Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 01, 1917, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of The Capital Journal
, Tin Shdai i i mxc
: I. I I II' I , )
what sn marines HAVE DONE Oregon Members of GERMANS MOVING
Tourist Committee
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
Vie- lreldcnt.
Sec and Tre.
l'ailr 1 mrrlrr. nor rear i3.(M) Per
llly l.y mail, per year
month 45o
.1.00 I 'it month 30
Now York, V. P. Ward, Tribune Building.
Uhimgo, W. H. Htuchwell, People's 0:n BtjUdlag,
The QafHtJ Journal rarrier lioyi nre Instructed to put the papers on the
porch. If the carrier does not do this, misses yon, or ucglect getting tii"
paper to you on time, kindly ihoue the circulation manager, as thil is tho
only way wo fan determine whether or not the carriers are. following in
structions. I'hono Mulu HI licforo 7:'M) o'clock nnd a papor will be sent you
I i special messenger if tho currier ban missed you.
It was four weeks yesterday since Germany com
menced her second submarine activities. In that time she
hits sunk ;i tntjtl nf IR! shins nv an nvrncrp if a littlp mnvp
" - i a " i - j
1 than six a day. Of these 110 were British, 20 belonged to
! other belligerents, two were American and 51 belonged to
I other neutrals. Germany estimates she has sunk since
hostilities commenced .hips belonging to her enemies of
I a total tonnage of 4,::57,f00; and of neutral ships 459 have
i been sunk or condemned, a total (41,000 tons. The grand
! total is 4,998,500 tons. Not counting the cargoes, this
wouiu represent anout nail a billion dollars. This is a
sum equal to what Great Britain is spending every three
weeks for carrying on the war, so it will be seen the loss
from a monetary view is trifling, and unless the destruc
tion reaches such proportion that there is not sufficient
shipping to serve England's needs nothing has been ac
complished toward ending the war, bv the undersea
The position in which the lower hoouse of congress boats. It remains to be seen whether this destruction can
f inis itself, owing to neither of the old parties having a be carried to the extent mentioned. England claims the
majority, :ind hence not able to organize the house with- number of sinkings has decreased steadily in the last
out the aid of the Independents, aptly illustrates the sit- half of the month, and that in her opinion Germany has
nation the woman's paity has brought upon itself, and done her worst, and that worst has gotten her nowhere.
shows the damage the ill-timed movement during the
last election caused The independents have demanaed all I Germany is getting wonderfully careful about the
kinds of patronage and advantages for their support, and j health of neutrals. She says she is holding the Yarrovvdale
they have demanded sit much that they may have over- prisoners because while they are in good health, "they
played their hand. The old parties may consent to a fair 'have been exposed to an infectious disease." This is
division of the chairmanships and organize in that way, pretty thin, but a poor excuse is said to be better than
shutting the independents out entirely. The Capital none.
Journal during the campaign last Fall suggested that the
threat of the women tO vote solidly for Or against any The price of Bibles has been increased on account of
party, in order to force that party to Indorse suffrage the war. The Christian nations need the leather used for
would do untold damage to the movement. It would if! binding for their soldiers engaged in the brotherly occu
1 his principle was carried out by the suffragettes place nation of assassinating each other; and it is either a
them in all political matters just where the independents higher price or pasteboard backs for the divine laws
are in congress now. If, as a party the woman's party that command us to "love one another."
could hold together, and deliver the goods it would hold I
the balance 01 power all the time and on all matters. In j If Governor Withycombe wants to be up to date he will
other words, holding the balance of power it would; start a leak investigation, and see if he can discover how
(Continued from page one.)
The Oimi.ni high command evidently
hope that betterment in this way nil)
Im a breaking up of the present stale
mate and the beginning of a war of
and why the inter-county bridge bill slipped through
everybody's fiingers who were supposed to have the look-
! ing out for it. He might send for Lawson, or someone
virtually be the reigning power, and have control in all
things, forcing one or the other of the old parties to obey
it or be beaten.
