Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 01, 1917, Image 1

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; i
First Step Taken To Meet German Decree For Unrestricted
Submarine Warfare-Further Developments May Follow
Quickly President In Consultation with Secretary
Lansing and Other Advisers and All Sources of Informa
tion Guarded Carefully Situation Is Grave and Tense
n i i . n j
He's THe
if you
Of. Booxe ' TO
se haxo
mMmsrssz mmm
By Robert J. Bender
(United Press Staff Correspondent.) m
Washington, Feb. 1. President Wilson is about ready
to announce this government's answer to Germany's
warning of future unrestrained naval warfare.
Acting upon instructions from the president, Secre
tary Lansing has prepared a communication, the nature
of whifh is mifli'HpH in acnraov
, , , . .J' , , , . , house of representatives convened, and inl
At tne same time, tne state department has issued an ! when the assembly adjourned is mill- it wonli
order refusing passports to travelers planning to sail for 1 S tSVff Im were i if
HiitroDean norts. b. no.
ffiSn by the state department served to teJ? &tt&&
House Favors "Cascade ": j II IIT P U U f C t I
Another Sterilization Bill jj Qf
J!..W,ith 41i billH up for third reading and than animal and that this bill violates'
tlUfll Passage thin mmnintr when th. tj... Kill ,:1. ... .l.:i. 1. 1
. o " - o - ttKino nimu ominous I'rilt'l :
house of representatives convened, and inhuman romiahm.at ir- j i ,!
. . . . ...... ......... i, . . .lv ... i
ould take 50 years to prove whether
as a success.
B. No. 102. bv Representative Peek es-' "Il 1 eJ," sepnine lavoreil ttio
Ho :
Hundreds of Thousands of Shares Are Dumped On Market
As Result of Germany's New Submarine Pohcy -Leadrnf
Industrials and Shipping Stocks Slump--Chicago Wheat
and Produce Markets Are Also Badly Demoralized By
New Phase of Naval Warfare
ouiiumiuiug an ucvciupinciiLb 'uuttv, lUllUW-,:"""" ' p'uviuc tor me sierm- declined the world wm hcinn- tWnd fo
ing receipt of the German note. r5KS !.tttH 7ttatTwt7n Smlc
It was pointed out that tfusal to-issue passports might iiTCSSJK sSClra thfC
mean either that this government was planning to take j Ztt&2S2 T j J at htUat frimil"
r h.noKn nnfn v. J -., ... : i i t .4.. ais aie made ana not born: he snvs more
auuii dnuiutwdw an ItltJVlLaoie DreaK in reia- j arc born than made. He said the onlv I
, .. , , ay to cope with the animal w.-ih n ink
Both bills produced desultory olmteiit by the horn.
laat lastea long ami w-as, tor the aiost. Representative Mueller asked who
President Wilson has determined to modify his former
stand, prevent Americans from traveling on the high seas
and thus maintain this country's neutral status.
Kollowin( an hour's conference with
the president this mornii.f;, . t li i i nS j Oil A M AFI HDIllfPI ADCC
wlii.l, the foiUieomins; i o.nmuuetUiun !ftHuLLLUllf UiulJTltLU
1 wui mir iii'im 111 nan u inv u?all, j
Lansing deoMred he would protiably seo j
the newspapermen at ;i:30 this after!
noon, causing general belief that there
nfay be an official announcement olj
this government's decision at that time.;
While no hint was available from any!
OUnrtei' HA to the lirelident 'a fttfniairiar'i
in the case, tlje gravity of Secretary
lansing's eiprewjou after talking with! y n j. II 11 u i
j f wi Dcuunann-noiiweg inaKes
aa .
1 he nre.siHfiil iitd'tltasA nlainlt- il.n
most serioug situation has developed.
Aiiueu to wis, tne announcement, ol
the new passport regulation led to the;
conviction that- break with Uermany!
appears imminent.
It wan a rather weary gesture that!
Lansing, after leaving the white house,!
ttin-u' down (in tho Cviinl anna a hi ...... !
rlajje the little black portfolio, which,
dining the last two years and a half,
he has carried between the state depart
ment and the white house, all ot the
eomintalcatitoUl and memoranda bear
ing on the many crises this country has
gone through with Gerany.
