THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, FEB. 12, 1917. NINE Willamette Valley News Central Howell Gossip I I'tfailT for n few days, convalescing ' f rom the chicken pox. As ho in studying I to become an M. D. wo cnHnnr' kit (t apital jMraal Special Service) Vourso in thus becoming immune to the Central Howell. JVb. 10 Rev. Wil-childish disease. Iran Xi.-holl is pitting out raspberry Mrs. W. T. Scott ban returned from plant-, today. U visit with hor sou ami other relatives li w low and rVnimoie Raggett arwt i'ortland. helping Fred lUirhin today. ' ! Mis. .1. P. Purine has returned hnmc At the parent tern her association alter a pleasant visit with friends in Inst mouth there was contest between I'ortlaud. thr ladies an gentlemen of twervr ; Mrs. D. 0. Henry entertained the numbers each. There was quite a lot l'resbvterian missionarv so. ieiv mi of praise given per, Nicholl, Waltc Mi -Donald. Kdd Eaasafrtt, Frank Cuwdtn mill the three .Misses Krnwn. Mrs. I'ain was i idling on Mrs. Spoit-. tcr one day last week. Ijjst Thursday Mrs, Carl Rsins.lon was calling on Mrs. Fred Harbin. Last Sunday Mr. and Mis. Harry Mc Dowell of Salem came on I in their new oar to see Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dnrhin. Sunday. Mi. and Mrs. Amos Branch nnd Mis Atnlrey Raggett were visiting in the Waldo lliils at the home ot Adam Riirns. Rev. Niiholl's children have been having ipiite u sieve with the pink eve but glad to say, (he children are hack In school again. Feminine Raggett has quit working for I'l'O.I Durbili and is going to school in Salem. He goes by way of Central Howell limited. operated by llev. Nicholl. This week the two Mosilnmes Perry aid Mrs. Kthel Branch were culling on the new baby at fifed Durbin's. Spring Valley News (Capital .lotirnal Special Service) Spring Vnllo.v, Feb. 10 There was I large attendance at the meeting of the pa re at-teachers association hold at the school house Friday evening. The pro gram was especially good, everyone en Joying Mr. Hull's 'singing and playing upon the banjo nnd ukolclo. Mrs. W. I). Henry nnd R. C. Shepard gave s'ov oral good readings, and Mrs. W. N. Crawford read the (taper, which, as usual, contained some very witty ar ticles, especially amusing being some VetSCS upon the bridge situation, con tributed by Ralph Scott. At the close of the ftrogratu sandwiches and dough nuts were served. The committee is now- at work upon a flag to be given in n few weeks. In honor of her husband's birthday anniversary Mrs. Ralph Scott entertain oil five tables at rook Monday even ing. A .iolly good time was enjoyed. At the close o) the evening, the hostess served dainty refreshments. Frank Raima has traded farms with a Mr. Nash of newberg, a brother of Ray Xnsli who lives here. Mrs. Kate Coyle went to Xowhorg Tuesday to visit her sister, Mrs. Rigs bee. , Mrs. .luilson returned Sunday to her home in Salem after a week's visit with her daughter, iris, .lames French. Mr. and Mrs. 0, II. Crawford visit Oil. Sunday at tiie ttpjnje of their sou, Fdgar. in Salem. Hoy Rarker is home from, the uni- Wednesday afternoon. A goodlv number was present and a pleasant and profit able afternoon enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Henry have is sued invitations for a rook unrtv to I bo given the evening ot Washington l btrnkiar. Vivian Cochrane of West Salem was a Sunday visitor at I'. F. Clarke's. Mr. and Mrs. ft, . Crawford and sou, Robert, left Friday for n visit in I'ortlaud with Mrs. Crawford 'l sister. Mrs. Homy Smith. Mr. Crawford will return home Monday while his wife will remain lor ft week longer. The Daman farm has been rented to a man from Texas, who. with his fami ly, expect to take possession soon. Mrs. Taylor has visiting her an old friend who has just proved up on a hoes tend near Rums. Mrs. Taylor and the lady wore friends and schoolmates many years ago in Nebraska. 