Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 22, 1917, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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Willamette Valley News . Bill 10 DIVIDE
Falkland Items
(Capital Jourual Special fctrrixj
t'rnitlaud, On1., .Tan. 20. Recently I!
aw nry old friend. J. ('. Robertson, mr
Uuuad ob page even.)
Children Cry
, Those ptasettt were: Mime Julia lc
Jardrn, Irene Butch, Catherine aqd ' t '.
Ursce Malo. Violet Phclton Oorfrudel'OO voter, vet a petition with but SO ' the house this morning:
lltowlev. Rita Kei.iiinger. Kittv Smith names was presented the legislature ask- H. H. No. 177, by. lougla county
l.ucile Cu.sforth, aev.r l...y',l ,loncs.!i"g this change. He quoted from the delegation, to regulate fishing in I mp
i Henry rraftgrd, Ward .Mtciiinv. Joe Oregnnian and Telegram and even from q'
: I I i . . , . . . . 11 a TO", .7ii .,- Xiv.,..nv Tn mffn
. e n. n ., i ' 1 ... . ... ...tt.ii . .inn no, laitlUUIIl. i "ircii I'vuiiiai, in 9Uin ii'iumm f . - - w
imrly of Turner, no of I "Ik county. , ,,,,., rotiOT1 Xo t Fortfr!I of ! did not want the actio annexed. He "-- - -uaan on highway.
diiiuiaaaing to a pi imp of bystanders halm wlM at their last resnlar meeting defied the senators from Multnomah : H- B No- l7B- b.v Mfpy. Making
front of the I". B. hank on the subject installed officers for the ensuing year, t to ahow that their couiitv wanted the technical correction in number of all
ot prohibition of which he is a valuable i Deputy Orand Chief Hanger FUis Stev change, and, deuieil that the majority of notated rode.
exponent. He said the two old partiesens aw installing officer installed the the residents of the district wanted St.; H- B- No- W lackel. Making
iin- sob! to whikey :iinl aviII dn noth-1 following: Frank Canuard. C. R Ross He read resolutions from Pomona technical correction in wording of sta-
v Utsfortli. S. C. R .: Win. Leitli Trmm trruncre of the district nliit. tnur tn it tute as iirinter in code.
(i. .1. Moisau. Iin. Sec: Slci. hen Hoi and he nniuted out that the ehanuv H. B. No. 181, by Mackcy. To make
nee. ec; j. Vanuatu. . .:
kldie, J. VS.; Jos Kuss, S. B.;
Renal, J. B.; C. A. Bawver, lo.
E. Malo. W. H. Brown and Ellis
Stevens, Trustees. Stat.
Famous Missionary
Rev. Edward St. Pierre
Crosses the Divide
thing for the cause. Be that as it may
certain it is the prohibition party In
Oregon coufd not have achieved prohi
bition here alone nor has it nor ran it
Bin where else at present. Republi
cans and democratic and socialist votes
were needed to put Oregon ill the dry
column. Joe is a good man and also over
( . A. Holing and family have return
ed from t visit to his parents at Walla
Mrs. M. K. McFiirlaue. who fill ifj!
resided at ' Fruitlan.l. rpvnt Saturday
here fttteuding to some husiucs. matters
and calling on friends She is at pies
ant tending several of the higher
hranrhes in the Lebanon schools.
Today. January 15. Mortis Hansom
took his last load of I ousohold effects
to. Salem. He is now ntnviug inlo the
south part of the city nenr Lincoln
school. We are Sony to lose our old
neighbors, but our loss is others' gain.
I lent- CompngltOT, iliss Bowers is in
tin' Okntiogon country. Washington, and 'of French-Canadians founded b
not in Skunogun as you made me state
last week. I'lease don't get it Skookutn
this time.
W. (.' Johnson and family have moved
into the Ransom house from south Sa
lem. Two more pupils were enrolled in
Froitkuul srliool this week.
