Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 01, 1917, Page TWO, Image 2

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Cleanses the teeth thoroughly dis
solves quickly purines the breath
Dr. Lyon's
For The Teeth
Powder Cream
A Standard Ethical Dtntifrica
Send 2c (tamp today for generous trial package nf either
Dr. Lyon's Perfect Dental Cream or Tooth Powder.
Spring Valley News
(Capital Journal Special Service )
Spring Valley, Ore., Jan . Friday j
arming, January 19, a aumber of thc
citizen, of sorisif Valley met at the
Lincoln school house and organized the
Spring Valley Good Koads League, elect
ing the following officera: President,
K. C. Sbepnrd; vice-president, John
Spong; secretary, J. J. Stratton; treas
urer. John xveiger; press ageni,
New York Now Closed Port
Because of Submarine War
McKinlay. A committee was appointed mg the beginning ot n blockade on
to investigate the expense of installing i England and unrestricted submarine
a gravel dredge at Lincoln. Final steps warfare.
for organizing the league will be taken! Only one ship of any size the Hoi
ut a meeting to be held Friday evening, land American liner Nurduru- is in port
February 1, at Lincoln, at wiiica time . rooay ana no sailings ot any large trans
it is hoped a large crowd will be pns
.Mrs. McCarthy
has returned to her
New York, Feb. 1. New York today i Two torpedo boat destroyers are
is virtuaily a closed port to following! maintained in neutrality off the harbor,
the receipt of Germany's message warn-' steamship officials said.
It was stated authoritatively that
I.IHH) British ships of various classifi
cation are aailable for convoy duty
mid submarine chasing on the Atlantic.
Approximately 2.000 American eiti
ens are now on the Atlantic, bound
I. W. Lyon & Sobs, Inc.,
W. 27th St.,N. Y. City
Friday afternoon. Mrs. Russel Catlin
and her daughtci, Mrs. Prank H. Spears
will entertain with a Kensington tea
at the Catlin residence tor the benefit
of the Scholarship loan fund of the Ha
lem Woman 's club.
e e
Mrs. Asahd Hush eatertalned yester
day with a charming luncheon in hon
or of Mrs. William Lyons (Hazel Tieh
ner), Mrs. Louis W. Crnnaii and Mrs.
Harry Terry of Tort land who, with
their husbands, were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. W. Melvin Plimpton for the
dancn Tuesday night.
The affair was most informal only
Mrs. Plimpton and her guests being ask
ed. Miss lieorginbolle ISnoth, who recent
ly has been booked on thn l'aiitagea cir
cuit, arrived home Monday for a few
days visit to her mother and sister be
ioro iroinir to San Francisco, for her
next engagement. Sho will leavo to
night. e m a
Miss Blftennr Richmond, bridjydeet,
was the honor guest yesterday after
noon at n surprise kitchen shower given
at the home of ther parents, Mr. and
Mrs. H. A. Kichnioml, 11.10 North
'Fourth street, by the Ladies Aid society
of the United Brethren church.
About BO guests assembled with their
sowing and later in the afternoon
dainty refreshments were served.
Assisting were Mesdunies t.'arrie
Chase, Kffie Moftzgcr and Miss Alberta
Those present were: Mrs. Bertha M.
Peoples, formerly the pastor of their
church; Mrs. S. P. Tlale, Mrs. 8. O.
Hale. Mrs. Al. . Itarton, Mrs. T. A.
Kichmond, Mrs. I. Lamkia, Mrs. Stirah
Ouster. Mrs. Kliza lloxie, MrH. H". H,
Neff, Mrs. f. A. Bailey, Mrs. K. Fuest
mau, Mrs. Alnnzo aimer, Mrs. Carrie
Chase, Mrs. Kffie Naftzi'nr, Mrs. H.
A. Richmond, Mrs. Henry Piiscoe, Misa
Alberta Hale, Miss Delia Neff, Miss
Flenor May Richmond.
