THE OArtV CAPTT4I .o. PV4I fC- TTITrnAV Wn 0( 101 7 Willamette Valley MM L I Monmouth . Commrcial .Club Elcted New Officers Tues day Night C apital Journal Special IwilH.) Monmouth, Or.. Feb. 20.- Citizens of Monmouth nnd vicinity are vry much pleased nt tho attitude taken "by the leaisktfan toward the Oregon Normal school, and to know that the appropm- tion uus ueen aneilliate In men hn present need It has long ev dent to all tvlu.i ditioiis in the money was badly thousand dollars re familiar with con institution that the needed. Twenty-five will be used to en- la rge rue cnapel as there is not room now to sent the students. The remain ing six thousand of the thirtv-one tho.ienmi n ,.,.:.:.. m iTZ.'i.T " "in ie usea to thTSS tJTiJXrMt )1'W f0' men, eis to the fn, ol.v , I ""I more critie teneh . V v- moic critic teachers nlso An addition to the dormitory was talked of for a time, but many Monmouth people were opposed to this, feeling that it would not be lust to them and 10 were prate- fnl to the Ways and Means committee that they did not recommend the full appropriation asked for. Lincoln's birthday was very appro- priately observed by both the Normal and the Training schools. Mr. C. E. ('line, a G. A. R. veteran of Portland, 1 delivered the address at the Normal, telling anecdotes and personal reminis- cenees of the greatest and most beloved of our presidents and especially dwel-1 ling on his humanitarian attributes, MM t TRAVELERS' GUIDE SOUTHERN PACIFIC, Nonrn bound No. 16--Oregon Express . . N. 24 Coos Bay No. 28 Willamette Limited No. 12 Shasta .Limited . . . No. 18 Portland Passenger . . .5 :55 a. m. ...8:52 p. ni. . ..9 :22 a. ni . .11 :5ft a, in. ...1:35 p. m. no. ii l-ortinna uxpress ... No. 222 Portland fast Freight No. 22B Local way Freight... SOUTH BOUND No. 15LCnllfornIa Express . . No. 17 Ashland Passenger. . . 7 :ao p. m. 12 m a. m. 10 :20 a. m. .11 :05 a. m. 3 :32 a. in. So. 23 Coos Bay 10:01 No. 19 Cottage Grove Pass. ..4:16p.m. Makes connection tvlth Ne. 74 Geer -branch. No. 11 Shasta Limited B :43 p.m. No. 27 Willamette Limited ...6:20p.m. No. 13 San Krnnclseo Express 10 :05 p. m. iv. zzi ban I'fancisco f ast Freight No. 225 Local way Freight. , .12:01 a. m. .11:40 a. m. Salem (Ikes Line. No. 73 Arrives at Salem ... No. 76 Leaves Salem No. 75 Ar'. Sulem (mixed) .. No. 74 Leave Salem No connectien south ol Geer. .9:15 s. m. .9 :50 a. in. .2:00 p. m. 3 :05 p. m. Salem, Falls Cut and Western No. 161 Lv. Salem, motor 7:00 a.m. No. 1 63 Lv. Salem, motor . .;. .0:40 a. m. No. 165 Lv. Salem for Monmouth and Airlie ..1:40p.m. No. 167 Lv. Salem, motor 4 :00 p.m. No. 169 Lv. Salem, meter 6:15 p.m. No. 239 Way IYt Iv. Salem S :00 a. m. No. 162 Ar. Salem 8 :30 a. m. No. 164 Ar. Salem 11:10 a.m. No. 106 Ar.' Salem 3:15 p.m. No. 168 Ar. Salem 6 :00 p. m. No. 170 Ar. Salem 7 :45 p. m. No. 240 Way Fr't ar Salm 2:30 p.m. WILLAMETTE IUTER ROUTE Oregon City Transportation Company Boats leave Salem for Portland Monday. Wednesday and Friday at 11 a. m. ; and Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings St 6 a. m. ForCorvalHs the boats leave Salem Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings at 8 o 'clock. Boats leave Port land for Salem at 6 :45 each morning. ROAD BOND BILL (Continued from page three.) II. H. 535, joint ways and means com mittee, appropriating 815,000 for office of superintendent of public instruction. H. ii. 580, joint ways nnd means com mittee, appropriating money for Flor ence Crittenden relief home and Fatton home, and Oregon humane society. H. B. 587) joint ways and means com mittee, providing for deficiency claims in maintenance funds of various state institutions. H. H ;"3S, jont ways and means com mittee, appropriating money for study and investigation of mineral resources of the state. H. l(. 