National suffrage received its most damaging blow, not so far away.
from that movement, Parties are not going to place)
themselves deliberately at the mercy of women, especially i One feature of the danger zone around England is
the class of women who came west to tell their benighted j that the British warships seem to steer clear of it. Is it
sisters out west how to vote. They are not going to place possible the hie wai'shius are afraid of the divers? If
i Iti'iiwi'l ves in the condition in which conerress now linds
itself with the woman's party Mo decide between them.
That misguided lot who backed this plan put a knife in
national suffrage. The states not yet granting it will fear
to do so, and if the matter was submitted to a vote now,
n ih.we name women insist on. it would lose. To force it
n vote while last vear's actions are still lresh in the ; stand behind the president
public mind would be as poor politics as was Urn assuming
dictatoral position in last years national election.
so how can the advocates of the battleship instead of the
submarine find any arguments in favor of that plan ?
It is hard to understand just what Bryan stands for.
He says be will insist that we do not go to war under anv
circumstances, but if we do get into a mix up he will
It's a wise school director who knows his own term of
office since the last legislature dropped a monkey wrench
into the educational running gears.
That leak bv which house bill 375 trickled out Is a
peculiar one in that it allowed the same bill to trickle back
It bardlv needed the assurance the president gave
congress Monday that he did not desire the power he
asked at its hands for the purpose of getting into war,
but onlv for maintaining American rights on the seas.
The country has the utmost confidence in the president again. Truly a most accommodating crevice
along those lines, and the explanation was not neces
sary. The latest dispatches yesterday indicated congress
would give him all he asked for, and it is expected it will
act on the matter today or at latest tomorrow.
Ye felt it was bound to come soon, and now it has ar
rived. Before Oregon went dry the proper designation
Of an extravagant person was one with "a champagne ap
petite and a beer income." Since the arid season set in
comes this one to take the place of the other suggestive j
of poor old .lobn Barleycorn: it is: "Y e want lobster on
a ham and beans income." It is perhaps just as apt an
illustration, but somehow it doesn't seem to fit as well.
Named by Governor
Oregon ji members of the finanee
committee of six that will handle the
monev appropriated to exploit the
aeonie wonders ami nttnietioiiK of the i Advance Thirteen
norinweni are rnu .we-sinam, .ir., and , ,. . - -
W. .1. Hofmann, both of whom are. l mloii. March l.-Britih tortes are
I'oitlanilern.They were appointed yes-, w ithin a mile of Bapaume. The German
terday by Governor Withycomhe. ' i retreat still is in progre.vt, but during
This fiminee committee ia composed j the last day or so the. harfassing of the
of two members from Oregon, two , ad ancing troops has been more pro
from Washington, and two from llrit-1 nounred. Kvery sort of expedient is
ish Columbia. The Oregon legislature I being used to delay the forward pro-
appropriated f..,.dHl r. -year for two
usually yields to the purer blood
and greater strength which
creates. Its rich oil-food enlivens
the whole system and strengthens
tk. ArrTarv
Vroaa nf Vi..,l Marshal H-Ao' f.irees I . . w """" " "tJUIluua
The front m which the British havelacids. Many doctors them
i.d.wed iraa increased today to ap-1 selves take Scott's Emulsion
proximately 13 miles by announcement anJ vou ,,, stanJ firm
."(its. the state of Washington has ap
propriated a like amount ami liritish
Columbia 118,500. With this large am-
...iii, ui liliflli,, "in n MpaWI III III HI 1 111 Oft II Jill III VI pUSl 1 1 Dill. U1UIC 1UUIII . . .
tin the world know the vnluc of the :, half mile northeast of (iommecourt. ! gain$t Substitutes.
as ii siiiin M-i'iiuii aim mi- iins is n pin u iiuaieiv tne mosi norm-
Inferential of f 17. "ill removed from westerly noint :ind from there down to
railroad travel over the northwest it
is expected that this portion of the
United States will receive thousands
of travelers who otherwise would seek
other territiiry in which to spend their
The money will not nctunllv be
handled by this committee but by the
Northwest Tourist iissoeiution. which
is thoroughly organized in the states
nnd province concerned.
