THE PATLY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY. JAN. 23, 1917. TVE - NEW UldBSlFIED ADVERTISING RATES Bate per word New Today: Each laaertion, per word-. lc Oae wek (6 insertions) per word....5e j One mouth (26 insertions) per word 17c The Capital Journal will mot be re-, sponsible for more than, one insertion I for errors in Classified Advertisements. Bead -our advertisement the first day It appears and notify us immediately. Minimum charge, 15c. FOB BENT SWNS For sale at Cap ital Journal office. tf JONES' NUBSEBY State and 24th. 2-8 WANTED Beef hone tlMW. and stock .cattle. 2 20 EOS BENT Seven room houBe, close ia. Bing 4. 8. W. Johnson. 1-23 WANTED An experienced farm hand lbone T.3E13. 1-24 FOR SAIjE A team of mares, for sale cheap. A. Meyer. Phono 86F2. 1-23 VOR SALE Four year old mare good plow hat, Phone 26E35. 1-23 MAN WANTED For dairy and orch ard work. Phone o"P5. 1-23 FOR SALE Fir wood for sale. Phone 79F11. 1-24 WANTED A few fresh cows, heavy milkers. Phone 483. 1-24 FOB KENT Small apartment, reason able. Call 1996. 1-25 FOB BALE Baby carriage. Call 1045 N. Capitol St. 1-24 LOST Tire chain between Geer place and Salem. Call 7G3. 1-23 PETALITMA BUOODEBS For sale. F. W. Lathrop, Aumsvillo, Or., 1-25 FOB SALE Two B. I. Bed cockerels, $1.50 each. Phone 250IJ2. 1 H WILL SELL 22 head 3 and 4 year old mules. Dwight Misner. tf GET PBICBfJ On farm sale bills at The Journal office. TRESPASS Notices for sale at Jour aal office. tf HARRY -Window (leaner. Phone 1391J 2-18 FOR RENT 3 furnished housekeeping rooms on first floor. 694 N. Com'l St. Phone 2434 W. 1-24 GET YOUR Tresspass notices, new supply of cloth ones at Capital Jour nal, tf STUMPAGE For sale, No. 1 old fir, second growth and maple. B. 9, box 48. Phono i4F13. l-!3 FOR BALE Columbia graphonola, new big size, half price, cash or on time. 1650 N. 5th St. 1-23 FOB SALE 1100 lb. mare $35. 1505 Mission St. by S:30 a. m. or after 5 p. m. on Sunday all day. 1-23 CHEAP HORSES WANTED Will buy any kind. S. Nelson, 225 Center. Phone 927. 1-27 GIRLS OR WOMEN Wanted the glove factory 1455 Oak St. Steady work. 1-24 COR, RENT Furnished housekeeping also sleeping rooms. 265 S. Com '1 St. 2124.T. 1-24 WANTED Board and room, single gentlean, employed nights. Address V care Journal. WANTED Good second hand bicycle, must btfgood. Write full description 8. D. S. Journal office. 1-23 SOUTHERN OREGON Alfalfa land, also pear orchard for sale or trade Car Salem property. Phone 825 before 8 a. m. or after 7 p. m. 1-23 FOR SALE 5 room house on Bush St. South Salem, cheap if taken soon, as party leaving town. 1 22 care Jour nal office. 1-24 RESIDENT Will sacrifice choice lot one block (rum State street for $250. For particulars address K care Jour nal. 124 CWJSING OUT While they last choice apple and pear trees, your own price; also two cows and two heifers for aale. Phone 53F15. 1-23 OAK, ASH, FIR Maple, Vine Maple, eerdwood, yard at corner Trade and liberty Sts., near armory. Willard F. Proctor. Phone 1322J. 2-8 WANTED Married experienced orch ard man, with team, to care for apple and prune orchard. Eugene T. Pres eott, Avenue barber shop, Center St. 123 MONEY TO LOAN On Becond hand jewelry, men's clothing, musical in struments, tools, guns, bicycles, etc. Also bought, sold and traded. Capital Exchange, 337 Court St. Phone 493. 2-22 WHAT HAVE YOU To trade for a good farm 60 acres, well watered, 6 ia bearing prunes, 35 under plow be sides pasture and timber. Hosedale district. Big barn, new silo, fair house. Owner must make a change. A good opening. Enquire of Wm. Fleming 341 State St. 1-24 FOR SALE On account of other bus iaess calling me away next month, I am compelled to dispose of some of my milch cows, 3 high grade Jer ays, 1 cow ti yrs old, fresh 3 months $40; 1 cow 4 Vrs old, fresh 5 weeks, with calf,' 55.00; 1 cow 3 yrs old to freshen Feb. 5, .)0; also 1 Durham eaw 7 yrs old to freshen March 12, 5.00; ' these cows are gentle, easy milkers and in good shape. Address Warren Bros., R. 3, Silverton, Or., o- raiie n. e. oi ncior rvim 1-25 TODAY FOB SALE Baled grain hay and vetch aay. George Swcgie. tf TEAM AND WAUON For sale or trade for milk rows or vacant lots. W. L. Marsh, Jeflerson, Bt. L 1-25 FOB SALE At auction, reader be there and bid for a pleasant home, in Salem, on a fine corner, both streets paved and paid for. House, oarn ami plenty ot fruit. 1'hone 470 or see Square Deal Realty Co., 202 V. S. Bank bldg. 123 COURT HOUSE NEWS Payment of $1. 