Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 01, 1917, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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Woak Lungs and
Chest Troubles
respond more quickly to the
blood-enriching oil-food in
than to any other one medicine,
SCOTT'S it a rich, nourishing
food to strengthen tender throats
and bronchial tubes. It is of
peculiar benefit to the respiratory
tract and is liberally used in tu
berculosis camps for that purpose.
You get no alcohol In Scott's.
Many New Bills Yesterday
in Both House and Senate
Scott i Bowne, Bloomficld. N. J.
Salem Club Will Be
Hosts to 0. A. C. Glee Club
The glee ttal) of Oregon Agricultural
college "'ill arrive in Sitlem. The Sult-m
chili Mt made arrangements fur the glee
flub to H J the day ill tkis city. Tlie
club will visit the tate hospital and
grounds in the morning and will give a
few selections for the people of the in
stitution. Taking luncheon at the hos
pital the glee club will go to tS MM
penitentiary where it will also render
a few numbers The dull is starting out
ou its animal tour and has scheduled
concerts for Itnlependeiiee. Albany,
Newberg. Ashland. Medford and many
other places in the state as well us in
northern California. The best date of
the tour lias been saved for Salem and
on the evening of February 1, under the
auspices of the . A. ('. .Salem club the
glee club will give a concert at the O.
N. (1. armory from S till 8:80.
It wool. I be impossible to give the
personnel of the glee club here but the
people of Salem are promised a rare
treat in the surprises the glee club will
bring them. Among the favorites of
the glee club are Messrs. .Tonasen. Alc
Colltun and Manning, the leading bari
tone, first tenor and basso of the club.
Messrs. Herbert Jewell and Frank (low
Ding, two Chinese students, will appear
in royal robes end render various grand
cpc-ra selections. Another part of their
sketch will be American ragtime melo
dies translated into Chinese. Mr. Ding
Comes to us from Hankow. China, and
robes like the one in which he will ap
pear ean only be shown with express
permission from the throne.
The Salem club is doing all in its
power to give the students and people
of Halem a high class entertainment of
which they will long cherish fond recol
lections. Mr. Walton, president of the
.Salem club, has been in town several
times of late making the final arrange
ments for the concert.
Immediately after the conceit an in
formal dance will be given in honor of
the seniors of Salem high school. Music
will be furnished by the Peerless orches
tra of Salem.
Tickets for the concert are on sale at
Salem Electric company, Patton's Book
tore and at Ward's Drug store.
Those who have used it in Salem
are astonished at the INSTANT action
of simple buckthorn bark, glycerine,
etc., as mixed in Adlcr-i-ka. Because
it acts on BOTH lower and upper
bowel, ONE SPOONFUL Adler-i-ka re
lieves almost ANY CASE constipation,
eour stomach or gas. It removes such
surprising foul matter that a few doses
often relieve or prevent appendicitis.
A short treatment helps chronic stom
aeh trouble. J. C. Perry, druggist.
l.iubtecu SWSS hill passed after a the house. hirh i extruded from
s renuous afternoon yesterday, two were j lac Friilay. was the last day for the
killed outright, and three were iudof- introduction of uen bills, and u tegular!
initelv postponed, w hich is the same :i avalanche pnured in and when it war I
being killed iKfaure they will never li.talcd "P wa" found there were "flj
come SB for the third lea. ling. new measures. Keu with this large
Two tdllr succeeded in getting dis- I number introduced three members re
posed of during the morning Ht'rsioii ' iuete, permission H introduce bills to
the connir ie Will restricting rummer- 1 day, which was granted. Other nieasnre-
eial fishing on the Kogue river was are still in process of drafting and will
killeti and the measure to prohibit all require the consent of the house to ba
bel pure bred bulls from runuiug Hi j t reduce when brought up lor inliudii'
large in Douglas count v passed. jtioii. .
House bill No. MS, by Representative The TsHswiag M'li were introduced:
udt-roii. making the fourth Frbiay in vesterday.
October Frances K. Willurd day in the' II. B. No. MO, 01 Callan. To provide:
public school, passed. I for uniform hay and grain inspection.