The Oregon members of the board
of directors of the North I'ucifie. Tour
ist association are II. A. I.atta of Med
lord; 1!. B. Scott "I Mood Kiwi ; J,
II. Koke, of Kugoni'; Tiltord Taylor of
I'eiiilleton Mtrl W. J, Hofmnnn, Phil
Metschan. .Ir.. C. 0, Ovcrmire and
Mark Woodruff, of I'onland.
Bator Olarateod is vice president of
the association for Oregon, and I, '.
AinsHorth is treasurer for the whole
oaooeiation. it is nndOrotood that the
general office of the association will
be established either at Seattle of at
T:i na because of their central loca-
t ion.
Scott & Bowne, Bluomfiekt, N. J.
n position about midway between Out
ilecourt and rfeaulencourt the new ad
vanced front of the British zigzag in
ana out.
Front dispatches today declared Com j
iiiecourt fell without a blow from thej
enemy, the Untisb simply slipping in
on a deserted village.
l.viileuce accumulates that the evac
uation nf Knpniime is under way. Infor
mation from the front today snid the
(ioniums had methodically destroyed all
high toweis in the city, plainly in or- j
tier to prevent their utilization by the
Brttiih ns observation posts when Bn
paumc fell into their hands.
(Continued from page one )
Many Salem people arc surprised
at the QCICK action of simple buck
thorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in
Adler-i-ka. This simple remedy acts on
BOTli upper and lower bowel, remov
ing such surprising foul matter that
OXK SPOONFU, relieves almost ANY
CASK constipation, sour stomach or
gas. A few doses often relieve or pre
vvut appendicitis. A short treatment
helps chronic stomach trouble. The
IN'STAONT. easy action of Adler i-ka
is astonishing. ,1. C. I'erry, druggist.
ing held up by this government.
Diplomacy required that Hitter com
municate this to the state department.
Diplomatic ethics, at least, also requir
ed that Kilter leave it to the state de
partment or another branch of this
government to publish the fact.
Although Secretary Lansing refused
absolutely to comment in the case, he
plainly showed resentment at Or. Hit
ter's action and it was later learned
that the department is investigating
the question.
Says Cream Applied in Nostrils
Relieves Head-Colds at Once.
The soldier comes back from the carnage
and wreck; he's minus an arm and a leg
and a neck; ah, never again will he swagger
and swing! He walks with a crutch and
his head's in a sling. As long as he lives he
Wal) sit by his door, and tell how he waded
in enemy gore, and young men will list to
ins harrowing tale, and blush that they're;
standing unwounded and hale. I'd rather
come home from the war in a dray, all;
broken, dismembered, mv head shot away,
than stand around telling, by day and byj
a- ,. .. i
Tf your nostrils are clogged and your
head is stuffed and you can't breathe
freely because of a cold or catarrh just
get a small bottle of Kly 's Cream Balm
at any drug store. Apply a little of
this tragiant, antiseptic cream into
your nostrils and let it
through every air passage of vour head.
soothing and healing the
swollen mucous membrane and
instant relief.
.h! how good it feels. Your nos
trils arc open, your fiend is clear, no
more hawking, snuffling, blowing; no
more headache, dryness or struggling
for breath. Kly's Cream Balm is just
what sufferers from head cotds and ca
tarrh need. It 's a delight. .
As Berlin Reports It.
Berlin, via Sayville wireless. .March
I Evacuation "for special reasons" of
part of the Gorman advanced positions
on both sides of the Anere, were re
ported in today's official statement
from German headquarters.
Troops which were removed have
been placed in other positions, already
prepared, it is stated.
The statement says:
"Carefully acting rear guard posts
hindered the enemy troops, which grop
ed forward with the greatest hesitirt ion,
from occupying without fighting a strip
of land which was abandoned by us and
which is now lying in ruins.
