Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 25, 1917, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Rate per word New Today:
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On wek (6 insertions) per word St
One month (26 insertions) per word 17c
The Capital Journal will not be re
pongible for more than one insertion
for errors in Classified Advertisements.
Read "our advertisemeat the first day
It appears and notify us immediately.
Minimum charge, 15e.
FOR SALE Woodshed. Phone 1391J.
FOB BENT SIGNS For sale at Cap
ital Journal office. tf
Phone 1150W.
and Btock
3 2 ROOM Apartments, bath, lights,
and telephone. 491 N. Cottage. HI
FOB RENT Small apartment, reason
able, ( all 1995. 1-25
W. Lathrup, Aumsville, Or., 1-25
FOR SALE Two R- L Red cockerels,
$1.50 each, Phono 2501J2. 1-25
FOR SAIiE S. QL W. Leghorn yearling
hens. Phone K27R. 1-27
WANTED Fat Ucns at once. C. T.
Doty, 121 South Com. St.
Turiicr. -For sale, A. W.
FOR BALE Fine upright piano, very
cheap. Address 125 care Journal. 1-25
WILL SELL 22 head 3 and 4 year
old mules. Dwight Misner. tf
GET PRICES On farm sale bills at
The Journal office.
TRRSPASS Notices for sale at Jour
nal office. f
HARBY Window cleaner. Phone o-H j
OET YOUR Tresspass notices, new
suoply of cloth ones at Capital Jour
nal, tf
8TUMPACE FOR SALE 4 miles from
Salem. Inquire P. O. Box G54 Mt. An
gel, Or. 1-30
ORDERS TAKEN For day old White
Leghorn chicks, 10 cents each. Chas.
Colvin, Aumsville, Or. 2-2
WANTED To trade a good five room
house for good used auto, or vacant
lots. Phone 503 M. 1-31
WANTED For grub oak
per cord, a miles west oi
Dallas. Lauderbach & Clark, Dallas,
lie 1-27
HENS Party from California can get
hens on Siiverton road north of fair
grounds. C. Mullen. 1 25
WANTED To buy or rent a second
hand piano, state price and make of
piano. Address R care Journal. 1-27
WANTED Girl for general housework
small family, light work. Phone 1204.
keeper wants position where boy 6
can attend school. Phone 70F12. 1-26
A NEAT 5 room house close in, for
rent, $10.00 per month. See J. A.
Mills. 384 State St. 1-25
8TUMPAGE For sale, No. 1 old fir,
second growth and maple. R. 9, box
48. Phone 14F13. 1-26
anv kin d. S. Nelson. 225 Center.
Phone 927
GIRLS OR WOMEN Wanted at the
glove factory 1455 Oak St. Steady
work. 124
FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping
also sleeping rooms. 265 S. Com'l St.
oiei.T 1-24
WANT To buv mowing machine, good
condition. Good sow to farrow soon,
kalf .linen turkey hens. Phone 1204
' 1-25
$10.25 FOR Common run of hogs;
$1.35 for best corn fed hogs weigh
ing 225 to 250 pounds. Phone ObM
evenings. G. W. tyre.
HE CAME BACK Tf you have any
u carnpta von wish woven into
i.n;i fluffy rues, notify S. A
nbner Phone 18$6R. tf
rA it artt FTR Maole. Vine Maple
cordwood. yard at corner Trade and
Liberty Sts., near armory. Willard
V PmPtor Phone 1322J. 2-8
MONEY TO LOAN On second hand
jewelry, men's clothing, musical in
'.t,mi,ts tools. Buns, bicycles, etc
n. hnuirht- sold and traded. Capital
Exchange, 337 Court St. Phone 49X
FOR SALE On account of other bus
iness calling me away next month,
I am compelled to dispose of some
of my milch cows, 3 high-grade Jer
seys.'l cow 6 yrs old, fresh 3 months
$4(1; 1 coW 4 yrs old, fresh 5 weeks,
with calf. $55.00; 1 cow 3 yrs old to
freshen Feb. 5, $50; also 1 Durham
cow 7 yrs old to freshen March 12,
$45.00; these cows are gentle, easy
milkers and in good shape. Address
Warren Bros., R. 3, Silverton, Or.,
34 mile n. e. of Victor Point ai
largest publishers in the northwest
desires the services of hustling rep
resentatives for local and traveling
positions. Experience unnecessary.
