BIGHT THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 26. 1917. " Salem' $ Big Department Store' A Rummage of Women's, Misses' and Children's SHOES Commencing Tomorrow morning (Saturday) we will open up in our Shoe Section a big sale of good grade footwear. This sale will last for One Week and gives excellent opportunities to supply present and future footwear needs. Shoes will be placed on tables and in bins sizes marked plainly on each pair all kinds of leathers good styles no junk. One big lot Misses' and Chil dren's V Irak n k., . ItiM Will' Ulg your Vv One lof Several YOU CAN ALWAYS DO BETTER AT MEYERS JL w JIcoocIcoods W Cull Stones, Cancel' and Ulcers of the ritoinach and Intestines, Auto-Intoxica- tion, Vellow Jaundice, Ap di'itis and ether fatal ailments result from Stom ach Trouble. Thousands of Stomach Sufferers owe their complete recovery to Mayr's Wonderful Itemed). Un like, any other for Stomach Ailments. For sale by J. C. Perry and druggists I everywhere. j William T. Lynch Defends I Old Men In Business "Go up thou bald head," cried the children of Bethel to the Prophet! VUffca'. Bo today the gatherers in of the "profits" cry to the children of men: "Oo up old Gray locks, we have no jobs, for you; you are pant 15 and .should but oslerinej. " It was on the above (heme that Wil i Jinm T. Lynch, of Portland, addressed j lathering of men last night in the' auditorium of the Salem public library.! His particular subject wus: " Efficiency j After Forty-five.'' Ho explained that the movement was ijc 5C IC 9(c 5(c 5jc 9C 3(C SS 9fC DIED T1DCOMHE At his home near Soap pOOtO) Oregon, January 25, 11(17, Ohatlei J. Tidcombe, in his Tilth year. Beside his widow, lie is survived liv four children: Mrs. Hal D. 1'atton, of Salem, and Mrs. 0. HattoiL Mrs. II Mar Ian sud Mrs. C. Oluneil, all of Portland. ALL WRONG The Mistake Is Made by Many Salem Citizens. Lock for the cause of headache. Te be cured you must know tho aauee, It it's weak kidneys you must set the Kidneys working right. A Sr.tem resident tells you how. M i. M. B. Churchill, 705 BelmeSit trcr, Salem, suya: "Throo yours aga I tt'ii down in bed for a week with my back. 1 couldn't get up or down w'th out as stance and my back felf euk and lame. 1 was sick all over. Hearing so many recommend Dean's Kidney Pill., I sent for a box and had taken only u few doses when 1 felt better. Two boxes stopped the trouble and in every way I feel like a different per son.'' , Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't imply ask for u kidney remedy get Poas's Kidney Pills tho same that Mr. ( hure.hill had. Foater-Milburn Co.. Froj., Buffalo, N. T. CHERRIAN TO-NIGHT, CHERRIANS MUST APPEAR Sale Shoes. 75c a nair W U. Clwwic r..l, IUL TT IMMUI n, ihhc pick II 95 nair nf T.nrliAti' Hili wil $1.50 a pair other lots to choose from PERSONALS D city J. i looper, of The Dull is in t). Swansoii w as in Portland y ester- day, Paul J. Bratton was in Salem Thurs day from Springfield. Dr. II. . lliikninii, of Gervais, was in the city yesterday. Mrs. Bert Greer and daughter, Elbert, are visiting in the city. 11. I. Jones, of Pendleton, is register ed at the Cottage hotel. -Mrs. Hal I). Patton and children left this morning for Portland, A. A. Underbill Is in Portland today attending to business matters. Lot L, l'earce was registered yester day lit th Imperils) hotel, Portland. John Kigby, publisher of the Vale Enterprise, was a Siilein visitor yester day. J. B. Simmons, of Turner, was trans acting business in the city this morn ing. W. E. McDougal was a Portland visit or yesterday, registering at the Ore gon. J. G Hichardson was in Portland yes terday registered at the Multnomah ho tel. W. B. Burnett, of Heppner, president of the Oregon Wool (irowors' associa tion, is in the city. Mrs. W. (5. Prank and Mrs. H. H. Nuxton returned yesterday after a month's visit at Newport. Mr. Jones, a confecl iouer of Jeffer son, was in the city last evening to at tend a session of the Elks' lodge Corporal l.uccwell, recruiting officer, leff yesterday for ft rants Pass, where he will have charge of the recruiting office. Mrs. Nethn Oreighton is in the city the guest of Mrs. Joseph Baker, who was her classmate at Winfiold, Kansas, Soilage, Mrs. Creighton will sail, on February 21 for England. Mr and Mrs. K. M. Kay left this morning over the Oregon Electric for Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, where they will make their home. They have been living in Salem for the past four years. for the purpose of raising or entirely removing the bar