Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 19, 1917, Image 1

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    f ..
Two Shots Fired From Steam
. er and Diver Was Struck
by Second
Several Ships Are Reported
Sunk by Submarines
During Day
New York. Feb. 19. In a running
duel nl. sen between the French line
Freighter ftuayne :unl a German subma
rine, the C-boat was sunk, officers Bad
crew reported today on their arrival
here from Bonleaux.
The submarine, they declared fired
three ineffective shots lit the ship and
went down when the second shell from
the (i." millimeter gun on the (iuayne
struck her squarely.
The, submarine, Captain
appeared on the vessel'.'
January 22 when the shi
Etouseilot said
port side on
was ODe dnv
(ut from Bonleaux.
Two shots were fired by the Gunyse
gunner, he said, and the second struck
ils mark. The submarine, he said, dis
appeared. The gunner aboard the lluayiie, a Rre
ton. refused to discuss the incident, but
others talked of it, paying tribute to the
quickness and accuracy of his fire,
Tac ship had to swing about while the
sitlooarine was firing, they said, and
narrowly escaped being struck. Both
jjuunerR fired simultaneously as the ship
swung into position for the fight, but
each shot missed its mark by a few
i'eet. .C;;! ... .'. . ; .
Everyone aboard know that the next
shot would settle the battle and that all
depended upon the next shot. The breton
fired a moment before the tJerman and
the shot struck squarely.
The l'-boat floundered for a moment,
desperately striving to keep afloat, but
finally disappeared. Captain Rousselol
said his gunner stopped firing when he
saw that the submarine had boon hit.
The Guayne is a steel freighter of 2,
4UII tons net. She has carried millions
of dollars worth of munitions to the al
lies since the beginning of the war and
has had her 115 millimeter gun aboard
since the submarine operations began to
be a menace
The gun is the same as that carried
by other French ships mounted astern
so that the vessel must turn unless the
submarine approaches from the stern.
Captain Roussolot told his story of
the sinking of the l'-boat at the French
consul's office, where he went imme
diately after landing.
"We left Bordeaux January 21 in
ballast." he said. ''It was about noon
of the next day when we observed off
our port side a freight steamship with
two masts and one funnel. She was
about; three miles away. As we watched,
n submarine darted from behind her and
slatted toward us.
"I immediately swung the boat about
to train our gun on the 'submarine, but
before my gunners could fire a ahot
fund the submarine fell 300 feet short
of us. My gunners fired hurriedly
as the second shell from the subm
cnine at us. Neither shot was a
"1 hurried down t41ic stern,
told the gunners to take their timt
aim carefully. They did she. The uext
shot struck the submarine and she ap
parently collapsed, soon sinking.
"The boat was in distress and I or
dered my gunner to fire no more. We
(Continued on page seven.)
ei'd. T
d an ' not
rvire an"
nir money
Bt'lto Tax Railroad
rant Lands Stirs Senate
There was a b. royal Saturday
afternoon in the sen. hen H. B. No.
.'102 came up at 4 o'cMrk. By arrange
ments made in the morning Representa
tive Bean was asked to address the sen
ate for 10 minutes iu explaining the bill
and Representative Eaton was given the
same time to show up his side of the
case which was against the bill.
la the final clash Eaton spoke but
seven minutes, giving three minutes of
his time to Bean to reply. .Senators
generally took part in the debate which
Olson backed old man Oregon against
the world, the flesh and the devil, so
to speak, and insisted the senate had a
right to tax the lands. "I am con
cerned," he said, 'Mo know whether the
state of Oregon is a -vassal or whether
she shall assert her sovere gnty" to tax
the land withing her borders."
"If we are going to recognize the
right, to take parts of our land off the
tax rolls and put them in some sort of
reserve then w e might as well surrender
our franchise. ' '
"I believe that this declaration here
in this bill is a declaration of our sov
ereign rights that will safeguard the
rights of the people." The senator was!
ojnphntic and talked so fiercely that
one folt he might declare Oregon a free I
and independent nation, but he refrain-,
ed, probably realizing Uncle Sam had I
warlike matter enough on his hands
without his attacking him "without
He, however, made a motion that the,
senate go into committee of the whole,'
whicli was done and there the bill was;
amended by submitting the question toj
the people at the next election, which
saves the country for a couple of years
at least, and at the same time passes the,
bunk up t" the voters.
