Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 20, 1917, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of The Capital Journal
Editor ajk. Manager i J
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
President. Vice-President.
Sec. and Trent.
Daily by earlier, per year $5.00 Per month 43e
Doily by mail, per year 3.00 Per month 35c
New York, W. D. Ward, Tribune Building.
Chicago, W. H. Storkwell, People's Gas Building.
The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the
porch. If the currier does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the
paper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this is the
only way wo can determine whether or not the carriers are following in
ftructions. Phono Main 81 before 7:30 o'clock and a paper will be sent you
by special messenger if the carrier has missed you.
An amendment to the bonding bill was proposed by
Senator Eddy yesterday to the effict that the Highway
Commission should not expend in any of the counties that
have already exhausted bond issues in building roads,
greater than the amount expended in this way and from
money derived from miilage road tax. Senator Olson ob
jected to this amendment on the ground that Columbia
county and perhaps Hood River county also had expended
nil the money they couid raise by bonds and this amend
ment would prevent the completion of the Columbia high
way. It would take $700,000 to do the work in Columbia
county and that county being poor had already bonded
itself to the limit, which, with its miilage tax, only
amounted to about $400,000. If this amendment passed,
this section of the road could not be finished. It was the
same in Hood River. He pointed out that it would take a
million dollars to complete this work, so necessarv for
"It will not cost the taxpayers anything." That is the Portland's use, and also that as Multnomah county
statement that has been quite common among the legis-! waived all rights to any of the funds it would not be ask
lators. It was invoked when the senate proposed to create j ing too much that this deficiency be overcome by using a
the office of fire chief and establish a host of fire inspec-; few hundred thousand dollars to aid the poorer and ex
tors at every cross roads in the state. "It will not cost i hausted counties. The amendment was withdrawn,
the taxpayers anything," because the funds collected by I While the proposition is fair enough it at the same time
the insurance department will meet all the bills. The bill i shows that Multnomah's generosity has a string on it.
simply provides that these inspectors shall be paid out of j As a matter of fact there are few if any roads in Mult
any funds in the hands of the insurance department. j nomah county that would come under the heads of those
"It will not cost the taxpayers any thing," was the t proposed to be built. It is one of the smallest counties,
main reliance in those backing the six million dollar road I but contains more than one-third of the taxable property,
bonding bill in the senate yesterday. "The money col- and hence has its roads in fine shape. It has built good
lected from automobile licenses will pay the interest, and j roads and paid for them itself, and it is only natural that
at the rate of increase in the number of machines in the jit should want some of the money raised by this bond is-twenty-five
years the bonds have to ran the licenses so j sue spent on roads connecting with its own road system,
collected will pay off the principal as well as the interest," j Tt is also natural that Multnomah should want the first
"It will not cost the taxpayers anything," is a f atuous ' money available expended to complete the system already
cry. The money to pay the fire chief and the inspectors ' started connecting it with the country around, and it was
in the fire protection bill comes from the people of Ore- j to this end the metropolis waived the right to the ex-
Continued from page one.)
mi i n i n i l
gon. me money paid tor auto licenses comes irom tne
auto owners of the state.
It seems the legislators have an idea that if money col
lected from the people of the state can be kept from going
into the state treasury that the dear taxpayers are not
out anything. They have never grasped the idea that if
the insurance department or any other collects more
money than is needed to conduct it, that the surplus
should go into the state treasury and become part of the
state's funds. They do not seem to catch on to the fact
that the licenses paid by autoists, could be turned into
the general road funds of the state and thus prevent any
question of the constitutionality of the license, or at least
leave that question in as good shape as it is under the
present system.
If the license charge is constitutional in one case it is
in the other; yet the advocates of the bond issue tell the
people, "It will not cost the taxpayers anything."
The money collected from automobile licenses is paid
into the office of the secretary of state. It is the state's
money, but because it has not been turned into the gen
ral fund these word prestidigators tell us that although
the state has collected the money, and it is in the hands of
one of its officials, that it does not belong to the state and
that it is not the taxpayers' money.
If it was not used to pay interest it could be paid for
some other purpose, simply because it is money belonging
to the state. We are not saying this as an objection to
the bond issue. That, it has been decided to leave to the
people. If they want it it is their privilege to say so. If
I hey do not want it then it is for them to vote that way.
It is the self-evident falsehood of the statement that is
objectionable. Any measure that has to be backed by
falsehood is something to be suspected. There is no oc
casion for deceiving ourselves, or trying to deceive others.
