the daily capital journal, sale.m. Oregon. Wednesday, mar. 7, 1917. SEVEN ' j Willamette Valley t4tt44 Insane Man Commtted I to Asylum rrora Dallas1 I ity Judge K. C. Kirkimtriek. - M v . .ill,-,! t th.- i.tat. iuoane aM'l.mi i.l Salem. .1. A. K.lon, a f,.r- ' ,mr employe of the logging ramps iu the -f;n. rt of the county who v.s Imiml Sunday ... tuo A,. liorh.uMt acting in n .,m-er manner. All .lav r.ilen walked up and donu the road .1 .... .11 1 r.:,:":r v;;. t:?l?::: notified and lieorue t'.mii, a resident .!... ..,..,........;. ...L..1 ... ..... ! ,l ' . .11. "'1""' the .,. on a Da lijs train here he w.a met by Deputy Mien! r. It. Hook-, er Men n. t ml ... t to ' ''le-.tly ' 1 I.... 11- it ll i......n ... .. examining phymcinii thought it would ' ,.Vp,i , Whipple as 111 Salem hiA he well to 'i-i.nfine him to the institil- 1 H' . .. ... tiou for ,.ort time. "Mr- ,"1,,n ,.,", 'staut aehool m- ; peiintendent. 1 visiting schoolx hi the Arrested for Assault and Battery vi,;;ll'lT "f l'r.';!u' '.v 11. U. bane, a resident of North Dal-' . u"yi'TU0' ithyeo.mbe rode through las. was ni rested and had a hearing ' A,','m ' tu' "1' f f .hls "" erci.. Sntunlav before .lusti.e llolmaa , .1- Aubu'," 1 -t ''rai vq society will 011 no assault and batterv rbn'rge. I.nne lts r'R'lI,,r ""H'ting this week. is arciiscd of assaulting his wit ami pleaded not guilt v. The case will be tried the latter part of the week a jure with Wal u i.'tt,,',,',..,- i-i.r .1... pisti nut lielore defense and ' District Attornev - K. K. ter I., loo.e, Jr., lis I'iuseeki for the prosecution. Lane wasimm ",,s served und the usual business nieiiicuie man, sinveu oer nigut at and l.(.Ju. Digs were in good sup released on llin bail. tiansacted and all preparations made ' ednesday. 1 ply with an excellent call. Best pigs Dallas Woman Badly Burned Mrs. i 11 v Shreeve of this citv was quite severely burned about the nrms'duy (in the evening rather than the and limbs Monday morning w hile pre-, paring food for 11 small child about .lowed by a light lunch. An t.f feriug of I t he fire in her home. Her dress becani;" cents per person over eight vears ..... .1 .1 . 1 ..C Ml 1..1- 1 .. " . iguite.t 1 1(1111 a sjiaiK irom tue stove mid before she could extinguish the I l.l:r.. it had c aused her several burns. I Dr. V. C. Staats was called and dressed 1 the burns. Senator's Actions Displeases Dallas I - In view of the stand taken by Sen-, about 4 0 clock Sunday morning. The ator Harry bane of Oregon on the arm- j fire is supposed to have been Started cd neutrality bill, resolutions were , i rom a cigarette stub, a dam-e -having adopted at the meeting of the city j been held in the house up to an early council Monday night criticising the-hour that morning. The glare of the senator for the action he tool; 1o de-'tire was so great that it lighted the feat the measure.. A copy uf the reso-1 eut ire town fur almost nu Hour. The lotions was ordered sent to each of house was valued at about $21100. There the representatives from this state in! was some 'insurance on the Imilding. the nation s cantol. 