3i), joint ways and means com mittee, appropriating money for main tenance of medical department I'ni sily of. Oregon and new building. 11. li. 341, joint ways and means com mittee, authorizing joint ways and means committee to conduct investiga tions, suinniuiis witnesses, etc. H. B; r42, jorst ways and means coin uiittee, appropriating funds for current expenses ot state land board, desert land board, state water board, etc. H. B. ."14, joint ways and means com mittee, appropriating funds lor pay ment ot dust rv i H. B. mittee, ment ot state bo ene socii II. B. claims 111 promoting tlax 111 1 Oregon. i45, joint ways and means com Impropriating money for pay expenses in connection with ird of health, and social hygi tv. 4b, joint ways appropriating salaries and ex nd board of fo f horticulture. ind means com oney for pay ?nses of Oregon Jstry and state tion i d 0 H. B. mittee, 34S, joint providing way. nn. I means corn money for defraying to primary and gen- expenses incident eral election. H. B. 188, 1 orb ment of interest. H. B. 338, Eatoi ereasing collection H. ii. est, Hack tt. relating to pay regulating and in of inheritance tax. v, regarding the ef- feel II of sheriff's deeds. B. 130, Ashley, regulating snlnry i-hool superintendent and assessor I MJ Several of tho most popular of our patriotic songs vre sung with m.,. enthusiasm and the flag salute was im pressire. There were about forty Tola county teachers who atvnded the institute last Saturday at the Normal. The reg ular routine of school work was carried out by the critic teachers by way of demonstration for the henefit of the visitors. Miss Taylor, the physical training teacher gave a very interest ing nnd helpful talk on "The use of rp . - on Acconinaninient far Rythmic i Activities,'' and illustrated by the following exercises which were Mu.a out 10 music of the fine. new school vie trola: "A Flag Rxerciao," by the First and second grades; ; iJincksiuith UriII," third and fourth grade boys; "Virginia Reel," fifth and sixth grades; "Colonial Minuet," fifth and sixth grades; "Highland Fling," seventh and eighth grade girls; "Flag Drill," eighth grade boys. This was the closing feature of Satur day's program and was much appre ciated. Ida M. Tarbell, noted writer and lecturer is scheduled to speak in Mon mouth at the Normal school on Fridav, ; , "i" .uarcu zu. I faU,fT 8 w0tt h wa911'."load',f manure Wednesday and d,'?g. S mho h,eci P' tangled in the wagon wheel with the result that one of his ankle bones was i badly cracked. The injury is very painful and Mr. Andrus will be tola nn for sumo time. The local high school basketball team met the Newport high school team in a game here Thursday night. The score was 19 to 24 in favor of the visitors. Mr. P. O. Powell, secretary and manager of the Monmouth co-operative creamery was in Portland, Wednesday Rnd Thursday attending a meeting of the flairv Exchange, Ed Rodgers evidently believes there is money in pork; he expects to build )H OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. Lv. Salem 4 :35 a. m. 7 :15 a. m. 9 :45 a. m. 11:20 a.m. I :50 p. m. 4 :0 p. m. 5 !S0 p. m. 7 :5o p. ni miHTii BOUND Train No. Ar. Portlani 2 Owl 6 :55 a. a 6 9:25a,n . 10 Limited 11:85 a. ni 13 1:35 p.m. 14'i.t 4:00 p. . 16 Limited ... 6:50 p. a 20 7:40 p. a 22 10:00 b. south bound POBTLAND TO SAIJBK Lv. Portland 6:30 a.m. Salem 8:85 Eugene 10 :56 a. 8:30a.m. ... K Limits 10:45a.m. 7 2 ;05 p. m 9 .... 4 :40 p. m. ... 13 Limited . 8 :05 p. m 17 Local , 9 :20 p. m 19 11 :45 p. m 21 Owl . , 10 :11 s. is .12 :55p. n . 4 :15 p. m . 6:40 p. o . 8:10 p. a .11:20 p. m . 1 :55 p. a NOBTH BOUND Lv Corvallls 4 :10 p. m. . Lv. Eugene. 7:30 a.m. . 1 :55 p. m. . 5 :25 p. m. . 12 :05 p. m. . Lv. Salem. 1 :55 a. m. . 10:15 a.m. . Lv. Salem 12 :55 p. m. . Lv. Salem. 4 :15 p. m. . Ar. Sales 20 6 :80 p. o Ar. Sales . 10 Limited .... 8 :45 a. a . 18 Limited ... 