Mrs. Milton L. Meyers was hostess
today tor a charming birthday lunch
eon in honor of Mrs. It. B, Lee Stciner
and Mrs. Harry II. Olioger.
Miss Mar.jorie Kay who is attending
the University of Oregon, came home
yesterday for H Severn I days visit.
Miss Irene Curtis and Miss Gertrude
Fast arrived home today from Corvul
lis to pass the vacation period.
Mowers and countless messages of
congratulation are being showered up
on Dr. and Mrs. .Clarence Keen of Sil
vertou, upon the advent of a daughter,
born Saturday at the Salem hospital.
The little one will be called Margaret.
a a
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Grier are
moving from Fairniount Bill anil soon
will be domiciled at 5;i south Com
niercial street.
ft ' ft ft
The Presbyterian Wonn's Mission
ary society will meet in the church par
lors Friday afternoon at 2:'M) o'clock.
All ladies of the church are invited,
a ri a
An informal evening was given sev
eral days ago by Miss Veda Vaughn,
and Miss Madge Bailey who "entertain
ed a group of their friends at the home
of the latter.
With games, music and fortune tell
ing a delightful time wns enjoyed.
Thosa slithering for the festivities
were: Miss Ruth Gibson, Miss Meryl
Whitney, Miss Lenore Kaon, Miss Ks
thcr i'arnuii.'igian, Miss Tdna Magors,
Miss Cretn Witzol, Miss Greta Misner,
Miss (Ylcstia Brace, Miss Lucy Holt,
Miss Kffji' Mull, Miss Solum Kumroe,
Miss Gertie Witzel, Miss Hester Welch,
Miss Ksther Bailey, Miss- Kmily Phil
lips, Miss Veda Vaughn and Miss Bai
ley, and William Holt, Miller Cooper,
Marvin Holt, Bobbin Fisher, tilenu
tiregg, Kdward Whitney, George Holt,
liayrd Finley, I'Ved Schoniaker, Hong
las Walker, Lloyd Case, Russel Winch
comb, lliirlrin Hunt, Rceil Rowland anil
Winl'red Deuixon of Canada,
a v a
Mrs. Le Roy llewett, Mrs. R. O. Kum
row and Mrs. Charles Brant have re
turned from Portland, where they went
nrrnnge for the charity ball to be given
at the armory by fho auxiliary of the
Spanish American War Veterans on St.
Valentine night.
The affair will be attended by a
large number, of the members of the
Spanish American war veteran' of
Portland, who will come to Salem in a
special train.
Charming in every detail was the
bridge luncheon for which Mrs. Harry
K. Clay was hostess toduy.
The guests included a dozen promi
nent matrons of society, the greuter
part, of whom wero members of the
hostesses club. ,
Huge baskets of lovely .spring'' flow
ers adorned the luncheon tables.
ing in each month, gave an interesting
lecture on Mexico at the church Sunday
evening, illustrated by stercopticon
C. S. Dawson, of Portland, arrived
Thursday for a visit with his mother,
Mrs. J. B. Phillips. Mr. Dawson, who
has been employed on the Portland
Atlantic vessels are now scheduled
The British Atlantic fleet was en; either for this country or Europe. In
route to the waters off New York liar- addition there are hundreds nf Amer-
home at Echo, after visiting here wtih bor two days ago, ostensibly bent on , ienns working as members of crews on
her sister and brother, Mrs. S. H. Bar chasing the German raider tkhich has! ships carrying supplies to the allies. j
ket and J. E. Phillips. been operating in the South Atlantic. I Break May Come.