Three Bills Acted Upon.
The day had been consumed in acting!
on three senate bills that were on the I
calendar for third reading, and H. B.
No. .'175, the inter-county bridge bill,'
and others taken from the table or call-;
ed up out of their regular order, so that!
when the night session began there were!
about 05 house bills ready for action.
Of these some 19 were passed before I
10:30 at which time adjournment was;
taken to Monday. The last bill acted'
on was the only one causing any debate,
but this started plenty o'f it.
The Night Session.
The night session in the senate was a
hot one at its close, the bill, No. 226, to
create the office of fire marshal for the
state starting naturally a series of bril-j
liaut fireworks, tip to that lime house t
Espionage , Bill Is Urged In!
Order to Protect Country
In Event of War
Washington, Eeb. 19. There are
100,000 spies in the United States, Sen
ator l,ee Overman declared on the sen
ate floor today during debate on the
espionage bill, for protection against
the operations or' spies and malfactors
in time of war.
"I am told," Overman exclaimed,
"there are now 100,000 spies on United
I States Soil."
Overman, as member of the judiciary
I Committee in charge of the bill has
I been in close touch with the depart
j irient of justice, which drafted the meas
The espionage bill provides:
Against the entrance of any person
: "for the purpose of obtaining informa
tion" upon any naval or military res
ervation, vessel, radio station or muni
tion plant.
Against the unlawful possession of
code books or information relating to
the national defense.
Against sending through the mails
any invisible" writing, or false affi
davits made to influence the course of
the United States r foreign govern
ment. Against impersonation of the offi
cials of a foreign government.
Against abuse of passport privileges
and government seals.
Against conspiracies to injure prop
erty of a foreign country with which
the United States is at peace.
Against the inception within the
United States of conspiracies against
any "foreign prince or state''; re
strictions upou internee! soldiers and
sailors of belligerents. '
That the president may condemn
arms and munitions destined for export
in violation of neutrality laws.
Against conspiracy to injure vessels
engaged in foreign commerce.
President Wilson, under the bill, is
given also wide discretionary powers
"to better enforce the neutrality of
the United States."
The naval code book recently stolen
from a United States destroyer on the
Pacific coast was stolen by emissary
of a foreign government enlisted in the
United States navy, Senator Lee, Mary
land, declared.
" lo j'ou suppose an Americau citizen
stole that code book,1'' Lee shouted.
"No; it was the Omifsarv of a for-
(Continued from page two.)
bills which were the sole program for
the evening, went through as fast as
read, 10 passing and one being tempo
rarily laid on the table.
Senator Ortou fathered the bill and
told how much would be saved the in
surance companies by the creation of
this office. The companies all wanted
it and as usual, "it would not coHt the
state a cent, the companies footing all
Senator Farrell also had an affec
tionate regard for the bill, saying it was
proposed to make Bob Stevenj, present
fire marahal of Portland, the chief for
the state.
Dimick objected, and BO did Eddy,
an,l that indicates the character of the
pyrotechnieal display. They both roast
ed the bill. It was shown Senator St ra v
er in his deep basso profotindo voice
commenced punching holes in the bill
that, the real blaze flared up. He ridi
culed Orton's statement that it would
cost the state nothing by reading from
the bill showing it provided for making
a host of officers all over the state
who were to be paid out of the funds in
the hands of the insurance commis
sioner. And the Bill Passes.
"Why," said Strayer, "it will mean
that our homes may be invaded at all
hours, by the meanest constable in the
nearest town in the meanest county in
the state." Someone asked a question,
and he replied: "Yes, I mean Tult -nomah
county." When he got through
with it there was nor a peg for the ad
vocates of the bill to hang a defense on,
but it went through because the Mult
nomah delegation wanted it, and what
it wauts it gets. It was the same old
argument that as the money was paid
by those, insuring and not by the 'fax
payer" that it cost nothing, but Strayer
insisted that someone paid the bills and
that those people lived in Oregon,
Bills Were Fassed.
The following bills were passed:
S. B. No. 285, by Baldwin. Reimburs
ing heirs or assigns of William Tullnck.
H. B. No. 01, committee on education.
Amending method of making school dis
trict and municipal boundaries coincide.
H. B. No. 125, by Roue. Limiting
the time during which action may be
brought to test validity of part district
H. B. No. 184. by Forbes. Empower
ing public service commission to inves
tigate interstate traffic and present
fa -Is before interstate commerce commission.