1 he nurse who has been staying at I. F. Clarke's for several weeks left Thursday, going to enre for Mrs. Chute of lower Spring Valley. Mrs. Clarke is now in fairly good health, alter a most severe case of la prippe. Rickreall Items (Capital Journal special Service) Rickreall. Dr.. Feb. 10. Mr. and Mrs. Rud Kamsey loft Rickreall Friday foi a short visit with relatives in Portland before going to Kastorn Oregon where they are planning' to make their future home. Thdh many friends here are sor ry to have them leave but wish them much pleasure and success in their new homo. Mabel Craven spent Sunday with hor parents, returning to Monmouth Mon dav. Mrs. J. .1. Ruroh is spending the week evening resnlted in a score of 1- to 43 in favor of Rickreall. A game is to be played Friday afternoon between Smithfield school" and the Rickreall team. Eola Items (Capital Journal Special Service) Kola, Feb. 10. Mr. Holmau has bought two good work horses for use on the farm. Tho Crumley Rios. sold twenty four sucks of potatoes io Rugh and Ratz berg for two cent- pound, l'ugli and R? berg are trying to get hold of enough to load u car. Pughs had quite a lot of their own raising. ataxias Ferguson is unite sick with a cold and stomach trouble, near pneu monia. Tho reading circle of Unity mot a! Mrs. Thackers Thursday alter noon. M.rt. i OUneOerB IS render. Tloennao ho thimirht that little of Margorv Hamer started to school in I .. . . ... , ... .. salon, Wednesdav manning. ' i fcctive legislat.ou along eon.sohdat.or TO hcbAIN HEALTH CLEANSE THE BLOOD I When yonr blood is impure, weak, thin and debilitated, you cannot pos sibly enjoy guod health. Your sys tem becomes receptive of any or all diseases, and germs are likely to lodge in some part of the body. Put your Wood in 4 condition, and do so at once. Hood's Sarsaparilla acts directly and peculiarly ou the blood it puri fies, enriches, aim revitalizes it and 1 DR. O. L. SCOTT Graduate of Cbiro f MMMSMHMt 1 ANN r r J A JVrK N Nd ' NF.W TO DAT ADS Will BK read ia ths Journal ia all lie a) Marion county homes Try 'em. : ft CHJBOPEAOTIC SPINOLOOI8T Qurwant builds up the whole system. Hood's Sarsaparilla is not a cure all. It is the best blood medicine on the market. It baa atood the test of forty years and is used all over the world. Get it and begin treatment today. It will surely help you. Sold by all druggists. Ads are! lis rawprdfl INSURANCE AND REAL i HAS. H IIODOKIN General Insur ance, Surety Roods, real estate mad rentals. Hubbard hide. Phone SM. tf liBtfflound s oi v niro n i. nrac tic's Fountain Head. Daventvnrt I IV (TTfMQJVt? fowa. If you have trie everything wrtnx i wondetf Ul ana got no reiier, try i niropractu r I i i ii. . spinj adjustments and get well. Of inj Grt2 II VfOU l3SJ& lOSt SOiRCUJlIB fice 406-T-8 U. 8. National Bank ! building. Phone Main 87. Residence FLEfrrmc RATHHUum. Ameri majn oo-n. ELECTRIC SUPPLY Co., 220 N. liberty Phone 263. A com plete line of Kleetria Supplies and fiituraa. Consolidation Efforts Fail UNDERTAKEKS STOVE REPAIRING WERR ft CLOUQH CO. C. B. Webb, . . t w a. Tfl t loitffh ntnrricutnR inn rnnerai Alter the USUal BlUII directors. Latest modern methods i SALKM SCAVENGER Charles Soos Ed Mitty nttended tho road mooting in IVilliis Wednesday. Waldo Finn was in Eola Friday, on his Way to see about the terry lauding on the Folk countv side. Woodburn News (Capital Journal Special Service) Woodburn. Feb. 10. J. W. Leonhurdt wont to Portland Friday to spend the week end. Tho American History class of the Woodburn high school made n trip to Salom Thursday to observe the process of law making. Miss Ressie Hubbard of Forest drove is visiting her sister. Mrs. Arista Non del. J. X. McKay of St. Raul was in town Wednesday. Rwight I'arr, who attended tho t'ni versity of Oregon the first semester, is homo now. Miss Anna Asboo spent the week end at her home in Junction