Harry Crawford was a Dallas visitor! The entire fleet is now in position to j Bumors flew fast about the capital1
on Thursday. convoy shipping if necessary, according ' throughout the day. They ranged from'
Rev. Pottsinith, of McMinnville, who to admission in British circles here. rumors that Von Bernstorff would be, or
preached here the second Sunday mom ! The huge Vaterland. the world's larg-lhad been, handed his passports to decla-1
C3t ship, is the only one of the intern- rations that the president would pro-!
id German vessels in this vicinity, nc-jnounce a new doctrine of neutrality for!
cording to reports, which hag coal: the United States, urging that " thiaj
enough for more than a clay's voyage, 'country propose o course of concession j
By order of Dudley Field Malone. col- and sacrifice in maintaining its neutral-!
lector of the tKirt of New York, a I'ni-jity for the good of humanity,
ted States destroyer, stationed at uar-; In official circles the belief inedom-i
entine in New York harbor, turned back: inated that a break in relations with
nil ships last night. No reason was I Germany appeared impending, but that
given, our supposed tne action was taa-1 such action would be 'receded by a
en to give ship owners tie to learn J warning from this country and that, the
the (.'ravity of Germany 's message. , loss of an American life would mean
British naval preparations around j the end.
New York harbor within the last few ' Ships Now Approaching Danger Zone,
days give ample proof, according toj American liner Finland,
shipping circles, that Great Britain j American liner Philadelphia,
knew of the approaching pioiiounce- Norwegian-American liner Bergensf
ment of Germany. I pord.
Great Britain's North Atlantic squad-'' French liner La Touraine.
ron was ordered several days ago into Greek liner Themistocles.
waters adjacent to this harbor, osten-j
sibly for the purpose of searching for '
a German raider. It is now believed the!
precautions were taken with a view to
assisting the warships as convoys for al-1
lied ships leavintr New York harbor.
The British and French naval at-! within a few days.
taches conferred today and announced: Many British vessels are undoubtedly
that they could take no action until on their way to the United States uii
they received instructions from their! known to shipping on this side, due to
home governments. ! orders of the admiralty veiling with sec-
Officials of steamship lines said no j recy all movements of the British ships.
cancellation of sailings had been order-1
ad as yet. They apparently were tnk German Freighter Sunk,
ing no action until the situation clears. Charleston, 8. C, Feb. t, The (lei
British steamship officials announced man frcirhtcr Liebenfels. lvine in liar-
they had no authority to cancel or post- bor here since the war 'began, niyster
Jump from Bed
in Morning and
Drink Hot Water
Tells why everyone should drink
hot water each morning
before breakfast.
Why is man and woman, half the
time, feeling nervous, despondent, wor
ried; koine days headachy, dull and un
strung; some days really incapacitated
by illness.
If we till would practice inside bath
ing, what n gratifying change would
tnke place. Instead of thousands of
half sick, anaemic looking souls with
pasty, muddy complexions we should
see crowds of happy, healthy, rosy
cheeked people everywhere. The rea
son is that the human system docs not
rid itself each day of all the waste
which it nccuniiilntes under our pres
ent mode of living. For every ounce
of food and drink taken into the system
nearly an ounce of waste material must
be carried out, else it ferments and
forms ptomaine like poisons which are
absorbed into the blood.
Just as necessary as it is to clean
the ashes from the furnace each day,
before the fire will burn bright and
hot, so wo must each morning clear the
inside organs of the previous day's ac
cumulation of indigestible waste and
body toxins. Men and women, whether
sick or well, are advised to drink each
morning before brenkiast, a glass of
real hot water with a teaspoonful of
limestone phosphate in it, as a harm
less means of washing out of. the stom
ach, liver, Kidneys and bowels the in
digestible material, waste, sour bile and
toxins; thus cleansing, sweetening and
purifying the entire alimentary canal
before putting more food into the stom
ach. Millions of people who had their turn
of constipation, bilious attacks, acid
stomach, nervous days and sleepless
night have become real cranks about
he morning inside bath. A quarter
pound of limestone phosphate will not
cost much at the drug store, but is suf
ficient to demonstrate to anyone, its
cleansing, sweetening and freshening
effect upon the system.
White Star liner Baltic
Holland-American liner Ryudaiu.
Italian liner America.
Cuuard liner Saxonia.
Anchor liner California.
These ships are due in allied ports
"Kondon's" Lightens Her Housekeeping.
