Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 23, 1917, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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Stayton Local News and
and Personal Mention
(Capital Journal special
stsvtou. .Ian. SB, Mr
-.TV ill' '
. . . I
Itrowu was in Snkm Saturdav with li
two sons. They returned to Stayton iu
the evening.
Prank Foster luis been mid off from
hi noil, at the mill for some days on
m . .. imt of ill health.
Mrs. Kergiison Of Salem, :i sister "1
.li-. .1. ilaniniau. is isiting Stayton.
Mo- r. 'turns to Salem on Friday. Mrs.
Pontiaon formerly lived here.
I harlos Hrowii went to Portland mi
business Saturday. He registered nt
the Perkiue.
.(ustiee of the peace H. D. Mara of
Gervaia was a recent visitor to Slav
ton. '
City Marshall .1. B. Crier has been out
surveying recently.
Miss Stella Huntley hits been added
to the lint of those damaged by slip
ping on the roller skating rink floor.
Mr. lions who bus been at the Stay
ton hotel has nun ed to the vacant Wt
.lers.-hott house.
West lianliier who has been visiting
in Washington state has returned
Gene Titus was in legislative hulls
on Saturday.
I. I). Driver of Portland, until a year
ago a farmer of Maeleay, was here on
business last week.
Mrs. .lack .tones an.l Mrs. Clarence
Hcaitclianip were capital city visitors
lusl Friday.
Governor Withy combe, Major Carle
Ahrains, Keprosontntivc Seymour Jones.
Judge P. II. li'Any. Assistant Super
intendeSt of Public Instrnclion Carle
Ion. Sccretiirv Cniupton of the V. M. C
A.. ox Mayor Sle.
1 . -.il "c o"i noes uvvti tm me iireseni
ves and superintend-1 t f roft(i , d wfc h -m
the state training,,.' , 71 ... ... . . .
cii t Will Hub' of the state (Mining
school for boys are among those billed
to speak in the M. K: church of this
.-it after the legislature win. Is" up its
work, in a scries ol community nddrcss
es on Sunday nights the pastor is ar
ranging, ffius bringing, to Stayton sonic
of the best talent ni tlie state dealing
with various .plumes nf American citi
zenship, each man a specialist ill the
subject he will handle. '
The students, of the. high school put
on a program of much merit last Fri
dv night before a large audience.
13. M l OJluated of the Stayton Mail
returned from Salem Saturday where'
he went to attend the state editorial
association gathering.
The Brewer dairy has discarded the
horse drawn vehic le tor the auto.
Ice skating in the irrigation ditch last
week drew some youngsters who like
the exercise.
The Stayton bunks held their annual
stockholders meetings on Thursday,
Jan. fl in their respective banking
v ns. The ' lineup of off leers is as
follows: Btuyton State Hani
president. I
Lee Tate; vice president, (loo. Spnniol; conspiracy statute wiui suitable penal
cashier, Warren Richardson; assistant j ties to prevent collusion aniung contract-
easnter, '' p. Bauwaers; uirvvum, i-i .
T.-ite. Geo. Si.aniol.. . II
late. .1. 1 .
Dittor, Eh I'- Schott. .los. Misbauer, Hen
ry Miller. Fanners & Merchants bank,
president. A, tf. Cardner; vice president
J. T, Hunt'; cashier', J. W. Wnyo; assist
ant cashier, J. M. b'ingo; directors, A.
I). 1 i ;i i'Vlner J. 'I'. Hunt, Jihn SutMner,
,. S. La-m-btiiL .1. W. May,,, l'.o.th in
stitutions show n material gain in L9Pi,
and t.hi; financial circles of Sla.vlou
Here Bp'ter in better condition than at
the beginning of 1917.
The annual stockholders meeting of
the I'.rown-I'etzel Lumber company was
held Monday evening and the old offi
cers were elected ns follows: tleo. L.
Hrown. president; Win. Petzel. vice
Piesideiit; and J. H. Thoniift, seeretary
treasurar. The directors are ti.
Heed the
sent out by Nature when
the stomach, liver and bowels
have become weak.
A Splendid Idea Try
'V LI . m. I l 4 11 1 & .1' 1 I t I ,
to Oregon Express ..
24 t'oos Bay
28 Willamette Limited
12 Shasta Limited . . .
. . .5 :55 a. m.
. . .3 :B2 p. m.
...9:22.1. m.
. . 11 :BB a. m.
. . . 1 :3." p. m.
is rbrtlanii Passenger .
It Portland Kxorcss .
No. 222 Portland fast Freight
No. 220 Local way Freight...
i :ao p. in.
12:01 a. in.
10 :20 a. m.
.11 :0T a. m.
. .3 ;82 a. m.
.10 :01 a. m.
