PAGE TEN SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY, FEB. 24, 1917. The Store With the Quality Reputation BE CAREFUL Were you ever dissatisfied with a purchase? One feature of our service that appeals to hun dreds of shoppers is the guarantee of satisfaction that goes with every purchase. We can give this kind of service because the goods we sell are "good goods" and our prices are right. Buy at a safe store; the store you can rely upon. Better Merchandise at the same price or the same Merchandise for less. It pays to read our ads. See our assortment of New Spring Garments. Women's and Misses' Stylish Coats, Suits, Dresses, Waists and Skirts for Spring and Summer Wear. It will be worth your while to inspect these displays. Special Money Saving Sales for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Only Silk Chiffon Cloth, sale price 89c a Yard All popular shades and tints 44 inches wide, suit able for Waists, Overdrapes, Auto Scarfs, etc. Selling to $l.:i5 a yard ; Meyers price 89c a yard Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. A Sale of Snap Fasteners 5c a Dozen These are regular 10c a dozen kind white or black, large sizes only. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Meyers price 5c a dozen Extra quality Lining Satins $1.25 a Yard This Sale includes the standard Skinners Satins ; all colors selling to $1.75 a yard, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Meyers price $1.25 a yard Colgates Talcum Powder, Sale price 10c a can Here's a good Talcum choice of rose, violet, cash mere bouquet, baby, ectal and dactylis odors; Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday, Meyers price 10c can : - ii ---. i iii Women's Union Suits, Sale Price 59c a Suit White cotton, slightly fleeced rifebed union, regular and out sizes, sells regularly up to 75c ; Sale Price, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Meyers price .' 59c a Suit Women's Black Sateen and Batiste Waists, Sale Price 25c Each. These are well made Waists, not new styles but splendid for elderly women, maids or waitresses' uniforms, etc. Special Sale, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Meyers Price 25c Each Genuine Japanese Kimonas, Sale Price $1.59 Our own importation embroidered floral designs, selling for $2.50; Special Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Meyers Price $1.59 Each Knitted Scarfs, Sale Price 39c Each These are in white with various colored borders and sell at 75c each. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Meyers Price 39c Each Mercerized Etamine, Special Sale Price 30c a Yard A beautiful Drapery fancy mercerized border, :58 inch width and a big value at 50c a yard; Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Meyers Price 30c a Yard A Sale of Figured Silkolines at 10c a Yard Extra quality grades, selling now for 20c a yard owing to advanced cost. Special for Monday, Tues day and Wednesday, Meyers Price 10c a Yard Fine Wool Batts, Sale Price $1.00 a Pound Pure fleece wool and sanitary anti-moth processed, ready to use; sizes 1, 2, 3. Special price Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Meyers Price $1.00 a Yard A Sale of Standard Apron Ginghams 7c a Yard Hare are the heat Uiughams obtainable; cheek pattern! in black, blue, liruwn. green; Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Meyers price 7c a yd. Serpentine Crepes, Meyers Sale Price 12" tc a Yard A popular wash fabric in many mottv designs an, I cohrnu. Sells r.-j many up 10 roc a yarn, monuay Tuesday ami Price . v eitnes.iny, .Meyer - 12'2c a yard MISS NORDSTROM A representative of the Butterick Publishing Company will be at our pattern counter in a few days to explain a special offer in regard to the Delineator. Look for announcement YOU CAN ALWAYS DO BETTER AT X MoOoJl GOODS 9 Optometry Means Eye Service YOU MAY NEED GLASSES jp your eyes tire and the print blurs and becomes dim when reading. p the eyes smart, ache or water, or frequently become inflamed jp the sun-light seems too strong, causing frowning and headache. RFMPMRFR A" of tnes troubles can be completely relieved by IxLlTILIuDLn. ... . aring our correctly fitted glasses. Miss A. McCulloch, Optometrist 208-9 Hubbard Bldg. Phone 109 : personals : ! ! George Vick. of Viek Bros., autumn- Ihile men. is in Portland. Governor James Withvcombe left for I l'ortlnnd this morning. Mne Palmer left for