Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 23, 1917, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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Delinquent Tax List of Marion
County, Oregon, For Year 1917
The following list of real property
diluted in Marion County, Htate of
' Oregon, is hereby advertised for de
linquent taxes as assessed for the year
1915, and is in pursuant to an act em
bodied in Chapter 301 of the General
Laws of Oregon as passed by the 1913
season of the Legislature.
The taxes on the following adver
tised real property became delinquent
osi October 5, 1916, and are subject to a
penalty of 10 per cent and interest at
the rate of 12 per cent per annum until
paid and costs of advertising.
Any day after the expiration of six
imam tin after the taxes charged against
the following real property became de
linquent the sheriff's authorized to up
on demand of any prson making appli
cation to issue to them a certificate of
delinquency, upon payment of the taxes,
penalty, interest and costs of advertis
iag, certificates of delinquency shall
bear interest at the rate of 15 per cent
per annum from the date of issuance
until radsastted.
Any time after the expiration of three
years from the first date of the certifi
cate of delinquency, the holder of such
certificate of delinquency may cause
snmmon.s to be served upon the owner
of the property described in the certifi
cate of delinquency, notifying the own
er that he will apply to the Circuit
Court of the county in which said
property is situated for a decree fore
Hosing the lien against the property
mentioned in such certificate.
I 123, P. 521, also Cramer's ad
dition to Stayton), Bee. of
' Also 1-8 acre in Sec- 9, Tp. 9, 8.
R. 1 W., Des. in Vol. 125, Page
214, Bee. of Deeds
Also lots to 2 to 12, block 1, lot 1
to 9 and 12, block 2, lots 1 to
4, 13. 15 to 30, block 3, lots 1
to 12, block 4, lots 2 to , 11,
.', block 5, lots 4 to 0, 8 to 16,
block 8, lots 1 to 12, block 7,
lots 1 to 24, block 8, lots 1 to
13, block 9, lots 1 to 6, block
10, lots 1 to 8, blook 11, Cram
er's Add. to Stayton
Deeds 3.12 Herrold. L. O. lots 11 12,. block
1 12 acres in Sec. 34, T. 4
8. R. 1 W.. dee. in vol. 129,
page 189, rec. of deeds 4.32
Black M ('.. lot 4. block 4.
Broadway Add., 8alem 3.12! Cutberth, N. B., lot 12, Valley
lUoilgett, W. M .. 75 ft. X 150 ft.
also 100 ft. x 150 ft. of block
12, Meyers Add. to Salem...
Bloom, Francis M . 181 acres in
Sec. 22, 23, T. 9 S. B. 2 E.,
dea. in vol. 122, page 25, rec.
of deeds 35.38
List of Property.
Abiqua Lumber Co., 2.36 acres
in Sec. 24, T. (i, 8, B. 1 W,
des. in vol 100, page 391, rec.
of deeds 09.21
Abrams, Carle (Tillman, H. ('.)
lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 block 5,
sub. div. of blocks 3 to 7
Nob Hill annex 32.76
African M. E. church, lot 9,
block 14, Riverside Add to Sa
lem 3.89
Anderson, Ruth E., lot in, block
t, North Salem 48.35
Aadreson, Mary, lots 7 to 11,
block 27, Btib-div. of block 27,
University Add to Salem 43.68
Allen, H. L. (Est.), 104 9-10
acre.s in Sec. 10 and 15, T. 7,
. B. 1 W., des. in vol. 102,
jiago 549, rec. of deeds 62.62
Allen, Bebceca, E 1-2 of N. K. 14
Sec. 16, T. 9, S. B. 4 E. 80
acres 7.50
Alpin, L. BL 10 acres in Sec. 8,
T. 7, . xv. z r.., aes. in voi.
125, page 213, rec. of deeds
Altroo, f. C, lot 2, block 3, Englc
wood Add. to Sales
Alpin, M. M., lots 4 and 5, Wil-
quets Add. to St. Louis
Arensmeier, J. IL, lot 71 Kwald
Fruit Farms 12.60
Armour, S. D. and A. W., fr. acre
in See. 26, T. 7,-8. B. 3 W.,
des. in vol. 120, page 263, ree
of deeds 24.96
Armstrong, Lizzie, 4 4-10 acres
in See. 33, T. 4, S. B. 1 W.
ana. in vol. 136. naae 18. rec.
of deeds 10.26
Arnold, Elvin, 15 acres in Sec.
3, T. 7, S. R. 2 W., des. in vol.
89, pape 50, rec. of deeds...
Arpke, C. A lot 4, block 19,
Fairmount Park Add. to Salem
Austin, M. D. (Sporalaski, Win.)
lot. 1 mid 12. Cowles Central
Add. to Woodburu 54.32
Baker, W. G., lots 3, 4, 5, 6,
block 2, Fairgrove Add. to Sa
lem Balsiger, Nettie, lots 1, 2 tract
10, Wise Acres
Banner, J. 0. and L., lot 7, block
17, Capital Park Add., to Sa
lem Barber, J. I. and S. C, lots 5
and 6, block 13, Rivervicw
1'ark Add.., to Salem
ISargar, James, lot 8, block 5,
Brooklvn Add. to Salem
P.arkam, John A., N. E. 14 of S.
W. I I, 8bc. 86, T. 8, 8. B. 3
E., 40 acres
Barnes, T. B, block 35, Englc
wood Add. to Salem
Bartholomay, Hattie E., (nee
Mnnsfield), mid- 5-18 int, in
in in Sec. 20. T. 9. S.
t r 141.60
Bauer, Maggie, lot 4, block 10,
M Anfi-el
Beatty, Otto E. and Ceo. D.,
20.77 acres in Sec. 36, T. 6,
8 B. 3 W., des. in vol. 135,
page 410 ex. vol. 138, page
177) rec. of deeds
Bellinger, Allan, S. 1-2 of block
16, Scott Mills
Also 15 1-3 acres in lot 87
VripnHn Oreeon colony
Bellinger, Lena M., N. E. 1-4
of S. E. 1-4 part of S. E. 1-4
of N. E. 1-4 of Sec. I, T. 7,
8. B. 1 E., 55 acres - U
Also 40 acres in Sec. 1, T. 7,
S. B. 1 E., des. in vol. 122,
page 129, rec. of deeds
Also 105 acres S. W. 1-4 of
. N. E. 1-4 and 65 acres in Sec.