Ambitions men make big money on
our new one hundred per cent profit
proposition. Preference given those
owning rig or automobile. Post card
will bring complete information free.
Apply by letter or in person. A. E.
Stephens, 800 Oregonian bldg., Port
land, Ore.
'OB 8ALE Baled grata hay mad Tetch
hay. George Swegle. tf
trade for milk rows or vacant lots.
W. L. Marsh, Jefferaon. Bt. 1. 1 83
WAXTKD To hear from owner of
good farm for sale. 8tate cash price
ami description. I). F. Bush, Miunr
apolis, Minn.
OAK AND FIR Stumpage for sale at
low price, near Salem. See Mr. W.
M. Grant, Marion Hotel, Friday, Jan. ,his afternoon declared that per
2o. i ,
haps the real solution of the prepared-
NOX KKSIDEN'T Will sacrifice choice
lot 1 block from State street, fori
j.)u. r or particulars aiMress rv care
FOB KALE Or trade, new and second
hand furniture store for lower Mich
igan farm land. Write owner, Jacob j
Van Lydegraf, Silvcrton, Or. 1-2
MONEY LOANED On furniture, live
stock, vehicles, implements, etc. All j
transactions private. Possession re-1
taincd. Union Loan Aizencv. 217 S.
High street 2-25 1
HATE VOL A (Ins engine or water ,
power on your placet I have a dyna- country is now relying "is utterly in
M good for 30 or 40 lights, with adequate" and 'disgrace to a civil
switches meters, etc., second handjized people."
but good. See J. A. Mills, 384 State The Marylanders declared -'our de-
St. 1-25 fensive weakness was such that in case
" " of invasion our people might be sub
FAVEHOLLE EGGS- (liven away, Et-j,vted to all the honors which have be-
gene T. Prescott will give free of falltn Belgium, Poland, Serbia and
charge, laverolle eggs to be UUV-J Northern France "
bated and will pay double market j An (rtr to consider national
'"'"'e, W ',.S,,''B! frm t "defense was today demanded before
inontlis old. (all at Avenue Barber:., . ......:
, 0-
A judgment against the defendant in
brought in yesterday by 'the jury. The
amount of judgment is $2000.
The state is subniiting its evidence
in the case of the state of Oregon vs.
JMettie Homings, tins afternoon.
The Marion county share of the state
motor vehicle tax amounting to $7,-
(il2.ss, was turned over to the county
treasurer this morning.
A cost bill in the case of Becker vs.
Beechler was filed in the office of the
county clerk yesterday, calline for $5.
Judge Bingham went to Albany yes
terday morning to attend the session
of the circuit court at that city. He
will be gone for about a week.
A cost bill in the case of Ladd &
Bush vs. Dr. E. J. Young and D. D.
Steel was filed by the plaintiff today.
It claims expenses to the amount of $15
The Gilcrest Lumber Co., of Colo
rado, through its attorneys here has
filed a complaint in the circuit court
asking judgment against A. H. Trin
He to the amount ot .isuO.o
and other I
sums ot a minor nature.
A suit was filed yesterday by Wil
liam O. Day chnrtrintr his wit'e who:
now lives in San Jose, California, with
deserton, and askng the court to ds
solvc the bonds of marrage wheh exist
between them. He also asks the custody
of a minor child, Helen.
An objection to the cost bill filed in
the case of Purdy vs. Harry Redfcrn,
was filed in the county clerk's office
todav. The objection states that the
sums claimed as witness fees for sev
eral of the defendant's witnesses arc
exhorbitant. The paper was made out by
the plaintiff.
It required but brief deliberation yes
terday afternoon .for the jury in the
case of T. G. Bligh against the Oregon
Theatre Co. to return a verdict for the
plaintiff. The suit was instituted by
Mr. Bligh for the purpose of enforc
ing a contract wherein the defendants
obligated themselves to purchase a
theatre for some $3500 from the plain
tiffs. The litigation involved a ques
tion as to the earning capacity of the
theatre in consideration, and the hear
ing yesterday practically hinged upon
that point and was argued at length in
support oi an answer filed by the de
fendant to Mr. Bligh 's complaint. The
jury awarded the plaintiff judgment
and attorney's fees. Judge Percy R.