City. W. C. tlriesel of I'ortlaud was a Wood burn visitor last wool; of commission could be accomplished at this session at the legslnture, .Speak er Stanfield has introduced a resolution in the house authorizing the governor lo appoint a committee of seven to in vestigate the feasibility of making consolidations and report back to the legislature in 191. The introduction of the resolution created a small sen sation among the members of the con solidation committees, whose work has not much hope of attaining successful known to the profession employed 499 Court St. Main 120, Main 98S8. RIODON RICHARDSON CO. Funeral directors and undertakers, 252 North High street. Day and night phone 183. can and Swedish, drugless methods of treatment, Eva Murphy drugless 1 physician, 3s4 State St. Koom 11. Office hours, 10 a, m, to 9 p. m. tf 1 STOVES REBUILT AND REP AIRED 50 years experience. IX pot National and American feuca 20- to 58 in. high. Paints, oil and varnish, etc. Loganberry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 854 Court street. Phone 124. SCAV ANGER proprietor. Garbage and refuse of al' kinds removed on monthly contract at reasonable rates. Yard and cess i naola cleaned. Office phone Mai' 2247. Residence. Main 2272. MISCELLANEOUS resulti t erdai Little was accomplished ves by the joint house and senate FLORA A. BREWSTER, M. D. Neu rologist, nervous and chronic diseas es a specialty. 35 vrs. experience with drugs, surgery and drugless methods. Examination free. 712 State St. Phone 1350. consolidation committees, although yes , PRtJITLAND NURSERY Sales yard, terdav Represeutative Brownoll in troduced n bill in the house to con solidate the stallion registration board, I the livestock sanitary board and the dairy inspection department. The following is Speaker Stanfield' resolution; Whereas, It devolves upon the Leg islative Assembly to provide for an economical and efficient administra tion of the business of the state; Whereas, Without thorough investi gation no member of the Legislative Assembly can vjata intelligently upon the measure providing for consolidation High and Ferry streets. Full line of nursery stock. Italian prunes a spe cialty. Grafted Franquett walnuts, Roman strain, 50,000 fine peach seed lings that we will graft as desired if contracted for at special prices. Petite scions suitable for grafting on above mentioned seedlings, from the largest sixed Pctites grow.i in this country. Nursery located one mile east of penitentiary. Phone 100F21. Grafters wanted. MONEY TO LOAN ON Good Real Estate Security THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd & Bush bank, Salem, Oregon MONEY TO LOAN Eastern Money at Lowest Bates, on approved Security. Homer H. Smith, Room 5, McCornack Bldg., Salem, Or. OSTEOPATH DRS. B. H. WHTTE and B. W. WAIi TON Osteopathic physicians and nerve specialists. Graduate of Amer ican school of Osteopathy, Kirks villa, Mo. Post graduate and specialized ia nerve diseases at Los Angeles college. Treat acute and chronic diseases. Consultation free. Lady attendant. Office 505-506 U. S. National Bank building. Phone 859. Residence, 340 North Capital street. Phone 460. WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Offiee corner Commercial and Trade streets. Bills payable monthly in advance. K Why the Journal Is popular It prints the world's news to- day while it's news M. Fitzpatriok of Portland visited PpintiiLi ill Vnii,l hlilfl Iflaf week. Dr. S. W. Weaver of Hubbard made a 01 any ot the state oitices; ui. 1,.... ,i,wrl,c.r I l,..,.Mii biisiiuw nil. t,, i i. i - ,- i t v I n st week. Wlioi'ons. llio purpose oi me i,egiMii in Salem. ' I Tho game between 'the Woodburn i live Assembly is to provide for the Lester Wright of Newberg spent the high school banket ball toiini and Can week end nt the home of his brother, by at Vanby resulted in n score of :i(i-:i0 Prof. If, C Wright. in favor