Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 23, 1917, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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(foul timed from page seven.
I' .mh-. M. K.. -'ii lo urn in ter.
-'4, Tp: Ii. S. . 3 V Des. in
Vol. KM. 127, Ki t. of
Decda 112.57
Also 4. 17 acre in see. 24, Ti.
i. s. If. :t ft., l-s. in Vol. KM,
aagaj 4:1, . of 1 ,! 8,80
Also Kr. of lot I. Work 24,
HMM 43.158
Pep, T. I... I01 Mock .'(, Kan
mit'i Add. to Salem .'-'4
l'niii. c. II. and Jane, R., lot
Meek o. Ffo th Salem I. 71
J 'in f 11 111 Mercantile f.'o., lot 7
and block 2. I'ratuw 1 4i.no
frujtt, R. E. and T. It., 8.11
KM in hoc. I, Ti. 7. S. It.
:s V.. Des. in Vol. 11k, page
32H, Kec. of Deeds Im.IIO
Alto lot 12, block 18, High
land Adil. 0 Sulem !l.::d
1'iiyli. lien. L. (est) 13,16 I-S
iii ics in see. ;!ii, Tp. (i. S. R. .'!
W.. Des. in Vol. 117. page 447,
ttee. of Deeds .70
1 "nu'. VV. I).. Kr. of block 2,
KuigM 's Add. i i Salem ,. l'm.iih
Pll ;h. W. I), and .1. II., . 50 ft.
nf lot 1 nud 2. I. loci; (i, Vew
I'mk Annex 47..V.1
I'llUk, V. I), and Jessie II., K.
I 2 and V. 2 of lot I, lilock
S. Vew Park Add. to Salem. .. 88.88
I'ullcv, June, 1 I KM) acres iii
tea, 3d, Tp. 4, S. It. 1 W.,
His. ill Vol. 101, iagc
Itec. of Deeds 2.47
Pulley, Wilbur. 1 l-.'l acres in
M. 3li, Tji. I. S. K. 1 V., Des.
in Vol. LSI, page 1ft, Kec.
of Deeds 1,23
Kendall, It. T Iota :; 8, Mock i,
Randall Add. to Salem 9.3ti
Randall, II. T. (Brown, Wm. K.)
lots 2 nud 12, block 1, Kan
ilsll'a Add. to Salem 80.33
RiailKan, Dorlhv '., :r acres iii
. sec. lilt, T. :t' ft. K. 2 W.. des.
iii Vol. l7, page 2iii, Roe. of
Heeds 71.40
Banian, Dorthy V. (trustee),
12 acres )es. in Vol. 4111, page
4M7, Hoc. of Deeds HS.2S
Knpp. ( '. It., Kr. aere in see. 33
34, Tp. 7, S. K. H W., lies, iu
vol, 121, pane 378, lie
lie: den, Emma A., lot
lot s, block 3, Que
Add. to Salem
Keese, Kli A., 302-1000 acre i
sec. IS, Tp, S, S. R. 1 W., De
in vol. 12S, page 8U8, ree. i
Kcccs, I''. II
Jeff Mvers,
Keevos. F. II.
3 1 .20
AIM lot (1 and 8. 64 ft. of
lot 7. block ,.N. Saleni ItMfl
Ryan, W. A.. lols 1 to N. II to
3. block 1. lots I to 20, 2
to 88, block 2. lot 1 to 21. n
to 38, block 3, Jots I to 14. Hi.
IX, I". 2H to 3S. block 4. I'roa-
jet I'ark. Add. to Salem
Also lots 10 unit II. block 4.
Riverside Add. to SalciH
Also lots 3, 4, 5, block 5.
Riverside Add. to Salem
Also lots 10. II, block 14, lots
3. 4. 5, tl, block 15, Riverside
Add. to Sulem
Ryder, Elizabeth K.. Kr. of
block ft, Willaniette Add. to
Hylniitl. 1,. L, lot 37. N. 12 lot
38, Sunuvside fruit Farms
No. 10 .'.
Salem Hank of ( 'oninicrce, lots
lo, 11, 12, block i, Burlington
Add. (o Salem
Also lots I, 5, 0, block .'!, Bur
lingtou Add. to Snlem
Snlem Land Co., lot 18, block 3,
Burlington Add. to Salem
Salem Trust Co., 233 acres in
sec. H and 10, T 9 8. R. 3 W..
des. in vol. 132, pane 204, Ree.
of Deeds 10
Sanders, K. R, S. W. 1-4 of N.
W. I I and W. 12 of S. W. I 1
, S. H. 3 B.,
31 JO
1 1.81
100 feet
17, Nob
11 Ml feet
18, Nob
Acre . . .
4-5, block
to Bui te-
E I 2
A n ii
of sec. 2. Tp.
120 acres
Sargent, A., all of W. 106x202
ft. of block 2, Brooklyn Add.
to Snlem
Saunders, ( '. H., lot S, Kr. of
lot 11, block l, Broadway
Add. to Snlem
Siiuter, E. .1., lot S, block 3, Oak
Lodge Add. to Suloni
Schcll, Miuv, 10 ncres in sees.
10 17, Tp. 0. S. K. 1 Eh Des. in
Vol. 07, page HO, Ree. of
Hehermer, Robert, lot 3, block
4, Wnoilburu
Schlador, Nettie, lot 1, block 2.
Skaife and Mcintosh Add. to
Scott, J. II., lot 14, block 2, Wil
lamette Add. to Saleni
Also lot 8, block 4, Brown's
Add. to Silvcrton 11
Seott, Mrs. Mary, 87 1-2 ft. of
Iota and 0, block 3, Eddy 'i
Add. to Snlem
Belter, Mike, (Tad. M int.
in 16 acres iu sees. 20 nud 21.
Tp. 6, H. It. 2 W., Des. In Vol.
HO, race 45S, Rec. of Deeds
, lot 2,
Add. to
and W.
W, K.) 50x1.10 ft. of
l uiversity Add. to Saleni
Richards, Lithic M., 10 acres in
sec. 80, Tp. B, S. K, 2 W., Des.
block 3,
ialcni ...