Kelly presided. Judge C. L. McXary
ami John H. McXary appeared for Mr
(n Bowling Contests
Woodmen Were Victors
In the bowling contests last night,
the Woodmen won three closely contest
ed games. Sundin of the Oregon thea
tre plaved high game with a score ol
200 and Pierce of the W. O. W. high
average with 177.
The score last night was:
W. U. W.
(1) (2) (3) To. Av.
If. Donaldson lOS 151 i9 498 160
E. Donaldson 110 125 168 403 134
Lloyd 166 188 151 505 168
Wilson 166 157 158 481 160
Pierce 178 191 162 531 177
Total 788 812 828 2418
Oregon Theatre
tl) (2) (3) To. Av.
Sundin 147 200 170 517 172
Absentee 154 154 154 462 154
Absentee 154 154 154 462 154 j
Hagedorn .... 176 118 146 440 147 j
Absentee 154 154 154 462 154!
Total 785 780 778 2343
Portland, Or., Jan. 25. Aged and
feeble, Chris Evans, former senior part
ner iu the Evans-Sontae gang of Cali
fornia, was cared for today at St. Vin-
cent's hospital following a short stay'
at the poor farm bis sons having
learned of his plight through the news
pajiers. Evans is 70 years old, and
crippled from his many gun fights.
Visited by Maryland Delega
tion Wilson Makes Ex
tended Address
Washington. Jan. 25. President Wil
1,e!"1 problem might lie a standing nrmy
of professional soldiers of sufficient
size to give real preparedness.
The president was strongly urged by
the delegation to take immediate steps
toward building up the United States
arm -
leasing their arguments on Secretary
Lansing's recent statement that this
eountrv is "drifting toward the verge
of war
they urged the president to !
some form of universal train-
The Maryland delegates, backed by
Ronton llalailll declared the liresent.
'voluntary system upon
which the :
me dingier.? in lUIUtmUTV whhh
of the league by 8. Stanwood Menken,
chairman f the congress.
' The failure" of the Inst two years
to nroduce "anything definite" ''to-
ir.i th.. successful defense of the
country," Menken said, necessitated a Mass., was active in urging the resolu
special session of the congress would ; tion.
be undivided and politics eliminated, j The federation today took action on
The president voiced his opposition 1
to compulsory universal military ecrv
ice in rne umito iaies.
He said that such a system does not
meet the ' difficulties'' facing the
country in its efforts to establish ade
quate defense.
At the same time lie. admitted mat
physical training is needed" and do-
dared the legislative and executive
branches of the government are giving
'serious consideration" to what is the
WW llllllg lor uie ueiciiac v iuu iuu-
The president made his declarations
regarding preparedness to representa
tives of the National Security League,
who called to urge some form of uni
versal training.
The president opened his remarks by
saying he would have been more im
pressed by the delegation's conten
tcntions if they had been expressed
"in more restrained language."
'From some of the unqualified state
ments in this paper 1 must frankly
dissent," the president said. "I think
it due to my colleagues on the hill to
say that this off-hand condemnation of
the system which they adopted after
long debate upon the urgency of niany
of the leading citizens of the country,
is the least that, I can do. You do not
command a cause which deserves the
most serious consideration by present
ing it as you have presented it.
''Any brief services in the army of
the United States withdraws men from
civil pursuits just as much as the re
cent services on the border does. No
service except a standing army with
professional soldiers prevents that oc
casional and frequent withdrawal of
men from civil pursuits. It may no in
evitable, but what you are proposing
does not meet the difficulty which you
condemn. These things are of the ut
most intricacy and difficulty and are
not to be settled ex-cathedra. And yet
notwithstanding the fact that I think
you have gone too far, I will say for
you, tnat of course this will bave my
most serious consideration.
It is receiving serious consider
ation with the country and we in
Washington, of course, share and feel
the great tides of opinion in the
United States.
''I am sure that speaking if I may
speak for the members of the house of
representatives and the senate we are
all desirous of doing the wise thing for
the defense of the country and it must
and will be done, but we must not close
debate by having too dogmatic an
opinion ns to method.
" 1 know that you will understand
! the spirit in which 1 make that pro
test and this statement.
'These things impress me the more
after what we have heard from the
medical societies. Unquestionably
physical training is needed and will ac-
I complish a great deal but it can be had
without compulsory military service
and compulsory service does not meet
the difficulties which you have allud
ed to."
