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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1917)
THff DAILT CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALES!, OUBGOX SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 1917. M A PIT1P IPA w j Sl IKTV i grateful o"viMtori tot h11. r.f the (social' diversions . be stowed upon th'..iti the past week. 'Asuie from a few informal affairs to honor guests in file city and the club (.thering. the week has been unusual )y uninteresting. The coming week however promises to be a bit more gala, aa already there ar several delightful dances, bridge parties and luncheons scheduled in the calendar. tine of the moat interesting events 1a claim the attention of Halem society is the Cmlninn Tsianina eoneert at the Grand theatre, Friday night. This will afford an au (itii lli' diversion and auli atituto lor the round of past times to which society ia usually devoted and already muny prominent folk have made reservations for seats. Aj)ealing as it does to the asethet ie aense, concerts or musicals are not considered as eoming under tho gen eral classification "pomp and vani ties" against whieh strietures are pro nounced by many at this season. Miss Mabel .Robertson presided over charming luncheon today compli mentary to Mrs. Karl Steiwer of Jef ferson and Miss Eva Bailey of llills boro, two attractive visitors in Salem, and Miss Veda Cross, bride-elect of I)T. Prince W. liyrd. An artistic, array of yellow daffodils adorned the dining room and tho lunch eon table which was all done in a yel low and green color scheme, was dock ed with shamrock and a crystal bowl of tulips, d'overa were arranged for W, Miss Cross' place being marked with a, silver vaso of dainty freesia. Tho guests, wero Mrs Steiwer, Miss Ttailey, . Miss Cross, Mrs. Merrill U. Moores. Mrs. Robert Kinney of Astor ia, Miss (iertrdue Gray and Miss Mar garet Gray. ' Mr. nd Mrs. Guy S. Sargent passed Thursday in 1'ortlniid, having gone to attend a performance of "Tho Prin cess Pat" now being played at tho lleiliw thentre. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Fleming enter tained Tuesday night with an informal "500" party, their guests being the members of the Marry-Co Hound Hub. which is made up of a congenial group of card players from the older mar ried set. Seven tables were arranged for ""(0,'' the card honors falling to Mrs. Russell Catlin and Willium II. Thiol sen. Mrs. Fleming was assisted by her daughter, Miss Priscilla Fleming. With the club members the Flemings asked Mr. anil Mis. I". G. Shipley and Mr. ami Mrs. W. G. Allen. The club includes the hosts. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Catlin, Mr. and Mrs. John l. .Sutherland, Mr. and Mrs. Ruben P. linise, Mr. and Mrs. Rollin K. Page, Dr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Smith, dr., Mr. and Mrs. Henry If. Thielsen, Mr. and Mrs. William Itrown, Mr. anil Mrs. A. N. Moores, Mr. and Mrs. Max O. Hu ren Mr. and Mrs. Frank V. Spencer, Dr. and Mrs. .T. N. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. William II. Thielsen, Mr. and Mrs. John II. McNnry, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Kay and Dr. anil Mrs. Charles ll. Robertson. A charming affair of Thursday af ternoon was the informal bridge tor which Mrs. Henry J. Schulderniau was hostess. Three tables of bridge were circled hv the guests, who included tho niem- Ibers of the Trio club and several oth er prominent matrons. The rooms were fragrant with love ly spring flowers, yellow tulips and dtdf l'odili 'being arranged artistically about tho card rooms. Card honors fell to Mrs. John II Me Nary. Mrs. Schnlilerman was assisted by MiHs Mabel Withycombe. Playing besides the club guests wVrc Mrs. W. .felvin Plimpton, Mrs. V. (i. Shipley, Mrs. C. II. Robertson and Miss Mabel Withycombe. Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Schmidt and I niiiuiL roil icwi.y, ii'it luuav lor u veci Jend sojourn in Newport. By ALINE THOMPSON Honoring three charming visitors, Mr. Karl Steiwer (Janet Cray) of Jef ferson; Mrs. Robert Kinney (Althea Moores) of Astoria, and Miss Kva liai ley of llillsboro, Mrs. Merril Hruee Moores, today entertained with a mat -inee party at the Oregon theatre, fol lowed by tea at the Gray-Hello. With the honor guests the party in cluded: Mrs. Ilea O. Schmking, Mrs. George W. (irny, .Mrs. Frank II. Spenrs Mrs. Mack llofer, "Mrs. John Withy combe, Mrs. Ronieo Coiilet, Mrs. Chauu cey Miss Mabel Withycombe, Miss (iertrude Cray, .Miss Veda Cross, Miss Mabel Robertson, Miss Margaret Cray. .Miss Aline Thompson and .Miss Lindley Morton of Portland. Miss Margaret Kodgers, who is at tending the I'niversity of Oregon came home from Eugene Friday to pass a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. (ieorge F. Rodgers. For the week end Miss Rodgers has as her house guests Miss liona Spencer and Miss Mary Warick of Portland. The girls are classmates of Miss Rodg ers at Oregon and all three are mem bers of the Kappa Alpha Theta soror ity. Of premier importance on Monday's social calendar is the dunce to be given hv the Monday night club at the Moose hall. I This marks the closing of the series j of parties for which the club has been i sponsor for this season and bids fair I to be ono of the gayest and merriest jof the week's festivities, j The members arc planning to make it a St. Patrick's party and the nttraet jivp ball room will be decked with def lorations suggestive of the occasion, j Mrs. Thomas C. Smith Jr., returned 'early in the week from Portland, where jshe visited her sister, Mrs. T. Howard Drake for a few days, j Mrs. Smith went to Portland for 'groml, opera, attending the matinee performance of "Iris" Tuesday. At Fullertons At Fullertons Plan Ahead for Easter- is Its only a short time till Easter and the planning khead for the Easter outfit has to be done right away come in to us and we will offer suggestions and help you .in all ways possible to have your most fas tidious wants fulfilled We have the latest there 9 is to be had in the big Ri shopping marts of the hast, and we have them right here so you can select your needs in any particular line of ladies' r.nd misses' wearing ap parel. And the prices they are consistant with proper business methods. ; ' i' A NKW UW 11 KKIj Osiiok PRICED AT ' i $6.50 f"tv At mm "SUITS $20.00 $25.00 $30.00 $35.00 $40.00 $50.00 Hats TJIK MOST 1PK C 0 MJ NO STYI.h'S AND SIIAPKS TO HE HAD AT $1.50, $5.00, $8.00 Gloves Til K FAMOUS S I M M OS'S 1I.RAND OF HANI) MADE KiLOVKS "THE WEARi'H LINE" FOR THE PRICK OF $1.25 to $2.50 a pair The Gossard Corset ITS THE ON B 11RANI) THAT HOLDS TO A STANDARD OF (- PEIipilX'TIONYOU CANNOT fo) IK) BETTER AT $2, $2.50, $3, $4.15, $5 and up Shoes iri OF THF. BETTER C HADES it PRICED FROM to $3.50 to $10.00 EVENTUALLY YOU WILL COME TO . At Fullertons FULLER TONS MS At Fullertons Mr. and Airs. Daniel J. Fry mho have enjoying a delightful sojourn in Cali fornia will arrive home tomorrow ev ening. The Frys have been in the south for about three weeks and have sent the greater part of their stay in San Fran cisco and around the bay. Eu route home they planned to isit in Sacra mento. 