1 PARTY AT AUMSVILLE The Misses Vaunitu Wallace and Hal tie Myers gave a Colonial party at the home of the former Saturday even- i 1 1 1 1'Vbruarv 21. Charlie Kastburn and : l.rla Vistmmi took the role of Oeorge 1 "as been issued by tlie 1-iussiaii govern-, and ' Murthn Washington. Patriotic ; ""'"f prohibiting 011 any pretext what ganies were plaved in which the follow- :''ver the emigration of Hussian sub recevnd ...iyes- Oi,.',l I 'hi il i us. Wau-1 .i''-l s from the territory ruled by the nitrt Wnlliwe. liene Simpson and Lucille i tl-iey. Gladys Dcnhaui received the booiiy prize. After the game a light lunch was served. Those present were: 'i..,,.ir.. nin.ti.i runlm.11 Hat tie, Walter jind Thclma Mvers'. Lucille . Ctrey, Cleiiie-it and Olive Crane, Opal Phiilips, Lyle Brock, l.eia Wietnian, Charlie Kastburn, Claude Caswell ami Hi ne Simpso'i. Kecord. TIRE AT AUMSVILLE The city was roused from sleep early Tuesday morning when fire was diseov- i I'H'U U ..'JW il. III. Ill lUC ICllI COW IU .Ml woodshed near .the main building of j X Speer's store. It was onlv under t!ie!T able leadership uf C. M. Mi'llev that thej volunteer firemen were able to save thi'l main building. The loss which was Ihei complete destruction of the woodshed, i and considerable damage to the ware-' room is estimated by Mr. Speer as about ' ,k $5o0. This is partly covered by insur-'jjj nine. Eecoril. ! 2 CASTOR I A Per Infants and ChUdren In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of "THAT LITTLE GAME" I ELLO.dlM.-THlSIS MAC, YEAH 1 ' j WHY I'M IN BED, 'YEAH ' BED M '(t- ' '-Qk ' Wm I'M NOT Kl DD I N-D STOMACH " ) ' ' ;'-f$ff ' SAk Trouble, i ve had the doctor, f rrHi 8- YEAH. SAYS SOTTA STAY HERE- ii I A coupLA uEEkiS, I AM HOT! -ESZ 1 WZ I AirJT HAD ANY FOR A LONG JMI&. Ck 5 W17 TIME, WHY I HAD THE LAST 0SmK rOT-S WK VM ONE WITH YOU. WELL If nTH TrW Wm7i 1 Ii LISTEN, I CAN SIT UP AND ln, , A BL" "IM ' i IF YOU GET THE BuNCH X5r- ''3 ' ff m 4 Auburn News i (C apital Journal Special Scribe.) ' llr.. tn...k i: M 1. ' iu like Jamb and r, ill probably g out ''" ' i ,. M ,'. Joh" ""I'kin ,i:ia returned from u nil in.t.i.i t, lie., 1... ...... I ..I .. - ,.uU il( K,;,,,, ,.,... Mi Mnl,lt. i.iildqilil of iv,r, J. , Ailitj ith Mitf N., A1 ,.fow - ,lnVi hlst n(1(.k i.rii. M..11.: i-.. ........ ...( .,, ..... u. tniiiiii n. ---" .nt- ill. .u iw f.lia nailer i,r-.,.-,' " i-"".; ary at itiekey Friday rtijilit ti,., Vmiii.;., 1 . .'. . . has begun: ' ..........u uui-t IJ.IH O.-fc-llll crafting but work bus been kind of slow w n,.(1 f h fc ynuk . stl(t(, , oniiw iMUBt-n. ANNUAL GRANGE l A""lsle (irange, Xo. 4.10, met in 'regular ineetiuc Mnrch 1. 1H17. with tc, ""'"ibers in attendance. A gorgeous tor the good time, the evening of the i-.ui nnen they invited the public to .1"'" ' t'n1 eelcbrntiou of St. Patrick nioiiiing) with a good program and foi '1 "m, ' iii.-iune ootn program and much. At the 1. o. o. K. hull lieeord HOP HOUSE BURNET) The James Hubbard hot. house. 10. ! inte.l about three miles southwest of the city, was burned to the ground "anas wiiserver. Russia Forbids Her ubjects Emigrating Victoria, li. 0 Mtircli 7. An edict 'zl11'- The order went into effect about ii month ago, the news being brought !here by the Japanese steamer Canada I Main which reached uort yesterday.. Captain Knrega, master of the Cnn- JIaru statel that the Kussian rov- 1 em iiuu luohcu wiiu iiisiavoi on ' the increasing exodus froii the eastern theatre of' war operations and had puss cd ' mi edict, the provisions of which will effectively put a stop to the un ceasing flow of Hussitin travel through .lin ,w,.