With a stout new neighbor on his
r i ; 1 1 1 hand anil on his left it is hoped i
would bring the Multnomah line within summons in court action returnable in
three miles of Oregon City the county days instead of on last day of term
seat. Ho produced a mass of figures of court.
and an arrav oi facts that nere simnlv I H. B. No. 182, by Corbet t. Fixing six
DB. O. L. BCOTT Graduate Of Obiro
praetie 'a Fountain Bead, Davenport,
loam. If you have tried everything
and got no relief, try Chiropractic
apinal adjustments and get well. Of
fice 406 -7 -8 V. 8. National Bank
building. Phone. Maia 87. Residence.
Main 828-B.
Early Sunday morning death
Hov. Rdward Walter St. Pierre, mis
sionary, minister and prison chaplain,
to the told of his fathers. Re was ST
yean and 1 months old and was ill at
the Salem hospital about a week
trouble was the I Mai ot his
whieh occurred Situuav morning at :i:l
o clock.
Horn at St. Anno Illinois, the i-olonv
Senator Lewis, author of the bill, snid
Mr. Wilson gas the mayor of Oswego
ana being the father of the city, he like
the lather of the country could not tell
a lie. and that the bill ought to pass
Senutors Wood and Barrett spoke
i.long theaome lines to the effeet that
it was a local matter, the law provided
lor its settlement by the parties inter
ested, and that the Ian was passed for
the purpose of relieving the legislature
ot just such rows and it should not set
a bad example bv considering the mat-
lleait ter but let those interested settle it
leath,: among themselves as the law provided.
The minority report was killed and
with it the change of boundary went
glimmering. Lewis, Orton and Mr.
President VOtlno for the minority fe-
Chinioov in the early part of the nine-: port. The latter explained that he had
loeath i cnttuy, on September 18, 1S.")9. promised to vote fur the bill and did -so
he led a life of varied and exciting ev for that reason.
perienies. He graduated from the I Senator Farrell was given permission
academic and eeUefiote courses Of Lake to withdraw senute bill No. 74. and as
forest I uiversitv. Illinois, m 1SS4. and i Col. Mercer looke,! nt the ehwL-
vour old reporter will be well braced.
Sunday W. I. Lattiu and -Mrs. Lat
tiu and daughter. Miss Htith. visited
in the family of .Mr. and Mrs. K. T.
H. C. Brcsslor had for a few past
days a very painful finger caused by
blood poison from a (light wound-
Last Thursday John Parris. of this
place, took a bind ot potatoes to Sa
lem, lie got .l.iio per bushel whole
sale. The load brought him within a few
cents of ifiio.
Mrs. Asher Hansom, who was operated
on . for appendicitis at the deftetmeas'
hospital in Salem lately, is -report i d to
be recovering rapidly.
It behooves all who use a capstan in
removing stumps and grubs to see that
everything is safe and strong. The ac
cident at Hubbard the other day is an
object lesson. Kenietnber thnt a cap
stan like tin automobile, is ahvnvs load'
And tins renunMa me this old " fr.ud Portland.
ear is going to say u again, "look out
for the fnst running auto on Salem's
streets," That nice new coffin holding
your mortal remains surrounded by
weeping relatives and friends is only
adding to the list already too long.
Somebody Can say "tile poor departed
passed over the divide at the rate of
20 miles an hour backed by the city of
Salem, but the driver didn't moan to do
it.'' jpf course not-
three years later was graduated from
Jii ( ornnck rJenitnary.
lie then entered the ministry and
was assigned to the missionary post nt
Orooxniaii, Persia, where he had oharire
ously, a motion
o'clock prevailed,
to ad iourn
until 2
of the Oroomiah inissioniiry college,
which aci onunodated SOD students. He
remained there seven years.
Hov. St. i'ierre was gifted as a toadi
ed and the native students graduate.!
