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REFORMING THE OTHER FELLOW While Salemites are shivering in the bright sunlight with the temperature only a few degrees below freezing point, the east is feeling real cheerful if the zero mark is not passed by the mercury as it hunts the cellar. Chicago reports the country "northwest" as being bliz zard swept and the snow from three inches to two feet SENATE PASSES (Continued from pace three, i salary of the county srhool snperinteii dent of Clackamas county, which was . - it m .. . . i v me 'UUiullliev un ell uea 1 inn . deep. Small streams are frozen solid and the ice extends whk.h reporteH it v,.k ,,ith lhr tertmi out in the big lakes as far as the eye can see. At Dallas, jmendatiou that it pass with amend Texas, a snowfall of several inches is reported, an un-1 ', wu pawed. The bin imre.se precedented occurrence. The weather bureau at Wash- j tbt froM 1000 to uo a "vww yi" ru. uu. rfiviiuv io mm1 sa i LEAK COMMITTEE TO EMPLOY COUNSEL E) ington forecasts warmer weather about Thursday, but this will be followed by a still colder spell. This may ap ply in the east but the sharps back there can guess but little about Oregon weather. While it may continue cold, it is not likely the thermometer will get down below about ' 'rib"tiou of the ,ho' ami, introduc.-d O) (1A 1 A . 1 Ul V : r ui i.am i- ui a, ur auuut eigui uegretrs ueiuw needing puiiu. No Witnesses Are Heard To day and Spectators Are The study of the workings of the mind, that is the collective mind of a people, is an interesting one ana ens searched for a whole day. This illustrates the keenness aries of the county officers of the new county nf Deschutes, referred to the committee on salaries and recommended for passage, was passed. Mouse bill Ko. 39, regulating the dis ihnt.i. r r . I, .. .... 1 I V 1 : . J .t -n n vr . j a J j . r . i oner. (1'nited IVess Staff Correspondent.) Washington, .Ian. 17. After arrang ing in executive session for exteudini; ! the life of the h..ue le.k eomniittee. that body adjourned until tomorrow without hearing any witnesses. n i;., ...:i. I a- '- note leaks, although they j ca,ion andccommcnde1 for i,aMaK. u the vr bottom of th, alleged leak The warrant servers could not find Mrs. Ruth Thomp son Visconti, the woman named by Lawson as giving himi plies, referred to th the lniorniation as to the ferrcd to the committee un education I and recommended for passage with amendments, was passed. House bill No. 51. by Representative Goocle, relating to bids for school sup- coinittee on edu- OUCH! LUMBAGO? Try Musterole. See How Quickly It Relieves You just rub Musterole in briskly, f and usually the pain is gone a delicious. .oothing comfort comes to take its place. Musterole is a clean, white otutnient, made with oil of mustard. Use it instead of mustard plaster. Will not blisler. Many doctors and nurses use Muster ole and recommend it to their patients. They will gladly tell you what relief it ' gives from sore throat, bronctutis, croup. ! stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, congestion. pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of the chest (it often prevente pneumonia). Always dependable. account oi apparent IiniinL'intv was referred to the committee on education Because the bill of Mr. Crandall con tained the same matter as EL B. No thought of looking address. in such place as that to find an t lliilliiimi other fellow with the weight of the public's morals on his mind, will let him. . The basis for this reformation and guardianship is the inherent idea that whatever we do is all right, and it is only what the other fellow does that is wrong. This trait is shown more strongly in regard to Sunday laws .1 nil . 11.