against employing ef ficient men simply because they hud at tained the nge of 15, he declared that the agitation in the east is bringing re suits, causing the railroad first estab lishing the nge limit to advance the dead line and give capable men a chance to live, up to 55 years. The nucleus of a "Forty five Ef ficiency (Hub" was organized and tem porary officers elected. Arrangements were made for a meeting at Hie public library Tuesdny, Januuify .'SO, at 7:30 o'clock p. m, when the club will be addressed b Ivopresontati ve D. 0. I.iw is, of Multnomah county, who has an efficiency bill in the house. All Around Town COMING EVENTS t Tonight. January 26. Cherrian Jitney Dance at Armory. Jan. 26 Address on "The Ore gon and California Land Orant " by Louis E. Bean at Sulem Public Library, 8 p. m. January 26. Convention of rotate Threshermen 'a associa tion. Jan. 30 Jersey cattle club of Marion county meet in Salem. February 2. Mid year graduat ing exercises, high school au ditorium. February 9. Annual theatrical at state penitentiary February 12. Prof. J. O. Hall lecture Willamette university, "Remedies Against Pover ty." February 14. Auxiliary Span ish War Veterans fit- Vnlcn time dance at Armory. il 'i fc ii '' -Jl Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glasses correctly. U. S. Bank Bldg. I "It pays to trade where things are I made" The La Corona cigar is made in Salem. o I President Doney, of Willamette uni versity, will address the Sunday after I noon meeting for men at the Y. M. C. A land the Willamette university quartet i will sing. "Promptness and neatness in watch repairing." Poiucroy and Wallace, 125 i I Commercial. tt Grafted Friinquette walnuts at State ; and 21th. Phone 413. 1-27 Miss Evelyn Jones, who recently re- 1 signed as teacher in the Salem schools. . will leave next week for Portland. She will take up her work as teacher of I mathematics in the Portland Lincoln high school February 5. ! Choice up-to-date roses at Jones' Nur sery 10c and up. Phone 413. i 0 Bring in the boy miy boy 's overcoat in the house $1.96. Salein Woolen ! Mills Store. j o Miss Anne D. Swezey, whose resigna- i tion as librarian of the Salem public library became effective January .15. ' left this morning for Seattle. She will he married at the home of her aunt in ! Seattle on February 12 to R. H. Arm Ntrong. 25c will buy a good square meal, serv ed familv style at George Hros. restaur ant, 202 State St., two doors west of 1'iim'l St. tf Budded holly plants, 75 cts, each, at Jones' Nursery. Phone I PI. "The Bootery" has moved from the dd Reinhart location to the room form erly occupied by The Toggery. The lo cation is excellent and the new shoe store is neatly filled up and well stock ed, making a very attractive store. Wo still have a few pairs of small and large left in black and tan shoes at less than cost. Woolen Mills Store. iJr. D. X. Beechler, dentist, located 3-4 mile north of the fair grounds, Port land road. Owing to no office cxponso nrices reasonable. 1-21 -o January is surely a dry month as dur ing the past 19 days, there has been only half an inch of rainfall. The river is now 2.3 feet above zero and the range of temperature yesterday was from 55 to 43. Hereafter, no boat will leave for Portland on Saturdays. Come in and let us pajr of " .1 list Wright ' vou from 2 to 3 dollar fit you with a ' shoes and save i, Woolen Mills Store. Dr. F. H. Thompson, 416 Bank of Commerce. Practice limited to diseases of oyo, oar, nose and throat, and gener al surgery, , tf 0 Lot L. Pearce was elected first vice president of the Oregon Retail Hard wnro and Implement Dealers' associa tion at the session held this week in Portland. The convention will close with a banquet t lii s evening. Woodmen attention Woodmen of the World will give a dance Friday evening at the Derbv building, for members, mmmmmmammammmmmmmesar-- When in SALEM, OREGON, stop at BLIGH HOTEL Strictly Modem Free and Private Baths BATES: 75c, 1.00, $1.50 FEB DA'S The only hotel in tho business district. Nearest to all Depots, Theatres and Capitol Buildings. A Home Away From Home. T. O. BLIGH. Prop. Both Phones. Froe Auto Bus JITNEY DANCE JANUARY 26, 1917, AT 8:45 O'CLOCK IN UNIFORM families mnd friends. Dancing begin ning at H oVIock. Admission 2d cents. 