THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. MONDAY, JAN. 22, 1917. Erected by Salem Workmen 77 OM OF HOLSUM AND TIP-TOP BREAD To Give Salem Better Bread Salem's New Home Industry Your Grocer Can Now Supply You With the Famously Delicious HOLSUM and TIPTOP BREAD Fresh From the Ovens of Your Thirty Thousand Dollar Bakery Built on a permanent foundation of hard spring wheat with rich ingredients, scientifically and automatically mixed, raised and baked to bring out the full food value while adding to creamy, nut-like taste of these justly famous breads. Sanitary shops and supervision assure you of the purity in baking as well as absolute cleanliness in delivery. Order a Loaf From Your Grocer-Youll Enjoy It Flags of all nations -handsomely re-produced in original colors on celluloid with gilt pin flag staff. One enclosed in every large wrapped Ho 1 sum Loaf, every other week. Start your collection today. You will know more about the flags of all countries while enjoying the delicious and economical large Holsum bread baked in your new bakery. and listensave two hours next Friday evening. Cherry City i Baking Co. i I I TELEPHONE I 1 1225 At Broadway and Market Sts., Salem, Ore. ! THREF