Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 25, 1917, Page THREE, Image 3

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! i- 11 i.i ...... r
In Our Economy Basement
" mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmBmmi mm i i 1 1 1 1 1 111
We Now Have on Sale
A big stock bought from a Eugene merchant, who, just eight months previous, had opened a new store with almost an entirely new stock. We bought these Shoes for a few cents on the dollar,
and in some instances we are offering values that are way below the wholesale p rices and in every instance the prices are extremely low. FOLLOWING PRICES WILL SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES:
$1.95, $2.65, $2.95 AND $3.15
PER PAIR $1.95, $2.65, $2.95 AND $3.15
rift PAIR
$1.35, $1.65, $1.95 and $2.45
$2.95 and $3.25
VALUES TO $6.00, at 95c, $1.95, $2.95 and $3.15
. PER PAIR $3.95, $4.35 and $4.95
PER PAIR 95c, $1.65 and $1.95
PER PAIR 39 Cents
PER PAIR 65 Cents
PER PAIR 95c and 39c
(Continued from page one.)
its passage ; Nos. 15 and 88, indefin- be enioraH.iug congress all the time as House .joint memorial No. g, by Hep" mate children was taken from the tnl.l
itely postponed; Nos. 101, S, do. 100, 0, the house could not afford to divert its lesentativo Ticheuor. aBkinjMngrosfl to and passed. Dimick voted for it de
4, !), 08, 90, 83 and 0 were rei irted Inattention i alters tr.at would not . establish a naval base .ti EST Orford. spite the fact' that its teeth were di a -mi
now wa't Bet Se bill on the calendar bk52,Ct , ... ... blinS results. He cited that it was cost, was adopted ' ' ' and (it. Hand because of this fact.
.. : i.i K fi,n,,,l,lv tlunuoil ""' " . . . . . "'" ino (he liouse 2.H7 I., oi.crut,. one in in- WW special urv-er (Senate onnourernt resolution
r" . L. i l i -l u J. . !:,, structious lo report U bnc-lc this after- . ,.,.., . linivr in ksIi! ..i, ,biv liouse bill No. 100, the "bone dry was neloiitt
on its merits, which, while it was being ,,. 'u "- each nourj and ifoxv eacti da.v . , ' r , ,, ' , .. i ' 1
j ' . ,,,.tf Cnilmol i H00"- . -i .... Discussion of the memorial" resolul ions '"II. "'ill he the special order ot bust- ment ot n
I,,' &hcWril the . 0-J a enwm cum"' MU this BtorniliB c ost the state 162. which ' of the house on. .Monday morning sPmilP and six from the house to for disch.in
t...t,. ...... . i'lTUies suspenuea and passed. it j ,, ,. i , ,i ' ,
time Hint as tbev were tliov changed, .. L- w(. . , ... , . ae said u;tb wctstod as ine lime nugn
tlieir mincts. it uiey ciici imr mere "ouici ; , t , uiij
!l called forhc
the I.
Bow" be no equal suffrage.
tion, no advance in any way. As to the
Beniltor's nd'erence to the publicHii qf 0faet bills
republican tne seiuuor was noi miic
vhic h, who w7ent out on the -highway
and thanlied (fed he was not as other
men, he thought the senator had not
been to Sunday school lately, ita he re
ineaibeied it the gentleman who thank
ed God he was not as other nieu was, a
Senator Parrel said some of the sen
ators were using the truth with eonsid-
erahle elasticity, and ae aiso wuu
bacdt to Biblical lore by adding '
anoke whereof they knew not wh
ness ot the housi' on Arnidny morning senate an
at 10:30 o'edock, This morning it was Hiili ((
reported back with the majority re ieaillatui
prohibi- f uuv" s r" ' "D , i matter of interest to Oregon. , '.. 1 ' , . -""""V actual ex
' ...... two v.. IV,,,.- 1,,, ,t the l.nV.. C'.- H. ,.-,,.,,- ' " CHilC Jl VIU I 1 , KI ,4,..v.... HI S ClC'll' lllirOO K'C'Cl 11S H 'IVi'l
hem the suliiects are covered in I , ,. ., ... ' . . I ments. Heprosonlttt rve Lnffert v who had i s H Kv. 14' Uv Dnrri'tl 1
Hie Washingtc
ovisicm that ii
be paid.