4 :00 p. n 22 7:55 p. ra 2 Owl 4 :35 a. a SOUTH BOUND Ar. Eugen- . . . 21 Owl 8:50 a. m . 6 Limited 12:25pm Ar. Alban; T 1 :50 p. a Stops at CorrallU Ar. Albaa: 9 6 :10 p. a Ar. Albas; . . 7 :86 a. a Ar. Engea' 18 8 :R0d. a Lv. Salem. 6 :40 p. m. N01ITH BOUND Lv. Corvallti. Ar. Sales 9 -.45 a. a 1 :46 p. a 4 :00 p. a 6:30 p. a 7 :66 p. a 8 :25 ft. m. , 10 .... 12:12 p. m. 2 :41 p. m. 4 :10 p. m. 6:18 p. m. Lv. Salem. 10:15 a. m. 4 :15 p. m. 12 :55 p. m. 14 18 20 22 SOUTH BOUND Ar. Csrvallli 5 11 :38a. a 0 5:86 p. B 7 2 :20 p. m it . . -. a no n o of Wallowa county. H. B. 311, Anderson, regulating licens ing of osteopathic physicians. H. Ii. 2l, A .Tones, to prevent swine running at inrgc. H. B. 222, Mttckay, requiring corpora tions ordered dissolved to continue in existence for five years for legal action against them. H. Ii. 543, roads and highways com mittee, to confirm expenditures of money on Columbia highway advanced by S. Benson. n. B. 105, Fuller, placing burden of proof in tresspass cases on defendant. H. B. 519, Sweeny, regulating col lection and expenditures of hospital tees. H. B. 4ttG, Peck, authorizing indem nity to C. A. Smith Timber company for lauds purchased under defective ti tle. H. B. by Seymour Jones, authorizing board of control to furnish records of board to persons desiring them. H. B. 481, Seymour Jones, requiring heads of state institutions to give bonds. IL B. 3h3, Latirgaard, to reimburse It. C. Carey for injuries. H. B. '224, Rowe, to regulate use ot set nets in fishing. H. B. 309, Jones, making it a mis demeanor to remove chattels that are mortgaged from county where mortgage is giveu. H. B. 402, Callan, regulating sale of fire arms. H. P.. 439, committee on labor and in dustries, requiring signs at all railroad crossings. H. B. 2'M, Mann, appropriating $20, 000 for Bonneville fish hatchery. H. B. 479, Sweeny, amending laws providing for registration of birth and deaths. II. B. 134, Brownell, appropriating 5,000 for erecting of buildings at Champ-oeg for pioneers. H. B. 553, ways and means commit tee, appropriating money for library building at O. A. C. II. It. 505, ways and means commit tee, 'appropriation for state normal school. H. B. 554, ways nnd means commit tee, appropriation for receiving ward News " and will raise i Urge bunch of porkers. He has a -'J and is milking about twenty-five cows. Mrs. Clara Essen of Forest Grove, state superintendent of Sunday achool work for the Christian church, and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Clark of Oineinnat ti, will hold a convention at the Chris tian church Tuesday afternoon. A cor dial invitation is extended to all who are interested in Sunday school work. Mrs. Nichols, daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. John Howell left for Portland Tuesday with her little son, where they wUI send a week, then start east, via Omaha, to join Mr. Nichols in New york City where they will make their future home. Tho Monmouth Mercantile company store, formerly owned by E. W. Strong, was bought out last week by two dif ferent rtiea. The grocery division being purchased by the Miller Mercan tile company whose own grocery de partment joins them on tLe east. The two stores will now be one with a com plete stock of goods. The dry goods department was bought by a Portland firm with Mr. Bloom as manager who conuueung a sale wnicn re- minds one of a citv "closinir nut" At the meeting of the city council Tllesd uit & tion o ti(J twta was discussed; the city surgeon instructed to draw ud ulans for a U)n septic tLk construction eWTS 22L E J VI SLSSl ! question between the Lumber company and the civic club as to whether the former shall continue to occupy the present site which belongs to the city, seems at la9t about to be com promised. Tho regular annual meeting of the Commercial Club was held Tuesday evening in the club room; new officers elected for the ensuing year were as follows: President, A. B. Morlan; vice president, G. T. Boothby; secretary, K. B. Hamilton. Gordon Bowman who lias conducted the livery and transfer business for the last year sold out last -Friday to Mr. Krnnk Skeen. Mr. Skeen has been in the harness business here for several years, but has sold this stock to Mr. I). L. Williams, who will handle it in connection with his shoe repairing business. