"1 $ Editorial Page of The Capital Journal CHARLES H. FISHER Editor an- Manager jj FBI!) 1 KVENIXfl i i i .V PUBLISHED BTSBT EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY, SALEM, OREGON, BY CapitalJourna! Ptg. Co., Inc. L. 8. BARNES. .President. CITAS. II. FISITER, Vice-President. DORA C. ANDRESEN, Sec. and Trcas. 81'BSCRII'TION HATES Daily by carrier, per year $3.00 Per month 45e Daily by mail, per year 3.00 Per month 35c FPU, I.KAKKD WIliK TELKtiKAl'H KKI'ORT E AST E I! N R EFi BSE NT AT V E8 New York, V. D. Ward, Tribune Building. Chicago, W. H. Sfockwell, People's Ons Building. The Capital .lournal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the porch. If the currier does not do thin, misses you, or neglects gotting the paper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this is Uie only fray we can determine whether or not the carriers are following in at ructions. Phono Main 81 before 7:30 o'clock and a paper will be sent you ly special messenger if the carrier has missed you. OUR DISTINGUISHED ROBBERS Stories come from Europe of the wretched denizens of certain countries subsisting on herbs and grass. Yet while awaking our sympathies for these unfortunates, some other fellow is telling us how much more healthy and happy we would all be if we abjured meat and lived upon a strictly vegetarian diet. It may suit some folks but the Nebuchadnezzar stunt never appealed strongly to the balance of his family, nor to most foiks since. Still he is said to have lived on pasture seven years, but un fortunately the sacred pages are silent as to whether he took on fat on that diet. WAVA'.VA'AVi" V.V. V.V.N0. V,"iA.V.V,.V.VlV'"JY' V A", With prices at the present altitude, the "back to the ' farm" movement should begin with a rush. A man with j an acre of beaver-dam land could start a bank in a year or two. The trouble with that proposition is that these j prices are entirely fictitious and will soon get back to normal. We fancy thev will, as Kelleher has sometimes . , , . , said take "a steP in tne 'ight direction," soon after Henry i It was Tope who said: Man s inhumanity to man gets at work investigating the cause and the causersr niakes countless thousands mourn." Or if he didn't say! it, some one did, or something like it; and he said it be- Among the last acts of the legislature was the passing Pore man had perfected that modern gang of highway ofa hl Pacing all measures on the ballot that were sub robbers known as "trusts." The food riots in this coun-j !mttefd g J, g Tthe PJ.to 1vot,ed on at a sPecial ele try, and in its metropolis at that, show the effects of the to held June fourth. It looks as though we are to system. The pirates of former years robbed and plun- ,Ve( ,hot -campaign over the bonding issue, as un ,Wl fW ahmo ;,nrl tr- uorM wftd wn,. nn and PY. ( "ubtedly there will be strong opposition to it as well as a . ..... I nn. nfff.l.t rvl,,v J 4- The robber bands of a few centuries I""1" ""rcu CiiV" uu ,MC 1U a CHICAGO WHICH FEEDS COUNTRY IS mmmn Sugar Jumped by Retailers Without Advance by Refineries IfiSHF 'aHB"T 'HIV. I MIL- SMOOTH CABBAGE YESTERDAY 13 CENTS IS TODAY 17 Milk Advanced 35 Per Cent Prediction Prices Will Be Higher terminated them. ago who held up travelers and made little better than; honest wages in doing so, have been driven from every civilized country. In their place we have gangs of organ ized robbers who would not accept as a gift the paltry sums their distinguished forbears, the pirates and rob bers aforesaid, considered rich plunder. The sugar trust with head quarters in New York City can with the ex Figures given out by the Lord of the British admiralty show the loss of ships since the renewed activity of the submarines, is increased only about 50 per cent over that before it began. Another statement made by him is that eight million men and nine million and a half tons of ex plosives have been moved across the channel up to penditure of a few dollars for telegraph tolls raise the! vLUUtl WILU um """"8 