15LCnllfornia F.xpresn . . .
17 Ashland Passenger...
SO. LOOS liny
No, 10 Cottage Crave Pass. .
Makes connection with Ns. 7-1
.4 :1 p. in.
No. 11 Shasta Limited 6 :43 p.m.
No. 27 Willamette Limited ...0:20 p.m.
No. 13-San Fiancisco Express 10 :05 p. m.
N.i. 221 San FraUClsco Fast
N'o. 22 -Local war Freight..
Salem Ceeh Ling.
No. it Arrives at Salem ..
No. 7(1 Leaves Salem
No. 75 Af. Salem tmlxedl .
No. il Leave Salem
.12:01 a.m
.11 :40 s. m
..9:15 a. m.
. .9 :TiO t. in.
. .2:68 p. m
o :U.) p. m
No-'connectlsn south of (leer.
ffcLKM, Falls Citt and Western
No. 181 Lv. Salem, motor 7:OOa.m.
No. 106 Lv. Salem, motor 9:45 a.m.
No. 108 Lv. Salem for Monmouth
and Alrlle .1 :40 n m
No. 16t Lv. Salem, motor . . . . ,4 :00 p. m
No. 10 Lt. Balem, otr 6:15 p. in
no. i:j way irt it. saiem
No. 16P-Ar. Salem
No. Itti Ar. Salem
. . . & .00 a. m.
. . . 8 :,
:30 .
. . .11 :lo a. m.
No. 104 Ir. Salem
No. 1Kb Ar. SalA
Na, lift Ar. Salem
8 : 1 ." p. m.
0 .00 p. in
7 :4r. p. m.
2 :3o p. m.
-Vfaj I r t ar Salm.
"rfti Citv Ti asportation Compos
Bosti leave Sulein tor Portland Monda.T.
W -.t'iil.,y and 1'ridsT at 11 a in and
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings
at 0 a. m. ForCorsaUb tlie tionts leave
Pi. leai. Tuesday, Thursday and Ssturduy
evenings at S o 'clock. Boats leave Part
land tor Salem nt 6:48 eacfa morning.
Valley News
Brown, fa. 'Petrel, .1. 11
K. Brown and A. F. PeUel.
Thijtna. C.
The W. C. T. I', meets with Mrs
thn Hrown on Wednesday.
Mrs. Grief Warford of Sab-ai is vis
ayto relative.
Tii. . . 1...,. l.
1 T IFU . Wi I I . ' . v I -
have lieen slightly ill. Dr
is at lending them.
A. I'ancotut
Beau' hamp
'.Continued from page one.)
emptor n rosdinaster instead of an
engineer, as it seen fit. this power to
be similar lo that vested iu the High
w ay commission.
Provision is mud for a map of coun
ty roads for each county, to be ap
proved by the highway commission
these roads to he well traveled thor
oughfares with due regard paid to
their leading to market centers.
The bill will abolish the office of road
supervisor, and in lieu of the supervisor
system establishes an entirely new on
for handling rond district affairs. Pro
vision is made for an annual meeting
of the electors in every rond district
to name three trustees, who are to servi
without compensation whatsoever, and
to have charge ot district roads, which
will include all roads other than state
or countv roads.
10-MiU District Tax Allowed.
The bill also allows the levying of
an annual district tax of not to ex
teed 10 mills for work on district roads,
this money to be expended by the three
County roads will be worked out of
a general levy not to exaeed 7 mills, to
lie expended by the court under the
direction of the engineer or roadmaster
rnl. .. I'll J . v - UL 1L - a
of which is to go to the county and
70 per cent to the districts, based on
their assessed valuation.
"The new road code is based largely
on the Iowa idea," stated Mr. McCui
loch in discussing its features today.
"The final draft of the bill was ap
proved by the executive committee at
a meeting in Portland yesterday. It is
our plan to have the bill introduced
Monday so as to get as early a start as
possible with it before the joint high
way committee. "
Direct price competition between pat
ented and unpatented processes, a con
spiracy statute to prevent collusion
among contractors in bidding on pub
lic work, direct payment of patent roy
alties by the slate are some of t he-pro-visions
which State Kngineer Lewis,
Mr. Lewis Explains.
In explaining those recommendations
Mr. Lewis gave out the following state
ment today:
The most important of these rceom-
meudatiuiis. according lo. Mr. Lewis, is a
ms m suumii i mg unis 101 iumic moi.
thus compelling actual and open compe-
"Thai whore patented materials or
processes be used upon public w;ork, it
skull only be after, direct price .compe
tition with unpatented products of sim
j4ur character. A- bill coutaiiung'.sub
stantially this idea was introduced in
the 1915 legislature by Senator Bitighuni
and was defeated. This recommendation
is in harmony with section 4, regulation
8, of the rules adopted by the secretary
of agriculture for the administration
of the federal road aid act."