The bond measure should stand squarely on its merits,
and the faked up proposition that it will not cost the
taxpayers anything" should be sent to the background,
for there is no truth in it.
penditure of any part of the money to come from the
bond sale, inside of Multnomah boundaries.
tions to the passage of H. B. No. 302.
the bill requiriug the Oregon and Cali
forma grant lands to be placed on the
tax rolls, declaring that it was not legal
ly passed. Regarding this maTTTr he
said iu his objections, which were filed
with the clerk:
"I hereby wish to enter my protest
upon the journal of the house against
declaring H. B. No. ,')('2 passed by the
house of representatives. My reasons for
this protest are set forth in the follow
ing recital of facts in connection in
consideration ot the bill:
'The bill came before the house from
the committee on oassessment and taxa
tion, which I am chairman, without
recommendation. This report was made
at Mr. Beau 's request, and was ae
quiescd in by all members of the com
mittee. The bill had not been read or
luunuit-ii-ci 111 uie committee, out was i
referred to the house in this way a9 a'
personal courtesy to Mr. Bean, who said j
that he would rather have it so reported
than to await a tie when the committee
could have a hearing on the matter.
"When the bill came on lor third
reading. Mr. Bean, the author ox the
Dill, spoKe tor it- All the members of
the committee on assessment and tnxa-l
tion anil 1 believe all the embers pros !
ent voted for the bill. The bill passed I
February 1-1.
"Ou February 15, my attention nasi
culled to the effect of the bill and I
took the matter up with the members Of
the- committee OB assessi ut and taxa-
nun, who nan nrrer the package, investi
gated the matter and were a unit
against it. 1 talked with other tnembet.
and found thut practically all with
whom 1 had time to discuss the matter
felt that they had made a mistake ami
wished an opportunity to correct the
"On February 17, the senate made H.
a. no. W a special order for 4 o'clock
and iu order that the house might re
consider the vote, I moved that the bill
be recalled from the senate. The bill
was recalled, and the house had (some
two hours iu which to reconsider the
vote. Mr. Bean was not present, and I
stated that I would not move to recon
sider until he return. When he had re
turned, the house reconsidered the vote
Children Cry for Fletcher's
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- ana has been made under his per
sonal supervision since its infancy.
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been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,
Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising
therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The six million bond issue will be up to the people to KjJ tl" iV
aeciae at a special eiecuon 10 oe neia june i ox mis year.
This was practically agreed to yesterday afternoon when
the senate sent the amended bill back to the house for
concurrence. The date was selected as Senator Olson ex
plained it, because on that day the city of Portland has a
city election and it would make a saving in election ex
penses of some $20,000. Senator Pierce wanted his bill
for a miilage tax to be submitted at the same time, but
it seems the senate is not in a mood to do this. The plans
are not exactly opposite, but it was feared by some sen
ators, or at least they claimed to fear, that if both plans
were submitted that both might be defeated, the voters
thinking the tax too great.
The dispatches say that should we come to blows with
Germany the doughty and somewhat paunchy Colonel
will lead' a division on the battle fronts of Europe. When
American troops are sent to Europe this might possibly
prove true, but there is little likelihood of this country
taking that course. The American boys are not going to
take part in that row. If America goes to war with her
old friend it will lie on her own account and not for the
purpose of helping the allies.
Onions are worth more than oranges, and are just as
fragrant, provided one likes that peculiar odor. At six
cents a pound lots of the big ones grown in Oregon's
famous beaver dam lands will sell for more than six cents
a piece.
The legislature adjourned and it did not even wait un
til the next day to move. It was a cold day when the
legislature left.
LADD & BUSH. Bankers
Established 1868
CAPITAL $500,000.00
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The fight promoters, or to be exact, the boxing con
test managers are having a hard time getting Les Darcy
into the ring. He seems to prefer to be the center of at
traction on the sport pages of the newspapers rather
than to be admired in action in the center of the squared
circle. If he had been around the legislature here during
the past few days he would sure have been indefinitely
postponed. That is what the scrap managers better do
with him until he shows a disposition to get in and show
what he can do. The opinion is fast gathering force that
the great Australian is also a great faker.
The Statesman says "the home of the most beautiful
women in the world is Western Oregon." Perhaps,
brother, perhaps. The Willamette Valley is some shakes
on pulchritude, but while admitting this glorious Webfoot
is the home of most beautiful women, fairness compels
the admissioon that many are doing the "not at home"
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
4 o'clock Mr. Bean and myself were ex
lemieii me courtesy of the senate and
after the diseussion the bill as it passed
the house was taken into the commit
tee of the whole and amended by a pro
vision referring it to the people. The
bill was returned to the house and the
motion made to consul" in the amend-
tnt .u , ca" ana tBe tiv? ChiBttm except in a state institu
. umcmuiiciiis, as tne
journal record will show. was 2S for con-
S, B. No. 317, by committee on judic
iary Io establish and purchase site and
constrduet buildings for dependent chil
dren, to be known as home for state
H. B. No. 316, by committee on j'udic-
coldector to forward delinquent taxes ta
current rolls, and amending section 1
of chapted 288 of general Inws, 1615.
