Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 15, 1917, Page NINE, Image 9

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Former Dallas Man
Gets Railroad Promotion
Capital Journal Scial Service)
K. D. Jennings, formerly Matin
citizen and at one time telegraph oper-n,)eth
aror ior ie noumern ririiir rmlwny
at tUt place lias licen promoted to a
Kwitioii as loiuniiTiial ageut fur the
O &l iml . m
.-K.uin.ru m.uir .-uuipauy ai now ol-
fiees just opened at Spokane. Mr. Jen
ttiags for th. pMst iew yean has Immmi
traveling freight agent for the 8. P.
with hciuhpiarters in Portland and his
promotion to Hie new posit inn show s
the high regard which tho company
pis. rs in him.
Dallas Girls to Study Trench
A class of girls of this city romnoac J
of Misses Hallie Smith. Maude ISarues,
Helen Casey. Pearl Smith and Muriel
Grunt have organized a class in Preach
au.t bare hegun taking lessons in that ' mon.t, wregOB, receimy to iook at ianu.
language from Mrs. O. P. MaeUregor. Mrs. P. V. Mahonv was delighted
All the young ladies Intend to enter seme time ago with the gift of a beau
the University of Oregon next fall and'tiful new piano given her by her par
credits are given bv the university for! Conrad, Montana, who are visiting her.
work done
studying foreign Inn-
Commercial Club in New Quarters
The Uallas Commercial club has rent
ed rooms in the ("glow building on
Main street and have oved their furni
.ture and fixtures into the no wlocation.
The new room will also be the head
quarters ol the I'olk county fair asso
ciation and the Polk county fruit grow
ers association. It is the plan of Mrs.
Winnie Braih'n the secretary of the
above organization! to conduct an em
ployment agency this summer in con
nection with the other club work. The
plan has the approval of the residents
.of the rural districts.
Basketball Saturday Night
The Hallos basketball team will meet
the swift team from Multnomah ath
letic club on the local floor Saturday
night. At the game played in Portland
two weeks ngo the Dallas team was de
feated by score of 12 to 11 and since
that time they have been practicing
every day with the hopes of evening
up the score wrlen the visitors came to
this city. Special trains I will be run
from the surrounding towns for the
I'aul Hunter of the Dallas ""'g''
has returned from a short business trip
.to Portland.
Miss Italic I 'glow and Miss Flora
AHJCallon returned 'the first' of the
week from an extended visit in San
Ilreeze (libson was a Capital city vis
itor Monday with relatives and friends
Breeze also attended the legsluture
while in Soieill,
Rev. and Mrs. T. H. Starbuek and
daughter, .Miss Kdith, were guests at
the home of their son, Dt. A. IS. Star
buck, on Court street this week.
Mrs. Frank Hligh and Mrs, S. E.
Rhodes of the Capital city are guests
of relatives and friends in Pallas this
Mr. and M
atlfiom an i
County CU
in son were 1
M. I). Ellis have retunt
'lnlod visit to points in
nd Mrs. Ada It. ROD
emlence visitors with
relatives the first of the week.
Miss Dollie Hurl; of Airlie was a
Sliest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Claire Snyder the first, of the week.
Mrs. L. I). Brown has returned from
linker where she was called by the
serious illness of her mother, Mrs. 8.
N. McKiin.
. Miss (iladys Cartwriglit, a teacher
in the Dallas schools, spent Sunday at
the home of her parents in Salem.
Frank Pepper ol Portland, owner of
the Dallas Ice plant, was a Dallas vis
itor this week.
Advertised Pebruar 13, 1917.
Mldredgo, Mr. Geo. M..; Ade;rsoM,
Mrs. M. S,; Boelenger, Miss li.; Bond.
Miss Clara: Hun net t Shop, (3)i Brewer,
Mrs. Pearl; Brown. Mrs. Selvia; Carver,
Miss R. M-J Craig. Win., Esq.; Ender.
Archie; Fruit. Mrs. Teresa; tiibbs, Mr.