It is recommended "thai patent royalties-be
paid iliior-t I v by the state and
not by the contractor. The state to de
fend its contractors in any suit for in
fringement. Permission to sue the state
tor paten) infringement should be
gianled, in order to prevent iniunctioi
suits brought against its o'fficers and
Hie work stopped. This is, the only win
to secure real competition upon patent'
ed processes. This recommendation is
lai 'v based on California practice."
"That before any royalties are paid
by the state on patented device or pro
cess used upon state work, the patents
be investigated and the claims approved
jointly bv the attorney general and the
state engineer. Also providing that all
suj s for infringement brought against
the state, state officials or contractors
working under the direction of the
stu'e. be defended by the attorney gen
eral, and that highway funds may be
used by him in the defense of such suits
or action. Tli is recommendation is based
on legislation in Nebraska, where an ap-
Lv. Salem
4 :,"a a. m. ,
TUB a. m. ,
9 :4Ii a. m.
U ISO a. m.
1 :80 p. m.
4 :oi) p. m.
5 ::tti p. m.
7 :."'.") p. m.
Train No.
... 2 Owl ..
Ar. Portlsm
. 6:BSa. a
. . 8:2Sa. a
..11:33 a. a
... 1:35 p. m.
. . 4 :00 p. a
. . B :S0 p. a
. . 7:40 p. a
..10 :00p.
. 10 Limited. . .
12 .
14' j
. 10 Limited . .
South bound
Portland to Salbh
Lv. Portland
0:. ,0 a.m. Salem 8 :3S Rni7n io.kk.
t !9S a m.
t Limited
lo :4S a. m. .
2 :U5 p. m. .
4 :40 p. m. .
C -,o." p. m. .
9 :2o p. m. .
1145 p. m. .
LV Corral I Is
4 :10 p. m. .
Lv. Eugene.
i ':." . m. .
1 :.".", p.m . i
5 :2." p. in. .
fl :K p. is. .
10:11 a. a
. 12 :55 p. a
4 :1B p. a
. 6 :40 p. a
. 8:10 p. a
. 11 :20 p. c
. 1 :BS p. a
Ar. Sales
. 5 :80 p. a
Ar. Sales
. 9:48 a. a
. 4 :00 p. a
. 7 :BS p. a
4:85 a a
. 13 Limited .
. 17 Local .
... 21 Owl ..
north bound
. 10 Limited
. 10 Limited
.... 22 ...
-. . 2 Owl ..
tvV. 'Salem.
1 :.-5.a. m
9 as a. m
I-T. Salem
12 :o5 p. a
I.t. Salem.
4 :15 p. m
Ar. Eugen.
. 21 Owl (jva
. 8 Limited 12:25 pa
At. AU.snj
T 1 :50 p. a
Stops at Coryallb
Ar. A!baa
9 6:10 p. a
Ar. A! baa;
.. 7:35 s. a
Ar. Bugea-
18 8:50 o. a
I t. Salem.
6 :45 p. m.
i.vin.ii,i,ia v iiiiSHir ILW
Ar. Dslea
9 :46 a a
1:45 p. a
400 p. a
7 :6S p. a
10 ...
. .." 14 ....
W ...
80 ...
22 ...
2:41(1. m
4 :10p. at.
0:18 p.m
Lt. Rnlem.
10:13 a. m.
4 :18 p. m.
12:55 p. m.
6 :40 p. m.
Ar. Carvsllb
...11 :3Sa. a
...'6:86 pa
... 8;20p. a
... 1:00 p. a
8 .
7 .
propriation was made with which the at
torney general could teat the validity
of claims for royalty."'
The state engineer was recently in
formed by the saate highway engineer
ff Nebraska that the appropriation ha
not beeu used, nor has the state paid
1. 1- t ...
Well-Known Independence
Man Died Thursday
(Capital .lourual Special Sor.ie)
Independence, Or.. Jan. 23. J. X.
House died at his home at the Hotel
Beaver, on Thursday, January IS. 1917,
after an illness of two weeks with
utie-acid iisoiinf . at the age of fif
years. Mr. House is well known to
the public having- been the clerk nt
the Hotel Beaver for a number of
years. During this time he has mink'
many friends. The funeral services
were held on Satuiday afternoon. Jan
uary 2Uth. at 2:00 (..'clock, at the
Presbyterian church. hy Rev. H. Cha ;.
The interment was made at the 1.
O. O. F. cemetery. Mr. House is sur
vived by five children- Mr. B. Houst
Seattle, Wash.; Mrs. Hayes, Ocean
View, Oregon; Mrs. Amy Purdy. Cite
Aiigel.'S. Calif.; Mrs M'.' Lupert, Oak
land. Culif.. and Mr. W. House, Detroit,
Mb higsn.
