Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 23, 1917, Page THREE, Image 3

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jj Saturday
Woolens, Silks and
From .our large and
Extensive Stock of
WIHH1 'WEi'1! 'flu iii1 i1 mi 'l
Laces, Embroidery and
Special s
Small white fleeced
Vests 9c Each
Small grev fleeced
Pants 9c pair
Fleeced Pants and Vests
35c qualitv 19c
Fleeced Pants and Vests
50c qualitv 30c
Extra Special Value 25c
Extra Special Value 39c
In the Economy
Boys' Shoes, button or
lace, pah
$1.35, $1.65, $1.95,
Boys' High Cut Shoes,
pair $2.95 to $3.25
Broken Lines of Rubbers
39c pair
Ladies' Oxfords and
95c and 39c pair
Misses' Shoes
95c, $1.65, $1.95
Men's Shoes
$1.95, $2.65, $2.95,
Women's Shoes
95c, $1.95, $2.95. $3.15
Railroads Rush Empty
Cars West for Supplies;
165,279 Cars Tied Up
Cor. Court and Com'l St. J
Hurry Williams litis written B song
on Mallei Xnrmalul 'si oirtiii-o "Mi
(v.'' Some sony. gome picture and some 'Ul 'H' PW
htar, 1 should stay,
When Prank Haves, chief of the , a handsome salary
Keystone Cops, was ashed the l)Ost way
to disperse a mob, lie recommended that
Marv I'i.-kfoid s next release is " Th
, Washington, Feb. 23. The l ni t el shipment w overseeing shipment- to
'.States iprniMnl today from l'resi New Parland point to prevent u flour
I dent Wilson to congress turned it j famine there, rome held that the gov
j hands to the national food problem. erunient wan buying this flour,
j The president will put the entir,. sit i i
nation before his cabinet. IT. il e A DPJV AETIfl A I C
pec-ted to flike sum,, definite steps to AtviUT UfrlUALj
jforce an appropriation for an invest i (Continued from page one.)
gation of prices through this session o'f!
congress, lined etieh vein until they reach the age
Regardless of the fact that the fight; of 25, when they are permanently a
: for funds has been lost in the house signed to the unorganized reserve; if, in
committee, the appropriation will be ; ny year, during this period they nro
sought in the senate and if it fails to found fit for service they will be called
I receive attention there, will be taken lout for training in ponce and service in'
! to the floor of the house, Seeie-tary of i war w ith the elass of that year: those
Agriculture Houston declared today.' who are the sole support of destitute
I In spite of the food riots and other dependents will be examined for one
spectacular evidences of acme suffer-' year, and so on from year to year, un
ling, as It result of food shortage, of , til they reach the age of 25, when their
: ficials here scoffed at reports of a pos-; liability to training ceases and they
1 sible embargo on all food shipments, are assigned pcimunently to the unor-
1 (Mime intimated that perhaps some of gnnized reserve: if the last mentioned
the clamors for food might be due to cease to be the sole support of desti
.systematic inciting of foreign born wn- tute dependents In-fotc they reuch the
jen in poor districts of the large cities 'age of 25 they will be caileil out for
as 'to actual threatened .starvation. (raining and service with the class of
Rush Cars West. that year. "
Congress expected to take definite Manner of Service,
action on the situation before adjourn-! Service in war shall be as follows:
;ing. Representative Meyer London,! "All non exempted physically and
i New York, has introduced a bill asking mentally fit male citizens who have
: for an appropriation of 66,000,000 with I completed their 11 months continuous
which to buy food to be resold at "rea- training are liable for service, in the re
jeonable prices" to the poor; and a com- seive as follows:
: lunation of senators is meeting in se- "In the first, reserve 'for four years
jcret, preparatory to asking for $100,- and one month; in the second reserve
; 000,000 for the same purpose. j for seven yours and thereafter until
The ear tie-up in the opinion of in ; they reach the age of 45 iu the oi'gun
terstate commerce commission and rail-1 i.eu reserves.
roads, was at a breaking point today.! "In case of actual oi threatened war,
Railroads took advantage of the holiday ! first and second reselrvog w ill he Balled
i yesterday and clearing weather to rush I out in the order named, together with
great strings of empty freight ears west many permanent officers and enlisted
.at express train speed. j men of the training forces; thereafter
These will immediately lie filled with others required would be called out,
the food supplies that have been idling from the unorganized reserves,
jtip in the middle west, and some relief "All persons, commissioned, enlisted
; iu eastern markets is predicted when or enrolled at the outbreak of war or
these shipments roll in. The number of when war is imminent may lie retained
curs involved in the tie up on February in the service until the end oi the war
10 totaled 105,279. or until danger of war disuppeurs.