Women who do housework must avoid the ill - effects of dust
Many a woman has happily discovered that a tube of genuine
Kondon's Catarrhal Jtdly will clear her head in a jiffy. In fact,
since 1889, 20 million intelligent American housewives have
used Kondon's for cold -in -head oi nasal catarrh. Some
druggists offer you complimentary trial cans. All druggists
offer 25 cent tubes with the understanding that if the first tube
does not do you a dollar's worth of good, you can get your
quarter back from Kondon's Catarrhal Jelly, Minneapolis, Minn.
pone sailings as such action would have i on-sly to go down by the stern and con
to be ordered from London. ; tinned sinking until her after deck
Thoy wero bitter and ironical in their , awash and her bows raised. Tugs stand
comments on the German proclamation ing by offered assistance, but it was re
am! instructions to the American eov : fused, the captains said.
eminent regarding painting ships. One
(xpreased the opinion that American
.shippers "would play hell" conforming
to the German decorative scheme by
which American ships are to be identified-
While no reason has been found for
sinking, shipping men in general lean
ed to the rumor that, the Liebenfels
must have been deliberately scuttled.
Captain Klattenhoff commanded the
tt 12
If Salem's Oldest and Leading Cash Store f
Cash Value JameSaAhJtort Quality..
For Cash SJOSarneJiJA Merchandise
Final Inventory Clean Up
Throughout the store Inventory Odds and Ends at Clean Up Prices. A splendid
Opportunity to purchase goods for a Dress Skirt or Waist.
Short Ends
A large lot of short ends in Worst
ed Dress Goods; one yard to five
yards in piece. Most every kind of
fabric and many colors in this lot.
It's worth looking over. A big cut In
price on each piece, and. a saving
worth while. Sold by piece only.
AU Wool (Mies
A good variety of All Wool Challies
in desirable patterns; splendid show
ing; suitable for waists, etc. While
they last at 60c a yard.
Remnants Price
On our Remnant Counter A new
lot of Remnants just measured up.
Mostly cotton fabrics, such as Per
cales, Ginghams and Colored Wash
Goods. Dozens of most useful pieces.
Just right for house aprons, etc.
Lace Special 5c Yard
Odd lot of White Laces, values to
20c a yard. Underwear Laces, Lin
gerie Laces, Val Laces; all priced
special to clean up 5c a yard.
To clean up a limited lot of 36-inch Fancy Silk Novelties. Prices one and a
half to five yards. Any amount desired. Values$1.50, $1.65, $1.75, $1.85 a Yd
If Your Wants Are In the Dry Goods LineWe Can Supplv Them
street cars for the past 12 years, has
resigned and is looking for some good
business location, preferably in pho
tography. Mrs. Scott and daughter have return
ed to their home in Salem alter a pleas
ant visit at the Taylor home.
Mrs. J. Starr was ill all last week but
is somewhat improved now.
W. D. Henry, democratic committee
man, was at the recent meeting of the
committeemen held in Portland, return
ing home Sunday morning.
Q. H. and Harvey Crawford attended
tho threshermcn's convention held at
Salem Friday. One of the most im
portant decisions of the convention was
that a great demonstration of tractor
plowing be held some time in March, to
test the efficiency of tractor plowing in
the spring.
Mrs. Maurice Ralton and small son,
of Dallas, have been visiting her pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. John Spong, at. Lincoln.
(Corvallis Gazette-Times.)
The senate reporter on the Sulem
Journal, who is doing the best daily
stuff in the state on the legislature,
avers that he has no hostile intent to
wards Mr. Lafferty's beaver bill, but
is perfectly willing to have the pesky
varmints put on the free list and thus
completely exterminated as a home in
dustry. He is willing, he says, to do
anything to help regulate the pest. He
would stand for a law compelling them
to take out a steam shoveler's license,
as well aa carry a card in the Wood
Choppers' union. He would regulate
their work hours and compel them to
wear a bell, a honk-honk, a fog horn,
head and tail lights, a calf weaner and
a dog muzzle- He would hedge them
about with cerfew ordinances and steel
traps and by law confine their work
entirely to logged off lands thereby
An extra good program is promised tt. f X in?.
