Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 07, 1917, Page THREE, Image 3

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The latest and most authentic styles in boots from
that most gifted designer "JOHN KELLY"
Every woman of Salem and vicinity
who would bo faultlessly fitted with
one of these striking new models
should not fail to consult us at once.
The new colorsthe new and best
fabrics and leathers the most rea
sonable prices and assured satis-
l action. , ; :
We fit your feet scientifically
1 1 "l
I "
' I
Eat Less Meat If You Feel i Conviction of German Mem
Bachachy or Have Bladder
Trouble jSalts Fine for
. Kidneys
Meat forma uric a'il which excites
nnl overworks the kidneys in their ef
forts to filter it from the system. Reg-
. ular eater of meat must flush the kid
neys occasionally. You must relieve
them like you relieve your bowels, re-
, moving all the a ids, waste and poison,
1 1 lo you feel a dull misery in trie kul
, ber of Treason Reflects
St. Paul, Minn., Mar. 7 I-arge num
bers of German-Americans who consti
tute one-foorth of the Minnesota Na
tional (iuardsmen, are under suspicion,
following the eonviction of Private l'aul
I.. Scoarfenberjr, Company L, First
Minnesota infantry, of treason, it be
came known today. Scharfenberg was
sentenced to five years at the federal
prison at Leavenworth, after it became
ney region, sharp pains in the back or j established that he wrote his mother in
'sick headache, dizziness, your stomach
sours, tongue is coated and .when the
weather is bad you have rheumatic
I twinges. The urine is cloudy, tall of
sediment; the channels orten get irri
tated, obliging you to get up two or
three times during the night.
To neutralize these irritating acids
Germany, ridiculing the United Mates
army, attacking I'residcnt llson and
asserting 10,000,000 Germans in the
I'nited States would revolt in case of
war with Germany and flock to the
Attempting to provide Germany with
I'nited States military information was
and flush , off the body's urinous wast the specific charge against the Gopher
imt n limit fnnr mnw4 nf .Iml SfiltK 1 i
tul in a glass ot water before break
fast for a few days and your kidneys
will thnn Oft !,ia anil ttln ,1 icj,t-itr
disappear. This famous salts is made
iiimii in,: iti ii wi ;m'r!i ami 1,-iuuii
.juice, combined with lithia, and has
been used for generations to clean and
stimulate sluggish kidneys and stop
bladder irritation,. Jad Salts is inex
pensive; harmless and makes a delight
ful effervescent lithia-water drink
which millions of men and women take
now and then, thus avoiding .serious
kidney and bladder diseases.
Special on this great
household convenience
179 .Commercial Street
As Good As Owning
California Orange Grove
If you hnvo ever longed for an orange
grove all your own somewhere in Cali
fornia, you can enjoy the pleasure of
realizing the next thing to it this week
and staying right here in town at the
tame time.
It's all because next Saturday, March
30, is National Orango day. For several
days great quantities of oranges have
been coming in by fast freight until
every fruit dealer and grocer in town
las a large supply of this wonderful
Jfruit. The front windows of almos
every store are being dressed with or
anges, and a number of the merchants
have gotten some very artistic effects
with the gay fruit.
Orange day is a country-wide institu
tion, coming each year on a Saturday
early in March. It is at this time that
'Price Decline Sharp
In Chicago Markets
! Chicago, Mar. 7. Grains, which,
I without exception, opened higher to
j day, declined sharply later. The im-
proved car situation and a feeling that
I prices had gone high enough were giv
jen.as causes. A slump of from 25 to
M cents in the hog market after the
official close, sent provisions tumbling
from 25 to 75 cents. May wheat op
ened up 3-4, later declining 1 7-8 to
$1.8!) 5-8; July opened up 7-8, subse
quently losing 1 3-8 to $1.55 b-o; .rp
tember opened up 7-8 and later lost 5-8
to $1.46 3-4.
Corn opened stronger but prices re
acted with wheat. May opened 7-8, but
later declined I 1-4 to $1.08; July open
led up 1 1-8 and later lost 1 5-8 to $1.-
07 1-4; September opened up 5-8, subse
quently losing 1 to $1.00 1-4.
Oats opened sharply higher, but the
gain was eliminated when other grains
dropped. May opened up halt, later los
ing 1 1-8 to 50 3-8, while July, which
opened up 1-4, declined 3-4 to 5" 1-4 on
the drop.