992. 52 was ordered by' tho jury in the case of Taylor vs. Set tlemier this morning. The verdict was! in favor of the plaintiff. The suit con cerned the issuance of a promissory note given as payment of a shipment of nursery stock. Orland G. Becker, a minor, brought suit in the circuit court this morning through E. J. Becker, his guardian, against 0. W. Beechler, to recover $50 damages. The complaint stand that the plaintiff was injured in an auto mobile accident, Jan. 4, 1917. Judg ment for the amount was given by Judge Kelly, and the defendant ac cepted the same. One marriage license w;is issued this morning by the county clerk to Carl Veach, of Salem and Delia Johnson, also of Salem. Fishing licenses were issued to John Jones and T. J. Chosshire, both of Salem, yesterday. Action to recover money due on a promissory note was commenced yes terday by A. C. Larsen against. Eugene Bogert and wife, and tho Northwest Trust Company. The sums asked total $1849.58. An order discharging the executor of the estate of Katherina Schuelc was is sued by judge Bushey today. The statement filed by the executor con tained the information that $000 had been turned over to tho Imperial Ger man Consul at Portland, for relatives in Germany. Testimony in the case of T. G. Bligh vs. A. E. Laflar is being given this afternoon in the circuit court. The case deals with the leasing of a theater The. sheriff's office is in receipt of ihn fnllowimr .notice from Buffalo. N. Y., dated January, 1917: "James O'Hearn, a middle aged man. perhaps sixty years old. five feet ten or cloven inches tall, medium stout build, ItMtt nnnmlnvimi nnrl of Irish descent. "B1" uwlT"-' I " ' who was -born in Lewigtun,, Niagara , XT V....1, .na lurtii" liMCuinO COUJIIV, new itiin, una wtv.. for several vears. and now a large estate awaits him in the East. He came West as a young man, and re turned home -27 years ago, to remain for a short time. He was last heard from in 1!)09, when it was reported that he was seen at the ranches of Charles A. Johnson, at Reynold, Idaho, and of S. G. Yodcr, at Sand Poiut, Idaho. He was also seen at Silver City, Idaho, about the same time. "A liberal reward will be given to anvone who produces him or gives authentic proof of his death. All com ...:..'itia ,! be addressed to lUUinLUIlull.' .u Charles W. Sickmon, attorney and Con-sellor-at-law, 41S Law Exchange, Buf falo, New York, or to John H. Taylor, 117 Plymouth Avenue, Buffalo." Prof. G. R. McAuslan Is Lecturing on Salesmanship I'rof. G. R, McAuslan, who is here greing a short course of lessons n salesmanship is taking for his general subject this week the "Fundamentals of fabrics" and telling about those interesting features regarding history, growth and production which are not unsally learned by handling the goods. He took for his special subject last night "Cotton," and told how it grows and where and its great importance as the lowest in cost and most largely us ed of any fibre for clothing. He spoke about the period between 1730 and 1H00 as being the time when the great basic inventions were made which changed the industry from n household to a factory institution. He then referred in detail to the cotton gin and its invention by Eli Whitney in 1754 and with a small model show ed the principal upon which it works. Stating that before his time it took two men to pick two pounds of cotton a day, but now two men could attend to six gins producing twenty four thousand pounds a day. With a chart containing pictures of each machine he then showed how the cotton passes from a raw fibre to a finished sewing thread or yarn, used for knitting or weaving. He also showed samples of various grades of cotton cloth from mills in Rhode Island. Some of which were looked at b y members of the class through a microscope. There was great interest developed and a number of questions asked by members of the class. Tonight the subject of "Linen" will be taken up and samples of fibre shown illustrating the experimental work done last summer in raising flax in the Wil lamette valley, and comparing it with the best fibre from Europe. All are welcome. The meeting will be held at the rooms of the Salem Com mercial club at S p. m. Cars Will Run Later To West Salem Station West Salem folks who want to stay in Salem for shows and parties and such, are now assured that they may safely do so until about 11 o'clock each evening, as the last train for West Ha lem will leave Commercial and Union streets