-t 1,41 Vlti'diviiutnlf 1 flu. t'liifnil ! States. ASKS TOTAL FORFEITURE Washington, Mar. 7. Because the Oregon and California Kail road coinpttry and others failed to comply with certain condi tions upon w hich I hey were granted 2..'i00.000 acres of land in Oregon valued nt more than $.'10,000,000, the government to day filed suit in the United States supreme court asking that the laud be 'forfeited to the i j sk ! government- li: Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORiA News Jefferson Way Notes liuli Crum was in this m iekl.oihoo.1 I.... T i.. .....1.: I:. here, J Trcis.h has been hauling hay ! lately. , .....I M...I ........ ..; .. 1 ,. , Nl,rth 1 : Sam Chandler Jay. j A Hjifikor i i,,..i...- 1..111 mill .,11-1, iMjHiti-, iiimiit- ,ii' Howell ednesday. m ill lutein Thurston one -strictly (.ood load, thin load motored to halem veJ ",' 1 i-in-in ,11m iiivihi ..ij lUfi-.l,), .OO.l.niWf Nnn f. a.-.t- vvi ,u ""- out,ii'" ?. ...". ..... ... wi.... ii. .... . . ,,',, Malle- has beeu hauling wood - ....... i... . l' - "'''.' - Ki(ll if homo whw hni ,,(.ou Wo, , u ,, ow ,h, in.. .1. 11 1. 1 1001 mncK hocr working, 011 account Rock Point News (Capital Journal Special Service.) Kock l'oint, Ore.. Mar. 7. The lust of our big snow is about gone and v.e are glad to the rain. The farm- ers can now get busy again. 1'. J. Darby attended the funeral of. Mr. Wesley (..entry at Stuyton on Wed- nesdav. C. K. Barr was a caller in Auinsvillo Thursday. J . Scotf, of Salem, the ntkius .-"rs-. "owning -nn.l .Mrs. " u""Ku enea on jjis. iniroy r 11- " .Miss I.. Rand returned from her home l1" ' """""l Sunday evening and school " orK wus ros,1,!1 -Mol"m'- I l'lease remember that the Parent-' Tiii,i.I..,iU ' n. .. Ill ........ ....l un-c. uguu. (.11 this Nntnrilnv evennur Aliivi-l. 1(1 Kv. ; . f - ; - - cry one that can is requested to. be present us the entertainment will be something novel again and too there will be delicious refreshments served Little William Darby is reported on the sick list nt this writing. Market Settles Down Tft An finWlv Rpl-rpar Ill tll UrUCliy UCireai New Vork, March 7. The Xew York Kvening Sun financial review today said: There was little in today's news de- vein. incuts to influence the sej-urities markets. Conditions were pract ically . ine same as in the- previous sessions this week, but trading subsided mater ially with the impression ninny among the floor traders had gained that the market had gone too-high in too short a time, Kt'fmts have been opposed all along to the recent advance in the gen eral list. There was further short sell ing and less aggressiveness among in vestment buyers. Alter numerous fits and utarts, in the course of which prices advanced a point or more in .'the forenoon session, the market settled down to a quiet 01 derlv retreat. United States Steel sold We 11 bove 1 1 1 Hit at er dec ned near- hv to 110. The copper group with the exception of I tali, was narrow. Hie shinping shares were erratic aud( ex cept Studebaker, the motors were soft The war issues made little net change, but there were numerous strong spe cialties. The railroad list was