ll) Doit CIRCULATION IS OVER 4300 DAILY 41 FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES ii in Hi hi in II mmm iiLiiiniiii ,1 if FORTIETH YEAR-NO. 55 I- i SALEM. OREGON. MONDAY MARPH k iqit . : WIM SCORES of wilful me;: representing no opinion boot own" "They filibustered the Neutrality Bill to Death and Left the Great Government of the United States In a Helpless and Contemptible Position Before the Worlds-Will Not Call Extra Session Unless Senate Changes Its Rules, So It Can Act Washington, March 5. President Wilson wants quick action by the United States senate to change the rules and permit rapid passage of an "armed neutrality" meas ure when he calls an extra session of congress to rein troduce the bill. Admitting that his hands are tied by ancient statutes which forbid him arming merchant vessels and taking other means of protecting American rights, the president is relying on the senate to act "and save the country from disaster." In bitter excoriation of "the little group of wilful men, representing no opinion but their own," who filibustered the neutrality bill to death, the president has declared "the great government of the United States" is in a ' 'helpless and contemptible" position before the world. It was the plan of administration senate leaders to read the president's proclamation of last night in the upper body today if it remains convened in extra session Jong enough before closing to witness the inaugural ceremonies. It is now evident the president will call an extra ses sion of congress just as soon as the senate, now in extra session, acts upon changing the rules of unlimited debate. Ntw Rules for Senate. Wulil this is (.lone the president de c In red his formal statement, "the rules paralysis Of the Neimte" with "no by (virion dilatory tactics can be pre vented," would continues Calling attention to the facf that "more than 500 of the 531 members of congress were ready and anxious to act," the president declared nothing could be accomplished "because a little group of 11 senators so determined. The position of the president is strik iugiy set forth in the following past gn from his statement: "In the immediate presence of a ; rut fraught with more subtle and fat ....!.;., ...... ;i.:i::..., .i I thi any other the government has tdown within the whole history of its international relations, the congress baa been unable to act either to safeguard!"1" l ' , "oml ,nat ,nov t!,v01t'd P the country or to vindicate the elcmen- lure rights o. its citizens. ' ' Although aa a matter of fact the nation and the representatives of the nation stand behind the executive wlih unprecedented unanimity and spirit, the impression mode abroad will, of course, lie that, it is not so and that other gov ernments may act as they please with out fear that this government can do anything at all. We cannot explain. The explanation is incredible. "The senate of the dated States is the only legislative body in the world which cannot act when its majority is ready for action. Ships Cannot Be Armed. "A little group of wilful men, repre Renting no opinion but their own. have rendered the great government of the Vnited States helpless and contemptible. "The remedy? There is but one rem edy. The onlv remedy is that the rules of the senate shall be so altered that it can act. The coiurtrv enn b be relied upon 1 to draw the moral. I believe that the senate can be relied on to supply the , means of action and save the country ' from disaster " The president's In lie; that he l,n,l fl. ... .! inn, nan tne power to arm merchant ships despite the action of the senate was dissipated ,vhea his leaal advise,, discine! a Biaime pnssou by congress in 181i di -i. wk :.. . , "the commander find ercv. of nnv mcr- Chant vessel of the United Slates owned ! wholly or in part by a eitizen thereof mav oDirose nn,l ,lefe,l ,.0!,i.t aion whieh shall 'he attempted upon!.. . ' such vessel by the commander and erewi HMirV m!Khr M of anv arme.l vessel -ht.., nf v..JllC,MJ Ul lag a public armed vessel of some nation in ainity with the I'nited States." rl'hi i& til.' inn.' tvlii..!. mtmm ,-..,.... ! Im k .1 i:- x m i the president. Seniors lX. HlSl . . i i iL: - -ebute that to arm merchant Sjfrf22 iLEZlt miless the power asked bv the president r bw" ' ' wa authorized would give the vessels. Meister was shot and killed last thejUMu o private A tfcrtr erewaj, la Sprauger'., artment, The L i , 3 , police soy Spranger almits doing the .Submannes, officials declare, are pub-; shooting. He declares that Meiste?, nn he vessels of a country not at war wrth . reasonably jealous of bis wife, rushed the I nited States and heuee the presi into the room snapping an unloaded re dent's hands are tied. ; voivPr. llelieving that Meister was trv Action la