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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1917)
(Tbc 3oilaiiial Journal PAGE TEN SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY, FEB. 15, 1917. I Unusal Off rina nt Mp-vpra fnr Th 11 r sclav. X X IT IS TRUE ECONOMY J PRUDENT SHOPPERS IT Daisy Outing Flannel The best quality, Selling in some stores at 20c a J yard. Three day sale ! Price 12c a Yard Best Crochet Thread J Fine mercerized, soft and hard twist, good assort ment of colors. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 3 balls for 5c A Sale of Middy Blouses Regulation style, good t quality, heavy twill and linine, all white and blue t collars; a good grade at J $1.25. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday ..79c Each I You Can Always : Do Better at Meyers Wheat Market Shows Strong Undertone Today Chicago, I'Vb. 15. Wheat hud Mrong undertone today. A "break fol- , , , , . , , i lowed ihi- Mart, hut n good commission house demand developed. May opened down 7 H, but subsequently guined I 3-8 to $1.71! :t S. .July opened down B-S, Inter gaining 7-8 to $1.47 ii-S. Septem ber opened down 5-H but guined go ing to I.M7 .Is. Com started witii a "eel, undertone, hot strengthened with wheat. May opened down 3-8 then gained 1 to 1.04'i. July opened down ',, later mining 7-K to iW .'t-4. Oats displayed tenipory flnnnen in first trades, but prices eased, then fob AUCTION SALE Every Saturday 1:30 P. M. 341 NORTH COMMERCIAL STREET We are receiving several consignments of medium and high grade furniture for our sale next Saturday and you cannot afford to miss this sale if you are in need of furnishings of any kind. The list includes almost everything necessary for modern housekeeping. Stoves Ranges Heaters Magi Linoleum Beds Springs Mattresses Dressers Commodes Tables Chairs Rockers Kitchen Cabinets Kitchen Tables Stools Utensils & Dishes Tubs Bouerg Washboards Wringers Washing Machines Sewing Machines Pictures Everything put up goes strictly to the highest bidder and is a bonafide sale, as we hire no pei-son to bid in furniture that does not bring in high enough prices. Dealers have attended our sales and remarked that they were able to buy for less than wholesale prices. This is certainly the place to get furnishings for that extra room or even the whole house. E. L. STIFF & SON EVERY SATURDAY AT 1:30 P. M. Free Souvenirs for the Ladies. 341 N. Commercial Cash for Used Furniture Don't ever sell your furniture price, in cash or trade, or if you price to let us diapoao of it by l L STIFF & SON - "'-" w-w . w Friday and Saturday TO PURCHASE FROM WILL READILY REC OGNIZE THE OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE MONEY PAYS TO RAED OUR ADS .23-Inch Imported . Pongee Silks 43c Yard Here are new Pongees in an unusual offering, just the fabric for spring and summer. Sale price Thurs day, Friday and Satur day 43c a Yard Carlson & Currier and Haminways Celebrated Spool Silk, Black and Colors Thursday, Frrday and Saturday .... gc a Spool Queen Outing Flannel Light, medium and dark colorings in desirable pat terns, pinks, blues, etc., in neat stripes. A good value at 15c a yard. Our price Thursday, Friday and Saturday 12c a Yard SALEM'S BIG DEPARTMENT STORE KVSI JL IMoooiX I lowed the othor grains. May opened tan 1 changed, then gained l to fu 7-s-, July opened down I S, later gaining 3-8 to 54 7-K. ' Provisions ruled iinctianued and sell- ling was only fair.' I'nfavorable shipping ;nW" "' v'"' ,0 e" uepreiw- IUg Oil Cct . , m , Washington "Bone" Dry Unless Law Is Referred Olynipia, Wash., Feb. fl of Washington will go bom unless 80,000 or more voter The state Iry June 10 petition for a referendum. The measure whieh abolishes importa tion of liquor on auditors' permits puss ed the senate yesterday afternoon. An Carpet Sweepers Vacuum Cleaners Cots Sanitary Couches Bedding Carpets Matting Morris Chairs Lawn Mowers Garden Tools And dozens of articles too numerous to mention. without seeing us as we pay highest prefer will give you a still higher auctiou on the premises. 