iusses- price of sugar over night, dip its spoon into every cup of coffee or tea, slip its fingers into every cake or sweet- nuHif anl nitrify tirifVt fVn oiyw.11 Katt lial- ifo fniirrna the candy held in his sticky fingers. They can do this and! Whether this is due to increased British activity, or grow- turn millions ot dollars into their cotters, without taking Chicago, Feb. 23 tinned their sten.lv flay. I'riics. ivhieh j considered prohibitive-, of the market toilav sh i Ron of declining or e ; their sky rocketing. : Condition! in the ere I districts and among the described ns serious, for aye regarded as critical, guiiintinns report acute ent relief measures we THE .EST 'SMOKING TQBAOOO F you paid for things accord in' to the pleas ure they gave. tobacco an books would cost a lot mo' than diamonds. JUST fill a pipe with VELVET draw in the cool, mild smoke that's so fragrant and rich that But what's the use trying to describe a taste ? Take our word for VELVET long enough to try a pipeful. You won't need to take anybody's word after that. -Food 11 1 iv, ar 1 tr idav 004 Ck J) I md to- wei aay officials tions. The loss of ships m the danger zone has steadily de- 'wn? wardens, ovDoonrl fiAin tViii otnvf n-P fVin mqut tMiKmoiinn nrtfixyifTT nmoilif the itci'dv 1 I V - t ' in mi .'mtt vJ. nil 1 IV VI .l UIIIU1 II IV. tVVl.ll 1 V V u tne opening nvi'd no indies en stopping in ivded tenement I'mirer elasses, the paat week, Charitable or- suffering. l.'rg- 4g taken li pendeil, ity to d charitable instihi- Tw sh. confiscated by 9 being distributed ing scarcity of submarines is the puzzling question. Ens land is not making any loud claims, but is gleefully hint ing that she is rapidly eliminating the dangerous divers. any risk of personal injury as did the robbers of old. Standard Oil can say to gasoline, "go up," and it goes, while the millions it "earns" by its arbitrary decree, comes in trickling rivulets from every nook and corner of the country, swelling into a vast stream as it nears the great maelstrom, New York City where it is sucked down and disappears. The clothing trust can make two suits of clothes grow from the wool that only sufficed for one before; and the leather trust can make us walk straight and step lightly in shoes for which we must pay it whatsoever price it demands, while the paving trusts stand in and make evefi the walking cost double what it should. The hog that is i.ent to Chicago to be assassinated by his brethren, brings eight, or ten cents a pound and is sent out to the consumer in :'.() cent bacon or ham. So it goes through the whole list. The great Amer ican consumer is held up and robbed scientifically, and r;ilisfactorily to the robber, at every turn. Water and food; warmth and light; fuel and ice; every thing that covers and protects us from heat or cold; all that satis fies hunger; all that contributes to our pleasure or com fort; everything but the air we breathe is cornered and controlled by these gangs of modern pirates of the busi ness world. Is there a remedy? The answer is yes, two of them. n rh warring mHau of Enrona. and which With onions at 18 cents and hmburger cheese at 29 the necessity of another' kind is foreine on us in America, latter maJ? be the cheaper as a breath perfumer, as less The other is anarchy. There is a third remedy, but so cf lt vvul 8 considerably further. far it has seemed powerless, or has not been tried, and The German idea of mixing potatoes with the flour in making bread would not work here. With potatoes at four cents a pound and wheat at only about two and a half cents, it may be we will have to reverse the plan and mix good wheat flour with our mashed potatoes to reduce the cost. The country's oil sources are said to be about half ex hausted, but as they will last until John D. has secured a competency for his declining years, he is not worrying over it, and if he can view the situation calmly the balance of us should not lose sleep over it. The size of the cranberry box is now fixed by law, but