It was also with a note of some de
letion that Lansing, flanked on all
sides bv newspaper correspondents, as
. Wont
let muJ
part rather uninteresting. After Rep
rcsentative Peck had explained the
measure and features of the steriliza
tion measure, the opposition was taken
up by RepreseutatSvo l.aureaard wbp
muu inat it was oseit on hereditary
was able to stale or indvp xvhrh
person was or was not weaker and feeble
minded. He averred it might be, all right
for criminals but it would be hard to
draw the line on feeble mjnded. He aoid
it was ridiculous to try to regulate so
theory and not on practical faets. Helcial instincts and traits. He thoimln v
declared that normal children arc o'ften i was a vicious IjM.
born to feeble minded parents, and that j Representative Crandall was in fh -or
few cnminitls are due to heredity but I of it as it was oae of the most important
are made by environment instead of i matters of legislation that has come be-
birth. More the lomalnfU-h KnJ.. nj
t. e ....... uvu, iu invum-a .1
He said the proposition had been re
jected twice by the legislature, vetoed
once by the governor, and rejected once
elianuc of the live nd m-i.-t
civilization. MA, according to his opin-
iuii, is 10 a certain extent h hrn h.
Steamer Epsilon Was Tor
pedoed In "Barred Zone"
Early Today
Reprisals Against German
Naval Officers Is Demanded
by Some Pane
New York, Feb. l.-In a mad rush to unload, started
by tKe German submarine proclamation, traders on the
stock exchange today dumped hundreds of thousands of
shares to stocks, causing a break of 2 to 26 points
Leading industrials, shipping shares and "War brides"
crashed downward six to 26 points. The widest loss was
in Bethlehem Steel which sold at $:575. Rails broke 2 to
7 points.
United States Steel common broke 12 points to 100 re
covering 3 to 4 points when the market found support
International Mercantile Marine shares were among
those hardest hit, preferred breaking 17 to 65 and com
mon. Steel was ? points above its morning low at noon,
There were recoveries of one to ten points before 11
Thiw fnmi'fovo vF o milUn-, oLr,,,,-. j .1 . .
I o ii a. uimiuil OliaXCB WCIC UUIIipeU 11110
j the market during the first hour of panicky selling.
-1 vm '"oil iJinu UUWI1 U-O at XJ, i-O,
Steel sold below par at 99 this morning for the first
time in months. Of 1,1000,000 shares of stocks sold on the
exchange in the first two hours, ;!57,000 was Steel com
mon. Steel was 3 points above its coming low at noon,
Anaconda, four points; Marine preferred four and Quar
ter and Central Leather four.
Address to Reichstag Ut
tering Defiance
Amsterdam, eb. 1. Germany ac
cepts the challenge to fight to the fin
ish and is staking' everything to win.
The imperial chancellor, Von Beth
mau-Hollweg thus summed up Ger
many's attitude in a speech whieh he
made yesterday to the main committee
of the reichstag.
Dispatcbea today from Berlin quoted
the chancellor as follows:
"tt'e have been challenged to fight
to the finish; we accept, and kte stak
ing everv7nuir. "
New York, Feb. I. Francis A. Con
nolly, partner of K. W. Ilolling in the
firm of K. A. Counolly unit company ot
Washington told the house leak com
mittee todav he did mat
auec of the telegram he. sent to K. K.
nutton ana company the day before
I'resident Wilson 's
published. He said he merely knew by
Vnnr nf Pi.i,i. m:i. , . ms own survey ot- tne situation that
i,i, . ,, i """uu" someijiing snouii hapiien.
agree with -our aims," the imperial' ,? -,. r :.' ,
chancellor said. "But the enen.v's con- i ( t",,noll' SH1,'1 ho MUeved " sdtnethnig
ditions mean that ciern.nv' .w..,..;.. "".a""ut ro WPe" "'.
force would be destroyed.''
(Continuing the chancellor, after
enumerating and commenting ou "tho
by tho people. He said the people, doier's keeper and it is necessary for him
not want the bill. In other states he ! to consider the welfare of his fellow be-
S8ld it Was not en'foreed in union 1. I iuo Tin . 1.... il. v,n -
... .. , ' - -f""B- "-v o.v oii; vi me oiu ne de
clared unconstitutional. W nvnrml if m,i n. ,.:.. - ... . .
. .v ...u ..no mi mkii io a trial uv a lurv
w as only an experiment and was too
drastic. He stateiT that man was morel (Continued on page eight.)