0x'niug the week's festivities was the informal dancing party for which Mr. and Mrs, Homer II. Smith were Losts Moudiiy night, at their home, in celebration of the anniversary of their wedding. The affair was on the is'iasion of Mr. and Mrs. Smith's fifteenth or eyrs 'tal anniversary and they were the re cipients of a number of attractive gifts and flowers. ' I About 25 merry makers participated in tho gaveties, the guests for the most part being a -.'roup of their mar l ried friends. j Mr. and Mrs. Smith delight in giv ling these gay little affairs, and as their home is most conveniently ar ranged for danciti2 the do quite a lot of entertaining in this way. Although small and simple Miss Vera Dilley's wedding' Wednesday evening to Lawrence Ooidd Hulgin f Frank lin, North Carolina, was a charming affair. The ceremony was performed at six o'clock nt the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Mac Dilley, on State street and Rev. Carl H. Elliott of tho Presbyterian church officiated. The young couple were unattended and the ceremony was attended only by relatives and a few close friends. It was an oil pink and white .wed dinir. the rooms being prettily adorn ed with carnations and festoons of crepe paper. The pink blossoms were effective against a back ground of ivy and greens, which were also used to form an arch for the ceremony. The bride who is ti very young girl wore a simple ijown of pink chiffon trimmed with bands of pink satin. Her veil which was also pink, was full length and she carried a shower of bride's roses and freesia. During the ceremony Miss Helen Hogue a school chum of the bride,. sang "Because ' nnd was accompan ied at the piano by Miss Evelyn Reigel man, another close friend- Dr. Frank Wilbur Chaee of the Wil lamette I'niversity played the wedding march. Following the. ceiemouy a buffet lunch was served and a group of the bride s friends assisted in the serv ing and in various' 'ways. They were the Misses -Cretrt Misner, Laura Marr. Marjorio Brown, ' Cladys Pemberton Josephine Kerr am Beatrice Dilley. The bride's doing away suit was a dink blue serge worn with a golden brown hat and shoes and a corsage or carnations. Mr. and Mis. Buliin left for a two weeks wedding trip to Portland, Astor ia and Pendleton, and upon their re turn will probably make their home in Salem. The bride, who--4 one of the most attractive girls in her little coterie of intimates is a talented musician, hav ing for the past two years studied at the Willamette University school of music. Mr. Bulgin is a brother of Elwood J. Bulgin, the well known evangelist, who is now doing work in lipton, In dinna. The wedAng guests were Rev. and Mrs. Carl H. Elliott, Mrs. Anna Cul bertson and son Leon, Dr. and Mrs. Henry J. Talbot, Mr. and Mrs. E. M Croisnn, Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Walton, Dr. and Mrs. .1. Ray Pemberton, Rev. and Mrs. H. Elmer Pemberton, Miss Cladys Pemberton,- Mr. and Mrs. C. Peniberton, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pem berton, Mr. and Mrs. B. H., Mr. add Mrs. V". II. Trindle, J. C. Thomp son, H. S. Cile, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Crawford, Dr. and Mrs. Frank. Wilbur Chacc, Mrs. Louise Arthur, Miss Helen tlogue, Miss Margery Brown, Miss Ev elyn Reigelman, Miss Bertha Benck, Miss Marie Reinard of McMinnville, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Webster, Miss Lau ra Marr, Miss (ireta Misner and Miss Josephine Kerr. Mrs. Roy H. Mills gave a charming children's party on Wednesday in hon or of the-fourth birthday anniversary of her little daughter, Roberta, and a merry gathering of tiny tots were as sembled for the afternoon. All of the mothers gathered to see the kiddies in their frolics an dto en joy an afternoon of sewing. Late in the afternoon the party closed with refreshments, the youngsters being seated about a tnUlo all done in pink with baloons, a birthday cake and tiny Easter baskets of candy. The table arranged for the older guests was also carried out in a pink color scheme with carnations and huge bows of pink tulle forming an artistic centerpiece- With their