both sluggish and depressed, with now and then a strong soot amono the minor shares. j like Denver and Kio Grande prefer ired, which moved up two points or j more. Price changes were variable in itlie later trading in many cases quota $ tions being the lowest of the day. Net changes were slight. l ' j SUICIDE AT EUGENE Eugene, (Jr., March 7. Prank Crow deuce today. He had-committed suicide by drinking poison. No motive was known. Crow was n bachelor and neigh jbors said he seemed despondent. Children Cry FOB FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Arranging Weekly Report of '-Union Stock Yards North Portland. Ore.. Mar. 0. Cattle There ai liberal supply of cattle j received yesurday, over 1.400 head. t which !t quite a surprise to the trade. The market nn rather ilnr nt the oi ....imr kt till.,. ,... ;,. i.. earh trade, although after they had tl"ir ,,r,,,,rs ,W turm-a active and prices mere all on . steady basis h ...a. 1 . .... .... I...,.- ' . i- .it, u'p uu pn-ii. was o cents r-.igher than a eek ago .Drought w(li uuother loud nt . fj.wi. mere was a good spread of steers that brought y.:.5 to S.". Good, 1. 111 iii-iiiiiii nj."i'i am. n i.u.l.Oi'r tu loads went at .75 and N.Sj. A 1111111- tier ol sales 01 11.. ilium beef steers efe . , ... mime rt to js.ijo ttaicn made ud. the day' trade. The quality of the run I was very good. One prime load of cows , Wheat .sold at M.13 with a number of wuall lOats, new .. (lots of good rows from $7-50 to s. Ailtarluv, tou 1 loud of cows that carried verv little fat i Bran i brought 7.L'5 while dairv cows sold from $0 to lhi.75. Hulls were in with a eoo.l demnn.l ItM h.nn-v bulls went at $7 and 7.25 with the bulk of the good bolognas bringing $i.50 to $0.75. Hogs. Hogs made a further advance of 50 eenta vestenlitv. TIu.i-a n i;.,l. ..... ply barely enough to let each buver get on a lien." One load sold at sl.t.50 while the bulk of the sales were made ni 13.- brought 12.2f. with the bulk of the bids at Feeders sold mostly at $1 1.50. tsneep. ShecD and lamb nrieen- nm.lo i-n...r advances yesterday. There was a liberal supply on the market with a good de- mnnd. Best lambs sold readilv at 12.- 11A i. J.10 ,rt .l -l .... ' . . . ;.u 10 i...iu wane yearlings brought Aln u,.nv.l .,..1... , ' 1111 ui-i-itn, nuiie t.even.1 loads of good ewes gold at H.75. Cammetti and Diggs Denied New Trial Washington, March 7. The supreme I court today denied a reheariiiir to T Dn'": c,l,,,i"Vtti and Mauri I. Diggs. convicted of violation of the. Mann white slave law. The supreme court recently decided the Mann law constitutional and denied appeals of Cuniinetti and Diggs. Then they sought a rehearing on grounds that they had uncovjwwd new evidence, The court's mamJate sending the men to prison is expected to be handed i'.owii within .'i0 days. . NOTICE OF IMPROVEMENT of the Portlaad Road Notice is hereby given that the com mon council deem it expedient so to do, aud hereby . declares its purpose and intention to improve that portion of the Portland road between the north end of the pavement on the Portland road and tho West line of the Oregon & California Knilway company's riant of way at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property by bringing said portion of the Portland road to the