for the meeting of the Parent -Teachers' i w"g w t te place ot Coolie
association to be held at the school ?! "uuld the
house Friday evening. Febrnarv 2. Mr. abs3" inJ,,na maxim y. repealing it,
null, a musician ot Salem, has kind v , . . TT r "
consented to help in the program, t JPM of rights or substituting
sides which there will be several num-' thfot ,0t ,.damm lnJu"ae cto: ,?e
;mjb "e uruu i- mean to iaimu ar ir.
bill but that he trot so
bers by lbcal talen. No admission fee
is charged the object is pimply to keep
.... .1... x i. - i - - j ... i. - noHitiu uu over i.ne matter mat tie oe
uii i m- iuicicsl ni me scuooi anu to nave, u i , , ,
a r,ood time. A cordis! invitation tn h me hysterical, and he mate restitu-
preseiit is extended to all.
Eev. O. A. McKinlay and Francis Me
Kinlay wero in Portland' last week at
tending the graduation exercises of the
Washington high school, Misa Muriel
McKinlay being one of the graduates.
John Van Stanton, who has been
working for Frank Crawford, while cut
ting wood Monday, cut his foot so badly
that he had to be rushed to the Salem
hospital, where the wound was dressed
i and six stitches taken. Fortunately Mr. j
tion thus
The Corvallis Times, if we are not
mistaken, seems to think that the senate
reporter for the Capital Journal has no
sympathy for the folks over in Benton
county in the beaver-infested region
just because he spoke of Lafferty's bill
aneut the pestiferous busy bodies in a
light and airy vein. Such is not the
case. It was because he did sympathize
with the beaver victims that he men
tioned the matter at all. "There is
the nature of his conference or whether
any definite action had yet been tak' 1
en in the situation.
He said, however, that lie probably j
would hold his usual 3:110 p. m. confer
ence with newspapermen and, inasmuc h
as other officials had promised, if pos-:
sible, to give some statement, it w.is
felt Lansing might use this session to'
make some announcement.
Passports Suspended
The state department today suspend
ed issuance of American passports to
travelers abroad. Xo explanation was
given and the length of the suspension
was not announced.
President Confers With House
The president conferred today with
his personal adviser. Colonel E. M.
House, who hastened here secretly over
night. It was expected the lid would be kept
on -congressional discussion for the mo
ment if possible and that as prompt
ly as possible the president would con
sult Chairman Stone of the senate for
eign committee and others high in his
counsels, including perhaps his full cab
inet. . ,
The president studied the German
war note alone all last evening, and
Colonel House was "hooked as his first
caller today. With him he was to can
vass the whole situation.
Germany's historic move is regarded
as an act of a people, willing to risk
the antagonism of the whole world, in
the final effort to win by applying the
starvation means that- in different
form has been applied to her. Officials
see in it a desperation bred of economic
al suffering.
This government's peace suggestions
and the fear of a break with Germany
have been interwoven.
The allied reply to peace overtures
turned the scales. While regarded here
as leavin? the peace door open, events
did not develop rapidly enough to ward
off the crisis, officials' say.
The clamor of a suffering people is
regarded as having overcome the more
moderate trend of the llollweg regime,
while the forceful influence of Von
Hindenbmg determined the new sea
war, Teutons here declared.
Germany's new submarine policy was
decided up, according to German dip
lomats, immediately after the entente
sent its unfavorable reply to President
Wilson's peace note.
Lansing Goes to Wbite House
At noon today Secretary Laiisii,
took to the W hite House what was un
derstood to be a declaration of this
government's course of action in the
crisis with Germany.
Tho document was what he had been
working on throughout the inoniin.u.
Lansing declined to discuss the situ
ation in any way before he hail tallied
with the president, even refusing to
state whether there would b any an
nouncement by the government today,
(Continued from page one.)