' L T. 7, S. R. 1 E 69.00
Tlenham, W. L. (trustee), 10
acres in Sec. 17, 16, T. 8. B.
1 W., des. in vol. tiz. page
513-514-515, rec. of deeds. ....
AJjo 2.03 acres in Sec. 18, Tp.
9, 8. B. 1 W , des. in vol, 113,
page 165, rec. of deeds
Also 2 acres in Sec. 9, Tp. 9,
S. B. 1 W., des. in vol. 112,
page 157, rec. of deeds
Benham, W. H. (Trustee), 1 1-10
acres in Sec. 8, T. 9 8. B. 1
W., des. in vol. 113, pngc 28
rec. of deeds --
Benjamin, Dr. A. E. (Laucks,
Chas. A.), 5.11 acres in Sec-.
2. T. 8 S. R. 2 W., des. in vol.
133, page 74, rec. of deeds ....
Bennett, J. M., S. 37 ft. of lot
3, E. 120 ft. of lot I 4, block
54, Salem -
Brno, V. E. and A., lots 7, 8, 9
Woek 21, Fairmount Park Add.
to Salem --- -----
Bftwley, J. W., lot 6, block 6,
Rickey's Add to Salem
BSyeu. J. M., lot 7, block 4, Hol
lister'g Annex No. 1 to Stay
ton Bingham, Emma S., 8. W. 1-4 of
a E. 1-4, Sec. 17, T. 9 8. R. 3
H, 40 acres -
Bitney, L. M. and Stangel, J. J.
Blue, E., lot 3, block 8 Rivcrview
Park Add. to Salem 2.19
Bogard, Z. T., lot 3, block 1,
Klwell's Add. to Woodburn.... l.?5
Boees, F. IL, lot 11, block 7.
Sou.hwest Add. to Salem .... 12.48
Boise, R. P. (heire), lot 7, block
6 Boise's second Add. to Sa-
h- lem : 7.80
Bolinger, Marie E., fr. acre in
Sec. 26, T. 7, 8. R. 3 W., des.
in vol. 125, pags 320, ree. of
deeds 37.44
Bosse, Desiree, 8 1-5 acres in Sec.
24, T. 7 8. R. 3 W., des. in vol.
94, page 174 and vol. 104, page
551 (ex. vol. 120, page 205),
rec. of deeds 55.12
Bouley, H. N. and Bowman, C.
IL, 55 acres in Sec. 18, T. 10
S. R. 2 W., des. in vol. 121,
page 46 and 47, rec. of deeds ... 52.27
Boyd, J. IL, lots 17 and 18, sub
div. of lots 29 and 30, Capital
Park Add., to Salem 28.08
Dressier, Marv J., fr. block 5,
Hill's Add." 'to Mehama 1.80
Brewer, C. IL, lots 18 and 19,
Potters Add. to Stayton 25.31
Brewer Drug Co., N. 75 ft, of
lots 3 and 4, block 6, Stayton 38.53
Brewer Edna, lots 5 and 6, block
0. Thomas Add. to Stayton. .. 13.40
Brewer, Mae, lot 8, block 4,
Thomas Add. to Stayton 33.50
Brooks, Grace, N. E. 1-4 Sec. 10,
T. 8, S. B. 2 E., 160 acres 33.00
Brooks, L., lot 14, block 2,
Brooks' Add. to Salem 2.34
Brotherton, Gertrude, lot 1, fr.
lots 2, 4, 5, block 14, Pleasant
Home Add. to Salem 3.91
Brown, G. L. and C. E., 3 acres
in Sec. 10, T. 9 8. R. 1 W., des.
in vol. 88, page 587, rec. of
deeds 2.49
Also 18.45 acres in Sec. 13, T.
9 8. R. 1 W., des. in vol. 83
naec 110. rec. of deeds 1.42
Brown, Lucy and McCullock, O.,
lots 20, H4 to 26, 1'otters Aua.
to Stayton 10.05
Brown, Martha (est.), fr. of
block 2. Stayton itw.ua
Brown, W. M. and M., lot 5,
Maplewood tracts la.uu
Browning, Pansy, lot 7, block 5,
North Salem
Brunner, D. F. and H. A., lots
13 and 14, block H, Simpson's
Add. to Salem B4JM
Calvin, G W., lots 5, 6, 7, 8,
block 4, Compton's Add. to Salem
Cannard, F. D. and F. H., lots 1
and 2. block 38, Uervais
Capital Journal Printing Co., lot
6, block 4, Cardwell Attn- to a-lem
Capital National Bank, 1-4 acre
in Sec. Z2, Tp. I o. a., o v.
Des. in Vol. 92, Page 307 Bee
of Deeds 1L04
Capital Trust Co-, lots 1 and 9,
block 1, St, Louis new piat . .
Caples, Mancy (heirs) 100 acres
in Sec. 11 Tp. 5 8. E. 1 W. Des.
in Vol. 99 Page 117 Rec. of
Carmody, Henry (est.), lots 1, 3,
E. 1-2 lot 2, block 2, Gates . .
Also lots 8, 9, 10, block 2, Gates
Also 1-8 acre in Sec. 26 Tp. 9 S.
B. 3 E., Des. in Vol. 102, Page
803, Rec. of Deeds
Catlow, D. and M. A., N. 1-2 of
lot 10, block 7, Yew Park An
nex 24.96
Caples, Nancy (heirs), 100 acres
Chappciie, Mrs. m., lot a, diock
1, Thomas Add. to Woodburn .
Cherrington, E. W. and G. E.,
lot 1, bloek 11, Jeff Myers'
Add. to Salem
Cherryman, Wm., 25 acres in Sec.
2 Tp. 8 S. R. 2 E., Des. in Vol.
135. Page 6, Rec. of Deeds ..
Claggett, Clyde, 36 acres in Sec.
35, 36 Tp.' 6 S. B. 3 W
Claggett, W. D. (est.), lot 7,
Claggett Fruit and Garden
Clark, Ella, lot 6 and E. 5 ft. of
lot 5, block 2, Settlemeier 's
Add. to Woodburn 29.11
Clark, Frederick Patterson, 80
acres in Sec. 6, Tp. 8, 8. R. 1
W., Des. in Vol. lot. Page 32,
Rec- of Deeds
Clymer, H. V., 206.68 acres in
Sec. 4, 9, Tp. 8, S. B. 1 W., Des.
in Vol. 97, Page 238 (ex. Vol.