404 Court St. Phone 841 3 Busy Stores. 341 39 N. Commercial Phone 508 - - - ' J 7 t THESE SPECIALS Women's Outing or Auto I Gloves of Kid Leather These are excellent qual- t lty and sell at $1.75. If we have your size, you tj 1 j 1 mi i 1 can Duy tnem inursaay, Friday and Saturday a $1.29 a pair jj A Three Day Sale of I Dress Goods 8-incnes wide and in f plaid and check patterns. Take your choice of the lot Thursday, Friday and 1 Saturday . . . . 4gc a Yard Bovs' Blouses 6 to 14 years, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, a large assortment' of pat terns, light and medium colors 39c Each goods GP M4 amendment to refer it to the people was overwhelmingly defeated. Governor Lister will sign the bill. Only three senators voted against the bone dry measure. .Senator Karsh ner tried to amend the bill by striking out I lie clause whieh permits priests, ministers and rabbis to import liquor for sacramental purposes. The amendment was voted down, friends of the bill were afraid to lisli lending it bach to the house. San Francisco's Underworld Accepts Defeat Quietly Wan Franciseo, Peb. 18. "Sail Pran eisco's underworld today aeeepted de feat quietly. Hysteria and excitement which came wi'li the closing of the '"Marbary Coasl " has passed and one of the World's most notorious vice spots to day was as quiet as the morgue which it faces. The underworld women have dropped quietly from sight. Not one took nd vnutago of the offer of financial aid and other assistance which social work ers made. Hcv. Paul Smith, whose vice crusade sounded the death knell of the "Barbery Coast." said today that not only did the women decline to seek aid but they had laughed at social workers who offered such aid. Tin I nana and the border will get many of them, it is said. Before leaving for California yester day, A. N. Bush placed with the city recorder the deed to the city for the Bush pasture- The city recorder will present it to the city council next Mon day evening for acceptance, after wliten it will be recorded. The tract is to be officially known as "Bush's pasture '. One of the provisions of the deed is that it shall remain in its present state during the life time of Miss Sally Bush. The tract contains 5" acres locat ed in the hettrt of the city and is declar ed bv mnnv to be one of the finest park siles in the valley. The first annual reunion and roll call of the Baptist church was held this aft j eruoon and w ill close this evening with lun address by the past at, the Rev. ' Qaorge V. Holt, outlining the work of ! the church for the coming year. The I services opened this afternoon at -i jo'ekyk with a devotional program, ful- lowed by a roll call. As names are call i ed, each member will be called on for a short response. A social hour and lunch will follow the afternoon roll I call and exercises. After the lunch. the evening services will open with a i praise service for which special music has been prepared by Mrs. r. P. Harlan and a quartette composed of Theodore and John Koth and Johu and Fred Broer. After the eveniug roll call, an address will be delivered by the pastor. So far, about 60 of the unmarried men of the Klk lodge have been rounded up for the home made dinner that the married men of the lodge will tender to the unmarried members on the evening of Thursday, February 22, just in the way of observing Washington's birth day. This number includes a few of ! the charter members who have managed I to get along without