as none of those teeth sharpening globules of concen trated acidity are grown in this vicinity we refuse to mention what that size is. With sugar at nine cents the simple mention of cranberries is soul disturbing. A very common advertisement in the newspapers of the country reads "Dodge Brothers' Motor Car." This is good advice but why not also suggest dodging sister's car and mother's and all others? lhe reports of relief workers, gather ed together last night and toda" show that Chicago', poor are lacing one of the most critical food famines in the city 's history. The food scarcity in it self is not so evident, but- exorbitant prices make it practically prohibitive. 'I visited eight families," one report reads. ''They are living on oatmeal alone. 1 his forms breakfast-, riiima. .nj per. .Sugar and milk are ,, i.-,,,,- m Jl "Mother of family of three lives on two bananas nor da v." reads nitnMia. owing to the railroads inubil move grain. Grain oneraotors and elevator men, at a Conference, urged government seizure of trunk lines until the present crisis is broken. Three of Chicago's largest grain users, among them the Corn Products Hefining company., threaten to close their doors for lack of raw material. bum' mills at GarT. Ind., are run ning on a two day supply. BWvatWej nave puuioeKoii uicir doors. Several conferences of officials, gov ernment investigators, manutait urers and board of trade members are sched uled for today- Thus far they have been powerless to remedy the situation. ADVERTISED LETTER LIST Advertised February 20, 11)17. Adams, Mr. I). C.; Barton, lion. .1 8.J Bennett, Mr. W. L.j Bacon, J. I.; Barry. T. K.J Bush, Mill Lillian: Brown f. D.; nanfiuth. Mr. J. B. : Em- burn, Miss R. : Frav, Mr. James K.; Giluer. Mr. W. P.: Grav. Mr. Warren: SHIP ORLEANS (Continued from page one.) Tucker. Of her crew of 3o men, are Americans. She carried contrabraml. In her cargo were automobile truck and parts, contrabrand under the Ger man interpretation. Tlie Oreleans only recently came un der American registry. Heretofore she Had been an Argentine vessel. Her ing was delayed while oaners trans ferring her to this port were made out. The Orleans did not conform to Ger man instructions for American ships. The American flag flew from her mint and she had the Stars and Stripe paint, ed on her sides. Otherwise there was nothing to distinguish her. The Oriental Navigation company declared when the Orleans left, that it would continue to operate its ships across the Atlantic, ignoring the right of (iermany to prescribe a danger zone. report. Hanks, Mr. Bice, oatmeal and hmni nvn i.:r T-i Hawl M.; Kenney, that is a vigorous prosecution of the trusts and punish ment that will fit their ciime84f such can be found. This has been, is still, the hope of the common people and if it is not applied now when these trusts have their hands on the throats of the whole country, when they have placed food beyond tlu reach of the toilers, then all hope from that source must be abandoned and the country can ielect from the two remedies remaining that which will most quickly bring relief. Iinf Rhombs1 The legislature having the six per cent limitation hanging over it remained inside the law, but it used every dollar available. What would it have cost the state if that six per cent law had not been placed on the statutes? No one can answer the question, but that the sum would have been large is shown by the cutting and slashing the ways and means committee did, in order to stay inside the limits. LIFE IS SHORT The span of life is much too brief, the years too fast are jumping; we're in the sere and yellow leaf before we've started humping. But yesterday, it seems to me, and pastry I was making; and now I'm old as I can be, my bent limbs feebly shaking. But yester day I went to school and scrapped with vulgar fractions; and now old age begins to cool my zeal for useful actions. If ! could live five hundred years, my funeral would find me a household word in all the spheres a name I'd leave