129, P. 460, Vol- 129, P. 456),
Bee. of Deeds 144.00
Oil Bin, J. M., lot 2, block 4,
Cardwell Add. to Salem 6.24
Cochran, A. W., lot 5, block 6,
Depot Add. to Salem 1.57
Callinge, Lee ((trustee), 8.80
acres in Sec. 16, Tp. 4, S. R.
1 W., Des. in Vol. 135, Page
234, Rec. of Deeds 11.88
Combs, B. T.. lots 1, 2, block 10,
Biverview Park Add to Sa
lem 8.89
Cooke, B. H., Ft. acre in Sec. 1,
Tp. 10, s. B. 3 W., Des. in Vol.
107, l"age Vrl, Kec. of leeis i.zj
Cornell, F. and L., 1-8 acre in
See. 18. Tp. 5, S B. 1 W., Des.
in Vol. 103, Page 457, Bee. of
Deeds 6.79
Cowing, T. and A., lot 12, block
2, Cowing 's Add to Silver
ton 3.88
Cowing, T. and A., (Hughes, J.),
lot 8, block 2, Cowing 's Add to
Silverton 3.42
Cox, Marv E., W. 12 lot 2, block
2, Gates 2.80
Courtright, A. E. and If. J., lot
24, Hall's Home Tracts 3.00
Croisan, E. M . E. 60 ft, of 8.
100 ft. of E. 1-2 of block 19,
Nob Hill Annex to Salem 5.45
Croisan. E. (Plank, A. C),
lota 13, 14, bloek 2, Croisan m
Fruit Farms No. 1 8.68
Cramer, Agneg B-, 5 acres in Sec.
9, Tp. 9, 8. B. 1 W., Des. in
Vol. 125, Page 214 (ex. Vol.
Fruit Farms, No. 2
Dakin, Emma F, 21 acres in Sec.
5, Tp. 9, S. B. 2 W, Des. in
Vol. 119, Page 100 Bee. of
of Deeds 22.20
Dalrymple, A. M. and M. E.,
N. 50 ft. of lots 2 and 3, block
1, Willamette Add to Salem..
Darby, W. R., Fr. of lots 1 and
2, block 1, sub-div, of lot 26,
Capital Home Add to Halem . .
Davidson, M M. (heirs), lots 18,
19, 20, Marion f ruit Farms . .
Davis, Clark D., und. 1-2 int. in
blocks 8 to 15, Nob Hill Annex
to Salem
Davis, G. W., lot 9, S. 12 lot 8,
block 7, sub-div. of blocks 3 to
7, Nob Hill Annex to Salem . .
Davis, 8. W., lot 10, block 13,
Brooklyn Add. to Salem
Davis, T." J. and A., lot 2, block
37, North Salem 31.20
De Long, Mae T., lot 7, block 13,
Riverviaw Park Add. to Salem
Densmore, E. M., lot 10, N. 1-2
lot 9, block 16, Yew Park Add.
to Salem
Derr, E. T., lots 13, Piatt B. ;
Deutsch, J. F., lot 7, block 8,
Fairmount Add. to Salem ....
Dickenson. Ledora B., 72.41 acres
in Sees. 27, 28, Tp. 8, S. R. 2
W., Des. in Vol. 131, Page 229,
Rec. of Deeds
Also 15 acres in Sees. 27, 28, Tp
8, S. R. 2 W., Des. in Vol. 131,
Page 229, Rec. of Deeds
Dickey, Lucy A., lot 8, block 40.
North Salem 21.08
Dim, M. M., 80 acres in Sec. 3,
Tp. 9, S. R. 1 W., Des. in Vol.
134, Page 123, Rec. of Deeds . .
Dimick, A. R., lots 27, 28, Dimick
Homestead Tracts
Dixon, S. M., lot 1 Feller's sub.
div Dodge, Edward, 40 acres in Sec.
11, Tp. 5, S. R. 1 W Des. in
Vol. 119, Page 583, Rec. of
Dodge, Mrs. Mae E., lot 8, block
32, North Salem
Domes, Henry W., Fr. N. of bloek
5, Richmond Ada. to Salem . .
Donald, R. L-, 1.03 acres in Sec.
11, Tp. 5, S. B. 2 W., Des. in
Vol. 105, Page 614, Ree. of
Donaldson, R. W, lot 5, block 16,
Depot Add. to Salem
Donnelly, H. K., lot 9, block 3,
Oak Lodge Add. to Salem 2.34
Dover, J. and C, und. 1-2 int. in
Sees. 8, 9, Tp. 10, S. R. 7 E.,
160 acres 45-60
Down, Cundace, N. 20 ft. of block
12 and S. 100 ft. of block 13,
Hollister's Annex No. 1 to
Stayton 20.10
Downing, J. J., lot 4, block 8, and
lot 7, block 16, Riverside Add.
to Salem 8.59
Doyle, F. 0-, lot 5 and E. 75 ft. of
lot 6, block 4, Southwest Add.
to Salem 31.20
Dragcr, A. W., lots 1 and 2,
Drager sub division 11.55
Dunbar, David and O. L., E. 60
ft. of N. 100 ft. of W. 1-2 of
block 19, Nob Hill Annex to
Salem 4.68
Dunlap, C. S., Fr. of bloek W,
Capital Park Add. to Salem . . 21.07
Dunlap, J. F, Fr. of block 19,
Capital Park Add. to Salem .. 3.12
Durant, L. W., 3-16 acre in Sec.
18, Tp. 5, S. R, 1 W Des. in
Vol. 89, Page 46, Rec. of Deeds 62.48
Also 3.43 acres in Sec. 18, Tp.
5, S. R. 1 W., Des. in Vol. 120,
Page 242, Ree. of Deeds
Durant, L. W. and M. E., 30
acres is Sec, 21, Tp. 5, S. R. 1
W., Des. in Vol. 116, Page 529,
Rec. of Deeds 33.60
Durham Invest, Co., und. 1-2 int.
in lot 2, block 3, Riverside
Add. to Salem 1.25
Also und. 1-2 int. in lots 12, 13,
block 4, Riverside Add. to Sa
lem 3.90
Ebert. W. M., lot 3, block 2,
Boises Second Add to Salem 24.96
Ennera, Lewis, 60 acres in Sec
10, 15, Tp. 8, S. R. 2 W., Des.
in Vol. 89, Page 100 (ex. Vol.