of our boys. Many of the stu- Mr. and Mrs. Nelson and family of j dents went from here to support the .Mc.Minnvillo spoilt Dunuay at ine i. i . :ooys, on me iruui kuu hi cmr. Lucas homo. Mr. and Mrs. Rov Smith, who have Mrs. K. F. ("raven and daughter. Ma-1 been visiting Mrs. Overton nnd M r. and ione 0f Representatives, the Senate I Jt (,f sai(( t,gtate bol, were Dallas visitors Monday. I Mrs. John Fikan left for Portland Tuos- jointly eouenrring, that a commission of i(juv o jttmiai.v 0i7 I he .Misses caioline nun Aurcun aay, iney win remain uirrr a icw even members eomposoil "t rereseu economical and efficient admimslra- tion of tho various offices and depart ments of state without hamnatteg or . -e-t i. I... :Q nf- uostioying oiricieu, wo..v im - court roon, in Uxtltll 1 1C1H1 NOTICE OP FINAL HEARING Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed her final account as administratrix of the estate of Hen ry Green, deceased, in the county court of Marion county, Oregon, and said court has set Saturday, February 17th, 1917, at 10 o'clock a. m. in the cotmtv county, I I ... . . . h.. nn.l .1...... Therefore. Re it resolved, by the.! '. H, KtH. Dated this PJth to their home al Rlalock. tative business men of tho state of Rnreh came honit from Albany this I before week. Miss Aurolia is a teacher there I Oregon but has boon sick for several weeks. I .Miss Ruth Austin was enjoyauiy sr' ,ni hintmcted to make during the on She is slowly improving. Iprised Tuesday evening when a party , biennium a thorough iuvestiga- Miss Anna Alier who has boon at-1 ot young tolks dropped into help ceie-j (- " jAvieral offices, boards, coin- missions and departments of state as to the scope, nature and importance of the different branches of the work per. formed by each and sat the above mentioned commission be requited to innko a complete and comprehensive tomliii" the -iistors' school at Salem istbrate hor birth, lay. Tho tune was spout staving with .Mr. and Mrs. T. 8. Rurch and going tp, school in Rickreall. The basket ball game played hercyb.e tween Dallas rrad Riciiroall Tuesday Short and to the point This Sale and this advertisement We have some stocks of fancy Fall and Winter They're good values, good styles, good quality Hart Schaffner & Marx and Bishop's Ready Tailored Suits and Overcoats left We could hold them over until next year and sell them at higher prices; woolens are advancing rapidly. But we would rather give you the benefit of this merchandise now. So we've reduced the prices to induce you to clean these stocks up in a hurry. You see its nearly time for spring goods and we will dispose of these Fall and Winter fancy Suits and Overcoats before our Spring stock arrives. Our profit comes in the new friends we make; the good w ill we create in serving your interest first. SALEM WOOLEN MILLS STORE in playing rook and music. The guests were Bruce Sims, Dewey Riliioy. Bar old Olson and Ruth Austin,' Ida Hend ricks. Olive Haskell and Naomi Hicks. Jesne Hicks and Alburn Suns. MARGUERITE GRKKX, Administratrix. Frank A. Turner, Attorney for Estate Jan 15 to Fob. 12. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people J V V V I 1 I III II lilt If i LflfBlUJUBV I'M" v r ,, , . ' to (lervuis Tuosdav evening. report of its cmomgat xogeu.or vi... i i. i.-.....,.i.. , ...i ', ;. to I ,,n1, roooiiienihitions as to consolidtt- Borne id .IIIS. .1 . 