( Winn in
dock 33,
20.2 1
I Sell wood, J. A.
sec. 24, Tp. 7,
in Vol. 131, p
ScIIh I. Daurn
i. R,
l W
i, Rci
lot 2, block
acre in
It. 1 W
815, Kec
Vol. 115,
881, 1!
( liuMv
lot li.
oi P, Gouuy
( liirdeus
lilock 1,
dd. In
Hi. Vein
toil i n
iu Vol. 130
Ca ideas
Also lot 10.
Rlchkrti Cyrus.
r.madwav A
Ricliter. K.
, Acres
Also lot "i7 Vernon
Roberl a, 'm ncli;i l
12. block 5, May
Mt. Ani-el
Ttuliiiis, Winwood, lids o nud 0.
block Hi, Vew I'.irk Annex.. .
Also (ill ncres iu sec. 23-21, Tp.
R, S. It. 3 W., Des. in Vol. 4,
Twae 223, Boo. of Wills
Hobludori and Baldwin, X. K
n s. K. N of sec. 10,
N. 1-2 of S. W. I I of soe
sec Hi 1 1, Tp. 8, S. It. 2
I 120 acres
iison. Miss K, C i0 acres in
Saleni ..
nier. Ml
18, Tp. 5, S
in VOL 88, pf!
Deedi (oxcepl
page 668)
Also 1 2 acre in sec. 7 and Is,
Tp. 5, S. R. 1 W.. Des. in Vol.
80, pane 815, l!''c of Deeds ...
Bettlemler, C W., 2 H ncres in
sec. 7, Tp. 5, i. R. 1 W Des.
page IU, '"'c- "i
1 1 ;
12. is i
in Vol.
Also lots 1
2-4 to 13,
to 7, block
block 4, lots
block 0, 7, 8
10. 02 I
to 5, lilock I, lots
lilock 2. lots I
:i, lots i to 10,
, 4 and ., block ft,
lots 2 to 4, block
11, I'nrks
1 I
1 2(1
ll. o. lt
Ii of
sec. oft
Pes. iu
8 Int.
i n
1 1 Ii.
n sei
Oct in Vol
. of Deeds
P., strip SO ft.
ft. long adjoui
Add. on South
2 acre
I W.
st. U
in sec.
Des. in
Itec. of
L.. 10
S. It.
. 1 2, sec.
R loo
sec. 31
in Vol
' Heeds ...
Also 80S.4Q acres in
30, Tp. ", S. It. 3 W
Vol 120. page loo,
Boblnsea, .1.
S3 II ncres
s. it. I B
page 7. Her
Robertson, II.
vide and 000
iag Potter'i
iu stay ton ...
Snbertson, clou
and II. Idocl
' New IMat
Rebel I SOU, K. B..
IS, Tp. ft, S. It.
Vol. 110, page 1
Rock bi II, C. A. and
ncres in sec K, T
:i W., Des. in Vol.
202, Ree. of Deeds
Rede. Silns, S. 12 ol V
10. To. !. S. li. 3
acres ...J
Roduers. tieo. r ., lots 4 nni
block 3, Dak Lodge Add
Also lot I, block 0, Dak Li
Add. to Saleni
Ross. K. W., S. I 2
s. K. I I of sec.
It. I IC, 10 acres
Bowtaitd, '. n., N.
I Olid 2, block sll
AUo Kr. of lot
Also lot 1, block SO, Snlem ..
AUo lot s, block 89, Saleni
Also fr. of block 31, Capital
Hark Add. to Salem
Rubev. If. K.. X. S -. I'" L
pint i B
Ruef. Mrs. M. (o0 (Ruef, E.
T.) I I it acre In sec. 23. Tp.
7, H. H. 3 W
Riinyon, W. L. and A. M.. lots
1 and 2, block 1. Hick's
2nd Add. lo Woodbum
Rusli. Virgil '., lot ti, block 2,
Caldwell Add. to Sabau
Russell, Radio E., lot 1, block
I, Brooklyn Add. to Snlem ...
Rvan, John M.. II 12 ncres iu
Mm 10 aad 11, Tp. 7, s. R. 3
W , Des. rti Vol. 85, page 30,
Kec. of Deeds .
Ryag, K. It. fr. X. of block
27, Snlem
Ryan, It. IL and L. P., Kr. of
lots ) ami 10, Mock 82, Salem
lllW lot 2 and Kr. of lots 1
and Idtwk 10, Sulem
102.00 i
12 of
i. Tp. ;
1-2 of
, Salem
3, block
H. blocks 10 and
Adtl. to Woodburu
Also 6ft acres in sec. 13, Tp.
5, S. It. 2 W., Des. in Vol. 117.
paf ll'i, Kec. of Deeds
Also 20 aorei in sec. 12, Tp. .",
S. K. 2 W., Des. in Vol. 08,
onire 45. Ree of Deeds
Also 711.07 acres iu sec. 13,
Tp. r, S. R. 2 W., Des. iu Vol.
I0S, page -100, Ree, of Deetls 178.80
Also 71 7 10 acres iu sec 18,
Tp. 8, S. R. 1 W., Des. in Vol.
Hi, page 168 (ex. Vol. 117-12
Vol. 115-880, Vol. 13010)
Rcc. of Deeds . 1.50.39
Also 100 acres in sees. 7-18,
Tp. ", S. It. 1 W., Del. iu Vol
10(1, page 171, Rcc of Deeds 881.88
Slinlrniiek, V.. OS acres in sec.
8&, Tp- 0, S. R. 2 W.. Des. iu
Vol 105. naoe 588. Rcc. of
Pectin :u1
Hheard, C. -V & B, Kr., acre in
Sec. 20. Tp. 7. S. H. 3 W. Des.
in Vol. 130, page 403. Rcc. of
of Deeds
Shearer, W. It, lot 18, Piatt C. . C
Sheets, .1. W- 15 33-100 acres in
set . 10, Tp. 8. S. R. 2 W. Des.
in Vol. 130. pane II, Rcc. of
deeds '
Shier. R. K. blocks 1 and 2, Mills
Add., 10 Mohan '
Short. J. K. 1 1 12 acres iu sec
12, Tp. 5. S. li. 3 W. Des. iu
Vol. 135. nam 180. Rcc of
Hkroll, Lewis and Ella M. lot s,
block 10. Jeff Myers Add- lo
Slmklnft. (I. A. Kr.. lot 3, blm
4. Aurora
'smith. 0. J. W. 1-2 of X. B, 14
and E, 1-2 of N. V- 1-4 Sec.