House bill No 25!t. a substitute bill j H. H. No. 401, by Callan. To aaaex I
for H. B. No. lit, introduced by the I part of Washington county to Muit ;
committee on corporations, permitting ! nomah county.
communities to incorporate for the par- H. H. No. MS, by Callan Regulating
pose of owning watei works, passed. . sale of firearms
House bill No. tT6, appropriating, H. B. No. 491, by Matthieu. Further I
money for the current expenses of tne I regulating regislrution and skaauBaHwl
ijovci'iior. secretary of state, and treas- of pharmacists.
civ departments: nouse uni .-u. u. v. r
appropriating money for the governor S I manner of puyment of expenses "t gov
itfice for tile special apprehension of jeinor's agent.
riininsU; house bill No. appropri- H. B- No. 405, by .-ducaiional connnit
,HH monev for the operation and tee. Providing that applicant! fol
' ... r t:,. . i , .....:;...,,... ,,,.lv ...I.li
maintenance ot tne uregon .-iaie iiw man "-rv ""
Mother-Made, Quick 1
M - A X
nenny touyn ayrup
i HkraW Hrml II. o.l' tm Evrr 4
rMll. Prepare mmm 4
4 4'Ma l.lftl.
Mtitm-r. you'll never know what you
are missing until you make up this in
exM'inive, .,,.' i-ough ivrup and
try it. hildn n love its pleasant taat
and nothing rise will Ioomh a cough ot
i h' -i cuM and heal the inflamed oi
swollen throat membrane with sucb
ease and prompt SMS. It's cuuallv at
good for grown-ups for children
tah'ishment and maiutrnaure of county I
or dirtrirt hokpilals for the rare of per.
soft afflicted with tubrrcubiMi, war up '
tur final passage. President Mi-ser call
rd .Senator Dime k to the rhair nud ex
plainrd the cdijects of thr bill, and also
of the spiead of tuberculosis whirh
lausril. he said, one ten ih- of all the;
deaths iu the Tinted Stales, and agnin-t j
the ravages ot "huh I line was a ron-j
noted movement being made by the;
country gem-rally. The state insiitu I
tic u has but 74 beds, and there is a long j
waiting lirt. It i unable under present I
ariangentoiits lo ad.-tiuatolv care for;
half those desiring a place where thev
J Ilia spleuitiii eoiigli svrup is made by 'can receive si nntiii
iiic school: house bill No. 270, appropriations! requirements.
,tfB aw v for the Oregon State H. B. No. 406, by Peck. Auth,
No. 'JMl, , indemnity to I . A. snntli inline
rftce oi panv for purchase of lands under defec
aling inonev tor tne uregon n. a. . m w ... . . "
. ? .'. i i.:n v.. own ' :. i..n.;.,. ... f v HmIi nmn.. com
School tor tne ieai; noose wui .-.o. iwivimnj , , .
oiatillg monev
ih,. aitornev L'eiieral: house bill No. 2Sl.tive title.
appropriatiag money for the payment of
.. x-. IA1 I "L'..l ....,
n. D. -vo. nil, hi iwun, "rr'r"
ating 14,000 tor prenuums lor mtcrsiaic
iair at l'rineville
H. B. No. JOS, by committee on labor
and industries. Providing lor renrganiz
midlives of the capitol and supreme
court buildings, nil of which bills were
introduced by the ways and means com
mittee. and were passed after each sec
tion had been read and adopted by the I Ing accident commission,
house as a committee of the whole. H. B. No. 408, by Bowman. Appro-
House I'ill No ix. by Representative pristing 41.00 to C. A. Bookman tm
Jones, of Yane. regarding tne powei r capture oi noy ciuijn
of district meettnga to levy a tax on
real and personal property, passed.
11. B. No. 72, by Representative Lew
is, to prevent fraud in- legislation and
legislative halls, and prescribing the
duties of the secretary of state therein,
passed. ,
H. B. No. 00. by Representative Shel
don, removing the property qualifica
tions for voters iu electing school di
rectors, passed.
H. B. No. 110, by Representative
Brand, exempting veterans of the In
dian and Spanish-American wars from
payment of fishing and hunting licenses,
passed .
H. B. No. 15:i, by Representative
Lunger, to provide for the payment of
bounties on gophers and moles in Yam
hill county, passed.
DV uepiesentnuvi
H. B- No. -110, by Hon man. Fixing
place for eighth-grade examinations.
H. B. No. -12:!, by corporation commit
tee. Providing for the withdrawal from
the state of foreign corporations.
H. B. No. 424, by BswtmUl. Itequir
ing railrouds to adhere to their filed
schedule of charges.
H. B. No. 425, by Fuller- Providing
for a closed season on crabs iu Yaipiina
11. B. No. 42o. by Fuller. Providing
for closed season oil net fishing on Ya
quina buy.