Connolly Failed to Realize
Importance of His Telegram
ntered his earrilge. said
'' I can say nothing now, boj
yofl please close the door and
no on?"
Lansing is Disturbed
Alter conferring wi h I'resident Wi!
smi for some time, Secretary of State
ia using this afternoon positively de
clined to make any statement concern
ing the German-American situation.
The premier .appeared disturbed- and
lie. ic than Usual I v solemn.
lie etime nervously to the trout door " neiny s designs." declared: ' I can
2 T """. Peered hurriedly out not express tt more strongly than to early on December 20 of an impending
tor his carnage, lighted a cigarette and, sa that Germany accepts the effalleiu'o neaee message iron. Pmi,W v:u,,n
to figt to a finish and is staking .lames R. Keillv, manager-editor told'
everything. ' the coinmittee. lie said Harold P. ,lr,h-
'Jn their reiilv to our neaee iffer I son. a renorter Infornuol Mm nf mm.
tach much imporlante to it. lie said he
sent the message only to Htttton and
company, but regarded it only a matter
of gossip. He said it wfis of no ini
portance in his mind.
"Why didn't you write it?" Chiper
field asked.
"I can't say; I didn't nonsidcr it
Henry asked
By Ed L. Keen.
(United I'ress Staff Correspondent.)
Umdon, leb. l:-ftermany's new sub
marine campaign of ruthlessness is un
der way.
Tho Dutch steamer Kpsilon was the
first victim to be sunk in the new
"barred zone" today. Three British
fishing smacks, the Merit, Watt and'
weuiemi were also among the first
vessels known to have been sunk in
pursuance of the new Oerman order.
The Kpsilon was a steel screw steam
er of 3,211 tons gross, built in Rotter
dam in 1913 and owned by the Vroeli
tvaart Maats Bothnia. She was reg
istered at Amsterdam and Lloyd's
register gave her master as K. Hyke
boer. v
The text of the note was not re
ceived in time for the morning news
papers, but. with its appearance in the
early afternoon editions, editors op
ened their full broadsides of denunci
ation and vituperation.
United States commerce as well as
American travelers are plainly threat
ened. Frightfulncss is now unlimited
una tne war may therefore assume
Secretary Lansing Will Make
Definite Statement But
When Is Not Given Out
(Continued on page two.)
our opponents declared, they wanted on
,ly a peace which they dictated," the
"chancellor continued. ' "flina tl. ,.-i.i
,l. . At -
IU1 IIIC I III' flT Tlll ---- .. . 1 1 i i i r i . H
clerk in the United States treasury de- an ent$y fw aspect shortly."
pertinent, who, Connolly saM, occasion- y" e.irrieH wore not
mornine newsoaners. haven W" A.! 2 u'" V'
"... ' 7, , , "iBoanni-B IU ' ini'MKU Oil JJCICniliCl SUT
Jtepreseatativ-e Campbell asked. ' Henry ashed.
tne au t reel Journal and its al-; "N0 sir. I know no one in Chicago
bed news ticker service was informed ; and we have no correspond.-!, fhcro?'
in response to queries by IJppresentn
tive Lenroot of Wiscousui, Connolly
said he had been asked by K. P. lint
ton regarding the source of the tele
gram. He said he had not at that time
recalled 'it.
Washington, Feb. 1. Withholding an
expected announcement of this trovern-
ment's contentions in the crm-. rifh
Oermanv. Seeretarv nt sr,,.. tannin..
ui . T e V " .iesi: i i,ivermore, reported to havo
this afternoon refused to comment in'sold tiftv th.,wi
any way on the situation. I ,.., ,i... t. ....'j
r .1 .u . I .7 vn.T-iuaj, tn vnv rit 1 1 y cieillleo Willi
. " luv ""vspapenncii at .i:.(U having played both the stoet, exiibsn
Brokers' wires again carried the oft
' repeated rumor that, Ilernstortt had
been handed his passports. Jnw of
j the sinking of a Oerman ship in the
i Charleston, K. tl,, harbor also was a bear
I infhieocc around the noon day period.
The selling movement today was bs-
ea on the war notes sounded through
out the country hy tho press and ley
public men. The market was similar
to that of the days preceding the out
break of the European war.
Thousands of orders to se.K "t the
market" were in brokers hands when
the opening gong sounded. There w
" " ruui puni IO posr, Its OrOK-
crs fried to ejocute orders in
many different stocks before the break
Wall Htroet today was convinced that
certain (k-rman houses yesterday s'art
ed selling short in anticipation et the
break today, having been informed of
the action Germany contemplated.
ors at 11:30 a. in.