mothers the little guests included: Mrs. Frank O. Myers and Maxine Myers, Mrs, Crant R. Bonnell nnd Elizabeth Bunnell, Mrs. Paul Schmidt and Helen Schmidt, Mrs. Hen ry Conoryer and daughter Josephine Conoryer and little niece Nancy Hunt; Mrs. Paul Johnson and Julia Johnson, Mrs. C. B. Webb and Marjoiie Webb, and Mrs. Buck and small daughter Dora Muck of Portland. Mrs. Charles K. Spauldiug and Mrs. Walter Spauldiug also were guests. Miss Eva Bailey of llillsboro is the house guest of Miss Certrude Cray and Miss Margaret Cray. Miss Bailey came Thursday and will visit in Salem for about a week. Last night the girls presided at a small informal dinner in honor of their guest who has visited in Salem on sev eral occasions and has a number of friends in the younger set. Covers for S were arranged about a table prettily adorned with spring flow ers. Carl Cabrielson returned today from a week's stav in Portland. . To honor Mrs. Roy F. Richardson, on the occasion of her birthday, a small j group of friends assembled at her home I on Mission street, for an informal af-j ternon on Monday. j The afafir was a complete surprise to the honoree and the afternoon was de lightfully -parted- with sm0 '' hatter. " Those gathering for the celebration wen-, Mrs. LeRoy Hewlett, Mrs. Clyde Johnson, -Mrs. J. . . Perry, Airs. Roma Hunter. Mrs. Calvin F. Patton and Mrs. Andrew L. Johnson. ft ft Mrs. Robert Kinney (Althea Moores) of Astoria is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Moores, and will be here for about a week. She was accompanied as far as Port land by Mr. Kinney who will probably loin her in Salem before nor return home. Mrs. Carl Steiwer (Janet Gray), a harmiiiL' bride of the season, was the honor :uest Thursday afternoon at the small informal bridge tea for which Mrs. Ceorge William Cray was hostess, (iuests were asked for two tables of bridge and later in the afternoon a few- more matrons and mains joined tne plavers for tea. , The rooms were charming with snriiiL' flowers nnd -the guests includ ed about 1R matrons and maids, prin- mipally old friends of Mrs. Steiwer. Mrs. Walter Spauldiug was hostess Friday afternoon for a delightful in formal Kensington. Her guests included about a dozen matrons and maids, who were for the most part members of the La Couder tnh ,-lii..h hns not. met before this winter, but will be resumed from now on throughout the season. The rooms were attractively ueeneii with vellow daffodils, the refreshment table "at which the guests were seated being adorned with frngrant pink and white sweet fiens. Mrs, R. W. Walton assisted Mrs. Spauldiug. Cuests of the afternoon were Mrs. William Walton, Mrs. C. K. Spaulding, Mrs. R. W. Walton, Mrs. "Bob" Rob erts, and Miss Jane Fry. The members included in the club are: Mrs. Chester Cox, Mrs- Paul John son, Mrs. Rov .Mills, Mrs. Cliford Far mer, Mrs. Louis Josse, Mrs. Walter Sp-nulding Mrs. Paul Schmidt, Mrs. Harry Wenderoth and Miss Xaney Skaife. Perhaps the smartest affair sched uled in the calendar for next week is the dancing partv for which Dr. and Mrs. Harry K. Clay will bo hosts at their residence on Saturday night.. It will be a St. Patrick's party and the guests will include close to 50 of the married set and younger contin gent. . The Clays are noted for their de lightful entertaining and have the gift of hospitality which makes then friends unusually eager to gather at their home. ii Mr. and Mrs- Ceorge C. Brown have gone to Portland for a brief visit. They went this morning and will remain over the week end. - i Informal yet charming was the af ternoon of bridge for whieh Mrs. W. Carlton Smith was hostess Thursday. Four tables were placed for bridge and the card honors fell to Mrs. Ed win L. Baker. Baskets of vivid hued spring tlow ers were