" Where parties to the stni
righting for such liemeiidoi
we are, it- is impowjble v
immit their settleim nl in in
gree to a statesmanship whic
and word has osteutal ions
d sympathy with them.''
iciiiiy in F
slated in e
neeupv aa aaoaoilons,
lion. ' Among the h"i
officer for 18 years
c a all y. who joiued it
ian attack on lice licg
after the Canadian
cm Nos. 138 lo 146, in-
d second time and re
S. B. No.
Senate bil
elusive were
f erred.
House bills Nos. 13 and 164 were rc
first time; bills Nos. 75, 1-7 and 1
were read second time and bills N
11 and 47 were passed.
New Bills Introduced.
The following bills were introdw
,., todav:
H.B. No
l4hrt . rate of int
is Or- i i , i
d the la!ld S0tu?
a ' i S. B. Nc
com-! ,. ,. . .,
tor distl it
aver-, 2 i
i evs nsceivi
i t rr.ment.
rPat S B N
salaries o
Uu' of Old So
in iuone'r
nt by stat
lion of forest rc
ton said, "all hot up." He sa
groat crimes of the country wer
mitted by men who were above th
age in intelligence. Duraut was
4el)igent man. so were marly all
Criminals. If the good women w
backing this bill realized wha
were doing, it they couiu no miuie in soo
the flanifRr in the bill they would not be
jrorking tor it.
nilL Made Special Order.
Filially the senators having talked
iiAMBAlnAH tl, mnitMi if, uul.stil nlc-
' . murderers lroin inheriting propi
the minority bill carried, and on mo- tlu,ir yjgjjnig.
turn the lull was made tne special oraei
for iConday at 2 o'clock. Outside of
this bit of fireworks there was only
s' Home, at Boeeburg,
8. B- No. 150, by Kddy. To assis
K " , , , ,' t 1 report
or professional education bv presiding; t
them with a reader.
.8. B. No. 161, bv Shanks. To prove
ongrccss, which do not bring miv rc
suits whatever. When it comes to th
close of the session and there is a urea
j rush, he said it was usual to read out
, the first and last paragraphs of a bil
.land call it a third reading. With th
present waste of valuable lime, he dc
' j clared that in the1 greatest rush h
would demand that each lull be read I
. I from the first lo the last line.
' This outburst was I
recommendaliou ot a majority of th
' , committee on reaoiutions that senat
joint nieorial Xu. 2, askinfg cengrOfl
r j to appropriate $300,000 for iprovin
' i Crescent City harbor, do pass. . A mil
oritry report a-cking that it do BOt pas
" ! ou the ground that it is useless to mi
Immortalize congress, was read.
j Kepresentative Brownell moved thn
'the report of the majority be accepts
. and Kepresentative Lewis moved ie
. substitute the minority report for th
nts. Representative Lnffcrty who had jj . 140 v j)ai
minority rport. to submit, when ho ;,, , methotl forfrearryinc
learned that his .objections had Deen jnf0 (.ffppt uild
met, WltffOrew tlte report, itepiesenia-,1 ojc f.u.ms lin!.
hive Anderson then moved that the bill jj0 143 by l.tiFolletle Kl
be made a special order fur .Monday, : M'.,iv j, from ittdustrlnl a
which was dune. I fm,(i
Alter a strenuous discussion 01 nouse p Wh aa
lull -No. -, reiiuiiig 10 den
I dependent children and r.b
olicy of the state regarditij
rinaf Cretutf
Tiie tneetiug alsc.
lo 1:110 vote, the 11
national labor con I
Bepresentativc . H. (iore, 1
ford, took the floor and gave a
explanation why the reso'ution shonh
intr out ot stcito vcards th sectarian ill-:
ht on by the 1. . nih (k,. ,,,, n-1-1 .
iug, the bill was reported back this1
morning with tne recommendation that I
it do pass with certain amendments. Aa
minority report was submitted by Hep- .