(Continued on page two.)
Attempt of Paper Mill Com-
bine to Fleece Publishers
Is Stopped by Officials
Washington, Feb. It). A deduction to
between two and three cents a pound
for news print paper, it was learned to
day, is likely to be the maximum price
which the federal trade commission will
set, as the arbitrator jjf prices and dis
tribution of the commodity. Prices re
cently have gone as high as 8 and six
cents and in-many cases some small
publishers were unable to get print pa
per a any price.
The commission today began arrange
ments to carry out the "voluntary"
suggestion of the print paper n auutac
turers, made after Bonn of them had
been shown the result of Francis J.
llency 's investigations into charges of
extortionate prices and "an arranged
paper shortage. '
The first work will be a series of
brief hearings at which manufacturers
and publishers will discuss the subject
The commission declared today it ex
pects to complete its work and submit
its schedule by March I.
One of the big questions to be set
tled is the matter of recently made eon
tracts at what the commission 's agents
have said were unreasonable prices.
These contracts, it is stated, probably
will be replaced with contracts at the
maximum price the commission decides
In Canada. Also
Ottawa, Ont., Feb. 19. Substantia!
reduction in the price ef news print to
Canadian publishers is forecast in a
statement lsawd by Sir 1 nomas Whites
The producers will determine their
course on Wednesday next and it is be
lieved will take action which will ren
der it" unnecessary for the government
to interfere actively.
A satisfactory settlement will clear
one of the most difficult problems with
which the government has had to deal.
Jt now seems certain that Canadian
manufacturers of news print paper will
substantially reduce the price of their
product to Canadian publishers, last
October the minister of finance conven
ed the manufacturers and publishers
in conference and asked them to ap
point a joint committee to see whether
the acute difficulties which existed
could not be composed without execu
five action on the part of the govern
(Continued on page three.)
Bill Indefinitely Postponed Is
Reconsidered In Senate
Lower House Passes Rural
Credits Bill and Minor
The senators showed signs of weari
ness this morning and I here was but lit
tle scrappiness lett in them. In conse
quence there was nothing doing except
the routine business. It was expected
house bill No. 550 bonding the state for
six millions, would come up early but up
to noon it had not been heard of.
New Prison Bill.
A large part of the morning session
was devoted to taking bills up out of
their usual order. Mouse Dill Jo. S18 -v this time .drs. Alexander Thomp
which was indefinitely postponed Satur- Uon'had mounted the speaker's restrnni
day, was on motion reconsidered and
passed. It provides for submitting to
the people the proposition ot building
a penitentiary at a cost of $400,000.
The present penitentiary has been in
service tor ou years, saul Hurley,
and either a new one will have to be
provided or expensive improvements
made on the present one." There was
but little argument over it. Senator
LaFollette suggested that he had been
led to believe the passage of the bone
dry bill would make penitentiaries use
less as there would be no one now to
send to them. For that reason ne was
against the bill. It. however, passed.
Usual Investigation.
All real consolidation nreasures hav
ing failed owing, as Senator Dimick
claimed, to a vigorous lobby, house con
current resolution No. 11, providing for
a joint committee to investigate and re
port at the next session on the method
and advisability of consolidating meas
ures was referred to the ways and
means committee, it carrying an appro
priation. Nine house bills of the 49 on the cal
endar were disposed of, and about 20
others were reported by the committees
which may conic up for action. A few
of them will undoubtedly do so. This
would a tile calendar stands at noun,
leave about 00 bills to be acted on by
the senate.
Mere Bills Passed.
Bills were passed as follows:
H. B. No. 285. by Al Jones. Licensing
dogs, and creating a fund 'for the pay
ment of stock hilled by them.
H. B. No. 428, by .Tones. Increasing
compensation of commissioners of Lane
it. B. No. 3.11, by Forbes. Fixing sal
aries of officers of Crook county.
H. B. No. 600, by Rowe. Regulating
manufacture of cheese,
H. B' No. 258, by Thomas. Permitting
state engineer to cancel permits when
holders have not complied with the law.
H. B. No. 4K5. by Clackamas delega
tion, Providing for publication of legal
H. B. substitute, No. 31, providing for
sale of real property on foreclosure.