10.00 i o;! ifw s, S. K. I E. 100 acres
also K. 12 of X. K. 14 and X.
E, I I of S K. I t. Sec 23. Tp.
4 a, S. R. 1 K. 120 acres
I also X. W. Sec 23, Tp. 8. S. R.
1 .87 1 1 E. 100 aerea
Smith. J. D. and M. E. lot 17, W.
!) (eel 01 lot 10, Marion Kruil
21.00: Karll,s
I Smith, II. X. lot 2, block 4. Don-
34.32 i aid
Smith, H. X. and s. E. 80 lire
2K.64 in Sec 10. Tp. 4, S. R. 1 W.
20 iii Des. in Vol. 105, page 320, Kec
5646 1 ol Deetls
! Smith. M. C Kr., of lot I, block
86.16 Western Add. to Turner...
Smith. M. M. lot 3. uud 10.
8,46 1 block 1. Kairrovc Add., to Sa-
I lH
1 Smith. Kancv D. 7 12 acres iu
( t, . .1- H. ' K w l o tn
.-sec i, I p. .1, i. - . ei-a
1 in Vol. 183, page 503, Ree. of
Smith. Walter S. lots 1415, Riv
erside Acres
Satlth, Walter S. (Blodgett. K.)
lot 7. Riverside Acres
Smith. Walter s. (Kightllager,
S.) lot 3 Riverside Acres ....
Springer, Krnuk B. lots 2 and 3,
block 1. lot 0. block 2. Salem
Relahtl Adtl. to Salem
Stahluian, Kate, iLutlingtou, Mis,
(1. lot I, block 70, North Sn
li-iii ,
Stur Land Co., blocks 1 and 2,
Martin's Sub.Div. of I'nrrish
AoM. "B" to Halem 50 93
aUu I acre in Sec. 12, Tp, 4,
S. R. 1 W. de. in vol. 102.
page 135. Itec of Deed 1.70
al 111 acre in Sec 24, Ip. 1.
K I W. Dm, in Vol. 132.
ge H.I4. Kec. of l)Hdi 5L4
also all of S. ft. 14 lyiuit X.
of N. Kurk of Santoaui linn.
in Sec. 18. Tp. in, S. B. 7 K.
20 acrr 3.74
also Fr , of blork 24. Capital
Park A.I.I.. to Salem 3.84)
also W. Iii) feel of S
of YY. 1-2 of block
Hill Annex to Sulem 3.18
ulso W. 68 Teet of S
of W. 12 of block
Hill niicx to Salem
Sleen A M Ft V laWli
SiiM-us, II. I., and A. M. lot 1
Keiiiiedv Acres
also lot IK, Kenneth
stcenon, O. S. lots
.3, St. Alexis Adtl
Stever, 1). M. lot ML block 4. Wil
lamette Atld., to Snlem ....
Stoddard, A. anil A. 4 ncres in
Sec. 7, Tp. 5, S. R. 1 W. Des.
in Vol fU, page :i!i.",, Rcc of
Statts,, (irnce M. 220 acres 111
Sec. 21 22, Tp. 7. S. I. 2 L lies.
iu Vol. 115, pane 150 Hn of
St Riivnnr, V,ictor, I'ud.. 1 is
Int., in lr acres Sec. 20. Tp.
, S. R. 7 E
Street, C. A. N. W. 1-4 Sec 36,.
Tp- 6. S. R. 5, E. 100 acres. . .
HO S. W. 14 Sec. 30, Tp. 0.
S. R. 5, E. 100 ncres
Sullivnn, Mrs. Conrad, 12 ucres
in Sec. 27, Tp. !l, S. R. .1 E.
Des. in Vol. 41, page 2S7. Ree.
Of Dtseds
Sullivan, Sarah L. Est., lots 2
anil 3, block 2, lots 1 and 2.
block 0, Mill City 7.20
Sutherland, J. E. Schtedel, c. A.
80-100 acres in Sec S, Tp.
I. S. K. 1 W. Des. in Vol. 18V.
puge 152. Kec. of Deeds 42.50
0.15jSuttoi), B. B. and K. W. (ill feel
of s. 100 feet of w. 1-2 of
block 24. Nob Hill Annex to
Saleni 4.78
Sv.abb, (ieo. ( . lots 13 and 14,
block 10, Brooklyn Add., to Sa
lem 15.(10
SwaOWM, Edith, lots 1 and 2.
block 3, Tooze 's Kirsl Add., to
i Wootlburn 10.13 1
I Swayze, J. E. lot 3, block (1,
Oak Lodge Atld-, lo Salem. . . . 1.87
Swui ts, Arthur, lot 2, block 2,
! Boise's Kirst Add., to Salem.. 31.201
I Srrarta, Mrs. Carrie M. lot 10.
I Eastside Kruit Kurnis 13.50 1
. Symes, I'ercy, W. lid feet of S.
100 feet of E. 1-2 of block
10, Nob Hill Amies lo Saleni . . 1,07
Tanner, E. E. lots 1-2-3-4-5-0,
block 23, Yew Part Annex to
Saleni 35.08
Tannook, R. M, lota I I3and 1 M.
McCowan Kruit Karma . . .
Taphllle, Jacob, lot 1, block I.
' Whitman' Kirst Add.. hi
1(1.50 , Woodburu . . . .
Tcinnn, 11. VV. 5 1-2 acres iu Sec.