126, Page 559), Rec. of Deeds 46.94
Ettner, A. and M. (McKennev,
W. F.), Fr. of block 33, Uni
versity Add to Salem 15.60
Feemster, T., lot 9, block 1, lot
9, block 3, Randall's Add to
Salem 9.36
Feldahl, Bertha, lots 1 and 2,
Tract 5, Wise Acres 4.55
Feller, H. A. (et al), lot 12,
Piatt B 8.40
Fischer, Alma, N. 100 ft of E.
1-2 of block 22, amended plat
of block 20, 21 and 23, Nob
Hill Annex to Salem 23.32
Fisher, Maude A., 52 acres in
Sec. 18, Tp. 5, S. B. 1 W., Des.
i in Vol. 135, Page 399, Rec. of
! Deeds
Fleming, Anna G., Fr. lots 7, 8,
Morningside Out Lots
i Fleming, M. M.. 1-2 acre in See.
22, Tp. 7, S. R. 3 W Des. in
Vol. 96, Page 229, Rec. of
i Deeds . 21.84
I Fletcher, F. L., lot 39, block 2,
Gearin, Fred M., 03.88 acres in
See 29 and 32, Tp. 3, 8. B.
2 W., Dea. in Vol. 30, Page 570,
(ex. Vol. 137, Page 566), C.
C. D. : 49.02
Gearin, Minnie C, 117 acres in
See. 33, Tp. 9,8.1! V, Dea.
in Vol. 77, Page 458, Bee. of
Deedi 95.00
Gehlhar, Max (Sheard, C. A. and
B.), Fr. acre in See- 26, Tp.
7, 8. B, 3 W , Dea. in Vol. 125,
Page 12, Bee. of Doeds 4.68
German American Invest. Co., N.
Ft. of loU 7, 8, block 6, Cap
ital Park Add. to Salem 15-41
Gier, Engelbert, Fr. acre in Sec.
10, Tp. 6, S. K. 1 W., Des. in
Vol. 112 Page 169, Bee. of
Also 2 47 acres in Sec. 10, Tp. 6,
8. B. 1 W., Des. in Vol. 112,
Page 169, Bee. of Deeds 40.00
Gilbert, K, W. 30 ft. of E. 90
ft. of N. 100 ft. of E. 1-2 of
block 24, Nob Hill Annex to
Gilliam, A. T., Fr. 8. of block
71, North Salem 17.17
Gillingham, Mrs. E., E. 12 of E.
1-2 of Sec. 12, N. E. 14 of
N. E. 1-4 Sec. 13, Sees. 12, 13,
Tp. 9, 8. B. 2 E., 200 acres ....
Girt, Martha, 10 acres in Sec. 33,
Tp. 5, S. B. 2 W., Des. in Vol.
113, Page 574, Bee. of Deeds . .
Glover, R. et al (Day, Mrs- Josie)
Ft. lot 15 Smith Fruit Farm
No. 1
Good, B. A. lots 7-8-9 Blk. 2
Fairgrove Add. to Salem ....
also lots 17 to 21, block 2, Fair
grove Add. to Salem
Goodale, J. C. (Heirs) Fr. acre
in Sec 27, Tp. 7 S. B. 3 W.
Des. in Vol. 100 page 193 Rec
of Deeds
Goodale, Lena L. lot 10 Mere
dith's Add. to Salem 21.84
Goode, Belle, Fr. $crc east of
Willamette Heights Add. m
Sec. 33, Tp. 7, S. R. 3 W . . .
Goodell, Chas. C. lot 10, Blk. 2
Thomas' Add. to Woodburn...
Goodwin, John Fr. acre in Sec.
30, Tp. 9 S. B. 3 E. Des. in
Vol. 112 Page 295 Ree. of
also lot 8, block 8, Gates Add.
to Gates
also 1-2 acre in Sec. 27 Tp. 9
S. R. 3 E. Des. in Vol. 99 Page
77 Rec. of Deeds
Gortmaker, W. J. and Maggie,
lot 4 Blk. 8 Pleasant Home
Add. to Salem
Graettinger, Jos., 8- 200 ft. of
Mill Blk., in Southwest Add.,
to Salem
Graham, Alex G., Fr., acre in Sec.
30, Tp. 9, S. R. 3E. Des., in
Vol. 114, page 168, Bee. of
Grosser, B., lots 9 to 12, block 2,
Croisan 's Fruit Farms No. 1.
Groves, Alice, 157 32-100 acres in
Graves, Alice, 157 32-100 acres in
Sec. 26-35, Tp. 8, S. R. 4 W.
Des. in Vol. 89, page 226, Rec.
of Deeds- 76.20
Green, W. W., N. 100 ft. of lot
1, block S, Central Add. to Sa
lem Gregory, O. C, 8 acres in Sec. 29
Tp. 9, S. R. 3 E. Des. in Vol.
105, page 457, Rec. of Deeds. .
Grim, H. M., 40 acres in Sec. 21,
Tp. 4, 8. R. 1 W. Des. in Vol.
72, page 469, Rec. of Deeds . .
Gunsley, John E. lots 29 and 30,
Hollywood 24.90
Hafterson, L. B. and J. (John
son, J. T.) lot 17 McDonald
Fruit Tracts
Hager, F. A. et al, Fr. acre in
See. 1 Tp. 10, S. R, 3 W. Des.
in Vol. 113, page 187, Rec of
Haight, Mrs. S. J. lots 3-4-5, tract
5, Wise Acres
Hall, C. E., lots 1 and 2, block
2, Fairgrove Add. to Salem . .
Hall, 0. H., lot 12, block 1, Mel
wood Add., to Salem
Hall, W. W. lot 22, Hall's Home
Hall, W. W., (Freight, F. R.) lot
14, Hall's Home Tracts
Hall, W. W., (MeMorris, Fannie)
lots 1 and 1, block 6, Ben Hall 's
Add., to Woodburn
Hall, W. W. (Stamiard, E. J.)
lot 3, block 6, Ben Hall's Ada.
to Woodburn
Hall, W. W. (Jobson, W. J., and
J. M.) lots 6 to 8, 10, 11, block
7, Ben Hall's Add., to Wood
burn Hall, W. W. (Todd, Crover) lots
1 and 2, block 4, Ben Hall's
Add. to Woodburn
Hallberg, R. C and M. lot 1,
block 3 and lot 8, block 4,
Richmond Add. to Salem ....
also lots 9 and 12, block 4,
Richmond Add. to Salem ....
also lota 1 and 3, block 8,
Richmond Add. to Salem ....
