Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 09, 1917, Page TWO, Image 2

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For ike invalid as well as
iKosc in perfect Health
Bakers Cocoa
is an ideal food bev
erage, pure, delicious
Walter Baker fit Cq Ltd
HHl - Sirahorn Combination
May Stir Southern Pacific
to Action
Symptoms of More Serious
K. Kdwards entertained in-.the bride to be h now living
M iss ithaiu httll tt.ftnv frtiwi.Id in
circlos, having stutliel here last year
at the Willamette university school of
Mr. Oompton. who in a nephew of
h. H. 'ompton. general secretary of
the V. M. f. A., is assistant cashier
or the Salem Hank of Commerce.
After a wedding trio the connle will
make their home in Salem at jH.j South
Commercial street.
Mr S,
luursuay UHcrilOOU Wltn
... i . . .
twt S "panuienia m me Sulem anion,: musical and
Guests were asked for two table of
the. game, the eard honors falling to
Mrs. Charles burkee. Airs. W. D.
Fletcher assisted the hostess ia the
Mrs. K.lward 0. Smyth has as her
louse guest Mrs. Herburt Scott of Tort
Today Mrs. Smyth was hostess for
am informal luncheon complimentary to
her giiest.
Mr. and Mrs. If. J. SchuI.Ierman will
nave as their week end vum. chnri...
B. Flakier of Fortland.
Misa Margaret Iegg entertained sev
eral days ago with an informal even
ing of "500" t the home of her par
ent. Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Legg.
The Kia Klub, composed of a coterie
of young girls were asked to make up
the tables and the card honors were
woa by Miss Marjorie Brown and Miss
Kuma Smook.
The wedding of Henry V. Comptou
of this city and Miss Vera Withnm
formerly or Salem, will be nnlemni..t
Wednesday night, March the four
teenth in Kverett, Washington, whero
San Francisco, Mar. 9. A coast rail
road line from San Francisco to I'ort-)
land through Furcka may be the result
of a Hill-Strahorn alliance, according
to unofficial, but apparently well'
founded reports in San Francisco to-,
Tk ,.1,, f..1t..ni..lut..d i... ...... .,..
present Northwestern l'acific railroad r
from. San Francisco to Fureka and an.i j
extension from Kiireka to Marshfield tu'.:"
i,e nuiit iv the Southern 1'neitie. The
Washington Park, II "I an 0m
mother of four children and have suf
fered with female
trouble, backache,
nervous spelts and
the blues. My chil
dren's loud tuikicg
and romping would
make me so nervous
I could just tear
everything to pieces
and I would ache all
over and feel so skk
that I would net
traffic then would he carried over the k - want anyon w tju
present Southern l'nciii line f r, i ffle " te Lydia E. Pinkham S
Marshfielj to F.ugene, and thence to ! Ket'e Compound and Liver Pills re
1'ortrand. stored me to health and I want to thack
According to the report. Hill's priu-' Jou for th good they have done Be. I
cipal part in the deal would le tin' ex j have had quite a bit of trouble and
tension of his present road from Bend worry but it does not affect my youth
to Klamath Falls, and from Klamath i ful looks. My friends say Why do you
Falls to the coast at Trinidad, a few . look so young and well ? I owe it aU
miles north of Kureka Hill would alsoto Lydu . pinkh8m remedies."
assume one-third of the cost of tl,e;Mrs. RoBT. bTOPIEU Sage Avenue,
Northwestern 1'acif.c line from San Washington Park, Illinois,
iranchwo to hureka.
It was pointed out that this line If you have any symptom about w'uich
would eliminate the Siskiyou grade on you would like to know write to the
(Cvatiaoei treat pa fa .)
leadership ia this criiia wko U aot ia
full aeeerd with the policy of the presi
dent er who doe got with whole heart
beUeve ia defeidiac the rirht. inJ
honer of America-
The eopperheaj senators." th Chi
cago Jooraal, democratic, says editorial
ly, "have received the first installment
of their reward. The tierman press ap
'wise.' ' patriotic and
plauds then
rrpreseBiative 01 tne best serif.'
DouhTleK a doen iron crosses have
been laid aside for them, to be delivered
when this cruel war is over; and 'tium
shoe Bill' at least ought to receive tne
kaiser s photograph.
trie present southern ramie line- Sur
veyors are known now to be working
out a new grade over the Willits hill,
between Kureka and San Francisco.
A new shipment just received
of Sport Skirts.