H. B. No. L'7. by Sheldon. Provid
ing for Search and seizure ot' vehicles
and boats carrying intoxicating liquors.
H- BM. No. '428, by Jones, of Lane,
i :n reusing compensation of county com
u.issioners from S to $5 a day.
II. B. No. 4211, by Jones, of Lane. Pro
II H X'o ot w
Lunger, to provide for the rotation ot vming lor uen on property sou. o mo
names and numbers ot candidates at the sheriff.
primary election, passed. ! H. B. No. 480, by Lew is. Appropriat-
II. B, No- 210, by Representative shel- ing (4,000 to Charles Francis rrulhnger,
I don, requiring eighth grade diploma or j blacksmith of V. s. s. Boston, for tn
its equivalent for admission to high juries.
- school, passed. H- B. No. 431, by Stott. Providing for
The bill numbered 304, by Bepresen- Instruction of jury in district courts,
tative Crandnll, permitting the elimins- H. B. No. 432, by Stott. Providing
lion of the adverse partv in civil action' for exceptions to verdict of jury.
or proceedings, after aii adverse report H. B. No, 433. by Stott. Defining
by the committee on judiciary, was in-; quit claim deed.
definitely postponed. H. B. No. 434. by Stott Reducing
1 H. B. No. 261, by Representative Al return of writs from six months to bO
I Jones, defining the methods for fixing; days.
I the salaries of the offices of corpora-! H. B. No. 435, by Stott and Mackay.
tlons engaged iu business under the Permitting county courts to contract
Carey net law, on an adverse, report with library associations.
ifrom the committee on irrigation was! H. B. No. 430, by Staudfield, Kubli
j indefinitely postponed. and Stott. Making it unlawful to sell
H B. No. 2(')3, by Mr. Forbes, pro- cigarettes to persons under 21 years of
hibiting extensions of time on Carey i age-
act projects, after an adverse report- H. B. No. 437, by corporation commis
by the committee on irrigation was in- sion. Amending law regarding foreign
definitely postponed. I corporations.
I Yesterday, according to the rule of j H. B. No. 411, by Bean. Authorizing
treatment. He"
pouring 2i. OUM Vm ! pitmia will not take this class of patients
E35fci5Jl! 11 .l.1! ,MV' "Vi1. "l,U"if. account of the dange, .., contagion.
svrtin. This gTrea re a full pint s! and humanity, as well as self proter
family supply of much lietter oougbltion. demanded that some uirungeineiil
remerlv than you could btiv ready-made be made where ihey can receive propel
for S.2.50 a char saving of $2. treatnint
The moment it toucher the inflamed, I T, In.lln wh ...iidi-
cold congested membranes that line the , . .. , ,', ...,,i.i
throat and air p.i .ages, the healing be-1 ',"" l'"-v 'f u'v
gins, the phlegm loosens, soreness i gladly do so. and for this reason tin
leaves, cough spasms lessen and soon! clause was inserted in the bill forbid
disapiH-ar altogether, thus ending a ding the locating of such hospitals on
cough quicker than you ever thought , htf (.ulltv ,, farms.
possible. Hoarseness and ordinary' The bill' prov ides that nuv countv ran
coughs are conquered bv it in 24 hours , j"? T " ,,, l
or hss. Excellent for bronchitis, whoop-1 establish such hospital either bj rsS
ing cough, spasmodic croup, bronchial of the people or on the liiitialnc ot
asthma or winter coughs. 'the county court and commissioners. It
Pinex is a highly concentrated com-provides tliHt anv number of coun
pound of genuine Nor;ay pine extract,, H ( . iiv MT UBte to establish
eonioineu Willi guaiacoi ami is lauiuuc . . . . , -,.,., i ,,, ,,,, r,,,l
11... world over for its onick healino a district hospital, instead 01 em W
ell.K-t on the membranes. each county. Pi ideal Closer went in
Beware of substitutes. Ask youi.to the merits of the bill with consider
dniL'gist for "2i-i ounces of Pinex" with! .,1,1,. fullness and showed the absolute
directions and don't accept anything, erw lt ,10 ,, ;,), eonsidcrable full
fiVS? '"v,,r""" Beee-"y
Co.. Ft. Wuvne. Ind. for its being made the law.
j There was an objection or two made.
7.. ... one against the provision against local
cocntv courts to establish public mai - jj ,6 poor farms, and
'e.t?- ... . .. ... ! another arainst giving the county
H. B. .No. 412. by iiean- lo create a, . ....," . ... ..i,iikli ; hos
state line board.