Reilly said he immediately wired
Washington correspondents and was
guilt of the war's continuation falls !lu'' Secretary Lansin:; would issue an
nonn nnnhnul. n I .... :- . t , I ., i f. . ..l....l.
vu. wywvHiuua itiuoe. ( oiiiiirioilS i " I ' ..v....i, ui. int
which thev made are onlv accented bv ! ''forts were made to link th
i) clock
Connolly followed E. P. Hfton on
the stand. Button exjiresscd doubt that
(leorg A. Ellis, Jr., a member of the
Mutton firm, reaeh here before Hnn
day for tesiimony.
Be 'rcsentative Campbell dragged Con
!,. .i .u ", "- I nolli lliiough events leadinc ira to the
s' . u.u.rm na .-i adoption of r. k. Bom. 0 the con
, v" SW.t prospect ,110), firm ti Menird Klli,,-
a totally defeated ueool
'I'resident Wilson's speech i
senate shows the sincerity of h
sire fur peace.''.
iiscussing the new Submarine
tBe chancellor said:
l ito 1 . ..
-ince last Autumn tlie t no
Will Adjourn to Capitol
New Vbrk, Feb. 1. The house com
mittee investigating the leak to Wall
Street on the president 's note to bel
ligerents, will adjourn this afternoon
to meet at 2 p. nuin Washington toinor
row, a member of the comittee said.
onlv sur
i n nun m-n. i
ment of sea. terrnriMin tnt th., nniol
confirmed whal they had understood
and anticipated for some, time, it was
to take advance measures against just
such a plan us Uermany now announces
that the recent conference of naval
officials of ajl the allies was held in
Ijondon. The recently announced.
North Sea mine blockade was likewise i
decided upon because England ex-
peeted such an announcement.
Only fragmentary extracts ami l!
general synopsis nf the terms of the j
note were available for the morning.
papers. J-or the most -part they with :
he said:
"I hwve nothing to say to you, nor
will 1 answer any questions bearing on
the present situation,"
If the state department intends hand
ing Ambassador Bernstorff his pass
ports it has not done so yet. This was
ana tne cotwin marltet short on a heavy
scale for several da3s.
C-overing by shorts who led the bear
drive on the market was a feature of
the afternoon trading.
I'nited States Steel closed at 102 3-4,
off OVi; General .Vfotois at 104: Ma
il , j . -" oil ;r-,(; lil'UiTIU .uuiois at iu: Ala-
officially learned at the department common at preferred ut liiM ,
ate tins tftaniAfiii u-V,u i m-,o n. . r- . 1
late tins afternoon when il
nounced that "we have not communi
cated" with the German ambassador
since he delivered the Oerman war note
This 'announcement, the single offi
cial statement of the day, was supple
mented by the declaration that there
had been no additional communication
from Germany.
In telling the newspapercn he. would
say nothing, this afternoon, Lansing
added that there would be nothing tonight.
When the news as to the adniinisfra
1...1. .. i: , . it- -.
m.iu ' m,' ,, ciMiiincni on me ii( ie, , ,
,. ., ... , . .. .. 'ition s course is mad
" ..K ....... ...r ... ...o,Kii.i,i,i oi ,,,,.. ;.. ,, H'i,.;i (,.,.,
UaBMBX-it was said, but when this niny
mid fteadinsf at fl.'l
It was .'1:07 before the stock exchaugs
ticker cleared the report of the last
sales on the exchange.
Sales today were H,0",8,"0u shares.
Wheat Market Demoralized
Chicago, Eel). 1.- The grain market
closed with wheat showing substantial
recovery from the low figures of the
session. May closed at $1.(13 Vi above
the opening but Si eeats below last
night's close, duly closed at $1.41 1-8,
1-8 above, the opening and .") below
Wednesday s close.
of success, we can undertake the en
terprise. Tlieretore, we must not wait
longer. "
uections had anything to do with
Situation Is Grave.