KaHapril, Mont., 'via the Oregon Klectric this morning. William Trudgen, of Kugene, is visit- jing with relatives here fur a few days Frederick Deckaliueb, of the Kappa i Sigma fraternity nt Kugene, left this 'morning for that place. Ruth Nchultz left this morning for ' Gorvallis to attend one of the college da nces. j Miss Ora I'oguc is eti route to I.os Angeles. She will go by way of Klucl. itaking the steamer Northern Pacific at All Around Town f COMING EVENTS February 24 and IS. Western Oregon Christian Endeavor convention, First Christian church. that point. I Mrs. Klix Power, of Lebanon, who i has been visiting w ith Mr. ami Mrs. V. B. (rilson, of !t4i5 Chcinckctn street, re i turned home this morning. Clifford I). Baker, who is connected with the Mitchell Motor Car company, i in l'ortlnnd, arrived in the city Friday i morning He will return tonight. e 'compauied by Dewey Brown, who will f snenil the week-eiol w ith Mr. Harkcr. 8. H. Snyder, rentals, successor to L. j fr. Brown is dav clerk at the Bligh hotel. compared i left it. with that in Idaho as thev February 25. Dun. A. Puling speaks to boys ut Y. M. C. A., :i p. m- February 26." Plant Life oi sjc Oregon," !v Prof, Morton Peck, o. A. ('.. at Waller hall. Willamette university, $ February 27. Musicule, First Christian church, February 28. Yeoman nnuvers- ary at Yeoman hall. March l.- Revival services, i'f First Christian church, eon- ducted by Rev. M. H. Pagan. March 3. State Y. M. C. A. us sc lactation at Ssilcm V. M, c. A. March .1. Floral society meet- ing, Commercial club rooms. March 4 -IS. " Meetings for the jfe People," ut the Baptist church, 0 Col. Snider in charge of auction 341 N. Commercial Saturday. 2-23 Dr. R. Meuric Roberts, osteopathic physician. 389 Masonic bldg, Phone 409 o The river dropped .4 foot during yes terday, registering only 5.4 this morn ing, on tiie o. i . i. hock gauge. o Briug in your hogs next Thursday, March 1st, $ll.7o or better for best. (1. V. Eyre. 2-28 Because of it being Saturday night Miss Tarbcll lecture will begin at 8:30 Attorney O. O. Smith, of this city, will leave Salem Monday for a three day trip io Portland, The Dalles and Ooldendale, Wash, He will return about Thnrsjlay. o Promptness and neatness in watch dring." Pomoroy and Wallace, 123 repairing Commercial tf Ida M. Tarbeli at the armory tonight 8:30, L. H. Compton, boys' secretary at the Y. M. C. A., has been confined to his home for the past few davs on account j of sickness. Dance at Ryan hall Saturday, Feb. 24 Dane J. Purvine is repairing the ranch home of Stanley L. Moigir situ ateo tour miles north ot Salem, near the Kaiser school house. o Dr. D. X. Beecbler. dentist, located 1-4 mile north of the fair grounds, Port land road. Owihg to no office expense nnces reasonable. 1-21 o Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Terwilliger, grad uate morticians and funeral directors 770 Chemeheta. phone 724. Becktel & Co.. 341 State St. Phone 4.1 Dr. F. H. Thompson. 416 Bank of Commerce. Practice limited to diseases of eye, car, nose and throat, and gener al surgery. tf Reports from King's Valley and Pe- dee Valley are to the effect that there an- two and it half feel of snow on the ground. Salem had a blanket which measured four inches this morning, Dr. Stone's Drug Store for trusses. Dr. Stone makes no charge for con sultation, e.xaininat ion or prescription. U I 4 1 Tl, (..!.... , .. 9 Mrs. J. C. Jones, of Macleay, who has " ' ' , """" - a ' i prise to their numerous friends. Mi-s been ill nt the Salem hospital for the . Hollister is the daughter of Mr. and past two weeks, is recovering slowly, Mrs. Melvin Hollister. 1675 Saginaw aid it is expected she will not tie alile street. i to le Rumors are current on the street this I afternoon that Tracy Hatch, employed i at Bishop's clothing store as a presser. left early Friday morning for Vancou ver, Wash., accompanied by Miss Ruth j Hollister. where they planned to get I married. When Tracy secured a leave of absence yesterday from his duties at the store, he intimated that he was gn ling to "get hooked up" but he did not say to whom- It is expected the couple j will be back in Suloni Monday when their friends can extend congratula- tke hospital for some time. Dr. L. G. Altman, homeopathic phy- ieian. 