-., and observance than any timer in s is a -ut-u, that his brother would "punch Lawson's head for him." "christian nation" and naturally this observance becomes !tw , , , , . , hrfttriprR ponsHerahle nUtocA nAitie mmer conditions. Time immemorial there has of scent on a hot trail these department officials have. always been an element in every country that made the Two minutes after her name had reached the newspaper i Representative Mackay moved tlmt ,r7 . . . ., ,i i nc:. " n vv : sn mu nil ;i i'ihss r s tr . iimii . """- u e,n morals and actions of the other leiiow ineir special mitui. "uZj r rr j u U I muidib un wvu 1 w1. ... i called her up on the phone, and while he could get no m- It is especially true in this country where our unlimited! formation f,,()m her ,earned that she would not talk and right to do as we please is our boast, and one not openly j stated that ghe would not testify before the committee. qualified by the admission that this is true only n tne j fjei. name was in the telephone book but the sleuths never Secretary McAdoo's brother, Malcolm, of New York, on hearing that Lawson had connected his and his brother s name with the leak scandal, expressed the hope a large question. That would no doubt cause both brothers considerable it would clear considered the Up to the last election uregon nan a lamei Minium : the scandal punching heads is not considered the blue law, under which, if strictly enforced, all businesses Ute op . thin gince proposals for a world peace were suspended except a few such as hotels, livery stables, disnnssftd. -Resides it is an argument that does .... j i 1. 1 1 and such. Now while this old law has been cuscarcieci, there are still many things that cannot be done on Sun day that in themselves are harmless. For instance: plays that are clean and gladly attended on week days are taboo on Sundays. There is an exception made in business affairs as to those whose religious beliefs cause them to observe some day other than Sunday, but for the fellow who has little or no religious belief, and there are many of them, there is no exception. We are not finding fault with these things but simply calling attention to them. The person who objects to Sunday baseball will get out his auto and joy ride "from early Sunday morning to late at night and think it is all right, yet in each case the ob ject is amusement; only the person with the auto thinks the fellow with the baseball uniform OB is desecrating the Snliharh. Not lontr a no we heard a man wno nau Deen fishing on hit ivf hnnte of the fact that it was Sunday. To catch fish on Sunday, was according to his views, perfectly proper, but to kill birds was little short of a crime. Our grandmothers, or theirs, tripped the stately minuet, and our mothers en joyed the rythmic waltz, but then as now there were those who believed that the dance of any kind brings one to the verge of ruin, and would stop it if they could. It was noi so iohj; tsiitve uw nuiuv- " o mi v..wv-..- , rWiJ but now-a-davs the violin is heard and enjoyed in . cityii tiui . nVlMWt! anA A' I Th,, allies have sent their reply to President Wilson, I!, S!X . "n , wl wiVh c: s is htTaboniin-1 and as far as can be learned the terms suggested on which till Hfc"1' "in" mv B - - , , , ation of desolation. The latter would be stopped by the mil hivivi'tl knows most anyone would be l 1 1 1 V CV'WV. t.ii - v are being discussed. Besides it is an argument that does not even convince the fellow whose head is punched, and in this case Lawson might prove the superior punch er. No one can doubt that he is putting punch in his testimony. The action of those misguided women in Washington who are picketing the white house and making a show of themselves, brings the blush of shame to every real friend of suffrage. Last year at election time these same eastern women came out wrest to tell the women who had achieved suffrage what they should do to achieve it for those back east, who by their actions are demonstrating they are unworthy of it. The government now has invested at or near Hum boldt Bav some $8,000,000. The investment was an in- be laid on the table rwd. First Reading of Bills The first rwuMna of senate hills m j taken Dp and bills 41. IS, IP, 4fi and 40 disposed (if. A image fm the senate UMOK ed that B, li. ."ill had been pnse,l by the Semite and that Senators Olsen nu,l Steiwer were appointed I tne coniereiicc to confer eoncernuur S t, . No. L'. amendment to which the senate refused to consider. A message also announced that S. J. M. No. was adopted by the senate. Bills Introduced The following bills were introduced in the house this morning: EL li. Ill bv Martin, extending lien j laws to taneikoelng debts. 