X THE DAILY CAPITAL J0( RNAL. SALEM. OREGON, THURSDAY, JAN. 25. 1917. I Erected by ?w-i' ' Salem Workmen THE HOME OF HQLSUU AND TIP TOP BREAD To Give Salem Better Bread An Invitation To Mr, and -Mrs. Everybody Salem Your Neighbors and Your Friends This'new home industry tkat you have so splendidly welcomed to Salem by so liberally buying its products this week now bids you welcome within its doors. You have tried the new delicious HOLSUM and TIP-TOP BREAD made for Salem homes by Salem folks- Now come with us and see it made Be Our Guests At this informal reception, Friday, January twenty-sixth, nineteen hund red and seventeen, from two until ten o'clock; p. m. Come early if you can- hut come. Of course, the kiddies are welcome - Refreshments and souvenirs for all. Cherry City Baking Co. TELEPHONE 1225 At Broadway and Market Sts., Salem, Ore. m