Mr. W. H. Black mi l vifo spent tin-week-end
iu Me M inn ville with rela
Mr. and Mrs. .1. li. Thompson of
Albany attended the f'in. ral ot' Mr. J.
K. House, here on Satuiday.
Mr. : . W. Irvine retu rid home on
Friday from n business tti(l in eastern
Miss Anna Addison, of White BV
moil. V.i.d'.., is apeudln
few weeks
here visiting with hor pi n uts, Mr
Mrs. V, in. Addison.
Mis. pawl Bicklev and children, are
visiting in Eugene, this week with rela
tival I here.
Mr. W. II. Black ritiejidt'd the. funer
al of Mis. Walker, of Albany on
Mjs. Alice Counternian
is the gitest of her -is'.c
Hedges for a few days.
Mrs. R. E, Dugaunc
isitor Oil Sunday.
Cf Portland.
Mrs. 1'. E
:ia a Sulci
(Continued from page one.)
substitute bill. It consolidates the
Desert Land board with the State Land,
board. i
House biljs 105, 111, US und IU were
received and read first time.
Xcw bills were introduced as fgjlows:
s. B. 123 by Mosor, providing for
esiaiiiisnmenr nun inoiuieuaiu e oi
countv or ilistrict hospitals tor care ol
persons afflicted with tuberculosis. , (0 Ul; tnt, lever to move for construc-
S. li. 12li by committee ou agricul- t;vo le.nislation.
lure and forestry (by request), to pro- i"w0 uew Normal Schools-
vide for carrying out and administering guge jiut resolution N'o. -i asks for
provisions of rural credit aimmdmcnts.! submission to the people of the state
S. U. 127 . by Gill, prohibiting sale I t th(, re,llar eltfrttt tu -November,
of sabnoii caught by anglers in closed I ly,Sj M iu,u.mlieut to article 14 of the
season. .. .. . ,. i I const itutiou bv adding section i, which
h. li, 128 by Din, ick, providing WIr osiAM for a nornuQehtttl in south-
"1 intmeial of taxpayers emnmittMl Oregon tit-AslilanOnd oiie in ast-
to exaiuioc county budgets and county I 0r(,,n , n ,,w;.,niint nu.v be de-
Ot flees. .. . - - - i...... 1. ...,. .;.!., a ton .
fc. k- giving .justices
ot the peace concurrent jurisdiction m
criminal eases. ...
dairy and food commissioner to appoint
unsalaried deputies.
Substitute S, li. 20, by senate com
mittee Oil consolidation, consolidating
di sort land board with state land board
S. B. 131 by Ortou, making it a mis
demeanor for public official to accept
fees or compensation In private capaci
ty.. Susan B. Memorial
Senate joint memorial 12, by Huston,
was yesterday made the special ordei
tor todav at 2 0 clock. This memorial
izos congress to take action on the Su-
san li. Anthony amendment to the fed-
era I constitution giving equal suffrage!
to women. It was made the special or-1
der so those interested especially the
women could have
a ciiance to near tne
discussion and keep tab on the senators
Deschutes County Bill
Disturbs Lower House
Six hills were passed by the house
this rparning, one was referred to the
committee on consolidation of com
missions, and one was laid on the table
tor further consideration.
There was no strenuous contest oil
I any of the hills with the exception in
the bill creating and validating the new
county of Deschutes, which was intro
duced by Forbes of Crook, Grant, Jef
ferson, Klamath and Lake counties as
a result of the peopU' voting iu No-
i vemner to iiivine i roo county ana
j create the new county out of the west
j ei ii part.
This bill brought out a skirmish bc
ItWeen Representative Forbes and Rep
resentative Ilurdick, also of Crook,
Uraiit, Jefferson, Klamath and Lake
j rouin ies.
Representative Forbes, as author of
house bill No. 13. i, explained the pro
posed measure and slated that as u re
sult of the election lasf November the
new county was created and that the
officers of the court had been appoint
ed by the governor, that lands have
been transferred, court business trans
acted, marriages .performed, people in
dicted, etc., and he asked the legislature
lo validate the actions of the officials
ami.. make the business legal.
Representative Ilurdick opposed th'
i measure on the urouiifl that the status'
of Deschutes county was now in thej
i hands of the circuit- courl for jurisdlc- i
I tion. He declared the voting was an
i ect'ii.iHi'l that the heavier was 111 liciui,
I which favored the division, while the
tMgatV district where the country
I wns divided into small farms did not
favor the nroubscd chanue ns it would
I throw an Increased burden on them.