Passage of thjtee bills and the le-rcfer-ring
of one bill to the committee that
recommended its passage marked the
from his college attained to exceptional most iportnnt business transacted la the
high scholarship and efficiency. l)ur- house of representatives at the orniug
ing the winter sessions-of the college session, which was opened at 10:30
he taught in the class room, but in o'clock with prayer by Rev. E. O. Shcp
sunmier he would go on evangelistic herd, of the United Brethren church,
trips into the mountains among the; House bill No. 7S, introduced bv Rep
wild tribes of Kurds His home was in resentative Cornelius, relating to put
a compound guarded by soldiers of the ting out poison by keepers of 1 ivestock
ki- f ), ,t h" compound he hud I for tBe purpose of killing anv animal,
tojiavo a body guard. Ouo evening' he WSi passed. This bill amends" the ptcs-
'"s "".v gmird, and!,,,,, .,. in ti,at it allows poison to be
fell into the hands of bandits and : S(,t ()Ut from suusot to .sunp i,v owners
same near losing his lite. of enclosed lands when the domestic
When he left Persia, he came to 11IlimaU such a wt o r goats are hnr-
rortiaiiii ami oecame tne minister oi n6, ,.,i i-iilfld ),,- mU uilnsl. B
enclosed lands, it is meant in the hill
lands that ure completely surrounded by
a fence.
House bill No. 84, introduced bv Bap-
per cent as legal rate and lu per ceut as
contract rate of interest.
H .B. No. 183, by Ashley. To M
vide for uniform prices on sab ot con
tract goods.
H. B. No. 184, by Rorbos. Kmpowcr
ing public service commission to inves
tigate interstate traffic and present
facts before interstate commerce com
mission. H. B. No. 1S5, by Barber. Regulating
speed of trains at grade crossings.
H. B. No. ISO. by Bean. Taxing gaso
line one cent and distillate half cent per
H. B. No. I'm. bv Bean. Providing for
sale of gasoline by specific gravity, of
5S per cent instead of 00 per cent.
H. B. No. 188, by Craudall F.xtend -ing
mechanics' lien law over work done j
on irrigation projects.
H. B. No. 189, by Burdick. Fixing1
salary of school superintendent of Lake)
county at $1,;hD0 per year and ifoUP tru -eling
H. B. No. lyO. bv Burdick. Allowing
water masters traveling expenses.
H. B No. 191, by Laurgaard. Kstab-'
lishiug state highway commission and
road code.
H. B. No. 192, by Sweeney. Empow ering
officials to accept head of preda
tory animals as basis for payment ofj
bounty, excepting minor mutilations.
A. M. Clongh morticians and funeral
directors. Latest modern methodt
known to the profession employed.
499 Court St. Main 120. Main 8888.
directors and undertakers, 252 North
High street. Day and night phone
now open for business at High and
Ferry Sis. Pull line or nursery steca
Italian prunes a specialty. Nursery
located one mile cast of penitentiary.
Phone 23F21. tf
Dr. Flora A. Brewster, dean of
the Oregon Bchool of Neurology, has
removed from the Hubbard bldg. to
712 State St., corner Cottage St
amination free. Phone 1350.
with very good buildings, goofl soil,
well located near R. R. station. Will
accept ten or 15 acre tract near $a
lem Souare Deal Realty Co., 202 K
8. Bank Bldg.
ARE YOU GOING Eastf Consult u
about reduced freight rates on houst
hold goods to all points. Fast through
service. Capital City Transfer Co.,
161 8. Commercial St., Salem. Phont
can and Swedish, drugless methods
of treatment, Eva Murphy, drugless
physician, 3S4 State St. Boom 11.
Office hours, 10 a. m, to 9 p. m. tf
CHA8. B HODGKTN General Inaar
anee, Surety Bonds, real estate and
rentals. Hubbard bldg. Phone 380. tf
corner Commercial and Trade streets.
Bills payable monthly in advance.
prop! to tor. Garbage and refuse of al
Kinds removed on monthly contract,
at reasonable rates. Yard and cess
pools cleaned. Office phone Mai'
U247. Residence. Main 2272.