established grade and paving said portion of the Portland road with a two inch bituminous concrete wearing surface eighteen (18) feet in width laid on a redress of tho present macad am foundation, in accordance with the plans, specifications and estimates for the improvement of said portion of said street, adopted by the common council 011 .February 19, 1917, now on file in the office of the city recorder, which for greater certainty and a more detailed description thereof are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. The common council hereby declares its purpose anil intention to "make the above described improvement by and through the .street improvement de partment of the city of Salem. By order of the common council. EARL RACE, City Recorder. Date of first publication of this no tice, March (i, 1917. 3-16 Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA a Party . 4 The following prices for fruits and vegetables are tboae asked by the wholesaler of the retailer, aud not what is paid to the producer. All other prices are those paid the ptoducer. Corrections are made daily. Hutter fBt and butter made one of those sudden changes in price this! morning, with drt. of three cents This lriiij the quotation for butter-1 fat to 40 cents and creameiv butter: a 41 rents, a deeliiiino nrice in Seattle and San Kran. iK.-o was the cause of drop. Lettuce drooped 2" cents this morn ing. Oranges are plentiful for the ob servance of Orange day next Saturday. GraiBs $1.2.-.(( 1.30 4.'Has'0e f34T3j $28.50 Short), per ton $32 . $S(10 $10(uMl 10fti 11 Jlil, CHCH( Hay, vetch Hay, clover Butter liultorfat 40.- Creamery butter, per pound 41c Country' butter 30T32c Eggs and Poultry Egfcs, trado 23c Kggs, cash 21c Hens, pound 1517c Boosters, old, per pound ..... 9c Fork, Vel and Mutton Pork 011 foot 12(?il2Vie Veal, according to quality ....10jfl3M!! Steers fi8c Cows 45Vc Bulls 4(aioe Ewes 6e Lambs He Wethers 79c Figs and Dates Figs, 36 12-oz $2.60 Bluck figs 10c White figs 11c Golden dates 15c Dromedary dates -.. $3.75 Vegetables Cabbage ,. 6c String garlic 710c Potatoes, per 100 pounds $3 Parsnips, carrots and beets . -.$1.25 Green onions .... .. .... 40c Artichokes $1.10 Lettuce, California, crato $3 Onions ' B9MiC Celery $1.101.25 Tamale husks, lb 10c Cauliflower $2.75 Brussels sprouts 12c Turnips 2 Fruits Apples 50e(o?$l Oranges, navels $2.75(0)3.00 Lemons, per box .' $3.504.00 BananuB, pound 8c California grape fruit $3.50 Florida grape fruit .$3.50(o)0.50 Pineapple 8c llouey Cranberries ...vt..,. Cocoanuts .... Eetail Prices Crcamory butter Country butter Eggs, dozen Sugar, cane ....... Sugar, boet Flour, hard wheat Flour, valley $3.25 ... $8 $1.15 50c 40c 30c .'. $8.45 $8.25 $2.10$2.40 . $1.90(ii)2.05 PORTLAND MARKET rartland, Or., March 7. Wheat, club $1.: lted liussian $1.60 Pluestem $1.68 ' Fortvfold $1.65 Oats', .No- . 1 white feed $37: Parley, feed $.'