the comforts of a home to the younger members of the i herd who have just passed the age (M 1 21 years. After the dinner all mom l hers of the lodge will meet at the Klk temple for a Washington birthday pro i gram. TRY JOURNAL WANT .ADS All Around Town! COMING EVENTS February 20. Anniversary ob servanee of Knights of Pyth ias and Pythian Sisters. February 20. Anuiversary ob of the American Revolution. Address bv Rollin K. Page. February 22. Company .1 jit- ney dance at armory. February 2.'t. Dean Morton, of I'niversity of Oregon, at pub- lie library, "Opportunities of Business. ' ' February 23, 24. 25 Western if Oregon Christian Endeavor convention, First Christian church. o . . . "It pays to trade wfcere things are J II mL T ii . :lll llll- Ul lllll l7IIIIH---'n III H' I " I UII Ill.-M rSalenT " made!25 years, reports that there is an un- u huh I HemHinl among tht farmers for all I, I lillS HI M'fU- I HIS rII -HI. HIM' M.JS C. T. Doty fish. Pnone 2125. 121 S.!th(, farmers are mo',,, careful in Mleet 0IIU ing clean seed and of a better yrnde. The many friends of Mrs. Margaret H. Fursman will be grieved to know! t that she passed away in Seattle January 31, at the age of SSt years. She was a resulent oi Salem tor many years. C. T. Doty fish. Phone 2125. 121 S. ( 'ont. " Big dance at Ryan's hall, Saturday; eve I'Vb. 17. Everybody come. 8-15 o The river has fallen one foot during j the past two days and the gauge reads j today 5.7 feet above the low water : mark. The ramie of teniuerature is varv-! ing bul little so far this month, with a range yestenluy of from 10 to 36. 0 Will "A Salem friend" who conir municated with Doctor P. please send details. 2-20 o Auction inside of building, out of the I rain. 341 X. Com 'I every Saturday at h30 p. m. Free souvenirs for the la- dies. The Rer. H. N Aldrlchs and Luther 3. Chapin went to Woodland yesterday to atteud a special meeting of the men interested in the dairy business. E. B. Pitts, of the O. A. C, delivered aiv ad dress on "Feeding of Dairy Cows. ' C. T. Doty fish. Phone 2125. 121 S. Com. Best hogs $11.50 or better. Q. W. Eyre. Phone 2206M. tf i o Guyer it Pfreim, of 246 State street. are now local agents for the Paige ar, ar sometimes called the most beautiful cat in America- Wi S. Barnes, the sales man ager for Oregon, promises a big cam paign in the way of placing the Paige car this season. C. T. Doty, oysters. Phone 2125. 121 S. Com. "Promptness and neatness In watch ; 0 repairing." Ponieroy and Wallace, 125! C. T. Doty, chiG'.-ens. Phone 2125. 121 Commercial. I tf I s. Com. -o o George Shaw, president of the Marion ; a chimney fire was the cause of a fire County Poultry association, announces j department run last night , at ii:10. The that the annual show for next year Willi blaze was at the residence of W. H. By be held beginning January 18, 1918. It era, of 835 North Commercial street is possible that it will be held at thej 0 same time as the Marion county corn ; Buy Everwear, the nationally adver RhOWi jtised hosiery of Ward K. Kichardson, o 2395 Front. Willamette Encampment No. 2, T. O. o O. F., will hold its regular meeting CARD OF THANKS Tuesday evening Feb. 13. Special enter- tainment. Chief Patriarch. 2-18 y Dr. D. X. Beechler. dentist, located - 3-4 mile north of the fair grounds, Port : land road. Owing to no office expense: nrices reasonable. 1-21 1 o At the meeting of the Maccabees last, BnAHlnn ;., ,!,, 1. ..!.... , ,i it Mi.- i 1. i I i . ,r-r. , . w , , i, building, an address was given by Mrs. Aydelotte, of Oakland. Cal., deputy su - picnic commander of the woman's lien el'ii association of the lodge. After the regular business session and degree work, lunch was served. 25c will buy a gooa square meal serv ed family style at George Bros. Res taurant. 