Provisions opened irregular. Porji was
up but lard and ribs remained un
changed. Later, with the decline in the
hog market, sharp losses were recorded,
l'ork fell from 72 to 87 cents. Lard
and ribs showed similar losses.
Charlotte Objects
to Pink Lingerie;
Chicago, March 7. Pink lingerie!
To Make More Arrests in
Connectioon With Plots
New Yor.1t, Mar. 7. Important docu
ments bearing on alleged plots in New-
York iu connection wirh the arrests of
Dr. Chandr Chukiaberly, Dr. Krnest
Sckunner, Fritz Kolb and Hans
Schwartz are on their way here today
from Washington to be used as evi
dence. More arrests are expected.
One of the men held here is Denu
Crones, Chicago poisoned soup anarchist,
the police and federal authorities sihi
ed, following receipt of requests from
Chicago that the men be examined in
an effort to identify one as the vanish
ed Cronos.
Kolb and Schwartz will be arraigned
this afternoon in Hoboken on charges of
having explosives iu their possession.
the supplies of California Naval or-1
anges are largest. Starting several j
weeks before Orange day, extra gangs i
of pickers have been picking the f ruit I
in the immouse groves of California, I
and millions of oranges, it is estimated
by the officials of the California Fruit
tirowers' Exchange, have been shipped
during the past 'few weeks to meet the
tremendous demand on Orange day,
1917. Orange day has become a nation
al festival in recognition of the many
healthful and delicious qualities that
California oranges bring to everyone.
So every day during Orange week, we
can all have the next best thing to a
full bearing orange tree in the back
that resembles a valentine is as out of
place on a woman as ruffled panta
lettes would bo on a horse. And women
don't wear fluffy crepe do chine un
mentionables because they like 'em,
but because they want to make them
selves attractive to men.
These and some other startling
things are embodied in the opinion of
Airs. Charlotte I'erkins UUman, as ex
pressed before the college club of Chi
cago. "Styles change," she said, "be
cause women have to make a constant
ly new appeal to those who are event
ually to support them. ' '
Mrs. Gilman predicts that the end of
the European war will mark the end
of marriage with the economic relation
as its underlying motive.
There is one sure way that has never
failed to remove dandruff at once, and
that is to dissolve it, then you destroy
it entirely. To do this, just get about
four ounces of plain, common liquid
arvon from any drug store (this is all
you will need), apply it at night when
retiring; use enough to moisten the
scalp and rub it iu gently with the fin
ger tips.
.By morning, most if not all, of your
dandruff will be gone, and three or
four more applications will completely
dissolve and entirely destroy every
single sign and trace of it, no matter
how much dandruff you hay have.
You will find all itching and dig
ging of the scalp will stop instantly,
and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous,
glossy, silky and soft, and look and
feel a hundred times better.
- Xv, f 'fife- V . -
llis letter to his mother
was intercepted by British censors and
returned to the United States government.
"President Wilson will soon be out of
the way all right," the letter said. Just
what means were to be employed to
send the executive into oblivion were
not staged. He referred to officers of
the I'nited States army as "cobblers,
who would not stand up and figUt n
case of invasion.
His conviction became known when
a contingent of guardsmen returned to
day from the border. He was recruit
ed into a regiment returning today when
tne guard lett. His life before enlist
ing is unknown. He was bom iu Ger
Would Have Art Association
and Bring Exhibits to
Promised Aid To Rebels In
Effort To Worry the
United States
Havana, Mar. 7. Direct evidence of
Gt rmany'g aid to the Cuban rebel cause
was declared to have been uncovered to
day in examination of papers found
after the arrest of Dr. l.uis Otavio
Diviuo, a well known liberal leader, and
two members of the Cuban congress. Ac
cording to poiice officiate, a proclama
tion signed by revolutionary leaders, a
copy of which was discovered in Di-1
vino's home, contain the statement that j
"Germany hai promised to'aid."
Since publication in the United States
of the Zimmerman letter and circum
stantial stories carried in American
newspapers of the activities of varioils
German propaganda organizations, Cub
an government officials have been ac
tivo in searching out possible German
machinations here. It has been charged
that a number of American agents were
siding and that proof had been found
of the existence of an organization
called "the iron cross "
Defection ly voluntary surrender of
Pedro Del Portal, a well known leader
in the revolutionary movement, gve
the insurrectionary movement a body
blow, in the opinion of government of
ficials today. Portal was expected here
today uuder guard.
