Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 12, 1917, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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Bate per word New Today:
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um montn insertions; per word 17e
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risible for mow than one insertion
errors in Classified Advertisements.
Bead vonr advertisement the first day
It appears and notify ns immediately
Minimum charge, 15c
DRY PI R Ash and maple and old fir
for kale. F. K. 'Wells, 2501 J2. tf
rOB RENT SIGNS For sale at Cap
Hal Journal office. tf
WANTED Men's or family wash inn
Enquire 156 Front. 2 13
WANTED Beef and stock cattle.
Phone 1156W. 2-20
3 8-ROOM Apartments, bath, lights.
and telephone. 401 N. Cottage. 2-U
WILL SELL 22 head 3 and 4 year
old mules. Dwight Alienor. tf
phone 7. tf
GET PRICES On farm sale bills at
The Journal office.
TRESPASS Notices for sale at Jour
sal office. tf
$5.00. Dr. May. Phone 572. tf
HARRY Window cleaner. Phone 1391.7
JONES' NURSKKY State and 24th.
WANTED Wood choppers. Phone 76F
12. 213
CORD WOOD Sawed or full length.
W. K. Pructor, phono 1322,1. 3-12
WANTED I! or I men to work on
ranch. Phono KF2.
WANTED Experisoesd man to prune
small orchard. Phone 994. 2-12
nack bldg. C. A. Adsitt. 3-1
WANTED Good shipping potatoes, in
car lots or leas. Salem Fruit Co., 267
S. Com'l St. 2-22
FOR SALE Cheap, mare 1200 lbs.,
also single farm wagon and harness.
156 N. Front St. 2-12
FOR RENT Five acres cleared land,
close in, suitable for hay, potatoes,
etc. Phone 2404M. 2-13
hatching, 40c per setting. Phone 36F
13. 2-14
WANTED 10 experienced loganberry
trainers Wednesday morning. B.
Cunningham. Phone 21F2.
CHEAP HORSES Wanted Will buy
any kind,' good or bad. S. MoUon,
888 Center, Salem. Phone 927. 2-14
LOST At St. Paul, Ore., 1050 lb. bay
horse, sway back, halter and shoes
on. Phone 927. 2-14
FOR BENT 60 acre farm, all tillable,
fine new house; (i miles from Salem,
rock road. 401 Masonic. Temple, 2-12
WANTED Reliable experienced girl
for general housework. Call 1137
Court St. 2-14
SILAGE 1 have 25 tons fine corn sil
age at state fair' grounds for sale
cheap. Phone 152. 2-12
FOR SALE First class grain hay, also
bay mare 7 vis. old, wt. 1100 lbs.
Phone 34F14. 2-13
WANTED A few fresh cows or will
be fresh soon, heavy milkers. Phone
'483. 2 12
WANTED 4 men to cut hard wood
logs at "$1.50 per thousand. Phone
692, E. A. Way. tf
WANTED To buy old oak timber for
logs. Phone or write E. A. Way, Sa
lem, Ore. tf
FOR SALE Salem Garage, 660 N. Cap
itol (Pacific Highway) Phone 1010.
GET YOUR Tresspass notices, new
supply of cloth ones at Capital Jour
nal. tf
FIR SALE Baldwin and Northern Spy
apples, 35c, 50c and 75c per box.
Phone 101F12. 2-12
FOB SALE Cheap, 1 team, weight
2400 lbs, in good condition. 1810 N.
Commercial. 2-9
CARE OF Children or domestic work,
experienced. Phone Mrs. Philcs, 2419.
4 ROOM COTTAGE For rent at 2385
N. Front St. A large garden plot, elec
trie lights. Ward K. Richardson, 2895
Front St. 2-12
WANTED Old false teeth. Don 't mat
ter if broken. I pay $1.00 to $5.00
per set. Mail to L. Mazer, 2007 S.
Fifth street, Philadelphia, Pa., will
send cash by return mail. 2-15
WANTED Partner on small dairy
farm. Must furnish team and at least
4 good cows. Small family preferred.
Address P. W. Route 1, Jefferson, Or.
2 19
FOR SALE Your choice of two good
young cows to freshen soon; one Jer
sey and Jersey-Durham. Price $45.00.
First street east, second house north
of asylum. 2-13
FOR SALE Fresh eow Durham and
Jerseys. These "eows are large, in
first elass condition, 4 to 6 years old.
4 to 5 gal., gentle and easy milkers.