2G2 State St., two doors west of Com'l St. tf o Dr. F. H. Thompson, 416 Bank of Commerce. Practice limited to diseases of eye. ear, nose and throat, and gener al surgery. tf When it comes tq the open discussion of various ipiestior.s, we are progress ing. At Willamette university tonight in Waller hall, at the annual Keyes oratorical contest, one of the contest ants has taken for his subject, "The Double Standard of Morals." o C. T. Doty, oysters. Phone 2125. 121 S. Com. Furnlsh your home by attending E. L Stiff & Son's auction ales, Saturday at 1:30 p. m 341' N. Com'l. Free souve- nirs for the ladies The up-to-date billiard parlor of J. M. Sehou A Co. announce the opening of an amateur billiard tournament, com meucing this evening and lasting for eight or 10 days. Among those who will take part are Mike Miller. Ray Tilsins, Byron NoUd. Q. M. Watson, Chns D. Brown and Berrel Rexford. Auction of furniture, E. L. Stiff ft Son's auction house. 341 N. Com'l ev ery Saturday at 1:30 p. m. Free souve nirs for the ladies. d Have you seen the new Hudson hi - cycle Watt ijhipp Co. Thieves entered tha high school dress- ing room last night and made away w ith ' Has anyone any Information concern several jerseys and other athletic goods. ; ing the death of Gaines Fisher? Aceord Kntrance was gained through a window. ; ing to a letter received by City Record Kvidenee seems to show that the theft jer Race, from J. C. Hoover, of Liucoln. had been planned n the window is thought to have been unlocked by some one. From time to time there has been petty thieving and efforts will now be made to stop it. C. T. Doty, oysters. Phone 2125. 121 S. Com. John Shipp. a taxi cab driver, was ar- I rested this morning, charged w ith eut iting corners. He will be arraigned this ,afternoou before Police Judge Race. j o I Ford tires Blackstone $10.10 and U.20, guaranteed SSM miles. Watt j Bhlpp Co. The indications are that an acreage larger than ever in the history of the I ! county will be planted this spring la ; oats, wheat, clover, timothy and pus-1 . ., 1 i Imt. 'i. . i. i iiurcirnisst - s, ir. ,. ii i n-, wimi ims niin. ,,r .... .... ,. ,, l C. T. Doty, chietons. Ph,,ne 2125. 121 Com. H. Keppler and family, oi Naravisa, New Mexii-n. arrived In the city today un. I will MiA'p their lionw in folk eoujl- .,i., h., ;i., ,.,,, k. ,.;tv Hu ; heard of the Willamette valley through If Heads living at (iervais. 0 Automobile gloves and robes acces- sories of all kinds. Watt Shipp Co. o Elaborate preparations are being made by members of Company 'M 'for their hie military ball which will be. given on the evening of February 22 j m honor ot Oeorge Washington's birth-1 .nay. line eoiummee in enarge is com posed of Sergeant H. F. Mclnturff and Privates Malcolm Gilbert and Williams, This committee promises that the George Washington dance will be a first class affair. 0 C. T. Doty, chic'ciens. Phone 2125. 121 B. Coin. "The Bird of Paradise" brought out a capacity house last evening at the opera house. The general opinion is that it ii one ot the best plays that ever came to Salem. The cast was sal isfactory from every standpoint and the same may be said of the support. Biggest and best auction of furniture In town 341 N. Com 'I Saturdays. 1:30 p. in. free souvenirs for the ladies. The Imperial Valley of southern Cali fornia is now calling for the Indiana silo manufactured by 1h"e Npaulding Logging company. Within a few days three carloads of silos will be shipped to El Centrp and Calexico for distribu tion among the farmers' in that country who live below the sen level and who raise two crops every year. The In diana silos are now being delivered to all points on the Pacific coast from the I Canadian to the Mexican border. j We desire to thank the friends 1 neighbors and especially the member of th W. H. C. who assisted us during the illness and burial of our belov mother. Sarah A. Fisher, THE FAMILY o A . P . . You are foolish to leave Salem, W if you must go, K. 1.. Stiff v Son wi - mil- ...... t I.. 1. uli.wi l,..