The "utter impotence" of the
United States to defend itself against
a world power is apparent to all think
ing men since the outbreak of the
European war, Judge Alton B. Parker,
former democratic presidential candi
date and chairman of the league's con
vention, declared.
Immediate preparedness, he said, is
the first step in the task of insuring
youths and homes against war just as
we insure our dwellings against fire.
''We continued to muddle along,"
he said, emphasizing the need for de
fense, " until the people at last suc
ceeded in making their protests heard
low in the footstepss of nghtcousnes
and cultivate a Christian spirit. China
tried that method. Now she wishes
she had done more. For who can tell
what the future has in store for (ferf "
President Wilson is the real leader
of the preparedness movement, Parker
said, and appealed to the country when
congress failed to act.
The imrapraiih to which the Brci jeflt
most vigorous exception in tfvo.
Maryland league
memorial was the
'The injustice of our present system
it rceeiviag a striking illustration from
the spectacle now presented oh our
Washington, Jau. 25. The
largest apportionments of the
lO.WtO.OfH) good roads fund for
the fiscal year beginning next
July were announced today by
the department ot agriculture as
Arizona $137,027; California
$302,127; Colorado lrt7.380;
Iowa 292,XM. Montana 19(i.
."i74; Xebraska $213,541; New
Mexico 157,475; Oregon $157,
374; Utah (113.900; Washing
ton $142,72; Wyoming $122,
393. l
State Federation Closed
Convention at Noon Today
with Election of Officers
The State Federation of Labor closed
its annual session today noon with the
election of the following officers:
President, O. R. Hartwick of the
Painters Council No. 10, Portland;
vice president, O. E. Bibbs, of the Car
penters Council Xo. 226 of Portland;
secretary and treasurer, E. J. Stack,
1 lgarmusers v.ouncii .mi. jow oi i on
W. B. Sumiiierville of the local
painters organization, was elected a
member of the executive board of the
State Federation and will represent
Salem at the annual meeting to be held
next January at Astoria.
The passage of a resolution demand
ing a federal investigation of the af
fair at Everett, Wash., was one of the
main features of yesterday's session.
The resolution as adopted was much
more conservative than the original
introduced. Elizabeth Ctirley Flynn,
of international reputation in labor
circles, who was connected with the.
earment workers strike nt
the following inns as ln.iicaieu:
IT. li. 21. bv Bean Providniir tor a
bond issue for road building. Oppnaed.
H. B. 25, by Brownell Relative to
what wages are exempt. Approved.
H. B. 36, by Mueller Regulating as
signment of wages. Approved.
H. B. 40, by -Mueller Kequiring pun
lie utilities to pay interest on deposits.
11. B. 66, by Clark Amending eight-
hour law. Opposed
S. B. 37, by Pierce Reducing legal
interest rate. Approved.
S. B. 79, by Gill To open schools on
Labor day. Opposed.
S. B. 72, by I. S. Smith Relating to
nullifications of school teachers.
Amendments recommended.
S. B. 95, by Eddy Declaring school
directors subject to recall. Approved.
Bill introduced by W. i Sullivan, of
Sheet Metal Workers, providing non
payment of wages. Approved.
Bill introduced before the Federa
tion by B. J. Stack, defining rights of
laborers. Approved. '
Bill introduced by B. W. Sleman be
fore the Federation, fixing hospital
fees. Approved.
Bill providing for one day of rest
in seven. Approved.
H. B. 181, by Gore Clanging com
pulsorv school age. Opposed.
Bill suggested by Railway Brother
hood Deoignating maximum number
of cars in trains. Approved.
Bill by Railway Brotherhood Desig
nating number of men on switch crew.
Chi:ago, Jan. 25. Corn again
broke all previous records on
the local market today when
May corn sold for $1.03 14 a
bushel. This is half cent higher
than the mark set January Hi,
when it was quoted at $1.02
3-4. July corn reached $1.01 '4.
The prices aie the highest
since 1868.
Greater Animation in
In Wall Street Today
New York,
Evening Sun
Jan. 2", The New York
financial review today
There were brief intervals of great
er animation in today's stock market,
but trading as a whole was little more
extensive than in the previous sessions
of the week. Traders are not finding
it easv to get an adequate supply ot
stocks and the result is 11 general stif-!
fening got prices. Any sudden news;
of a bearish character could have but
little effect on such a market.