IS, Tp. 0. S. R. I W. Des. in
Vol. 133, page 533, Ree. of
132.80 Deeds
Tharp, J. D. 1-1 acres in Sec. 12.
l'i. 0, S. R. 1 W. Des. in Vol
21, page 01, and Vol. 28 page
477 nnd Vol. 72, page 02, Rec.
of Deeds
Thornton, Silas W. 30 ncres in
Sec. 2, Tp. S, s. It. 2 K Des.
block 3. Bddy'a Add., to Sa
Wallace. Al. J. iHVirv
block ii. Condtt. Add.
Wallace. T. B. ami
II an.l 12, block
Add . to Halem . . .
Ward. C. B, ami
liunshnw Fruit
, Warren, L. M. K
bloi-k ii.'(, Salem
Waters, '. W. .S. li feet
8, block N8, Salem
WBters. K. W ( Rvan. L. I..)
Pa mis
12 et
lot 2.
to a
E. lots
Eddy 's
lot 40.
lot X.
of lot
Hi. (iii
I '
I. lis
31.20 !
3.45 ,
1 70
also lot
also lot
also lot
Land Co
Tp. 0. S.
" l.ss
2.35 I
71 ss
1 1.25
1 1 ,69
::n no
l(i. 2 5
1 3 2 I
in td. 19V, page 838, Ree. ot
of Deetls
Townaend, M. E, 52 feci of lot
0, block 33, North Salem
Tiiniwirth, H. S. W. I 2 of X. E
1-1 nntl N. E. I I of S. E. I I,
anil lotl 2 9 ii. Sec. I, Tp. 10.
S. R. 4 E. 18S acres
Trindlo, Win II. Kr., in" lot 28,
Capital Home Add., In Saleni
Tufffo, II. ami EC, Im I. block
2, Capital Street Add., to Si
lem .
Turner, John D. lot '. block I.
Burlington Atld., to Saleni . .
Turner, .1. .1. S. 45 feet of lots
I to 3, block 2, Central Adtl..
lo Snlem
Via Cleave, 1.. M. nail P. M.
(Ballard, Z.) 5 acres in Sec
5, Tp. 7. S, U. 2 W. Des. in
Vol. 82, page 125, Kec of
Vim 1. linen. J. and D. Hat In
son, L. B nntl J.) X. 1-2 ami
N 1-2 of S. 1-2 Of lot 7. Mc
Donald Kruit Tracts
Vnntlerbeek, (I. A., lots 27 88,
block 2. Thomas' Atld. to
Verbeck, A. 11. 101 acres in Sec.
24, Tp. 7. S. K. 1 W- Des. iu
Vol. 132, page 534. Ree. of
Venter, Carl, 60 acres in Sec, I.
Tp 0. ,s. K. W. Des in Vol.
121, pane 21 1. Rec of Deeds .
Vick. C. H. lot I, block 2, Boi
se's Second Add., in Salem..
Vick, (). V. (Botts. S. J.i lot 15.
Sub. Die. of lots 20 and SO,
Capital Home Adtl., tn Sa
125, page 120, Rec of Deeds. .
also 8 acres in Sec 27, Tp. 0.
S. K. 2 W. Des. in ol. 125.
page 10. Rec of Deeds
alio lots 17 a nil 18, block 1.
lots 5 tn 8 and 0 to 11, block
2, lot I, block 3, West Stavtnn
also lots 1-2 Kr., lot 3, lot. 4.
S. 1-2 lot 71 1-12-13, Fr., lot
14, lotl 17-1!) -20 21 23-24-20-27
Piatt A ;
also 4 78-100 acres in See. 10.
Tp. !), S. R, I W. Des. in- Vol.
124, pnge 873, Ree. of Deeds. .
ulso I 20-100 acres in Sec. 10,
Tp. B, S. R. 1 W. Des. iu Vol.
124. page 273, Kec. of Deeds. .
also lot 1-2. W. 1-2 3, lot 0,
8, 0. 10, H, 12, 13, 1 i. 15. Hi,
17, 18, HI, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25.
2H, 30, ::l, Piatt D .'
also lot 0, Piatt B
also lots 1-2-3 4-5-li-7-8--10-II
12-13 I415-17, 19. 20, 21, 27.
2o, 30, Matt ('. .'
Willlamette Valley Irrigated
Land Co., (Benton, W. J.) lot
(Berii, S. r
1 1.0
84, Piatt
Land Co.
(i, l'latt
Lund Co.,
25. l'latt
Land Co.,
13 to 10,
t on
Land Co.,
Kr., lot 4,
La ml Co;,
24, l'latt
Land Co..
nnd Kr., ltd
Laud Co.. I
22, l'latt C
' Willlamette
Land Co.,
Kr., lot 2
o ! Willlamette
Laud Co.,
l'latt D
Land Co.,
lot 3, l'latt
Land Co
J rrigated
. I Kr.. let
( Beunins
Kred) lot
Valley Irrigated
I Marshall. B.) lots
block l West Stay
Valley Irrigated
I McWhenney, M 11.
l'latt B. . .'.
Vallev Irrigated
( Miller.' Mrs. B.) lot
Vallev Irrigated
(Officer. E.) lot I
2. l'latt B.-
Vallev lniated
Plaster, W. CO lot
( Reaume.
l'latt B. .
(trnrye i
I rrigated
i Rice, I -izzie) lot
I i i i'
D. S.i
1 rrigated
Mary E0
i Woodward, W.
28. l'latt C
Vallev Irrinat
Vincent, ('has. lots 5 and !.
! block 12, West Woodburn
Voget, Anna, Kr., block 31, Nob
Hill Annex to Salem .
; Voget, K. A. an.l K. lots 1 to li,
12 to 14-10-17. block 2. lots I to
i 3-li to 11, lilock 4. Simpson's
i tltl., to Snlem
i Voget, Fred-, Kr.. lots 7 and 8,
block ,'ls, I'niversitv Add., to
I Salem '
Voget, .1. (4. lot 8, block 11. Jeff
M crs Adtl., to Salem
also Kr., of lot 20. Xob Hill
Annex to Saleni. Des. in Vol.
117. pane 400, Rcc. of Deetls. . .
also lot 7, block 10 Jeif My
! era Add-, lo Salem
Voget. .1. (i. i Raker. Minnie) lot
I 8, block , Jeff Myers Add.,
to Saleni
R. H. Kr.. acre in Sec. 86,
P. S. R. 8 Bt Des. iu Vol.
120. page 205. Rec of Deetls. .
