SIX THE DAfLY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MAR. 7. 1917. They do more than please the taster 20 for 10c Chesterfield CIGARETTES, cf IMPORTED and DOMESTIC iobaccos-BtendeJ ft State House News H. A It wns ilcridfj nt a meeting of the Mute hoard of roittrol thin n lorn i n to tiwiinl the contract for (lie erpi'tioii of tin' now ()0,()()0 wing to tlu- Oregon t:ite receiving hospital to 1'Mnar W. l.ii.nnw and company of Portland with ) nivisioiiK concerning n weekly visit of the architect for xtiprrvising pur- I.azarim came before the hoard and asked that he he yivon the contract for the erection ot the new wing under the Jimvimoii of the contract by which he l'r ii the original receiving lioxpital. He Ktalecl that under that contract he was to act as architect for new winga that might he put tip later. The (ontraet was awarded with the provis The iiH orjiorntors are A. N'ibley, Thierolf, and .1. li. I'ettingill. une Hundred thousand dollars is the capital of the Margaret Shipping com pany of l'orthtiid which filed thin morn nig for the purpose of purchasing and chartering uteaiii and sailing vessels. inn iiicorjiuniiorti are a. iceimiiaun. Charles A. Kdwards and .lease Stearns tertitientCH of dissolution wpro filed lor tno ".Myrtle Arms" of Mnrshrield ami the Jew Domiuing Farming com pany. Miss Nell Hell, a stenographer in the corporation department nt the stnfi. house, leaves Salem today for Omaha, Xubrasln, where she will pav a tWo months visit to relatives and take a well earned vacation. Just as spring is opening here in Oregon, she will plunge back into the frigid atmosphere of the middlo west, and it Is predicted that before she has left Oregon many days she will wish herself back again' in tiie CLOTURE BILL IS (Coatisaed from page oae.) exelle. for -rf idioui negntiat inn ttith enemies of thi country. 'Tan the -nte make a rule under l.ib it might it held at bay!-' nWi prote.Hted against !a-ig it within the power of any gimip of "mis guided jM-ace-fct any-priee men uo re fused to believe that war is meritable, to such an extent as to tie the hands of the national authority." "it is well known that an adroit parliamentarian in the service of cor rupt nimters of aoiue of our legislative assemblies contrive speciously to have tue rules so framed so as to be useful in obstructing remedial legislation and then tie the bauds of later legislator! by procuring the adoption of the ruleg of the lust assembly. "I am combatting what is merely a refinement of this hoary but uuhonest practice. " alh a sm'eeh was short and the sen ate a. Mourned until noon tomorrow ai ortly after he concluded- 1 The cloture bill aureed upon by the i conferees is a double barreled preven tive of filibustering. In addition to limiting debate to one hour ner senator. it profidpj that no amendments or sub stitute bills are to be offered after an agreement to limit the debate has been reached. This will prevent practically unlimited debate on amendments to a proposed bill and prevent the proeeed- ngs from being started all over by of- ferinif a substitute bill. The new steering committee wns an notinced as follows: .Martin. Williams. James, Heed, Simon. Smith, etiorninr Walsh, Thomas, Chamberlain, Ownc and Robinson. Senator Hitchcock was named vice- bnirman of the democratic caucus. As such he becomes an ex-officii mber f the stoennc committee. Thi democratic caucus meets again at o'clock today. llio republican caucus ratified tho loture rule amendment bv a vote of 30 to 2, shortly after five n'..l,.t Senators Sherman, lliuois, and France, ion that Icarus pay weekly visits ofjilln,, wllpr0 soft UWZM bu,'fnr inspection to the building nt his own expense and pay one half of an active Kiijierimendent for 11 vo months, this aiiperinlenileiit to bo . chosen by the Hlnte in conjunction with Lazarus. Articles of incorporation were filed this morning with the incorporation ieommiKsioner by the Thieroff company of Medt'ord with a capital of $2.,U0U to dial in live stock and real estate TWO GOODJEMEDIES WORKING TOGETHER. PRODUCE MARVELLOUS RESULTS. For Instance, Hood's Karsnparllla, tlie atandnrd blood -purifier, la recom mended for conditions tlmt are scrof ulous or dependent on impure blood. I'eptlron fills, the new Iron tonic, are etipeciady recommended for con ditions that are radically or charac teristically anemic and nervous. Many persons suffer from a combi nation of these conditions. They are atllicted with swellings of the glands, Jninclies In tlio neck, cutaneous erup tions, and sores on different parts of the body, limbs and face, and are be sides pale and nervous. If these patients take both Hood's Sarsaparllla (before meals) and Pept tron Pills (after meals) they