298 X. Liberty. Phone 147. So far, over 700 Christian Endeavor- ers have registered at the Christian church. There will be two snecial trains is evening, one from Portland, the! TVrwilliirer Funeral MnniA tCottaffe Undertaking Parlors) residence parlors "Bughouse" Special, at 7:45, and th dike Lady wnbalmer. Phone 724. After eating some warmed-up smelt this morning, G. C. Dunn, agent at the Wells Fargo Kxpress company's office, felt ill and it is feared that he has pto maine poisoning- He was at the office this morning, but was unable to work. other, from the Special, at 7:40. south, the " Convict ll is expected that the (Continued on page 7.) Dr. R. T. Mclntire, physician surgeon, 214 Masonic bldg. Phone and 440. When In need of help of any kind call or phone Salem employment Agen cy, Room 14 Brevinun building. Phone 84 S. 2-24 Mrs. Guy O. Smith, who has been ill at the Salem hospital for the past two weeks, is reported a regaining health slowly but steadily. The baby is also doing well and both mother and child will probably leave the hospital some time next week. 0 Salem's Pride the smoker's joy Sold in all cigar stores La Corona, gen erouslv good 10c. tf CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for their Kindness and sym pathy during our late bereavement. otto B. Lindquut, Mrs. J. M. Scchler. Harry M. Bechler. Mrs. Robert Kubeck. Mrs. ,T. A, Wright, Mrs. I'ettie Tallman, H DIED i Kryptok Bifocal Lenses Without lines, fitted by me, cost no more than elsewhere. The benefit that you re ceive from my fitting is this: The glasses will be fitted correctly, scientifically and accurately by a man with 34 years practical and success ful experience. There is no experimenting on your eyes. I guarantee my work to be satisfactory in every re spect. DR. M. P. MENDELSOHN 209-210-211 United States National Bank Building. Phone 110 The clang of hammers and the rasp of saws greeted the casual visitor at the .1. A. Mills real estate office this morn ing, and beneath the skillful hands of Mr. Mills and his associates a bob-sled was fast taking form. Two small boys stood looking expectantly on, it is prob able that two hearts are made happy, as their owners slide down hill this aft ernoon. Have you registered for one of the new classes to begin at the Capital BulineM College next Monday.' Short hand and stenotypy in the day school; shorthand in the night school. There may never be a belter opportunity to make n start on a practical course of s udy. Think it over and act now. We prepare you for pleasant and profitable employment no time wasted on non essentials, i Dr. R M. Roberts, president of the Willamette Valley Osteopathia associa tion, and Dr. W.'l.. Morcer, Dr. 11. W. Walton, all of this city, lefi tins after noon on the 1 o'clock electric for Al bany, where they .will attend the regular monthly meeting of the association. Dr. Roberta will preside over the dclibcra tious of the meeting. Papers will be read by the following doctors: Dr. Huit, of Corvallis; Dr. Waller, of Kugene; Dr. Walton, of Salem, and Dr. Sears, o'f Lebanon- Announcement, I wish to announce to my many friends in Salem and vi cinity thai 1 have returned and will hereafter take an a. tive part in the bus iness with Mr. Kichardson and my sou, Lloyd, nnd that the public can expect the same earnest and conscientious con sideration that has ehariu teriwd my I business dealings for twenty five years. Kindness, courtesy and absolute relia bility jfyill ever be our motto. W. T. Kigdon. Coming from Idaho, two families will locate in this vicinity in a day or so. Dr- A. Morfield, wife and son. will oc cupy a ranch on the Asylum Farm road, formerly owned by Joseph Bnrtosj;, which they purchased last August. Mr. Morfield hud an excellent practice in St. Anthony, Idaho, and left there on account of his health. The other ar rivals are Harry Payne, wife and fam ily, two sons, of Idaho Falls, Idaho. Mr. Pavne will make his home on a ranch near that of Mr. Morfield. Both famil ies say that this weather, wnien tne ore gonians complain about is fiue when 8TEWART Frank A. Stewart, aged 74 years, who died at a local hospital al 3 o'clock this morning, will lie sent to Bandon, Ore., Sunday for inter ment. The body is at the Webb & Clough un dertaking parlors, where it is being pre pared for burial. The deceased is sur vived by one son. Hardy T. Stewart, United Stales commissioner at Port Orford, Coos county. Clean, Fresh, Airy Rooms HOTEL LOUVRE (Formerly Hotel Keith) 439' State St. Phone 