Aeeardingly, he said the farmers in
his section raised money to take the
mutter into court and having the issue
derided there. He asked whether the
members would legislate these farmers
out of court. He asked the members to
.i.usiili the precedent thev were es-
j labflshiiig if they pass the measure. He
asked if it was fair or equitable. He
declared the emergency clause attached
was unnecessary.
Representative Orundiill asked if the
matter wan now iu court uud Ilurdick
replied thai it was. itc asked if the
court had jurisdiction and ilurdick re
plied that it had.
Representative Parbes in repK de
clared that in 1M0. the citizens o Bur
diek's portion of the county placed
measure on the ballot to create a new
counu but that the people of the state
urned it down. He then went ou to
quote election figures,.- He said te
never saw but one person from Crook
county or Deschutes i-ouuty here to pro
teat against the legislature validating
the uew .ounty, although they all knew
it was coming up. lie devlarej thcii
was no frntiment against the bill and
no i-oncerted action to block it. He
said the sentiment was steailtly grow
ing tor the uew couaty.
The vote on November " concerning
the division he quoted as follows: fur
division, 1820; agaiaat, '?:,. Regarding
the emergency cluuae he stated that
men were transferring land, transact
ing business, nud getting married which
was serious business, and the people
wanted things done right.
The bill passed.
Other Bills Passed
House bill 132, introduced by Repre
sentative Callan, making tue stealing
or mali. ious removal of journal brasses
etc., trom locomotives an.l o her rail
road equipment punishable by imprison-;
ineut, was the cause 01 several snort
talks but did not stop the measure
ironi oassinir.
House bill 181, also by Representative
i nllas. making uiilawnu purchase anil
receipt of railroad iron and equipment
u misdemeanor, with only a few oppos
ing votes, passed.
Two bills by Representative Martin
of Mnrion, relating to the lieu laws
were passed this morning. The first I
was house bill 111, making caUQM in
the filing of horseshoers bens, and the
second extending 'the lieu law to har
vesting debts. They were adopted with
out dissent after explanation of pur
pose by the author.
On "account of there being in the
senate another bill similar to house bill
No. 115. making non-support of mat
or children a felony, Representative
stott asked that the bill be laid on the
table for further consideration.
Tax Commission Bill.
Representative Thomas' measure re
ducing the tax commissioners from two
to one, known as house bill No. 93,
which came up for final passage, on proper in men getting together and
request of Mr. Thomas was referred to, selling short upon unfavorable news,
the committee on the consolidation of "I don't see where it could bo prc
coiniuissions. In making the request, vented," he said.
Mr. Thomas said his bill was drawn up ''That is a question the house might
before the present committee ou con- have to consider," retorted Whipple,
solidations was brought up rfiid he felt Pinned down as to whether there was
the measure should not be passed on any "immorality" or anything con
before it received further consideration I trary to good ethics in Uch manipuia-
tliere was another . measure up untion, Aohle said:
consolidate the tux -commission with
the public service commission.
He declared tlie senate was trying
to make u record, for speed and tbnt
it might pass legislation it would re
gret in its haste to consolidate and rc-
j duce expenses. He declared the house
I should not trv for such a record out
time to consider what it was do
1I1U. c said It WHS up III l lie uuus.-
; ' 'iuk, nuscd .v;
, Usrthig ' of oned wentv-fif tl. of a
I mill tax. The measure was referred
to "the committee on resolutions.
To correct a defect in the present law
regarding burden of .proof in case of
trespass, house bill No. 108, by Repre
sentative Fuller, which places the burd
en .of proof in trespass on the defendant
inflead of on the plaintiff, Was passed.
House rule No. (ill prohibits smoking
within the bar of the house while it is
session. Speaker stantiold calico at-
... ... .. ,, , .
teiltlon to tins rub- this morning, and
cautioned the members to observe it.
Rev. Aldrich of the Leslie Methodist
church ppeneq the session with pruNer.
House Yesterday Afternoon.
With the exception of a few new bills
(ami the rending ot several joint an.l con
urrenl resolutions, there was littlt
hchs trasaeted by the house of rei
lutives this afternoon.
House concurrent resolution No. 3,
provides 'for the appointment of a com
mittee of six members from the house
and five from the senate to confer with
a similar committee from the Washing'
ton legislature concerning legislation af
fecting the fishing industry on the
Cajumhia river. The resolution provide!
that the legislature of Washington is
to be notified conccrninjr the action of
the I iregon body.
