Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 09, 1917, Page SIX, Image 6

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Fifty-eight per clock-tick
Every time the cteck ticks, fifty-eight Fatimas
are lighted somewhere in the United States. No
other high-grade cigarette has so many un
changing, unswerving friends.
This shows that men do appreciate cigarette
Domfort For, Fatimas are comfortable. Not only comfortable while,
you smoke, but. more than that, comfortable after you smoke
-even though you may smoke the whole day through.
The Fatima Turkish blend is so carefully balanced that
it has none of the after-effects of heavier, less skilfully
blended tobaccos. That's why Fatimas are comfortable (hence,
sensible) as your first package will prove.
(Ljjltj(yu356aeco (Sr.
Tex Rickard Must Complete
Arrangements Today Or
Its All Off
By ii C. Hamilton
(United Press staff correspondent)
New ork, .Ian. 9. I.es Darey "a ul
timatum to Tex lii. kar.l, demanding
that a mutch lie made for him, which
was announced in a statement to the
I'nitcd Press Saturday night, will ex--o
today, according to n statement of
Tim O Sullivan, who is looking .after
Darcv 'a business intercsls.
DUtM Kicknrd gives assurance tliatj
George Carieutier, the French cham
iion, will MM here for a bout in the
near future, other arrangements will lie!
O 'Sullivan, in making this statement,
said he believed Itickard would con
sent to another match. Darcv has been
idle a long time, he declared and wants
to get to work.
Rickard has no arena in which to
tega the bout, nor lias he announced
any dans for any match other than
the one with (arpentier. If he is plan
ning to profit from Darcy's first en
counter in til's country, it will be nec
essary for him to first obtain a suit
able Arena.
Parry has been going through daily
workouts and declares himself in bet
ter health than he was in Australia. It
would take only a short time for him
to reach the veiv best condition, he be
lieves, and he wants to show the Amer
ican public what he can do.
Rickard is out of the city today, but
will return tonight, whan Darcv and
0 'Sullivan expect his answer.
10 for
Virgo ts Stopped Attell
New Orleans. Jan. it. Phil Virgets,
local fealherweight, stopped Abe At
itell, former world's champion, in the
lourth round ot their light before tasl
New Orleans Athletic club Inst night.!
Attell, one of the cleverest ring gen-i
erals ot his day, collapsed Ironi ex
haustion early in the fourth round
He was unconscious five minutes.
Judge P. . D'Arcy's Tribute to the
Memory of Honorable David W. Craig
While we were absent from Salem
during the past few weeks, (lu re pass
ed away a pioneer resident of our city
and state, and one who took a promi
nent part in the history of OrOgOtl, Hon
orable David W, Craig, lie occupied a
conspicuous place in our pioneer set
tlement. Of all the brilliant and no
(able characters who
tout in tin' days wlu
to reach here, not on
superior in literary a
I iMiuciits. I'epriv eti
pi instnuc
a ut ages
enine to thi sec
i it was difficult
of them was his
id Intellectual at
on account of i ir-
ind environment of the ml
f the schools in his younger
days, by his indomitable will and per
sistence, ho acquired a literary knowl
edge unsurpassed by any of his con
temporaries. The welfare of the uu
lion and this state wns the special ob
ject f liis private ami public life. His
reputation and character form a strik
ing part of the pioneer, as well as the
more recent history of Oregon. He warn
one of the choice and admirable citi '
ens of pioneer day. Mr, Craig WH
(Ml ardent nnd loyal patriot, a friend i
and admirer of Abraham Lincoln with !
whom he was acquainted and froml
whom, no doubt, he imbibed the spirit j
of his splendid patriotism. He wns at
all times true to his friends, honor and
integrity being his eminent I'liimicter
iBtics. When the political future of
his beloved Oregon was threatened by
designing and unscrupulous politicians,
his voice and pen were devoted to the
cause of the people.