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Edwards, Mrs. Bowman and family and Mis. E. T. Evans were tradiug in Dallas Thurs day. Mr. nnd Mrs. Gordon Bowman have stored their household effects with Mr. Bowmaiii's brother Harris Bow man, for a time. Mr. Bowman expects to go to Airlie to work in a logging camp and later on try his luck, at farming again. Mrs. Bowman will visit with her husband's mother and at H.irrison Bowman's while he is at work at Airlie. Mrs. IL S. Part wood has been quite ill with asthma and heart trouble for several days. The Athena nnd the T. N. O. A. societies of the high school met in joint session on Friday night in the iiigh school nseinbly room and enjoyed a joint program of the two societies. Mr. M. M. Harvey of one mile north of Monmouth has sold about twenty five hundred boxes of apples up to date, the price ranging from fifty cents to one dollar twenty-five, the average price being seventy-five cents. Ho sprays his trees five times a year and has a very small per cent of cull stock. Mr. Harvey has recently installed elec tric lights in his house and barns. Harvey Sickafoose, who has been deputised to visit several of the neai bv lodges of the T. O. O. F., went to Buna Vista Wednesday evening to meet with the brothers there. He was accompanied by Mr. Webber, Paul Tacheron, D. C. Walker and Howard Morlan. The party went by auto and report a pleasant time. The Miller Mercantile Co. are buying nntntoes this week to fill a carload order from a Portland firm. E. B. OS- at state hospital. H. B. 531, Deschutes delegation, pro siding for transfer of records to new counties. H. B. 231 Thomas, appropriating money for agricultural investigations. H. B, 293, Coos and Curry delega tions, providing for erection of armory at Marshfiold. H. B. 209, Ii'owe, appropriation for fish hatchery on Xehalcm. H. B. 504, ways and means commit tee, appropriation for iniscellu neons claims. H. B. 212, Rowe, appropriation for hutclicrv In district No. 2. i H. ! w I H. tee. H. i Willi ! H. I Anderson, appropriation for iiuent station at Hood River. IS. 540, ways and means Commit appropriation for supreme court. B. 240, Stott, to reimburse H. D. anig for injuries. B. 563, wavs and means commit tor department of and measures, rson, appii'iuiating two VMrs tor tour- I toe. appropriation ! sealer of weights I II. B. 32, And $22,500 a year for two i ist association, j II. B. 20S, Clatsop del I printion tot Clatsknnni I If. B. 199, Lane county I ropriation for fish hatf 11. B. 550, ways and ' tee, appropriation for gatic hut appro- delegation, ap icrie. mcaiis board i-ommit-of con-commis- trol, tax commission sioners. ami pi t H. tee, B. 492, wavs 1 id e.eatis comnut ?s, etc., dairy neans commit suprenic court appropriation s 1 food conimissio L B. 557, ways 1 , printing, purcha orts, etc. 1. B. -jo-j, way: , appropriation and means support of commit orphans, t I! B. 323, ways and means commit appropriation industrial school for tl girls. II. B. 559, ways and means commit tee appropriation for state fair board. fit, B. 500, ways and means commit tee, appropriation woman's dormitory. H. B. 170, appropriation to pay for dead cow. TRY JOURNAL WANT ADS trom sad J. !. Vas Loan wr among i..... rs so delivered potr to fill the order. The price paid here was 3.00 per huadred. . , . lodge No. 177 met in regulsr session Thursday night with s very good attendance. Mrs. Ira Powell waa Initiated Into