Must sell this week. Warner Bros.,
8ilverton. Ore., K. 3, 3-4 mile N. W.
of Victor Point store. 2-14
FOK SA1.K ! Annum Viprw an.l nna
rooster. 5o2 Shipping St. 2-13
FOB SALE Baled grain hay and vetch
hay. George Swegle. tf
phone 7. tf
WANTED Experienced dairyman.
rnouc uor.. 2-10
WANTED 3 extra good dairy cows.
Phone 5F3 2-10
nicely furnished, only $15.00 per mo.
(Tall at 385 Mission. ' tf
WANTED 2500 sacks spuds, highest
market price. hone 728 or call 140
S. High. ' 2-11
FOR SALE 252 Petaluma incubator in
good condition $15. Mrs. W. D. Greig,
Salem, route 9, box 43. 2-14
COL. E. G. SNIDER " Whirlwind
auctioneer" courteous, quick, effi
cient. Get Snider, he knows how. Res.
1565 Mission St. Phone 1428M. 3-1
FOR SALE Mountain stock ranch of
200 acres near Cascadia, Linn Co Fair
improvements. Good outrange. D. W.
Lawrence, Lebanon, Or. 2-15
FOR EXCHANGE House and lot and
another splendid lot with garage, to
exchange for land. Square Deal Real
ty Co., 202 U. S. Bank bldg.
HOUSES WANTED We buy and sell
all kinds of work horses. If you have
any for sale call on us. Clearwater
Bros., Salem Horse Exchange barn.
554 ferry St. Phone 1031 or 483. 3-6
MONEY TO LOAN On second hand
jewelry, men's clothing, musical in
struments, tools, guns, bicycles, etc.,
also bought, sold and traded. Capi
tal Exchange, 337 Court St. Phone
493. 2-24
MONEY LOANED On furniture, live
stock, vehicles, implements, etc. All
transactions private. Possession re
tained. Union Loan Agency, "217 S.
High street 2-25
FOR SALE 10 acres of good land all
under cultivation, new 5 room plaster
ed oottago, new barn, 20 by 20 feet,
chicken house, woodshed, good drill
ed well, some bearing orchard, 3
miles from Salem, good location and
land is gently rolling. Price $2850.00
A Kitterman, 275 State street. 2-12
Judge Bushey Says
Polk County Officials
Insincere In Bridge Talk
Concerning the continued holding out
of the Polk county court for a con
crete bridge and the consequent delay
ing Of the construction of a new
bridge across the Willamette river here
to replace the old steel structure that
is now thrown into the discard, Judge
Bushey of the Marion county court de
clares that there is a secret motive he
hind the statements and actions of
Judge Kirkpatrick, and that the voice
of Kirkpatriek is not the voice of the
people of Polk county.
Judge Bushey declares that the meet
ing in Dallas when it was voted to
stand for a concrete bridge was packed
by the judge of the court with con
crete sympathisers. Judge Bushey goes
further and says that the Folk county
court has not the funds to back up the
building of a concrete bridge and that
the statement of Judge Kirkpatriek
that $90,000 is on hand is not true as
shown by the statement of the budget.
Judge Bushey believes there is a
nigger in the woodpile somewhere. He
said outsiders not in Dallas or Polk
county, were pulling the strings. He
said the Marion county court has been
ready for two years and that some
thing will have to be done soon.
Answer to Message In
Apple Box Is Received
A message from England concerning
a box of apples that were shipped there
from Hood river has been reoeiven ny
S. R. Jones of Waconda, and it tells
that the apples were received and en
joyed. During the apple picking sea
son at Hood River last October, S. R.
Jones was employed in the apple pack
ing house and on a box of apples he
Write a note asking if the apples ar
rive in good shape and the receiver
like them to write and let him know,
and he placed his address on the box.
The apples left Hood river some time
the latter part of October, 191f., and J.
E. Adams, -of Birley street, Pendleton,
Manchester, England, received the box
on December 23, 1910, and on Decem
ber 24 wrote the answer and mailed it
on Christmas Day. He says "I ha an
apple and I found it of the best."
Thr apples were of the "Golden Ort
ley" variety.
Scandinavian Day at
State Fair Next Fall
There will be a Scandinavian Day at
the State Fair this year, as there has
been the two previous years. Dr.
John O. Hall has been named by the
State Fair Board as director for the
dav. .