ON Good Real Estate Security
Over Ladd & Bush bank, Salem, Oregon
lhinsmuir. Cal., .Ian. 22. Several
buildings on Main street were destroy
ed by a fire which started at 2 o 'clock
this morning, The damage is believed
to be at lenst 50,000. The office of
the Dunsmuir News, S. Manfredi's
grocery store, Freas saloon and lodg
ing house; Thomas Cleaning and Dye
ing Works; the Bellltighain restaur
ant, and Warren's grocery store were
A. Leader-Results are
our Want; Acb They lead
the way to Better posita
5elier Workers
Kiistern Money at Lowest Rates, on
approved Security. Homer H. Smith,
Room o, McComack Bldg.. Salem, Or.
High and Ferry streots. Full line of
nursery stock. Italian prunes a spe
cialty. Grafted fianquett walnuts,
Roman strain. Nursory located one
mile cast of penitentiary. Phone
Co., 220 N. Liberty
Phone 263. A com
plete line of Eleetrie
Supplies and fixtures.
SO years, experience.
Dtpot Notional and American feace
Sizes 26 to 58 in. high.
Paints, oil and varnish, etc.
Loganberry and hop hooks.
Salem Fence and Stove Works, 86fl
Court street. Phono 124.
DRS. B. H. WHTTE and B. W. WAL-.
TON Osteopathic physicians aad
nerve specialists. Graduate of Amar
ican school of Osteopathy, Kirksvif,
Mo. Post graduate and specialised in
nerve diseases at Los Angeles collage.
Treat acute and chronic discasM.
Consultation free. Lady attendant.
Office 005-506 U. 8. National Bank
building. Phone 850. Residence, 340
North Capital street. Phone 409.
MRS. M. T. 8CHOETTLE Osteopath
ic physician, graduate of Founders
School of Osteopathy, KirkaviFle.
Misoiiri. Treatment bv appointment.
Phone Main Still. 02SN. Winter, Salem,
the Marshall street Presbyterian church
where he remained seven years. Then i
he became siiprintndent of the Prison-i.
oi 's Aid society, with headquarters in I
and for ov
eight veins was
conected with prison work. He was.
during a portion of that time chaplain
and parole officer of the penitentiary.
Mrs. R, S. Marshall was brought to
her home Tuesday from the Willamette
Hnnitotiuin where she has been for the
p:ist three weeks following an operation
sjie is recovering nicely.
Kraiik Adelmail was brought home'
from the Willamette sanitorinm Tues
day, where he has been for several
weeks He can move about by aid of
crutches and expects a complete re
covery soon.
A. W. Stewart of Portland was in
Gervais Thursday. He is in possession
of his farm again. Mr. Lamed and fn-m
ily will move to a place near Woodburn
Boberl Scollard, third son of Mr.
and Mrs. Scollard of Woodburn, died
suddenly in Seattle January 5th, where
zhe was employed as a tailor, lie was
31 years of age and was born in Cham
poeg. Body was brought lo Woodburn
for burial,
The oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Schindler was taken to die Willamette
sanitarium in Salem last Friday Where
he was operated upon by Dr. Hickman
for appendicitis: Although quite weak
he is in a fair way for recovery.
A birthday surprise party was given
in honor of Miss Lueile Cutsfortli Sat
urday night. five hundred was the
principal game of the evening, after
which a delicious lunCn was served.
Children Cry
resentative Stafrin. repealing the law
requiring a iflO license fee for the sale
of medicinal stock food, was passed this
morning. In making his statement run
l.r. l. ill t...u u,..x:..
r I t , I 11 III,' 1,1,1, HI M l-M-lllilin V IUlllllI
-lt;.,:.l .I.-,. nl....'l.Jnil l..l 1 11 J
influence with (lov-a"' "T ! u. "l
in ices hi mate iairy nun roou i otn
missionei' Mickle but that the money
had not been turned over to the treasur
er. These fees he said are to be re
turned to those from whom they were
ivc (lived.
