Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 24, 1917, Page TWO, Image 2

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WITH the advent of Ash Wedncs-
.lay, the first day of the long
penitential season, arriving thin
week, uncial affair will he laid on the
shelf for several week to eome. I
Although I he lenten period ia not re
yarded w.th as much sacr.f.r.ng as ...
olden tiny by Society, large and for
mal functio ns will te taboo and every
ta.nc will aa t minimality until
after Easter.
Society however will not suffer great
Iv from ennni us there nndoubteillv will
j ..... ,,,Mi . ii. ' . 1 ii 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 ii i , j - w n it,
be diversion a plenty. 'Zadoc .1. Kigls, Mra. Charles K. Spauld! DOM the hoi.ne guests of Mrs. I'owell s
George Washington' birthday was lngt Mrs. Kdward S. Tillinghnst, Mrs. : parenta, Judge and Mr. George O.
the all sufficient excuse for frivolity -p. V Mrs. Hal D. I'atton Mrs. ! Bingham, for a few days, returned to
daring the past greek and Thursday es- jt q' Shipley, Mrs. Frank W. Spencer, 1 their home in Lafayette yesterday, ae
peciallv was replete with Colonial teas jrH '(.; ( iiiiall Mrs. tleorge J. Pcaree, j 1 oinpnnied by Miss Hazel Downing, who
and other patriotic celebrutions to hon Mrs. John ( arson, Mrs. Burton K. Car (will be their guest over the week end.
or the " Father of our country." trier, Mrs. Frank W. ibirbin. Mrs. F.i
A few of the affairs enlivening the FJiintt Mrs. T. II. Galloway, Mra. i Much regret will be felt over the de
paat week were: the informal dinner y , :llsj,.( Mrs. Fred A. Legg, Mrs. pnrturo in the near future of Mr. and
for which Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Spears (arev y Martin. Mrs. Charles A Mur-jMrs. Charles Reynolds (Frances Ad
were hosts to honor their house guest, j phT Mrs It. C. Miles, Mrs. William K. -ams) who are leaving Salem to make
M v. Annette Linne of Seattle; the uW j Kira Mrs. Irwin Griffith, Mrs. M. C.i their home iu Silverton.
ligbtful Kensington given on Tuesday ejn,'ev Mrs. Kav I.. Fanner. Mrs. H. Mr. Reynolds senior has been in very
by Mrs. Kdgar Hartley, Mrs. Charles !j Clements Mrs! B. F. Carleton Mrs.lpoor health of late and young Mr.
L Dick anil Mrs. Robert K. Downing; i v t u.nn Mrs VV G Allen Mrs Reynolds will take onrge of his fathers
the informal theatre and supper party
for which the Chauneey Bishops were
hosts Tuesday night in celebration of
their wedding anniversary; Mr. nnd
Mrs. William McGilchrist 'a Jr., infor
mal dinner, also ou the occasion of their
wedding day, Wednesday; the Colonial
tea for which Mra. Henry W. Meyers
was hostess for the I). A. R. Thursday
and the luncheon for which Mrs. Hurry
II. Olinger was hostess Friday, to lion
or Mrs. Jesse Kvans Flanders of Fort
land. a
Mrs. Henry W. Meyers' Colonial tea
on Thursday afternoon for the Daugh
tara of the American Revolution and
eligible members, was ono of the smart
cat and most delightful patriotic events
of the week.
Quantities of brilliant Oregon grape
and flags decked the drawing room,
where tfie hostess and Mrs. James A.
lleltxel, regent ami Mrs. S. C. Dyer,
jHuit regent of Chemeketa chapter of
D. A. H received I he guest.
Over thirty matrons ami maids cull
ed during the lea hours.
In the dining room the exquisitely
appointed tea table was decked with a
huge crystal basket of yellow jonquils
and narcissus combined with tall spikes
Of pussy willow, surrounded by crystal
candle sticks containing yellow candles.
Mrs. Henrv B. Thielsen presided over
the samovar and was assisted by Mrs.