11. It. 112 by Martin, extending lien i laws to harvesting debts. II. It. 113 by Mat-tin. extending lien lavs to labor pertoruied fiel.ls. II. li. 114 by Anih'rson, providing new code for building and loan asso ciat ions. it. 1!. Il" bv Stott, making mm-sup-port of wife or children a felony. II. IS. llli by Stafrin, to permit sum nMStag .jurors bv registered mail in stead of personal serviee. II. R, 117 by Clark, increasing bounty on coyotes to $8. ll. it. lis by Deschutes defecation, tixni" snlarv or district atlornev Deschutes countv at $1500 a vear. If. M. 1 19 by Thomas, makinfi fail ure to pay alimony II. li. 120 by Thomas, to prohibit commercial fishing in Eoffue river. If. I!. 121 bv (lore, making tendance of children between seven and lii years of age compulsory. H. I!. 122 bv (lore, fixing capita' . . j-, -- ... I I I. I Jll I 0lllV. WU.UWV.V the slough complained that there had been a j voluntary one, and was caused by the sinking of a sub ertl hanging away across ine rivei reKuWa marine and soon after .i i o rn f flcV, nn tin ml civ . . ... by the wreck of the cruiser Mil waukee that was lost in trying to save the diver. Peace propositions so far seem to be confined to the statement that the other fellow started it. Still so long as the parties will even talk of peace there is seme hope of it materializing, though that looks pretty thin just now. lionowl tin. phps nnti checkers and make it a crime to mention them. This last statement shows that "some folks are willing to reform the others." The famous "hone dry" bill has at last materialized, end is before the house, it being introduced Tuesday by representative Anderson. It has an emergency clause, but at this writing it being sent to the printer cannot be given in full or even a synopsis of it made. It should re turn from the printer some time today. It is understood however, that it does not contain a search and seizure clause, but has an emergency proviso that will make it effective so soon as it is signed by the governor. The pope will not make any efforts toward peace other than to pray for it. The warring nations do not seem to object to interference in their affairs so long as no other power than God is asked to take a hand. Evidently they are not strongly impressed with the belief that He will pay much attention to prayer, as both sides are, and have been since the war started, asking divine blessing on the work of killing the other fellows. After the prohibition bill has been passed maybe the work of the legislature will not seem so dry. thev would consider peace are such that Germany will not accept them unless forced to do so, and that means the war will go on. The steamer Kilburn had such a load of booze aboard on her last trip that it is a wonder she made port. Searchers so far have found 1,569 quarts and the search is not ended. THE AGENT LADD & BUSH. Bankers Established 1868 CAPITAL $500,000.00 Transact a General Hanking Business Safety Deposit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT I do not wish to buy your book, oh, agent at the door; I do not need a shepherd's crook, nor salve to neal a sore. And if I did I'd hie me down along the village street, and buy of men who boost the town, pay taxes, and repeat. I took a ride the other day, in my new pasteboard car, and saw, along the right of way, men toiling, near and far. They're building up a thorough fare in which we take much pride, and soon like streaks of lightning there our motor ears will elide. They're grading down the j white as a ghost " -i. Lin. J , . i J J J ,1 inttora win y , sieeper nins, ana onaging creens ami uIi, ujiu wuu iBiif x ngk von ! paying up the bills? Who is the Santa Claus ! The agent I from some parts unknown, the smiling gent like you, was I never known to cough a bone, to put such projects scandal, tho eomniittee voted to ask i the house for an apYropriition, for per mission to employ counsel and account ; ants and to extend the life of the in- iqoiry thirty ilays. i ,,i The additional information I.awson'sh yesterday claimed to have from Mis. Visconti, which he wanted to divulge privately, it was learned today, bore ou the source of Mrs. Viscnnti's in formation. She informed Lawson where she learned her alleged news and this was mIimI be wanted to tell the part of committee in secret. I tie resolution or counsel ami ac-i-ountants carried after members on both sides had aired their views f Lawson and of the investigation in general. A sigh of real disappointment came f r in the hearing room, jcickcd with sensation fans, mostly women, whei they found themselves robbed of their prospective day of terillt. Mrs. Kuth Thomas Visconti, nivstei ious woman witness missing until last s ' ' t.i i 1 i ... ...li ...I,... harvest f 1' was hwm i m nu.n, u nm tiling, she knows about a leak and c big ileanup there from. Officers of the sergeant at arm1! M- Ml fice had exacted a pledge from her 1o appear whenever the committee ant her. Meantime thev proposed tli'it should not escape their ViriSfUe- 1 ion. Many uituesse.