Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 06, 1917, Image 4

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The Capital Journal
Mnrth 0, If 17.
diior an
Editorial Page
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
PreaiJent. Vice-President.
bee. and Treat.
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..t J.OO
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I'er mouth .
Kew York, W. D. Ward, Tribune Uuildinj?.
Chiengo, W. H. Ntnekwell, People a Gas Building.
The Capital Journal rarrier boys are instructed to put tlie papers ou the
porch. If tie carrier doei not do this, tnissos you, or neglect getting the
paper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this is the
only way we can determine whether or not the carriers are following in
structions. Phone Main 81 before 7:30 o'clock and a paper will be sent you
ly special messenger if the carrier has niiimed you.
The president has served notice on the senate that he
will not call an extra session of congress unless the senate
now in session make new rules under which it can trans
act the business of the country. The president is pre
eminently right. Of. what use to call a lot of senators
together so long as a handf ull of them can prevent any or
nil legislation? Acting on the president's demand the
democratic senators have arranged for a caucus today at
10::;0 to consider ways and means of amending the rules
0 as to limit debate. '
This attempt will meet with serious objection, as many
of the senators are stubbornly opposed to any rule that
will "interfere with their constitutional right" to discuss
a bill or measure "fully." The suggestion was made yes
terday looking to a limiting of ('ebate that shows how
strenuous the senators are in providing methods of
"how not to do it." The plan suggested is that sixteen
senators at any time may by signing a petition have a
vote taken the following day, "to close debate." An af
firmative vote of two thirds would then result in "each
senator being limited to one hour discussion of any bill
or amendment."
Those familiar with legislative proceedings will recog
nize the absurdity of such an arrangement. The fili
busters would have an hour each at the bill. Then they
would propose an amendment and they would each have
another hour. Their filibuster would only end when they
got tired of offering amendments.
It is right and proper that each senator should be
heard, if he so desires, on any measure; but this right
'does not, or at least should not permit him to read
Robinson Crusoe or Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress hour
after hour when debating a question of national polity.
What is needed just now is a series of messages from
home for each of the senators who insulted and humiliated
the nation by their filibustering tactics. At the same time
a few messages to the other senators that they must
either establish rules under which the country's business
can be attended to, or prepare to step down and give place
to younger men who are not wrapped up in senatorial
precedent and endless red tape. Those senators wrho in
sist on their "constitutional rights" to unlimited talk
should get a hint that the people, too, have some constitu
tional rights, one of which is to have their business at
tended to without hindrance from a lot of selfseeking
politicians who cater to influences not American.
The suffragettes are sore at the president because he
refused to meet a delegation of them who have been
picketing the white house for a month and say they will
go home and "shout it from the house tops" how he kept
a lot of American women standing out in the rain and
refused to let them come in, or to see them. They forget
that only a short time ago the president invited them to
go inside, feeling sorry for them when he saw they were
suffering from cold, and they refused. Since then he has
politely let them stay outside, since it seemed to be their
wish. However if they will go home and mount the house
tops, they can "holler" until their neighbors declare an
open season for suffragettes before the people generally
mourn them and then they wont. By their utterly fool
ish actions they have delayed the coming of national suf
frage for twenty years, and if they continue to pursue the
same tactics they will delay that day indefinitely.
The Chinese tong war has broken out again, this time,
in several places at once. Two were killed at San Fran
cisco yesterday, two at Stockton, one at San Jose and one
at Oakland, while at Seattle a dozen shots were fired but
no one hurt. Sometime the Chinese will be made to obey
American laws, instead of relying on gunmen ; and if they
do not take the hunch and quit their murderous plan of
settling their affairs the whole caboodle of them will be
sent out of the country. If they only killed each other it
might be more easily borne, but instead the gunmen turn
loose when the opportunity comes regardless of whom
they may hurt.
Senator Hai ry Lane is almost universally condemned
by the people of Oregon for his stand against the pres
ident. The mildest criticism that may be made of his
action is that he showed poor judgmentmany believe
him to be unpatriotic and, therefore, unfit to occupy the
high position of senator in congress. Taking the milder
point of view it may bo said that wisdom would have
prompted the senator to accede to the wishes of the pres
ident, whose leadership must be accepted without ques
tion in time of a great national crisis. To grant the
powers he asked for did not necessarily mean war, but
would be more likely than anything else to prevent it
The president stands for peace and a solid nation behind
him would so impress the foreign countries that they
would be far more likely to refrain from eivine: cause for
hostilities than if they are given the impression that the
i. 1 ! 1 1 1 . . .
nation is torn oy cuscora ana unanie to act as a unit.