Frank H. Spears, Mrs. (leorge M. Post,
Mrs. William Council Dyer and Miss
KJleu Thielsen.
A charming event, of the early week
was the delight t'ul Kensington for
which Mrs. Charles L. Dick, Mrs. Rob
ert K. Downing and Mrs. .Kdgar Hart
le were hostesses at tho hartley esi
dence on Tuesday afternoon.
The rooms were charming will, fra
grant blossoms in an artistic array of
coloring, ami the rruesta included over
SO matrons of society, a number of
whom were nu mbers of the hostesses
Kensington club.
Aasistiag the hostesses were Miss Ha
The ii
zel Downing nnd Miss Pauline Dirk,
The ,,,.(i ,u iar(, j the pleasures,
f lnp afternoon were: Mrs. Henrv It. ,
Thielsen Mrs. dairies Withvcoiube, Mrs.!
K. S. Wallace, M.rs. C I'. Bishop. Mrs.1
Richard Cartwright, Mrs. K. C. Creea,
m u: i w ... v
,M,rcs, Mrs. .'harlcs II. Fisher. Mrs.
,, tjbrielson, Mrs. Russell t'atlin,
u, rue II Burnett. Mrs. John 1:.
, .;,, ur s C. liver. Mrs. K. Cook
I'att.in, Mrs. Sherman ff. Thompson,
Mrs. K. K. Waters. Mrs. William II.
w-.. w I i:..l.,.l.l....,.,on VI,
Krank Itrown Mrs. Douglas C. Minto, i
Mrs. W. S. Mott, Mrs. A. T. Wain, Mrs.
Charles Wilson, Mrs. J. L. Stockton. j
Mrs. Carrie J. Talkingtnn, Miss Cora
Talkington, Mrs. Fred Steusloff, Mrs.'noci set and win c greany inisseu oy
II. L. Sleeves, Mrs. Rov Burton and Mrs.
William Steusloff.
Mrs. W. P. Lord who with her iattgh
ter, Miss Klizabctli Lord, has been pass
ing the winter in Cebu, Philippine Is
lauds, as the guest of her son, Monta
na Lord, writes friends that they arc
planning to return home in July. This
bit of news is the cnuse of much re
joicing among their many friends; for
although their plans were indefinite up
on their departure they rather expected
to be gone for u year or more.
Mrs. Lord and Miss Lord recently
have left Cebu and are now enjoying
a delightful sojourn in the Bngin
mountains. They will linger there for
a few weeks before going to Manila
where they will probably remain (ok
some time.
Soon alter their arrival in Suleni
Mrs. Lord and Miss Lord will go to
Heal Rocks where they will pass the
summer at their beach cottage.
In celebration of the tenth anniver
sary of their wedding, Mr. and Mrs.
Chauncey Bishop entertained a small
group of friends informally Tuesday
night with a theatre party followed by
a delightful supper at their home.
It being the Bichops tin anniversary
the table decorations nnd appointments
were all suggestive of the oecnsion nnd
wore unusually artistic. A huge pnn
of fragrant violet ami lacey t'erus was
(entered with a large funnel tilled with
exquisite pink roses, freesia and vio
lets, around which hung tiny funnels
containing bouquet of similar blos
soms for each of the girls, Place cards
tied with pink satin ribbons marked
cover lor the girls ami extended to
the centerpiece where lovely colored
handkerehievei were hidden among
tho flowers. In one little "hanky''
there was a tiny curd telling the guest
2.00, $3.50, $5.00.
$2.00. $3.50, $5.00.
$2.00, $3.50, $5.00
$2.00, $3.00, $5,00
that she had captured a favor, which
was an adorable silver and iink enam
el vase,
Mr. ami Mrs. Bishop's quests were for
the moat part the member of their
wedding party and included: Mr. and
Mr. Frederic I). Thielsen, Mr. and
Mr. William H. Burghardt, Jr., Mra.
I esse Kvans Klanders of Portland, Mia
Aline Thompson. John 3. Robert and
Carl Gabiielson.