H. B. No. 413. by OriggS. Indemui
tying purchasers of school lands having
defective titles.
It R Kit 41i bv Mueller Fixlnill
salary of count
H. B. No. 415, by Mueller. Putting
county roads within limits of SI. Helens
under jurisdiction of city.
H. B. No. 411), by banking commit
tee. Amending law providing for incor
poration of state banks.
II. B. No- 417, by banking committee.
Authorising banks to ileal in ffills of ex
change. H. B. No. 418, by banking committee.
Permitting stale banks to operate
branch banks,
H. B. No. 4 IU, by banking commit
tee. Providing for escheat of deposits.!
H. B- No. 120, by Ashiley. Providing ;
for extermination o'f weeds by road su
pervisor. H. B. No. 121. by committee on edu-
cation. Providing for establishment of
parental schools.
U 1, N I DO 1... 1.1mm. !,,.
." a, . follows
vioing inr tne esiaoiisiiMo-ni oi iinuii i
H. B, No. 438, by Kubli. Providing;
i oorts authority to
pitals without a vote ot the people.
These objections were fully met by
President Moser. but nevertheless
caused the four negative votes when
.1... mJM ;.,llv iiamd llie ant beino
treasu-rer of Columbia H (o iom
S. J. M. No. Ill, by Smith of ( oos and
Curry, asking congress lo construct and
maintain' S highway along the coast
from Canada to the Mexican border
was read and refei icd.
Senate bills Nos. 50 and 31 had sub
stitute bills reported.
Senate bills Nos. 107. 157. 102 and 138
were reported favorably-
S. B. No. 07 was reported unfavor
ably and was laid on the table.
Senate bills Nos. 177. Hit), 120. 181,
154, were reported favorably with
11. B. No. 40, requiring public utility
companies to pay interest on deposits,
II. B. No. 133 was taken from the
table and referred to the committee on
agriculture and forestry.
House bills were read first time as
Nos. 247. 210. Z5, 870, 2).r.
"70. 277. 278. 270, 280 and 281. Tlie
last seven i ere inirouuceii in no- umr
1... ...... ...... .it,, mennw ,'oiiiiiiilTee a no
for compensation for auditors ot ol-; ( appropriations,
ficial records of various counties .. were introduced in the senates
11. B. No. 430, by committee on labor .
'. , . . ' . . . , . i, follows:
and industries. Requiring signs at all ; g g Kq yo by Moser. Provding
railroad crossings , for "the organisation and maintenance
r , SrTM'!rt,n: APZP 1 and authorizing a one-fifteenth mill spe
ating 1,000 to B. J Dennison tor the, f(r rt o Ro!lt. Festivals in
capture of Otto Hker- counties of 75.000.
H. B. No. 441, by Burdiek and Forbes. s fl Nj) 22( b Hawley. Requiring
Authorizing drainage districts to ft'1'' pasiem.izfltion of milk.' cream and
into contracts with the Cimed States. I
H. B. No. 442, by Burdiek. Increas-1 f' 's N( 221. bv F.ddv. Requiring
ing salary of county n,,dges ot l.ake)iat k UtictJ mrt ,,,;, ,lot ba 0H
county from J700 to 1,000 a year. fe h ,,,, five ,
H. B. No.i443,tby Burdiek. Creating ; , vote , . geD.
r ( I II I I It II I II JIHIHIill Hlllll.1 til l.ltn.1 -,. rtlnt,nn
Coffee does disagree with many. And in these days of accurate scientific
knowledge there's no virtue in appearing astonished when this truth is faced.
Caffeine (the drug in coffee, and in tea also) leaves the system in an over
worked and debilitated state, and is r sponsible for various serious ills and
Thousands who desire an appetizing hot table beverage with none of
coffee's drawbacks, find a most delightful cup one containing no deleterious
substance whatever in
the pure cereal food-drink.
Nourishing, economical and wonderfully delicious.
"There's a Reason"
listrict of l.aki
H. B. No. 444, by Marion county dele
nation, Appropriating $30,000 for hatch
erv at the mouth of Breiten Bush river.;
H. B. No. 445, by AJ Jones. Giving
fuller powers to city council in matter
of correcting nuisances-
j H. B. No. 440, by Al Jones. Appropri
ating ISfi to C. J. Kurt, for royalties
; on f ruitdrier.
H. B. No. 447, by Al Jones. Giving
districts building hard surface roads the
right of eminent domain.