Mrs. Helen Miller Senn of the Wit
lunette I mversitv factiltv. has irnnp
In.4l.....l l ,P
"""'I ami win give an adores?
roiiay at a meetinir of the Woman's
emus at the Hotel Multnomah.
Several days ago a group of voting
folks gathered at the home of Uolan
Reinhart to participate in the gayeties
of an informal evening.
Dancing and cards formed the even
ing's diversion and later the tWivitv
closed with refreshments.
Those enjoying the evening were:
Miss Annabelle Golden, .Miss Kdna
Ackerman, Miss Amelia Babeock. Miss
Kdna Magers, Miss lsoliel Ueorge, Miss
Ksther I'nranotiginn, Andrew Vincent,
Reed Kowlnnd. Armin llereer and Rob-
l.;- t':..i
uiil inner.
Tonight from 8 until S o'clock a
nun" r " "e given at ine t resnvter-
jlian church by the Ladies Aid society.
Several prominent matrons have
chlirc. nf tha lihl. . 1. ..
.......p,., v. ...v i, null a IIUI1LIHT Ol
T I friends and members of
1 have
of her sister, Mrs. J. McCoy, on the
occasion of her birthday.
Mrs. ('line's guests were for the
most part members of the family.
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn,
Mass., for helpful advice given free cf
University Notes
Th annual "old line'' state orator
ical contest will take place at the Ore-
gon Agricultural college tonight. Her-
aid Doxee will represent Willamette.
T Hi!
lis oration is entitled "Higher patri
otism'' and embodies the idea of a
Duty of Senate Plain.
Harrisburg, i'a., Mar. P. Democratic
National Chairman Vance C. McCormick
joined the chorus of oppositiou to Sen
ator Stone again heading the foreign
leiatious committee. The Harrisburg
1'atriof. of which Mci'ornii.k is the
prin.-ipal owner, todnv said editorial
ly: "Senator stone ha, forfeited his
right to remain longer at the head or
the very important senate committee
on foreign relations. It would seem as
though senator stone should have the
foresight and patriotism to quit. If ho
does not, the duty of the senate is
plain. ''
Kansas City Too.
Kansas Citv. Mo.. Mar. 0. The Kan
sas City Star in its leading editorial
yesterday demanded that Senator stone
resign from the chairmanship of the
foreign relations committee.
"If Stone declines to resign, the sen
ate hould remove him." the editorial
declared. "If Stone's place cannot be
taken away from him by abrogating the
rules of seniority there could be no
more pressing reason for abrogating
the church
engaged places nt the various
I Mrs. Authony Mine was hostess last
night for an informal dinner in honor
I world wide brotherhood of man, when
Girls if you want plenty of thick, (wars shall be no more. Mr. Doxee is
beautiful, glossy, silky hair, do by all Willamette 's most popular orator, he
means get rid of dandruff, for it will is a bar W man as he represented Wil
starve your hair and ruin it if youjlamette in the same contest two vears
don't. " ago at MeMinnville college.
It doesn't do much good to try to j A delegation consisting of Arnold
brush or wash it out. The only "sure Gralapp, forensic manager, and two
way to get rid of dandruff is "to dis- i students from each class will accom-
solve it, then vou destroy it entire! v. pany the orator to the contest. The del-
To do this, get about, four ounces of or- legates will take part in the business here
unary ikjuiu arvon; apply it at mgnt ; session 01 ine state association, and at
when retiring; use enough to moisten j tend the annual banquet after the con
the scalp and rub it in gently with the I tost. The seniors will be represented
finger tips. by Kdna Billings and Ksther Tavlor:
Turned to the Wall.
Xew York, Mar. 9. "Turned to the
wall." is the caption over a lino nut
drawing in the Kvening Telegram this
miuoua. ine urawing shows the back
or a picture nanging from the wall. In
nor the picture in black type is:
"Jim O 'Gorman."
O Gorman is one of the "little group
ui wurui men wno Heat the armed
neutrality measure asked bv the presi
dent. " 1
Why the OWL?
THE question is answered
many times a day by our
friends who buy the OWL.
Why the OWL? Because
it's a mellow smoke. Because
it's a fragrant smoke. Be
cause it's a' free-drawing,
even-burning, satisfying
smoke. Because it's a uni
formly good smoke.
Get in the OWL smoker
class. It costs only a nickel
to belong.
fJ N. sf M. A. GUNST & CO. V.