"Yielding in the face of a numerical
ly superior attack, which had been or
dered, these niiunr detachments inflict
ed considerable sanguinary losses to the
enemy and captured 11 officers, 174
men from the ranks and four machine
guns. They still dominate today the
forefield of our position."
In the eastern war theatre there was
nothing of importance reported.
To Make No Distinction.
Amsterdam, .March 1. There is to be
no distinction made by German sub
marines in sinking neutral ships in the
barred zoue and the fact that the Am
erican steamer Orleans safely passed
through the danger zone is not to be at
tributed to any w ithholding of Oer-,
ninny's weapon. Comment's of Berlin
newspapers received here today, made
this clear.
Nearly all quoted Foreign Secretary
Zimmerman as asserting:
"We make absolutely no distinction.
Our determination is unshakable, since
that is the only way to finish the war
this summer, a desire in which we all
The Berlin newspapers assumed that
fogs, which were officiully reported ns
having delayed the Orleans' arrival,
also hindered operation of the subma
rines. The fact that the I.aconia was
sunk at night, contrary to usual sub
marine eperntious, was referred to as in
dicating the adaptability of submarines
nnd the difficulty all vessels will have
in escaping them.
ienn troops were standing off a street
inob in April, 1910.
After the battle General Jose Do la
l.uz. Herrera, commander of the Car
raaziftl garrison, made affidavit be
fore American army officers in which
he charged that German Consular
Agent Koch at I'arrnl had "worked ui
I the fight." The affidavit has been
filed with the war department at
Sinee Villa 's latest mysterious dis
appearance, nuthentie information as
to the bandit chieftain's wherealiouts
has not been obtained. A report has
been received here that General Mur
guia, Carranza commander, has ar
rested Dr. A. Schroeder, :i phvsieian at
I'arrnl, charging him with hiding Villa
and giving him medical treatment.
Villa whs said to have been wounded
in a skirmish with government troop
before his "disappearance."
Mother-Made, Quick i
I Acting Cough Syrup
Should be Kept Handy In Every 4
4 Home Emrily Preparrd and 4
Coat Utile.
Mothers, you'll never know what 'ou
ate miRsing until you make up this in
expensive, quick-acting cough syrtrp and
try it. Children love its pleasant taste
and nothing else will loosen a cough ot
chest cold and heal the inflamed ot
swollen throat membranes with such
ease and promptness. It's equally ae
good for grown-ups as for children!
This splendid cough syrup is made by
pouring 2V4 ounces of l'inex (50 cents
worth), into a pint lnittle and filling the
bottle with plain granulated sugar
syrun. This gives you a full pint a
family supply of much better cough
remedy than vou could buy ready-made
for $2..r)0 a clear saving of $2.
The moment it touches the inflamed,
cold-congested membranes that line the
throat and air patc.iges, the healing be
gins, the phlegm loosens, soreness
leaves, cough spasms lessen and soon
disappear altogether, thus ending a
cough quicker than you ever thought
possible. Hoarseness and ordinary
coughs are conquered by it in 24 hours
or less. Excellent for bronchitis, wbt op
ing cough, spasmodic croup, bronchia!
asthma or winter coughs.
Pines is a highly concentrated com
pound of genuine Norway pine extract,
combined with guaiaeol and is famous
the world over for its quick heating
effect on the membranes.
Beware of substitutes. Ask yout
druggist for "2V ounces of Pinex" with
directions and don't accept anything
else. Guaranteed to give absolute satis
faction or money refunded. The Pines
Co.. Ft. Wavne. Ind.
Journal Want ads will sell it
Chasing the Turks.
peuetrate 1 l.oti.ton. :inrcn i. Lavairy and gun
our head, "oats are continuing the pursuits ot I
inflamed, beaten Turkish troops retreating from - ,. . ..