the mysteries of the order. After initiation, refresh ments were served and a good social time was enjoyed by all. University Notes With plans all in readiness, every studeut is eagerly awaiting the ap proach not only of Washington's birth day, but Award Day as well. For Wil lamette will Thursdav night honor the men who have lvjught for her during the last year. This not 'v i'"ds the athletes but the forensic men as well. The athletic "W" club has the man agement of the affair in charge, and have provided an elaborate evening program for tho presentation exercises. To this not only aro all the students and aluruiii of the institution invited, but high school students, friends, and townspeople as well. For all "W" men it is desired to make it a homecoming event. Both the men 's and ladies glee clubs nnd the male quartet will present several popular selections. The chief addresses of tho evening will be by J. B. C. OAkes, 'lli, and Attorney A. F. Flegel of Portland, who will discuss "Some values in athletics." Grover Gates, president of the "W" club, will act as presiding officer. The awards will be presented by President Doney. Those who will receive official recog nition in football are: Arvid Peterson, Chester Womer, Harold Dimmick, Vic tor Tftvlor, Berrill Rexford, Earl Fle gel, Warren Booth, Willis Bartlett and Harold Tobie. In basketball, RusUel Brooks, Lloyd BMslcr, Earl Flegel and Howard Jevvett will be honored. Hil bert Tosto, -Lemuel Kstel), Puul Brown. Lloyd Shisler, Paul Miller, Wallace Ad ams and Grover Gate arc booked for the baseball awards In track Bert Ford, Frank Grosvenor, Frank Baglcy and Lloyd Shisler will be officially recog nized. In addition to Howard .Tewett, Earl Flegel and Paul Smith, the Misses Ad die Tobie and Esther White will receive the tennis ((wards. In accordance with a recerlt student body amendment, Earl Flegel and Grover Gates will be honor ed with the award of a "four year" blanket. Arlie Walker will receive the yell leader's Bwentor. For participation In forensic contests Harold Eakin, Adolph Spiess, Harry Savage, Walter Gleiser and the Misses Ada Uoss and Edna Billings will re ceive the debate award; while Frank Jasper and Herbert Blatibford, the or ators will be honored. i After the presentation of the awards all athletic "W" men will adjourn to ; Lausanne hall for their annual banquet. I At a recent meeting of the student ' volunteer band, Miss Rath Winters was chosen leader; Foster 1'iiddy, vice lead er; and Murray Kefcfer, secretary-treasurer. For the iast six years this organ- Notice of Improvement of Washington Street Notice is hereliv given that the com mon council deems it expedient so to do, and hereby declares its purpose and intention to 'improve that portion of Washington street between the east line of Fir street and the west line of Lib erty street, at the expense of the abut ting and adjacent property by bringing that portion of Washington street to the established grade, constructing ce ment concrete curbs and paving said portion of Washington street with a Portland Cement Crushed Hock Con crete Pavement six inches thick, in ac cordance with plans, specifications and estimates for the improvement of said portion of Washington street adopted by the common council on the 5th day of dune, 1910, which arc now on file in the office of the city recorder, for greater certainty and ore detailed description are hereby referred to and made a part thereof. The common council hereby declares its purpose and intention to make tho above described improvement by and through the street improvement depart ment of the city of Salem. By order of the common council. EABL EACH, City Recorder. Date of first publication of this no tice, Februorv 20, 1917. mar2 FUNSTON IS DEAD (Continued from page one.) Funston's Army Record, General Funstun became a member of the United