Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 06, 1917, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Xtragood Clothing Fo
You Cannot Afford to
Overlook this Clearance of
Dependable Merchandise
at Meyers
:::: An Annual Clearance that means the saving of a considerable sum to each
jgl family that takes advantage of the January Clearance Offerings in every
JJI section of Salem's Big Store. In many instances prices are way below cost.
t RememberNo transaction
f Clearance of Cretonnes at
Clearance of Bathrobe Blankets at $2 98 Each
Clearance of Huck Towels, 2 for 25c
Clearance of Embroidery Flouncing at 9
Clearance of Half Wool Challies at . . . . 39c a yarJ
ISee these new arrivals in
the Hosiery section. Pretty
stripe effects to be worn
with sport skirts or bathing
suits. A very chic and
, novel innovation, $1.25 a pr.
:::: You Can Always Do
. .. .
;i Better at Meyers
All Around Town
Dr. Mendeuonn, specialist, flu (lasso
at eurreetiy. 0. 8. Bank. Bid..
D. A. White & Sons feel that the car
shortage situation Is getting easier.
About DO days ago they put in an or
der for a car and were fortunate enough
in .oiling one a few days ago for the
shipment 0f clover seed to Orawfords
vi i e, Indiana.
"Won its favor through its flavor"
ljtf Ooroua 10c cigar made in Salem.
The funeral services of Mrs. Etta B.
Kiwsey, Mo died January 5, wore held
tfcia afternoon at 3 o'clock from the
t.aapH of Webb & I'lough. The service
Did tho letters blur
night 's paper
when you
My specially fitted lenses
MISS A. McCULLOCli, Optometrist,
208-9 Hubbard Bldg. Phone 109
is complete until the customer is satisfied
of Women's Stylish Dresses, up to $38.50, your choice
of Women's and Misses Sjjuits, up to $30.00, your choice . .
of All Party Dresses, clearance
of Fine Dress Waists, up to
Clearance Sale on All Muslin
of Children's Dresses, clearance
of Children's Coats, clearance
Clearance of Women's Shoes, $4.50 and $5.00 grades, sale price, a pair J3 35
Clearance of Women's Shoes, $3.50 and $4.00 grades, sale price, a pair $2
Clearance Prices on Boys' Suits and Overcoats, frjces Reduced 20 per cent
1Qp a Yard
Wednesday Surprise Sale No. 829, January 10th
A January offering of Fine Cotton
Taffeta Petticoats at $1.59
Here of Petticoats of unusually pretty style dresden effect floral design
on black ground very pretty ruffle effect over generously fashioned
flounce adjustable, elastic waist band. This Petticoat would sell in manv
k p-.u ui 4,).w.
Sale starts at 8:30.
were conducted by the Rev. H. O.
Thurston and burial was in the Odd
Fellows' cemetery.
Dr. F. H. Thompson of 416 Bank of
Commerce, practice limited to diseases
of tbo eye, oar, nose und throat, also
Or. D. X. Beechler, dentist, located
3-4 mile north of the fair grounds, Port
land road. Owing to no offieo expense
prices reasonable. 1-21
The river is about three feet higher
today than yesterday, dfta to tho melt
ing of snow in tho mountain and today
the gaugo roads 10.0 feet above the low
water mark. The range of temperature
were reading last
the needed
Munsing Union Suits for Men, Women and Children
$6.35, your choice
Clearance of Bathrobe Flannel at .
Clearance of Coatings and
Clearance of Hand Bags, Music Rolls, Purses, Etc.
50c Pebeco Tooth Paste, Clearance price 33c
Woodbury's Dental Cream, Clearance price ... jgc
Jergen's Violet Glycerine Soap, Clearance 7C a (Vjjg
ivieyers weanesaay surprise rnce . .
January 7. Cherrians attend
Services at the Congregational
church, 7:30 p. m.
January 8. -Legislature con
venes for 40 days session.
January 9. Knights of Pythias
annual home-coming.
Jan. 8-13 . Marion County
Poultry Show.
January 18 "I. Pagliacci" at
Salem public library, 8 p. m.