Fred; Griffin, Mrs. Eugenia; Hill, Miss
Gladys; Hollensteiiier. Mr. D. A.; Huff.
Mr. Ervin; Hershcy, Mr. C. E.; Irwin,
Mrs. W. L.; Jensen. Master Harry Win.;
Macomb, Mrs. L. V.: Marvin, Miss
.lane. (21; Massey, Mr. Jethro H.; Mou
BOO, Mrs. A.; Owen, Mrs. Edith; Peter
son, Miss Mngdolene, care Andersons;
ledgers, Miss Bertha: Shalt?.. Miss
Ada: Thompson, Miss Bob; Vaughn, Mr.
B E.; Walker, C C: Wilson, Mrs.
J. C
Wilson. Mrs. Zaida; Woods. Mr.
Postmaster. '
s A With
Fairfield News
; Capital .Tournal Special Service)
Fairfiled Feb. 15. Kra Maud John
son las resumed her school work after!
an illness 01
ix weeks, and Miss Eliz-
uey, who was teaching fori
her. has returned 'to Stavton '
i r a rii.mu,. imm . c.
j. A. ui.mars has a Tor. e ot men
I taking out about thirty acres of hop
vartl his rRnch
Mrs. M. W. Mahony visited in Port
land a few days the past week, and
brought home a new Edison phonograph
with her.
Xtahan Sohn returned to Portland
Saturday after spending a few days on
his ranch. Mr. Sohn recently parchaaed
a Kentucky thoroughbred riding pouy.
It is a beautiful animal.
James Mahouy is building a now
tank house on his place for the conven
ience of running water in the house.
Ralph ImKctt. made a trip to lied
S. P. Parker has been on the sick
list but is able to be out.
Miss Ceorgia Broyles visited with,
her aunt, Mrs. John Matthaler the past
Miss Mabel Short spent the past week
with her sister, Mrs. Kalph OuRette.
John Marthaler who has been confin
ed to the house on account of a stiff
knee caused by a kick from a horse, is
able to be out again. He is now serious
ly considering the purchase of an auto
mobile. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Ditmnrs isited
a few friends for dinner Friday even
ing. To while away the winter evenings
several cant parti of "."00" have
been given recently in the neighbor
hood. The battle for championship is
fast and furious but so far John Mar
thaler and P. R. DuRette are in the
Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Mahony were
guests at the home of Prank Mahony 's
for dinner Sunday.
Mrs. Wilkinson has been suffering
with earache the past week, but is bet
ter. Jefferson News
L. GK Pidgin motored out to the Bui
giti ranch Thursday.
Mr. Pearson is home again -from In
diana, where he has been visiting rel
atives. The pupils of the Pringle school vis
ited the legislature Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Taylor motored
to Salem today.
Everybody enoyed a good time at the
literary society last Friday night, lunch
was served after the program.
A part of young folks gathered at
the home of Mr. and Mrs, t'has. Gra
henhorst Saturday night and spent the
time in flavins games and other enters
Guy Chandler was in Salem after a
load of grain Saturday.
Miss Kinma Fabry Ira started to
high school again this sertiester. C
Eola Items
Journal Special Service)
Kola. Or., Feb. 14. Mrs. Ferguson s
little daughter, Alaxmo, who has ueen
very sick with la grippe, is much bet
ter."' ' ' "
Mrs. George. Chapman and Grandma
Chapman visited the Mittys Thursday.
Mary Doherty and her brother Jo
of Saioni visited their relatives, the
Fergusons Sunday.
Ccorge Stewart has been suffering
with gathering in his ears lately.
1!. 1. Ferguson is doing some graft
ing for ' Hersehberg of Independence
this week. Last week he was pruning
for Herscliberg.
The Eola Literary society gave a
Lincoln program last Friday night. A
few of the school children read assays
on Lincoln. Mr. l'ugh and Frank and
Bud Burclt, our musicians, played sev
eral patriotic pieces of music, and f.
L. Paterson read a book about Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. Prank Hunt have a fine
twelve pound son, born last week.
Mrs. Jaeobson is in Eola visiting rel
atives and friends.