H, B. No- 118, by Ashley. Reducing
salaries of all employes of state who
receive more than $2,000 per annum 15 ... . . .
vrK, ... . v ! Still Price of Leather
11. r. .Ml. i-K'. Il vioooe. i iovniiiif;
S. B. No. 222. by Bith of Coos. Re
lating to taxation ami sale of land for
S. B. No. 223. by Pierce. Providing
for issuance of certificates of delin
quency six months after taxes become
S. B. No. 224, by Pierce. Requiring
compulsory grain Inspection, with a
view of standardizing the product.
S. B. No. 225, by Shanks (by request
of Oregon State Kditorial association).
Defining the crime of conspiracy.
Adjourned to 10 o'clock Thursday.
I don't advertise set prices for dental work. You
will never see me promising to sell to a'l-comers
gold crowns for $:!.50. porcelain fillings for $2.00
or bridge work for $5.00, and talkine that sort of
nonsense to you.
I am selling reasonable-priced but expert dentistry.
I'm not peddling hand-me-down molars. I'm not
trying to run a five-and-ten-cent store with a ft'v
gross of second-rate incisors on the counter. I'm
not in the business of foisting on the public shod
dy, catch-penny goods not in this line of work
where vitally valuable human teeth are the price
of unscrupulousness.
No honest dentist can tell me that he can give every
patient the same job for the same time, care and
price. No two dental operations are identically
alike. Human teeth are the same all over the
world, but careless habits, indifference, neglect
and, often, other physical causes bring about ab
normal conditions. How, then, can I conscienti
ously promise you that a gold crown on your up
per bicuspid will cost exactly what it will to put a
geld crown on your neighbor's lower molar?
It's cruel to tip off the professional secrets of some
of the merry maxillary mechanics of my acquaint
ance, but I can't resist explaining that the adver
tising of fixed prices is merely a rude dodge to
bait customers into the dental "parlor" and there
talk them into contracting for work much more
expensive than that so glibly advertised.
Dental operations that are cheap in price are too
often cheap in workmanship. The Painless Parker
offices are a unit in their insistence on the best of
skilled work, all up to a fixed standard. The
prices vary, of course, but with our perfected
business organization, our corps of specialists
and our ability to buy the best goods in bulk at a
low rate, we can quote figures far below Dental
Trust fees and still make our reasonable profit.
State and Commercial Streets,
Salem, Phone 926
Portland, Ore., Tacoma, Wash.,
San Francisco, Los Angeles,
Oakland, San Diego, Fresno,
Sacramento, San Jose and Bak-
ersfield, Calif., and Brooklyn,
N. Y.
completely dc-
custoinci's usu-
held by
Is Moving Skyward
! for taxation of all properly
religious institutions.
H. B: -No. 450, by Cartmill. Prohibit
iug minors in pool rooms.
H. B No. 451, by Cartmill. Bedlstrlct
?, . . r,f prices tor repair wot
If the price of leather continues ti
up at the present rate Salem shoe
pair men may have to raise their si
motor vehicle registration fees.
H. B. No. 451'., by Crandall. Fixing
maximum rates for railroads on basis
of earnings.
H. B. No- 454. by CrandalJ, Provid
ing for military training in high schools.
H. B. No. 455, by Laurgaard. Pro
viding recodification of road laws.
H. B. No. 450, by Laurgaard Provid
ing for organisation of sanitary dis
tricts. H. B. No. 457. by Laurgaard. Provid
ing for certification of bonds authorized
at general election,
H. B. No. 458, by Laurgaard. Pro
viding for division of counties into com
missioner, districts.
H. B. No. 459 by Laurgaard. Appro
priating $90 for medal for Joseph '.
I'oeschl. 'for bravery.
H. B. No. 400. by Laurgaard. Pro
viding for regulation of automobiles on
H. B. No. 401, by Stafrin. Regulating
practice ot dentistrv.
M. 15. mm VIS, o -Aioierson. iiimu
ing for cancellation of irriducibls school
fund deeds.
H. B. No. 163, by Anderson. Prohibit-
ing sale of proprietary remedies as bev
erages. H. B. No. 404, by Tischenor. Provid
ing for interchange of service between
telephone companies.
H. B. No. 405. by corporation commit
tee. Providing penally lor unlicensed
foreign corporations violating corpora
tion laws.
H B. No. 400, by corporation cora
i mittee. Requiring county assessor to
furnish information to corporation com
i missioner.