I you get Kut-i:l-Amara. the official statement SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES
iii'iu iitc .wri-upoiauuon ironi louav
Allen's FootKisc, the antiseptic powder to be
r 1 " inc enocs ana sprinkled in the loot
's;.- 11... w , - , . M...U. I . iVUOfv .11111:11, IW.mTi, IIVlLlt irtlT IfCt
Six guns, three mortars, eight mine, and t.kcs the stinV out of corn, .n.l bunions.
rhrO won and .W pontoons, in addition to i Use it when jon pot on rubber or heavy etock-
a large river vessel, were captured in I "Hay.Atoi1, Poot-Be is a certain relief tor
f ,. ,- I.: ,, . . . ' fweatin;, cal!oi;s, tired, arh n- feet. Odd br
Tuesday s lighting. Much bridge and! rinigEt,?; everywhere, b.V. Ahmva nseit to
other material also has fallen into the: Break in new shoes. Trial paciiauc FREE,
hands of the British troops. j Aw"'43. All Olmsted, Lc Rojr,. Y.
Nnvv th1 tbc snow has disappeared and gentle spring!
ia mvr.ini from trinuintr so much on her way, it is time
lor the old dispute as to whether Rickreall was born withil
that Rood honest name or is a degenerate uescenaam 01
La Civole. to start in business again. That is the one!
Infalliabie sign of the arrival of spring west of the Cas-j
cnelS, . ; night, that I was too proud or too moral to fight. The
t iv -i t nm I oil rW mi, h rinnJ soldier cotttM home for a season of peace, he carries his
h.le IVosHlent dson is doing all that an b d m i
to protect American lives on the seas, confess inste. ut , ,J? . , hU hodv la tilled with the keenest dk-
of instantly backing his efforts fritters away ns tim
si'loss discussions and convevs to viormanv tne iaea uiui, . . I , .u m n Zt
v iv uiniioniui'v v. . "V . K,. .,.b'.iwiiiw in ifo i eti'inlran ondo t-h.s- 11 olI him
cut itlo uuivnvuivo Ait tnu .-uiviua ictiivLC, tiiv j it van tutu
aise him and bless
the lot of the by-
standing wight who feels that it's wicked and sinful to
tight. The girls turn him down and the boys hoot his
name; he crawls neath a culvert to burv his shame.
useless discussions ana conveys to uerraanj uu-mt u.t ndventums in war-stricken lands
the count rv is not solidlv behind its president. This is no, 011 nis odentureb in wai-stncken and.
I" u,u,,u. !lul " ! -..juv Af ?f cVtrmlf, h a hero, a soul brave and true, they 11 prais
time to lie playing politics, and those guilt) of it should be v .
retired by their constituents at the fint opportunity. 'lJ, !tC5S !: .w;T!
Maivh came in like a lamb, all right, and as it is a
w hole month before it will quit us, why should we worry
about how it will go out? It will go whatever way it
wants to anv way.
(Coatioaetl from page oae.t
LADD & BUSH. Bankers
Established 1868
CAPITAL $5oe,eoo.oo
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It is understood that his plan Ger
many later announced It emanated
from Ritter himself and not from the
Oerman fureuni oftiee mot with such
Hu First Offenso a brusque rebuff that it fell absolute
This propaganda work was started ly flat,
eva.tlv one week after erane ot Officials Ivlioved that the plan, by
Cermau' American relation. ' the very uoture of the way i was
What ehiefly iaensetl Svretary made public, was an appeal vr gov
tanainit d iresident Wilson was the erumeot oficiali' heads to the people,
ffcet that Kittot atade hi "jieaeo eon- chiefly the patAtist element, to urge
fereaee'' Mufireations to newspopermea such a coaferoaMt
several hoara before tho state depart- Lanatac ia Ancrr
meat had aay ideo ot them. It wa The latest bit of obvious German
learned today that hi buried trip to propaganda work bv Or. Ritter came
the state depot t meat wttfeia a re yeter.nv. when he onee MM
tR through the prv-a Jet it bo
CHAPTER OLX- I wot) I seareely know what to make smiling fav behind her.