at 10 minutes after 11 o'clock. The S. P. bridge is a busy plaee now-a-days, as 90 trains are carrying pas OREGON RETAIL GROCERS MEET IN One Hundred Delegates Reg- ister and More Are Ex pected Tomorrow The Oregon State Retail Grocers As sociation met in its Second annual con vlention this morning at McCormick ! hall with Vice President Cusiter, of Silvertou, as presiding officer. TllA iiu.f.. IkZrfcuJ response to the welcome was by W. C tarian church, and an address of wel come by Mayor Walter K. Keyes. The Guther of Portland, past president. President U. 8. G. Miller was intro duced to the delegates and in a short address, outlined the legislation that would be favored by the grocers. Gov ernor Withycotnbe spoke of the untold resources of the state and the part the grocers could play in the general de velopment of better business condi tions. J. D. Mickle, dairy and food com missioner, said that the food laws had done their work and that now what was needed was more attention to sani tation. He felt that the food commis sioner should be freed from politics, that his work might be done more ef ficiently. The small claim court was suggested for every county, similar to the one in Portland, where action can be taken against smaller claims without piling up court costs, was advocated by Mark Peterson of Portland. This afternoon H. F. Rittman of Portland spoke on "Why the Ten Cent Loaf." Wednesday afternoon at the McCor nack hall, Frank B. Connolly will ad dress the delegates. Air. Connolly is past president of the National Associa tion of Retail Grocers, the present sec retary of the Californit Retail associa tion, and editor of the Grocers' Advo cate, published in San Francisco. He is regarded as one of the livest wires In the country when it comes to the propositions before the grocers. He is a great organizer and his specialty has Ween in fighting trading stamps and coupons. His address tomorrow after noon is regarded as one of the big events of the convention, and the ses- sion is open to tne punlic. The following committee appoint ments were made this morning; Legis lative, George C. Cusiter, of Silverton, chairman; W. C. Gunther, D. C. Burns, C C. Gault. L. A. Wostacott and John LaagCC The committee on resolutions included C. H. Epplcy, as chairman, and W, C. Gunther, and Mr, Rosecranz, of Woodburn. On the judiciary com mittee are William Gahlsdorf, chair man; J. A. Hanning and D. J. Van Seyoc. The question box will be handled by Walter A. Denton, chairman, and D. N. Norton and Rufus Franks There will be no session this evening. The Wednesday program includes visits in the morning to the state institutions ami a lunch at the Cherry City bakery. Frank B. Connolly will speak in the aft ernoon and the evening will be given to the mock trial in the house of represen tatives. About 100 delegates registered today r.nd bv tomorrow it is probable the at- ; tendance will exceed 150. All sessions ire being held in the McCornack hall. By Carl W. Ackerman, (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Berlin, Jan. H.'!. A gigantic scheme in food swindling has oecn uncovered through the arrest of Fran Kapler and her dsi 11 (rh lev lt- tmliAa fndut- Urti,i'c ! first citizens, it is now revealed, have been swindled out of millions. of marks in a, story of financing and manipula tion that rivals fiction. Fran Kupfer came to Leipsig at the start f the war and borrowed 400 j marks ($9) w ith which she opened a : small office. She purchased artificial I honey and later re-sold at a great profit, ft was but a short time until ishe had 10,000 marks ($2,300) and this she invested in ofher food prod jucts, reselling them at extravagant prices. I Her fascinating manners gained her hundreds and thousands of marks from investors, and she finally organized a ,10.000,000 mark (2;3U0,00O) concern. Almost unbelievable dividends were paid by this great company. Fra Kupfer forged contracts for army I food and as her business: grew she estii Idished a smuggling concern. Her headquarters in Berlin were always filled with food. This the rich people of Berlin bought i willingly at extortionate prices. Hotels bid for a chance to purchase her prod- jucta. Fran Kupfer began ejuietly ob- : taining enormous sums on her promises I for future delivery. Then she was trapped by the police, Careful search was being made to day for a man co-worker of the fasci- ; nating Frau Kupfer. ! sengers across it between 6 o'clock ia i the morning