!! Hogs, best live $i:i.35(. Pl.oO Prime steers $f.")0((i)10 Fancy cows $H(u H.'iQ Calves $10 Spring huubs $!3fiJ3.25 Butter, city creaniury 3Sft.40e Eggs, selected local ex. 2l2oc Ileus 20c . ' . ' ' Uroilers 25c Geese 12Vi( 13c FARMERS PRODUCE CO.:: Successors to Mickcnham & Co. . . Tho highest cash price paid for eggs, poultry, veal, hogs and ', limes. -A. f Hens for the next 3 days 17c T I hides 17c to 20c. T iw a. nugn rnone iu x WILL GUARD PLANTS Portland, Ore., Afar. 7. Acting under confidential advices from the war de partment, the Portland Railway, Light & Power company and the Northwest ern Electric company, today began planning to safeguard their plants in event of hostilities. It was given out that the government had asked to have first call on the "flood lights" and searchlights owned by the power com panies, should they be needed. NOTICE OF IMPROVEMENT Of the Alley in Block 47, City of Salem Xotice is hereby given that tho com mon council deems it expedient so to do, and hereby declares its purpose and intention to improve tho alley in block 47 of the city of Salem between the north line of. Ferry "street and the south line of State street at the ex pense of the abutting and adjacent property by bringing said portion of said alley to the established grade and paving the same with a Portland- ce ment crushed rock concrete riavement six inches in thickness, in accordance . with the plans, specifications and esti mates for the improvement of said portion of said alley adopted by the common council May 15, 191(i, which are now on file in the office of the city recorder, and which, for greater certainty and a more detailed descrip tion thereof are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. Tne common council hereby declares its purpose and intention to make the proposed improvement above, describ ed by and through the street im provement department of the city of Hal em. By order of the common council. KARL RACE, City Recorder. Date of first publication of this no tice, March 0, lilli. 3 16 t THE MARKETS : i - The Daily Capital Journal Classified Telephone and Business Directory A Quick, Handy Reference for Busy People ' EVEHYTHINQ ELECTRICAL Telepkon Sak-m Ekctric Co., Masonic Temple, 127 Korth High Main 120fl PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING AND TINNING T. M. Barr, 161 South Commercial street Main 191 TRANSFER AND DRAYAQE Salem Truck & Diay Co., corner State and Front streets Main 7 FOR EXCHANGE FOR" EXCHANGE 12 room house in three apartments and basement. Well located on nice corner, with paved streets, on car line, 4 blocks from stato house grounds, now bringing good income. Will consider exchange for smaller house with barn, or lot " large enough for barn, closo in. Square Deal l!elty Co-, 202 V. S. Hank bldg. tf MISCELLANEOUS FLORA A. BREAVSTEH, M. D. Neu rologist, nervous and chronic diseas es a specialty. 35 yrs. experience with drugs, surgery and drugless methods. Examination free. 712 State St. Phone 1350. FKUITLAND NURSEKY High and Ferry 8ts. Full line nursery stock. Italian pritno a specialty. Nursery lo cated one milo cast of penitentiary. Address R. 6, Salem, Ore. Phone 100 F2t. CHTBOPRACTIO-SPINOLOGIST DR. O. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro' practic's Fountain Head, Davenport, Iowa. If you have tried everything and got no Telief, try Chiropractic spinal adiustmentB and get well. Of fice 406-7-8 U. 8. National Bank building. Phone Main 87. Residence, Main 828-R. UNDERTAKERS WEBB & CLOTJQH CO. 0. B. Webb, A. M. Clough morticians and funeral directors. Latest modern methods known to the profession employed. 