Hamilton, M. L. lots 1 and 2,
16 and 17, block 1, lots 1-2-3,
block 2, Melwood Add. to Sa
lem Hammer, J. J. lot 3 and Fr.,
lots 2-4-5, block 14, Pleasant
8 .25
74, North Salem
Hildreth, Carl F. W. 12 of N. W.
1-4 of . 32, Tp. 7, H. B. 2
E., 80 acres 17.60
Hofer, A. B. and A. F. stark,
F. H.i lota 7-8 9 , Grabenhorst
Fruit Farm No. 2
Hofer, C. W. lot 16, block 9,
Brc.klyn Add-, to Salem....
Holltster, fleo. W. 3-4 acre in
Sec. 10, Tp. 9, 8. R. 1 W., Dea.
in Vol. 42, page 511, Bee. of
Holmes, Katie, lot 13, Liberty
Fruit Fnrma
Holt, F. 8. W- 15 feet of lot 4,
block 54, Salem
Horaev, W. E. lot 10, block 27,
Capital Park Add., to Salem.
Horseshoe Lake Farm k Devel-
ooment Co., 233 acres in Sec.
14-23, Tp. 4, 8. K 3 W. Des. in
Vol 117, page 206, Rec. of
also 45 acres in Sec. 24, Tp.
4, 8. B. 3 W. Des. in Vol. 120
page 534, Rec. of Deeds . . .
Houck, A. J. lot 4, block , Par
riah Add., "A" to Salem ...
also 5 acreg in Sec- 23, Tp. 7,
8. B. 3 W. Des. in Vol. 118
page 58, Bee. of Deeds ....
Howard, Aglia C, 28 95-100 -acres
in Sec. 7, Tp. 4, S. B. 1 W. Des.
in Vol. 133, page 121 Bee. of
Howard, Aglaid, 29 acres in Sec.
7, Tp. 4, 8. B. 1 W. Des. in
Vol. 27, page 344, C C. J.....
Howard, E. A. B. 5 acres in Sec.
19, Tp. 6, S. B. 2 W. Des. in
Vol. 120, page 597, Bee. of
Howard, D. and L. E., lots 1 and
2, Hick's A.ld. to Woodburn..
Hubbard, Fannie E., Fr. acre in
Sec. 26, Tp. 7, S. R. 3 W. Des.
in Vol. 106, puge 289, Rec. of
Hubbard, J. H. lot 8, block, 2,
lew Purk Add., to Saiem . . .
Huddleston, Willis, lot 3, block
2, Woodburn Packing Co.,
Add., to Woodburn
also 1-2 acre in See. 18, Tp. 5,
S. R. 1 W. Des. in Vol. 136,
page 210, Ree. of Deeds . . .
Hughes, C and C. F. Fr., acre in
Sec. 23, Tp. 7, S, R. 3 W., Des.
in Vol. 132, page 589., Rec. of
Hullt, A. J. S. 1-2 of N. W. 1-4
Of Sec. 12, Tp. 8, S. H. 1 E., 80
Humphreys, J. F. 2 acreB in Sec.
28-29, Tp. 7, S. R. 1 W. Des.
in Vol. 103, page 248, Rec. of
Humphreys, J. F. and M. 240
acres in Sees. 28-33, ip. 7, 8.
B. 1 W. Des. in Vol. 96, page
117- Bee. of Deeds 141.13
also 80 acres in Sec. 29, Tp. 7,
S. B. 1 W. Des. in Vol. 127,
pago 225, Rec. of Deeds 35.10
also 79 acres in Sec. 29, Tp. 7,
S. B. 1 W. Des. in Vol. 97,
page 519, Rec. of Deeds . . .
Hunt, Edward B. Fr., acre in
Sec. 10, Tp. 9, S. R. 1 W. Des.
in Vol. 120, page 7 5 (ex. vol).
130, page 524) Rec. of Deeds.
Huntley & Staab, Fr. acre in
Sec. 10, Tp. 9, S. R. 1 W. Des.
in Vol. 133, pago 05, Rec. of
also Fr-, acre in Sec, 10, Tp. 9,
. 8. R. 1 W, 35.18
Hupperty, Geo. K. lot 2, block 10,
Riverside Add., to Salem... 1.56
Hurst, Helen P. 106 40-100 acres
in Sec. 12, Tp. 4, S. R. 1 W. 119.00
Irinen, M. lots 5 to 8, block 11,
St. Alexis Add., to Butteville,
Jayes, J. S., lot 8, Fr. lot 7,
block 7, Pleasant Home Add.,
to Salem
Jobson, Ida B. E. 25 feet of lots
7 and 8, block 3, Woodburn . .
Jobson, W. J. lot 1, block 1, Add.,
"E" to Woodburn
Johnson, A. 8. lot 6, block 7,
Brooklyn Add., to Sulem . . .
Johnson, A. W. lots 4-5, and N
10 feet of lots 6-7, block 3,
Reed's Add., to Salem . . .
Johnson, C. E. and P. V. lot 2,
block 11, Brooklyn Add-, to Sa
lem Johnson, Earnest, lot 3, block 1,
West Waconda
Johnston,, Nettie, E. 1-2 of N. E.
1-4 of N. E. 1-4 Sec. 26, Tp.
8, S. R. 1 E., 20 acres
Jotjes, J. L- 1 58-100 acres in Sec.
18, Tp. 10, S. R. 2 W., Des. in
Vol. 98, puge 625, Rec. of
Joyce, Mary, Und., 1-2 Int., in
lot 2, block 3, Riverside Add.,
to Salem
also I'nd., 1-2 Int-, in lots 12
13, block 4, Riverside Add., to
Kenealy, E. J. (Norfleet, J. W.)
17.151 lot 1, block 11, Hiverview Park
Add., to Salem
14.98 jKightlinger, Ethel and Lena, lot
1 6, block 9, Geo. H. Jones Add.,
16.851 to Salem
Kilian, P. F and F. C. et al., 2-5
acre in Sec. 10, Tp. 8, H, K. 1
W. Des. in Vol. 123, page 595,
Rec. of Deeds
King, J. S. lot 14, Piatt B 21.94
;Kleinbach, Geo, lot 7-8, block
Lafky, F. J. (Kingston, Mrs. E.