London, Feb. 1. ''It is impossible to
dispute tne gravity of the situation,
declared former Premier Asquith to
day, addressing a meeting at Ladvbank
get th ' bread
coal loll thew
folks plent;
they'll hustle
When a jell
a has
investment of $30,000 in the Connolly
"Isn't it a fact," Campbell thund
ered, "thaU-Str. Boiling was a strug
gling young real estate dealer in Wash
ington!" "1 wouldn't cull the owner of one
Of tho liiirnnst ,.iA.,mnnl ... 1 n
:td commenting on the German l.tncli . ! Washington a si rnuj li , vnnncr man "
j adc order. , Connolly replied.
"But with the navy suppleuientiug Campbell wound up by asking regard
such other measure m tKa nr, ,.;,, n4 i in'i speculations of members of the Cnn-
inecidiatnicn and acceleration of new ! u0".v firm, t.'onnolly denied he had
t.-.i. ........ .. 1 - A I dealinps for hia own I t'
.w..wi(,, . iMU, nuue w couilieraer . .
it,'' he added. Representative Chiperfield tried with'
It was Asquith s first speech to the ' out su'a!, Kl t 11,1 admission fromi
constituents whom he formerly renre-' ConBolly ,nal rllmor ,oulli not ..have!.
sented in parliament since his retire . I prompted the message wired to Button
ment -n Fairlin.l'a nir..o s.;wn. ... i'aud company or the pence move. I
n il I wd tave Z ,. , hiisd ield expres.se., doubt that ru-
" v' y had started the message. Connol-I
(Continued on page eight.) 'Ij't''M: !
Xew Vork, Feb. 1. A con
cern operating out of Cleve
land, Ohio, is sending to news
papers in this country a great
deal of free copy, favorable lo
the liquor interests. This copy
(onus in envelopes bearing the
return address "The I'nited
Bress Association, Cleveland."
The I'nited Press Association
with general offices in New
Vork and bureaus in many eit-
ies throughout the country is
in no way connected witii or
responsible for the concern that
is sending out this unti prohibi-
tiun propaganda propaganda
and it has instructed its attor-
neys to institute proceedings to
enjoin the methods which mike
ic appear that the United Press
Associations has abandoned its :
course of distributing only rcg-
ulsr news matter.
ucnnaiiv s n iiiiniim -einent that she in
tended hereafter to sink ships. This
move was icgnrded as only a part of
Germany's future policy of unbridled
warfare at sea, regardless of the con
! sequences. Tliere was much Speenla
jjcjtion but no official hint, of (he clmr-
lacter of the threatened TtlTtish re-
' prisals.
EngUsh Press Comment.
Comment of th" I'all .Mall tlazette
was typical of all the other afternoon
iapers today.
"This i Germany's supreme apoca
lypse of horror", the editorial assert
ed. "The kaiser MtnndMaihi. rteelnrpd
protagonist of indiscriminate bestial
slaughter on a prepared plan
while h
ret as
all th,
left just as great a
other moves of flit:
Known, it will i The kaiser's submarine ultimatum
was (he sole cause. May wheat opened
down 11V cents at the start, fell 3 3-t
cents more, but subsequently regained
part of the loss, at neon standiug at
'(il.ti01.,pne half cent above the open
ing. Jiijji. opened down six 7-8, later, ;
ing down an nddi.ional i- point to
tl.i'J1-... September cheat opened at
$1.29, regained ,1V4. later going la
Olympia. Wash.. Feb. 1. E.
W. Olson, chairman of Ihe in
dustrial insurance commission,
was shot and killed in his of
fice in the capital building here
at 1:30 o'clock this afternoon
by A. C. Van Ib-ll, said to be a
disappointed office seeker.
Olson was shot through the
head and died instantly.
Van Del! was taken into
tody a few minutes later.
c us-
ia sheddino crocodile tear aw
to tne runner desolation or ttie-war ot
which he is the prime agent.
" I ivilization merely re
sterner tone its previous ai
will so lame the boast that the world ,f that 0enMajl r8id(.r'H ,.,,; hgR
need never fear aga.n'. ' r(,n, ,iep n th(. A ,. flaR
The Evening -News held the note it HhoW8 ,, kn0W() tl, )in(,.t loo(illft
frankly declared Germany's intention flag on earth when he sees it.
to 'wage sea warfare hereafter without!
mercy and regardless of the laws of! In the ease of Tom Lawson, a fist
class secnurio writer was spoiled 'to
(Continued on page eight.) 'moke a mighty poor leaker.
(Continued on page twe.)
:!;;!! sk 9k A Ac Sx
ITS (iQ(C To
Oregon: To
night and Vriday
fair except un
settled, piobably-