I made no reply to Muriel's remark: of you aiiy mon Tell me Mildred.1 Shall She Tell Clifford She Knows?
IMatl my being jealou of Mabel Her-jhave you given Leonard Brooke up en- came in and remained until
ton, and she commented to talk of other jtirelyf" nearly dinner time. She romped and
thing. Then she proposed WO eaB "No -Muriel. I . s0 mW4Alo7rSZX
.. nlm .1 V " ., . made up mv mind to ?n nwv nH ro 1 quaint in Oer remarks, and reminiseen-
"f uv.vt eitiieti on ittrs. corvine, ne ; j a ,-.,0 .i. . . . ' ,
decided NOT :n7. ,k" . t C.T ""HP'y "u"
"j uavi no nme xo tnina 01
a ! the harnaninirs of th oft
was delighted to see us. She sympathe- m.v lvoree I haven't deei
tieally asked aboat mother 's illness, and ' to. so don 't look so nleased .i
insisted that next time I came I should) 'Oh, I have so hoped that you and ! f would
bring F.lsie. The Norville
wonderful flowers when mother died, you came bark.
had sent: Clifford would hit it off better whew . ,t.o..X" .L'?,Z,.'mtl . 1
, , v- a r -fN- " ' iKt-c,i v iura rominu
and I was glad to express my apprecia-)" Leonard is a read boy; and I 'd Bk l&Tft eVdianer OiWoidw tZ
a, we were about ,o go. 2 L.' A
tUwas abou, Clifford, 1
-v7 w'.r'V ,-"" aDOU'- returned.
"I M he was glad to get vou back! I asked vou to go into Mrs Horton a I H s i k!? u tetrtrM
I used to see him strolling down to : this afternoon. wouldhavol kvn-'whn rtl S" " ",'
Mabel Hoston's almost every night.") happier 1 dare sav i hid not Thes . I Rh"d Coltons eatr
she volunteered, without . bit of -Zfel- ' 80 not thCv w,r st,u tk"e when he
hours lafter ho ' permittev;' '
"peace Ovatejtfoee' Ttewa to go
ititough th.- pres was i
sit "urgent request ' ik
Soeretarv l-ausiag.
few moments
came in; and
ahe TOlunteered. without a bit of malKv: gone. ' 1 ' , w,'r? SV" T wh' turned.
or aay idea that she w, telling me! "If wasn't vour fault I went I in-'we . ,M -V J-"7 . M
ntvthing unpleasant. tended to all the time" thar" what T I L"P ""7 ,mm'd',rfy- Ap wp
"When a 'man reaches Clifford's age asked vou to go fo , that I mih t "m"!? Tt 1
he likes to sit around the house and reild have aa exewto Ko in there- ? , ln ? 1 Hr"
or talk." I replied. j "You mean the rtureV l If' V 1 batfOrO my
The RW. Home j "Xo-hn" . Ud?L lbf 'a(f '. od could s him i. the
'ffV.t ; .v- - ,..i au i. i.t . 1 .' n irror. I watched hi. faee he re-
. ... ...u iru nm- ""a t Question von Mil.tr..! k!..i:.j. "
known knew a man who went out as mark a. Clifford f ' ' " ? ,inKK monosyllable annoyed me.
out that Germany proposed to detain five he does " Muriel told me with all thei "I'm not . aB'1 1 no more that niffht. But
to Aaiertvaa coasular offieera until Ger freero of aa intimate. bodvf" doo't talk f TT t , a - y . Iay awkc fOT hu'9 thinkinf! thiok-
.... j t v i i . . ...... - I " 'R OI it- i replied. lUSt . int
, .r. .Tr ... "" " qaenefj.jas we reothed the house: and VAiti I
latde Norville that Clifford like,! to I do wish there wa somethinir I rotiMi
?tay at home and read for? I never! do. You are sure yon can't stay withl
"Sound we'd! or tourse it did, bat-1 waving from the window with Elsie
Tomorrow The Picture.)