Mr. Lafollett is pruning fruit trees
for Mr. Holmnn.
Mr. .Kress of Salem is doing some
papering for the Holiuans this week.
Ground ntlce are bothering the lawns
of some of our citizens very much.
T. W. Brunk has been laid up with
Face to Face
our stock
Every article
You will see
prices never
Salem. We must close out everything
in five days. Come in and see us-
prCT7 JP CC 247 N. Commercial
IJL Ot VAJ. Salem, Oregon
Frndand News
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Fruitland, Keb. 14.-E. P. Mills i
witfc eale. Or. Pomeroy
,,f Sl-n, .. Mil..) lrf Mnml.r
Mr. A. Jaeksua i. ulan sick with the
measles, but is netting better, though
not able yet to sit np. Multnomah on ttre iwn nay or rebru
The Fruitlaud school will give nn.ary, 1917, in favor of the Armstrong-
PBtt,innu.n, fouoweJ i,v a social : Turner MiUinerv Co. a corporation.
tnp ,.nooi house Friday evening, plaintiff and against Mrs. W. A. John-
Feb. 23.
A baby boy came to gladden the i
hearts of Mr. and Mrs, A. H. Rressier
Mrs. John Paris is .suffering from
a severe cold.
The following prices far fruits
and vegetables are those asked by
the wholesaler of the retailer, and
not what is paid to the producer.
All other prices are those paid the
pioducer. Corrections are made
Creamery butter took a sudden de'
cline yesterday and today is quoted at
41 cents, a drop of four cents. Although
some change in the price of butterfat
was expected, none was announced.
Oregon eggs are supplying Montana
where the snow has been on the ground
for several months. This means a stiff
ening of the local market with quota
tations today of 2S and .'10 cents. The
retail juice now is 35 cents.
Firmness in the sugar market is re
sponsible for the advance of o cents
a hundred and the prospects are good
for another 2o cents advance as raw
material is up "0 cents from the quo
tations of n few dnvs ago.
.. $1.201.2ii
Oats, new ,
Shorts, per ton ....
Bay, clover
Hay, cheat $11
Hay, vetch $12
Hay, timothy $16
Butterfat 43c
Croamerv butter, per pound 41c
Country butter 2832e
Eggs and Poultry
Eggs, trade 30c
Eggs, cash 28c
Hens, pound 1410c
Roosters, old, per pound 9c
Turkeys, live 1921e
Turkeys, dressed 22(g)24e
Ducks, live 1214c
Geese, live , :'. 12c
Pork, Veal and Mutton
Pork, dressed 1415c
Pork, on foot
Veal, 'according to .quality .
Steers '-
Cows : .'. !
Lambs -U.,.v...'.
; Wethers-' .V.
Figs and -Sates
Figs, 30 12-oz
jj , 11c
Jk 6Se
Black figs ;.:
White figs
Golden dates
Dromedary dates
Cabbage x 5c
String garlic 710c
Potatoes, per 100 pounds ....$2.503.00
Parsnips, carrots aud beets $1.25
Green onions 40c
Artichokes $1.10
Lettuce, California, crate ....2,S08.7o
Tainale husks, lb
i7& 8
... 90cvl.00
t $2.75
.'. 50c$l
... $3.504.00
Brussels sprouts
Oranges, navels
Lemons, per box
Bananas, pound
California grape fruit ....
Florida grape fruit . . . $5.00
Pineapple 8c
Honey $3.50
CranbWfics $10
Cocoanuts $1.15
Retail Prices
Eggs, dozen .'. 35c
Sugar, cane $8.05
Sugar, beet $7.85
Creamery butter 50c
Flour, hard wheat $2.10$2.40
Flour, vclley $1.90$2.00
Portland, Or., Fob. 15.
plainly marked
goods offered at
before equaled
Sale of Heal Property an Execution
irtuc ol an eaecuuon maued out
of the honorable circuit court of the
state of Oregon, for the county oi
'eon, defeudant. tor the turn of $29....")