When house bill No. 1.17. introduced
iliapel at
role system has" boon
was through hit
ernot Chamberlain that tin
the penitentiary was built.
Rev. St. Pierre is descended from the
St. Pierres that came over from France
and settled about, .Lake St. Pierre in
the province of Quebec. Stanislas St.
Pierre, his lather, left his home in
, .Ian. 22. Having been
wires, carrying eleven;
"TllO State and the Merchant." Tucs-
ita, uou ti. F. Kittman of Port -1
land, who is largely interested in the
Cherry City Bakery of this city, will
speak on "Why the Ten Cent Loaf, I
followed b an address on "The Pure!
Pood Law," by John l. Mickle, dairy,
and food cbinntissiouer.
All the sessions will be held in the
McComack hull. The convention will;
Mchaniel ! close Tnursilay evening witu a luncnoun
Portland, Or
caught under
lloiiicn,..! KTrnbot I
,.l,.ct,ici:ii,. ts Send tndnv.' He was in i and smoker al the
charge of the Sellwood power sub-sta
tion. The death was not witnessed sn
was discovered half nn hour after th
accident when 11. C. Rislau, a fellow
employe, arrived to relieve McDaniel.
Commercial club.
i Presidents Address
Will Please Germany
Classified Business
Telephone Directory
A Quick, handy reference for busy people
anada to lollow Father Ohiniquy into ' preseniative At w . .tones come up
Tllbmls. where n (Trent IPrmieh-Canadian passage he asked thai it be re-
settlement was made. In the early fif. ! rcterrod to the committee on livestock
ties, when Father Chiniipiy led several I'01, amendment. The bill was re-refer-thotisand
Catholics out of the Itoinan red-
church and established an independent! T1"' W Representative Meek re
chnicli Stntdslas St. Pierre was one SJ"Wng the fixing of a standard form
of t lie' men who left the Catholic faith I "'a for condensed milk passed without
to lecom,. n unites nut. 1 in was at ",,. coiiiui.-m.
ECanka Itee,
During the past four years Rev. St.
Pierre has been living on his farm in
Polk county in n vain endeavor to find
On account of a senate bill covering
the same matter, house bill Xo. 118, in
troduced by Representative Martin, ex
tending lien laws to labor performed m
relief from his attack of heart trouble. I the liarvest fields, was indefinitely post
A week ago' he was taken to the hospital j poued.
Surviving liini nrc his wife, Mrs. EUal Representative Lewis, v,-ho introduced
K. Sr. Pierre, who has accompanied her! house bill No. 71, relative to allowance
husband in his various trips to the endsof suit money to wife in cases 1 bar
of the earth: .Mabel, i.ueiie, r.ita,: against nusuanti ami wile, witnnrew inc
bill tliis morning.
A message from the senate announced
that the senate had passed senate bill
No. 62, and had enrolled senate bills
Nos 7 and 25.
A resolution was adopted extending
the use of the hall of the house to the
Oregon Retail Grocers' association,
which is in animal convention here for
i.i meeting Wednesday evening.
LIQUOR CACHE RAIDED. Representative Ritncr of rmntiila
Marshliold, Or., Jan. 22. A liquor j county, occupied the chair the latter
smuggler's cache on South Bay waslpart of the morning session in tho ab
raided today by Sheriff Gage and two j sence of Speaker Stanfield.
deputies. Ftftv quarts were found New Bills This A. M.
concealed ill the brush and confiscated. The following bills were introduced
Kali'h and Walter St. Pierre, children;
one brother. Theodore St. I'ierre, in
Miltonsville, Kansas; and two grand
daughters. The funeral will be held Tuesday
afternoon at. J :.'.U 0 c.loci; iroin ine
Pfresbyteiftan church, of which Rev.
Carl II. Elliott is pastor. Interment
will be in City View cemetery.
Children Cry
The sheriff believes smugglers lowered
the, whiskey from a ship al sea and
brought it ashore in a motorboat, in
real old Treasure Island style.