Dr. Hall is of the Willamette I ni
versity facultv is of Norwegian descent
and is well known by the. Scandinavian
people throughout the State.
His name was presented to the Board
by the Bcv. John Ovall, who originated
the idea of Scandinavian Day at the
Fair and who had charge of that day
for two successful years and was active
in prepetuaring the idea.
Rev. Mr. Ovall if of Swedish rescent
but thought it advisable to suggest the
name of Norwegian descent so that the
different factors among the Scandi
navian people be represented.
The day will be on Friday of the
Fair Week. " . 1
Chas. K. Spaulding Returns
From San Francisco Where
He Interested Capital
Chas. K. Spaulding is home from a
week spent in San Francisco where he
went to interest capitalists in the
building of a paper and pulp mill in
Salem. A company in which Mr.
Spaulding is interested recently bought
the Salem Flouring Mill property and
power site on Trade street.
"Within a few days 1 will have some
people here from San Francisco who
are paper manufacturers and capitalists
to look over the general situation
said Mr. Spaulding. "They feel that
I Salem offers advantages for the crec
i tion of a large mill, but wish to make
! a personal investigation before going
farther into the proposition.
"We have been investigating the
cost of machinery, the best kinds for
the mill proposed and gathering all in
formation possible, and wnSle I can say
nothing positive, T feel greatly en
couraged over our prospects of inter
esting people who know the pulp and
paper business. ' '
Business of all kinds is not only
I good but booming in California and
the general feeling especially among
lumbermen tl that it will surely extend
j to this part of the coast, he said. In
i fact, Mr. Spaulding comes back from
his California trip with the feeling
that this part of the country will soon
get its share of the booming times to
the south.
London, Feb. 12. The war is
now costing England $28,177,-
035 (5730,000 pounds) a day,
Chancellor of the Exchequer
Bonar Law declared in the
house of commons today.
His statement was made iu
connecting with a move for a
vote of credit.
San Francisco, Feb. 12. The Ore
gon and Washington troops, who left
Calexico shortly before midnight Sat
urday, should reach home some time to
morrow, it was stated today at the
headquarters of the western depart
ment of the army. The trains bearing
the trdops were declared to be in north
ern California today, approaching the
Oregon line.
The troops are traveling in two spe
cial trains. The first left Fresno at
3:10 a. m. today and the second at 3:25
At 10 o'clock the trains were reported
in the upper Sacramento valley.
LaFollette's Resolution
Washington, Feb. 12. Senator LaFol
lette, Wisconsin, republican, offered a
in;f MianlnfiAn Irul.V 1.. IM'll:. Mllt'lW
ful the aiming of American merchant
ships while the cnited states is not at
T oP,lliifo ,ih1aH iof tho resolution
lay on the table to ne called up later
for further consideration.
Will Arm Tugs
Galveston, Texas, Feb. 12. The Unit-
Close Watch on Steamships
Laid Up in American Harbors
4'' Jill'
x Zemo for Eczema
Never mind how often you have tru
and failed, you am stop burning, itchni
ectema quickly by applying a little xem.
furnished by any druggist for 25c Ex
tra large bottle, $1.00. Healing begin
the moment zemo it applied. In a shor
time usually every trace of eczema, tet
ter, pimples, rash, black heads and sim
ilar skin diseases will be i I.
For clearing the skin and making it
vigorously healthy, always use zemo, the
penetrating, antiseptic liquid. It is not a
greasy salve and it does not stain. WTicn
others fail it is the one dependable treat
ment for skin troubles of all kinds.
The E. W. Kmc Co.. Cleveland. l.
New York, Feb. 12. The
Adriatic, of the White Star
line, with one American aboard
and loaded heavily with muni-
tions. was twenty-four hours
overdue at Liverpool today and
had not been reported at noon.
She entered the danger zone
Saturday, it was believed. Tho
Baltic, about which there were
grave fears, arrived in Liver-
pool more than twenty-four
hours late, due to a longer
course. Officials of the White
Star belitwe the Adriatic is de-
laved for a similar reason.
British Evacuate
Trenches They Captured
Rrrlin, via Sayville wireless, Feb. 12.
Trenches captured by British forces
southeast of Serre have been evacu
ated by the Hermans because they were
unserviceable, today's official report
asserted. The evacuation was affected
without molestution by the enemy.
"East of Armeuticres and south of
LaBassee all attacks, prepared by live
ly fire, failed," the statement said.