in V. S. gold coin now due on said .ludg
nient. with interest thereon at the jate
of tl i'.-r ceut per annum in like coin
from the 22nd dav of reiiruarv. nnt.
and the further sum of $1.1.00 cwts aud
accruing costs, 1 have levied upon and
will sell at public auction, on Snturrtav
the 17th day of March, 1917, at 11
o 'dock a. m. at the court house door
in Marion countv and state of Oregon.
all the right, title and interest vhir.li
the said Mrs. . A. Johnson defendant
had on or after the 31st day of Janu
ary, 1917, in or to tho following describ
ed premises, to-wit:
Commencing at the northeast corner
of Isaac Baker's douatien land claim
in township 7 south, range 2 west of
Willamette Meridian, running thence
south 4 degrees 45 minutes east 1S.31
chains to a planted rock in the center
of the county road; thence north 88
degrees 54 minutes west 10.00 chains
thence north '4 degrees 45 minutes west
17.88 chains to the north line of said
Isaac Baker's donation land claim;
thence north 89 degrees 40 minutes east
16.60 chains to the place of beginning,
containing 30 acres of land in Marion
county, Oregon.
Terms of sale cash, unless bid in by
Dated at Salein, Oregon this 12th day
of February, 1917.
Sheriff of Marion county, Oregoi .
Feb. 15 fo Mar,. 15.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned by an order of the county
court of Marion county, Oregon, duly
made and entered on the 17th day of
January, 1017, was appointed adminis
trator of the estate of William Hollis,
deceased, and that he has duly quali
fied as such. All persons having claims
against said estate are hereby notified
to present the same duly verified as
required bv law, at the office of Smith
.v Shields, to:! Snleni Bank of Com
merce building in the city of Salem,
Marion county, Oregon, within six
months from the dato of this notice.
Dated and first published this 25t,K
day of January, 1917.
Administrator of the estate of Wil
liam Hollis, deceased. Feb 22
Administratrix Notice or Hearing of
Final Account
Notice is hereby given that the final
account of Khoda Mayo ' as administra
trix of th estate of Frank J. Mayo,
deceased, has been filed in the county
court of Marion county, state of Ore
gon, and that the 19th day of Febru
ary, fit the hour- of 10 'o 'clock a. ffi.
has been duly appointed by such court
for the hearing of objections ...to snch
final account-and the. se&5cuu;Jit there
of, afr-which time any $Mrsou .interest-jpply
ed in such estate may appear aud tile
objections thereto in writing and con
test the same.
Administratrix of the estate.
Feb. 15.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned bas this day filed in the
county court of the state of Oregon
for the county of Marion bis final ac
count as executor of theVlast will and
testament of llustuve Uirod, deceased,
and that said court has fixed Monday,
February 19, 1917, at the hour ot 1U
o'clock a. m. of said day, as the time,
and the county court room in the coun
ty court house, in Salem, in Marion
county, Oregon, as the place for hear
ing said final account and all objec
tions thereto.
Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 10th
day of January, 1917.
W'lieat, club $1.52
Red Hussian $1.50
Bluestem $1.58
Fortvfold $1.5-1
Oats, No. 1 white feed $30
Barlev, feed $30.50
Hogs,' best live $12.2."12.35
Prime sjeers 9g.25
Fancy cows $77.75
Calves $8(5 10
Spring lambs 12.50 12.75
Butter, city creamery 39c
Eggs, selected local ex. 3132c
Hens 18C
Broilers 18(o20c
Geese 1213e
nil. O. U SCOTT Graduate of Chiro
practic's Fountain Head, Davenport,
Iowa. If yam have tried everything
and got no relief, try Chiropractic
spinal adjustments and get well. Of
fice 406-7-8 U. 8. National Bank
building. Phone Main 87. Residence
Main 828-B.
A. M Clough morticians and funeral
directors. Latest modern methods
known to the profession employed
499 Court St. Main 120, Main 9888.
directors and undertakers, 252 Nort
High street
Day and night phone
rologist, nervous and chronic diseas
es a specialty. 35 vrs. experience with
drugs, surgery and drugless methods.