and the last train in the ev I ening at Jl:10. That figures out I 30 trains a day each way with an aver j age interval of about 30 minutes. I Blue prints have been prepared by th i state highway commisison showing that tiie planking of the bridge is feasible, j On the west side it will be necessary to build about 700 feet of track for aft approach. The committee appointed by Presi : dent Joseph H- Albert is in conference i todav and will be tomorrow with the S. P. officials in Portland and every l thing is being done that can be, tee j quickly solve the problem of transporta tion across the river. STRIKERS ATTEND ! STATE MEETING OF One Hundred Iron and Steel Workers Arrive Here From Portland Today One hundred of the pickets who have been surrounding the Northwest Steel company 's works in Portland, where a "T" UCT:u r"K ' " n Salem todav noon. They came by auto ami iiicir special uusiiies nere is to attend the sesaion this afternoon Of the. Federation o Labor and to be pres ent this evening at the hearing before a legislative committee to consider the proposed anti-picket nig law. The program of yesterday afternoon, besides the regular routine business, included an address by the Rev. Tufts of Portland, favoring the one day in seven rest bill, and tho idea was en dorsed by tho delegates. Addresses were also made by Labor Commission er Hoff and (Jus I'hl of Ixis Angeles, international organizer of the painters and decorators. J. Dennis, international organizer of the sheet metal workers also spoke be fore the delegates. W. A. Marshall, industrial accident commissioner, referred to the lack of present safety legislation to reach workmen in several lines, including those who work in the mines. He said he was convinced that the best results come from investigating all problems from a joint commission of employers and employes, with power to regulate. He also referred to any minor abuses, includiuu miestionable hospital fees. Questioned as to rates nt the accident tund, .Mr. Marshall inougur. increieuce. might be some changes coming. Note was also made of the large number of employers coming under the provisions of the accident commission. A resolution was introduced oppos ing the consolidation of the labor com mission with that of the accident com mission. It wa9 referred to the com mittee on consolidation. This afternoon's session was gheu mostly to a consideration as to what should be done to help the strike now on in Portland between the Northwest Steel company and its e.xployos. One hundred of the striking pickets were present at the se Tonight the leleirntes and pickets will confer with a committee from the legislature on the proposed anti-picket law. High School Students Want Single Day Session The student body of the Salem high school is of tho opinion, coleetively speaking that a single day session would be the proper thing for the -re niainder of the school year. And to bring this properly before the school board, a committee, composed of Ira Jlercer, president of the student body, William Probst and Walter Ransom tppeaMd last night at the board meet ing and made the suggestion that the day's session should begin at i) o'clock and close at 2:30, with an allowance of fifteen minutes for lunch. No action was taken by the board on the sugges tion. The resignation of Miss Evelyn Jones teacher of English, who got a better job in Portland, was accepted. Lelund J. Cox was elected to continue his work in the commercial department for the remainder of the school year at a sal ary of $80 a month. The parent teachers circle of the Lincoln school has some advanced ideas and one of them was presented to tin dirctors last evening by Mrs. J. H. fair child, president of the circle. It was a request for a Yietrola but the board could not see it the sume way the par ent teachers ciicle did and there was nothing doing. Thnrsilav awl Friday, February 1 land - will be holidays as tne teacners will be busy making out reports ami grading papers, although the pupils win be permitted to come Friday afternoon and learn their fate on their repon cards. Business is good at the high school cafeteria and Miss Edwards presented a report showing it was practically self sustaining. ' The Berlin Yossische Zefrung de clared today: 'Berlin's first citizens have been swindled out of millions of marks. The number of creditors grow hourly. ' ' By Charles W. Stewart (United Press staff correspondent) Buenos Aires, Jan. 23. The Oemftft raider