My acquaintance with him extended
over many years and the intense admir
ation ( had for him began when we
were associates in his own printing of-'
tice. In later years that admiration
and good opinion, formed when a boy.
never changed. He lived a long and
useful life, without pretense, and was
a firm believer in all that tends to en
noble and snnctify humanity,
Mr. Craig's modesty and retiring na
ture prevented him from occupying
many public places in the history of
our shite, lie would not contend nor
Mazie Colbert Murder Mys
tery Is Still Worrying
Philadelphia, Jan. 9. Miss P.essie
Colbert, sister of Mazie Colbert, mur
dered stocking and corset model, and
Thomas 1!. Smith, mayor of Philadel
phia, were linked today in the efforts
to force a complete "solution of the
mystery which was believed cleared
when Bernard Lewii killed himself.
Prominent society . men, clubmen,
cafe habitues again are anxiously scan
ning headlines. The mystery of Mazie
Colbert 's death is just as much a mys
tery -tis ever, and while the police de
clare they have no reason for believ
ing Bernard Lewis did not kill the
are prosecuting vig
the slayer. The re
nt the direct order
A Polish that will make your old gas
stove new, keep your new gas stove
For outside os gas range, for new ovens,
for old ovens
Can be put on in a few seconds
Something New Just Received
Price 50 cents
f The Gas Company
State and Commercial Sts.
pretty model, tin
orously a hunt f
! uewoil activity
; of Mayor Smith.
Itessie Colbert today issued a state
! meat in which she declared her be-
lief in Lewis' innocence, adding that
! she had ideuliiefd several articles pre
suniiildy connecting him with the crime,
j Among other things, a bunch of keys
j she found did not belong to her sister,
she said. The police declare her iden-
I ttfi cation of articles
, greatlv had they b
Mike Doolan Gets Job
New York, Jan. 9. Mike Doolan
former shortstop tor the Phillies and'
formerly with the Baltimore and Chi-1
cago Federal league clubs, has signed a
contract to manage the Rochester In
ternational league club. He has been
with the Giants since the Federal lea
gue went out o existence.
A Minnesota Match
New York, Jan. !b Fred Fulton, Min
nesota heavyweight and Tom Cowler
will meet in a scheduled 10 round bout
here tonight.
portance to the letters, believing they
have been written with hope of finan
cial gain through Lewis' father.
Wenman A. Lewis, father of Bernard
Lewis, it was reported today, has
found a man who will swear he saw
Hernard crawl through a window in
the model's apartment Friday night.
This, according to Lewis, proves his
son, Bernard, was not in the room
when the murder was committed.
Up to Lewis Family.
Pittsburg, Pa., Jan. Many points
essential to clearing up the Colbert
mystery in Philadelphia will depend
upon what the family of Wenman A.
Lewis can learn from two men known
to them as B. G. Brown of Cleveland
and J. L. Marshall of Philadelphia or
New York.
Representatives of the family
prosecuting search for those men
On Sunday, Brown wrote to tlu
Lewis family, from Cleveland, using
Statler hotel stationery, saying that
he and a friend witnessed the escape of
.n man from the apartment of Mazie
Colbert, in the Wilton nnd directed the
Lewis family" to telephone him for
further information at 1S8. Bast
Seventeenth street, Cleveland, suite 17.
instead, the family sent two men to
see Brown personally.
Two others went to locate Marshall
who was named by Brown as his com
is in
the east.
days ago.
i Anonymous lett
over the country
lice department,
slate the writers
that Bernard Lew
Golberk Some of
j cities so far west
Impossible for him
i City in time to 1
day he did.
j The police are
What Salesman Saw.
Cleveland, Ohio, Jan. !). A Cleve
land salesman was found today who
saw the murderer of Mazie Colbert
leap from her window. Be declared
ho could identify the man positively
but that he will not say until tonight
would have helped whether Hernard W. Lewis w
eu announced ten
meet represent
fnmil vtonight at
he will tell all he
ts from persons all
are flooding the po
These missives de
have absolute proof
s did not kill Mazie
these place Lewis in
it would have been
to go to Atlantic
ill himself on the
ittaching little Ira
The st
tives of
10:30 nt
lesman wui
the Lewis
which time
For personal
this time allow
knows about the ease
reasons he will not at
the use of his name.