1 esonta; ivc Stolt, of Multnomah county.
Many Bills Killed
I liouse hill No. 7, ftqprcsentaiiye
I Bowman, relating to prohibiting the!
circulating of initiative and ivforou-' ,
dUin pe'itions for hire; house bill No.
LlO, Representative Callan, providing
!ior the advertisement of sale of school,'
(district bonds; hottso Dill No. 30, by'
Wepresentiil i e .Mutdler, recptirinjc con:
sent of wife or husband or parents for
assignment of wages; house bill No. I 111!
ty of '.Monmoutl
S. B. No. 145, h
.S. B. No. 148, bv
if State Federal ion
ng for one 1 lav s rc
nek (ti
at Represents
B. Nc
B. Nc
bv request
Kev. Father Moore, ot St. Joseph's
church, asked divine guidance aud the
senate got down to w ork.
Routine Proceedings.
House bills Nos, 30, 41, 49, 51, 04 and
bureau of juvenile and parental rela
tions to supersede juvenile court.
S. B. No. 154, by Olsou: To punish
giving of checks where giver has in
sufficient funds in bank to pay.
S. B. No. 155, by dill. To prevent
killing1 of wild swans and the destruc
tion of their nests and eggs.
portion ot
oepening of
House concurred in senate resolutioi
No. 22.
The president named as the senate
members of a joint committee to visit REPRESENTATIVE LEWIS
tne orancn asyium at reutiieion. nvn
tori Wood. Farrell'and J. C. Smith.
flanal. Mlli wTrt r.nnrtp(l HflLAlt and ... .....
, "r. TJ 1 jji -l Jbive bills were uisposed ot tuts morn
acted on as follows: No. 114, Indefinite-
k.- ,1... ,.r ,...,.,,.v....ti
1 . V 118 MonminVn diner S ff "" " .
zLyvuv. J2ll prcstpniumcoit mill so
.C. .1. '- ... itM .1. J. j, 4 .t. 1. L c . I
m -t. wf r m T t -r- r . . reriorts of
line c.oni-
ded. He stated that
City harbor, although in Oalifo
the only deep sea outlet foi
portion of southeastern Oregon, and j ing to filing of lien
that the prosperity of tl
the state depended on the
that harbor, which conta
of anchorage 24 feet dee
on Coos Bay, opposed the measure
(the ground that it Would be like Ore
disinheriting a child to ask eongrci
help ithprove a rival harbor. He
! clared that Southern Oregon never
i sidered Crescent Citv ;
or as a possibility in the way of a
1 harbor He did not s
'asking motii'v tor c rescent ( itv when t treatment.
jCoos Bay was already a fine harbor! Senate bill No. 80
I with a channel 400 feet wide, 30 feet debate. It related t
deen at low tide, and 5.000 feet loner. loeeatl beach a Peibli
it part 1 i"t
rt ot
justice of . ':'
I homas, making failure
j pay alimony contempt ot court; sen
te bill No. 45, Senator Huston, relat
Senate Wednesday Afternoon.
The principal Jjusinoss of the senate
iring the afternoon was the discnssloi
bills which one after another were
.Senate bill No. 2d was the first tc
nee up. It made an absolutely e 'oscc
a-son for pheasants for two years, ane
as the1 first one re-referreel.
