3 SIX THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY. JAN. 10, 1917. III. :iim i TF you want the best pipe tobacco on earth, just travel around lookin for it, then drop into the shop on the next corner an9 ask for some VELVET. HTHERE Is No Better Pipe To A bacco than Velvet. We hon estly believe that. Smoker after smoker has told us so. Before you agree or disagree, we ask you to put Velvet to any test that will con vince you personally. Velvet is the best Kentucky Burley tobacco the variety American pipe smokers have agreed to be the world's finest pipe tobacco and the natural qualities of this tobacco have been brought to perfect maturity by two years of ageing in wooden hogsheads. We challenge ycu to compare Velvet to-day with any pipe tobacco at any price ? 10c Tins 5c Metal-lined Bags One Pound Glass Humidors It: Bags m: f - McBnie Becomes Chief Justice of Court Today; Deciaots Are Rendered .Tiistii-? MeBrid. Tucadav Iwik the chair of Chief Justice of the mpreine court of Oregon and Attorney Wallace McCauiaat, of Portland, who was ap pointed recently l.v (iovcrnor Withv combc to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Justice Kn km. as cended the bench and this afternoon his sitting in his first case as a su preme judge in Oregon. A rearrangement of the department of the supreme court was also an nounced, which is as follows: Depart ment Number One. or law department, Justices Burnett. Benson and Harris; department Number Two. or equity department, Justices Moore. Bean and McCament. The first case before Justice Mc Cament is that of Madis Pnabo against Anto H. Hanson, in which Allan R. Joy of Portland is appearing for the appellant and Buy O. Smith of Hnlem for the respondent. The ease is ap pealed from Lincoln county. Four decisions were handed down by the court this morning, and are as follows: H. K. Bott, respondent, against Har riett Campbell, et ttl., appellants; ac tion to reform a written contract; ap peal from Umatilla county, Judge Phelps; affirmed by Judge Bean. Lulu B. White, adtnx. estate .lames R. White, deceased, respondent, against Kast Side Mill & Lumber Co., appel lant; appeal from Multiioiilah county, Judge McGinn; motion to affirm judg ment of lower court overruled by Judge Burnett, Alexander Christie, as Roman Cath olic archbishop of Oregon, respondent, against City of Bandon. and W. H. Webb, appellants; apieal from Coos county, Judge Coke; action to enjoin city from exenvaiing on land for im provement of a street; decree of circuit court affirmed by Justice Moore; Mc Bride and Benson concur. A. E. Mitchell, respondent, against W. (. Howell, appellant; appeal from Multnomah county, Judge Davis; aa tion to recover on contract for serv ices: judgment affirmed, per curiam. One German Faction Amb'd'r Gerard's Recall G Auier- t ; T Sport News F UP FOR IK LEAGUE Victory of Last Night Puts Big Minnesotan In Heavy weight Class Baltimore bantam's blows found their mark and Herman was in distress on two occasions. Williams was the favorite in the bet ting and when Rocamp raised Pete's hand the house sat spellbound. Jack Moran Wins. St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 30. Jack Moran won from jack Geyer in 12 rounds in the roughest battle -seen here in years. The heavies got so roughly enthusiastic that three policemen were called into the ring to separate them in the final round. Commission Prevents By H. C. Hamilton. (United Press staff correspondent.) New York, Jan. 10. Fred Fuiton, "Minnesota southpaw, is in the big league today. His manager, Frank Force, has everything lined up for the luge plasterer to pull off two more bouts in New York and then.beat it for Havana, where Fulton expects to meet Frank Moran in a scheduled 40-round tussle. Fulton reached security in the big fight league last night when he heaved his left over Tom Cowler's jaw and the alleged "concrete crusher" knocked off work for the night. It happened in the first round. Jimmy Johnson had been hurling in structions across the ring to Cowler, who had become considerably confused Washington, Jan. 10 The Texaco and ;by the number of gloves that iulton the Gulf Oil companies, "follow the nersisted in sticking in his eves but ! StanrUr.l fill nmT,amr" ; .... ;.,,. .i,,.;- when Fulton reached over with the left ( prices, but no actual evidence has been book Jimmy fainted. (adduced to show any "aggreemcnt to The blow that started the finish, ac- maintain prices" between the three, the Amsterdam, Jan. i). Press of what American Ambasadoi said at the recent banouel of tl ican Association of Commerce and Trade have aroused violent denunciation from the advocates of ruthless subma- rinings, according to Berlin dispat today. Count Von Reventlow, leading advo- : cate of the Von Tirpitz, system ot un- I limited use of submarines, was quoted' in these dispatches as declaring that the American ambassador "must have lost j all sense of diplomatic propriety in thus 'meddling in Germany's fairs." Other leaders gjC the Von- Reventlow type were said to be urging a demand by Germany for Gerard 's recall, on the ground that his expressions ot opinion ' as to the continuance in office of eer j tain German leaders of the conciliatory 1 group exceeded his prerogatives." That part or Gerard's speech to which the Von Tirpitz adherents violently ob jected, as reported by the official press' bureau and sent out by wireless, read: "Never since the beginning of the war have the relations between Ger many and ttie united mates oecn as cordial as now I personally am convinced that as long as Germany's fate is directed by such men as my friend, the chancellor and Dr. Hellferieh and Dr. Solfsi by Admirals Von Capelle, Haltzendorff and Von Mueller; by Gen erals Von Hindenburg and Ludendorff and, last, but not least, by my friend, Zimmerman, the relations between the two countries are running no risk." THAT BADBACK Do you have a dull, steady ache in the small of the back sharp, stabbing twinges when stooping or lining dis tressine urinary disorders? For bad back and weakened kidneys Salem res idents recommend Doan's Kidney Pills Read this Salem man 'a statement. Joseph Wiut, retired blacksmith, 608 High St., Salem, says: "My back nnd kidneys bothered me. My kidneys were disordered and my back seemed to lose strength. Short use of Doan 's Kidney Pills soon put me right." (Statement given December 12, 1912.) On April 11, 1916, Mr. Wint said: "My opinion of Doan's Kidney Pills is just the same today as it was when I gave my first endorsement. I haven't had any of that former trouble for several years and I give them credit for bringing such lasting results." Price 50c at all dealers. Don't simp ly ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the game that Mr. Wint has twice publicly recommended. Fos-ter-Milbum Co, Props., Buffalo, N. Y. SALE EXTRAORDINARY $6, $7, and $8 EXTRA 17 O 17 17 PANTS " IvH.Il. With each Three-Piece Suit ordered we will give you an extra pair of Pants absolutely Free. The enormous increase in the cost of woolens makes this offer of greater im portance than ever. Every Suit made to order, guaranteed to fit, and give absolute satisfaction, with the same High Grade All-Wool Materials, same High Class Workmanship, style and finish we have always maintained. Comprising all the new fabrics for Spring, Serges, Worsteds, Cassimeres, Chev iots, Tweeds and Novelties, and you get an EXTRA PAIR OF PANTS FREE from same cloth as your suit, or something different as you desire. Come at Once as This Sale Is for a Limited Time Only Get an Extra Pair of Pants FREE 1 save a CWOUM Ten Spot SSSS0 Higher Gasoline Price! Shipbuilding Plant For City of Tacoma tajud sjjppnjs SWT1CO 4-4 loaivx V P cording to Fulton, was a short right federal trade commission will declare in dav bv Chester Thornc of the hand uppercut, -which landed on the, its casoline renort to be presented to ' -, rn.jjj oi.ii.m.ii . i-wW' chin fWlAr fld !. KM .t- x.. tt-1 Ki :?'I'uu.b fv"v " " -" , . Ullfll to, j u . . . m . UCAl TVCVn, L11U V 111' was an easy mark for a smashing left, ted Press learned today, hook that put him down for nine. Bis- Whether a "combination" exists be ing, he ran into a fusillade of rights ; tween the many subsidiary companies and lefts which left him sprawling on! of the Standard, it was not stated, other the lower rope ot the ring wmle the ; than that the Magnolia companv is "connected with the Standard. An increase of 10 cents a gallon in gasoline was "prevented by the com mission's investigation," congress will be told. , referee counted him out. Bantamweight Champion. New Orleans, Jan. 10. Peter Her man, New Orleans streak, today wears the bantamweight champion crown by virtue of Eeferee Billy Rocamp 'g de cision after 20 rounds of fighting with Kid Williams, who entered the ring champion last night. There was considerable comment on the decision, many at the ringside giv- j Tacoma, Wash., Jan. 10. This city lis soon to become the largest ship building center on the Pacific, coast, according to plans outlined here to- recent ly and Dry- dock company. Several destroyers anil a scout cruiser for the United States navy will comprise the first construc tion work of the company, Thorne says Preliminary work on the big $1,000, 000 plant, located on the tidcflnts, will begin within the next few weeks. Salem Rifle Club Elected New Officers B. W. Macy, city attorney, was last evening elected president of the Salem Rifle club for the coming year. Other officers chosen to serve with Mr. Macy were: Fred J. Rosenberg, secretary; K. B. Millard, treasurer; H. V. Doe, executive officer; Henry Frccland, range officer. The records of the club show that among its members are twenty who have qualified as marksmen, one as sharpshooter and one as expert rifle man. During the year 6,220 rounds' of ammunition have been fired. The military course for target shooting has been adopted by the club whereby a man's standing as a marksman is es tablished by his highest score at nny time. The club is preparing for several competitive shoots and teams are al ready being organized. These contests will take plac at the headquarters of the club in the old armory' over the city hall. Bernard Baruch Denies He Received Tip" Washington, Jan. 10. Bernard Ba ruch, New York stock broker, who was mentioned as having profited through the leak to Wall Street on the presi dents "peace note," this afternoon de nied he had been tipped regarding the note. Baruch told the. house probers he had no information "from anyone in the administration or from anyone else in the world concerning President Wil son's note or Bethmann-Hollwcg's speech, except that carried in the house press. ' ' Baruch explained he began selling when the ticker said in substance " Llovd-Georgc refuses German peace, but leaves the door