Prevented. jig to kill him, Spranger fired two 1 welve senators, led by Senator La shots, according to the police Follette and encouraged by Senator Mr. Meister was playing cards with Stone, democratic chairman of the for-1 Spranger when Meiater appeared She eign relations' committee, in a filibust-! tied and did not witness her husband's r, denounced by President Wilson 'aj death. When arrested, Spranger mani Sokesmen as the moat reprehensible in 1. '..ted groat coolness. He wat booked history ci nnv civilized nation, de- ion a charge of murder, but no formal fied the will of an overwhelming ma- complaint has been issued yet. , n. , ! i ' " riuiwuUKWTS "LITTLE MP v. jority in congress up to tlie last minute yesterday and denied to the president a 'IIW authorising him to arm American ii Tenant snips to meet tne 'icrmnn suo marine menace. Unyielding throughout 2(i hours of continuous session to appeals that their defiance of the president would be humiliating to the country; uncompro mising in a crisis described to them as the most serious to the nation since the Civil war, La Follettc and his small group of supporters refused a majority of their cnlleno-iiPR ni nrmnrtimttv t voto 011 ,,, amwJ uetrality bill, and it died with the .Sixty-fourth congress at noon. 76 Senators Sign Manifesto. To fix responsibility before the coun lP "' "'"ntors. JO republicans and 4b LaeTOOCrJ signed n inanitesto proclaim- age of the measure This declaration, embodied in the rec ord of the senate, referred to the fact that the house Thursday night had pass ed n similar bill by a vote of 403 to 13 and also recited that the senate rule permitting unlimited debate gave a small minority opportunity to throttle the will of the majority. Thirteen senators declined to sign the declaration, but Senator Penroae, re publican, of Pennsylvania, announced that he would have voted for the bill had opportunity been afforded him. Twelve Constitute Opposition. The 12 who went on record with the 13 members of the house against grant ing to President Wilsou the authority he asked from congress in the crisis were: Republicans C'lapp, Minnesota: La Follette, Wisconsin; Cummins. Iowa; Gronna, North Dakota; Keuvon, Iowa; Norris, Nebraska; Works, California. "FST 'ru ' "?! l an,- JJemocrnts Kirby, Arkansas; Lane Vr - " ' . .orK; tone' MT Tl , A . ,1S81S.B1PP1- . , wth them in opposition fo the arnl!,d neutrality bill were the! folI?wi"g icpresentatives who voted ;, r. ,- . ... , -"" """7 ""Km: r RoPulj'l!!ans T Benedict, California; fe.SSSL Uavis, Minnesota: Hele-esen. Xnrth Dakota; Lindberg, Minnesota; Nelson, Wisconsin Wisconsin; Btartora, Wisconsin; Wil son, Illinois. n"f 8"cUefOT' .ls 'i '.i iTi h" Socialist London, Nev York. Democrats Shnekleford. Missouri! Portland Is Killed rorUnml, Or.. March ;. Klf I'nvl In ml fSS astho Plea vaneed today by wmk, mirtHl saioonKeep- i.mn mi. .Miranner, reiirca saioonluym VmLAH K flfl "V Villi irtrvTH lVXlVjS C0YMCM7 B.T BY VAST THRONG TO T Thunders of Applause anil Continuous Cheering On Line of March SURGING CROWDS BREAK THROUGH POLICE LINES Crowds Catch Spirit As Mar tial Music Is Played and "Mark Time" Washington, March 5 Guarded as no president has been before, Presi dent Wilson left the white house short ly after 11 O'clock to UY tn tin. nnilnl lor his second inauguration. At the last minute plans were ehang ed so that additional protection would be given the president as he rode down Pennsylvania avenue. A hollow square was formed by a squadron of the; Second United States cavalry troop. Within this moving square was the president's automobile,! an automobile immediately behind ear-, rving secret sen ice men and a score! of secret service men and guards, to- ' gptner with a chosen few newspaper men on foot. Outside this square was another of, mounted and foot police. Then double lines of police from Washington and I How V'ork forces, and special police and Main clothes men between tho I crowded pavements and the outer! (Continued or? page two.) ABE MARTIN Reform an' economy have ever been used t ' git in on. Mis Fawn Lippincur has got an aunt who is a pieketreaa in Washin'ton. STREETS JAMMED CHEER PRESIDE!! $ $ ; "" " ' V Oil KJ Thrill of War Ran Through Inaugural Ceremonies President Sounds Note By Carl D. Groat. (United Press staff correspondent.) Washington, March 5. Planked by thousands upon thousands of his coun trymen. President Wilson was inducted into his second term touay. The spirit of the time harked back to the days of Lincoln. The thrill and solemnity of war was stamped upon the simple democratic ceremony, though a strain of peace ran through the proceed ings too. ft was just 12:47 o'clock when Wil son kissed the Bible, completing the oath which he had taken twice within two days. Standing with bared head, he