Wait. Mrs. X. A. lot 12. block
23, Yew Park Annex tn Snlem
Waldo Hills Orchard Co., 7s 5o
100 acres in Sec 10. Tp. s. s. K.
2 W. Ilea, iu Vol. 113. page
148, Rec. of Deeds
also "S 70 100 acres iu Sec. 10,
Tp. 8. s. K. 2 W. Des. in Vol.
113, pnge 103. Original 1S4
57 100 acres (Ex. Vol. 125. page
186) (Vol. 186, page 5241 tVol.
131, page 42Si V,.. I.'is. page
ISO i Rec of Deeds
Walker, Joseph R nntl Mvrtle
B. lot 10, block 2. Randall's
( Add. to Saleni
I Wallace, Kuiely K, lots 1 nnd 2,
Land Cu.
i8.(2! lots 86 and
1 Willlametie
Land Cu
42.001 1-2, tot !
j Willamette
31.32 of block
Salem .
also lot 13, Id
Add-, to Salem . . .
24.18 Wills. John. 20 acres in
Tp. 7. S. K. 1 E. Des
(1.801 85, page lis, Kec. of
Wilson, A. N. 12 of lot
nllner. Leo. (
l'latt D
I'niversitv, s. 1-2
is. Depot Adtl.,
) E
The Oaks
a Sec. 88,
s, in Vol.
Deeds. .
5, block
W.64 2. Capital street Atld.. to Sa
lem i Wilson. R. .1. !ts l and 2, block
1. Fairgrovr, Adtl., to Salem .
31.10 Wilson. Invest. Co., X. 12 Sec.
18, Tp. 0. s. K. 4 K. 300 40-100
83.38 Wise. W. A. .Thompson, M. K.)
! Maud) West 1-2 of Tract 8.
12.48 j Wise Acres
'Wise. W. A. Thompson. M. K.)
lots 3 in s. Tract 10. Wise Ac-
i Wilder. Elzina. M. X. E. 1-4
12.01 ' N. E. 14 of Sec. lli, Tp 7.
R. 1 E. 40 acres
Wood. Josephine, lot 4, block
7 8, blork 14. Rivervic Add
12.41 1 to Salem
I'niveraal Construction
57-100 acre of lot 10,
1.41 . iiuit Fann No. 1
I'nited Evangeliral Church.
3, block 7, Railroad Add.
Ii.24' Brook,
Z.i'k. T. E. (Miuier, J. W.i
.McDonald Fruit Tracts
fo. 2
The last half of taxes on the
niH described pmiwrty became
i, Ireton Fruit Farms
Weber, J. F. and U M. lots 5-ii.
block 14, Kiverview I'ark
Add., to Salem
Wells, E. E. 21 2 loo acres in Sec.
M, Tp. , s. K. I W f, ..
Wells. J ff. and 11. E. 15 16-100
ucres iu cec. 86, Tp. , S. R. 4.
W. Ics. in Vol. 12S, page 4(il,
Rcc of Deeds
West, C. H. (Slovev, John E.
Fr., of acre in Sec. 34, Tp. (i.
S. R. I W. Des. in Vol. 120.
pane 421, Ret . of Deeds
Wcsti'in. Bond 4c Mtg. Co-, lots
5-0, Tract 12, Wis - Acres
Western Bond & Mty. Co.. (Has
ina, Toiiy,) lots 10. Tract i4.
Wise Acres
05.20 ; W'cyant. D. H. lots 11 and 12,
block 16, Biverslde Add., to
Whitney, C. E. lot 2. block 0,
Highland Add., to Sabm ....
Whitney. C. E., lot 2, block 10,
.-sin 1 1 ii Kruit farm Xo. 1
Whitney, Ocorge, (Anderson
John) lot 3, Whitney Acre..
Whitney. Onorge W. lot 0. Whit
ney At-rea
ulso lot 10, Whitney Acres...
Wiencken. F. H. lot 8, Cloverdale
1.50 i o ut on the fifth day of October. lHlii,
ami will b- subject to sale six month.
4.5o'"I,r date of delinquency:
12, Cloverdale
13, Cloverdale
I I . ( 'level dale
15, Cloverdale
lli, Cloverdale
17. Cloveadale
18, Cloverdale
25, Cloverdale
20. Cloverdale
87, Cloverdale
Valley Irrigated
SO acres iu Sec. 22,
R. 2 W. Des. in Vol.
' Wise,
10.1 1
Add. to Salem
. Kr.. aere in Sec
s. R. I W Des. iu
page 688-633, (Ex.
page 227) Rec. of
t t u-kev
jWood, Pearl
35, Tp. 0.
4.00; Vol. 128,
Vol. 135.
I ds Deetls . .
Woods. J I., and Preston. 233
51100 ncres in Sec. 33 34 35,
Tp. li, S. R. 2 W
00.00 ; Working, s. lot 2. Mock 14, Hi
ghland Add., to Salem
Coder, E. II. an.l E. 54-100 acre
iu Sec ts, Tp. 5. S. K. I W.
Des iu Vol. 117, page 413. Ree.
of Deeds
fauna. A. I. Kr.. of lots 1 to 4
58.501 and 5 ami 0. block 25. Hbh-
land Add. to Salem
Young, K. J. lot 1. block 8. Riv
24 erview I'ark Add., to Salem..
Young Men's Invest. Co., lota
1 1.57
I 1.01
I I on
1 1.05
Albreeht. W.. block 00 (icrtais..
Alford, r. E. and M. E-. lots 0,
10. block 2, Rivervicw 1'atk
i Add. to Salem a
Anderson, C. F. and E. M., lot 4.
block 2, Kuights Atld to Saleni
j AspinXvall, Britt. lot 5, block 3.