prettily arranged about the card rooms und the guests were the members of the Thursday Bridge club of which the hostess also is a member. Miss Calista .Moore was a guest of the club. . . Mrs. Charles L. McNary had a small group of matrons at her home for an informal little sewing bee on Friday afternoon. , Several "members of the hostess club were guests. Mrs. Al II. Steiner was the motif for a delightful surprise party Monday af ternoon, when several of her friends gathered at her home to celebrate the anniversary of her birthday. Bhe celebration was planned by the members of the Sweet Briar club, which is composed of matrons living on the Wallace road, and the afternoon was pleasantly whiled away with sew ing and chatter. At the refreshment hour the party circled the table to enjoy a birthday collation and the cake, which had been prepared bv the guests. The club members sharing in the at temoon were: Mis. Clyde C. Beckett, Mrs M C Pettvs, Mrs- Fred Dermby, Mrs' W. C. Franklin, Mrs. S. P. Kim hall, Mrs. Charles Chaffee, Mrs. J. Olinger, Mrs. E. 1). Moll, Mis. M. Bonn Miss Helen Tavlor and Miss Belle Mil ler. , , -ii-:n: ir t 1-tl.i turned Wcil- .virs. " ii nam -- - . i nesdav night from Portland where she j lias neen uir gutsi ui ........... - ernl days. Dr. Lytle who accompanied her canie home earlier in the week. Over ()0 of the younger folk made merrv last night at the delightful danc ing party given by a group of young girls nt I'nion hall. The hall was tlecke.l with hanging baskets of greens combined wit a g.i colored pennants, and the chaperones included Mrs. Thomts S. Colden. Mrs. si,! t ii. .!.. ,1. Mia John J. Ack- lllUim i. !'. ; . erman, Mrs. Ralph White, and Mrs. O. F. victor. . , The vouth and enthusiasm of the ... 1 ..;...-, with the informality gUCMS -'' ' ...... - : of the affair made it one of the gay-; . .1..1 H-1-..lL 'u lVitiv- 1 est anil merriest oi n; - ties. , . . .. Among those participating in tin gaveties" were the Misses Edna Acker man. Annabelle Golden. Mnmmie Vic tor, C.retchen Brown, Olga Gray, Veva Golden, Lucille DeWitte, Marie Coffin, of Dallas, Amelia Babcock. Edna Ma gers, Helen Xeugebauer, Mary Bayne, Velma West. Letha Driseoll. Marie Briggs. Jessie Taylor, Mary belle Kein hart, Genevieve Patton, Emma Snook, .11- I-.- ,., I I mu I.. ill 1.1- -ll. in- . - " V "w mm, ' ' " " ' ' vy . ).y ; ' , "- ' ; W. i --" i.-; -; . ' ,t f . ; ' - r- 'V; - . . V i . - u x"U-::i IjjJ: ; -1 - i . MiMmAmJt -I " - - ir . ; ti-rl$ I - ''inf r" f - PRINCESS TS1AXINA, INDIAN MEZZO SOPRANO, WHO WILL B IJ HEARD IN CONCERT AT THE GRAND THEATRE FRIDAY NIGHT. Isobel George, Pearl George, Opal George, Marie Evans, Bessie Gill, Grace Howell, Dora Gray, Inez siege, Ruth Jones, Margaret White, Elsie Vic tor and Breyman Boise, Frank Duiliin, Aruiiii ' Berger, (ieorge Doust, Archie Holt, Verne George, Winifred Dcnni son, Heed Roland, (Umi Ackerman, Litmus Simpson, Harold-- Walling. Frank Zinn, Andrew Vimcnt, Keith White, Willis Vincent, Oscar Zcllers. Frank Grosvcnor, Ralph Lindsey, War ren Lindsey, Theron Hoover, Karl Sumner, Charles Huguins and " Brick' Sumner, Charles Huggins, "Brick'-' Hagedoin, Earl Flegel, Sylvester Bur iegh, Leland Austin, Donald Fletcher. Harold Miller, Flovd Kvle and Paul Miller. Miss Lindley Morton who has been tho house guest of Mrs. William Brown returned to her homo in Portland to day.' . : i ' Ronald C Glover, seeretary to Con gressman Willis C. llawley, arrived home from Washington, D. ('., Thurs day night. - Mrs. Frank A. Turner and Miss Joy Turner have issued cards for a bridge at which they will entertain Friday af ternoon, March the sixteenth, in com pliment to Mrs. Rex A. Turner, a bride of the month. A large number of matrons -and maids have been asked to meet the vis