accept ed the solemn, serious gift of a nation still at peace, but touched on all sides by the flames of war. Behind the blare of martial music, be hind the patriotic clamor of the throngs, behind the pomp and spleudor of inarch ing soldiers, marines, civilians, the -ear note rang clear. President Sounds War Notes. The president himself sounded it, say ing we might perforce be compelled to take more active part in the great sine,' glo. But, at the same time, he pro nounced a new peace doctrine for the whole world. At 12:30 o'clock the president appear- ed at the front door leading from the (Continued on page three.) VICE PRESIDENT Tl ut Makes Brief Address and Ad ministers Oath to New Senators Washington, March 5 Vice-l'i -esideut j Marshall too!; the oath of oi'fice for hisl ! second term at 12:01 today four mi&-1 1 utes behind schedule time. Standing bosidc his usual seat on the senate rostrum, the vice-president heard the oath administered by Senator Sanls bury, president pro tempore of the sen- aae. Vice-President Marshall assumed his1 cnair after a vacation since noon yes-i terday, when his first term ended, with ; Speaker Clark of the house beBide him. i Then he launched into his inaugural ad-' dress, one of the shortest on record. What Marshall Said. Washington. March 5 Expressing the I belief that the world is moving forward i "to a far off divine event wherein ton-j e ne will be blended in the language ' of a common brotherhood," Vice-l'resi-' dent Marshall today outlined hiai 'creed lollowing his induction into office. "Custom calls for utterance of a few words upon this occasion; otherwise I would gladly remain silent," said the vice-president. "It may not be inapporpriate to ex press my gratitude for the little name less, unnumbered and oft times remem bered acts of courtesy and charity shown nt by the members of this body i the senate) during the last four years; and to express my regret over the van ishing faces of those who are reaving and to welcome those who in a few moments are to become our co-workers (Continued on page four.) CACH 9RbS III LEADER SAYS PRESIDENT T National Labor Leader In Speech Before Reichstag So Classifies Him ANOTHER PUTS AMERICA IN RANKS OF ENEMIES Admission Made That Ger many Went ;Too far In Mexican Affair By John Grandens. (United Press staff correspondent.) Herlin, March 5, Germany 'a self de fensive offer of nn alliance with Mex ico "may reveal to Americans the dan gers into which President Wilson is leading them," according to Georges Bernhardt writing today in the Vossi sche Zcitung. "it was our duty," he declared, "to enlist as an ally America's most bit ter enemy but the offer proved the salvation of Wilson's reputation when he played it as a tramp. We should not have offered Mexico, American terri tory. :Me.ico is on the defensive against Americans and therefore should merely have been tendered assist uuce.' ' Wilson p, Theorist. Berlin, via Nayville wireless, March 5. "President Wilson i a theorist, re mote from the world who looks upon the world as a chemist III, i , . T - , hi. doesn't know Europe, but considers himself justified to be her teacher," de clared Herr Stresemauii, national liberal party leader, in the reichstag todav. His remarks, as issued'by the official' press bureau, included these statementes: "The rupture with the nited States was welcomed by nobodv. but in the case of the United States; the unlimited possibilities of neutrality had become ap parent. I heard two election speeches by President Wilson." After declaring Wilson a "theorist" as outlined above, the speaker con tinued: "German-Amerienns did everything 'Continued on na six. T Tin? fBV 1 Turn a inc. iruunra i hands lMirl Oregon : To- night and Tues ! day gen erally fair, westerly winds, moderate near the coast. IS ONLY THIS PRESIDENT PROCLAIMS A NEW DOCTRINE OF WORLD PEACE BUT WARNS Of IMPENDING DANGER Says Conditions "May Require More Immediate Association With War Than Armed NeutraKtyw--Wants Freedom of Seas Equal To All-Equality of Nations In AD Privileges, Limitation of World Armaments, and Destruction of "Armed Balance of Power" By Robert J. Bender, (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Washington, March 5.