Mr. ami Mrs. Keith I'owell who have
business which is the reason for their
'caving Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds were a de
lightful neiuisition to the younger mar-
their manv friends.
i a
Miss Annette Linne, who has been
the house guest of Mrs. Frank H.
Spears for a w weeks, left, today for
her home In Seattle. Miss Linne was
the motif for several charming affairs
duiiiig her visu, not the least delight
ul of which was the Informal dinner
for which the Spears were hosts in her
honor Monday night.
Croons and yellow daffodils adorned
the prettily appointed table around
which covers were placed for Miss;
I, nine, .Mr. ami .Mrs. Koiiert U1M, .miss
Veda Cross, Miss BHM Thielsen, Dr.
Prince W. Dyrd, Kov Barth, James
You'ng and the hosts.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Weller who are
en joying a delightful sojourn iu Cali
fornia have left San Diego, and are
now in Los Angeles, with Mrs. Welter's
brother in lnw and sister, Mr. and Mrs.
Shultz (Julia Chamberlain) of Portland
who are also passing the winter in the
They are devoting much of their time
to motoring and will pass the remainder
of their stay wherever their fancy leads
them among the balmy southern resorts.
The Wellers were recently joined in
l.is Angeles for the day by Mrs. M. K.
Chapman and her daughter, Miss Oda
Chapman, and Mrs. M. K. Breyman
who with her son-in-law and daughter,
Dr, nnd Mrs. Frank S. Sncdecor, of
Birmingham, Alabama, have been in the
southland since early in the winter.
Honoring Mrs. Jesse Evans Flanders
of Portland, who is the house guest of
her sister, Mrs. L. F. Griftith, Mrs.
Harry II. Olinger was hostess Friday
for a charming luncheon.
The affair was very small and in
formal, the guests being u few old
friends of the honor guest. An. array
of lovely rose pink blossoms and green
ery adorned the prettily uppointeil tn
ble. Luncheon was followed by an af
ternoon over the bridge tables.
Mrs. Olinger 't guests included: Mrs.
W illiam Hi Daiicv, Mrs. Milton L. Moy
ers, Mrs. L. F. Griffith, Mrs. Oliver C.
Locke, Mrs. R. K. Loo Steiner, Mrs.
Edwin L Baker and Mrs. George Gh
Mrs. Milton L. Meyers entertained
a group of matrons informally on Tues
day with a matinee party at Ye Liberty
theatre. Later the party gathered at
the Spa for a delightful lunch.
Mrs. Meyers asked as her guests:
M,rs. R. E. ' Lee Steiner, Mrs. John D.
Sutherland, Mrs. Geo. H. Burnett, Mrs.
Frank W. Durbin, Mrs. Sherman V.
Thompson, Mrs. Geo. O. Brown, Mrs.
Eugenia Gilliughnm, Mrs. A. 3. Rahn,
Mrs. G. Steiner, Mrs. D, W. Mathews
and Mrs. P E. Shafer
Mrs. John Griffith entertained in
formally on Wednesday with a bridge,
her guests being a small group of ma
trons who are members of the Happy
Hour bridge club.
Guests made up four tables of the
game, card honors falling to Mrs. Frank
Brown and Mrs Charles K. Spnulding.
Mrs. Griffith was assisted by Mrs.
Joseph H, Albert.
Mr. nml Mrs. lU'oruo Palmer Putnam,
SriWaTrnX fS It'-'
The Putnams formerly lived iu Bend ;
and have many friends there who will!
undoubtedly make their visit delightful
by manv little attentions.
Mrs. Seem L. Row asked a small
group of matrons to her homo for an in-
formal afternoon over the bridge tables j
on Thursday. Her guests who Were the
members o, the Thursday club, made '
up tour tames o. or raff, ciu iv.
ors falling to Mrs. Kdwin L. Baker.
Assisting Mrs. Rose were Mrs. Georg.