1 26 te Oregon Grocers Bctil association o - . .. i . , ., mailing it a misdemeanor ror any one to , opposed to the consohdat.on of the JJJ, hi t ,he ntrntM4 ot Ule office of weight- and measures with .d then avoiding payment thereof by that of the dairy and food commission, moving to another locality. In other In fact the grocers believe the weights' words, to run a bill at a grocery store and inensures commission is doing muclind then skip out without paying it. for the citizens of the state that would J0 hotel are protected by an not be done if comliiued with any other ' innkeepers' law and the grocers want commission. the same protection. A bill will probnb- q ly be introduced to this effect. There A splendid selection in siaes 9' ., and" olso a feeling among the grocers that 10 for a little moncv. Just Wright Xuf! "n.,e restraint should be placed on con ned. Woolen Mills Store. ditional sales that of offering a cer- o tain article below cost to inveigle the The children will be entertained to-' customer into buying an article that morrow morning at the city public lib-1 rary from 9:30 until 10 o'clock by story telling. Miss Bessie Shinn, of the Highland school, will tell the story of "Kleine Mook. " One week from to morrow Miss Merrian will tell the story of Peter Pan. o Saturday Specials With each $1.00 ; worth of groceries purchased we will!'w represented the good citizens of give free a 15c can 01 Eppley's l'orfec-j Estacada who were in favor of splitting tion Baking powder. With a 2 dollar : Clackamas county nbout in the middle, order. "oc can. Don t tail to got a can ; Saturday. Seanister Bros. lL'1 South ( ominercial. The Salem Junior Comemrcial club w ill give its first entertainment this ! evening at the Unitarian church in the tray of a comedy entitled "The Hall Room Boy." The boys have been under the instruction of Mrs. Anna Rogers Fish. It will begin at 8 o'clock and of course there will be no admission charge. Boy's overcoat, special $6.00 to $12 coats can now be had for HJ0. Salem Woolen Mills Store. Judge P. H D'Arcy, district deputy grand exalted ruler of the Elk lodge, Oregon south, is in Oregon City and w ill address Oregon City lodge. No. UNO, B. P. f). E., this evening. He will be tend ered a reception and banquet this ev ening at 6:30 o'clock. This is his first official visit to the Oregon City lodge. Boy's overcoats get the boy into one of our overcoats to keep him warm. Val ues up .$12.00 now 11.95. size 9 to 15 years. Stilem Woolen Mills Store. Miss Ruth Paxson, recently elected librarian to succeed Miss Flora Case, will arrive in Salem from Pittsburg, Pa., next Wednesday, she will at onee assume her duties ns school librarian. Miss Paxson is a graduate of Wellslev and received her library training in the Pittsburg Carnegie library. For the pnst year she has been associated with the library work of the new Schenley high school of Pittsburg. o Stated meeting of De Molav Commandrey No; K. T., this evening. Installation of officer. Visiti Sir Knights welcome. Business in Elks pins will pick lip : little today as nine candidates were in itiated into the Elk lodge last evening. Tin' new Elks are: W. W. Moore, W. P. Bums, George K. Halvoreen, Melville Jones, James P. Ward, Thomas C. Wood, William J. Haberlv, Gcoige 11. Wiegel and H. W. PiersOn. According to tin custom of the lodge, a banquet was served after the initiations. o Free! Free! Free! One order in every ten will get 20c in trade in any depart meat free, be a number 10. Edwards & Cory Market, 121 S. Com'l. The dance at the armory this evening under the auspices of the Cherriami promises to bo an interesting society event. The Cherriaus in uniforms will be on hand to have full charge of the affair and to see that everybody has u good time. Besides being a Cherrian dance it might be called a legislative dance as the law makers have all been personally invited to come in and have a good time. Those interested in the Oregon and California land grant will have an Op nortunitv to hear an expert on the sub ject, ns this evening at the Salem pub ! lie. library auditorium, Representative i I.. B- Beau, of Kugene, will discuss the I subject. Mr. Bean has made an exhaus tive study of the subject and is inter- i ested and consulted on legislation re garding the land. The lecture will begin, at S o'clock and like all lectures given at the library, thero will be no admit' sion charge. 