Hi.uingnrtner, J. and A. S., K. 1-2
lot 1. Marion Hardens
I Beall. .1. S. and Foster K.
lot x, block 7. Yew I'ark
nex to Saleni
Also Fr. lots 7, 8. block 2.
versify Add. to Salem
Beishei.l, Mnthias, lots lo, II,
block 2; lots 1, 2, block 7; lots
" to 0 and 10, block 8; lots 7 to
! , 12, 13 and 16, block 6, Mavs
Add. to Alt. Angel
, Bayes, C. E. and C B., S. 1-2 of
1 Jots (i. 7, 8, 0, 10. block 12. Yew
Park Annex to Salem
Brey, Clarn F., lot 3, block 07,
Browu, E. and I... 5 acres in See.
j -1. Tp. (i, S. R. 2 W., Des- in
Vol. 128. Page 111. Kec of
Unci, Mrs. Marv, 54 acres in See.
(i, Tp. 7, S. R.'l a, Des. in Vol.
70, Pnge 481, Rec. of Deeds . .
Burnett, Marv J., 52 acres in Bee,
4. Tp. 8, S. K. 1 E., Des. iu
Vol, ill'', I'age 420 (ex. Vol. OS.
( Page 260; Vol- 106, Page (i20.
Vol 115. Page 580 and SO acres
1 .05
, Dc-Rec.
is Sees. 32, 33, Tp. 7, S. R,
E.), Rcc. of Deeds
. , ... , m
iiiirris, u. v ., u acre.
18, Tp. 10, S. R 2 W
Vol. 114, I'age 332
40.0Q I Bush, A. N ., lots 5 to 8, block 10,
I Diversity Adtl. to Salem ....
Bybne, H, C., lets 6 and 7, block
17, Riverside Add. to Salem . .
Chriltcnteai Scverine. 00 acres
1 1.190
'. W.
ill See. 20. Tp. ti, S. R.
Des. in Vol. 88, Page 131
of Deeds
Christie, H. E., s. 30 ft. of lot
4, block 4, Wootlburn
lot 0,
Sa lem
luck Si
2, Tp.
138. SO
, Tp.
. )86,
'S. ill
ii of
( 'oleman, M is. F. N..
Lawn Park Adtl. to
Corby, Grant, lot 0, b
! Corey, Clark E. and
L0.J1 acres in S
I;, ml R. 2 V Des. in Vol.
388, Rec of Deeds .....
I Alio 30 1-2 acres in Sec 1
8, S. R. 2 IV.. Des. in Vol
I'age 338, Rec of Deeds .
Cockrill, Wm., 40 acres in
j 17, Tp. 8, S. R. :t W., D
Vol. 124. I'age 370, Re
' Drake, B. I'., lots 7 and 8, block
r'. Add "('"to WooiHiuiu
i)..)0 Durbin, C. N., lot 0, block 2.
Watt 's Atld. to Salem
Krei, Catherine, S. 1-2 of lt u,
5. '5 block 2, Fargo Orchard Tracts
Garrigua, Mrs. M., lot :;. block 3,
Broadway Add. to Salem ....
6,80 Gearin, H. B. (hoirsi, 402 acres
I in Sees. 3, 4, 0. .10, Tp. 4, S. K
2 W., Des. in Vol, 55. Page 8.
Rec. of Deeds ,
2.70 Qeelan, Patrick anil E., 470
acres sec. 32, To. 3. 8. K. 2 W
". Tp. 4, S. R. 2 W..
Vol. 121, pace 213
15. Hrabenhorst Fruit Farms
'.SOI No. 3 H.90
Ma.-krill. ('. N. and C. L.. 0.44
acres in sec. 7. Til 5. S. R. 1
10 50 w.. Den. in Vol. 120, page
47. Rec of Deeds 25.50
Martin, Ivan Q Fr. of lot 3.
3-00 block Salem 17.94
Martin, Lewis E., lot,s 3 and 4,
block 17. Enu'ewood Add. to
Salem 11.70
McCoy. L. C., Fr. acre N. of
McCov Add. to Saleni in sec.
23. Tp- S. R. 3 W 1.50
Mcliee. Olive A., fr. of lot 32
block 1. Willamette Add. to
Salem 1.36
Also fr. of block 5. WUtnav
l et c Adtl. to Salem
. U..I.... l L l l- - 1. 1 1. O
. i rai-un-, . r . .i ., tot i , mo, i -
I. on I -1 - i . ,
it an s .-von. in t-aieni .
McRac. W. T.. 33 acres in See.
15, T. 4 S. !(. I W., des. in
vol. 132, pnge 332, rec. of
Meehnn. Marv. fraction of ncre
in Sec 7. f. 5 S. K. 1 V., des.
in vol. 83, page 370, rec. of
Minton, C. D. and 0. M., 50
acres in Sec 34. 88, T. 8 8.
R. 3 W., des. in vol. ,125, page
308, rec. of deetls
Mishler, .1. M. and C, lot ti.
Gaudy Garden!
Xorrcn, Mrs. (i., 10 2-3 acres in
Sec. 33. 34, T. 7 S. R. 3 W.
ties, in vol. is, page 190 rec of
Also 5 acres in Sec 3, T. 8
S. R. 3 W des. In vol. 18.
page 197. rec of deeds.
Nowak, F., lots 1 and 2, block
28, Brooks
Also lots 1, 2, 3, block 1, Rail
road Atld. to Brooks
Olmstead, II. II. and Ji. E., lot
4, block 14. Depot Add. to Salem
jOlsen, Tallef anil Lottie., lots 1
anil 2, block 2. Meekors Add.
to Salem
Parker, Ella, lots 5, 0, 7, block
13. HieMnnd Add. to Halern
Reamer, E. P., 10 acres in Sec.
10, T. 8 s. H. 3 W.. ilea, in vol.
117, page 111, rec. of deeds 38.23
Reeves. Geo. M., lot 1 and X. 1-2
of lot 2, block 0, Comptons
Add. to Salem 5.4(i
Ricortl, (ieo. (Counter, A.), W.