Senate bill No. 0, lining terms en
Woman Makes Record
Chicago, .inn. 85, Miss Mabel M"
mnell, junior eo-od at N'eirthwesteru
livi'isity, today established a world's!
cord for the fiftv yard women's bur-'
es, going over the obstacles in 8 1.-5
I'Otids. A few minutes liner she
liialleel the schocd record, 33 5 see
ds, in (he l:'-'!! yard clash. The former;
n'ld 's low hurdles record for women
is held by Miss K. nnan. Randolph
aeon coU'eee at Lynchburg, Va. It
oriventipn adopted reso
hi force the rich lo ben
system of conscription
led wealth forthwith, tne
and. also direci inxes 0
QtUUmiai Will Subside.
Washington, Jan. 85. Senate
ins announced he will make n
ulav to acfgin briutj iin Ins re
Do Not Like Talk of Pi
While most newspaper 1
om Washington which r
roach and Eimlish now snap.'
! 1 1 1 1
Limapns sine lie would bo too b
1 railroad legislation (u elevotd
! to the peace aebhvss.
(Continued from page one.)
(Continued from page one.)
ill may be pbaraed, although this has
ot boon definitely decided, It would
squire five or six weeks to build the
hich they
If J had
paraded for a moment or
ctioii and as company after
lied into line, I could not
in1 quickness -ehcaiabered
1 1 '
oil which clinch'
A blue eve, I An
ranee means a 0I Bil
me feilks do not knee'.
Ilinf Polll county
gel enough motii'v
y t'i pay anything
"dollbf MS lei Hie
talwart fighters for I'r
ave been setlleel by the
habit e h
e itig.
do will
He stated that tin
For a quiet game of Pocket constituted the real work of uTi"
liev lietieveel 111 it, ti
lenator Bisio
... B.'nln.C n rrfinA nirtflT 1 tllfl sC.
. ' W . : I -line is vp im i n nil (he I nc
Lewis anil Stott. of Multnomah
... icitact arM4tiiy Vpws pall at. V 1
i tub tin-to-Datn Billlarn Parlor hwse estimated by Bepresentatives
was eeeasideraijte oojec
lso contained a provision
were straining every nerve to improve i plac ing the matter ot leasing the land
it. He asked if it was right to belli! for the purposes of mining and digging
437 State. 'vl "A1 ZZSZx. -,,UIU'""":1.' ""'" California improve her harbors for the I clams under the control of the laud
X ;Vhen the resolutions memorabz.ng con-, ,.e business awav from ! board. Farrell could see nothing imi
gress came up this morning 10 e.mnsi.l-',', wit., the bill as il was right lo have Ho
oration Lewis declared n wi- useless to Etepresentative Tiehenor, of Port Or- minors pay a royalty foi such gold a
lord, spoke on the merits of J'ort Or
How the Matter 'Stands
Judge Bushey said thai the two conn
courts had' met several times bill
nl for that reason the Marion eountj
en rt asked for eipiuions from the state
ehwav commission. Judge Kirk pat
ck was inclined to take the recom
on, lotions of .Mr. I'urcdl who line
said by the doctors to be quite a use-:'"1
ful relaxation: when under firo of' "
trench mental's, ane! mine warfare. I $
Nothing to Coniplain Of. ' $
Before each company was dismissed X
I was allowed to make them a sin
M eh and to mi and mingle with th
as freely as 1 chose. I had brow
Surmismalu Good f
I Cough Syrup Made at 1
Home ,&
io there vou have
up to h
' We ar
ie in whic h n
ins coinplaitic
Comfortable jji
'V seeored from the stale hi
ford, and compared it with Crescent I Smith, of cos and Corry,
I City, to the advantage uf Port Ol ford. ! strongly. The bill made il pn
Memorials Are Adopted. some big company to contrc
When it came to substituting ihe mi- benches of southern Oregon. (
I nority report for the majority report it ing now to have machinery b
j was lost. The memorial was adopted j of which it could recover the ,
I with 18 votes against it. I the beaches much more chef
Later in the session Representative th.