- MM on hand -ejdy I to testify. The committee plans to call Mrj. Visconti at an early moment. They I expect to analyze much of lev lift I story while dragging out her ill ged I story quoted by Lawson to the u'lict j that W. V. Price, uewspe,ieriii.in, ! shared t'o the extent 'of $o,0(Kl in leak j profits as a go-betuen; for Scctet iry . Tumulty and o'hers. Charles Evans llu',h'-r., 'ate repu'di ; can party candida'e. Sanui"! I'nter ! myer and Charles '.V. Lehman mo i among those suggested for the co'nn.it i tee ' counsel. When Pou pi-JS'nt'd his ies..lntie New Bills in Senate The following bills were introduced in the senate yesterday afternoon: S. 1!. 73 by I'urrell, providing for the sterilization of sexual perverts and feeble minded. S. B. 74 by Pnrrell, providing for placing of liens on automobiles and of i cessories. S. 1!. 7fi by Karrell. providing for transportation ot convicts to the pent- officers. for counsel the-. wan a sputtef if dis cussion immediately. (epresentat'v?s on both sidw begaa talk, economy ind Id object to any enormous fees f r th" proposed coir Kcpri'sentative Moore interjected it might be advisable to get such a man as Charles Evans Hughes as counsel while the democrats shouted: "'Who is hef" From the republican side came a sug gestion that it might be well to have, a special committee ''because one of the rules committee members is in volved" meaning supposedly the fact that Thomas V. Lawson has named Henry as his informant. Howard, democrat, objected strenu ously to employment of 1'ntermyer. A democrat suggested Howard eoui- ontenint of eonrt. i tentiarv by state is. li. Hi ny Jiarrett, oy request, per mi ft ins optometrists who have passed hool at-! examinations in other states to lie ail- huent on Hughes. mitted to practice in Oregon without JJy mother always taught me to further examination. speak resecptf ullv of the dead, so I s. 11. 77 by Huston, appropriating wont sav anvthlhe about 'him.- stock of title guaranty companies and; $7,730 tor maintenance of permanent title insurance companies according to population. H. I!, ll'.'! by Kowe, empowering coun ty courts to establish sinking fund tot payment of municipal bonds when i n1 nicipalities fail to do so. II. I!. 12f by Howe, providing for ex tension of port district boundaries be yond county limits. II. B. by Kowe, limiting time dur ing which action may be brought to test validity of port district organiza I ions. II. I!. I2ti bv Childs. advancing sal ary of state printer from ilsOO $''4llil a year, and providing for em ployment of secretary of state printing board at 12400 a year. II. 1. 1-7 by Tichenor, penalizing ex posure of paroled prisoner. CASTOR I A Fir Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of xhibit of products and resources ot Oregon. 8. IJ. 78 by GUI. Limiting working hours of women in manufacturing es tablishments, etc, to eight hours per day and 4S hours per week, subject to powers of industrial welfare commis sion. S. 11. 79 by QUI, making labor jay B school holiday. House Bills Tuesdny p. m. The following bills were introduced in the house: II. B. 106 by Laugaard, Fixing the to terms of school directors in districts of more than 100,000 population. H. 11. 107 by tlriggs, Fixing semi monthly pay days for employes of pri vate concerns. II. li. 10S by Thomas, regulating in spection of orchards and places hnnd lin" orchard products, and declaring infected trees, shrubs and plants to be public nuisances. H. B. 109 by Gordon, providing for establishment and maintenance of state public school and appropriating $7.'(.iiilo annually therefor. H. H. HO by' Brand, exempting vet erans of Indian and Spanish wars 'from payment of fishing and hunting licenses Howard retorted, howled. while the democrats POLICEMEN LETTER CARRIERS DRIVERS and other workers who must have enduring strength, take scorn EMULSION to build up and keep up their health. Surely it will do as much lor you, but insist on SCOTT S, Scott & Bowse, Bloomtkld, N. I. 16-tS raw HUSBAND AND1BI MILDRED QUESTIONS CLIFFORD CHAPTER t'XXlll. I made up my mind to'iollow Muriel's advice. To ask Clifford to tell me the liKAl. truth of the Chicago episode why don't you ask her, instead of com-1 love lasted so short a time? I alwava iU?.iwViV i h i n ! 