-i.c fill- vnilV ii"-',. " , ' 1 ... - - goods, cash On the spot or will auction jit on the premises and give you a cash guarantee. Members of the Salem Rifle club : shooting in the national inter-club gnl- lery competition tor 1817, made about!. average scores last evening, the fivoi . . . ... c,- , 4 4 t I , . . ,. .. ... .! ,. , on state street. She was 81 years old tttt.t,,ttt high scores out ot the 10 beinu as fol- , , . , ... . mi 1 ' " lows: Whorlev, 1711; Mapes. U: Doe, !'ml h"fl, Y'N o I rt tL' , " ' 173) Day, tW; &tllen, ud. These scoA!fc h,,sbattd- ( -K f"1"- sons and two daughters. H. IX and Wil "''.. ' ., , ., , . . died 12 vears ago. She is survived bv : ,. n t 1 . ir- T r m -r-, are out ot a possible 200. shooting a a .laughters, nine grandchildren and:1""11 LamloU; M,s' hm" B' TT bulls eve one inch in diameter a ldLZ K,eat-grandchiTdrt1i. Two of her and Mrs. Lena Waters Perlich. Kleven tanee of 78 feet, the target ntte is or ttji0M art, residents of Salem, Rov 1 grandchildren and four great-grandchil-the regulation army weight ol eight ar jj, . B. C . Btttton. ' Idren also survive. He had made his l"iuuds' 0 home in 8alem since 1893. An interesting feature of the auc-' Tthe od housekeeper wiU pay 25 Funeral arrangements are in car, , Hon. at K. 1.. Stiff & Son's auction T,"s f hundred more for sugar today the Terw.lliger parlors, luneral an , '. -ii v 1 - -i ;. ,1,.,, ., 1 ro than slu did yesterday and the chances ; nouncenients have niit as yi't been niade. '.. .. .. , . . Tj ate good tor another 2a cents advance. ouantitv ot new furniture of gooil . . . . , - . i-. t .1. . ...,11 This brings the regularlv quoted price (Mia i v is put 1111 tor sale )is well as 1 e ! UM t , ' use I oods 1 s,1Sar ,0 a hundred tor cane ' ' jnnd $7.S5 for beet sugar. This figure CARD OF THANKS I 's l1"4' cents a hundred higher than We wish in this manner to extend ; J ago today The highest price our sincere thanks to all friends who!!'"1 tor sugar in 1!K. was on July ., , 1 .,,. 1 :,,.it,. .,, ,i,,rin.T ! when the quotation was !.!(i a hun- ! the sickness and following the death ..1' .mi. I1.1ls.11.1l tiiwliin.l nnil In-other. Ms., Miss 'ii..s fat the solos so beauti fuUv rendered, as well as thc friends, for their lovely flowers. MKS. WILLIAM 1). K1NC JOHN W. KING, CRANK 6. K1NC. T. RALPH KINO, JF.RRY P. KINO, GEORGE A. KING. Beginning next Wednesday evening, ' there will be regular weekly drills for! the Cherrians. This boosting organiza tion is planning big things for this com ing summer and an effort will be made to line up all the Cherrians at the week ly drill. Auvhow, a record will be kept lot those who are interested enough in I the welfare of the organization to at- s iciui arms. I MAMMOTH AUCTION SALE "At the People's Quick Ex change Auction Market" Cor. Ferry and S. Commercial St., opposite the Marion Hotel ON SATURDAY, FEB. 17. at 10 a m. and 1:30 p. m. At 10 a. m., consisting of 3 good fresh cows, horses, wagons, farm machinery, harness, wagons, spring wagons surreys and small tools including one 600 lb. platform scale good as new, 1 ball bear ing grind stone, one 14-inch breaking plow, 1 double stove cultivator, one 5-shovel cultivator, one 2-section iron harrow, 1 post hole digger, saws of all kinds, forks, spades, shovels, vise, wrenches and many other things; J. S. Johnson, owner. At 1:30 P. M., Household Goods, consisting of a number of beds, springs and mattresses, sanitary cot, good lounge, extension tables, kitchen tables, kitchen cabinets, 2 good