are rea sonably sure to derive fourfold benefit. These two groat medicines supple ment each other, and the use of both, ven in cases where only one may ap pear to be Indicated, is of great ad vantage. Get them from your druggist. from the cold and (mow. Total receipts for the month of February by the state industrial acci dent commission were $(13,2(17.31, of which tlio employers paid $"h,2"3."2, the workmen $7,hl'J.34. The interest on tliii amount was $461.25. ' During this month the commission reserved the sum of $30,2J.7M for pensions and paid $30,303.15 time loss, UK,M5U first aid expense, and $7117.60 burial ex pense. The total amount in the ac cident, fund nt the end of February was $2."iO,7."il.K4 and in the segregated ac cident fund $041,0011.52. lHiring the month a total of Wx fatal accidents and 7W4 non fatal accidents took place FIFTEEN AIRSHIPS - (Continued from page one.) LAST OF SERIES WILL BE PLAYED TONIGHT SPEECH IS BITTER Only One Chance In Three German Press Claim Pres That Championship Will Be Decided Standing of Teams. U- W. t apital ?at. Bank .. !l Ii ice Shoe Co it 1 Ifauser Bros i Bishops n Watt Shipp Co 1) Fry's Drug Kture ,. H idect Has Standard of Partial Neutrality ! Berlin, via 8yville wireless. Mar. 7. I.. IVt.' The official German press agency to 3 .fififi day made public the followinz corn- 3 .f.firf ments on President Wilson's inaugural 4 .555 r.i'dresi with the subjoined observa- 5 .444 tions: H .3.1.1 1 "Kvening newspapers general com- 7 ment on President Wilsou and his ad- ... .. , dress in bitter terms, pointing out that. Mtih the last series of games looming according to his words, the president up for tonight there is only one chance fonaiilera it incompatible with Amer- in three that the Commercial Basket-: h?wl in,fr"i f" rt hall I.o.m.a .i,.nn- v- -n u i while the traffic with Irrench and Kng ball 1 ague champ.onsh.p will be le- lish ports, but that for several years ue IT "V'"'- V snouia napH'n considered it perfectly compatible the Capital National Bank and the with this honor to submit to the British i rice Mioe company teams both lose,1 command ami limit traffic and almost they will continue to be tie and, if both! all intercourse with German ports, should w in the result will be the came. I "The newspapers insist that the the only hope therefore of deciding president thus already long ago intro tue championship will carry with it the i de.ced intn necessity of one of these two teams : ard of partial neutrality bv which he winning and the other losing From the ! conceded to one partv the right to war dope winch is being peddled on the fare, while he denied the same right to wholesale it is expected that tonight 's : the other party. games will not bring forth the eham- " Newspapers' discussing the humani pions out that additional games in theitnrian point of view. psnepinllv ihr s mote human- lireyenied frnm trt. se teams should lose and theiing aboard endangered ships by timely Bros, team should win there warning than to leave to chance their escue at sea! ' rvrr (D r ww v j "4 Get the home care of Well dressed people always have well shined shoes, ShmoiA, with the key for opening the box, its quick shining qualities and the handy ShinoiA Home Set for polishing, makes the home care of shoes a pleasure. BLACK TAN WHITE SHINE WITH SttMftA AND SAVE At all dealer Accept no substitute H0 SET pions out that additional games in theitnrian point of view, especially future will be necessary between these Austro-Hungarian note, say: 'It is two teams in order to determine the in keeping with the principles of hi winner It is also to be noted that if lity if persons are prevented froi Maryland, voted against it the democrats were unanimous in their vote. The amendment will be presented to morrow m the senate and eft'nrls mn.lo o rush it through at once, tals of arrivals, departures and losses. Calls Vote Fraud Rome, War. 7 An "impudent frnud" was the characterization of Austria's noto to the United States, voiced in the newspaper Idea Nazkmule today. Practically the same attitude waa shown by all of the Italian newspaper com ment. ' To Arrive Saturday. Copenhagen. Alar. 7. The Frederick VIII, bonrinj former Oerman Ambus- ador Von Ilornstorff. is expected to reach here (Saturday, according to a wireless inessago received todiiy. fr'USTEROLE QUICK RELIEFHWBLISTER! It Soothes and Relieves Like a Mustard Plaster Without the Burn or Sting Musterole is a clean, white ointment, made with the oil of mustard. It does all the work of the old-fashioned mustard plaster does it better and does not blis 'T, do not have t0 bother with a cloth. You simply rub it on and usually the pain is gone 1 Many doctors and nurses use Muster