States army after a career in the Cuban army during the war with Spain. He had previously been a news paper reporter, combining this exper ience with being an officer of the law, during which time he single manded nr lested a 200 pound bad man. He quit the Cuban army when 50 guerillas were lined up against a wall and shot against his advice. He was captured on his way from the front and saved his life by swallowing a let ter which would have betrayed his iden tity. He became a brigadier general Sifter his capture of the Filipino chieftain, Aguinnldo, and remained at that rank until elevated by President Wilson. His Last Official Act. Sun Antonio, Texas, Feb. 20. Practi cally the last official act of General Fuiiston was the designation of dates for departure of militia contingents un der the recent order of the war depart ment, which will send home the 50,000 national guardsmen remaining on the border. The guardsmen, in two groups of 25, 000 each, will leave the border at the rate of about 8,000 a week. It is esti mated that ubout 150 trains will be re quired to move these troops and that two months will be consumed in the movement. To Fort D. A. Russell, Wvoming Batteries C and D, field artillery, Feb ruary 20; two battalions Wyoming field artillery, February 20. The Texas, Arizona and New Mex ico troops will be the last to leave, though they have been in the service the longest. Burial at Presidio. Son Francisco, Feb. 20 The body of Major General Frederick Funston will be buried in the national cemetery at the Presidio here, according to an nouncement today by Major General J. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING OHraOFRAOTIC 8PINOLOOI8T DB. O. U 8COTT--Gruduste of Cairo practie's Fountain Head, Davenport, Iowa. If you have tried everything and got no relief, try Chiropractic spinal adjustments and get well. Of fice 406-7-8 V. B. National Bank building. Phone Main 87. Residence. Main 828-R. UNDERTAKERS WEBB k CXPUGH CO. C. B. Webb, A. M. Clough morticians and funeral directors. Latest modern method known to the profession employed 499 Court St Main 120, Main 9888. RIGDON-RlCHARDSpN CO. Funeral directors and undertakers, 252 North High street. Day and night phone ia. FOR SALE FOB BALE A bargain, 40 acres, 20 acres in cultivation, 6 room house, good barn, out buildings, fruit; four miles from good town in Douglas county. Square Deal Realty Co., 202 U. 8. Bank bldg. MISCELLANEOUS FLOBA A. BREWSTER, M. D. Neu rologist, nervous and chronio diseas es a specialty. 35 vrs. experience with drugs, surgery and drugless mothods. Examination free. 712 State St. Phone 13i0. FRUITLAND NURSERY High and Ferry Sts. Full line nursery stock. Italian prune a specialty. Nursery lo cated one mile east of penitentiary. Address R. 6, Salem, Ore. Phone 100 F21. NEW TODAY ADS WILL BE read in the Journal in all live Marion county homes Try 'em. ization has paid the salary of a native r.- . . 1 f . 11. 1 , . r .. , . ivuiraii nrtii-iic! , mi . J UK, WHO la 1H votini nil his time to Christian wm-li among his own people. With the distinction of being the first class to select their words and mu sic, the senior Class held their first freshman glee song rehearsal lust night at the home of Miss Carrie Cooksey on Court street. Wesley Hammond was the author of the words and Mrs. Aurelin E. Cassal man, a music student. composed the music. In as much as this class has won two firsts and a second with its other glee songs, it has an enviable rec ord to maintain. Franklin Bell, commander of the west era department of the army. All troops at the posts around San Francisco bay will participate in the military ceremon ies which precede interment. The date for the funeral and the details of ar rangements have not been decided upon. General Bell announced that General Funston 's body, in charge of one of his staff officers, would