. In brief there is the greatest possible danger of the
country actually drifting into war when a strong determ
ined policy might be sufficient to avert the catastrophe.
Anyway, we are so close upon the verge of war that the
time for discussion as to right or wrong in the steps
leading up to it is past; the president realizes this and
asked the representatives of the people for a vote of
confidence---not a declaration of war. Senator Lane and
ten other members of the upper house of congress took
such a stand that all over the worldin many parts of
which the situation is not fully understoodthe news is
flashed that the people of the United States are not be
hind their president in a crisis which may prove the most
momentous in its history.
There is talk of recalling Senator Lane but this can
not be done. Moreover, it is not necessary since he has
eliminated himself and will quietly sink into oblivion
along with Senator Works and others of his colleagues
in the shameful proceedings of Saturday night and Sun
day. The people of Oregon are making it known in every
possible way that they are being misrepresented by Sen
ator Lane and we believe the nation at large will under
stand and sympathize with us rather than condemn the
entire commonwealth for the action of a single politician
The Japanese press, or part of it is making some pret
ty bitter attacks on America, complaining of her treat
ment of the Japanese in this country. If Japan is looking
tor trouble with the United States she has selected a
splendid time to be accommodated. Americans just at
inis time are not in a mooa to taite cucxaiion irom any
country. Besides they are getting almighty tired of hav
ing a Japanese bugaboo shook at them every time they
turn around. The Japanese are given the same rights as
other ioreigners in practically all respects save that they
cannot become citizens. That condition is going to con
tinue for some time at least, and the Mikado should thank
us for not taking his citizens away from him.
The establishment of a naval base at the mouth of the
Columbia it is claimed is held up by those who own the
land needed, holding it at double the price it is worth
This being the case the assessor should not overlook the
price fixed by the owners when he makes his next of
ficial call on the land owners. Surely they know what
their lands are worth and should be given the benefit
when tax time comes around and not have their property
That long lost inter-county bridge bill has at last be
come a law. It was signed by the governor yesterday.
Now it would seem the way is open for reaching some
sort of arrangement by which the bridge across the Wil
lamette here can be built. Of course there is a possibility
a contest may arise as to the validity of the bill, but this
seems hardly possible. County Judge Bushey will do well
to again open negotiations with the Polk county author
ities looking to a settlement of the dispute. If this can
not be accomplished, it is up to the state engineer.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
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Transact a General Banking Business
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I think Bill Shakespeare dry as dust ; his
books, untouched, stand on the shelf; and
I could take my pen, I trust, and write much
better junk myself. Long o'er his pages I
perspired, and sickened 'neath the grievous
strain; his noisy bombast makes me tired,
his style obscure gives me a pain. But when
I'm in the social swim, I do not dare to talk
like this. The Avon bard! I worship hinl!
To read him fills my soul with bliss ! I hate
the dismal, horrid daubs Old Masters
painted long ago; they look to me like mis
fit jobs, the pigments spread with broom or hoe. At these
old works I gaze and stare, and fail to find a pleasing
thing fat cherubs loafing here and there, and cornfed
i angels on the wing. I tell the truth here in my den, where
no rebuke can make me smart; but when I'm with my fel
low men, I whoop it up for ancient Art. I'd like to meet
a man so bold that he would say just what he thinks, hand
out the truth, severe and cold, about the haloed, wor
shiped ginks. Alas, the man has not been born, who dares
to hoot the goldbrick sage, who has the nerve to laugh to
scorn the chromos of a bygone age.
: At
v jtwt. I'
Children Cry for Fletcher's
r Lt J ' ' ' jJm a
Portland, Ore , Marci S, 1917. Editor
Salem Journal: In regard to your edi
torial of February 2S criticising the
appointment of Mr- 8. Benson will Kay
that Mr. K Benson haa been in Cali
fornia nearly all winter excepting for
one week about 30 days ago when he
was up here. It was not announced on
the fluor of both houses during debate
that Mr. Benson would not he a member
of the highway board. -Mr. John B.
Yeon wrote a letter to the roads com
mittees in both bouses Mating he would
not be n member of the state highway
commission, and I did the same. I have
all the road work in Multnomah coun
ty in tho last four years that I care
for ami I assure you it has been neither
profitable nor a pleasure.