behind me. But The Oregonian made a bulls eye when it suggested! just when one is getting wise, in shape to cut much clover, that Portland should not only build ships for others but his works get bulky and he dies, and his career is over some for herself. She should load them, too, with Oregon products, and send the Oregon made goods, the Oregon grown products to the markets of the world in Oregon made ships. It was a pertinent question it asked: "Is Portland no match for Christiana in enterprise?" LADD & BUSH. Banker Established 1868 CAPITAL $500,000.00 Transact a General Banking Business Safety Deposit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Man lives a youthful score of years, in which he's merely growing; a score, before he disappears, m which hes merely going. The years in which he puts up grass are but a fleeting thirty; fate takes him from his task alas, that fate should act so dirty ! And yet it's useless to re pine, or halt in our endeavor; let's try to make a job as fine as though we lived forever. Ml. i i 'j.J! , jmaL . - 1 . '"a until a 9hort the couutry i aincies ot diet ot the poor. Many fam ilies have not tasted mm r.,- ,.,in. .. weeks. Scores of cases of malnutrition i ?all,h; IV ,"1S' have been reported to city hospitals. :Jan,ps; Nelson A tour of the market today revealed j ' i ae roiiowinjt conditions. Thev Wj?l be accentuated by night, dealers' declare: Potatoes Retailed yesterday at 80 cents to $1 per peck.' Today' thev are 91 to $1.05. Will go higher before night. Sugar Retailed yesterday at eight cents per poud, the day before at 7 .1-2 cents. Today at 8 1-2 to 9 cents. Cabbage Retailed vesterday at 13 to 15 cents; today at 17 cents. Will go higher. Milk Representatives of producers' association w ith a membership of 12,500. j at conference here last night raised! price of summer milk from $1.55 to $2.12; pee hundred, to begin April 1. Means 12 cent. milk Sweet potatoes, apples, onions, car rots, eitrus fruits and all vegetables "stronger and firm." Hggs Wholesale price vesterday reached 44 1-2 cents. Retail,' 53 to 86 cents. Dealers predict higher tions today. ( heese Increase from per pound wholesale. Beef, pork, poultry All slightly high er on wholesale market. Retailer's shift ing burden to housewives. Today the Chicago grain market, the largest in the world, -was practically sus- S.; Peterson, Mr.; Bedford, M. V Romane, Mr. Johnnie; Savage, Jim; Shultz. Miss Adn (21- Sh Robert; Hansen, Mr. Kdw. G.; Slode, Mr. E. P.j Smith, J. A." BcmJ Mr. Clean: Howard. Mr. Sullivan. Mra. TfoWflt. ,, 1M.. C.; Hunt, Mrs. E. A.; Janes. Mr. S. Mavme: Tavior. O W ThnmT..Im -rv. Kuney, Mr. Frank; Tinier, Mrs. Carrie. ' : La Cross, i AUGUST HUCKESTETN. Peate, Miss ) Postmaster. Mr. M. J.; Mr. Andrei Mrs. C. V. Cet the Round Package Ask For and GET jwca mi 3 ventury. Caution void Substitutes HORLICK'S marw sh Ml quota- 1 to 2 cents Iv J (pSMALTEDMtlKC0' SL "AC,,WISm.8.A. THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK Made from clean, rich milk with the ex tract of select malted grain, malted in our own Malt Houses under sanitary conditions. Mont s and children thrive on it. Agrees with the weakest stomach of the invalid or the aged, needs no cooking nor addition of milk. Nourishes and sustains more than tea, eoff ; etc trit,w1 .i?1 hmt or when Raveling. Anu trmous food-drink may be prepared in a moment. W At M bere "tiring induces refreshing weer . Also in lunch tablet form for business men. Substitutes Cost YOU Same Prk Take a Package Home 1 . - -Jtene Phelpsr THE ARRIVALS CHAPTER CLV. The following morning we received message from Zona. ,with people because its guiding spirit had departed. j Clifford left immediately after the "Start imme,litelv Invw i .!.,. I Norton Levering, who had - come, on also left Zona." And another from Clifford until he had had saying: ! "Will come tomorrow. Have im- Zona and Curtain nortant business, if Mrs. Sutton im- the old home until pro es, wire so win not start. Clif- was read and rora. ttist day, but not a long talk with Who were to stay at after the will 'ertain necessarv affairs nttendivil t.. All .V... l : . . v . , - . v. . w. jui mu -ii . 