H. B. No. 568, appropriating money
for the keeping of horses belonging ta
lary. To prohibit ue of onhl Oregon cavalry tronn at n
after December 31, 1918, for care or sup- H. B. No. 567, appropriating M fot
8. B. No 169, by Ortou
section f39, Lord's Oregon Laws, as!
payment to William M. Meier, for cow
killed by gunfire durinu tarcet Timet;,.,.
Amending!" V V,1 ., jUT 1 -riuzer nrie range.
S B. No. 124, creating state lime
"On February 1!) not beine an.o tn amn,ii ,'. i,n.,t. ...o ? .... V in, . I board, etc.
vote for a consideration myself onAI Xv. .51 i ft. . 'I S. B. Nol 90S. hmvMW lt. .mmmi-i
, . .---., ")iitviiuiii; mui cm mi juairea may near1,. ? 1 ,mv tctnncu
Knowing that Mr. Beau, the author of leases in which the county indoe i n. j bonds secured by mortgages upon ships
K 1 1 ; , .
It looks as though the war may after all be largely set
tled on the ocean. If Uncle Sam is forced into it, that is
where his part will be played.
I'd like to be a fighter, and with the fight
el's stand, and whip some other blighter, to
music by the band. The fighter's life is sun
ny, when he has reached the top; some
forty kinds of money, at intervals, he'll cop.
He gets a roll that's bigger than you could
carry out, when he consents to figure in tin
horn sparring bout. The most of us are
striving, each day, the whole year long,
that we may be surviving, and dodge- the
poor house throng. We must be most
adroit, sir, and slave the livelong day, if we
would earn a kreutzer, or salt a yen away. Great men of
skill and knowledge, can hardly earn their slaw, profes
sors in the college, and people learned in law; and scien
ticts and thinkers, and eminent divines must feed their
children clinkers but how the fighter dines! He works
when he gets ready, and then for half an hour; the money
conies in steady, a brilliant, golden shower. I'd like to
be a fighter, but I'm too fat to scrap; and so, as hungry
writer, I'll serve my term mayhap.
rne Dm, opposes reconsideration, I tried
to get some member who voted on the
prevailing side to move the reconsidera
tion, but I failed in that effort.
"I now take this method of calling the
attention of the house to this matter,
that it may have an opportunity to con
form to the cosstitutional requirements
as I see them, if it Bo desires."
House Passes Bills.
Bills passed by the house yesterday
afternoon and evening:
8. B. No. 281, by Hurley. Providing
for hunting both male and female deer
iu Malheur county.
S. B. No. 293, by Handley. Providing
for state aid in eradiction of animal
8. B. No. 300, by senate committee on
judiciary. Providing for service in cer
tain cases of the order provided for in
section 1079, Lord's Oregon Laws, to
be made by publication or by personal
service outside of the state,-
!S. B. No. 305, by committee on judic
iary. Relative to the terms of county
court of Hood River county.
S. B. No- 307, by Eddy. To amend
section 971, Lord's Oregon Laws, mak
ing Lincoln's birthdn
8. B. No. 308, , by senate committee ou
luminance, uerining marine insurance.)
cases in which the county judg
8. B. No. 248, by Olson. To secure to
the port districts interest of port funds,
providing depositories, defining duties
of port commissioners, etc.
8. B. No. 220, by Hawlev- Providing
for the pasteurization of milk and I
S. J. R. No. 25, by Steiwer and ,
Ol 1.- T . .....
.(miuuks. jtegu taring nuniDer of lulls
that may be introduced in both houHes,
and submitting same to the people at
the next general election.
Bills indefinitely postponed by the
house were: ,
H. B. No. 37, by Mueller. Compelling
employes to deduct amount of tax levy
from wages of alien employes.
H. B. No. 86, by Jones of Lane. Mak
ing it a misdemeanor to become the
rather ot a child born
investments for trust
; shall be legal
8. B. No. 163, to precent conspiracy iu
letting of public contracts.
H. B. No. 566, failed to pass the
Bills indefinitely postponed were
S. B. No. 82, S.'B. No. 315 and K B.
No. 313.
Excessive ambition leads all sorts of
women to exert themselves bevond their
strength. The girl striving for honors
in school, the busy housewife, the shop
girl, the society climber or leader, all
overtax their natural powers of endur-
ance. men come nervous troubles, bat-k-I
aches, headaches, frequently organic.
out of wedlock i i . - luem utmost, to
n,l ,lfl!, 1 "! u r.