January 15-18. Annual confer
ence Ministerial Association,
Friends ' church.
January .17. Monthly meeting
of Salem Commercial club.
January 23, 24 and 25. Oregon
State Association Grocers' As
sociation at Commercial club.
yesterday was from 50 to 42.
"Promptness and neatness in watch
repairing." Pomcroy and Wallace, 125
Commercial. tf
Attention Modern Woodmen, Instal
lation of officers this evening at I
p. m. i.6
Word was received today announcing
the marriage a few days ago at the St.
Francis hotel, Han Francisco, of Martin
Smith and Miss Thora Pederson. Mr.
Smith was formerly a resident of Salem
associated with bis' father in the jewelry
business- He is now located at Silver
ton. A complete Una of the newest and
bast in jewelry. Gardner & Krone, Sa
lem, most reliable jewelers. The store
with the sheet clock. 16
What Article Would You Like
to Buy at a Wednesday Sur
prise Price ?
Suggestions from our pa
trons as to what they desire
to be offered in our Wednes
day Surprise Sales are in
vited. Due consideration
will be given these sugges
tions when searching th
markets of special surprise
values. Make your sugges
tion to the clerk or floor
$14.95 jjjjPC
39c a Yard 8
Dress Goods.
$1.59 Each
See Window display
Salem Agents for
Buttrick Patterns
The Roth Grocery company has sold
its interest in the Dover Mercantile
company to Mr. Foreman, of Pittsfiold,
111., a brother of C. C. Foreman, of this
eny . me store had been under the man
agement of Chns. Snrf, who owned an
interest in the business. The sale in
cluded the stock and the two story
frame building ami is the only store at
Am leaving city, wood and gas rang
es for sale, also some other furniture.
Enquire at 155 South 19th. tf
For reliable jewelry come to Gardner
& Keene. Complete stock, highest
qualitv, reasonable prices. The store
with the big street clock. 1-6
At least 200 grocerymen from all parts
of the sttao will make a visit to Salem
January 23,24 and 25 to attend the Ore
gon Retail Grocers' association. The
organization was formed one year ago
ut a meeting hold in Pendleton. Ar
rangements are being made by the Com
mercial club to properly entertain the
delegates. Ag yet the place of meeting
in Salem has not been selected.
I. H. MfiMahan has resumed the
practice of law in suite 811-12 V. 8.
National Bank building. 1-9
The Crown Drug Co. has a vaccine
for preventing colds and grip. It ia
proving highly effective iu a largo per
centage of cast's. Several physicians of
the city are using it and advising its
use. , tf
The 5,000 targets for use in rifle
practice, presented to the Salem Rifle
club by the U. M. C people, arrived
yesterday and will be ready for any of
the marksmen who would like to prac
tice at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon.
The shooting will be open for all mem
Owes No DebtsAuto Lic
enses Add $282,435 to
Annual Income
Oregon has no bonded indebtedness
lor any outstanding liabilities of any
X character for the payment of which
there are no funds available, accord
ing to the M ennial report of Secretary
of State Olcott. Among many sub
jects taken up by the reiiort, he cites
that all unpaid warrants outstanding
for seven years are advertised for
four consecutive weeks mid then if
they are not presented within 80 days
they are declared void. In 1910 there
were four such warrants aggregating
The deficiency fund amounts to
$59,000, which the Emergency Board
allowed as follows: For repair to fire
damage at the penitentiary last -May,
15,000; general maintenance of peni
tentiary, $25,000; general maintenance
Oregon State training school, $10,000;
Oregon State tuberculosis hospital,
$0,000; necessary expenses for the ar
rest and return of fugitives from jus
tice, $:i,ooo.
He cites that the repeal of the cen
sus law of 1905, as recommended in
his previous report, has saved the
state $100,000 every ten rears.
The total receipts to the department
of state from fees and motor registra
tions, commissions and certificates was
$22,435.25. Of this sum $30,000 was
for fees for commissions, certificates,
Secretary Olcott recommends the
consolidation of state and municipal
elections as he believes it will save
$50,000 annually. He also recom
mends that the motor vehicle law be.
changed so that for licenses issued
after August 1 the fees be for half
the year only. The report shows that
the expenses to the state alone, of the
recent election wns $31,373.00.
bers of the chili and especially for those
who will be members of the competing
teams in the national shoot.