1. IVCllllilu.i i.'in ,i ,. i I ,,v, and relatives in Portland last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vergon of Don- laid wore ill town-Friday. Mavor and -Mrs. .1. F. Stoolhammor Snlein an average speed of a mile a minute was maintained. Mecksville, Statesvillo, and Moaresyille were the remaining point touched on tho out bound trip. At Mooresville, the car was turned and headed back to Char- EVEKTTHTNQ ELBOTSIOAL daletn Elestrts Ca., Maionia Temple, 127 North High PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING AND TINNING T. H, Barr, 104 South Commercial street TBANlSFER AND DRAY AGE Salem Truek A Dray Da., corner State ana rront streeta Talffkaai Mala 1M . Mala 11 .. Mala N miiv find feasible, to the next regular session of tho Legislative Assembly, and that the said committee serve motored to Salem Sunday to speial the without compensation, but that the dav with Mr. and Mrs. .1. N. Shunts, ! a,.tutli expense while away from homo the latter being Mrs. Stoolhaninier's, on fficial business and other necessary sister. . t I expenses, including stenographic and Mr. and Mrs. Francis of Oregon City 1 1( nl nir(, incurred by said committee, visited their daughter, Mrs. I. L Radio , ))p f rom ti. amOn0 appropriated Sunday. i fnr )h nvmeiit of general and eoti- Rev. and Mrs. E. G. Docker were Sa- I lem visitors Saturday. George Ronuey made a Trip to Van couver, Washington, Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Tenipfeton spent the week end In I'ortland. Miss Nellie Walker of Portland vis ited her mothiv, Mrs. Virginia Walker, last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. ('. Scott of Portland visited Mrs. S, -nit's aunt, Mrs. Myrtle (.'olo, last week. Mrs. Geo. Keys has returned homo from Vancouver, Wash., The Phllatheo class of the I'rosln toiian church met at the home of Mrs. Maupin to celebrate the birthday of Mrs. Overton and Gertrude Rrown. Mrs. Overton, their former teacher, was pre sented with a silver spoon as a token of the class regard Mrs. Friday 1 1 r.onf Vino. This jjoornnh, is the most recent nchieve- . I man to bo written into the history of ! the combative nature tion, economy and efficiency ns they , of the roads is convoyed by the accom panying pnoiograpns. vecoraing iu AfoNaraara's testimony, he has never encountered more disheartening truvel than that offered by tho hill country south of West Salem. The car was literally caked with red clay upon its arrival in Charlotte. This wns at ex actly 0:4o a. in., five hours and forty five minutes from the start. immediately following the run, Mr. Page issued a sweeping challenge to representatives of ears selling at or under $1,000 to better tho record estab lished by the Maxwell. Vpto date the challenge is unanswered. Perhaps you have guessed it. Our Charlotte distributor is the son of Robert N. I'age, North Carolina's representative in Congress, and is a nephew of Walter Ilines Page, ambas sador of England. lust week nnd there is no change u) livo stock, tlngenl expenses of the l!Mh regular session of the legislative Assembly of the state of Oregon, not to exceed the sum of 2,f00, and that the Secretary of State be authorized to audit any claims which may be incurred persu ant In this resolution in the same man ner as- other claims against the state. North Carolina Speed Record Is Notable rive hours and fortv-fivc minutes i later the Maxwell sped back into the streets of Charlotte. .North ( nroiina, jand drew up before the Independence I Monument, the heavy red clay of 281 mileu cliui'inii' to its wheels and axles. F.lmor Hoff went to Portland ipj1P rPCOrd of 40.1" miles per hour Ln,ia nni.nifilleled in the State of the in one uucl COCOANUT OIL FOR WASHING HAIR if you want to keep your hair in good condition, be careful what you wash it with. Most soaps and prepared shampoos ! contain too much nll.ali. This dries the ilp. makes the hair brittle, and is j very harmful, .lust plain mulsified co- coaillll Oil Wlllcn is pure nun ciimei greaseless), is much better than the snaii or invnnng eiso the Maxwell car. Thad S Page, Maxwell distributor at Charlotte, N. C, decided to follow up his remarkable demonstrations of Maxwell economv (described ou an other page nf this issue) with a speed and reliabilitv run that would furnish final proof of Maxwell supremacy. Shortly before one o'clock on the morning of January Uth, the oar