ole and recommend it to their patients. They will gladly tell you what relief it gives from sore throat, bronchitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises. ehilhl-Wno feet, colds of the chest (it often pre vents pneumonia). ' - both these Hauser will be three rnninpiiinr. fn .i,....' pionship- The Capital National Bank, I'rice Shoe conmaiiv and the Hansom would each have the same percentage. The first game tonight will be be tween the Capital National Bank and the Fry Drug team. Recently the Drug team has been playing exceptional ball and one of the best games of the season is expected. This game will be staged at 7:30. B The second game will occur at 8 o'clock and will be between the Bish ops and the Price Shoe company. This game will be as important as the first and with Bishops regular line-up in the gaine the game should be a topnotcher. The last game will see the Watt Shipps and the Hausers as opponents. While it is possible that this game will have no bearing on tlfe championship the rivalry between thelso two teams is probably greater than with any" other teams in the league. This game will occur at S:.10. . REPUBLICANS DITCH (Continued from page oner) RGHT PROMOTERS HAVE LIVELY Men Who Control Boxers Unite In Boycott On Madison Square ALL SUNDAY SCHOOLS A DAGGER r race the Same 1 i In every paper you can read of the advancing prices of all lines of Mer chandise and the high prices paid for raw materials. However, You can still be dressed at the same prices. By contracting for goods way in advance we are now able to show you the same values as last year. Today we received here .T8 blue serge suits out of one hundred contracted for, last year; guaranteed all wool, fast color, good workmanship and all year weight. The price same as before, $16 50 See the excellent values we are offering in Shoes and Gloves. Just Wright Shoes SALEM WOOLEN MILLS STORE Stetson Hats der misapprehension," was also con spicuously missing from the new com mittee. The action -was taken to indicate republicans wish it plainly understood then- repudiate all responsibility for what they called the ''most reprehens ible filibuster in , the history of the senate." The new democratic steering commit tee is comprised of some of the strong est administration supporters. Among them are the principal leaders in the fight for the president's armed neutral ity measure. Hitchcock was in charge of the bill after Senator Stone's sensa tional revolt and fought for it to the final moment of closing. The next strongest supporter was uobinson also a member ot the com mittee. mtclieock and Kobinson arc new members apparently chosen to reward them for their strenuous efforts in be half of the administration, as the com mittee was enlarged by two members. John Sharp Williams and Ollie James, bulwarks of the administration; Martin of the appropriation committee and new democratic floor leader; Chairman. Chamberlain of the military committee and Chairman Simmons of the finance committee are also mem bers. Senator Smoot is the only member of the republican steering committee re-elected. Cummins and Jones were not re-elected. Failure of Lodge of re-election occasioned some surprise. The most notable addition to the com mittee is Senator Borah. Warren, Harding, Weeks and Wadsworth, the youthful senator from New York, are rated as distinct additions to the group. Senator Warren is chairman. Vancouver Hockey Team Gets Medals Seattle, Wash., Mar. 7. Vancouver gets the medals! Alexander Tantages will have the honor of presenting the Vancouver ice hockey crew with a set ot gold medals. following last night's melee at the nrenn, in which the Millionaires trim rued the Seattle crew six to four. It was the first of a two game se lies between the clubs before time for Seattle to begin plav in the world's se ries. The locals didn't look like world's series material last night, however, against Frank Patrick's little band The second game will be played Fri day night in Vancouver. Gave LaFoilette $800 Rather Than Hear Him By H. C. Hamilton (United Press staff correspondent) New York, Man'h 7. The boycott on Madison Square Garden, installed when James Johnston was engaged to make matches for the big enclosure, was drawn a little tighter today when dim Coffey was withdrawn by Billv Oibson as a probable opponent for Bill Brennan, knockout artist. Urant Hugh Browne, if he survives the determination of Paris Singer not to purchase the building, now will have to fall back on Mike Gibbons, Johnny Dundee, Jimmy Duffy, Billy Miske, Jess Willard, Fred Fulton, Johnny Krtle, Pete Herman and such. However, the boycott has beeun to hurt, for the triumvirate of managers who have declared it all off so long