The Million
Dollar Cigar
of Madame Gadski, fhe singer, -was tried: soldier and gentleman that he wa? ask-
(Continued from pa&'e one.)
i-ur m kfVlUrotia trial tnh m th,. . ., . " "
ror H,.i-r-. urnn-iff
By morning, most if not all. of votir
dandruff will be gone, and three or
four more applications will completety
dissolve and entirely destroy every
single sign and trace of it.
You will find, too, that all itching
and digging of the scalp will stop, and
your hair will tooK aud teel a hundred
times better. Vou can get liquid arvon
at any drug store. It is inexpensive
and four ounces is all yon will need,
no matter how much dandruff you
have. This simple remedy never fails.
juniors, Margaret Garrison aud Mabe!
Boughey; sophomores, Lemuel Kste
and Faye Bolin; freshmau, Victor Col
lins and William Holt. Other students
also joined the group as excursion rates
I.fiO per round trip, were secured. This
is the chief forensic contest of the
year as all the colleges in Oregon are
represented. The Willamette folk left
Salem on the 11 o'clock train.
Lots of nice Hats, all new. Expert trimmers ready
to supply your wants. Buy early, get the benefit of
your new spring Hat Prices are reasonable. Just
the same now as after Easter. New lot of Hat
Ornaments just in.
Kayser's new R. & G. Cor- Amoskeag Out-
c. n. sets, new styles in1f!r!lannels'
Silk Gloves ,-nof arj white, cream,
just in, 6oc, $1, pink and b,ue
50c and 73c $1.25 and $2.00 Heavy weight,
. yard, 10c . .
New Ginghams New Percales New Fancy
10c, 12 "jc, 15c t 10c and 15c Voiles, yd. 20c
Preliminary to the Raymond Robins'
series of meetings scheduled for next
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdav.
each of the tour classes held a praver
meeting during the chapel hour w"ith
one or their number as lender. Aetna
Kmmel was the senior leader; Harold
Kakin, junior; Leslie Bailey, sopho
more; and Mary Findley, freshman.
Among the Willamette folk who are
scheduled to take an active part in the
Marion county Sunday school conven
tion, at the "local First Presbyterian
church is Professor John O- Hall, head
of the sociology department: At .3
Growing close to the end of a bough. i 'vloi'k. Friday, he will deliver a lee-
Ami with it. cwn gvrations rare, jiure on social development and the
avuwi. i-tiiiii me .-aiurtiay
morning session, Miss Grace Sherwood
will lead tho primary department, and!
.'ofla viau .nron lilt' juniors.
A wintry scene lies before me,
The landscape eovered quite
As far as human eve can see
With a robe of beautv white.
And as I nat -h from my window,
The old oak 's swaying boughs,
And hear th wind as I linger.
Sighing an I moaning about the house.
I see a bunch of mistletoe there.
Receiving i share of the snow.
On March .in, 19H5, the federal grand
jury here indicted Alfred A. Fritzen.
Captain Franz Von Papen. Captain
Hans Tauscher, Wolf Von Igel and Con.
stance Vovain, on the charge of setting
on foot a military enteruprise. It was
claimed thev procured dynamite for the
purpose of blowing up the Wellaml
Tauscher, a German reservist officer
in this country for Krupp, and husband
and acquitted, although it was admitted
he had procured dynamite. However,
tho jury believed his evidence, which
was to the effect that he had done noth
ing with an intention of violating the
laws of this country, having aided Von
Papen on- the latter s assurance as a
ing him to do nothing illegal. . ! i
1 1 i
As evidence of faith in the good work
of the federal farm loan board, oignii
ized at Fieewater some time ago. the
Milton Kagle says. S12.',000 in loans lias
been applied lor to date.
If You Suffer From Catarrh
don't make the fatal mistake of re
garding it as a trifling matter. Au
thorities agree that Catarrh is an in
fection of the blood. Consequently,
sprays, salves and lotions can af
ford only temporary relief, because
they do not reach the source of the
disease, the blood. When you depend
on these temporary remedies alone
your case is likely to grow steadUy
worse until it becomes chronic and
possibly affects the lungs.
But even if the infection does not
go this far, the continuous dripping
of mucous in the throat, the constant
spitting and hawking and evil odor
of the breath will not only cause
misery to you, but will make your
presence obnoxious to others. S. S.,
which has been the standard blood
medicine for fifty years, will relieve
your catarrh, because it will purify
your blood and relieve it of the ac
cumulated poisons. S. S. S. contains
no mineral or habit-forming drugs.
S. S. S. is on sale at all druggists and
the advice of our medical department
is at your disposal, free of charge.