Washington, Jan. 29. Oregon and
Washington may have reached an
agreement regarding., 'concurrent juris
diction over the waters of the Colum
bia river and ils trioutaries in connec
tion with the fishing industry, but
Uncle Sam hasn't ''0. K.'d'' the deal.
Last June the senate judiciary com
mittee recommended passage of the
house bill ratifying the compact. The
senate hasn't had time to do it.
What's more it won't have time until
the next session. Meantime those two
states will have to worry along with
out federal endorsement of their pact.
Washington, Jan. 22. President Wil
umi V aAfliwfta to the seunte today will
without doubt be favorably received j
lv the German government and all
German liberals, it was stated al the
German embassy today.
chancellor Bethman-n-Hoilweg, it was
stated, will very likely make some in
direct reply to the president 's speech
in an address of his own in -the near
tjalem Eleetrit Co., Masonis Temple, 1 27 North High
Mala 1I0
V.. Barr, 104 South Commercial street Mala '
Salem Electric Team
Won Saturday's Game
Salem Truek ft Dray Co., eomer State and Front streets'
Mala ft
Fir Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Sessions of Grocers Open
To Salem Businessmen
The sessions of the second
onvention of the Oregon State
Grocers association, which will
Tuesday morning nt McCornaol
are open to all the business men of Sa
lem. The thn
The Salem Electric won Iwo games
at Eugene Saturday bringing the per
centages of the teams as follows:
Salem, 618; ohnks, Eugene, 618) Cor
vallis, 3filj Rainbows of Eugene, 381.
Freeland of Salem made the high
average of 200 and Pierce of Salem,
Retail "igh game, witn sa, rariar aim ruin
begin I din are leading with L8S8 in the hajuli
halljcap ragtime tournament on the local
convention is Tins week tlie fruiters win play tne , SM
annual :
Always bears
Signature of
the not very remote future.
United States Steel sold off nearly
three points from its early high, but
recovered between 1 and 2 points,
though still over a point below the
Saturday closing level.
of course for the business Of special ; Salem Alleys mesuay evening anil on
interest to the grocers of the state but Wednesday evening, the Oregon Then
there are no secret sessions. I tre will nlav the W. 0, W.
tomorrow morning's session will in- Die game Saturday
miifn mm nfirrnn
T I nr. MAKfcfc a
Veal, according to quality . .. 10(aK!',.c
Steers c
Cows 4(a)5c
Bulls 33i4:
Kwes fie
Lambs 10
Wethers 6c7o
Pigs, 30 12-oz.
Black figs
White figs
Golden dates
Dromedary date:
and Dates
dude an address of welcome by Mayor gene was as follows:
Walter E. Keycs. the introduction of, Salem El
the new president, I
a talk bv Governor
S. (I. -Miller ami
Withycomlie on
Dennis Eucalyptus
Tubes 25c jars soc
(1) (2)
Harrington ....169 152
Frcclnncl 205 201
jDoolittle Kid 16
' Pierce 175 179
! Wilson 17." 207
g at En-
Ttl. Av.
520 173
600 200
53(1 1X0
577 1!2
Ma 1 88
The following prices for fruits
iinil vegetables are those asked by
the wholesaler of the retailer, and
not what is paid to the producer,
All other prices are those paid the
pioducer. Corrections arc made
String garlic
Potatoes, sweet
!Potatoes, per 100 pounds ....
Green onions
Lettuce. California, crate ....
: Cauliflower
Urussels sprouts
Parsnips, carrots and beets
Corn husks, lb
.... 6c
.. 10c
... 15c
7m 10c
... io
.. $1.75
.. 42.75
. 5,I0
.. $1.09
... $2.59
.. l2Vi8
, ,,, Oranges, navels
I ipmonH. iH'r onx
. $3.251)3.75
.... 5c
Can this advertisement make you think your home
needs a good PIANO?
I Total 8SI0 1107
Team average 033.