F. Rodgers and Mrs. James A. Wilson.
Mrs. Isaac Lee Patterson has gone to
Portland for a few davs visit. Sh went
the middle nf the week and was one of
the hostesses at the Daughters of the
American Revolution reception which
w given o Washington's birthday at ;
t our! ami was one or tne(
most delightful ami notable of the
celeb.atious in Portland.
days !
Miss Ida Simmons has gone to Port-I
land where she will be the gtHWl of
friends and relatives. She will visit in ;
Portland over the week end.
Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Koma Hunter;
will be hosts for an Informal dinner,'
the affair being in honor of tho anni-1
versa ry of Mr. Hunter's birthday. Their I
guests will number S.
Following a custom of many years
Mr. and Mis. Hunter will have with
them for the dav Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Jones and children. Allan Jones nnd ,
the Misses Ruth and Florence Jones. I
A group of the married folk includ-1 honors were won by Mrs. William 11.
ing Dr. and Mrs. H. K. Ie Steiner, I Boot.
Mr. and Mra. W. Al Jones, Mrs. L. P.! Mrs. Page was assisted by Mrs. War
Griffith, Mra. William 11. Dancy, and'ren P. Powers (Mabel Smith) who is
Mrs. James A. Wilson have gone to visiting her parent and was a guest of
Portland to be guests at the theatre the afternoon,
partv for which Mis Mabel Creigh-j
ton will be hostess tonight at the Heilig
theatre. Tr, home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred L.
Miss Creighton 's gitests will number West was the scene of a delightful
and later the party will join the Mf ) . Hafty several davs ago, when a
rv.naker for the supper .lance at the . , ' , . , ' , ,
Hotel Benson. number of friends gathered to cole-
Mrs. Dancy who will be the house ' bf the anniversary of Mr. West 's
guest of her aiater, Miss Creighton. will ! birthday.
remain in Portland for several davs, The affair waa planned by Mrs. West
the others returning Sunday night.' ' "d was a complete surprise to the
host which added to the enjoyment of
Mrs. Clifford Brown returned Wed ihe occasion,
nesilay from Portland, where she hnsi Six tables were arranged for "800"
been visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
W. w. Brethcrton, for a few days.
An informal dinner party was pre
sided over Wednesday evening by Mr.
ami Mrs. Clyde C. Graham, who enter
tained a group of the younger married
set at their apartments in The Court.
Covers for nine were placed around a
table prettily appointed.
Mrs. Asahel Bush will leave next
Saturday night for California where she
will join the senior Hushs, who with
the former's small son, Asahel Jr., are
now sojourning in Paso Hobles.
The Bushs have their car with them
and are having a .delightful time motor
ing to the various places of scenic inter
est. Soon after Mrs. Asahel Hush's arriv
al they ariH tour Southern California,
going as far south as San Diego, and
Coronado Beach.
Mrs. Bush will be avvav for about
three weeks, remaining south until the
return of Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Bush
Mrs. Rollin K. Patre entertained on
Tuesday afternoon with a few tables
of bridge, her guests being the mem
bers of the Trio club.
Guests were asked to make up three
tables Of the game and the high score
Cadman-Tsianina Concert
March 16.
Subscribers, obtain yur ex
change tickets from the
party with whom you sub
scribed, and reserve your
seats next Saturday, March
Opera House Pharmacy,
9 a. m. On account of the
large sale of $1.00 seats,
patrons are urged to get in
line early. The $1.50 seats
include only the best in the
house, therefore it will not
be necessary for subscribers
holding those tickets to
stand in line to secure a
good seat. No telephone
orders filled until after
those standing in line are
waited upon. Mail orders
panied by stamped envelope
will be filled in order of
their receipt immediatelv
following the Subscribers
. .
Sale. FllCeS $1.50, $1.00, 75c,
Minnptta Matrova Mnnm
" "'"bv'
in rooms errecnveiy anil appropriate!
adorned with crimson hearts and cu
pids. The card honors fell to Mrs. John
Acheson and Mr. West.