1-2 of lilock 43, North Salem 6.24
Rotli, Then, lot 4, block 7, Boise'
Second Add. to Salem 21.00
Russell & Shaw, lots 9, 10, 11.
block i, EnglewoOd Add. to Sa
lem -
Scott, Marv .1., S. W0 ft. of lot
2, block' 0, Presnall & Smith
Add. to Saleni 0.24
Sliaveland, John E., Hit 11, block
2, Riverside Add. to Salem.... 8.58
Smith, (ieo. ami Marie (Jairl.
Albert), 1.05 acres tn Sec 14.
T. 7, S. R. 3. W 7.80
Sperling, C. L., W. 1-2 of lots
7 and S, block 2, Southwest
Add. to Salem 98.27
Surles, Mrs. M. T.. Sr W. 1-4
Flush the Kidneys ai Once
When Back Hurts or Blad
der BothersMeat
Forms Uric Acid
14. Oil
Xo man or woman who eats meat
regularly can make a mistake by flush
in.; the kidneys occasionally, says a
well known authority Meat tonus nrio
in id which clogs the kidney pores st
j they sluggishly filter or strain only
..;-, part of the waste anil poisons from the
i blood, then yon get sick. Nearly all
I rnilieiallam, headaches, liver trouble,
nervousness, constipation, dizziness,
Tj y., sleeplessness, bladder disorders come
' j from sluggish kidneys.
The moment yon feci a dull ache in
the kidneys or your back hurts, or if
the urine is cloutlv, offensive, full of
; sediment, iricffular of passage or at
tended by a sensation of scalding, get
about four ounces of .lad Suits from
any reliable pharmacy anil take a table
spoonful in a glass of water before
breakfast tor a few days anil your kid
neys will then net fine. This famous
salts is made from the acid ol grapes
and lemon juice, combined with lithia.
and has been used for generations to
flush clogged kidneys anil stimulates
them to activity, also to neutralize the
acids in urine so it no longer causes
irritation, thus ending bladder disor
ders. .Tad Salts is inexpensive and can
not injure; makes a delightful effer
vescent lithia-watcr drink which all
regular meat caters should take now
and then to keep the kidneys . lean and
the blood pure, thereby avoiding ser
ioui kidney complications.
Des. in
and Viol. 93, page -123 R
U.34 uremmew, John, Fr. lot 1,
j 1 nnd lots (i-7, block 1,
well Add. to Saleni
13.80 1 Grundy, R. and L., lots 1 and 2,
block 13, Frtekey'a Railroad.
Atld. to Salem
5.84 Hamilton, T. M., lots 12, 13, U,
I 15, lli, 17, 18, block 27, Vew
j Park Annex
9.W Hartley & Craig (Zahnea, Carl),
lots 22. 23, 24. 25. Edgewood
? Hofer, E. (Reynolds), jot 11,
Winona Atld. to Salem
18. I!l
1 1.09
Unwell, J.
in sec. 3
C. 0. ,1.
Hurst. W.
Add. to
1 1 in st . W.
2, Tp. S.
Vol. 80,
II. (Heirs),
i, Tp. 7, S.
10. OS
20.2s i
X. w.
R. 2
T., lot
A., lots 2
block 10,
M., 105.08
T. 4 S. R.
130, page
20. 1-'
J .5(1
ac re.
I W.
s., block 15. Railroad
Hubbard j
V., 31.51 acres in sec.
S. R. 2 V Des. in
page 409-410, and
112, page 19;t (ex. Vol.
page 191, Vol. 124, page
Rec. of Deeds
Howard, block 2. Brook-
side Add. to Salem
Junes, T. M. and M. D., lot 12.
and Fr. lol 13, Oak Lawn
Park Adtl. lo Salem
Jones. W. F. and S. W.. lots 4. 5.
ti. 7, 8, 9, 10, II, block 2,
RngleWood Add. to Saleni
R. 3
1 ts..
Jonea, Will
23. Tp. 7,
Vol. 101,
Deeds ....
Kara, E. B.
Tp. (i, S
Vol. 97.
IVeds ....
Kay, Thus. 11. B., s
8 and 9, block. 27.
Annex to Salem
Kelly. F. W. ami M
of X. E. 1-4
Sec. 8, T. 7
Swart, Mrs. B
54, Salem
Thomas, I. D., 1 acre in See. 35,
T. 0 S. R. I W., ilea, in vol.
95, page 180 (ex. vol 118, page
2o7), rec. of deetls
Traviss, B. and X
to 4, block 8, Mt.
Unruh, .1. P., lot 1,
North Salem
Van Damme, E, 1. and
acres in See. 5, 8, 9,
2 W., des. in vol.
245, rec. of tlecds
Vandervort, ,11. II.. 16 ft. full
length of lot 31, Wallers Add.
to Salem
Van Doren, Xorah C, lots 1 and
2, block 20 and X. 1-2 of lots 8
and 9. block 27, Yew Park An
nex to Salem
Voget, .1. (., 15.02 acres in Sec
22. 2:1, T. (i S. R. 2 W des.
in vol. 75, page 543, vol. 77
page 234 (ex. vol. .118, pages
174, 505, 500, 5S3, also Labish
Logan Lands) rec. of deetls
40 acres in Sec. 27, T. 0 S. It.
2 W., ties, in vul. 112. page 399
(ex. vol. 123, page .342) rec.
of deeds
Waber, Peter, lots 1 and 2, block
74. North Salem
White, W. J. ami E.,
1, Willamette Add
Willson, 0. A. and
Ewald Fruit Farni
Wilson, O. H., lots 1 to 3, block
9, Riverviev.- I'ark Atld. to Sa
leni i
Sheriff and Tax Collector for
Marion County
Stayton News
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Stayton, Feb. 23 After owning tlur
Mail newspaper here for (lie past five
years E. M. Olmsted yesterday sold
out to E. D. Alexander anil ('. E. Laugh
erty who will consolidate the two pa
pers, The Mail and Standard, in the of
fice ami under the name of the former.
Mr. Olmsted and his family will, it is
reported, move to Arizona for the sake
Of the health of-Mrs. Olmsted. The fam
ily came here from Ashland. Mr. Alex
ander thus acquires his old paper by
the transaction, he formerly having
bought it from C. D. Habcock. Mr.