House joint resolution No. 3 is to pro
vide for the submission of an amend
ment to article No 1, section No. ti.
of the constitution which shall provide
that no money shall be appropriated for
any denomination or si-ciarian institu
tion, or for any inonastical or convent
uul institution. And it provides lhat
liny tax payor shall have the rinlit to
institute proceedings to restrain ' the
payment of any money to any such in
stil ut ion.
on Sreaal
A house unit memorial to
wits- read appn
measure that
iiitr the single item V6telMd :t5 of said chapter 141 of the Ken
s now before conuresn. ! ..rl l.mia of Oieion for I'll I. and the
I he measure was referred to the com
mittee on resolutions. rIll) sait riKj,,a sections shall continue
A memorial from the Medical society jn force und effect for the purpose of
of l'olk-Yamhill . Million counties to tliH;tt prosecutions heretofore or hereafter
house of representatives was rend this pagSa for the violation of nuy of such
afternoon. The niemorial asks thai the1 original sections committed prior to the.
house pass the measure for the stfritiaa- takini; eff.-t of this act, and for the
tion of the feeble iiiiuiied alid the einnsr
culatiiiii of the criminally unlit. '
New Bills Yesterday P. M.
Vollowinu; bills were introduced in the
houKc this afternoon:
11 ,B. No. 193, by Sfartiil. To -limit
salaries oi Hie ' pn-ident and all lirii-
i fessors or .teachers of slate university
: - r '. ,,. ; , ... ,. .A
;.B- '.' lartin. To limit
.a,ries ot president and nil profeaaptg
'"'.J1'1" l"'" ' Oregoi Agricultural col-
1 ' ft." ' Tf
H. B. No. 195,
Clussiiii county,
mzoi and oilier
detiglitioii, To prptei
fi, H. N'o. r.u'i. by Mackay. To pro
hiiijt untrue, deceptive or misleading
advertising and to provide penalty.
5 (Ceittiiued from page one.)
Asked wl'i'thcr lie- lmil investigated
riiioors of "pre-eoiiciTted movements'
to depress the market, Noble snid hv
li.nl not.
Noble indicated ho snw nothing Lni-
DB. O. L. SCOTT Oradnata of Chiro
prartic's Fountain Head, Davenport,
Iowa. If you have tried everytning
aad got no relief, try Chiropractic
spinal adjustments and get wt II. Of
lice iiro co u. p. natiuoui ssssa
building. Phone Main 87. Residence
Main 828-R.
Vi:BB k ClXlUOn CO. C. B Webh,
A. M. Clough morticians and funeral
directors. Latest modern methods
known to the profession employed
499 Court St. Main 120, Main 98S8
directors and undertakers, 252 North
High street. Day and night phone
Dr. Flora A. Brewster, dean of
the Oregon School of Neurology, has
removed from the Hubbard bldg. to
712 State St., corner Cottage St, Ex
amination free. Phone 1350. U
with very good buildings, good Boil,
well located near R. R. station. Will
accept ten or J5 aero tract near Sa
lem. Sauare Deal Realty Co., 202 U.
8. Bank Bldg.
'ARB YOU GOING East! Consult us
about reduend freight rates on house
hold goods to all points. Fast through
service. Capita Cily Transfer Ca.,
161 S. Commercial St., Salem. Phone
.No, 1 iton t see any, as you put it
selling some stocks and then selling
more as they decline."
Chairman Samuel". F. streik, oX the
exchange clearing house explained the
operation of that body.
United States Steel, Anaconda, the
Marine stoeks, (ienernl Motors, Willys
Overland, Reading and I'nion Pacific
were mentioned as prominent specula
tive stocks in connection with nn ex
planation as to the difference between
speculative and investment issues. The
hearing then recessed for lunch.
Barney Baruch, spectacular stock
plunger, several times mentioned in thej
leak probe., and once a witness, was on
hand nt the afternoon session today to!
testify again. i
At the opening of the afternoon ses
Noble asked an opportunity ti
- ''1
his earlier tcstimonv. This
granted, he said he considered Whin
ole 's morning uucstions referred to the
'"leo-.-il lifflll of khnit sellintr " riiiHlllaV. vetch
wanted to snv that he would regard as
. .' . .
iiAilinirkDV" 1,1 flAnroM I n. m:ii'.-,.t us
I e -v -
Suspension or expulsion. Noble ex
plained, would be the punishment for
such a consiprncy, but he added that
the exchange hud checked up on re-
j ports of manipulated depression.
. i. ....... li,.,, i ... . . . i .. , 1 1 1 . .
"""""" ""
IIUS iioici UlUliil Jisi'll in i con i
abuses without the aid of congress, "if Turkeys' dressed
it can get proof Ducks, 'live ,'. Zu.H'
' Would you think it strange if xonieQecse jjve
legislative body took stops to inquire ' p0rk, Veail and Mutton
about this situation, after the. expj,,; dressed 12Vi13c
cha n(jo has failed to even investigate i pm-i on foot
these charges t" queried Whipple and, Spring lambs 8((9c
Noble admitted enngress could act if (Veal, according lo quality ....10(ji13c
it believed it had evidence. Whipple 'Steers 6 C
suggested at the outset of the after ! Cows 4(?i)Sr
noon session that the commission might j Bulls 33c
desire to hold an executive meeting to Ewes 5o
determine an alternative course should Lambs 10c
the exchange governors refuse the cull j Wethers 5c7c
for papers and names.