Examination free. 712 State St. Phone
FOR EXCHANGE House aud lot and
another splendid lot with garage, to
exchange for laud. Square Deal Real
ty Co., 202 U. S. Bank bldg.
High and Perry streets. Full line oft
nursery stock. Italian prunes a spe
cialty. Grafted Franquett' walnuts,
Roman strain. 50,000 fine peach seed
lings that we will graft as desired
if contracted for at special prices,
i Petite scions suitable for grafting on
above mentioned seedlings, Irom the
largest siaed Petites grow.i in this
country. Nursery located one mile
east of penitentiary. Phone 100P21.
Grafters wanted.
Executor of the last will and testa
ment of Gustavo Girod, deceased.
Jan. IS to Feb. 15.
N0. 13510
In the Circuit Court of the tSate of
Oregon for Marlon County Depart
ment No. 2
Mary Katherino Carr, plaintiff, vs.
Robert Carr, defendant. Summons:
To the above named defendant, Rob
ert. Carr:
In the name of the state of Oregon
you are hereby notified to appear and
answer a complaint filed against you
in the above entitled court and cause
within six (6) weeks from the date
of the first publication of this sum
mons, anil if vou fail so to aurtear and
a.uswx'1' said cumpUtBit, plaiuiiff will
to the court Cor a decree forever
dissolving the bonds of matrimony ex
isting between plaintiff and defendant,
and for tho relief prayed for in said
iou are notified that, on the ITta
day of January, 1917, the Honorable
Geo. G. Bingham, judge of the aboxie
entitled court made mi order at the
ity of Salem, Marion county, Oregon,
authorizing and directing this summons
to be served upon yon by publication
thereof, once a week for six (0) suc
cessive weeks in the Daily Capital
Journal, a newspaper published daily
at Salem, Oregon, and the first publi-
atiou of this summons was made on
the 18th day of January, 1917, and
date ot the last publication thereof
will be made and the same will expire
on the 1st day of March, 1917, and that
defendant be required to appear and
answer said complaint on or before
the third day of March, 1917. .
Mar. 1 Attorney for plaintiff.
Notice, is hereby given that the un
dersigned adininiotrator has filed his
final account of the estate Of W. L.
Paterson, deceased, with the county
clerk of Marion county, Oregon, and
that the county court of said county
has fixed the Sth day of March, 1917,
at. ten o'clock in the forenoon as the
time for hearing objections to the said
final account and settlement thereof,
and that any heirs, creditor, or other
person interested in the said estate
may, on or before said date, file his
objections, if any, to said account .and
show cause why said account (should not
be allowed and settled as rendered.
Dated this 21th day of January, 1917.
Administrator of the estate of W. L.
Paterson, deceased. Mar. 1
Of ihe State of Oregon for Marion
County, Department N. 2
Minnie Jones, plaintiff, vs. Harry
Jones, defendant, Kuminons:
To Harry Jones, the above named de
fendant: In the name of the state of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled suit on or before
the 22nd day of March, 191 1, and it
you fail so to appear and answer said
complaint, for want thereof the plain
tiff will apply to the court for the re
lief lunved tor in her complaint, a
sucinct statement of which is as fol
A decree dissolving the marriage con
tract heretofore existinij between plain
tiff and defendant and restoring to the
plaintiff her maiden name of Minnie
Potwin, and for such other and further
relief as to the court may seem equit
able. You are further notified that this
summons is served upon you by publica
tion thereof in the Capital Joiirnal, a
duilv newspaper printed and published
in the city of Saleij, Marion county,
Oregon, and that the date of the first
publication thereof is the Hth day of
February, 1817, and the last publication
thereof "will be made on the ii-nd day
of March, 1917. This summons is so
published and served upon you pur
suant to the order of the Hon. tieorge
G. Hingham, judge of said court, which
onler was made and entered of record
in said cause on the 26th day of Janu
ary, 1917.
Mar 22 Attorneys for plaintiff.