DaugheKy came here a few months ago
from Portland to manage the Standard
after Mr, Alexander was appointed
postmaster. It is said the consideration
was $2500.
A heavy blanket of snow covers ev
erything but it is not expected to last
Mrs. Mable Crabtree is visiting at
City treasurer Clarence Heauehamp
was in the capital city on Tuesday.
Charles Burrows of Portland has pur
chased the shoe repairing shop ol' L.
A. Messing.
Vincent i'ietrok of Linn county was
buried in the Sublimity cemetery to
day. He was 71 years of age.
The Star theatre has again changed
hands this time being purchased by 0.
E. Taylor the owner of the electric
light plant, who will manage it in thu
future. Mr. Wnltemeyer the former pro
prietor has gone lo California.
Miss Olive Bassett one oi' the teach
ers, spent last Saturday in Silverton
visiting relatives.
Mr. add Mrs. J, P. Wilbur have re-
Portland where thev wero
, ., ,.- i turned from
13.0,1 1 . ...
I SI I 1 II E .
or pokanc
datives in
their home,
the inter-Farmers'
2 s.l is
lot 1, block
. to Salem. ..
E.. lot 30,
. iu
100 ucres
R. 2 W.
page 22
Dawtoa, V. f Pab, 23. Frozen Daw
son was recovering today from a fire
which burned two men to death, de
stroyed three hotels and others build
ings at an estimated loss of $200,000 on
the eve of Washington's birthday.
The dead men are: W. C. Tabor, promj
inent Alaskan attorney nntl pioneer of:
the Vnkon. lie leaves a wife in San
' Erancisco.
! William McAtlam. old time stage,
driver over tho White Horse Dawson
trail. He is said to have a familv iu
Mr. and Mrs. .1. C. Mayo
who have been visitinc
Stayton have returned to
i in the inland empire.
.1. W. Mayo has purchased
I est of L. S. Lambert in the
land Merchants' bank.
Miss Maud Morton of Sa
here for a visit a few days ago.
! Miss Pansy Trindle of Brownsville
j is visiting friends iu Stayton.
Miss Ruth Fuson was in Salem on
The Lee Tate home was
recently of a merry party
folks when a Sunday school
ered for fun.
Mr. and Mrs. D. if. Doll
lem on Sunday.
Miss (iladv's Hill of Mill
been visiting here.
Mrs. J. M. Ringo entertained tho
Eldeeu club last Friday afternoon.
the scene
of young
class gatb-
werc in Sa
Des. in
:. Kec. of
1-2 of lots
Yew Park
XI.,' lot ;i.
i There has never been a coalition
cabinet in this country and no matter
what hnppens there never will be-
2. IS
block I, Qaaea Ann Add. to
Knight, ,1. B., lots 0 7, block 2,
Melwood Add. to Saleni
Langl, E. (.. 101 acres in sec.
29 3o. Tp. o. s. R. 2 w.. Dan,
iii Vol. 107, pogt 218 (Ex.
Vol. 114. page 18(8), Rec. of
Laage, M. s., 21 acres iu see.
29 30. Tp. 0. S. R. 2 W., Des.
in Vol. 114. page 480, Rec of
Langford. U E.. east Ia2 of tract
s. west 12 of tract 9, Wise
Acres i
I ..-bold. Chas. E., lot 3. Sunny
side Fruit Farms Xo. 7
Also lots 13 to 10, Xui.nysiile
Fruit Farms
La Flour. Geo. F.. W. 15 ft. of
lot 5, block 2. Settlemcier's
Add. to Woodburn
Lick. Jennie (Seamster. 1. and
V. U and A. L.). lots 13, 14,
1 5.59 I
Don't Look Old! Try Grand
mother's Recipe to Darken
and Beautify Faded,
Streaked Hair
That beautiful, even shade of dark,
glossy hair can onlv be had by brewing
a mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur
N our hair is your charm. It makes or
mars the face. When it fades, turns
gray or streaked, .just an application or
two of Sajic and Sulphur enhances its
appearance a hundredfold.
i iii i ooiner ro prepare the niix-ture-
i on have swollen feet aud hands!
Stiff, achv joints! Sharp shootin-j.
rheumatic pains torture you. Vou have
lacking back, pain in the lower abdo
men, ibtunlty when urinatintt! Look von can tret tfci. o ,.i.i :., :.
., - , . - i. - p-- wvup win ivt ii-e mt
I i..... oi-., .I-,..,,.. ......... I .. 'C. I 1 .1 - . I
.. .-ig.iuj.-. iiuiiuii' proven ny ine anitition of other inirredi-
poisou cuts for 50 cents a larae bottle, all
ready for use. It is called Wveth 's Saco
and Sulphur Compound. This can alwavs
depended upon to brimr back tho
lintnrnl ,.!.,. mi.l i...... u:
I Capsules immediately. They are an old1 Evervbodv uses " Wveth V Sace ami
. preparation, used all over the world for Sulphur Compound now because 11..
combining natural healing oil ens so naturallv and evenlv that no
lo physicians , body can tell it has been
their ilailv simi.lv lnmnn n tnnmro
7.00 J lraf tictl: 7he ?l2 aro not an ex-j with t uiul draw this through the hair,
IponnuMital make shift patent me.i-' taking one small strand at a time- bv
I out! These arc
is with your kidney. I'ric acid
ling, in one form or another, has set
tin. It mnv leatl to dnroav or fsfnl
; Bright 's tlisease if not checked. I be
(let some (iOl.l) .MEDAL Haarlem Oil
land herbs, well known
and used bv thousands
or -salt, waoso ettect is oniv
temporary. They are a standard rem
edy, and act naturally, gently and
quickly. Hut wheu ou o to the drug
gist, insist on getting the pure, origin
al Haarlem Oil in Capsules. Be sure the
name GOLD MEDAL is on the box, and
thus protect ourself against counterfeits.
y morning the gray hair has disappeared,
i-iaud after another application it be
comes beautifully dark and appears
glossy and lustrous. This ready to use
preparation is a delightful toilet requi
site for those who desire dark hair and
a youthful appearance. It is not intend
ed for the cure, mitigation or preven
tion of disease.