Search for the leak took a new turn . FlBs aI1d Dates
this aflei noon when the committee
reiiuested th
.,i,.i, ,., i.,,i
governors to inquire of all inciiibers
whether they had information "from
abroad" concerning the president 's
not. Hitherto 'he Inquiry had been
directed to a leuk trcai Washington.
Full Text of Bone Dry
(Continued from iiigc three.)
herein otherw ise pi escribed, s hull be
punished as provided iu section ;ii of
said chapter 111 of the Banna) laws of
OrcKon for Hilii. Notwithstanding the
amendment hereliv o'f sections 5. li. 12
- - substitution of new orovialona therefor
I nn ishmeii I of nnv such violation
.Seciion 7. It i'S-hereby adjudged and
declared that existing conditions arc
such thai this act is necessary for the
immediate preservation of the public
peace, health and safety; and an emerg
ency is hereby declared lo exist and 'his
act shall lake effect and be in full f '"'''
ami eiieci iioiu anil aiier ns pusn).i
mid it shall not be
i. 1 1 . ti
pie by referendum.
The following prices -for fruits
aiul vegetables arc those nsked by
the wholesaler of the retailer, and
not what is paid to the producer.
AM other prices are those paid the
atodnser. Corrections are made
daily. . .'
No changes are noted in the markid
today. There seems to be an over sup
ptf of eggs in I 'oil la nil and Ibis mn
cause a drop of two or. three cents with
can and Swedish, dmgtess methods -
i ot treatment. Rva Murphy, dregless 1 0HA8. B HODOKIN General lasur-
physieian, 384 State St. Boos 11. guretT rfti ggu, aa
I Office haurs, 10 a. m, to 9 p tf r,ntals. Hubbard bide Phone BSC. tf
SAIJiM 9CAVENC.HR Charles Soo AL Co., 280 N. Libarty
proprietor. Garbage and refuse of al , TV.
Kind removed on monthly contract. ' M mJVi m "hone 26J. A eom-
at reasonable rates. Yard and cose ! (InlXCXfl . .. ,.
ihioIs cleaned. Office phone Mai I IbgKa! p,et llBe of Bfccl
22-17. Residence Main 2272. j fCflJ Supplies and fixtmwe.
Over Lsdd & Bush baak, Salem, Oreg.. ! 5Dt NafioM "SSd America, faaca
! Sizes 26 to 58 in. high.
" " Paints, oil and varnish, ete.
Loganberry and hop hooka.
Baatava Money tt Lowest Rates, on -
I approved Security. Homer H. Smith, OSTBOPATH
I Room 5, McC'ornack Bldg., Malem, Or.
I . DRS. B. H. WHITE and B. W. W AL
1 TON Osteopathic physicians and
FOR SALE ! nerve specialists. Graduate of Arasr-
I ican school of Osteopathy, Kirkavilfe,
raUKBLAND NTJBSHh - Sale yard Mo' V""1 srciaBaodia
I High and Ferry etwets. Full line of "erve t Los Angeles colrege,
i nurierv stock. ItaTian prunes a spe Treat acute and chronic disewas.
cialty. Grafted fraaqiett walnuts, IZSSJ- Jyt- att,tl;
Bemkn strain. Nuwery located one Of."? 0n 'T'1
mileeast ot niteniary. Phone ltZ. Xot"
ic physician, graduate of Founders
j jjebool af Osteopathy, KirkirviRe.
SALEM WATER COMPANY Office 1 Misouri. Treatment by appointment,
corner Commercial and Trade streets : Phone Main 392R. 62S N. Winter, Pa
Bills payable monthly in advance, j lera. i
Classified Business
Telephone Directory
A Quick, handy reference for busy people
Salem Elestrts Go., Masonis Temple, 127 North High
I. V. Burr, 164 Sonth Commercial street
Salem Truck Is Dray Co., corner State ana front streets
jn ;( ilav
Wheat ....
Oats, new
$1.20 1.2f)
... $12(y)l3
Bran i
Shorts, per ton
Hay, clover ...
I Hay, cheat
I Hay, timothy $16
I Hutt,ir
DULIl'l I'll , .
. . . . 38c
Creamery butter
Country butter .
p9t pound
Eggs and Poultry
Kggs, trade
Kggs, cash w
Hens, pound
.7. 9t
19 21c
Roosters, old, pet pound
TnvlrAtffl livtt
I SlgS, ou -l-oz -.io
back lies c
Whito fits He
Golden dates 15e
Dromedary datei
String garlic.