On other fronts, the statement said:
"Advances of storming detachments
on the Duena and near Kisielin west of
Luck, succeeded completely. Near Ki
siellin two officers and forty ranks,
with one machine gun, were captured"
Paris, Feb. 12. James Stillman to
day remitted to President Poincare a
check for a million francs ($2000,000)
tor distribution aong the children ot
members of the French Legion of Hon
or who had been killed in the war.
Paris, Feb. 12. Patrol activity in
the Champagne and Argonne theaters
of war and successful raids in the Ar
gonna and near Hill 304 were the only
fighting activities, reported in today's
official statement. Elsewhere it was
calm, the report said.
ed States has complefettrarriingemcnts
for arming all sea going'tYigs at Galves
ton and other gulf and Atlantic ports,
according to a naval official here today.
He said that an ample number of six
and three pound rupid tirers and suf
ficient ammunition were-; available for
this purpose.
' "
Teas Is Loyal
Austin, Texas, Feb. 12 The state
house of' representatives? by an almost
unanimous vote, today defeated repre
sentative Martin's resolution asking
President Wilson to lake! iuto consider
ation, in his dealings with Germany,
the fact that that country "is fight
ing for her existence," ami that "German-Americans
in this country are loy
Forest Grovie; Or., Feb. 12. Sheriff
Applegate today took up the trail of
yeggmen who shortly before dawn
dynamited the postof'fico safe. It is
not believed the burglars got anything,
as the explosion blew the safe to small
bits. Paper money, ripped into shreds, !
was found scattered about.
His Memory
Grandfather of Salem Lady
As Justice Officiated at
Marriage of Lincoln
Mrs, G. W. Laflar has alwavs been
greatly interested in the life of Abra
ham Lincoln from the fact that her
grandfather, Aaron Armstrong, a jus
tice of the peace in Springfield, 111.,
married Mr. Lincoln and Miss Todd.
Mrs. Laflar has in her possession a
copy of the New York Herald dated
April 15, 1865, giving an account of Lin
coln 's assassination- The first telegram
to the Herald reads:
"This evening at about 8:30 p. in. at
Ford's theatre, the president, while sit
ting in his private box with Mrs. Lin
coln, Mrs. Harris and Major Kuthburn,
was shot by an assassin, who suddenly
entered the box und approached behind
the president.
"The assassin then leaped upon the
stage, brandishing a large dagger or
knife and made his escape in the rear
of the theatre.
"The pistol ball entered the back of
the president ' head and penetrared
nearly through the head. The wound
is mortal.
"The president has been insensible
ever since it was inflicted und is now
"It is not probable the president will
live through the night.
"The screams of Mrs. Lincoln first
Dln.h nfi etaoiu un tin un unuiiuniiuuii
the president had been shot, when all,
present rose to their feet, rushing to
wards the stage, many exclaiming,
I natig mm, nnng ntm.' "
it Court House News
Marriage and fishing licensnses seemj
to be the favorite issuances of the ,
county clerk these days as he issued t
two of the former and two of the lat
ter Saturday and more of the same to-;
day. Saturdays licenses are: A mar-,
riage license issued to Fern P. Run
corn, a farmer of Salem, and Mamie L.
McPeek, lso of Salem; a marriage li
cense to Pearley L. Barber, a mechanic
of Salem, and Pearl W. Reams, a clerk i
of Snlem; and a fishing license to An-'
ton O'Neil of luinuhy and one to Vic.-!
Dannie Eucalyptus Ok
Tubes 2Sc jars soc
Honored By the
M 1
toi Lvnrh of Sulein. Today's issues are
A marriage license to Nicholas Esch,
a fanner of Mt. Angel, and Stcphcna
.vl. uoioaiie, a cook of sit. Angel, am!
fishing licenses to Hi H, Robertson, of
Shaw, and H. N. Stoudennieycr of Sa
lem. An answer in the case of Clark vs.
Jones, was filed today by the defend -
ant asking that tho suit against him
be dismissed.
Children Cry
World Today
"i i
- 1 Tid s- Sorter has started a
t si
very ! Kaillst '' - Dudley, for the reco
i f $2500, alleged due him on a saw
purchased by the defendant.
past i
estates of Stephen f. Suing,
Hansen were closed during
w days by County .Judge Bus
; Saturday's tax income was tMM.83,
according lo the records of the sheriff '
i office.
Children Cry
Logging Co.
JnLx .if;