has apparently disappeared just as mysteriously as she arrived iu the South' Atlantic. Her appearance, in some far distant part of the world, her alded by another "drive" on allied fthip ping, was today predicted as the text word to be heard from the rover. Kio De Janeiro reported several vssets. which might be the raider and con sorts, sighted on the north Brazil coast but there was no tangible evidence that any one of these were actually raiders. Rumor that the British cruiser Glas gow bad sunk the raider was entirely discredited today. Efforts to trace the source of the rumor were fruitless, but it was certain it had not been MQfd on any definite information. In the meantime the newpaer Standard today published an unconfirm ed rumor that a submarine, presumably a German, had stopped the Spanish steamer Reins Victoria Eugenia yester day evening at the mouth of the Kiver Plate. According to this report, the steam er's papers were examined and she was finally permitted to proceed. E AT MANCHESTER TODAY. Delegates of Labor Party of England Cheer President Wilson London, Jan. 23. The most moment-1 SHI conference in the history of the Butish industrialism opened today at Manchester. It was the conference ot the labor party and peculiar interest attached to its deliberations because of the fact that lresident Wilson 's speech, published here today accentuat ed the importance of the discussion ex pressed on various resolutions already ' submitted demanding immediate peace are still unknown to the prison officials, negotiations. A clue led the searchers to Linn coun- There were three factions which ; ty and although a man was found there, combined to make the meeting of teuse it was not the man in question. Yes interest throughout England. First, the terduy afternoon a report was Current party was petted to eo on record as) that there was a clue in Washington, to the peace propaganda. Secondly, it I Nothing definite has been obtained was to decide whether to grant support ! from this, however. to its parliamentary leaders, in .joining! o the Lloyd-George government Thirdly,! The 8outheni Pacific has made ap the party was scheduled to make sweep- j puCAtio)1 tl, tu, VnhVu. S(,, vi, comJJ ("""""crine.iis on various posi- war problems. Great Britain expects labor. in its otficial party, to favor a fight to a finish and to defeat, by a large ma- . , . " k , ..'I.e.',':.. iStSl . , " V . t . . . . . . may M bucking the resolutions urging. negotiations. Bitter debate is expected on the lines- tion of whether minister without port-!01 ulc ,mu" ""'"'"giuarca V folio Arthur Henderson, and Minister . . , 1 . 0 , ... . of Labor John Hodge in tho Llovd- ,A ,Dra,,cn of tn6,45 efficiency club George cabinet, violated the party's coir"1" be organized Thursday evening in stitution when they accepted such : ,h' auditorium of the Salem public lib posts. The labor party leaders take i inrv' at 30 o clock. Everybody over the uosition that the Million' crisis in ! the age of 15 years is eligible for mem the war justified a technical violation of tho irnrtv tenets bv Henderson . llodiro and 'others and this view will h.mhnhly be sustained by the oufer- This expected particular! v since the leaders see ar ounortunitv to obtain support from British opinion on their post-war demands, if labor continues its self sacrificing support of the war as at present. Wilson is Cheered Manchester, Eng., Jan. 23. Mention of President Wilson's name by G. J. Warder in opening the conference of I the labor party here today, was cheer ed for five noisy minutes. Tho ovation was spontaneous, the presiding officer intending only brief est mention of the American peace sug gestions. Action of Ministers Henderson, Hodge and Barnes of the labor party, in .joining with Premier Lloyd-' leorye in the formation of a "reconstruction of government" wns overwhelmingly approved by the convention. The action was taken despito the fact that such a joining with other po litical parties is constructively viola tion of the labor party's tenets. CITY NEWS J George Reinoehl brought suit in the justice of the Pence's court today against E. J. Jones for the recovery of $21-44, alleged due him on a bill of merehandis". Cards have been sent out by Salejn lodge No. 4, A. F. & A. M., to Masons of the city with the announcement of work in the Fellowcraft degree Wednes day evening of this week. Corporal Lacewell, in charge of the local recruiting office, today received consent