499 Court St. Main 120, Main 9888. RIG DON-RICHARDSON CO. Funeral directors and undertakers, 252 North High street. Day and night phone 183. SCAV ANGER SALEM SCAVENGER Charles Boos, proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on mentlily contract! at reasonable rates. Yard and cess pools cleaned. Office phone Aluin 2247. Residonce. Main 2272. MONEY TO LOAN ON Good Real Estate Security THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd & Bush bask, Salem, Oregon MONEY TO LOAN Eastern. Money at Lowest Rates, on approved Security. Homer H. Smith, Room 5, McCornack Bldg,, Salem, Or. INSPjBANCK AND HJBA1 , ESTATH CHAS. B. HODGKTN General Insur ance, Surety Bonds, real estate and rontals. Hubbard bldg. Phone 886. tf STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 50 years experience. Depot National and American fenc Sizes 26 to 58 in. high. Paints, oil and varnish, etc. Loganberry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 256 Court street. Phone 124. OSTEOPATH DRS. B. H. WHITE and R. W. WAL TON Osteopathic physicians and nerve specialists. Graduate of Amer ican school of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. Post graduate and specialized la nerve diseases at Los Angeles college Treat acute and chrenio diseases Consultation free. Lady attendant Office 505-500 U. S. National Bank building. Phone 859. Residence, 341 Nor thCa p i tgl street. Phone 469. WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Offic corner Commercial and Trade streets Bills payable monthly in advance. LODGE DIRECTORY MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Or gon Cedar Cunip. No. 524H, meets ever) Thursday evening at 8 o'clock" la Me Derby-Laiky bldg., corner Court and High' streets. J. F. Day, V. C, J. A Wright, Clerk. BAI.KM I.ODOHI No. f, A. F. ft A. M Stated communication! f.rst Friday ll each month at 7 :3( d. m. In the Mnsonl. Temple. Fred A. Mcltrtire, W.M.jS.Z. Solver, secretary. CENTRAL 1iliUE, No. 18, K. of P. Derby building, every Tuesday evening of each week at 7:30. I.oyd T. Rigdon, C. ('.; W. 11. (lllson, K. of R. and 8. 4c Why the Journal is popular It prints the world's news to- day while it's news. I i ii iTk t sJ km t I i e4ill t DNtTap ARTISANS-rsptUI Assembls, Na. 84, meets every Thursday at 8 p. m in I. O. O. F. hall. C. O. Matlock, M. A. C. A Vibbert secretary, Crow Drugstore, 338 Stats street. O. TJ. W. Protection Iiodg K. Meets srery Monday eventog at In th McCornack ball comer Court d tlhertv streets, h. R. Mason, M. W, . A. McFadden, rfcor1r; A. U Brows. Bnander j B. B. Duncan, treasurer, SAI.KM HUMANE BOCIBTY D. D. Krsler! president; Mr. Lou TUIsoo, secreMr. All cases of crueltj or ni-glect of dona anlmnls should be reporte4 ta tfea secretary (or lnestlgatton. OH WOr.AT COMMANDER!, No, 6. K. Regular conclave fourth Friday In sacH month at 8 o'clock p. m.. In Masoole Temple. Sojourning sir Knlgbti are coiirteonslr lovltpd to meet with as. Glen C. iNiles, E. C.J H. JJ. Thielsen, recorder. BODSON COrjNClL, N. , B, I, if stated Rsseoibl; first Monday In eacH month, Masonic Temple. Jb A. Marcua Thiico Illustrious Master; Glen C. Mies, recorder. BALBM COUNCIL NO. !022 Knights sn Indies of Security Meets every 2nd sai 4tb Wednesday eaca month at Hurts Uall. Visiting members are Invited ta attend. B. F. Waltsn, financier, 48U ft. 14 th Htresti PACIFIC LODOB No. BO, A. F. ft A. U. Stated communications third Friday In each month at 7 :80 p. m. In t Jtasonlc Teniple. W. H. Dancy, W. U, I Brnest U. Chaate. secretary. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Meet avery Friday night at 8 o'clock in Derby bldg., Court and High Sts. A. J. Sweininh, C. L. S. Geer, clerk, C07 Court street. Phone 593. R. N. A. "Oregon Grape Camp" No. 1360, meet every Thursday evening in Derby and Lafky building, Court and High streets; Mrs. Sylvia Schaupp 1971 Market, oracle; Mrs. Molissa Persons, recorder, 129(5 Norta Commercal. Phone 1430M. TRAVELERS' GUIDE ' !C5l!Sc OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY. CO. NORTH BeCND Lt. Salem 4 :H5 a. m. 7 :1B a. m. 9 :45 a. m. 11:20 a. m. 1 :fi0 p. m. Train No. Ar. Portlani ... Owl ...... 8:B5a. wk, 6 ;2Sa.a. . 10 Limited.... 11 :6 a. sv 12 1:35 p.m. . 14! i. 4:00 p. ss. . 18 Limited . , . S :60 p. ss. .... 20 ....... ..... 22 10:00 p. as. -4 :00 p, m. -o :au p. m. T :S5 p. m. SOETH BOUND PORTLAND TO BALBM Lv. Portland 6 a. m. Salem 8 :35 Eugene 10 :85 a. at, fi-iJOan. R I I : . . J n.., 8 :.'I0 a. m. 10 :45 a. m. 2 :0S p. m. 4 :4(i p. m. 6 :0B p. m. 9 :20 p. m. 11 :43 p. m. W JUIUllLCU IUUIHwm 7 12:68 p. ak B 4:10 p. as, . 13 Limited .... :40p.m. . . 17 Local .... 8 :10 p. av 19 11:20 p. ok .. 21 Owl 1:06 p. Bb Lt. Corvallla 4:10 p. m. ,, Lt. Eugene. 7 :5 a. m. 1 :ftft p. m. . . 5 :'-'(! p.m. . , 12 :05 p. ta. Lt. Riilem. 1 :r0 a.m. 10:13 a.m. ., Lv. Halem 12:55 p. in. . NOKXll BUUU Ar. Bales . 6:80 p. as. Ar. Salea . 9 :45 a. as. . 4:00 p. SB. . 7 :5S p. bl . 4 :35 a. as. Ar. Bugesa . :60 i nu 20 .. 10 Limited . .. 18 Limited 22 .... ... 2 Owl BOOTH BOUND ... 21 Owl .. ., 6 Limited iO P ar. aiuaay T 1 :50 p. m. Stops at Corvallls Ar. AlUaay B :10 a m. Ar. Albaay , . 1 :85 a. m. Ar. Bugeaa 18 8:50 a. Bk Lv. Kalem. 4 :1S p. ra. Lv. Halem. 0 .40 p. m. cuuvALiiiiei iiniNaiv.xiun NOBTH BOUND Lv. Corvallls. Ar. Bales :45 a s. 1:48 p. na 4 :0 p. m. 6 -.80 p. m. 7 :B6 p. s. 8 :25 a. m. 10 .... 14 .... 12:12 p. w. 2:41 p. m, 4:10 p. m. 6:18 p. m. Lv. Salpm. I0:1fia. m. 4 .13 p. in. 12:53 p. m. 6 :40 p. m. 19 .... 20 .... 22 .... SOOTH BOUND Ar. Csrvallls B 11 :83a. a. 9 5 :36 p. s 7 2 :20 p. m. It :00p. BL Raleu Gebb Linb. No. 73 Arrives at Snlem 9:15 a.m. No, 76 Leaves Salem. ...... .9 :50 a. m. tin. 76 r. Kulom (mixed) ....2:00p.m. No. 74 Leave Salem 8:03 p.m. No connection south ot Geer., Falls Citi and Wbstbbn No. 181 Lv. Ralem, motor . . . , .7 :00 a, m. No. 1113 Lv. Rnlrm, motor . . . . .9 :40 a. m. No, luO Lv. Salem fur Mod mouth aud Ali lte .1 :40p. m. No. 187 Lv. Snlem, motor 4 :00 p. m. No. WO Lv. Halem, moter 6:13 p.m. No. T.m Way t'r't lv. Salem 5:00 a.m. No. 182 -Ar. Salem 8:30a. m, Nu. 18-t Ar. Halem 11:10a.m. No. 188 Ar. Haluin 3 :T5 p. m. No. WS Ar. Hnlcm 6:00 p.m. No. 170 Ar. Salem 7:45 p.m. No. 240 Way Fr't ar Salm.... 2:30p.m. WILLAMETTE BIVKR ROTJT0 : Oregon City Transportation Company Boats leave Snlem tor I'ortlandi. Monday. Wednesday and Friday nt 11 a. m. ; i)4 Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings at 6 a. m. ForCorvallla the bouts leave Snlem Tuesday, Thursday aud Saturday evenings at 8 o'clock. Boats leave Port land for Salem at 6:43 each morninr. i"aj