H. B. No. 407. by Laurgaard. Provid
ing herd law for east end of Multnomah
I H. B. No. 408, by Laurgaard. Limit
j ing use of hard surface highways by
'certain vehicles.
H. B- No. 4S, by Laurgaard. Estab
lishing new road code.
make a protit.
Since the war
leather has ad
vanced in price from 32 cents per pound tare unable to patch up
to $1.25, wholesale. Some varieties of 1 lapidated shoes Ihc wax-
upper leather, such as kid and vici fori ally expect Us to."
tips, are not procurable at any nice, lie Rubber and fiber composition soIch
cording to shop owners. Thus tar, there are fast coming into use as a cheaper
has been no very great advance in material since leather is almost out of
prices- for repair work in Salem, but as reach, Concerns have already begun
soon as the supply 0f leather on hand in 'to manufacture filler sulci shoes and
local shops runs out and must be re loth tops. Some shoe dealers even go
placed at extremely advanced figures, i so far as to predict that, if the war eon
repair charges on soles are to raise in tinues a year or two longer, leather
proportion to cost. 8h0es will be a luxury within the means.
The shoe repair men are busier than
ever before. New shoes cost so much
that people arc economizing by having
their old shoes mended. Consequently,
the shops are 'flooded with all kinds of
sad foot, gear, and the cobblers wort;
The proprietor of one shop says "Peo
ple are foolish to wear their shoes so
long before bringing- them in for repair.
It makes the job harder for us and we
only of very rich people.
Shoes that sold for S and S.Q lwo
years ago now have $H, $10 nud $12
price marks hanging to them.
Some of the warring countries o'f Ku
rope are encouraging the use of wooden
shoes as an extreme measure of economy.
On the reconvening of the senate
Wednesday afternoon S. B. No. 125, in-i three dimes or thirty cents in one-cem
trodoced bv Senator Vnser. for the es- Stamps. Iw a cloth-bound copy.
Backache, Rheumatism and Dropsy.
Kidney, Bladder and Uric Add troubles
bring misery to many. When the kidneys
are weak or diseased, these natural niters
do not cleanse the blood sulBciently, arid
the poirons are carried to all parts of tho
body. There follow depression, aches
and pains, heaviness, drowsiness, irrita
bility, headaches, chilliness and rheu
matism. In some people there are sharp
pains in the back and loins, distressin ;
bladder disorders and 'Oinetimes obstin
ate dropsy. The uric acid sometine :
forms into gravel or kidney stones. Wh ,
tiie uric acid affects the muscles an.!
joints, it causes itimbago. rheumatism,
rrout or sciatica. This Is the time to try
During digestion uric acid is absorbed
Into the system from meat eaten, and
even from some vegetables. The poc.'
kidneys get tired and backache begins, i
This is a good time to tako "Anuric,1
the new discovery of Dr. Pierce for Kid
ney trouble and Backache. Neglected
kidney trouble is responsible for many I
deaths, and Insurance Company examin- i
ing doctors always test the water ol an I
applicant before a policy will be issued.
Hate you ever set aside a bottle of water !
for twenty-four hours? A heavy sedi-:
mcnt or settling sometimes indicates kid-',
ney trouble. The true nature and char
acter of diseases, especially those of tho ,
1,-idt.evs and urinarv oreans. can olte;i I
lit determined by a careful chemical an
alvsis and microscopical examination
this is done bv expert chemists of the
Medical Staff of the Invalids Hotel. If
you wish to know your condition send a
sample of your water to Doctor Pierce's
Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y.. and de
scribe your symptoms. It will be ex
amined without any expense to you, and
Doctor Pierce or his Staff of Assisting
Physicians will inform you truthfully.
Read all about yourself, your system,
physiology, anatomy, hygiene, simple
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40 Boxes Extra Choice Eating Apples. . .(J5c per Box
We have a complete assortment of their products.
Make it a point to visit our Pastry Department.
Coffee Cake, 10c; Maple Sticks, 15c doz.; Snails, 15c;
Submarine Rolls, 15c doz.; German Rye and Poppy
Seed Bread, Holsum, Tip-Top, French, Milk and
Brown Breads.
Buy them ready made. None better made.
All Kinds 40c Nut Cakes 50c
You eventually buy ROTH'S GEM BLEND COF-
fee, 35c, 3 for $1.00
And quit paying 10c for an empty tin. It's roasted
fresh every day
Economy Blend 25c Special Blend 3QC
Gem Blend 35c Imperial Blend 4QC
Roth Grocery Co.