Potatoes, sweet
Potatoes, per 100 pounds ....
Green onions
Lettuce, California, crate ...
Hrusscls sprouts
Carsnips, carrots and beets
Corn husks, lb
Apples j.
.... 3'jC
.7( 10c
.... 4t
... $1.75
... M.fa
... $5.00
... $1.00
.... $2.50
... 12Mie
.... 50cC$l
A $3.50
L.H $12.00
Oranges, navels
Lemons, per bo
BannnaB, pound
California grape fruit ..
Florida grape fruit
Honey i
Retail Prices
Kggs, doen :
.Sugar.vane ,
,()ream'err butter' ZZI
- , pi.,,.. A.,.,..! wheat
. r ji
Flour, valley
Porfland, Or., .Ian. 23.
wituat, (ub $t.60
K.'dv Unssian $1.57
.Jjliietitein $1.05
l'ortyfold l.2-
Hats. No. 1 while feed $30.50
Barwv, fed $:i..'i(i
Hogs,' best live $10.85
Pi iifte steers $8.."0
'Fanfev mws $7.507.60'
'aires 7f8
Spring lambs $12
liuttcr, city creamery 39c
.Kggs, selected local ex. 1 .to : i.
, Mens I7f(' j7-Vec
llrnilerit 80c
Ueese I213c
Mala 1MM
.. Mala 1J
.. Main Ti
gon Cedar Camp, No. B246, meets sverj
Thursday cvcnlne st 8 o'clock In Me
Derhy-Lni kv IJiIk'., corner Court and
High streets. J. P. Day, V. C, J. A.
Wright, i lerk,
jAi.BM i.onara nc a, a. f. A. M
Slated cominunicatlnns first Friday la
each month nt 7 :8tJ p. m. In the Maaoals
' Temple. Clias. McCartcr, W. M. ; H. Z.
Solver, sccretilry.
INITHD AH'f ISANB Capital Assembly,
No. 84, meets every Thursday at 8 p.
m. in I, O. O. F. hall. C. O. Matlock,
If, A. C. A Vibbert secretary, Crown
Drug store, 338 State street.
rJBNTRAL LODOH, No. 18, K. ot.P. Ms
Cornack building. Tuesday evening at
each week at 7 tito. C. H. Barbour, C C
W. B. Oilson, K ot It. and S.
A. O. U. W. Protection Lodge Ns. 3,
Meets every Monday eyenlng at 8 In ths
McCornack ball corner Court' and Liberty
streets, A. 10. Aufrance, M. W. ; M. A.
Mcirsdden, recorder; A, L. Brown,
financier ; it. B. Duncan, treasurer.
president; Mrs. Lou TlHson, .secretaiw.
All cases ot cruelty or neglect of duak
animals should be amorted ts the
ecretary for invest IgalVn.
ft. N. of A. "Oregon Grape Cam" No.
1H60, meets every Thursday evening la
McCornack building. Court an Jilberty
streets; elevutor. Mrs. Sylvia Schaupp,
ITM Market, oracle; Mrs. Melissa Per
sons, recorder, 1296 North Commercial,
('bone 1436-M
Ki'Kulur conclave fourth Friday tn each
month at 8 o'clock p. m., tn Masonic
Temple. Sojourning Sir Knlgbts are
courteously Invited to meet wltb ns.
Lot L. Pearce, K. C, Frank Turner,
1. R. A B. M.
tated assembly first
Monday In eae
fnmhlh Mflsnnlc TanBia
N. P. Rasmn
sen, Thrice Illustrious Master ; leaa C
Nlles, recorder.
ALHM COUNCIL NO. 21122 Knlgbts an
Ladles of Hccurity-Meets every 2nd an
4th Weilned'lay eack month at Hurst
Hull. Visiting members are Invited ts
attend V- VValtsn, financier, 480 B.
14th Btreet.
Stated coinmunlctttlons third rrldiy
In each month at 7:0 p. m. In the
Masonic Temple. Hal V. Bolam, W. M. I
Itrnest H. Cboata, scretary.
' Friday night nt 8 o'clock In Mcrnck
block. A. J. Sweinluk, C C; L. 8 Uter,
clerk, 50T Court Street Phone flOa.
li N A. "Oregon Grape Camp" No.
1390 meet every Thursday evening
in Derby and Lntky huMng, Oonrt
and High street; Mrs. Sylvia
Schaupp 1071 -Market, oracle; Mrs.
Melissa I'ersons, recorder, I20o North
Commercal. I'i e ItMiiM.
Yick So Tone
Has medicine which will ear
Any known Disease
Open Sundays from 10:00 a. at,
utrtil 8:00 p. m.
103 South High Street.
Silsm. Oregon. Fhoae Oi