Fuel Shoraage Troublesome. " Among those exempted in time of
While the food situation threatens war are those whose official civil posi
drastic disturbances in the east, the tions are indigpensibly accessary for
gas coal shortage is no less seriou in conduct of the federal and state govern
the west. j incuts and Cor ahe prosecution of the
The committee on ear service of the t war. "
American Railways association was un- 1 m
able, iu the absence of representatives' QUID CUADTAfE
today, to say what steps will be taken' Jllir OllUIVlitUb
to relieve this condition, which mavl ((fbiitmueu irunr imna one.)
Balmacaans and
Ideal for this kind of
The House That Guarantees Every Purchase
r:tnst ;i si'i'iiniv! intiii'i'iiiitiiin ill- uni'i ; . ,
Poor Little Rich Oirl," giving her A HgBt heat and power companies in It "During the past year the total wi
first opportunity for a long time to I towns and cities in the middle west. thirty millions. This was due uartlv I
Cleanses the teeth thoroughly dis
solves quickly purifi os the breath
Dr. Lyon's
For The Teeth
Powder Cream
A Standard Ethical Dentifricm
Send 2c Stamp today tor a generous trial package of either
Dr. Lyon's Perfect Dental Cream or Tooth t-owder.
"The Oir Pilgrin) starring Anita l'll,.v in'' part of au American girl. 111 view or tne tenseness ot the situa- tne allocation ot tonnage to our
A good man Instead of a bad man is Stewart, broke all records for attend- tion, offieiala asserted, congress could lies.
William S. Hart's role in the new Tri- ance at the Hinlto theatre, New York,; Douglas Fairbanks is playing todav"ot adjourn without taking some action i "Italy and France are begging
angle play. "Truthful Tulliver." The having showed to SO.ODO people in one and tomorrow in his la. est. Triangle I "" . 1 '"' . legislation that has been laid more ships,
good man' is a newspaper editor who week, at 50c a seat. production The Matrimoniac, ; before it. Whether this will be in the Much Tonnage Sunk.
believes in fighting to maintain his . m form ot funds tor temporary relief or 1 A considerable port
1. W. Lyon & Sons, Inc.,
W. 27th St, r1.Y City
ideals, and the play is said to afford
him ample opportunities.
Smiling Douglas Fairbanks has join
ed the Artcral t Corporation recently at j
4 l-t-ttt-t-tltt
action on exports and giving the inter riftge has been sunt, by Bubniniini
state commerce eouiniisuiou oil for its ing the past 30 iiiontlis. The ratio has '
luvestisatorv mneliinoiv. is still a dues- been increased diirimr the uast fonv or
lion. five months, and this present month, "''' ' ' ne declared; solemnly. " otherwisi
due to tiermany's special efforts to .In j ""''' " 111 l"' disaster."
iuu uars of Jtlour on way. uier worst."
.Minneapolis, Minn.. Feb. 2M. Forty The premier did not mince his words
cars compactly loaded with flour were in declaiine that Ih,
iioued plea for more tonnage not only! well, R. P, Boise, Charles L. MeNary,
for ordisary needs, Inil for military S. A. Bowman.
The gravest measures are necesstat-
Salem Chapter S. A. R.
Observes Anniversary
Aviators Saw Salazar
Whip Carranza Army
1 ion must loe- I
being rushed in a "relief special" over' pare for sacrifice,
the Chicago, Great Western, to Chicago' "Knormous sacrifices are required "'
and eastern cities todav. as a measure , he declared, "testinc the national .,rii I
to avert a flour famine. .Minneapolis The government hopes 10 deal effec- Although the Salem high
mills, the largest in the country, again 'I tively with the sub line question the majority of the Hah
today worked 75 per cent capacity in j but it does not follow that we should f schools passed Washington'
I 1 i' 1 J " j, o. ...-. special io oe oe-. .... mis nope oiiiv. . . -,,
j spa tched tonight
I influence, reported to I.
! agent, Minneapolis miller
SSUred that -ino ears u
Dianas ami
nt of prfs
il find iron ore ships at al
1 1
ii. thus al
ons of fo
d to III mil
ecting n sav
idsturfi non
fT" -not the Crw(s fc" .
loo Everybody
Coming Sunday-Anita Stewart
Il an unseen l iliere is no sure menus ot victim-
a federal I without hunting the submarines from
today were the deep. ' '
..I.-. ' -! rpu..
- 1 with the express understanding; hngland's "man of the hour" and nn-
rnat the ears DC loaded tor -New r.ng- nounceil Iu the house ot commons are
- land. ; these:
'PK,. loo cl l.i l. :.. I Tl, I.,,.,.... ..c . .
u.a. iu,, un" ,,, ,,,..i.i im- ...j v ,,.,,.1.1 ,,i ui n-iiii ore io receive
' Chicago yards at 7 a, m. iomonow, wnsi powers to enforce cultivation of food
the prediction of millers today. Silly I products.
more cars of flour, they were confident, I Importations Cut Out.
would leave before night. This flour: Importations of foreign tea, coffee,
travels with right of track and on pas-' and cocoa prohibited.