An Indian Princess who sings, and
the American composer, ("adman. Bead
about them page three.
S. H. Snyder, rentals, successor to
U Bechtel & Co., 341 State St. Phone
County Clerk Boyer today bought
;',5P2 gopher scalps, paid out therefor
$359.20. At the rate the seal) hunters
are coming in it is believed the money
appropriated will not last much more
than another week.
An Indian Princess who sings, and
the American composer, ('adman. Read
about them page three.
Plug horses wanted. Kelson. Phone
927. te&attV
The fire department was called out
this afternoon to a chimney tire at the
R. B. Fleming homo at Court and Win
ter streets. There was no damage-
Dr. Stone ma.lseg no charge for con
sultation, examination or prescription.
Terwilliger Funeral Home, (Cottage
Undertaking Parlors.) residence parlors,
home like. Lady cmbalmer. Telephone
Samuel Warren, of West Salem, Polk
county, was committed today to the in
sane asylum by Judge Bushey. Dr. E.
E. Fisher was the examiniug physician.
Warren has a suicidal tendency and im
agines he is going to die.
An Indian Princess who sings, and
the American composer, Cadman. Read
about them page three.
Dr. L. G. Altaian, homeopathic phy
sician, 290 Liberty. Phone 147.
Laura Breen was granted a divorce
from Robert Breen today on the grounds
of desertion. She is also adjudged the
owner of one-fourth interest in certain
real estate property in Aiarion county,
and given the custody of the minor
child. Thev were married in Bandon in
Dr. P. H. Thompson, 414 Bank of
Commerce bldg.. Jpracticc limited to
diseases of eye, ear, nose and throat
and general surgery.
Dr. Stone's Drug Store for trusses.
C. O. Constable will leave tomorrow
afternoon on the Shasta limited for Po
mona, Cal., to join his wife and daugh
ters, Aliss Iza and Aliss Ora, who have
been spending the winter in southern
California. He expects to be away about
M) days. During his absence the work
as county fruit inspector will be carried
on by Andrew Bercler in Air. Con
stable's office, 210 Hubbard building.
Dr. R. T. Mclntire, physician
surgeon, 214 Alasonic bldg
Phone 440.
Mrs. Edward Becker, who lies on the
Pacific highway east of the Southern
lacific tracks, in North Salem, was run
over by an automobile Thursday night
while returning home from work and
hurled to the roadway- She earried a
baby in her arms but neither were se
riously injured. The automobile did not
stop to find out whether the woman and
babv wore seriouslv injured or not and
. unable to discover its number.
Mr. and Mrs, G. B. Terwilliger. grad
uate morticians and funeral directors,
770 Cheineketa St. telephone 724.
The Rev. Harry A. Marshall, former
pastor of tho First Baptist chnreh of
this citv and an active Cherrian, is now-
holding evangelistic services at. Weu
atchee. The Wenatchee Daily World in
big headlines makes the following an
nouncement: "Marshall differs from
Billy Sunday- Speaks at Baptist church
to large audience. Forceful speaker and
takes up no collection. "
Portland, Or., Jan. 6. Life
imprisonment is staring Kdward
Bartholomew in the face today
following his conviction of mur
der in the green trunk" mur
der mystery case.
The accused man's story of
his whereabouts the day John
Lind was murdered in a local
rooming house November IS,
1915, was torn to shreds by the
prosecuting attorney and Bar
tholomew was convicted after
the jury had been out two hours
of killing Lind and stuffing
the body into a trunk which
was later found in the Willam
ette river.
Bartholomew will be sentenc
ed Monday.
hlmer Giles went to Portland thii
Mrs. Sarah Me Vicker, of Turner, win
in Salem Friday.
V- Hamilton was a Salem visitor yes
torday from Eugene.
Carl Loe, of Silverton. was a Salem
visitor yesterday.
benjamin Desart was in the city yes
terday from Silverton.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion D. Loonoy, of
Jefferson, are Salem visitors.