1 1 1 1-' uaa io Aow as 1 ook back across the years! be looked after if Elsie were to go I see that Clifford message was a home with me. the honse closed all perfectly normal and sensible one for t t),., i.U.Cll .: ... v r'osea' Vi a business man to send; esperially in I leave in charge of the old house W of the fact that he had onlv so keeper wT'VE1 S m-iCh ''me witn" us.; Elsie made no objections when I Hut at the time it increased the bit-'tnM hr ,.., ; v., , , T - . ... , . I ' v hiii HI VII 111 I tt TT 11-11 terness I felt toward him that he she .hnnlH nn nA.ii. .ai. :.v. could hesitate a moment. Zona hadn't did ho Rhr.- nnv r-,v.;..i.. ' i T tl,,in.-)-t ni . ...... , v i1. oav. ... . I . 11 J' fauun. AGED GATE KEEPER DEAD Villtuuiua, Ore., Feb. 2?.. William I Hi. ii i. pioneer of the Willamette I valley, aud for 30 years a resident of the Little Nestucca at Oolph, died j iWcdueitduy last, and the remains were brought out lust Friday by a sou, Pe ter, and buried iu the family lot iu Sa lem. The trip to Willuniiuu vvus made by team, and the rest of the wv to Salem by automobile. Mr. Baxter had toll gate at Dulph tie ago. He went into the early days, took up .'laim and developed one ttums iu enough to recognise- the difference Mother showed no improvement so I did not wire him. Zona came be fore mother became unconscious. "My baby!" she whispered as Zona Zona, was too our lost to feel utterly crushed bv interest in anything. When the will had been read we found that mother had done THE WELCOME Clifford left he asked me to wire him when I started and he would meet me. But for some unaccountable reason-then, 1 decided not to, but as the train steamed north 1 knew that I had not wired him because i wished to catch him unawares. I had fought against the practical acceptance of Clifford's women friends, yet always there lurked the desire to know more of them; more of his relations with them. 1 had been forced to sacrifice manr most of my ideas since I married Clifford Hammond; I had seen my il lusions slip from me one by one until if any were left I was unconscious of them. Elsie had been very quiet ever siies we left home. Bn T noticed that she Tl.lrii.anOn u. 1 .... , . ....,,,., ,ruu ,eTier sne hart re ceived tne day Tillamook a government t of the finest county. y- ! Mr. Baxter leaves two daughters, Mr P. S. Fwuier, of California: Mrs. Margaret Meador, of Uolph, and three sons, W. E. Peter, and George. His wife died some. years age. left- ant Ik.,. Qli as she mAiled nn nix., tv ' -.- . - tnld ..v . ... v . ' : w ror bent over her. She knew fWtU HZi . " i H" " one or oar P also and aw in told him thT Se i " . ' ' 17 k le" I 3u.esnon8' T "issed she would eo. trusted him to be good to Zona, We mainder of the not inconsiderable never knew whether she reeogniaed fortune father left was to be evenly Clifford or not. She passed away a divided between the three of us. She few moments after he eame. wished the eld home kept by one of GOD 'S ACRE us; and all the servants who wished I can scarcely write of that sad to remain she advised u to keco. time even atter the lapse of years, i We lingered on in the old plaee for ueni un'iurr u ctai urMuo Two ftr . TRY JOURNAL WANT ADS i father where buried. empty house; empty although filled me. in the quaint old 11 the Sutton's Then we returned . ..- - i nt nde in me. I was positive the letter was seat to Morton Levering. Bator day I felt the stirrings of my jealos nature even as regarded this man whs was nothing to me in any sense. 1 real ly was delighted that he had turned to Elsie, who loved him. 1 had liked him. and th tW v. k.A ij ,- . ' - - - .ww. .v u.ll i.liUI-1 weeks longer. Then Elsie, i me, and wanted me flattered me Per- lVj i " " r I "7"ru nwneainaps l we bit piqued that ht - " 1 ivniT Vlll-'-'i'VI, it a r,vure-" it waiuag ioc were oy rjie to e though it Tomorrow Loose Knife