as .lonnston is maKing matcnes control the very best local talent. Benny Leon ard, Carl Morris, Coffey, Freddie Welsh and Charlie White are prctty l'air attractions and don't cost a lot of money for transportation and train ing expenses. Furthermore, Welsh is the lightweight champion and a match without him among the lightweights would be stretching a point right now. Grant Hugh Brown is now consumed! with eforts to have Lcs Darcy given aluA' Ko.t;i .;.. a. 1 Albert E. bweeta gon 10 BtlEPRESENIED Convention To Be Held In Presbyterian Church Fri day and Saturday Delegates from every Sunday school in the county of Marion are expected to attend the Marion county Sunday school convention to be held at the First Presbyterian church Friday and Saturday of this week. Each delegate will be called on for a report of his or her Sunday school rrominent worKcrs trom the state as well as local workers are on the pro grain for addresses. Will S. Hale, su perintendent of the Oregon state train ing school will speak Friday afternoon at z o'clocK, taking for his subject, lne Uiamond in the Hough." -Complete program for tho two day is as follows: Friday Morning Opening Session 10:00 Song and devotional service, 10:13 The family altar as an aid to the Sunday school. Kev. tf. F. Holt Salem. 10:43 Extension work of Sunday school. Dr. Frank E. Brown, Salem. Discussion. 11:10 The big thing in the Sunday sejloel. Kev. V. A. Phipps, Portland. . Afternoon Session 1:13 Song and devotional service. 1:25 "The 'Teen age girl." Mrs. M. A. Danenhorner. Appointment of committees. 2:0 Diamonds in the rough, Will S. iiale, superintendent Oregon training scnooi. Music, selected. 2:50 Short addresses by four young people. 3:05 Social development and " the Sunday school, Professor J. O. Hall, Willamette University, Salem. Registration. 6:00 Banquet. Dr. G. F. Holt toast master. Evening Session 7:30 Song and devotional service. 8:00 The origin of the English Bi ble. (Illustrated by lantern glides), Dr, IN THE BACK Wheeling, W. Va., March " Sena tor I.aFollelte will not come here to morrow to deliver his lecture "Under- II! Grape-Nuts IS RECOGNIZED THE WORLD OVER nsn food ofb RRRE FlFkVOR AND EXCEPTIONAL MERIT furors ft reason" 1 ill I I "mil Ullli it!! gubernatorial rating. Arrange-1 " V.?,n OI Saturday Morning Session - 9:30 Special, prayer service. Song by convention. 10:00 Teaching demonstration, be ginners, Miss Alta Fatterson, Salem Primary, Miss Grace Sherwood, Sa lem. Juniors, Miss Gladys Carson, Salem. 11:10 Bound table, conducted by C. A. Phipps. Afternoon Session 1:15 Song service. 1:23 Business session. 2:15 Making good, Charles A. Phipps, state secretary. Special music,, selected. 3:05 Community life and the rural Sunday school, Professor M. S. Pitt- man, Monmouth normal school. 3:45 The organization of teacher training classes, Professor B. F. Ford, Jefferson- new ments have been made, it has been stated, to have Darcy meet Governor Whitman and present the Australian's side of the case. Brown believes, with or without reason, that Darcy can brush aside Whitman's, objections to the pugilist's appearanco in a New York ring and wants to give him the opportunity. Darcy has hidden out from fighters and everyone else. He refuses to talk business with anyone. Calls to the Grant Hugh Brown estato, where Dar cy is resting, have gone unanswered. Darcy is taking more walks than any man in the state. Miko Gibbons has been endeavoring to have a showdown on a proposed match at Milwaukee, but he has been able to get no further than any of the others. Kane to Meet Gibbons New York, March 7 F.ddie Kane, mnnager of Tom Gibbons, announced today he had signed articles for a ten round bout the night of March 20 be tween Gibbons and Battling Levinsky. The bout will be staged in St. Paul. I Johnson Got Decision Portland, Or., March 7. Lee John son of Oakland held a draw decision today with Eddie Campil, the speedy San Francisco. Campi landed the more punches but Johnson evened it up by putting plenty of steam behind his wallops. That s the woman s dread when she gets up in the morning to start th day's work. "Oh! how my back aches!' GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsule taken today eases the backache of to morrow taken every day ends the back ache for all time. Don't delay. What's the use of suffering? Begin taking GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules today and be relieved tomorrow. Take three or four every day and be per manently free from wrenching, distress ing back pain. But be sure to get GOLD MEDAL. Since 1696 GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil has been the National Remedy of Holland, the government of the Netherlands having granted