Corn also shared the general demor
alization. Much liquidation and sto
loss selling was in evidence. Profit tak
ing by shorts caused some recovery
from the extreme decline. May corn
opened down 3 )-. later declining 1-8
more to 03 7-H. July opened down 3
3-8 and regained I N, going to !)"';.
Oats, in initial transactions, were
from 2 3-S to .T Z- cents lower than
last night 's dose. Liijuiifcitlon jund
stop loss selling .was general. May pti-s
opened 'town 2 3-8 cents, later losing an
additional point, going to 52. July op
ened down 3 3-4, but sequent)' re
gained 1 1-8, going to ." 1-8.
Enormous declines were evident oil
the provision market. May perk drop
ped from to 2 2.S" in spite of the fact
that hogs sold for above $12, the high
est since the Civil war. Lard sold off
S'2 1 -j and ribs were correspondingly
weak. -
$ sc
Guaranteed First Quality Hair
at exceptionally low prices.
Hare Your Own Combings
made up by an expert
' The Better Way"
W. H. Girard
Phone 635 865 N. High St.
Salem, Oregon.
Crawford had just recently hail all big 2r " , " sv"en wa in
employes put under the protection of j a .w0"' about
the state industrial accident commission, ! uaa the re
so the jwnng man will not suffer ,0T H
much financially, as he might have oth- Z??J t Jl? SSEZSZ??
erwise I ferty does to those destructive wards of I
Mrs.' Judson, of Salem, is visiting her ? aily damphool state has his I
mother, Mrs. Jas. French. ' I -rty emeut even to the eonsoli-
. Ll dation of the game department with the,
Rogue River Courier: Elijah David- l""', wf ,,are 'H
son whose chase after a wounded bear " ",h ,0 to ameliorate
ahout four vrQ .. .,t, ,fcj the former's condition of what the late I
discovery of the Josephine cave, was a I C,,Tn W " ''"" "InnocuoU9
Saturday visitor in the city, bringing '' lutu' ,
in his catch of fur for the first por
tion of the trapping season. The in
teresting part of Mr. Davidson's catch
was the nine bear skin, he having
taken two black, two brown and five
cinnamon bears during the winter. He
also had six bobcats and one coTote.
Mr. Davidson's trapping urounds are
(Continued from page one.)
on the slopes of Grayback and along the j lore the newspapermen could reach hiin.
mpper orancnes ot n Uliams creeK. 1 1 oming out wlieu tho carriage arrived,
I he said:
Bandon, Ore.: The Robert Dollar! "I can say nothing,"' when asked
company is taking up the rails of the
kKSiuR road along Seven Mile creek
aud will ship them together with other
logging equipment to British Colum
bia, where a mill is to be constructed
in tho spring. Stanley Dollar. vice-
Ill president of the company, was here
from an tTancisco to inspect the mill
tne view ot protmhlv reopening
within the next few months.
i with
at night and tosses restlessly, is con
stipated or has symptoms of worms,
you feel worried. Mother Gray's Pow
ders for children is a tried and trusted
remedy. Taey frequently break up colds
in 24 hours. Relie- e feverishness, con
stipation, teething disorder!, move and
regulate the trowels and destrov worms.
. Used by mothers for 29 years. Sold by
; all druggists, -.'. Sample mailed t ree.
I Address, Mother Gray Co., Le Roy, N. Y
Simple Way To
Take Off Fat
There can be nothing simpler than!
takiug a convenient little tablet four
times each day until vour weight is re
duced to normal. That's all just pur !
chase a case of Marmola Prescription!
iianiets irom your druggist (or it you
prefer, send ioc to Marmola Co., 864
Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich.) and
i'ollow directions. No dieting, no exer
cise. Juat whut you want be as lazy as
you like and keep on getting slimmer.
Am! the best pmrt of Marmola Prescrip
tion Tablets is their harmlessness. That
is your absolute safeguard.
As an Examples of Our Unusual
Blouse Value Witness These New
$2.00 Models
4.6 State St-