itor who, with Mr. Turner, is the guest of the latter's family for a few weeks. ft Mrs. Charles K. Spauldiug was host ess Monday afternoon when she enter tained the members of her club and a few guests informally at bridge. Guests were asked to make up four tables of the game, the score honors falling to Mrs. Roy Mills. Assisting the hostess were Mrs. Wal ter Spaulding and Mrs. Roy Mills. As additional guests Mrs. Spaulding asked Mrs. Louis Lachiuund, Mrs. Roy Mills and Mrs. Walter Spaulding. ! Friends of Miss Alice Lupton will be sorry to know that she is leaving Sa lent the first of April to make her home in Manteca, California, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lupton. En route south Miss Lupton will visit friends in Medfonl, Sacramento and Palo Alto. Miss Lelah Belle and Miss Eugenia Belle have gone to Portland for a vis it and are the guests of friends. They went early in the week and will prob ably remain over Sunday. Of pu in mount, importance on tho calendar for next week is the Vadinnn Tsiauiiia concert at the Grand demie Friday night. The concert promises to be the most artistie and uniipie musical offering; of the season and the opening seat s:il lists scoios of music lovers as well as many society folk, who are, eagerly awaiting Friday night. The programme will be as follows: Charles Wakefield Cailniau, Ameri can composer and authority on the music of the American Indian, with Tsianina Redl'euther, Creek' Indian mezzo soprano. In a program of 'miscel laneous, songs and pieces (mainly by Mr. CaiimaiO followed bv the "'Imliau Music Talk." Part one Miscellaneous: Songs: I found him on the Mesa (new) Ciidman. The place of breaking; light (oil a Chippewa melody) Cnduiap. Invocation to the Sun god (on a Zuni melody) Troycr. " .."Piano' Musio'vTlii JhuluTorbird comes from the cedars. Cudiunn (translated from the song of the sunn; nanie by the composer. In. ..Ms.) Andante, rim ilesederio from the A Major sonata, Cadmau. From the village, Cadiuan. (New, from the "Thunderbird 'suite ' for piano) Note "Thunderbird" music is ar ranged from the new orchestra suite as incidental music for the play by Nor man Geddes, and this play with the Cad in an music will be produced nest-fall- The orchestral suite of five 'iimn bers is now being given over the coun try by leading orchestras. Songs: The litt'e elf man, John -IS. Wells. I ilunno', John It. Wells. Tho owl. John H. Wells. (Group of children's songs. Tsianina accompanying herself.) Part two The Indian Music Talk: 1. -Examples of sacred and primativo music used as analogy: The Omaha tri bal prayer (sung in the Omaha tonguet A Gregorian chant of the seventh cen tury (in Latin), An ancient' Coptic chant (In Arabic vocables). 2. Demonstration of "involved" (Continued from page two.) THIS WILL INTEREST MOTHERS Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children, a certain relief for fever ishness, headache, bad stouiaeht teeth ing disorders, move and regulate the. bowels and destroy worms. They fie iuently break up colds in 24 hours. They are so pleasant to the taste chil dren like them- Over 10,0(10 testimon ials. Vsed by mothers for 2!) years. They never fail. Sold by all druggists, 25c. Sample mailed free. Address, Mother Gray Co., Le Roy, N. V. EXTRA ORDINARY SALE OF TICKETS FOR THE CADMAN-TSIAN'NA CONCERT, MARCH 16 The management has the pleasure to announce that the house is well sold out for this high class attraction. This speaks well for Salem. Every seat should be sold to do honor to this Great American composer and we believe the best peo ple of Salem will help to do this. TICKETS ON SALE NOW and all week at the OPERA HOUSE PHARMACY , " PRICES: $1.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c. Management of Minnetta Magers. i