H. B. No. 53. by Lewis Empowering ?? i, ,he P! J Puttin?
county assessors "to i7pS tfel WS
ow-tters hptnr tmioijtvnt-n t'rtp , ' .. . V ani.ftn
jj.r :' i., '--""""'-'(lone to their health,
jv oa to wunHm ox nts assessment
the best reliance
is upon that famous and standard nted-
TT n -v 11" v,., ir it- , Cr nuuicu ailments. Ij3-lia K.
It. B. No. 313 by Multnomah county Pinkham s Vegetable Compound
delegation. Designating points i Mult-1 . ""
nomah county at which public ferries Why the Journal Is Borate-
It prints the world's news to- A-
may be operated.
S. B. No. 82, by Smith. Directing tax day while it's news."
jr one Phejpsr -r-
CHAPTER CLII. gayety. So I did not insist,
the wedding mother. Elsie. I Zona wrote gay little notes
self were very ouiet. a sort of I trom which breathed the
and will
very couldn
tl will require very careful nursing "
lou don't think, doctor " -1
udn t put tie dreadful thn,,ait
ana myselt were very quiet, a sort of r . " . rnei tne vtery ; couldn 't put tae dreadful trmot -tT
reaction set in; and we each kept "1 " i-
v. i , , , . VB wondVrful time; aud sent kve "T hone xriti i
much alone. Itook long walks in to everybody on the place -inclndiug but she EL k entirely recover,
the warm dusk, thinking of Leonard. I the horses and do' incmoing but she has been very frail since your
Clifford .ami what was to be myj I couldn't help "comparing Zona '. 1 Z weaker' ad
uture lite. The fragrant heated wind happy honeymoon with my' own. ifiS ba t 1 tt' Ti !
blew in my face, and seemed like gen-! rememhereH viWJW t j i , ut . am " for her. Did
shut myself in m staTe room on th j IZT ' ZPZ ' T
big ship and cry for hours because and that whaT 1 told hi I52?0n
I couldn't please Clifford, while he S t v L'l 1 d h" caused he, to
. ... . : - ia - i .. - 1 ft
No, she never mentioned
W hands trying to comfort me, to tell
me that someway it would come out
right. Then again 1 would rfse before
the house was astir in the morning and
ride for miles before breakfast, sad
dling and bridling my horse myself.
If it stormed so much the better. It
suited my moods.
1 -r - . . . J ,t.i .ii
seemed 111. She was worn out with .11 1 K! " 1 . f 6 fTT'
entertained himself in the smoking
room. Then when he saw me, cry
again because he found fault with mv
All the bitterness of that time came
worn out V. 1 ! II B11 ill . ... ; . - J , . . , . .
tiki JLL ..J-11 m.v girlish ideals had been taken
t aiviu mo uu mai irip---ai iae very
commencement oi my married life.
nut it soon
you, nor did she complain of feeli
ill. I replied.
uctitiue impossiDie to tne hart nH ,Ka .-:t .
ti mm , , . t-i.wHTfr oi u oia
lay foril"'":. "l vme.nouse servant and followed us to listen
: iu ei up to wnat the doctor said honi .i..
W .... : 1 V !.L . . '""V
s ir,!. ncr mW I J 11 takrt isirt. olt. XTJcia
the excitement and
past week. We had saved her all we
could, but she had insisted upon look
ing after so manv details herself that
she had overdone. Now she
ho"" "SSI1 ,he yU fainted.
Elsie and I talked. Often when I j fS"ltyVn.d I- doctor. '
still at a word they would open show- J
ing she had ttot slept.
Mrs. Sutton Refuses to See the Doctor. ,
It ;t.- not natural for mother to
be either indolent or drowsy. I felt j
... . t, . . . , "i "It is fortunate that vou are at
doctor to see her. But she declared L , . ,. , ., "
. , - . . . . .... .. I home. Mildred,' he said to me "your
she was all right; that it was nothing' . . ,
" . , ' . ... C mother is in a -ery weak condition.
1 thought not! Her heart i vcrv
weak, and she must have the best of
care. I'm sorry Mandy's arm isn't all
right. She used to be the best nurse in
the country."
" I is yit, doctor-' ' Mandy exclaimed.
'dee I will,
'Why Mandy where did you come
mf" I asked just as the doctor
sent for Doctor Howard.
He came immediately, and remained ! from?
some time with other. He looked I mieiitinnert.
very grave when he left tho room "you think you cant"
and quietly motioned me to follow him. "I know I kin' " she told tfc.
Doctor Howard Kaplains Mrs. Sutton's Ida tor. Then. -T een .kl
Condition ole doe mini, in h..,, u:. -vrm j
- T .OiluiVIl
but a uatural reaction after so muchf
and I jes mistrusted I'd jes lak to
hear what you all was a sayin'!"
(Tomorroy A Very Able Aid.)