Swift Specific Co., 302 Swift Building,
Atlanta, Ga,
And I'm reminded of childhood days
In the far away eastern clime.
Where the winter's snow filled all the
And oft remained till the glad spring j meater
Maxwell K. Ball of Portland, who
graduated at the close of the first se-
was a campus visitor yester
day evening.
True to their good inteutions. reports
from the Glee club special state that
the men have set aside four hours per
day for study. From 10 to 12 a. m. and
'2 to 4 p. m. the car is kept absolutely
quiet, and all are expected to use the
time working math., reading philos
ophy or writing themes.
miring the absence of Mr. Cotton,
manager of the Collegian. Mr. Ohling
the assistant manager has. assumed
complete control over the busiuess end
of the publication. '
Ladies Waists, New Assortment, only $1.00
65c ones for 50c
Union Suits, 2
to 6, 25c
3 lb. Cotton
Batts 65c
Nice Line Boys' Suits Special Good Value
Men's heavy
Bib Overalls
Work Shirts
Heavy Black
Sateen Over
shirts, 75c .
See Us for Blankets, Best Values in Cjty
Big Blankets,
pair, $1.35 .
Piaid Blankets
?2x$0, pr $1.75
I like to see some snow now and then.
A beauty the scripture tells about.
If it very soon melts off again
And doesn't leave us sick and tired
Tf the east hasn't come to stav
With the people from that clime,
iThese inches will soon melt away,
j And we will have a milder time.
j But la grippe may follow in its wake.
So children, women and even men,
I Then as wo grumble, shiver and shake,
! Will sav, "How 1 wish 'twould rain
j But still it is coming thick and fast.
What are we coining to I wonder
; The wind is raising to quite a blast,
j But I'm glad there isn't any thunder.
: It must be fearful in the east,
I Glad I don't live auy nearer theu
For 'twould be hard on man and beast,
j All of this and below zero air.
For too much rain, or some sort of lack,
, Some have returned to their eastern
But soon they are seea journeying back
1 Though it takes money to go aud
We like our fruit and lovely flowers,
An impressive ceremony characteriz
ed the installation of the Y. W. cabinet
j members at the weekly meeting yester
iday. Miss Fanuie McKennon is the new
Isn't it about time someone were
saying something about sun spots?
Sell it Journal classified ad wav.
Musterole Gives Delickros Comfort
W hen those sharp pains go shooting
through your head, when your skull
I I. XHAeJ.,t 6 Y'i
Sweet pure water aud healthful air.
i neck.. It draws out the inflammation.
f soothes away the pain, uscaltyL. giving
We are glad to miss the droa f tor-' q u ."El , ..
u.,does 5 ; -""sterote 1S a clean, white omt-
Dea'dly rent ilea and mosquitoes galore. Ille"t' "!ade with oi cf. ""'starj
Tho dangerous tarantulas. ?l "tr a ""stara piaster and
Am! cenriTUilcd nt'f from inr t'l.i.ir
- - ...... ..-..... , , - .
ana nurses iratikly
We ueed not eek a perfect land hero,
Whero evil doth so greatly prosper.
But make u our busiuess to prepaie
Fur the homo offered by the gospel.
So in Oregon we tiiiuk we will stay
Till to that pure country called away.
that laud tit r.lysiau boners! f
" K. J. S-. Ro-se lale. f
Walter l.aird, of Brewster, valley, has'
told the toquille Senrmel what one
potato produced ou his ranch last year.
It weighed two pounds aud a haif. He
used it for seed in pluutiug hills and!
from them dug 4i pouuds of potatoes. '
t does not blister
! Manv doctor
' recommend Musterole for sore throat,
bronchitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma.
neuralgia.' congestion, pleurisy, rheu
matism, lumbago, pains and aches of
the back or joint, sprains, srre mus
cles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet
colds of the chest lit often prevents
oncurttonial. It is always deuendable.
Remember the laughable thincrs thai- .k,,:
Stl!1 .H-the eifVee would
. ,l "Jl? "nt wouia iaii ;ui(i hurt his arm! Or
pany woiud come at the most exasperating moment!
Takes You Back to Younqcr Davs"
Bread baking was neccsmr,, in those days. Xo other wav to CeS
good breaa except , or mother to bake it. But there's ,,o more
l,h?,Ti'.ak'r? tfHla" than a cat need for 'two tail "
nrsWmm yrtau iou evcr tasted iu the bh
l loaf of Kg.
'Erected and operated by Salem workmen to give Salera foLks this better bread"