1109 Rooms 50c to $1.00 a Day Special Kates by the Week MRS. M. M. LAY, Proprietor U vl vl v' V . ! -J t 1 vL. 0 t- p mm ml 1 1 1 i 1 cars or ANY K1MD Any time Spceial rates on country trips and to State Institutions. The I Oregon Taxi Co. has put on a night service with a prominent stand at the HOTEL MARION Phone 2010 or 13 MtM- GASOLINE LAMPS X 600 Cartdle Power $6.50 . k "N. tmtna Lu n i otl g IW u Kaai kurn M YOU WANT THIS LIGHT t'Masfcu ttk i. ilnfe auOaa. Neck. SEE MY LAMPS FIRST I'.awtiM Unp . UnOrw. irons, mint In. rlc C. M. LOCK WOOD $ sjc si; :!: DR. . H. SCHENK Dmgless Physician Superintendent Therapeutic Hydro-Electro Institute 20i to 206 Masonic Temple Phoue 1182. Hours 9 to S 7 to 9 AUCTION SALE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27 AT 1:30 P.M. at 565 N. High Street, consisting of idle Home Comfort range, good as new. with water rail nnd reser voir, MM oak chiffonier, one fir dresser, 4 rocking chairs. I U'.U. springs and , heating stoves, one t hole cook stove, one oak library table, one sxlfl ingrain rug, one 9x12 ingrain riijf, one 9x12 brussels ru Vt yds stair carpet, .me kitchen treasure, one oak dresser, one large on! combination writing desk and hook ense. 2 stan. I taldes, one walnut settee and parlor chair, one oak extension table, oak dining chairs, one electric rending lamp, one good vneu BM sweeper. 2 oil heaters, one Water power washing machine and wringer, one rcPriger'Hor, one baking oven, one gal. churn, one oil cook stove, one good bicvcle. 2 step hi. liters, one chest of sinnll tools, some cooking utensils, ilishes etc., and many other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS ( ASH Ed Peetz, Owner. F. N. Woodry, Auctioneer, Phone 511 Auction Sale Farm Stock and Implements, Hay, Grain, etc., as follows: One brown gelding. 9 years old, weight Mud pounds. One roan gelding. Id years old. weight 14511 pounds. (This is u good team.) One fresh Jersey cow with calf by her side. One veal calf, .'1 shunts weighing about 75 pounds. One :! 1-4-lnch farm wagon with single bo complete, nearly new, I good set double breeching harness, complete, nearly new. 1 good 2-horse disc S-lt incl 1 potato plow. 1 tight bottom bay rack. I work bench anil vise. 2 dozen laving nene, l set single plow harness. 1 i-shovei cultivator, 1 S-inch garden plow. 1 scalding vat, 100 good 7-ft. cedar posts. About li tons of mixed hay. vetch, oats and wheat. About 150 bushels white seed oats, extra good. I organ 1 iron bedstead, spring and mattress. 1 kitchen table. Also other miscellaneous articles including forks, shovels. b saws, small tools, 1 barrel of lime. and many itthr things. caains, pruning scissor About 1" bushels apples. About 15 bushels pointing THURSDAY, MARCH 1, AT 1 P. M. Located 2 miles East of Salem on the Asylum Road, or V miles West of Fruitland. Geo. F. Peed, Owner. Woodrv & Greer Auctioneers, Phone 100F4 Phones 511 and 224 Auction Sale AT THE PEOPLES QUICK EXCHANGE AUCTION MARKET, EVERY SATURDAY AT 10 A. M. AND 1:30 P. M. Consisting of Horses, Cows, Farm Machinery, Wagons, Harness, and Household Furniture. This is the Peoples' market; bring in anything you have for sale, I will sell it for you on commis sion. F. N. WOODRY, Auctioneer, Phone 511. Auction Sale Of 6 Horses, 25 Hogs, Farm Machinery, 20 Tons Hay, 8 Tons Seed Barley, 20 Sacks Wheat, 50 Bushels Oats, Wa H. P. Gas Engine and Pump Jack and many other small tools, on THURSDAY, MARCH 8, AT 10 A. M. Located 4 miles south on Slough Road. (See bills and further advertisement of this sale. Woodrv & Greer Geo. Lemons Owner Phone 8F5 Auctioneers, Phones 511 and 224 CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our thanka to our friends and neighbors who assisted us during the illness and death of our be loved mother and grandmother, and also thank those for the beautiful flor al offerings. Mr. and Mrs. Vaul Annis, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Passhing, Mr. and Mrs. Kdward llarr. WANTED Household Furniture. Woodrv the Auctioneer will pay highest cash price for same. Phone 611. Use Journal classified ads Cash for Used Furniture Don't ever sell your furniture without seeing ns as wc pay highest prices in cash or trade, or if you prefer will give you a still higher price to let us dispose of it by auction on the premises. I L STIFF & SON 404 Court St Phone 941 3 Busy Stores. 341-349 N. Commercial Phone 508 i