open." A slump then, he believed, was natural. STRIKERS GET NEW SCALE BUFFALO BM DIES (Continued from page one.) HEARST SUIT POSTPONED New York. Jan. 10. The news piracy injunction suit brought by the Assocint j ed Press against Harst's International : TCewa '- r. .. nan t .. ... t I 11 , . I Itntit T. n, ( ing Williams 10 rounds with four even, i Tuepdav at th TP(fwnt 'of Hearst's law- vers, when called up for argument be- and the remaining six to the Crescent City boy. Williams was the aggressor throughout but Herman had little trou ble evading his blows. Herman's wal lops carried the most steam and he scored two knockdowns. Some of the fore Judge Hand in the federal district court here today. ! ! STEEL ORDERS HEAVY New York, Jan. 10. Unfilled orders on the bonks of the United Htate:, Hteel corporation reached another new hih record December 31, an increase of 488.744 tans over the record set in November. The company's unfilled ton nage report today showed 11, 547, 28H ton( unfilled orders on the books December 31, aprninst 11,058,542 on November 30. Portland, Ore., Jan. 10. If striking employes of the Northwest Hteel com pany will return to work, they will re ceive the same sca'e of wages as is paid at the Union Iron Works, Han Francisco, according to the statement today of i President J. R. Bowles. Home of tho I strikers demand that the Beattle scale be paid. It is slightly higher. f'hicago. Automobile bandits, who raided a drusstore, paid no attention to the cash drawer, but compelled tho ; druggist to give them 100 morphine tablets. of the west that is now forever gone. To a handful of friends who knew him in the early days lie was dear because of deeds with which they were familiar-. But to tho great majority of Aniejicr.ns he was known through vague stories of the past and very realistic deeds of the present, under Hie "big top." The most romantic figure left over from the thrilling days of Indian fights and clatfhaa with white renegades u figure at uce the ideal and despair of every red blooded boy in Americu; rem nant of an organization that once roam ed the plains of the fast, vanishing wild west, disappeared with his death. He killed his first Indian when he was only 1J years old, wniio he was with a troop of United States soldiers on their wav from Lawrence, Kansas, to IHah. Young Cody was only 10 whun he left Iowa and went with his father and mother and seven sisters ami brothers to Kansas. Isaac Cody, his father, was forced to leave when he became too ard ent as a champion of anti-slavery. Cody wasn't a soldier long. He left soon after the return from Utah to em bark on an unsuccessful mining expedi tion in the vicinity of Pikes Peak. He broke his ankle on this trip aud spent 29 days alone while his partner, Dave Harrington, rode 128 miles on a horse to get help. He was visited by a warring party of Indians, who would have scalped him if ho had not recog nized tht chief Cody served in the Civil war, first aa a horse buyer for the government, then as a guide to Colonel Clarke, command ing the Ninth Kansas volunteers, and then as-an enlisted man in the Heventb Kansas volunteers. He gained his nickname in 1807 when he killed 4,280 buffaloes while under a contract to supply a Kansas Pacific railroad gang with buffalo meat. f'ody wi.s rtorn February 20, 1840, in Hcott county, Iowa. Two of the worst points in the Mex ican situation are that Villa is as bad as he looks and Carranza is not so good as he looks. Instant Relief with a Small Trial Bottle of Old "St. Jacob's Oil" Kidueyj cause Hm knche .' N'o! They have no nerves, therefore can not cause pain. Listen! Your backache is caused by lumbago, sciatica or a strain, and the quickest relief is soothing, . pene trating "Ht. Jacobs Oil." Rub it right on your painful buck, and instantly the Mireness, stiffness and lameness disap pears. Don't stay crippled! tlet a small trial bottle of "Ht. Jacobs QttM from your druggist and limber up. A mo ment after it is applied you'll wonder what became of the backache or lum bago pain, Rub old, honest "Ht. Jacobs Oil'' whenever you have sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism or sprains, as it is abso lutely harmless und doesn't burn the skin. For a quiet game of Pocket Billiards, a good cigar ir the latest Sporting News, call at The Up to Date Billiard Parlor 437 SUte. When the great war broke out Fng lund was forcibly feeding suffragettes. When the war iH over, will she merely begin where she left offt One Dollar Damages Awarded by Court Jury The ,u.iry in the case of Hkngeii vs. I'lvestad, returned a verdict late yes terday afternoon, awarding ouo duluir in damages to the plaintiff. Malicious prosecution in connection with the case brought in the justice court, in which tho plaintiff in the present case was charged with the theft of a horse, was the basiH of tho present trial. It was claimed by the defense that instead of stealing the horse, Mr. Hkagen had taken the animal with the owner's con sent. Wonder if people forget their last year's automobile number as fast as they forget their old telephone num ber! TRY JOURNAL WANT ADS TIME TO SPRAY THE ORCHARDS We sell Lime-Sulphur Spray by the barrel. If wanted in smaller quantity, bring your own cans. The Soluble Sulphur Spray Powder is very conven ient to use. Also, have lime by the barrel, or in bulk. D. A. WHITE & SONS Phone 160 251-261 State Street TPV rATTOAI Wjff ADS