Please do not get -Mr. S. Benson and
myself confused in these different mut
ters. I would thank you if you would men
tion this in your paper.
If von wish In verifi- wlint T lt;ive
stated above you can undoubtedly do j
so by calling on Hon. Sam Brown to
whom the original letter was sent- I
I ours verv tnilv,
Raymond Anderson in Party
Arresting Germans in
Raymond Anderson, formerly a mem
ber of Company M, Third Regiment,
Oregon National Guard, but now an eu
listed man in the United .States navy,
was one of the 30 sailors who took a
hand in taking prisoners the 260 Ger
man sailors on board the German ship
in the harbor of Honolulu when the
crew undertook to set it on fire and
destroy it so it would not fall into the
hands of the United Ptates should war
between Germany and the United States
bo declared.
Young Anderson is stationed on the
St. Louis, which was in the harbor at
the time the exciting event took place.
The Germans squirted oil between the
stool and the wooden deck-covering and
' k m nmiB tat
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then set fire to it. "When the harbor
officers tried to get on board to put out
the fire the members of the erew
fought them off, and the officers call
been ruined by chiseling, etc.
Young Anderson, who is a son of F.
A. Anderson, of 5G5 South Sixteenth
street, wa8 the second man on board tbo
ed for heir, from the St. Louis. Thirty ;Uirman. S111P according to a letter ro-
snilors were -sent to the scene and tookcpm'd by Mr. Anderson recently.
the crew prisoners.
It was found on examination that the
fires under the boiler9 had been lighted
with no water in them, that the elec
tric dynamos had been damaged with
acid, the bearings of the machinery had
IS s
Jwie Phelps
4 H-VTV I TEl -V
It is not nn easy thhiif to null your
self up by the roots, so to Hjieak, to
yivo up a home of which you have
been sole mistress, and in which every
piece of furniture even has a plaee in
your nlleetions. Wo woman ever de
cides to do this without good reason, or
wu.it sue considers good reason- That 13
110 KKAF, woman ever docs.
I telt so firateful to dad for leaving
me so well provided for that 1 had no
need of Clifford's money. I do not think
ever could havo brought myself to
leave- him, and then accept money from
him. For his child, yes. For myself,
no. I should have cone to work first.
Kate was at first unbelievinsr, then
'I can niver sttw on ma'am, with
you none for good. ' '
ion will not have to. Jlr. Ham
mond told me he should close the house
for the present and live at the club. The
house is in my name, nnd I may come
bnck to it though it is doubtful."
"If you do, will you take me back.
111a 'am? It will seem so strange to
work away from Mainly and Hiss
Edith," she wept.
'ies, Kate I promise. And I will
give you such a good reference that von
will be sure to get a good place." and
when a little later I called Muriel up
she said she would take her. I was de-
ighted, and Kate was pleased.
Au Interrupted Visit.
As we had agreed Leonard came
(Following is the chapter which
should have been run yesterday)
the afternoon before I was to start 1
for Reno. He had been there but a
few moments, when Muriel fame in,
then Lola Gaidner, who wasu!i at ati
surprised when she heard, although she
pretended to be.
"I am so sorry not to have you at
my wedding," she whispered, not
even Muriel yet knew of her engage
ment to Hal Lockwood.
The talk was general all the after
noon, and as it wn-s getting late
Leonard left when Mrs. Gardner dtd.
I felt that he wished to leave before
Clifford came in, and I also should
have preferred it. fco our final part
ing for three months was simply a
handicap before others, and a whispered
'dear' from him.
He was cone some time, and T
could hear them laughing and talking.
When he came down she came also and
running to me showed mo the pretty
locket and chain dadio had given her.
"Isn't he a good daddy?" she asked,
"I wish he was going to Bono with
us, don't you, mamma?"
"Going to Reno," meant nothing to
her five years of wisdom. Pimply going
on the cars which she loved.
T-1'.'y'T he's a vcry S001 daddy,
Ldith," I answered.