I Gore announced that he had received a Mb'
message from Washington -slating the! or
litem cif 800,000 tat Crescent City har-lpr
bill that is now before conirress. I foi
eh mi
el don
take them i:
(Continued from page one.) i
made any protest agairfst it. We I
, then, take Other melius of
utuie mace of the world."
i "ill ii ( o tr I.ltflr unci KnMll.vMn.K-, '
i that X ' 8iIOiWj lincctlvc. 9
e first I
You'll never really know what a lo
r I cough syrup yoa can make until y
me ciesuite th I " ' i n r prepare this tauious hoine inaete ivmeeiv
j. '' , , ' ..' ." ' vowed a call-j r ,,( ,,v gave as compared wit
i iii.in wnn a tan (tgure ami a voice as, ihe ready-made kind, but you will nl
sonant as Hoosevedt 's. "you'll not J have a more effective and depondah
ml :t groiic'li in the hcde outfit, ex remedy in every way. It overtones t!
!pt that had not expected to have'' usual' coughs, throat or chest colds it
i learn mud-swlmmlna and lint era! 24 boms -relieves even whooping cougi
in 't hi'o unmiati h , a i qilicklv.
' L' Te. i , W,,'f W,l W Oct 24 ounces of PineX (.10 een',-
j( ror mat, replied another, "I worth) from any good drug store, po
in 1 ;i 11 1 to sec mine, The' folks sent it into a pint buttle and till the holt
along at first, but I stopped it 'for' 'th plain graivujatod sugar syrtiu
gave only Pritzy's side of tl. "I Here you have a lull pint a famiK
I find lack of home nowparrH to uE?,yX0l 1 1 "''-"iH T
,,,,,, i , . . " . " I svrup that inoiii'V can buy at a COS)
a genual complaint and any Amei-i m,h- 54 cents or less. It. never ennib
In 9rif.fi TnrtukUtiut
, priation ot a,(luv,UOU tor a naval I
at Astoria, after being reported b
without recommendation, was ndopte
Senate joint memorial No. 11, by
i r.tor flore. urging oongreas to dove
i the waterpower and resources of
state of Oregon', was adopted.
' Senate joint memorial No. 12. by i
jator Huston, ashing congress to' t
action giving equal suffrage to won
recommended for adoption, was pasi
Senate joint memorial No. 12, Seni
Steiwer. asking congress to help in
I terminating predatory animals,
j adopted.
t. As it would! "In a practical
rk 'for the board , ly shape our plam
it wanted this out reference to 1
ire icati who sympathizes With
1 boys fighting out here niigh
cyal CSnadle
elitionary F
What the Soldiers Want.
odd suv that chewinc viim
ilia and 19, were rasen irom tne inoie
land indefinitely postponed.
. I S. J. M. No". 14, by Hawley, asking
congress to appropriate funds for re-
. : math lake was adopted,
Senate bill No. 10, concerning iMegiti
The lironint and nositivo results aic ii
io by this pleasant .tasting cough syri p
i have caused it to be used in more hone
than any other remedy. It quickly
J loosens it dry, hoarse or tight cough,
'9. heals the inlhinii'd nnTiibranos that line,
the throat anil bronchial tubes, and re
i lisf comes almost immediately, apian
u did for throat tickle, hoarseness, hron
i chitis, croup and bronchial asthma.
I'inex is a highly concentrated com
I peiund of genuine Norway pine extract,
combined with guatacol ami has been
r- used for getieratious for throat and
chest ailments.
ot i his character
Inteaance in the'
he a'nawer is that
administration it
I have said, of home papers.
American boys are proud, and
iroud of i he de'c'ds of their , own
i men and officers. In the
r Avoid disappointment by asking youv
druggist for ounces cif Pines with
full directions, ana don t aceept any
tiling else'. A guarantee of nhsolute sat
isfaction or money promptly refunded,
goes with this pri'puratiou. The PiheX
Co., Ft. Wayne, lud.