H. B. No. 454. by Crandall. Providing
for military training in high schools,
VI. B. No. 421, by committee ni edu
cation. Providing for establishment of
parental schools was laid on the table.
With only two
made bv the house
bill No.' 120, know
measure, passed th
minor amendments
this morning senate
i as the rural credits
1 house with pruetic
Flie principal amend
ally no oppositi
ment was slight change in the designs
tion of water rights to be considered in
making assessments. The original read
ing of the bill stated "water rights al
ready adjudicated" which was changed
to "water rights appurtanaut to the
laud shall be considered." The various
sections of the measure were adopted iu
the committee of the whole with Repre
sentative Burdiek in the chair.
With the exception of the question of
the indefinite postponement of H- B.
No. 501, providing for a special election
in June, 1017, there was little discnVsion
in the house this morning when the ses
sion was called to order by Sneaker
Stanfield at 10:30 o'clock.
Representative Schimpff moved that
the bill be taken from the table and
considered when the question as to
whether or not the bill had not been in
definitely postponed Saturday night or
laid on the table came up. For a while
there was a muddle as the record of the
clerk showed no vote token on indefin
ite postponement. There were various
opinions expressed as to what the state
of the-bill had been. However, after
the business was halted for about 15
minutes and the records searched more
carefully, it was found that the bill had
been indefinitely postopend Saturday
night but that Schimpff had moved to
reconsider the vote, to which there was
no objection. The bill therefore was ly
ing on the table. At this pass, Sehimpif
(Continued on page two.)
Speaker Stan field Honored
By Colleagues in House
Although Saturday was a busy day i Hirer and Wasco counties who was not
in the house of representatives and ev-j averse to having house rulo 66, relative
entiling was being rushed expeditious-1 to smoking during the session, suspend
ly toward a final dose of the forty oaejed, and therefore, with the compliments
days session and 29 bills passed, three j of the smokers ei the house, of the
were Rilled and 34 indefinitely post-.press, and the third house, he presented
poned, yet the members of the house ! to Mrs. Thompson a beautiful statue of
took time to pay a few honors. j" Winged Mercury. "
Pausing iu the hea: of the session ; The tribute was for her effective de
along toward the closing hours of Sat-bating on the floor of the house, to
unlay evening's session, Hepresentati ve j her true sportsmanship, and to her de
llean, who ran against Kepresrntativc I fense of the smokers in having house
StHllf il'lil. of Stnnt'iplH fnr tlin ,- ,!... ) i; le titi ,n t ie n , I ... I At t'ti... unma t,,..
'ship of the house, arose and in a short '
presentation speech that took Speaker ! had presided over the twenty ninth ses
Stanfiebl by surprise presented a hand-jsion of the legislature, Speaker Stan
some gold watch, chain and chsTm. i field presented her with the gavel and
In stating his "personal privilege " i block of Oregon myrtle used during the
at this time, Representative Bean de session.
dared that at all times throughout the; For the first time in her life, Mrs.
session of the twenty ninth assembly j Thompson said she was overcome and
of the Oregon legislature he had firm-1 unable to talk with her iiBual fluency,
ly supported the seaker and that nexti"I think the tribute yon havo given
to having the honor to have nominated me is too much, but 1 certainly appro
him for his present high position, he i date it. 1 wish to say that 1 havo been
was glad to have the honor of present-1 associated with men in business the
tng the chain and charm as a token to
the appreciation of the members. II
raid that he had been a members of
numerous sessions but that no session
had been Conducted with more fairness
and efficiency in the dispatch of busi
ness than the present one.
Speaker Staiif'ieltl replied briefly but
with sincere appreciation of the gift
that, was presented. lie paid tribute to
the loyalty of the members and said
that if it had not been for their sup
port the business of the session would
not have progressed as smoothly as it
and when Miss Marie Briggs, Salem
page, had given the chain and charm
to Speaker Stanfield with the message
from Representative Itean, she stopped! Bills Were Passed
Miss Briggs and said she was in the Hills passing the house Saturday
presentation business ailso. Accordingly, were:
with a speech complimentary to the I H. B. 92, Mrs. Thompson, providing
work of Miss Briggs during the session methods for committing feeble minded,
and the hope expressed that, with the H. B. 4!)9, appropriating $200 for
beginning thus made, she would srfhtc medal for .los. ('. I'oeschl for bravery,
day be addressed as "Honorable Muriel H. B. 523, joint ways and means com
Iiriggs" and have a desK in the house, I mittee, appropriating monoy for Ore
she presented the Salem girl with a son state industrial school for girls.