drew up before tho Independence Monument, which was erected in charlotte in com .e,r,rntir. of the first American LODGE DIRLCTORY muni i-AjTimi i ."'J' v. ......... ...f, . iiii uiui . you can use for shampooing as this ! Declaration 0f Independence, tne can't possible injure the hair. iMeeklonburg paper, written and signed Mimply moisten yonr na.r w.m "u-j there May Win, ". ' , Jm. ' onm ,., cllus from one's foot. Millions I II P WUIUBi iav --- - -- - , Laugh When People Step On Your Feet Try thla yourself then pat it along to other. It works! Ouch ! ! f ! ! This kind of rough talk will be heard less hero in town if people troubled with corns will follow the simple advice of this Cincinnati authority, who claims that a few drops of a drug called freezone when applied to a tender, aching com stops soreness at once, and soon the corn dries up and lifts right out without aiii. He says freezone is an ether com pound which dries immediately and never inflames or even irritates the surrounding tissue or skin. A quart! Of an ounce of freezone will cost very little at any drug store, but is suffi cient to lemovc evetv hard or soft Grains Wheat $1.0$1.2"i Oats, new , 4Cc Bran $28.50 Bhorts, per ton $32 Hay, clover $1213 Hay, cnoat n Hay, vetch $12 Hay, timothy $16 Butter Rutterfat 43c Croanierv butter, per pound 45c Country butter 2832c Eggs and Poultry Eggs, trade 2Go, Eggs, cash 25c Hens, pound 1416c Roosters, old, per pound 9o Turkeys, live 1921e Turkeys, dressed 2"(5)21e Ducks, live 12(Sl4c Geese, live 12c Pork, Veal and Mutton Pork, dressed . 18Ule Pork, on foot $10(u 11.25 Spring lambs lie Veal, according to quality Steers Cows i Bulls Ewes lumbs '. Wethers 5c7c Figs and Dates Pigs, M 12-oz $2.00 Black figs 10c White figs 11c Golden dates IBe Dromedary dates $3.75 vegetables Cabbage String garlic 7(o;10o Potatoes, per 100 imundH ....S..")U(g8,OU Groon onrons v 40c Artichokes U0 MODKKN WOODMHN OF AMERICA -Oregon Cedar Camp, No. 6248, meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock la Mc- Derby-Laiky bldg., corner Court aad High' streets. J. F. Day, V. C, J. A. Wright, Clerk. 8AI.FJM IiODOB NV , A. F. ft A. M Btuted communtcatlons first Friday la each month at 7 :H0 p. m. In the Mason! Tomple. Chas. McCarter, W. It. ; B. E. Bulver, secretary. 4a",Vje ;i '.(oJc So lOo tor and run it in. (me or two teaspoon-1 j his nionument are me woion, " l'uls will make an abundance of rich, iorn,.t's N'est," the description given icroamy lather, and cleanses tho l"'r charlotte by General Cornwallls-West 'and scalp thoroughly. Tho lather riaseat. ijeed days of the Revolution, jout easily, and removes every j.nrl iln j t y.,,,OMito this is given the terse, suf- af ilnut. diet, dandruff and excessive I ' . . . . i-...i;s sttit.nde to- i oil. The hair dries quickly find evenly, . 1',vrnwallis West and his red coats and it leaves it fine and silky, "'ht, I thoHo list011l ,,t.t. tl days, "It us j I'll 11 ailU l-KO,' IU iiuuufi, . You can get mulsified ooconnut oil t"" - t r oVlock Hav McNa I at most any drug store, it is very I rom ly at i fc ,e. and a tow ounces is enough to niaru p-v ... F'. ...... ... of American women will welcome this announcement since the inauguration of the high heels. THE MARKETS hcai last everyone in the family for months THE MAN WHO (Continued from page six.) i Baker are also mentioned as strong possibilities as democratic candidates. : Mrs. Thompson is feared by the repub ' lioans, because of her rare qualities as a campaigner and her remarkable re--I ord as a woman legislator. She has de- veloped unusual strength, being (lis 'cussed by all of the members in a most complimentary way, except that a tcn- ilcni-v to sarcasm in debate has been noted. Journal Want ads will sell it. celorutor. and the car leaped ronu -m its long, fast run. Accompanying Namara were two ( nanoite uewsimpci men, and Percy (libbs, an assistant. The