"The general condition could not be
more satisfactory," declared a formal
statement issued by President Menocal,
"in view of special circumstances at
tending the seditious movement."
The president declared the Sanitago
rebels "must, either surrender or the
drive into the sea.' '
fiUlHrlDIlH P
New Show New Songs New Dances
Thursday-Frida y BLIGH THEATRE Thursday-Frid a y
There is a movement under discus
sion among art lovers in Salem for the
establishment of an art association,
under the auspices of which high class
art exhibits could be brought to this
city and placed on display for short
It is believed that such an associa
tion is needed in the city and that itc
establishment would do a great dear
toward developing an appreciation for
the best there is in painting and si'lup
ttire. Portland has such an art association
and it has been a great benefit in
bringing close home the works that
have gained fame throughout the
world for their beauty and artistic sig
nificance, Salem has a large number
of people who are interested general
ly in pictures but the average taste
has not been educated to an apprecia
tion of the best.
Art For Everybody
The idea that art is for the wealthy,
for the artist alone, Is decried because
art itself lies close to 'the heart of each
and every human in some way or oth
er, and needs only the opportunity to
spread its gossamer wings.
It is suggested that a convenient and
suitable place to house exhibits would
be the auditorium of the city library,
and that it could be made as useful
from this standpoint as it is in pre
senting the great operas by means of
the victrola.
Portland's art institute this month
is drawing interested visitors on ac
count of the exhibition there of the
pictures of Jonas Lie (pronounced
Lee), who spent some time in the i'an-j
ama canal zone. A largo number of the
pictures of this exhibit are of Panama
scenes and the construction of the
great canal. I
Exhibit in Portland I
The exhibit will be seen at the in
stitute, which is located at Fifth and
Taylor streets, all through March,
when it will be sent to San Francisco.
It is declared by art critics that these
pictures arc wonderful in the stories
they tell of the magnitude and poetry
of the tropics and the canal.
It is pointed out that if Salem had
an art association and a place in which
to house an exhibit like the one now
in Portland, it would add much to the
city as an art community in bringing
such exhibits hero for a few days at
That, a move will bo made in the
near future looking towaVd the estab
lishment of such an association is be
lieved certain. Mrs. Monroe Gilbert, of
the 'frame Shop, is enthusiastic over
the idea and believes a great deal could
be done in forming a right artistic
tast in the young people of Salcin.
Why the Journal Is popular
It prints the world 'a news to-
day while it's news.
State Divided Into Districts.
Cantine arid Four Others"
Cut Out
No highway engineer was chosen by
the new state highway commission,
which met yesterday for the first time.
The commission decided to inako com
plete investigation as to the qualifica
tions of the candidates for the position
: of highway engineer, which position
carries a salary of $U,UUU a year. Ap
plications from Oregon men and engin
eers from other states have been made
to the commission for the iob.
When the commission met yesterday,
11, was cauea to oruer by v. l,, inomp
son, of Pendleton. On motion of J. E.
Adams, of Eugene, S. Benson, of Port
land, was chosen chairman and the
commission got down to business. The
session lasted until lato yesterday aft
ernoon. As a result o'f the deliberations, five
employes of the state highway depart
pient, will bo out of a job. Among these
is E. J. Cantine, formerly state high
way engineer. Those retained bv the
commission tiro O. Ed Ross, auditor and
temporary secretary; K. H. Coppock,
draughtsman; A. H. Davies and Charles
U. Gerkey, W. J. Schofiold, J. H. Scott
and John Skans, draughtsmen; Lewis W.
Metzger, designing engineer S. . H.
Probert, locating engineer; Pearl Davis,
foreman of the Siskiyou work; 1). P.
Greniger and M. O. Bennett, with a
party of five working in Morrow coun
The Tftree Districts.