--President Wilson sounded a new doctrine of internationalism and world peace in his inaugural address today but in the same breath warned the United States may require "a more immediate asso ciation with the war than mere armed neutrality. He spoke of a unity of American thought, spirit and action and voiced the view that this must be an Amer- icamsm steeped in world i national view of the past. His principal plea for world peace, spoken before the thousands attending his second inauguration, called for: Limitation of world armaments. Equal interest and responsibility of . all nations for maintaining peace. Equality of nations in all matters of right or privilege. Destruction of the "armed balance of power." That all the world should support no other power than the view that "governments derive all their just powers from the consent of the governed." Freedom of the seas equal to all. Crushing of any attempts within a nation to organize or assist a revolution against another nation. Electric with th espirit of patriotism of Americanism, of a new world unity, the speech solemnly suggested that despite the war fires raging and des pite the possibility that this nation I must take a broader hand, still that peace is coming soon. (iHl.. 1 1 . j.ne biuuiows inai now lie dark up on our path will soon be dispelled," the president declared. Armed neutrality is our stand, ho said, yet this may not suffice. ''We have been obliged to arm our selves to make good our claim to a cer tain minimum of right, and of jfreedom of action." he declared, on this sub ject. ''We stand firm in .v.ned neutrality since it seems that in nj -ther way can we demonstrate what it is wC insist upon, and cannot forego. " A hush followed (his. Then y.dvely, he I eel i imed "We may even be drawn upon, by circumstances not bv own purpose oor ! lesire, to a more active assertion of,Jl . ,',''ora .r ',,K'"r variety and our rights as ve them ind a more immediate nssociatron witn tho grcit. struggle itself." Any secli step, !,e assure .1, however. will be with unsclt'iut purpose--not 11 i'--lilili witti any view of congest .r national , aggrui dizement Tm l nited Stales cinnot, it it wishes, longer stand apart in isjlalion it lUtist regard i m If as a w ild en CAREERS OF WILSON AND MARSHALL Woodrow Wilson, President Horn at Staunton, Va., December 2K, 18")ti, the son of Rev. Jos eph B. and Mrs. Jessie Woodrow Wilson. I'assed his boyhood in tho snith, residing at Augusta, Ga., Colum bia, S. ( ., and Wilmington, N. (,'., where his father occupied pulpits. Entered Princeton college in 1879 and was graduated with high honors four years later. Entered the law department of the University of Virginia in the fall of 1871) and received his diploma in 1881. Opened a law office in Atlintn in May 1882, and continued to practice his profession there for 18 months. In I880 became professor of history and political economy at Byrn Mawr. Remained at Bryn Mawr tftree years, when he resigned to accept a similar professorship at WesLyan university. Resigned his chair at Wcs cyan in 18(H) to become a professor of jurisprudence and politics at P.inceton university. Elected president of Prince on university in 1802, to succeed Dr. Francis L. I'atton. Named bv the Democratic party for governor of New Jersey in 1910, elected in November of tiat year, aad inaugurated January 17, 1911. Elected twenty-eighth presi lent of the United States November ."), 1912, receiving 135 electoral votes out of n total of 581, Resigned the governorship of New Jersey March I, 191.1, in antici pation of his inauguration ag president. Inaugurated president of the United States March 4. 191J, the first Democrat fo hold the office in If) years. Reelected president November 7, 1910, by an electoral vote of 277 to 23L Inaugurated for second tern March 4, 1917, the first time since Jackson's administration that a Democrat succeeds himself to the presidency. Thomas Riley Marshall, Vice President Horn at North Manchester, rid., March 14, 18T4. Educated at Wabash college. Profession, lawyer. ' Entered active life M lawyer in Columbia City, lad., 1875. Practicing attorney 1875-19J9. Governor of Indiana 1909-13. Vice president of the Vnitjd States 1913-1917. Reelected vice president, th first vice president to succeed him self in 88 yean. spirit instead of the isolated tiiy, 1 li'nk and aet world spirit. trims of this FULL TEXT OF ADDRESS Mv Fellow Citizens: THE four years which havo elapsed since last I stood in this place have been crowded with counsel and action of the most vital interest and consequence. Perhaps uo equal period in our history has been so fruitful of important re forms in our economic and industrial life or so full of lignirieant changes in the spirit and purpose of our political action. Wo hav sought very thought fully to set our house in order; correct the grosser errors and abuses of our in dustrial life, liberate and quicken the processes of our national genius and en ergy and lift our politics to a broader y,,,w 01 ,no people s essential interests. l ingular distinction. But I shall not at tempt to review it. It spenks for itself land will be of increasing influence aa the years go by. This is not the timu for retrospect. It is lime, rather, to !, ,,, , ' "', ;" ' ; ' 7 , ' : I ut lire Although we have centered counsel (Continued on page sis.)