The overnight news developments!
were scarcely of marketwise influence, j
Discussion' of a loan to Argentina was:
the main interest in financial circicB
In the stock market there was par
tieularly good demand for the copper
stocks. ' Gains in that group ranged
Vnm nlie to tWO DOintS.
The steel stocks were firm, dated j
States Steel held for the most part;
fractionally above 114, up a point, j
Prices continued strong in the late trad j
ing. Business was light. Long Island
was heaw, but developed firmness on
the offer to the minority hareholderS;
of five per cent twenty year debenture
bonds for their holdings.
Mexican border. There we hav- men
doing police duty in time of peace who
ought never to have been called upon
for military service away from their
homes except as a last resort. It is o
scandalous waste of public money to
have this police work done by citizen
soldiers. Great numbers of these men
have goue to the border at a great
sacrifice their sacrifice meaning less
of employment, destruction of their
business, blighting of their business
careers, and what is more to the pur
pose, in many cases, the leaving of de
pendent families -women, children and
parents to suffer in poverty because
the bread winner has been taken
away. "
Try the Journal classified ads.
Annual Convention Will Close
with Luncheon This
The Oregon State Retail Grocers'
Association met last night, not in the
MH'ornack hall, but in the house of
representatives, where they proceeded
to show the would-be lawmakers a few j
things that should be done for the
world in general and the grocers in
particular. It was a mock legislature,
with Frank Dnvey in the chair and
H. 8. Rittman of the Cherry City
bakeries acting as sergeant of arms.
Theodore Roth, like all true legislators,
proceeded at once to iutroduce a bill.
It was for putting the operations of
the dry bone law in the hands of the
grocers. Mr. Deckebach was also pre
vciled upon to make a few remarks.
He noted the fact that Oreeon had
made great advances in the dairy and:
creamery business and had the figures
to show it, including statistics to the
effect, that if a man drank one qunrt
i milk at 9 cents a quart, he would'
be as well off, from a nutrition stand
point, ns if he had eaten one dozen of j
fresh eggs at 45 cents- a dozen. This 1
was not disputed.
The session this morning opened
with an address by Fred (. Buchtel,!
on, "What the Public Service Commis j
sion docs for the Merchant.'' Wal
ter A. Denton, speaking on the sub-1
ject of "What the Public Service Com-
mission Should Do for the Merchant, "j
said that all public service commis- ,
sions should be free from politics, that I
they might be unhampered in their
work. He also thought that while j
Some commiisions aiugui no consoli
dated, the Public Service Commission
shuld not be consolidated with an
other, as there was plenty for it to do
in responding to the calls that are
made. The state grocers with nil the
prestige of its organization was a
great power for public good and for
the upholding of commissions that
were working for the benefit of the
Frank B. Connolly, past president of
the National Orocers Association, and
at present secretary of the California
ototo nvmnixation. arrived in the city
from the south on tile tsiiasia linuieu
and was entertained for lunch at the
Marion hotel. This afternoon he spoke
before the delegates on not only what
the Oregon State Grocers association
might accomplish, but what had ueen
done in other states ana wmu uu op
tional organization had accomplished.
This evening ho will be present at the
hmchcou ot be served at the Commer
cial club and it is more than probable
that he will be asked to make a short
talk for the especial benefit of those
who were not present to hear his ad
dress this afternoon.
At this afternoon's session officers
for the follinwing year were elected
as follows: President, (leorge Cusiter
of Silverton; first vice, president, C. M.
ip'y 'lf Salem; second! vico Vres
ident, John Lang of Pendleton; secre
tary, Walter A. Denton of Salem;
treasurer, 1). J. Van Heyoc; directors,
W 0. Gunthcr, Portland, O. '. Clay
pole, Prineville, and B. F. Sherwin of
ViUamina. ' , . tMm
Wttn tlie innciieou mm
avanttitf when the
delegates win no
" . . ,. .i..u 41...
imests of the ommerciai ouu, i -
ond annual convention of the Oregon
State Retail Grocers Association will
Tonight at the auditorium of the Sa
lem public library the "45 efficiency"
club will be organized, as a branch of
the Portland organization and as part
of the national organization. When Dr.