dressers, : good 4-hole cook stoves, heaters, rugs, dining chairs, rocking chairs, kitchen chairs, cupboard, kitchen utensils and dishes, 1 good 4-hole range, 1 fumed oak library table, and many other things. Everybody welcomed, ladies especially invited; the only place you can buy at your own prices. . F. N. WOODRY, Auctioneer, phone 511 Not connected with ic )jc sfc s(s fi J. 1). Hughes is in the city from Corvallis. Harry Jacobs, of Powell Kiver. B. '., is in the city Richard Walker, of Turner, was a Br. lent visitor yesterday. Sherman Swank of Aomsville, was in the city yesterday. George W, Hug. of Mc.Minnville, was in the city Wednesday. ilrs. Anna Bittick, of WoOdburn was a Salem, visitor yesterday. G. H. Kordeu. of Mosier. Ore., is in the city registered at the Bligh. J. Ot. French uts in Portland yeiter day registered at the Multnomah. J. V. Sherwood, state commander of the Maccabees, is in the city. His home is in Portland. A. A. I'nderhill, manager of the Townseuil creamery, was in PoriluuG yesterday on business. K. ('. Smith, district deputy of the Maccabees, of Albany, is in the city to remain for several days. L. M. Thomas, of Portland, is in the city. He is district manager of the Knights and Ladies of Security. -Mrs. Ada Wallace Unruh, a member of the legislative committee of the W C. T. I'., returned yesterday to her home in Portland. She has been in Salem for the past five weeks. Mrs. Sarah A. Richardson, of Klls worth, left for her home yesterday. ISince the first of the year she has been visiting at the home of her son, Kay F. Richardson: W. W. Zinn, who formerly owned a confectionary store on South Commer cial street, is home from Astoria and ha decided not to iro into business in lndthat city. He says it is a good bnsi- town but there are too ntanv Vinos. gwedeg and Norwegians. I Illinois, the proof of his death is de I sired. It is stated that he was engaged in the livery business at the lime of his death, which occurred October 8, 1892. Mr. Kace said that as no vital statistics - were kept at that time in the citv ot re j, he coulJ uot give thc information I ABJreA . - - - Mrs. Hannah Louise Colwell, who died yesterday morning, had been a resident 111 I'ail HI 1111 111!" 1 JVCIl-s, llllll UUI .. ..... , ... 14 .....1 .1.,. ' ,, v ' , , ' , , hriMa, j drcd. - i The big snows in Montana are re sponsible for the advance in thr retail i price of eggs of five cents n dozen. Th prosperity in the mining towns of the j state also have something to do w ith it. Kggs are scarce in that state as the 1 ground has been covered with snow for i several months and Oregon has been (called on to supply the demand. Hence ithe prices stiffened in Portland, the same thing happened here and eggs are selling five cents a dozen higher than thev were the first ol tne week. DIED LANDON At the home of his son. at 1472 Fourteenth street. February 1SU. .loon Wilson Ijimton, 111 his wtn year. Beside his wife he is survived bv two any Secondhand Store WANTED Household Furniture. Woodry the Auctioneer will pay highcot cash price for same. Phone 511. hje $ $ $ $ ; 'f 2 I Clean, Fresh, Airy Rooms HOTEL LOUVRE (Formerly Hotel Keith) 4o9 State St. Phone 1109 Rooms 50c to $1.00 a Day Special Kates bv the Week MRS. M. M. LAY, Proprietor si: tic sic s: ;; CARS oj AMY K1MD Any time POLK COUNTY SERVICE Quick, safe and a comfortable Taxi -Laum-h line. Modern pas senger boat at our command day and .night. Permanent Taxi passenger service to all points on the West Side via our new stand at West Salem depot. Phone TOO, same as city call. The i Oregon Taxi Co. has put on a night service with a prominent stand at the HOTEL MARION ' T j I Phone 2010 or 13 Breaking Records for Results -that's what our little Want Ads are doing for ! 15,1 o W CK