After the card games a tempting
lunch was served by the hostess assist
ed by Mrs. A. L. Brown, Miss Edna West
and Miss Dorothy Thompson.
Those gathering to participate in the
gayeties were: Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ache
son, Mr. and Mrs. John Acheson, Mr.
and Mrs. A. L. Brown.Mr. and Mrs. Mar
tin Viesko, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander
Daue, Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. Aldrich,
Mr. anil Mrs. Harvey Mail, Mr. and
Mrs. W. II. Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs.
W. O. Moon, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Han
sen, Mrs. Henderson, Mrs. Wilda Pratt,
the Misses Grace, essie and Opal Pratt,
Misa Dorothy Thompson, Miss Hannah
Hastings, Miss Kdna Ackerman, Miss
Roberta ttansen, Miss,Loraine Acheson,
Miss Kdna W est nnd Desmond Dane,
Harold and Max Moon, Guv Berrv.
Frank Prince, Glenn Ackerman and the
Messrs Armstrong.
Mr. and Mrs. William McGilchrist,
Jr., were hosts Wednesday evening for
an attractive dinner party.
The affair which was in celebration
of the fifth or wooden anniversary of
their wedding was informal but delight
ful in ever detail, the table decora
tions and appointments all being clev
erly carried out suggestive of the De
ration, Pink and rose hued blossoms adorn
ed the living room where the guests
assembled after dinner for an informal
evening of bridge.
Mr. and Mrs. McGilchrist s guests
numbered about a dozen of their close
The members of the K. O. T. club
gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
A. L. Brown on Tuesday night to par
ticipate in the informal " "oo " party
for which Mrs. Mary K. Ilofcr was
Three tables were arranged for
"SOU", the card honors falling to Mrs.
W. I. Staley and A. L. Brown.
Mrs. rioter was lssistert in the serv-
ing by Airs. A. L. Itrown and .Mrs. W.
L Stalcy
Those playing besides the club mem
bers were Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Wain and
Miss Florence Mi Kiunie.
From the Oakland Enquirer the fol
lowing press notice given the musical
number in which Miss Georgiabelle
Booth is now appearing on the Pan
tages cirenit will be of interest to
many Salem folk:
"The Three Symphony Maids, with
their iniature musical festival, stopped
the show. After an encore and several
bows the clapping of the audience was
linallv drowned in the music of the
orchestra and the show continued."
Wednesday night was the occasion of
a delightful dinner party at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Reeves, when
they cnterlained in honor of Mr. and
Mrs. A. B. Hudelson, on the fifty first
anniversary of their wedding.
Covers for ten were arranged around
a table prettily adorned with flowers.
After dinner the party was augmented
by a number of other guests who came
in for the evening.
This gathering of old friends which
was a complete surprise to the honor
guests was pre-arranged by the hostess
and Miss Mabel Hudelson. The guests
announced themselves by a serenade
and the party was led by Judge and
Mrs. Daniel Webster and Mr. and Mrs.
T. A. Ratcliffe who also have recently
celebrated their fifty-first wedding an
niversaries. The evening was delightfully passed
with a short programme which includ
ed, Mendelsshon 's wedding march. Miss
Emma Graham; violin solos. Miss Floria
Dimick and Archie Holt. Later the cele
bration whs merrily rounded out with
i refreshments.
Those participating in the gayeties
were: Judge and Mrs. Webster, Mr.
and Mrs. T. A. Ratcliffe, Mrs. W. D.
Littler, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Underbill.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Baton, Mrs. Walling,
Mrs. Jessie Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Win.,
Gnhlsdorf, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Saur,
vi i vj r.- i ii . , v , .... o i '
.nr. ami .ti rs. r.ri rv-c, vim
ham, Mr. and Mrs. C A. Ratcliffe, Mr.
and Mrs. 1T. G. Holt, Misses Emma Gra
ham, Julia Webster, Marguerite Mors,
Flavin Iimiek, Gretchen Brown, Mabel
Hudelson. and Messrs. Archie Holt, Bit
nor Hudelson, Robert Littler and Mas
ter Wm. Gahlsdorf, Jr.. and Virginia
Mrs. Robert O. Kumrow was hostess
Friday afternoon when she entertained
the ladies auxiliary of the Sons of Vet
erans. The rooms were all decorated sugegst
ivo of Washington's birthday and the
af'ernoon was closed with delightful
The members present were: Mrs, L.