a spe cial charter authorizing its preparation and sale. The housewife of Holland would almost as soon bo without bread as she would without her ' ' Real Dutch Drops" as she quaintly colls GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. This is tho one reason why you will find te women and children of Holland Br sturdy and robust. GOLD MEDAL are the pure, original Haarlem Oil Capsules, Imported direct from the laboratories In Haarlem, Hol land. But be sure to get GOLD MEDAL. Look for the namo on every box. Sold byreliable druggists in scal ed packages at 25c, 50c and $1.00. Mon ey refunded if they do not help you. Accept only the GOLD MEDAL. All ' others are imitations. East Orojrnrjau; King Winter's last dash into eastern Oregon finds the city of La Grande facing a coal shortage. judging by a call for help reaehing- Pendleton today. The Smythe-Loncr- gan company received an order to ship a ton of coal by express to tho La. Grande American Express company's office. As the company will handle the transportation of the coal the deal is not as remarkable as would be an order from a buyer who hnd to pay the charges. However, the, transac tion indicates a shortage in the sim ply at La Grande. mining Democracy." An organization of Wheeling Jews which had booked him for its lecture courso today cancelled the engagement, though they forfeited $800 in doing so. The committee first took an infor mal census of Wheeling and received a vote of lour to one asking LaFoilette to stay away because of his part in the filibuster that killed the armed neutrality bill in the senate. Salem Is Defeated by Eugene, Score 21 to 20 Tantalizing in the extreme was tho way the little god of luck vacillated from one side to the other in the basket ball game played last, night in Eugene between the quintet of the Eugene high school and the Salem five, with tho final result 21 to 20 points in favor of tho Eugene bunch. , It is declared the contest was tho most interesting and exciting seen in the up-valley city for many moons. So close did the game run that one minut before the referee's final whistle the wore was 20 to 20. The interest pulled the spectators to their toe-tips. At the end of the first half the scoro stood 13 to 6 in favor of Salem. Then tho Eugene boys got busy and near tho end of the second half tied tho score. A foul called on the Salem boys with jus! one more minute of play gave Kays an opportunity to throw the ball within the hoop and add one point to the Eugene score. This trifling event decided tho game. Kays and McCallum starred for Eu gene and Ackerman for Salem. A hard fall during the game caused a fractur ed rib for Frye of Salem to bo re fractured. Eleven fouls were called on Salem and nine on Eugene. Ackerman secured six points of the nine and aKys seven out the 11. The line-ups follow: Salem- Eugene. Ackerman (6)..... F (2) Hubbard Frye (0) F. (11) Kays Lathcn (8) C (2) Franz Ross (4) G (0) Callison Gill (2).. u (0) Veatch Substitutes: Eugene, McCallum for Hubbard; Purdy for Veatch. Salem, Atvvood for Frye. Referee, "Spike" Leslie. MARLEY 2 IN. DEVON 1VA IN. ARROW COLLARS 1 S cts. each, 6 for 90 cts. CLUETT. PEABODY k CO., INC. MAKERS I w FOR COUGHS and COLDS Dermis Eucalyptus Ointment AT ALL OBUQ STORES Tubes ssc jahs 60c BETTER THAU CAL0ME1 Thousands Have Discovered Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a Harmless Substitute Dr. Edwards' Olive Tabl StltUte for calnrnMa i m i vi uui sure laxative, and their effect on the liver is almost instantaneous. They are the re sult of Dr. Edwards' riptprmmot;, to treat liver and bowel complaints with, calomel. His efforts ir. bnn.dr ; k, i, out these little olive-colored tablets. iiiese pleasant little tablets do the good that calomel does, but have no had after effects. They don't injure the teeth like strong liquids or calomel. Ihey take hold of tbi f..i.t i quickly correct it. Why cure the liver at the expense of the teeth? Calomel sometimes plays havoc with the eums. io do strong liquids. It is best not to take calomel, but to let Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets t&e its place. Most headaches, "dullness" and that lazy feeling come from constipation and a disordered liver. Take Dr. Edwards' Ohve Tablets when you feel "loggy" and heavy. Note how they "clear" clouded brain and liow they "perk up" the spir its. 10c and 25c a box. All druggists. MY SPECIALTY IS "CHERRY BLOSSOMS" The Sweet Soul of the Cherry. 'It's a Drink you'll like' Try it on sale at all Pool Rooms and elsewhere. Bottled by R.A.PFEIL STAR BOTTLING WORKS 647 Market St. For quiet game of Pocket Billiards, a good cigar or the 4c latest Sporting News, call ai The TJp-to-Date Billiard Parlor . 437 Stats. V