" stopped the,nian as he tried to
run past me,"' said the salesman, "and
asked him 'what's the matter'
" 'Oh. I 'm iust having a little fun,'
man sanl anil urone nna.
o carried his overcoat mi
and appeaed excited, the sa
r his
"I studied diagnnis
apartments as shown
of the Wilton
in newspapers
ind determined that the Window trom
which the man leaped was of the apart
ment in which the girl was killed.
'I can identify the man positively,
but won't do it at this time.'' he said.
struggle for office. His was a ehnrar-
liter that would not cringe or fawn for
power, lie wns tree from the arts and
triekenr.of the demagogue. He did
I not assume a know ledge of matters, of
I which he was wholly ignorant. Bis ex
cellent and manly qualities appealed
to all who had a proper respect for
' the best that is in this world, lie lived;
the simple life in every way Be was
la devoted husband, good, kind ;uul in i
. i .... :.......a:...-r
j event for one to visit him at his home, win a cnuu wno is i uuuuw u, .v. ,
land observe him surrounded by ins cheeks ot thin blood, wno win nesuate
books the classics being his dearest to E;ve that child the very thing itneeds
and favorite com: unions. He was a . j k :t :nj
veritable en, v, to, edi:, of fft. and tig t it growing and keep It going
lures. ree from guile and deception. Foroverfortyyearstheconcentrated
he hes'ded in our midst respected and liquid-food in Scott's Emulsion has !
honored by all. His life was one thai been changing thinness to plumpness ;
of our state.
My vivid remembrance of his manv
tacts of kindness, lis well as his lofty
ideals, prompt me to offer this iniper
I feet tribute to his memory, of our do
.parted friend nnd neighbor it enn be I
: tmthfullv nid:
"His life was gentle: and the elements j
I So mixed in him that nature might,
stand up
I Ami say to all the world. 'This was a
Iman' "
P, H. D'AltCY.
Thousands of bargains in Men's, Women's, Boys'
and Children's Shoes the bargain basement.
Men's Work Shoes, regular $4.00 grades now go at
Boys' Boots, regular $4.50 and $5.00 grades, all
sizes now go at
Men's Rubber Boots, regular $4 grades now go at
Women's low heeled Dress Shoes, all good sizes,
both Gun Metal and Patent, $4.00 grades go at
Next Friday is RUBBER HEEL DAY All new
live rubber heels, regular 50 cent grades put on
Friday only for HALF price
to i B ttm nlirro rvst ill nrmm mnmr
11 MB
up nun- W Witch Elk Boots I
XAlIlL rmlly Ground Gripper
, uuxaaxuii
Pittsburg. Pu.. Jan. 9.
''Three dollar oil" arrived to
day. Pennsylvania shot above
that mark with an increase of
ten cents a barrel to 3.05. Oth
er grades went up eight cents,
except Raglaud. up ;t.
Mercer 9B.43, Coming 02.38,
Cabell IS.35, Somerset $l'.1S and
Raglaud $1 Wert today 's quo
ta! ious.
;haneine poor blood to rich blood.
There is nothing better for growing
children whether they are weak or
well than Scott's Emulsion, bat see
that von get the geuuine Scott'i.
' Scott .1 Gmrnii moomAcU. N. J. UK
Why the Journal is popular
It prints the world's news to-
day while it's news.
Steel Managers Say
Portland Strike Won
Portland. Or., Jan. 1. Managers of
Portland's steel plants declared today
that the strike wns practically ended.
The Willamette Iron and iSteel Works
was going ahead with a force fifty per
cent smaller than normal. Four hun
dred men went to work at the. North
west Mills, but six hundred are still
Stomach Bitters
out. Negotiations ai
ly, with either the
Seattle wage scale ;
of final settlement.
proceeding slow
lan rFaneisco or
a nosiftble basis
sj; For a quiet game of Pocket
Billiards, a gcod cigar ir the
latest Sporting New call at
The TJp-to-Date Billiard Parlor
j 437 State. ,
Classified Ads
BRING yot; hestjlts
!! "boss fU
Prompt Serrtv-s