arrive here Friday morning. Interment will be at the side of Funston's little son, Arthur Mc Arthur Funston, who died some years ago. Mrs. Funston was prostrated today at her home nt PreRidio. She come to San Francisco a month ago in order that her children might attend school. Her daughter is sick in the Letterman Gen eral hospital. Mrs. Funston was given a dinner at her home last night in honor of her sis ter, Mrs. William Cullcn when the news of the general's death came. Sorrow in Kansas. Topeka, Knns., Feb. 20 A concurrent resolution was adopted by the Kansas legislature today eulogizing General Frederick Funston. The resolution di rected the governor to request Mrs, Funston to permit General Funston's bo4y to lie in state in the rotunda of tho state house, a day before his funeral service. Flags on the state house and all state institution are ordered at half mast. General Funston lived in Kansas many years. TRY JOURNAL WANT .ADS TUP H k DVVTO laruuuiij The following prices for fruits and vegetables are those ashed by the wholesaler of the retailer, and not what is paid to the producer. All other prices are those paid the producer. Corrections are made daily. Owing to the fact that Florida s early crops have been frozen out, a great demand fcas been created there for California fruits and vegetables which makes prices higher in Oregon. Cabbage is of poor quality, with no shipments. The price is out of sight. All other veget aides are tuking a sky ward shoot this week. Grains Wheat $1,2061.98 A Really Safe Tonic HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters 64 Years a Family Medicine I 0 Ourwant Ads are) ike a magnet The attache ftwerd a LoslOfound want ad is wonderf ul Try one ifvou nave lost scrocthoA ELECTR1G BATHS Massage, Ameri can and Swedish, drugless methods of treatment, Eva Mnrphy, drugless physician, 384 State St Boom 11. Office honrs, 10 a, m, to 9 p. m. tf 8CAVANGER SALEM SCAVENGER Charles Soos, proprietor. Garbage and refuse of ml' Kinds removed on monthly contract at reaeonable rates. Yard and cess pools cleaned. Office phone Mair 2247. Residence. Main 2272. MONEY TO LOAN ON Good Real Estate Security THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd ft Bush bank, Salem, Oregon MONEY TO LOAN Eastern Money at Lowest Rates, on approved Security. Homer H. Smith, Room 5, MeCornack Bld., Balers, Or. J jtviAf . Vo -s&ci - v r - THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Balem Elestris Co., Masonis Temple, 127 North High Mala UN PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING AND TINNING T. M. Ban, 104 South Commercial street Mala 19 TRANSFER AND DSAYAGE Sclera Trues Dray Co.. swrner State ni front streets Kala W Oats, new r 45e Bran v $28.50 Shorts, per ton $32 Hay, clover $10(ol2 Hay, cheat $10U Hay, vetch $12 Hay, timothy $16 Butter Buttcrfat Creamery butter, per pound Country butter Eggs and Poultry Eggs, trade Eggs, cash Hens, pound Roosters, old, per pound , Turkeys, live Turkeys, dressed Ducks, live Geese, live Pork, Veal and Mutton Pork, dresBcd Pork, 011 foot 10U. Veal, according to quality Steers ("owe Bulls Ewes Lambs Wethers Figs and Data Figs, 36 12-oz Black figs White figs Golden dates Dromedary dates - Vegetables Cabbage String garlic Potatoes, per 100 pounds .. .$2. Parsnips, carrots and beets .. Green onions Artichokes Lettuce. California, crate Onions Celery $1. 39e ic 1 2832c j 30c 28c 1016: 9c 192Ic 2221c 15S)lc ri2c 14(?i15c ( IP .. 1013c .. 68c 45c .. 4(oj5c . ... 5c 11c .. 68c $2.60 ... 10c .. lie ... 