Davis, Mrs. Roma Hunter. Mrs. Otto
Wilsou, Misa Selma Kumrow. Mrs. Mi
nerva Wilson, Miss lorc-tta Davis, Mrs.
Will London. Mrs. Parson, Mrs. IRoy
Hewlett. Mrs. Sevmour, Mrs. LaMoine
I lark. Mrs. Walsh, Mrs. Calvin F. Pat -j
ton, Mrs. Estes and Mrs. Kumrow.
Gues s of the afternoon were: Mrs.
Gv-orge E. Terwilliger. Mrs. Ben F.I,,
West, Mrs. Ida Rollo, Miss Margaret I i
Meyers. Mrs. K. K. Cooper. Misa Rita ,
Claggett. Miss Kmma Hewlett, Miss:,,
Oral Welch nnd Miss I.eona Este
Over 40 members aad friends nt the
Au Sait club, gathered at St. Joseph
hall on Tuesday night to participate in
a delightful '"OO" party.
The hall was appropriately decorate.;
with flags suggestiv e of Washington '
birthday and the guests all were lad
in colonial costumes, which added to
the merriment of the evening.
Ten tables were arranged for " "00"
and the prizes were won by Mrs. E.
A. Domogalla and Thomas Xoud. The
consolations fell to Mrs. W. S. Page
ami Paul Zander.
After the card games refreshments
closed the evening.
The members of the Round Do7.en
club enjoyed the hospitality of Mrs.
Frank E. Mull at her suburban resi
dence on the Priiigle road Thursday af
ternoon. During tile afternoon one of the
members read an interesting paper on
the "lumber ami mining facilities of
Oregon." Later the afternoon was pass
ed with a contest and sewing.
The hostess was assisted in serving
refreshments by Miss ueone Davidson.
Mrs. John 11. Mi'Nary will he hostess
Friday for a bridge luncheon. Her
o'uests will include a dozen prominent
matrons who are members of the hos
tess' club.
Monday night, the P. F. O. Sister
hood and a few friends were delightful
ly entertained at the home of Mrs.
George A. Wood.
The hostesses for the evening were
Mrs. Wood, Mrs. Mary A. Long, Mrs.
IjOii A. Roy and Mrs. Gerald Volk.
fine of the features of the evening
was a Longfellow programme which
had been arranged by Mrs. Carolyn Se
lee ami Mrs. B. E. Bowers.
A contest, guessing the names of
poems from pictures also proved most
interesting and a reading by Mrs. Mer
ritt and a vocal solo by Mrs. Gordon
McGilchrist added to the enjoyment of
the evening.
At the home of Miss Laura Grant on
Thursday evening, Chapter G of P. E.
O. was inspected by the state organizer,
Miss itorothy Seymour, of Forest Grove
Dining the evening Mrs. It. W. Wul
ton was initiated as a member of Ihe
Mrs. Joseph Fennell cnterlained the
Ladies Aid society at her hospitable
home in West Salem on Tnursday after
noon. Although Mrs. Fennell is in poor
health and unable to attend gatherings
at the homes of her friends, she delights
in entertaining and enjoys having hoi
friends around her.
In honor of Washigton's birthday,
the rooms were appropriately decorat
ed with flags ad greenery.
The afternoon was devoted to tieing
a comfort, after which the hostess serv
ed tempting ref reshinents, assisted by
Mrs. Edward Brock and Miss Beth Bed
ford. Those present were: Mrs. Billings,
Mrs. Brock, Mrs. I). K. Brumian, Mrs.