It was decided to approve of the nav-
roll of the old commission from the time
the new law became effective until the
employes were cither discharged or re-appointcdj
lo facilitate the work of the com
mission the state was divided into rttrce
parts, like unto ancient Gaul. The coun
ties assigned to the commissioners are
as follows;
Commissioner Adams will have charce
of all of western Oregon except the
counties assigned to Commissioner Ben
son. Commissioner Benson will have
charge of Lincoln, Polk, Tillamook,
Yamhill, Washington, Clatsop, Colum-
Todav - Tomorrow
Blanche Sweet
in a thrilling story
of an American
Woman Doctor
among superstiti
ous Mexicans
ni iin 111.11 in 11 iWiiii'iitriiwiiJir'iiMiMia
Upon purchasing a Suit or Overcoat or Mackinaw at our
atoro during the week of March 4 to and Including March
10th, to the amount of $12 or over, and presenting thia Cer
tificate properly signed and addressed, the holder may
select $5.00 in merchandise immediately or may retain
Certificate and at any time prior to June 30th may
select the merchandise, which consista of Hats, Bhoea,
Overalls, Caps, Boys' Clothing, Mackinaw. Raincoats,
Underwear, Hosiery, Neckwear, in fact anything in our
BRICK BROTHERS, at Brick's Corner
Corner State and liberty Streets, Salem
It's finding $5.00. Be sure to come in before the
end of the week and make your selections.
Brick's Corner State and Liberty Streets
"The House That Guarantees Every Purchase"
Bomb Plotters Are
HddWithout Bail
Hoboken, X. J., March 7. Fritz
Kolb, German resttrvist and Hans
Schwartz, nlleged (ierman bomb plot
ters, were held without bail when ar
raigned this atleinoo-n before Hecord
er 'arsten.
The technical chargo against them
bin, Multnomah, Clackamas, Hood Eiv
or and Wasco counties. The counties
assigned to Commissioner Thompsou
comprise all of eastern Oregon except
Klamath, Hood River and Wasco coun
ties. Petitions for highway work' will be
sent to (Secretary Boss, at Hulem, who
will notify the commissioner from whose
territory the application conies. Ihis
commissioner will then investigate the
matter of the petition, arrange a hear
ing and place it all before the commission.
The Quinine that Does not Affect Head
Because of its tonis and laxative ef
fect, Lexative Bromo Quinine can be
taken by anyone without causing nerv
ousness nor ringing in the head. There
is only one "Bromo tjmuine" K. W.
GROVR'S signature is on box. 25c.
was conspiracy and "unlawful posses
sion" 'of explosives with intent.
Both men admitted at the hearing
that they had been in possession of
bombs when they were arrested. Their
cases will be turned over to the grand
jury for action by state authorities.
It is believed they intended to set timo
bombs in tho Black Tom munition ter
minal. Assistant Prosecutor Vickers was
present at today's hearing, listening
closely to nil evidence. Before the pro
ceedings he had been closeted with the
men and questioned them closely.
Another man was arrested early to
day on suspicion of having been im
plicated in tho plotting has been released.
The pleasure's yours
WE'RE strong, enough be
lievers in advertising to
think that you've at least heard
of the OWL Cigar.
Probably you've smoked it.
What? Not yet?
Well, there's no use waiting.
All it needs is a step a match
a nickel and the pleasure's
yours.. Light up I
. , . M. A. GUNST & CO.
Use Grandma's Sage Tea and
sulphur Recipe and No
body Can TeflBrush
It Through Hair
Gray hair, however handsome, de
notes advancing age. We all know the
advantages of a youthful appearance.
Your hair is your charm. It makes or
mars the face. When it fades, turns !
gray and looks streaked, just a few ap
plications of Sajjo Tea and Miilphur en
hances its appearance a hundred fold
Don 't slay graoy! Look young! Kith
er prepare the recipe at homo or get
irom any drug store a oil cent bottle'
of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com-!
pound," which is merely the old timo
recipe improved by the addition of
other ingredients. Thousands of folks j
recommend this ready to use prepnra-l
tion, because it darkens the hair beau-!
tifully, besides no one can possibly toll!
as it darkens so naturally and evenly.!
You moisten a sponge or soft brush i
with it, drawing this through the hair,
taking one small strand nt a time. By I
morning the gray hair disappears; af ter
another application or two, its nat-!
.i ;., ,,.. i .i i i. ,.,.....,
thick, glossy and lustrous, and you ap
pear years younger.
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com
pound is a delightful toilet requisite.
It is not intended for the cure, miti
gation or prevention of disease.
! In (Anita's Sister)
f -Also- -And-
Scenic of Pikes Peak In a Comedy.