beautiful sold bar pin as a token of'
Irom the members of thedion, to provide for the transfer of eer-
At this time Speaker Stanfield, who
had somewhat recovered from his sur- II. B. 553, joint ways and means com
prise, asked Mrs. Thompson to take thei mittee, appropriating money for library
chair. He then told the assembly of a building at O. A. O,
certain Greek god named Mercury who! H. B. 554, joint ways and means com
stole fire from Mt. Olympus for thol mittee, appropriating money for an ad
benef U of mortals, and he also told of
a certain representative from HOQdj (Continued on page three.)
Ways and Means Committee
Succeeds In Spite of 6
Per Cent Limitation
The members of the joint, senate and
house committee succeeded in distribut
ing the money among the various insti
t u t ions so that no hardships were entail
ed upon any or them m Spite 01 the six
per cent limitation law.
The tax limitation holds the legisla
ture down to a grgs expenditure of
$0,306,506.82. The actual sums author-1
izeil total $0,21)8,433.40.
Of this amount, 8)228,742,60 js to
be produced by the millage (axes and
continuing appropriations tor support of
state institutions, and with which the,
present legislature has nothing to do.
Big Cut to Start.
To get in under the limitation, the
ways and means committee had to start
with a cut of $!)4il,l87.50 from the bud
get made up by the secretary of state
from the estimates of all the benefienr.
ies of tax-produced funds The budget!
total was $7,010,447.01. The miscolrSn -,
cous items for which no budget request
was made were taken care of to the ex-1
tent of $231,423.40.
How these cuts were made, and what I
sacrifices had to be imposed upon all
branches of state affairs in spite of i
their expansion is a matter of liiNtory
with the committer. Senator Wood and
Hepresentati ve Kubli, respective chair
men of the senate and house committees,
expressed their gratification tonight
that the legislative body had reposed
such confidence in the work done as to
accent nlninst pvprv nnni'iii.rint inn tiill
wiiiiuiM a im'iHiuiciii .
Institutions Sared For.
With some minor increases put in
the bills on the floor of the house, the1
surplus of $10,801!. 07 was realized as:
the difference between the constitu
tional maximum of expenditure and the
The appropriations take care of all;
the state institutions, the expenses
of administering the government, the;
work of experiment stations, exten
sion work, construction of some new.
state buildings, stall' aid for eleemo-'
synary institutions, fish and game1
conservation, flax and lime industries,;
exploitations of the state to tourists,
and all other activities of state.
The balance was struck Saturday,
night by John O, Sehroider, chief clerk,
of the joint committee, after a careful;
check wilh the records of the secretary
of state.
because she was the only woman who
greater part of my life and I havo never
been given any greater consideration
and courtesy than I have been at the
hands of the members of the house.''
One Bill Vetoed
The first veto of the bills passed at
the present session was wielded- Satur
day when Governor Withyeombe return
ed house bill 415, introduced by Repre
sentative Mueller by request, putting
the Columbia county roads within the
city limits of St. Helens under the jur
isdiction of the city, with his disap
proval. The governor stated in return
ing the bill that such a course would
very much interfere with work now
started and under cont meplation by the
county court. I he objections 1 the
measure seem to offset
the probable
advantages accruing.
H. I). SSI, Deschutes county delega-
. tain records to new counties from the
counties from which they are created.
Cleared Six Square
Miles .of Territory and
Inflicted Heavy Losses
By William Philip Simms,
(United Press Staff Correspondent)
With the British Armies Afield, i'eb.
.111. The German army of (Vown
Prince Rnppreehit 's group has re
ceived several sharp raps on the
knuckles during the last thirty six
hours. Following Suturdnv's cnejaire-
inent at dawn, in the Miraumont reg
ion, the British liuve further advanced
and this despite fogs, thawing of the
frozen ground and resultant seas of
Officers are ''quite satisfied with
the result," they asserted today.
The British lines now overlook Mii
auinont at severul points. A violent
counter attack by the dormant north
of the Ancre yesterday ut noon was
bloodily repulsed.
North oft' Armentieres the British
raiders penetrated 250 yards into Oer
inan second line trenches, killing six
ty. Many dugouts were cleaned by
Other minor raids yesterday and last
night were successful.