8.) lot 89, Ewald Fruit Farms
Lake Ionian Diat lap., i t
43-108 acres in See. 6, Tp. 6, S.
B. 1 W. Dm. in Vol. 125, page
303, Bee. of Deeds
Lambert, Alfred, lots 1 2-7,8,
block 12, St. Paul 19.80
Ijtne, Mrs. B. K. lot 3, block 2,
Riverside Add., to Halem
Lansing, Cornelia, 5 acrea in
nv 1. Tp 7, 8. B. 3 W. Des.
in Vol. 75. page 588, (Ex. Vol.
114, page 565 and Vol. 118,
page 338), Bee. of Deeda. . . .
Lanway, M. J. and Lydia, 10
acres in Sec. 6, Tp. 7, S. B. 2
W. Dea- in Vol. 111. puge 528,
Bee. of Deeds
Larson, G. A. and A. lot 3,
block 1, Church Street Add., to
Salem 17.17
Larson, G. A. (McCreary, J. B.)
Fr. of lot 3, Gregaon's Add.,
to Salem 13-27
Lau, John F. Fr., acre in See.
10. Tp., 9, S. R. 1 W. Des. in
Vol. 117, page 381, Bee. of
Deeds 10.88
Lauritzen I,nnd Co., lot 25, West
Woodburn Fruit Farms . . . .
Lanterman, J H. lot 2, block 4,
Boise's Second Add-, to Sa
lem Lehman, B. J. lots 2 and 3, block
3, Condit's Add., to Salem . . .
Leitch, E. M. lot 11, block 17,
Riverside Add., to Salem . .
Leleck, H. (et al) lots 1 to 8,
block 14, St. Ixiuis
Lemons, Mrs. Julia, 3 acres in
Sec. 33, Tp. 7, S. R. 3 W. Des.
in Vol. 94, Tp. 123, (Ex. Vol.
119, page 186.) Rec. of Deeds
Leonard. Hester J. lot 8, Onk
Lawn Park Add., to Salem . .
Leonard, J. D. (Massey, Mark)
10 acres in Sec. 22, T. 6 S. B.
2 W. des. in vol. 98, page 44,
rec. of deeds
Leonhardt, Adam and Marv, Fr.,
of block 11, Meyers Add., to
Linville, I. E. 10 acres in Sec.
31. Tp. 8, S. R. 1 W. Des. in
Vol. 132, page 19, Rec of
also 4 94 100 acres in Sec. 31,
Tp. 8, S. R. 1 W. Des. in Vol.
120, page 606, Rec. of Deeds
Long, S. G. lot 7, block 17, Yew-
Park Annex to Salem
Loncrsworth, N G. lots 6 and 7,
block 4, Brooklyn Add., to Sa
Lord, W. P. 80 acres in Sec. 27,
Tp. 6, S. R. 2 W. .Des. in N,
123. page 342, rec of deeds
Ludovctzke, Joe, Fr, lot 1, Mill
Add., to Silverton
Lusk, T. W. E. 1-2 of N. E. 1-4
of Sec. 27, Tp. 7, S. it. 1 .. su
Lusk, T. W. and Anna, lots 3-10,
block 4, and lot 3, block 5,
Geiser 's Add to Silverton ...
Manning, H. D., 245 acres in Sec.
7, T. 6 S. R. I W., des. in vol.
62, page 6, rec. of deeds
Manning, 11. 1). and M. K., 35.50
acres in Sec. 21, 22, T. 5 S. R.
2 W., des. in vol. 137, page 602
rec, ot deeds
March, Lulu M., 1 1-4 acres in
Sec. 33, T. ! S. R, 2 W., des.
in vol. 84, page 83, rec. of
Marion Realty Co., lot 10, block
3, Oak Lodge Add. to Salem
Marking, S., lota 3 to 6, block
8. Lucttisch's Add. to Stayton
Marquam, Lulu M., '9.64 acres in
Sec. 7, 8, T. 7, 8. R. 2 W., des.
in vol. 107, page 457 (except
VOl LSI, page 1 11 Mild vol. 135
page 487 and 632), rec, of
deeds 15.19
Marshall. C. K., fr. N. of block
66, Salem 99.84
Martin. 0. at., lot 10, 11, platt
B ' 13.86
30." I
Homo Add 28.08 ! 7, Riverside Add., to Salem.
Thomas Add. to Woodburn
Forcier, Louis, Sr., 53 acres in
Sec. 16, Tp. 5, 8. B. 2 W.,
Des. in Vol. 82, Page 506, Ree.
of Deeds
Foster, L. M-, W. 60 ft. of N. 100
ft. of W. 1-2 of block 19, Nob
Hill Annex to Salem
Fox, Homer H., lots 11, 12, block
5, Highland Add. to Salem . . 6.24
Froman, August O., lot 12, block
7, Highland Add. to Salem . . 40.56
Fuchs, Lena, lots 1 to 3 and 8,
bloek 5, Palmer's Second Add.
to Mt. Angel 22.50
Fnruya, 8., N. W. 1-4 of N. E.
1-4 Sec. 26, Tp. 8, 8. B. 1 at,
40 acreg 10.00
Gaines, Wilber W . lots 1, 2, 3, 4,
block 2, Hansen 'a Add. to Sa
lem 5J25
Garland, F. H-. Fr. acre in Sec.
14, Tp. 7, 8. B. 3 W., Dea. in
Vol. 122, Page 376, Rec. of
Hammock, C. A. lot 7, block 32,
North Salem
Hammond Lumber Co., N. E. 1-4
Sec, 36, Tp. 9, S. R. 5, E.
160 acres 17.00
also S. E. 1-4 Bee 36, Tp. 9, S.
I K. 5 E., 160 acres
21.73 , Hansen, N. and Ella, block 3, 4,
lot 2, block 5, lot 2, block 6,
lot 2, bloek 7, block 8, 9, 10, lots
3 to 6, block 11. block 12, 13,
14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,
22, 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27, lots 5
to 8, block 28, Hansen 's Add.,
to Salem -.
j Hansen, R. P. lot 1 block 6, Sou
I tnwest Add. to Salem
7.25i Hanshaw, P. M., lotB 1-2, bloek
11, block 2, lots 1-2, bloek 3,
lota 1 to 7, block 4, lots 1 to 8,
1.87 block 5, lots 1-2, block 6, Lynd
j Hanson, L. B. N. E. 1-4 See., 8,
Koloven, John, 2 1-4 acres
1 1 .75
Tp. 9, S. B. 3 E. 160 acres
Hartley, E. Fr., lots 5 6, block 7,
Highland Add., to Salem . . .