Sfnger train schedule. There were over! Importation of canned -salmon reduced
200 cars in Minneapolis cards todav by 50 per cent.
i readv for loading. This would make a ' Paper imports to be reduced SIO.oOO
total of 400 loaded with flenr which will! toils and a scheme of distribution made
be en route east lis "special shipments" I for supplying the printing trade
before Saturday night. Importation of timber banned.
While it is presumed that the nivs-1 Importation of apples and tomatoes
terious federal agent that inspired the ! prohibited.
importation ot oranges
nuts restricted to 25 per
cut imports.
Of internal pluns Io economize and
aid Knglatld in defeating the Herman
"starvation policy" l.lovd-tieorge declared:
" W
i "8 rawing u
lion barrels a y
! ing of BOO.OOtJ
1 used in that indtistrv
"Corresponding restrictions will 1
: made as a distillation of spirits, in o
del- that the public taste may not I
: beer to spirits.' '
Under the plan for control of a
farming by the board of agriculture, the
pi euiier iinuouneed these plans:
I A guarantee must be (iiven the farm
' ers for minimum prices "for some
years. ' '
Fixing of a minimum wage of 25 shil
lings a week for agricultural labor
ers. At (lit; outset of his speech the British
premier apologized to the house for his
rnilitre to appear yesterday, when hi
spid h was scheduled, declaring the
postponement was made necessary be
causa he wag then consulting with
the French ministers over the problem
of restricting imports.
Prices Are Guaranteed.
inarantees of the price of wheat at
00 shillings a quarter for li17; 55 shil
lings per quarter for l!HK and IOI'.i aim
,45 shillings for the next three follow
I lag years.
Potatoes during the coming season to
have a fixed pries of six pouiois per
Oats prices to be fixed at 31 1-2 shil
lings per quarter for 11117; .'12 shillings
for the next two years and 21 shillings
for 1020 to ll)2.i. '
j The part England lias played, as mis
, tress o'f the seas .in giving freely of
her ships to her allies, was atriukingll
vealed by the premier,
lie said more than a million tons of
lips have been diverted to the use of
ranee alone.
It was In this connection that the
rime minister made forceful, iiup.-o-
Kl Paso, Texas, Peb. 23. While I'uit-
Stales nriiLV aviators flew over the
lefield. Carranza forces under Col
onel saivatwr i naps and a ho.ly of
tool and Villistas commanded by .lose Yuez Sa
public j lllZ!" engaged in a battle near oca
. ,, j 'Grande, a short distance south of the
III" hdav v, ,,,, , ; il, ,i no .
.ow .Mexico holder vesterdav. The bat-
e of it, : tie was iu progress for several hours.
Hie .Sons ot (he American devolution, Halazar B forces finally defeating the
!"iiieni chapter, gathered m the auditor-tgover
and driving
tttti Hal
t:t::t: v.
i 9
- ,HHC.if
rnnieiit trooin
!ium ot the Salem Commercial dun Inst eastward.
night to pay hi to the "Father of- Thfl American aviators followed the
I His Count rv " in fitting manner. Frank ' movainent of the opposing forces after
.1. .Miller, public service commissioner,:"10 battle.
I presided.
Addresses of a patriotic nature wel-e
given. They dealt uilh incidents and
phases of the Kevolutioiiary war. when1
ii nsiiiiigion ana ins t reeiloin loving
band fought against the tyranny of i
' 11 '"-1.V years of the Am (j.,,, S(01
eiicnn gu eruiueiii when it was first lie
Lng formed were also discussed.
Those who gathered about the btin-
ouet board were:
sell M. Brooks, W,
Tlf? m a-Tri M A sf I
Vor w I V lTlMn trouble ,
Cancer and Fleers of the
Stomach and intestines. Auto intoxica
tion, Sallow Jaundice, Appendicitis and
other fllt.,1 niln.,.it ...unit ,.,.
F. 8, Gannett, Itus ch Trouble, ftiousands of Stomach
tdell U. Miller. Wil- affnrn ... .fi..:, i . -
Nam F. Foster, Frank J, Miller, E, .1. to Mayr's Wonderful lletue.lv. vl
jiiiimoao, rwi u. 1-atron. KoOert K, like any other for Sto
i.reene or AlDSliy, Kolliu Is. I'age, II. , For sale by J C
H. Corey, George M. Post, J. I). Hin t I everywhere.
toiuaeh Ailme
Perry and drugj
15 cts. each, 6 lor 90 cts.
Musical Comedy Co.
Music, Laughter, Pretty Girls
Evening BHgh Theatre Evening
is am
.... WT'.
ittle mone
Louise Huff
Jack .Pickford
A new thing
for a cigarette to do-
of IMPORTED and DOMESTIC iobaccos-Blendtd