(1) (2) (3)
.lohnson 171 201 203
i Uicklev 147 180 185
Kompp 157 l!l!l 176
llaker 205 1XK 160
Patton 182 11)2 MM
193 :
The cobl weather has
? l-icrnons, -r
price ot eggs up u. cent and today gro- Bananas, round
cers arc paying 3:! cash and 35 cents in I California grape fruit S3.50
trade. I Florida grape fruit (5.00
While the regulation price for pota- Pineapple 8c
toes seems to be $1.75, yet for extra Honey $3.50
choice stock as high as $1.80 and $1.85 Cranberries $12.00
was paid last week. Commission men
say however, that $1.75 is the figure! Retail Prices
for the average run. I Eggs, dozen 40e
Bngar, cane
Totals .... 862 969 930 2766
Team average 922.
President's Address Causes
Flurry In Wall Street
Wheat $1.20(0-1.25
Oats, new 45(ii 47c
Bran - $28.50
Shorts, per ton $32
Hay, clover $12fel3
Huy, cheat fll
Hay, vetch $12
Huy, timothy $16
Butterfat 38c
Creamery butter, pat pound 4lc.
Country butter 28(a.32c
Eggs and Poultry
Eggs, trade m 35c
Eggs, cash 38c
Hens, pound J2e(aM4c
Sugar, beet
Creamery butter ..
Flour, hard wheat
Klour. valley
IF SO---Come and buy one from
GEN. C. WILL, 432 State Street, Salem I
New York, .Ian. 22. The New Vork
Evening Hun financial re iew toiluv
aud :
In the first hour of today's stock
market it became known that Pres
ident Wilson would address the senate
of the United Stntos on the subject of I Boosters, old, per pouud 9e
'our relations with foreign powers. Turkeys, live 19(u21c'
Stock prices at once dipped sharply, j Turkeys, dressed 23(a.25c ,
losses ranging from two to four points Ducks, live 12(uil4i j
or more. When it. wan Htatrrf that Mr. Oecse, live ll)12c
Pork, Veal and Mutton
of MM. the decline was n once I Pork, dressed 12la13c
i stayed, pud when the actual address
came to hand prices had recovered one
to two points. The upward movement,
however, was not vigorous, as the sub
I jeet of peace in itself is not yet of
sufficiently bullish influence to cause
a well detincd movement in tnnt oircc
Moreover, the market still
edlv professional.
Trading was quiet inrougnniii me ,.0urt room in Salem, Miiriou county
midday period while Wall Street was Orefdn. as the ti and place for hear
reading and digesting the president 'jjng objections thereto and the settle
utterances. The address did no! con ; m(.llt l) Bltj, ,.tate. Dated this l'.'tli
Pork, on foot 9e
1 Spring lambs 89c
' Notice is hereby given that the un
! dersigned has filed her final account
as administratrix of the estate of Hon
rv dreea, deceased, in the countv court
. .. of Minion county, Oregon, and sail
'''''' j court hus set Saturday, February 17th,
1917. at 10 o clock a. m. in the county
tain matter that would ordinarily at
feet the course, of prices materially.
Biif it was disturbing in some degree
to read of the president frequently
mentioning peace as a possibility in
dav of January, 1917.
Frank A. Turner, Attorney for Instate
Jan 15 to Feb. 12.
Portland, Dr., .Ian. 22.
Wheat, club $1.03
lied Russian $1.00
Bluest en $1.68
Fort vf old $1.05
Oats, Xo. 1 white f I $36.50
Barley, I I HO
Hogs, best live $10.85
Prime steers $8.50
Kancy cows $7.00
Calves $78
Spring lambs $12
(hitter, city creamery !IOc
Kggs, selected local ex. 38MiO
Hens 17fa)17.-jc
Broilers 20c
ilecse )2(a 13c
Yick So Tone
Has medicine which will ear
Any known Disease
Open Sundays from 19:00 a. .
until 8:00 p. as.
103 South High Street.
Oregon. Pbom B