Hauptman, John P- S. 12 of N.
E. 1-4 and lots 1 and 2, Sec. 0,
Tp. 9, S. B. 3 E., 170 acres. . .
Hauser, Margaret ie S., 8. 50
feet of lot 4, block 3. Myers
Add., to Salem
Hay, Wm. 3 acrea in Sec. 36, Tp.
6, S. B. 3 W., Des. in Vol. 61,
page 483, and Vol. 73, page
346, Bee. of Deeds
Hebel, Chas. lot 11, block 7, Bur
lington Add. to Salem .... 39.00
Sec. 35, Tp. 6, S. B. 1 W. Des.
in Vol. 95, page .108, Kec. of
Deeds . 44.48
also 2 acres in Sec. 35, Tp. 6, S.
B. 1 W- Des. in Vol. 106, page
342, Bee. of Deeds 6.20
Kurtz, Carrie M. lot 1, block 3,
Mill Add., to Salem 9.36
I Kyle, Fred, (Christian Science
I Church) lot 5, block 2, Add.
i"A" to Woodburn 19.40
Kyle, O. H. lot 5, block 11, De-
I pot Add. to Salem 9.36
Ladd ft Bush, S. 1-2 of lots 32,
33,Jot 35, Fr., lot 42, lot 54 55,
Hanshaw Fruit Farms 13-12
also lot 10, Hanshaw Fruit
Farms 2.63
Ladd & Bush, (Curtis, John) lot
44, Hanshaw Fruit Farms . . . 3.00
Ladd ft Bush, lots 43-52-53,
Hanshaw Fruit Farms .... 9.00
Ladd ft Bush (Hyde, F. C.) lot
12, Hanshaw Kruit Farms 4.50
l.dd ft Bush. (Olmstead, C. A.)
lot 38, Hanshaw Fruit Farms 3.75
Ladd ft Bush, (Parker, W. H. and
H. W.) lot 25, Hanshar. Fruit.
Farms 3.75
37.441 Ladd ft Bush, (Plant, Harry) lot
22, Hanshaw Fruit Farms J.75
Ladd ft Bush, (Shannon, C A )
lots 36-37, Hanshaw Fruit
Farm:- 7.50
Ladd ft Bush, (Wright, H. A.)
lot 23. Hanshaw Fruit Farms 3.75
Martin nVoMULM, lot in, pin 1 1
Matthieu, M. C, 29 acres in Sec.
7, T. 4 8. R. 1 ;W., des. in vol.
102, page 617, roc of deeds ...
Mays, 46 acres in Sec. 1,
f. 4 S. R. 3 V., des. in vol.
98, page 613, rec. of deeds
McAfee, E., lot 13, block 5, Card
well Add. to Salem
McCarter, Hex, 2 ucres in Sec.
31, T. 8 S. R. 2 W., des. in vol.
115, pags 292, rec. of deeds
McClearv, Kenneth, S. E. 1-4 of
S. E. 1-4, Sec 20, T. 9 S. K.
4 E., 40 acres
McCoy, L. C, S. 1-2 of iv W. 1-4
of N. W. 1-4 and lot 84 Me-
Cowan I'Tiut r arms, oeo, ro,
T. 7 S. R. 2 E -
McDonald, J. H. and Miranda
(Graham, A. G.), lot 22, Mc
Donald Fruit Tracts
McDonald, J. II. and Miranda
(Houck, J. L.), lot 21, Me
Donuld Fruit Tracts
McDonald, J. IL and Miranda
(Houck, Francis), lot 29, Mc
Donald Fruit Tracts
McFadden, N .1., und. 8-15 int. in
lot 12, block 21, Highland Add.
to Balem
McFarlanc W. A. and L., lot 3,
bloek 10, Capital Park Add. to
McGowan, H. S. and U D., lot
10, block I, West Stayton
Mcllugh, J. and K 85 acres in
Sec 27, 28, T. 8 8. R. 2 W.,
des. in vol. 118, page 484, rec
of deeds
Mclntire, N. M., lots I and 2,
block 23, Capital Park Add. to
McKinnev, Kate and Bright W .,
lot 5, block 6, Hollister's An
nex No. 1 to Stayton
McKroskey, E. P., lot 4, tract
15, Wise Acres
McMahan, L. IL, 19.17 acres in
Sec 2, T. 6 S. R. 3 W., des in
vol. 109, ag( 236 (except 132,
psgc 429-495-447-518-519, vol.
133, page 343-344) rec. of
Also N. 1-2 of lot 3, Cooks
Add. to Salem
McMahon, B. M., lot 3, block ,
Fairmount Park Add. to Salem
McMillan, A. 0, lot 11, block
7 Hivhland Add. to Salem
McNcea, .1. A., S. 25 ft. of N 200
ft. of W. 1-2 of block 26, Nob
Hill Annex to Salem
McShorlev, Mary, lot 8, block 6,
Brooklvn Add. to Salem
Meeker, V. and F. (Myers,
Belle), und. 1-2 int. in lots 1
1 to 3. block 1, Mcekers Add
to Salem
Meier, Phillip, lots 4 to 6 and
,9 to 11. block 2, Sublimity . ..
Merchants National Bank, block
1, Hills Add. to Mehama 108
Merchants Savings ft Trust Co.,
200 acre in sees. 27-28, Tp. ",
8. B. 2 W . Dea. in Vol. 110,
page 31, Bee. of Deeds 16!.'H)
Merrill. E. T., Und. 12 Int. in
8. E. 1-4 of P. K. 14 and N.
1-3 of N. B. 1-4 see. 8 and 8.
W. 1-4 of a W. 1-4 of sec. 9,
sec. 8-9, Tp. 10, S. B. 7 E., 160
Miahler, A. J. (et al) 7 100 acre
sec. 1!, Tp. 4, 8. R. 1 W., Dea.
in Vol. 116, page 413, Rec of
Miller. Magdalena K., N. 40 ft.
of lots 3 to 6, block 16, Hub
bard Millett, Octavia, 1 acre in sec
6, Tp. 7, 8. B 2 W., Dea. in
Vol. 91, page 590 and Vol. 43.
page 462, Bee of Deeds
Mills, Marv J., 26 acres in sec.