'h"!f1it Clifford must have loved me "I WlU. ask her, unless vou tell me. I , , . , Kvervone knows and talks of your in -Pmu uv u,mw elst' y did he about which Kate Jordoii knew so much, j fatuation for her; and in the same.' I brought him no fortune. ind I so little. So 1 waited with fear i breath they discuss yoni neglect of your1 Why should so brief a time chance a r him to come homo. I wife and child. And" man from a devoted lover to n .-nlH - ueglecttnl husband 7 I looked back and tried to see where- and trerabUnir for Would he be angry, and go into a rage, "HTOP! Clifford thundered, "And as he so often did? Or would he cold ! let me tell you that if you DARE mo ly refuse to answer me. as he also fre- to Mabel Horton with any ot your non- in I had failed. It certainly was not be quently did? ; sense, you n re sorry as long as you live., cause J had neglected any of the little tie came in just as uinner was reuoy. u uu ncn mm iuu nouiun i oo sucn I couldn't cat a bite and it seemed tola fool!" worry him. "I am growing older all the time, "I hope you are not going to be ill i Clifford and. wiser." I quietly re again," he remarked when 1 refused to! spouded. But it took all the will power be helped, "we have had sickness j 1 possessed to keep from sobbing, enough." I "Not so one can notice it," he sneed- No, 1 shan't lie ill, I replied, eo. i neu more angrily tnan He had vet that is-rif 1 can avoid it." "Going without your food isn't try iub verv hunt, ne reiiea "Depends on what you ash. "Will vou tell mo where when I tried to get you in Chieng. vou wore with." , i ml i , , t . j 1 1 1 J iiu. i l luaiir no ...iiwuvu. ! tnrougn. l ne local business men must Dear sucn Duraens v0)1 or ,ayoI. i toid you that once be ion their backs; they pay for bridge and thoroughfare ;f''-'- ,,o(B : when they dig up their tax. And so when I am needing But Clifford I have a right to know. 'prunes the merchants of this grad will get my hard- i iu W" 7hn.t 1 p' abou '; r . .. . , .1 and Mabel Horton I Are you Koine to eameU PlCaVUneS, VOU Liet yOUr lla, my laCl. C0, tO tne explain her presence in Chicago with 'her," and he distinctly nloiu ft-om u lii,.!, i-cvii noma fktl arrant emnnth witniT. T voat" I door w hen he wet out "B'C"U"' " "v"v rT -j- ..!- elpl8in HOthinK! If you are so I do not need your quilting frame, nor patent duplex chum, anxious to know Mrs. Horn's business uiceties ot me. My home was well kept; I was always since that first year becomingly dressed. I had tried to improve my mind as well as my man ners; had conformed in many things to his ideas. Clifford hadn't much sentiment. That I had d.'cided long ago. Had I felt there was no other woman, that his business was his real interest, I should have borne his neglect without a murmur. But midnight suppers, poker parties, confidence before the fire-place at Mabel Horton 's as Kate Jordon had i"11"' 'o me, wore more than anv ! spoken: "Once for all Mildred, and :this is final- 1 WILL NOT be ones- You're as tioned as to my actions. I nderstand. I WILL NOT! If you aren't pleased here on tell me something; why didn f you stay south. I told vou j to atay as long as you pleased. A fine place home is to uie, wheu I have to be i i. .... ' ou Werr U"4 " ''" ..ooui ine simp- woman could patiently bear. He might icngo. whoj 'est thing I do! I had intended to re-1 as well be in love with her whether ha ..... ... ...U.U. yui uim i soan n i . ,, . t . . . p to i out. ne nuisneu as ne n table. "To spend the time with Mrs. Hor ton? I askrd, becaust it. "With her. or anyone I choose. Since was or not if he was soimr tn snoni hi. from the time with her. More miserable than ever I had been I weut to bed at 11 nVL.olr a,i .1,.. eonldn't help I finally slept I dreamed that Kdith ana 1 were drowning, and thnt wo Kail. and be langhed at us. ed to Clifford, you have suggested it, it shall be with! but swum u.ki u.... -Ti slammed the i her away in his arms. Thoughts. Left alone I wondered whv a man" (Tomorrow- Leonard Brooke baked.) is Unre-