distance to Concord, 21 miles, was made in exactly twenty-seven minutes. This is a fair example of the terrific speed maintained. As McXa mara has often remarked in our pres ence, '"You must hit it well up over forty miles an hour if you -expect ts average that speed for any distance." Another record was established be tween Coneorn and Greensboro, a dis tance of 100 miles. Greensboro was reached in one hour and thirty-three minutes, less time than is .required for the distance by the New York New Orleans Limited, the fastest traiu of the Southern Rniluay. Between Greensboro and Winston- The following prices for fruits and vegetables are those asked by the wholesaler of the retailer, and not what is paid to the producer. AH other prices are those paid the producer. Corrections are made daily. I'otntocH ami onions seem to be climbing right along for a record high price as the quotations today are on onions trom $7 to $K and tot potatoes, as high as three cents a pound whole sale. The egg market holds at the same as Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA united artisans capital Assembly. No. 84, meets every Thursday at 8 p. m. in I. O. O. V. hall. 0. O. Matlock, M. A. C. A Vibbcrt secretary, Crown Drug store, 338 State ftrect. CENTRAL LQDGH No. 18 K. of P. Derby buildinr;, Tuesday evening of each week at 7:30. Loyd T. Rigdon, C. C. W. B. Clilson, K.'of R. and S. A. O. TJ. W. Protection IiOdg Ne. B, Meets every Monday evening at 8 In ths McCornack ball corner Court and Liberty streets, A. IS. Aufranco, M. ?. ; B. A. Mejfadden, recorder; A. L. Brown, financier ; B. B. Duncan, treasurer. iAI.KM HUMANE BOCIETX D. D. Keeler, president; Mrs. t.ou Tlllson, aecretarw. All cases of cruelty or neglect of dunk animals should be reported ts tha secretary for InvesttgatBU). Lettuce, California, crate $2.50 Onions $78 Celerr 90c. Cauliflower $2.75 Brussels sprouts 1 Jc Parsnips, carrots and beets $1.25 Tumale husks, lb 10c fruits Apples BOcfflll Oranges, navfcls $2.2")$2.50 Iomons, per box o.0U(o t.uu Bananas, pound 5e California grape fruit $3.50 rlorida grape fruit ao.uu Pineapplo 8 Honcv $3.50 Cranberries $'0 Cocoanuts $1.15 Retail Prices Kuan, dozen 30c Sugar, cane $7.80 1 Sugar, beet aswu Creamery butter 50c Hour, hard wheat $2.10(a)$2.40 Flour, valley $1.902.00 PORTLAND MARKET I'ortland, Or., Ft. 12. Hogs, best live $12.25( 12.35 Prime steers $ffi9.25 I'aitcy cows $7.70 Calves $Kcil0 Spring lambs $12.71 Mutter, city creamery 4.V, Kggs, selected local ex. 31o Hens 18(0 IHC.ft Broilers 18((i20c Geese 12(a 13c DB Ml (I, AY COMMANDERT Nov S. K- T. Itogular conclave fourth Friday In sack montb at 8 o'clock p. m., In Mssoals Temple. Sojourning Blr Knights are courteously Invited to meet with us. Lot h. Pearce, E. C, Frank Turnsr, recorder. 80DSON CQUNCIL, fs. 1, a B. M- Stated assembly first Monday In eae month, Masonic Temple. N. P. Rssaus sen, Thrice Illustrious Master; lean C Nile, recorder. gALKM COUNCIL NO. 2622 Knights aa Ladles of Kecurltjtr-Meeta every 2nd aa 4th Wednesday each month st Hurst Hall. Visiting members are Invited t attend. E. F. Waltsn, financier, 480 . 14 lb Street PACIFIC I.ODOB No. B0, A. F. ft A. tf. Stated communications third Friday In each montb at 7:30 p. m. In Us Masonic Temple. W. H. Duncy, W. M, Krnest II. Cboate. secretary. WOODMEN OF THB WOKLD Meet every Friday night at 8 o'clock in Derby bldg., Court, and High Sts. A. J. Sweinink, 0. C.J L. S. Oecr, clerk, 507 Court street. Phone 593. B n. A. "Oregon Grape Camp" No. 130, meet every Thursday evening in Derby and Lnfky building. Oourt and High streets; Mrs. Sylvia Schaupp 1971 Market, oracle; Mrs. Molissa Persons, recardor, 1296 North C'ommercal. Phone 1430M. in L M. HUM CAUB OF Yick So Ton CHINESE MEDICINE TEA COMPANY Hag medicine which will ears Any known Disease Open Sundays from 10:00 a. as. ufltil 8:00 p. nv I6S South High Ssiwn, Oregon. Pasao