The aUrdndiscFbdaLoslOround
want ad is wonderful
Try one ifyou have lost somdhirA
BLECTRI6 BATHS Massage, Ameri
can and Swedish, drugless methods
of treatment, Eva Murphy, drugless
physician, 384 State St Boom 11.
Office hours. 10 a. m, to 9 p. m. tf
BALEM 8CAVENGER Charles 8oos,
proprietor. Garbage and refuse of al'
kinds removed on monthly contract
at reasonable rates. Yard and eess
pools cleaned. Office phone Mal
2247. Residence, Main 2272.
ON Good Real Estate Security
Over Ladd & Bush bank, Salem, Oregon
Eastern Money at Lowest Rates, en
approved Security. Homer H. Smith,
Room 5, MoCornack Bldg., Salem, Or.
Classified Business
Telephone Directory
A Quick, handy reference for busy people
Salem Elestrls Co., Hasonit Temple, 27 North High
T. M. Ban, 104 South Commercial street
Salein Trash At Dray Co., eonier State ana front street
Tn tti flirniit fonrt nf the "State nf MODBKN. WOODMEN OF, AMERICA Ore
Iii tlie Circuit court of tHe State of CedBr Camp No 62i9 meet erery
Oregon, for Marion County Thnrsday evening at 8 o'cloe' la Me-
Del.ile Greene, plaintiff, vs. Georne Derby-Lai ky bfdg., corner Oonrt and
C. Ritchie, Dorothy May Ritchie, Har
riett .lane Ititcliie, Gladys Irene Kitchie,
and Clarence Edgar Ritchie, h
r at
1 Henrietta A. Ritchie, deceased,,
To tieorge C Hitchie, Dorothy May
Ritchie, Harriett Jane Ritchie, Gladys
Irene Ritchie and Clarence Edgar
Ritchie heirs at law of Henrietta A.
Ritchie, deceased, the above named de
fendants, and to George V. Ritchie,
guardian of the said Dorothy May
Ritchie, Harriett .lane Ritchie, (Hadys
Irene Ritchie and Clarence Edgar
Ritchie, minor defendants.
In the name of the state of Oregon,
you and each of you are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above
entitled court and cause, on or before
six full weeks, from the date of the
first publication of this summons a
gainst you, as hereinafter shown and
And if you fail so to answer or ajv
pear, tor want thereof, the planum
will pray the court, for judgment and
decreets in his complaint set forth ;and
that you and each of you, have no ti
tle, right or interest, in or to the fol
lowing described property, towit:
.Situated in block 48 University ad
dition to Kalem, Marion county, and
state of Oregon, described as follows:
A strip of land ten (10) feet wide off
the east side of lot No. three (3) full
length of said lot, and all of lot No.
two (2), save apd except forty by ono
hundred feet, in the northeast corner
thereof, and described as follows: be
ginning ut the northeast corner of said
lot 2, running thence southerly along
cast line of said lot, one hundred feet,
thence westerly and parallel with tho
south line of said lot, forty feet, thence
northerly, and parallel with the west
line of said lot, one hundred feet, to
the- north line of said lot two (2),
thence easterly along the north line of
said lot two, to the place of beginning.
And that plaintiffs' title thereto be
ouieted against you, and each of you,
and all persona claiming under or
through you.
That you, and each of you be forever
barred, from asserting any claim or ti
tle to said premises, or any part there
of, and for such other and further re
lief, as the "court may deem meet and
I equitable
This summons, is published against
you, by virtue of an order mado und
entered by Hon. (leo. C. Hingham, judge
of the above entitled court, in the city
of Salem, Marion county, Oregon, on
the 3rd day of February, 1917, which
order directed the service of this sum
mons upon you, by publication thereof,
in the Capital Journal, a daily news
paper published in and of general cir:
eolation throughout Marion county,
Oregon, such publication to be made
for six consecutive weeks, and for sev
en publications thereof.
First publication, Thursday, Febru
ary 15th, 1917.
Last publication, Thursday, March
29th, 1917.
Attorney for plaintiff.