Details of Victory
London, Feb. 19.
-Details todav of
the brilliant Briti
Miraumont impressr
the preparations t
made for the gnat
Two days' fighting
the (lennans from
miles of territory ol
importance and
achieved despite
handicaps in weath
prisoners was expei
somewhere near one
Front dispatches
sorces attacked w
imminence of the
cupied the more fa
defensive operation
hills of Miraumont.
ih victory around
I exports here with
rent Brflitain ' has
offensive of 1917.
resulted in ejecting
nearly six square
enormous strategic
the victory was
the most severe
r. The number of
ted today to reach
leclare the Herman
re fully aware of
assault. They oc
orable position for
I, being on the
A heavv mist pre-
vented British aircraft
ing ranges for guns and
from estimaf
veiled the ob-
lective for the men on the trench
parapets. The attack was carried
through with precision, exact ranges
being obtained through previous recon
naissances. The British did terrible
damage to the Herman trenches.
The success of the British forces
(Continued on page three.)
President Will Not Go Before
Congress With Further .
Negotiations Still In Progress
to Prevent Break with
By Robert 3- Bender.
(United I'ress staff correspondent.)
Washington, Feb. 10. Although un
changed in its dangerous particulars, the
German-American situation today was
generally regarded by officials os more
hopeful than at any time since the dip
lomatic break two weeks ago.
The situation is such that the United
Press can state positively the president
has "no present intention of going to
congress to discuss it in any way.'"
No "overt act has vet occurred anil
officials see in recent actions bv 0:r-
uiany, no apparent change of attitude
toward this government.
The purpose of the president is un
changed, however. He does not intend
to pause in the work of preparing, mere
ly because there appears to be a ma
terial slump in the daily "bags" of F-
Demand Sailors' Release.
Formal demands have gone forward
as was expected for release of the Am
erican Yarrowdalo prisoners held in Ber
lin. When on Saturday confirmation'of
press reports that the prisoners Had
been released failed to reach the state
department the government cabled its
demands. Twenty four hours later, Sec
retary Lansing Was notified by the
Spanish ambassador at Berlin that the
prisoners would be released "soon."
This, however, Lansing intimated to
day, probably was not in response to
Saturday's demands, but rathTr to in
quiries previously sent.
With this and other critical situations
alleviated, the president today is laying
plans for handling the situation after
congress adjourns, March 5.
Pacifists Are Encouraged.
Congress members who have frankly
expressed pacifist and pro-German ten
dencies in floor speeches are much im
pressed with reports from Austria to the
effect that officials there are hoping
for a complete congressional airing of
German-American relations. Such mem
bers have themselves expressed that
identical view.
This procedure is exactly what tho
president wishes to avoid at this time.
It is the one thing that might force his
hand and make him fed he shnnld im
mediately ask through the medium of
adinistratioii leaders or personal appeal
for the powers he is known to want in
I handling the international situation.
It was pointed out today that tho
president has two alternatives. One is
introduction by his congressional bad,
ers of a joint resolution providing an
appropriation and frte rein ond in hand
ling the situation; the other is the per
: i ..i.j i, .. ....
, "ll.ll H)CU1 III WHICH 111' VWUtVI Ut' M"
pected once more to outline the whole
'situation and suggest that, in view of
the present critical condition of affairs,
eongross should vest in him broad pnw
ers to protect American rights, proper
ty and lives as he sees it.
Decision Up to President.
It apepars a near certainty that tho
president will reach a decision on these
j two alternatives within the next few
days necause or tne proxinury oi ad
journment. It may be stated positively
that unless the situation takes drastic,
turns 'for the worse, the president noes
! not want, ami will do alt iu his power
I to avoid an extra session.
In Iho meantime negotiations tending
jto avoid a break between Austria-Hungary
and the United states continue.
; First Secretary Grew, formerly of tho
j Berlin embassy, has arrived in Vienna,
according to unofficial reports. Some
jlhiug definite in the Austro-American
situation can be expected at any time,
Istate department officials hinted. That
I Grew carried important messages from
; this country to Ambassador I'enfteM is
admitted. With this information in
(hand, Penfieltl will be able to explain
'iu detail to the Austrian foreign office
(Continued on page two.)
Oregon: To
night und Tues
day rain west ;
rain or snow east
po r t i on ; fresji
southerly winds
interior, moder
ate south erly
gale along tho