0 ' . .A welding outfit in a nearby garage being used in conjunction with the city gas without the proper protecting de vices was the cause of an explosion yesterday afternoon at the Klectric res taurant on High street. Sam Summers, cue of the proprietors, was sitting at the lunch counter at the time and made a quick get-away through the front door onto the sidewalk, attracting consider able attention. Some glassware was broken, three or four dozen pies were pretty well mixed up and a lot of food mussed up beyond repair. Otherwise, there was no damage and the fire de partment found nothing to do when it arrived on tho scene. o Tonight Prof. Q. B. McAuslan. of the University of Oregon extension depart ment, will give hpj last lecture in the short course in salesmanship that has leen is session at the Salem Commercial club for the past tire weeks. The lec ture tonight will be on the subject of "Silk" and trill be of general interest to both tl who sell and those who buy this article "Fiber Silk" will also be explained. This lecture will be illus trated by cards, charts, samples and 50 stereoptican slides. The meeting places will be the auditorium of the Commer cial club and will lie held at 8 p. m. All interested are invited. The Oregon Retail Grocers' associa t ion went on record as favoriug a law "tantls a long profit. In ye olden times when a certain war was on, it was customary to wear the red or the white rose. Yesterday on the streets of Salem the opposing sides of a contest were decorated with badges. The wearers of the badires were from Clackamas county. Those with the ye thereby making a new county with U laiHMii i ne county sear. Those oppos ing, wore the white badge The Estaca da folks are inclined to think that Ore gon City and the people in that part of the county get the cream of the good THE MidgeT STILL LEADS LOOK AT THESE PRICES F0R BEEF TO BOIL FOR 25c SATURDAY 1 4 LBS. FOR 25c 1 GOOD POT ROASTS 1 I 8c AND 10c PER LB. I m IS I FRESHLY GROUND I I HAMBURGER I I 10c PER LB. I 1 EXTRA SPECIAL I CHOICE ROAST of P0RK1 171opPFR in (MARKET Originators of LOW PRICES I 371 State Street The Price of UBMHUMMMMHII MEAT Is advancing every day; but we are still trying to live up to our motto, "Quick Sales and Small Profits." , Let us assure you that you can always get the best Meats at the lowest prices at The People's Meat Market George Thomason, proprietor 155 N. Liberty. Phone 994. "We deliver the goods" WE DONT BEIEVE THERE IS ANY OTHER SALEM IN THE WORLD That can sell Groceries cheaper than we do. A glance at these prices will assure you. A visit to our store w ill convince you. Hard Wheat Flour $2.10 and $2.15 a Sack Valley Flour . $1.90 a Sack Milk, :i cans 25 Cents Broken Head Rice 4c a lb. Best Jap Head Rice 5c a Lb. Fancy Head Rice G'c a Lb. Cream Rolled Oats 5c a Lb. Macaroni 6 l-4c a Lb, Ground Chocolate 24c a Lb. Clams 13c a Can We deliver $2.00 or more. "BY THIS SIGN 2h J. L. BUSICK & SON 118 SOUTH COMMEBCIAL ST. 12l2 TWO STORES, roads appropriations as well as the I eouuty offices and that the only way1 Estacada and the east part of the eouu-1 ty can advance would be to make a new county. The Oregon City folks think everything is all right and aren :t w i 11 ing to lose about 790 square miles, es-1 peeially as that is the biggest half of the county. Both sides (ppeared before the legislators last evening. A meeting to organize a drainage district in FrencU Prairie will be held at Gervais Saturday at 2 o'clock. Professors from the Orerrnu ---o n - tural college will be present to explain the methods of drainage and the value thereof to the land. The district in-1 eludes about 73,000 acres. According ! to government surveys, the land can 1 be easily drained and the water! courses and the fall of water have been mapped out by government engineers. A GOOD POSITION Can be had by an y ambitious young inau, or young lady, in the field of railway or commercial telegraphy. Since the passage of the eight-hour law by congress, it lias created a big demand for telegraph operators. IV, sitions paying from 75 to $.S0 per; month, with many chances for advance-j ment. It will pay you to w rite Rail way Telegraph Institute of Portland, Ore., for full particulars. i--5i J Clean, Fresh, Airy Rooms HOTEL LOUVRE (Formerly Hotel Keith) 459 State St, Phone 1109 Rooms 50c to $1.00 a Day Special Rates by the Week MRS. M. M. LAY, Proprietor : ARMORY EVERYBODY INVITED WE BOTH WIN" 299 NORTH COMMERCIAL 12V2 PHONE 198 WANTED Household Furniture. Woodry tho Auctioneer will pay highest cash prico for same. Phone 511. mm CAR5 of ANY KIND Any time POLK COUIJTY SERVICE Quick, safe and a comfortable Taxi-Launch line. Modern pas senger boat at our command day and night. Permanent Taxi passenger service to all points on the West Side via onr new stand at West Salem depot. Phone 700, same as city call. SafetYJ CLEAN CARS, CAREFFL DRIVING J. A. HAFPHAHAN Better Known as Jiwvmle TRY JOURNAL WANT .ADS : ...