J. R. Bedford, Mrs. Kd Beckon, Mrs.
W. W. Dales. Mrs. I). Cade, Mrs. Geo.
Frazure. Mrs. Fennell, Mrs. R. A. Hunt,
Mrs, J; W. I.oo, Mrs. 3. 3. Miller, Mrs.
A. Rex, Mrs. B. J. Tnnton, Mrs. L.
Thomas, Mrs. W. J. Warren, Mrs. M.
Worm, Mrs. M A White. Miss Beth Bed-
ford, Miss Helen Rex, Miss Verla Beck -
cn and Frank Jarvis.
id old students of the '
ital Business College will gather at the
Masonic Temple on next Friday to par
ticipate in the gayeties of an informal
The students have been ivin a scr
ies of these soirees this season and Fri
day's gathering will be no less delight-
. f
r m jfw j
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25c at all druggists.
fid than preceding affairs.
Ilancing. cards ami other features
will round out the evening.
About 2" neighborhood friends nf
Captain and Mrs. A. J. Spnng gather. I
at their country home at Spongs Ferry
several days ago to participate in the
gayeties of an informal evening.
Dancing and cards formed the even
ing's diversion, and the informality of
the affair combined with the graeioi -ness
of the hosts made it most enjoy
able Several Salem friends al-o mot. i-
ed out for the festivity.
Salem music lovers will flock to the
First Christian church on Tuesday night
to attend the complimentary musicale
to be given by Mrs. Bulliday Hnighi
of New Vork.
Mrs. Haight will be assisted by Mr.
Leon in Peterson, soprano; M, Henry
B. Conipton, tenor; Mr. Albert Gillc,
baritone; Miss Bernice t lark, accom
panist; Mrs. Vera Schaupp Frickey, pi
aniste and accompanist.
The programme for the evening in
eludes: Ave Maria Gounod Ba h
(a Nur, wer die Sehnsucht kennl
n) Ich Liebe Dieh Mildiuiberg
"Gavotte Ambrose Romas
II Bacio (bv request) Arditi
Mrs. Halliday Haight
Piano, Hungarian Rhapsody No. X
: Lizst
Mrs. Vera Schaupp Frickey
"In Persian Garden , a song cycle.
Soloists, Mrs. I.eona Peterson, soprano;
Mrs. Halliday Haight, contralto; Henry
V. Compton, tenor, and Albert Gille,
"Star Spangled Banner"
The feature of the programme "in a
Persian Garden" is a setting to music
of rpiartrains selected from "The l!n
pnivat'' of Omar Khavvarii. the Persian
I r, iii.V In- T .i vn I jikmHni th.i RfcaUah
composer, and so well has she done it.
with such characteristic tone color, el
odic and harmonic in voice and sitcom
panimerit, with such daring originality,
yet with such beauty, that it stands to
day I he most popular of all song cycle.
As this famous work has never been
given in this city it is anticipated with
much delight etnoaff musical folk.
Mrs. A. F. Marcus has as her house
guests for the week end, Mrs. John
Watt and daughter. Miss Lois Watt,
and Miss Alice inchesler of Portland.
The visitors are here attending the con
vention. .Miss Watt who is a contralto solo
ist, will sing at the banquet to be given
tonight at the Baptist church.
Tsianina (prunouncod Chi-nee-nah
and translated Wild Flower) the young
Indian mezzo soprano w-ho is to be
heard here soon at the Grand theatre,
has been before the public Jess than
three years, and lias alradv taken a
place in the concert field of America
fwrt many veteran artists might envy
Chosen by the famous composer, Charles
Wakefield Cadman. to illustrate his
"American Indian Music-Talk," she
i has appeared in most of the larger ei
ies from New Vork to EjOS Angeles and
from Jacksonville. Honda, to Dublin.
Hhc his been praised by the critics,
feted by persons high in social and of
ficial life, painted by famous artists
Continued from page one.)
Every Room
in the
The Dining Room, the Bed Room,
the Parlor, the Kitchen, or that
bpare Room we have something
for each, a large assortment to
from a wide range of
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