13, Tp. 10 8 R. I W., Des. in
vol. 135, page 238, rec. of
Minton, E. ('., lots 3 and 4, block
47, North Salem 14SM
Also lots 5 and 6, block 7,
North Salem
Minton. E. C ft E., lot 6, block
9, North Salem
Also lota 1, 2, 6, block 51,
North Salem
Also lot 4. block 36, and lot 3,
block 37, North Salem
Mondv, Rose L., 178 acres in
sec. 9, Tp. 6, S. R. 3 W., Des.
in Vol. 110, page 36, Rec. of
Deeds 94.09
Moomah, Geo. A., Vnd. 1-2 Int.
in blocks 8 to 15, Nob Hill
Annex to Salem
.Moore, Jessie M., lot 5, block 2,
9 54 i Cardwell Add. to Salem
I Morris, O. I., Fr., bloek 5,
9 ;)f, 1 Roberts Add. to Salem
Moser, J. IL, lots 1 to 4 and N
1-2 of lot 6, block 5, Daven
port's Add. to Silverton
Mashbcrger, Chns., 3-4 acre in
sec. 18, Tp. 5, S. R. 1 W.,
Des. in Vol. 83, page 11, Rec.
of Deeds
Moshbergcr, L. ('., 1-2 acre in
sec. 18, Tp. 5, S. H. 1 W., Des.
in Vol. 80, page 624, Rec. of
Deeds -
Mott, W. 8., 8, E. 1-4 sec 23,
Tp. 9, S. R, E., 160 acres
Also N. W. 1-4 sec. 23, Tp. 9
8. B. 3 E., 160 acres
Also N. E. 1-4 sec. 23, Tp. 9,
S. R. E., 160 acres
Also N. 1-2 of S. W. 1-4, sec.
23, Tp. 9, S. R. 3 E.. 80 acres
Also N. W. 1-4 sec. 26, Tp. 9,
S. R. 3 E., 160 acres
Also lots 13 to 16, block 3,
Mill Add. to Balem
Also lot 7, block 28, Salem ...
MulHev, Sara (heirs), 82 acres
in sees. 16-17, Tp. 9, 8. R, 1
E., Des. in Vol. 96, page 305,
Rec. of Deeds
Mullen, Wm., 5 acres in sec. 8,
Tp. 7, S. R. 2, E., Des. in Vol.
110 Dace 541, Rec. of Deeds....
M linkers, M. ft Me Knight, Eva.,
lots 8 to 14, block 7, Brook
lyn Add. to Salem 10-92
Also bits 8 and 10 to t , niocit
13, Brooklyn Add. to Sclcm. ...
Also lot 1 to 7 and 11 to I t.
block 17, Brooklyn Add. to
Salom ...j '
Also lots 6 to 8, block II and
11? to 16. block 11 and lots 1
to 7, block 12, Brooklyn Add.
to Salem
Nelson, G. G., E. 60 ft. of N.
100 ft. of W. 1-2 of block 18,
Nob Hill Annex to Salem
Nelson, Gilbert, lot 7, Opsiind's
Add. to Silverton
en.lel. L. & EL lots 1 and
block 4, uappciir
Nendel, Mabel, lots fl and 7,
block 7, Chappclli's Add. to
Nendel, M. P. & A. lots 3 and
4, block 5, Clmppclli's Add.
to Woodburn
M wman, W. ! On B., lots i
I and 2, block 6, sub-div. of
39.90! blocks 3 t0 7' Al""'x
to Salem
tM Noll, Veronica, E. 1-2 of lots
and 6, block 7, Palmer's 2nd
Add. to Mt. Angel
Noiid, John, 1 M acre in see.
25, T. 7 S. R. 3 W., des. in
Vol. 113, page 367, Rec of
Nye, Marvin A. & Helen C, lot.
"l2, block 27. snb-div. of block
27! University Add. to Siilcin
WUniKtcail. C J., It. ot lot 1.
block 24, Salem
7.43! Olson, Emma, 1 acre in sec. 18,
Tp. 5, S. R. 1 W., Des. in Vol.
94, page 311. Kec or Deeds.. .
7.42 opperman, C. B, Kits 10, 11 IS,
13, 14, 15, Iff 22, 23, block
2, tairgiove amii. i
10.60 M,i (l. M.. lots 8 and
I Opsund's Add. to Silverton
... Oiisund, G. M. ft A., lot 1, up
11. 62
I 1.8 1
Add. to
1 5.63
U A ,1,1 to Silverton
oumi ....... - , . ,
Oregon Home Protective Ass 11,
lPliJ lots 11 to 13, block 14, River
I view Park Add. to Salem
'Ostrin, U EL, 11 acres 111 sec, 3-,
i Tp 7, S. R. 2 W Des. in Vol.
122, page 154, Rec. of Deeds
j Pacific States Security Co., Fr.
I lot 1, block t, University Add.
to Salem
1 1 :u f A lot 6. block 4,
I iri i -ii. -, ----
Reeds Add. to Salem
Parrott, J. B. and H. XL, (Bort,
Chas.), lots 5 and 6, block 14,
North Salem -
Patterson, Ernest, E. 1-2 ot S.
W 1-4 and lots 6 and 7, M
sec 4, T. 8 S. R. K., 160
acres "."."'".""at"
Pearson, J. C, lot 11, block 21,
Tiihlnml Add. to Salem
Peterson, Gunner, lot 108, Mc
Fruit Farms
,0 28 Pettingrtl, O. IL M",1
I Smith's Fruit Farms No. J...
543. Pierce, Grace G 7.27 acres in
sec, 23, Tp. 7, o, u. 1 ".
in Vol. 59, page 304, Bee. of
Plank II. W., 4.H2 acres in sec.
10 Tp. 8, S. R. 2 W., Des. in
Vol. 131, page 593, Rec. ot
Deeds -
I'oace, G. C. (Scott, '. V.), S.
12 of lots 1 and 2, block 38,
University Add. to Salem
Poepping, Anton, lots 5 to i
block 5, ML Angel -
Also Fr. of block 7 -
Powell, T. H. and L. lots 12
16, Donald Fruit ftim
1 .55
1 1 .69
1 9.50
(Continued on puge eight.)