Residing at La Grande, Union county,
urauma and real estatb
CHAS. a HODGKIN General Isaac
MM& -'r'v Hose!?, 9tt$ MflMtl
rentals. Hubbard bldg. Phono SM. If
Co., 220 N. Kberty
Phone T98. A com
plete line of Electis
Supplies and fixture.
50 years experience.
Depot National and American faaca
Sizes 26 to 58 in. high.
Paints, oil and varnish, etc.
Loganberry and hop hooks,
Salem Fence and Stove Works, 256
Court street. Phone 124.
DRS. B. H. WHITE and B. W. WAL
TON Osteopathic physicians and
nefve specialists. Graduate of Amer
ican school of Osteopathy, KirksviDe,
Mo. Post graduate and specialized in
nerve diseases at Los Angeles college.
Treat acute and chronic disease.
Consultation free. Lady attendant.
Office 505-506 U. 8. National Bank
building. Phone 859. Residence, 340
North Capital street Phone 469.
corner Commercial and Trade steet.
Bills payable monthly in advance,
Why the Journal Is popular
It prints the world's news to-
day while it's news.
fi jc 5C 3jc sfc 5(c 3jC 3(c 3(C 9C Sfc 3C
Mala Ink
MaU lit
, Mate V
High streets. J. F. Day, V. C, J. A.
Wright, Clerk.
BALEM I.ODOK Ng, , a. W. A A. li. .
each month at 7 :3 p. m. In the Miionld
Temple. Chaa, McCarter, W. M. ; S. 2.
Shilviir otpolm,v
! ,
ARTISANS- Capital Ajuembly.
JNo. H, meets every Ttuirsctay at a p.
m. in I. O. O. F. hall. O. O. Jfttloek,
M. A. O. A Vibbert secretary, Grown
Drug store, 338 State street.
Derby buildinfj, Tuesday evening at
each week at 7:30. Loyd T. Rdgdon,
C. O; W. B. Gilson, K. of R. and a
.. O. 17. W. Protection Lodge Pit.
Meets every Monday evening at 8. In tae
Mct'ornack ball corner Court an Llhjsrty,
streets, A. B. Aafrance, M, Jf. ; 8. A.
McFaddcn, recorder; A. U Browa,
financier; B. B. Duncan, treasurer.
president; Mrs. Lou Ttllson, aeerotarw.
All cases of cruelty or neglect of dunk
animals should be reported t the
secretary tor luvcstlgatHn.
db moijAy commandehtT Nw B, K. W.
Hegular conclave fourth Friday In eaefc
month at 8 o'clock p. m.. In Mlsunla
Temple. Sojourning Sir Knights art
courteously invited to meet, with aa.
Lot L. Pearce, FJ. C, Frank Xurasr,
HODSON COUNCIL, fto. 1, B. ft S, M.
Stated assembly flrgt Monday In eacB
month. Masonic Temple. N- P. Banana
en, Thrice Illustrious Master; Clean C
Nlles, recorder.
SALEM COUNCIL NO. 2C2& Knights in
Ladles of Security, Meeta every 2nd aai
4th Wednesday each month, at Hurst
Hall. VIsltlBg members are InySUd ta
attend. K. F. Walttn, financier, 480
14th Street.
Stated communications
In pnch month at 7 :30 D.
In tit
Masonic Temple. W. II. Dancy, W. U,t
Hrnest H. Choate, secretary.
Friday night at 8 o'clock in Derby
bldg.,' Court and High Sis. A. J.
Sweinink, C. C.j L. S. Geer, clerk,
507 Court street. Phoue 593.
R. N. A. "Oregon Grape Camp" No.
13(50, meet every Thursday evening
in Derbv und T.afky building, efcurt
and High streets; Mrs. Sylvia
Schaupp 1971 Market, oracle; Mrs.
Melissa Persons, recorder, 129G North
Coinuiercal. Phono 1 t3(5M.
Yick So Tout
Has medicine which will ear
Any known Disease
Open Sundays from 19:00 a. .
nrtil 8:00 p. m.
in South High 8trt.
Saltan, Oregon. Pftoaa Mf