Osier said a few years ago that a man
was totally unfit at 00 years otge that
rather put a crimp in many an active
man. But since then it has been demon
strated that Dr. Osier was all wrong,
and that a man between 45 and 55 years
of age was just getting into his best
work. Anyhow, the 45 efficiency clubs
arc being organized all over the coun
try to demonstrate that a man over 45
years of age is still a pretty lively in
dividual. Any one who can qualify, is
invited to attend and become a charter
: personals :
Leo J. Schncffer is in the city from
M. A. Fitzgerald, of La Grande, is
in the city.
' Clyde Jackson, of Vancouver, is a
Salem visitor.
Miss Edna Garfield returned from Al
bnny 011 Wednesday.
O. H. Carson left yesterday for
(Ireat Falls, Montana.
George W. Miller, of The Dalles, was
u Salem visitor Wednesday.
('. H. Farmer and wife, of Rickreull,
were Salem visitors yesterday.
W. B. Clark, of Turner, was trans
acting business in the city yesterday.
,T. E. Moore was in Portland yester
day, registered at the Portland hotel.
C. A. Lawton, of Astoria, is in the
city. He is editor of the Pythian Sen
ator. L. L. Berstenshaw- and D. A. MoCal-
lan, of Council, Idaho, are in the city on
Edgar McDaniel, of Coos Ray, was in
the city yesterday. Mr. McDaniel is
publisher of the Coos Bay Harbor.
William Logan, of McMinnvillc, is
here today attending the sessions of the
Oregon State Retail Grocers' associa
tion. Mrs. Asa Brower, of Pocntello, is in
the city the guest of Mrs. D. 11. .loser.
She is a former student of Willamette
Henry S. Westbrook, of Portland,
grain! master of the grand lodge of the
I. O. O. F., of Oregon, was in the city
yesterday. Within the near, future he
will visit Chetneketa lodge, No. I.
Mary Pickford Coining
In Marvelous Role
Plays American Girl Kidnapped by
Italians in "Poor Little Peppina"
Thrilling Romantic Drama
Mary Pickford as an Ilnlina boy! The
delightful little Japanese Cho-Cho-Hou,
111 "Madame Butterfly, has shed net
sandals and her kimono for the rough
boots and corduroy of the Italian peas
ant, and she laughs, fights and smokes
her way into the heart, just ns the lit
tle Niponese sobbed her way into the
affections of the public. And just as
the Famous Players star so cleverly
conjunction with June Caprice in "The
interpretation of the Jap girl, so in
this original photoplay by Kate Jordan,
which will be the Paramount attraction
at Ye Liberty Sunday and Monday in
conjunction with June Capria in "The
Mischief Maker. "
Washington, Jan. 25. Senator Do
rah today offered a resolution in which
he warned the Cuited States "against
danger of becoming involved in any
entangling alliances with European na
tions," and asked the senate to re af
firm the principles of the Monroe
While Borah did not at first admit
it, he did not, however, deny his reso
lution was aimed directly against the
address of President Wilson to the sen
ate last Monday.
The Borah resolution asked the sen
ate "to carry out the principles of the
Monroe doctrine in anv action taken
bv the senate on matters affecting it.
Livestock Men Want
Coliseum at Fair Grounds
Pure bred livestock men of Oregon,
at their convention here last night, rer
Mended that the Oregon state fair's
request for 1(50,000 for livestock premi
ums be cut to 40,000. They urged,
however, that a livestock coliseum be
built at the fair grounds.
Thev alpo went on record as favor
ing the Jones bill for a tax 011 dogs,
the moneys from which would be used
to reimburse owners of sheep that are
killed by dogs.
The stockmen ajse Opposed to the
agricultural comiuissimi, as proposed
in house bill 172, and also are against
measures seeking to consolidate the
dairy and food commissioner office
witli some other department. J. M.
Dickson, X. C. Maris, H. West, B. W.
Hogg and A. Wells met today with the
legislative consolidation committee,
The breeders also are opposed to com
bining the stallion registration board
with the sanitary livestock board.
H. West awrttated an amendment to
the brnndinu law- which would exempt
owners who have cattle for the show
Dr. Lvtle. state veterinarian, said
that scab has appeared among shec)
again and suggested legislation to ire
The Laugh Man
The Oregon
No Raise in Prices
vent its further spread. It was de
cided to keep William Shuineiick borO
iluiing the balance ot the legislative
session to watch out for legislation de
sired bv the stockmen.
Irene Fen wick supported by
Owen Moore
m a Corvey Islarvjd Priixcesa
I Tuesdav - Wednesday I
Jan. 30-31