15c $3.75 6e 7fd)10c 75m 3.00 $1.25 40c .... $1.10 ... $3.00 99'Ac 10 1.45 10c ... $3.00 12c Tamnlo husks, lb Cauliflower Brussels sprouts Fruits Apples Oranges, navels $2. Lemons, per box $3. Bananas, pound 50c(o)l 50fM,78 00(0)4.00 Se .... $3.50 50fi.00 8 .... $3.50 $10 .... $1.15 California grape fruit Florida grape fruit Pineapple Honey Cranberries Cocoanuts $5 Retail Prices Eggs, dozen 35c Kugar, cane $8,45 Sugar, beet $8.25 Creamery butter 45c Flour, hard wheat $2.10(ji$2.40 Flour, valley PORTLAND MARKET Portland, Or., Ftb. 20. Wheat, club $1.56 Bed Russian $1.54 Bluestem $1.61 Forty fold $1.57 Outs, No. 1 white feed $36.25 Barley, feed $39.50 Hogs, best live $12.35 Prime steers $9.509.60 Fancy cows $7.75(ii 8 Calves $810 Spring lambs $13 B"t.ter city creamery 39c Eggs, selected local ex. 32(S33c Bins 18cc Broilers 18( 20c Geese 1213c I JUVSU RANGE AND ALHAX B8TATB OHAB. B. HODGKIN General Is anee, Surety Bonds, real estate sad rentals, hubbard bldg. Phone 386, tf ELECTRIC SUPPLY Co., 820 N. Mberty Phone 283. A com plete line of Elwtrie Supplies and fixtures. STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 60 years experience. th pot National and American femes Sizes 20 to 58 in. high. Paints, oil and varnish, etc. Loganberry and hop hooka. Salem Fenee and Stave Works, 850 Court street. Phone 184. OSTEOPATH DRS. B. H. WHITE and B. W. WAL TON Osteopathic physioiaas and nerve specialists. Graduate of Asser ican school of Osteopathy, KirksviUe, Mo. Post graduate and specialized ia nerve diseases at Los Angeles college. Treat acute and chronic diseases. Consultation free. Lady attendant. Office 505 506 U. B. National Bank building. Phone 859. Residence, 840 North Capital street. Phone 449. WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade streets. Bills payable, monthly in advance. Why the Journal Is popular It prints the world's newa to- day while it 's news. TRY JOURNAL WANT ADS LODGE DIRECTORY MODERN VVOODMF1N OV AMERICA Ore gon Cedar Camp. No. 324(fc meets ever; Thursday evening at 8 oSlocJi' la Mc- Derby-Laiky blag., corner Court and High streets. J. F. Day, V. O., J. A Wright, Clerk. MAI. MM LODGE N&. 4, a. F. A. M. Hiuted communications first Friday la each month at 7 :30 p. m. In the Itasoals Temple. Chat McCarter, W. It; 8. ft. Solver, secretory. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assembly, No. 84, meets every Thursday at 8 p. m. in I. O. O. F. hall. O. O. Matlock, M. A. O. A Vibbert secretary, Crows Drug store, 338 State street. A. O. U. W. Protection Lodge N. S, Meets every Monday evening at 8 m the MeCornack ball comer Court and Liberty McFadden, recorder; A. L. Brown, financier; B. B. Duncan, treasurer SAI.HM HUMANE HOCIBTY D. D. Heeler, president; Mrs. Lou Tlllson, secretarw. All cases of cruelty or neglect of jmS animals should be reported t the secretary for inrestlfatftn. OB MOLAV COMMANDER!, No, 6, K. I. Regular conclave fourth Friday In tack month at 8 o'clock p. m.. In tfaaoats Temple. Sojourning Sir Knights are courteously Invited to meet with as. Lot L Pearce, B. C, Frank Turner, recorder. UODSON COUNCIL, He. 1, R. S. Is. Htated assembly first Monday fa MS month, Masonic Temple. N. P. Hasmna sen. Thrice Illustrious Master; lenn C. Nlles, recerder. 4ALEM COUNCIL NO. 2622 Knights aaa Ladles of Security Meets every 2nd aa 4th Wednesday each month st Hurst Mall. Visiting members are Invited ts attend. E. V. Waltsn, financier, 486 a. 14tb Street. PACIFIC LODGE No. 00, A. F. A. M. Stated communications third Friday In each month st 7:30 p. m. In the Masonic Temple. W. H. Daney, W. M,l Kruest II. Choate, secretary. WOODMEN OF TUB WORLD Meet every Friday night at 8 o'clock in Derby bldg., Court and High Sts. A. J. Sweinink, C. O.J L. 8. Geer, elerk. 507 Court street. Phone 593. R. N. A. "Oregon Grape Camp" No. 1360, meet every Thursday evening in Derby and Lafky building, Court and High streets; Mrs. Bylvia Schaupp 1971 Market, oracle; Mrs. Melissa Persons, Tecerder, 1298 North Commercal. Phone 1436M. Lira CARE OF Yick So Tout CHINESE MEDICINE UD TEA COMPANY Has medicine which will esrs Any known Disease Open Sundays from 10:00 a. K. wrtil 8:00 p. ra. 169 South High Stret Oregon. I aa I -J