"I- hope you will always say that
to her," Clifford said in an aside t
"Of course I shall!" I exclaimed
indignantly, "It is onlv the truth Ym,
nave oeen Hindu
Afiivinl :,,,i v Tii '""" "tu 10 uer ui-
n'luiwrii iv uuim-r. x nao wavg. "
l egged her to I rather dreaded that "A good father, but a bad husband "
last dinner alone with Clifford. But he said ironically
I needn't have worried. He did not I made no reply. We were leaving
come home not until after I had gone at 10 o'clock. I did not L I
might happen in tho fnrnm an,i t .Wm.
d VOi'V mtintlv minnrl in no.. i .t' ...
if there was anything he could lo to sil e s , r J' " .. 7" "
- - - 1 . , - - i-Aicuwu my nanii ana
saui :
When I suggested to Leonard that
perhaus if I had a divorce he wouldn't
want me, I was simply talking. I didn 't
really believe that anything would make
him cease to desire me, even if Clifford
had not married Mabel Hortou.
All that long afternoon we talked
together.. I tried to be sensible, tried
to be sure I was looking at the matter
in every way, Leonard was so sure
of himself, so positive he could make
me happy, that it naturally had its ef
fect on me.
When he left me it was with a prom
ise that I would decide definitely and
see him again the next afternoon.'
"If you refuse me this time, Mil
dred," he said as he held my hands at
parting, "I shall go away immediately,
and not return perhaps fur years."
As I watched him go down the street
I felt all suddenly that I eonld not go
through the coming years without him.
The lung lonely years in which to en
dure Clifford's neglect until he grew
old and perhaps querulous, while I still
young would have wasted mv lite,
Mildred Demands an Explanation.
That night Clifford remained at home.
After dinner I followed him into the
library, and after waiting until he had
to bed.
At breakfast he asked
help me.
"I see your trunks are rendv, shall
I send the man for them!" he' asked.
The trunks were all strapped and ready
to go.
"Thank you, but Kate ordered the
expressman last, night." I replied.
When we rose from the table, Clif
ford handed me an envelope.
"For Edith," he said, then went up
stairs to her room.
his eveui:
"Good-bye, Clifford. Somewnv I feel
that neither of us have been so ranch to
blame; that we were simply so unsuited
to each other that this was bound to
"Good-bye, Mildred. " I guess you are
right," and he dashed from the house.
(Tomorrow On the Train.)
finished with
"Clifford, was there cause for nam
ing you in Mabel Horton's divorce
"Harping on that again, are vou?
You women crM on ila i i " 1 i
. . , o- ' ""u uur neaos, ! motlier.
g paper I ask-J me. I'm sicU to death of your fool
iivays and actions! " he stormed.
What about Edith?" I aaked, "I
must have undisputed possession of her.
No matter what you say, how mueh
you dislike, and make fun of me; not
you even can mv i,t i 1
I' ,, "" mv A. UIU JtUl U 1MIUU
auu n, b enouen to drive a mnn wilrt th.
you awcu on it."
you answer my question,
please ?';
"Certainly there was cause! Now are
you satisfied ? "
I never have been able to understand
how I dared question Clifford in the
manner I did duriug this time; nor how
be endured it as well as he did. It was
foreign to us both. Sometimes I have
felt that it was because he cared so lit
tle that he did not mind WHAT I knew
or found out; and that I had ceased to
love him, so had more courage to risk
his displeasure.1
"Is there still the same cause?"
Clifford turned upon me theu.
"Suppose there isl what are vou go
ing to do about it ? '
It was only a tacit admission, but I
grasped it.
"What I have been thinking of for a
long time, tiet a divorce. Perhaps this
lime j win marry her." I repl
anu strangely enough, without bitter
"Who wants to say it! If vou are
m earnest about this divorce business,
you shall have her if I have the priv
ilege ot seeing her when I. choose; and
it you g0 where you can get the divorce
without making a scandal in Glcndale.
Otherwise I'll fight every step."
"That suits me. I will go away. I
suppose you fear to soil Mabel Horton 's
reputation if you were again mentioned
as corespondent?"
"We'll leave Mrs. II01 ton's name out
ot the discussion. If y0 wish to i,ave
mr,', settle an income on you, and"
"No, Clifford, I do not want your
money. I have enough of my wants
that father left me. Settle as much as
.vou will 011 Edith, provide for her edu
eat.cm, etc. If you like, but I want noth
ing." ' ' Save to be rid of me," he returned
in a bit ter tone.
"I'm not Poino- in minvvnl .:!.
k.. & T . 1 1 ' J""'
this, Clifford, but I have been very unhappy.
1 Tar t0 Tmnti rot were too old to"
L 8"PPOse you'll marry some youni?
You can't get it too soon to please j
fellow, Leonard Brooke for instance."
Perhaps I don't know."