from the father of Einmett A. Dickson, that he might enilst. Young Dickson is just 17 years and nine months old and the father's consent was neces sary, although within three months, at the age of 18 years, he could enlist without consent. His father lives at Soper, Oklahoma. The whereabouts of E. J. Clark, who recently escaped from the penitentiary, ! LISTEN TO THIS! SAYS CORNS LIFT j RIGHT OUT NOW Yon reckless men and women whol are wstered with corns and who have at least once a week invited an awful j death from lockjaw or blood poison t are now told by a Cincinnati authority to use a drug called, which the moment a few drops are applied to any corn, the soreness is relieved and soon the entire corn, root and all, lifts out with the fingers. It is a sticky ether compound which dries the moment it is applied and j "imply shrivels the corn without iuflam-; niation or even irritating the surround ! inir tissue or skin. It is claimed Ihut' a quarter of an ounce of wi cost, very little at any of the drug stores but is sufficient to rid one's feet of every hard or soft corn or callus. You are further wurned that cutting at a corn is a suicidal habit. BORN BORN BASSETT To Mr. and Mrs. Fled V Bussett, living on the Silverton road. Monday, January 22, 1917, a son. (IRAI'M AN To Mr. and Mrs. W. I, Oraurnan. of 1075 South Thirteenth street, Mondnv, January 22, 191, a daughter. PI EWE To Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Pierce, of rttWI North Summer street, Tuesday, January 23, 1917, u daughter. Today-Tomorrow JJg OREGON Today-Tomorrow ' House of Comfort" Do you like a thrilling story of life in a gold country? If so, see FRANK KEENAN and ENID MARKEY in JIN GRIMSBY'S BOY A Keystone, too Ford Sterling in "The Hunt" "Before and After," the Local Talent Picture, shown Today and Tomorrow. I I I 3 ,S ;, ,,iM ,,i,wtr r.,. ,i, tracKs at -Nineteenth street, lor the pur- pose of reaching the Associated Oil company's plant, soon to be erected. The hearing will be beard before the com iiiKmBh 'i t III '.1(1 liiniiirrmv m nr it i ti i I hn ... ... , , ,..,, , M ... it v will be represented by B. W. Macy, city attorney. Nineteenth street is one ' kership and at the organization, a hug. 1 attendance is desired. A club has been organized in Portland and similar clubs are "eing Jonnoct in diiierent parts ot ! the country. Tests of efficiency were , recently made in Chicago between those over 4;i years n't age and those of younir- cr years and it developed that the old er boys were right there w hen 'it came to figuring the amount of work accomp lished. Intoxication and resisting an offtcci were charges' brought against (River Beisbeek and Kenneth Crossan in the police court: this morning. The young men were raising a disturbance near Church and Slate streets Inst night. Riesbeck was given 20 days in jail, and Crossan, who was on parole at the time from the justice court, was turned over to Constable Viuney, who lodged liiin in the county jail, after giving him n hearing before justice Webster, who de cided that, as he had been paroled on good behavior, he had broken the pa role and therefore -stand his full sen tence of SO davs. CHRIS EVANS ON POOR FARM Portland, Ore., Jnn. 23. Chris. Evans, age To, former member of the Evans Sonlag bandit gang in California, ap plied for help from Hie county authori- ! ties today and was committed to the poor farm nftor he proved he was a pauper. Evans was paroled from states prison in vaiiioriini some tune ago. He lost an arm and an eve in his lust fight with I sheriff's posse. MOTHERS Fathers, Brothers, Sisters, Sons and Daughters should all see the great moral lesson in 'THE LITTLEGERL NEXT1D0OR' TODAY and TOMORROW Bligh Theatre No Raise L I I lllaHak SB! i LLalamlaaTlHHaanHiaM Wr THE OREGON Thursday FRANK DANIELS in CROOK V Vitngraphed in 5 putt under the personal direction of J. STUART BLACKTON and ALBERT E. SMITH VITAGRAPH . BLUE RIBBON FEATURE d I BLUE SKY UPHELD. Washington. Jan, '2'2. ''Blue sky" laws of Dhie, Michigan and SoMth ia kota were held constitutional by the United states supreme court today. The Michigan nnd South Dakota laws governing sale of securities had been held unconstitutional by state oiirt- decisions. TUESDAY -WEDNESDAY JAN. 30-31 BLIGH THEATRE in Prices. TODAY, TOMORROW THURSDAY Pauline Frederick and Willard Mack in "MANETTE OF THE WILDS" A thrilling tale of the royal Canadian mounted police, by Wilkrd Mack YE LIBERTY J ULatc for ei.i9ik i MOI.MES