; position may be forthcoming later to
trils will open, the air passages of your; day.
coincident witn its stand to help out
How To Get Relief When Head
and Nose are Stuffed Up.
To Wrestle Eomanoff
Los Angeles, Cal., March 13. Joe
Steelier today signed an agreement for
a wrestling 'match with Constantino
Romanoff, Russian grapplor, at Shrine
auditorium March 23.
Activities of Braun
mowers over the grain belt also fail
ed to cause any slump in the market. I
May opened down 1 1-8 but later gain-;
ed 2 going to $1.81 7-8. July open-;
ed down l'4, subsequently gaining 3
to $1.55. September wheat opened
down 1, but gained 2, Inter, going to
,1..4t. '
! I'ni-n nvlitlittf.fi A fjtirlv stejldv totlC. !
Avniica XncnieinnntOn the nneninir a break became notice
nillEE.1i: EJU.EUI1.IIEII11 . . 1 . .
head will clear and you can breathe
freely. No more snuffling, hawking,
mucous discharge, dryness or headache;
no struggle for breath at night.
Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream
Balm from your druggist and apply a
and healing the swollen or inflamed
mucous membrane, giving you instant
relief. Head colds and catarrh yield
like magic. Don't stay stuf fed-up and
miserable. Relief is sure,
little of this fragrant antiseptic cream
every air passage of the head, soothing
in your nostrils. It penetrates through 'putes.
in case of war, the labor council, presid
ed over by Samuel Gompers, took a
firm position against militarism; in
taking this stand, however, a difference
was drawn between "militarism" and
universal service; and it was voted also
to demand that rich and poor be treated
with unequivocal sameness in any uni
versal service plans war heads might de
cide on.
The council likewise voted againsv
any use of the military in industrial ais-
..1.1.. l..,t lt..i. it t'fillitu-H.l U-llfltt to
v , ,r. r , f ! IiiRnor levels. Jiuy opened u.mn .
iew jwiiv, -' r"""""6 "' later gaining 1 to ipi.tm a-ts; .nii.y
amen regarding uustav uraun, secre- ned ,0WIl i;
. IL TnAWnn. '
tary of the Atlantic district, Interna- to $1,071,.'
tional Seamen's Union of America, led j ()ats stal te(i
marine circles acre to the Deiier tortay
that the department of justice is taking
an active interest in the strike for a 75
per cent wage bonus by seamen who
were to have taken the Atlantic trans
port freight ship Manchuria from New
York to London.
Unknown men appearing 011 the docks
have thoroughly questioned these sea
men regarding the activities of Braun
and his connections with the union.
Braun has threatened to call out other
seamen when efforts are made to move
other American-o"wned ships.
Braun declares he is a naturalized
American citizen from Sweden and that
he hag voted in this country for 14
subsequently gaining.
lower, but made a full
recovery. -May oats opened down ,
but later gained 3-4, going to 5S 1-8, i
July opened down 14, later going to .j'
Provisions displayed weakness dur
ing the trading, pork showing a loss
Lard and ribs remained steady.
Marshfield, Ore., Mar. 13. Thomas
Madden, former St. Paul politician, is
dead today with self-inflicted bullet
wounds in his head and chest. He com
mitted suicide rather than 'face trial on
a charge of bootlegging.' Madden first
sent a bullet into his breast then shot
He frequently receives mail ad- himself in the temple.
Winter Left
Yon Miserable?
ARE you dull, tired, achy all over, bothered with a bad back? Do you
feel all 6ut of sorts? Do you Jack the energy you need for the day's'
work ? Don't worry so touch' about it! This is a common condi
tion in March. So many of us neglect our exercise in "winter, eat too
heavily, indulge our desires too much, and get slow, lazy and half -efficient.
Then, with the organs working badly, comes a chill, a cold or a grip at
tack and it weakens the kidneys. To get started right again, help the
kidneys. Use Doan's Kidney Pills, the remedy that has done so much for
Salem people. '
Lee Street
'J. IT. Tenton, 1-40.1 Leo St.,
says: "On scleral occasions
a cold settled in my back
across my kidneys, causing
pain that extended into my
loins. 1 knew from other tlis
nkdere that my kidneys were
to blame and started using
Doan's Kidney Pills. I found
them just the thing to rid me
of the pain and annoyance."
(Statement given December
II, I'M 2.)
On April 12, 191(1, Mr.
Ponton said: "I have never
found a more reliable medi
cine for backache and kidney
disorders than Doan's Kid
ney Pills. Whenever my kid
neys get out of fix, Donn's
soon put them right."
' S. Thirteenth Street
Mrs. h. M. Drager Oti!) S.
Thirteenth St., says: "I can
conscientiously say that
Doan's Kidney Pills are a
very reliable medicine for
kidney disorders. I have tak
en them on several occasions,
when I have had a dull, tired
feeling across my kidneys
and when they haven't been
acting regularly and have
never failed to get quick re
lief. It is only once in a
great while now that I have
need of a kidney medicine."
N. Cottage Street
Mrs. P. R. Dickson, 1144 N.
Cottage St. says: "About
six years ago I hud a terrible
attack of kidney trouble. I
had a constant, dull pain in
my kidneys and couldn't rest
day or night. My left side
pained me and I couldn't lie
on it it was so sore. When I
got down, it was almost im
possible for me to straighten.
I felt tired and depressed and
it was all I could do to drag
myself around. Nothing gave
me relief until I begun tak
ing Doan's Kidney' Pills. Af
ter finishing four boxes, I
felt well and strong and
since then 1 have never had
any trouble with my kid-'
lieys. "
Hovt Street
F. A. Sutton, 39(1 lloyt St.
says: "I had kidney trouble
ten years or moro aud during
that time I had attacks so
acute that I was laid up. My
back gnvo me a great deal of
bother and sharp pains ex
tended all through my body.
1 got. all run down, lost
weight and was in very poor
health. I doctored, but with
poor sun-ess. Finally 1 began
using Doan's Kidney Pills
ami they made me feel like a
different man. My appetite
improved and the pains left
me. Whenever I notice my
kidneys ar not acting right
now I take Doan'g for a few
days and they never fail tQ
overcome the trouble."
Mission Street
C. ('. White, barber, 104(1
Mission St. says: "Doan's
Kidney Pills are all ri(ht. I
know that from experience,
for 1 have been taking them
off and on for a number of
yeurs and they ha'vo never
failed to do good work,
standing in one position no
much was hard on my back
and kidneys. At times I could
hardly stand up strnight. Af
ter 1 had taken a box or two
of Doan's Kidney Pills, my
back felt as strong as over."
N. Church Street
Mrs. Klsio Keuscher, 12ii3
X. Church St., says: "Ten or
twelve years ago I suffered
a great deal from rheumatic
Pain In my back and morn or
less throughout my whole
body. I ached all over. My
kidneys were so congested
and irregular that I conclud
ed they caused the pains. I
begun taking Doan's Kidney
Pills and they stopped tho
pain in my bm-k, I huvo used
them off and on since when
ever I have noticed that my
kidneys needed attention and
they have always dono nio
At All Druggists, 50c a Box, Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., Mfrs.
dressed to Gustnv Brown.