L. Pjase, of Jefferson, was registered
at the Capital hotel yesterday.
Norman March, of Marion, is trans
uctiug business in the city-
J. E. Scott und Aliss Hazel Scott will
visit over Sunday at Springfield.
Louis Compton went to Portland this
rooming on the Oregon Electric".
Thomas Booth, of Portland, is look
ing after business matters in Salem.
Ivan G. McDaniel is injPortland at
tending the Northwest Tourists' asso
ciation. Aliss Clara Waldorf returned to Sheri
dan this morning after a two weeks'
visit with relatives.
C. E. Oliver, county superintendent of
I.nke county, and his niece Miss Pauline
Oliver, have been visiting at the home
of J. L. Oliver.
Mrs. A. Bruegger and daughter. Miss
Ksther Bruegger, returned to their home
in Sutherlin last Wednesday after a
visit of several days at the home of Mr.
and Airs. Anton Knfer.
My. and Mrs. Harold Grady will hold
their dancing classes Monday January
8 at the Masonic hall. Social dancing
alter the classes.
The Woodmen of the World last even
ing installed the following officers:
John Swieninlt, consul commander; Roy
Campbell, adviser; L. S. Geer, clerk;
Roy Alelson, banker; 0. C. Carey, escort j
John Prince, watchman; John Longcore.
trustee. Following the installation a
banquet was served iu which the ladies
participated. The evening's program
closed with a dance.
Dr. R. Meuric Roberts, osteopathic
physician, 309 Masonic bldg. Phone 10!'
As one of the library course of lec
tures, "I. Pagliacci" will be given as
n Vietrola concert nest Friday evening
at the auditorium of the library. Aliss
Minetfa Alagers will tell the story of
rhetipera as tho records are played. The
records and Vietrola will be loaned the
library by the George C. Will music
house. Caruso, Farrar, Seotti, Alary
Garden and other operatic stars have
sung in the opera.
We take this means of extending
our heartfelt thanks to our many kind
friends' and neighbors.
Mrs. B. T. Randall and family.
The string quartet of Cheniawa is
making a u.ime for itself at home and
abroad, according to the recent issue of
the Chemawa magazine. During the
coming summer it is billed to appear on
the Chautauqua eircuit. Fred Cardin is
now playing iirsf violin; Alea Alelo
vidov, second violin; William Palinj
viola, and Willie Reddie, cello. Richard
H. Kennedy will accompany the quartet
east as lecturer and manager.
We w-ish to thank our friends and
neighbors for their many acts of kind
uess and sympathy during our recent
bereavement, and also for the many
beautiful floral offerings.
Air. and Airs. Timothy Sweet and
One of the letters shown at the post
office that will never arrive is one di
rected in a neat feminine hand to Air.
and Airs. George Forbes. And that is
all. A postal to "Dear Aunt " is also
held up for a better address, also one
addressed to Mrs. Laura Proctor. When
the town and state address is left off,
there isn 't anything the divider or niie
man can do but hold them up until ine
times to send them to the dead letter
office iu Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sykes and two
children, t ass Sykes and Thomas Gnilli
ford, all of Cardston, Alberta, left ves-
t.r.ln- AVAr tho Snutkurn I
DuBois. Pa. For the past few weeks thev
Sw v.v. ... vt(i... in ' 1 i 1 1UI
nave oeen visiting relatives in the citv.
In making their trip to Pennsylvania,
they WJU travel over the Southern -Pa
utie to Galveston and from that citv
on one of the Alorgan line of steamers
to -New ork City.
January 4 the R. N. of A. and M W
j. crirura-.vu me iirsr meeinic in Ttieir
A . ..... U J'. . .
i new lodge rooms in the Derby building
m an open meeting was held o which
tne rannlies ot members were invited fo
witness tue installing of those who will
hold office for the year. The officers
installed by Royal Neighbors were:
Oracle, Sylvia Sehaupp; vice-oracle,
l.enorn Days; chancellor, Hulda Coch
rane; recorder. Melissa Persons; receiv
er, Eva Reinoehl; marshal, Nettie Stan
ton; inner entinel, Mav Abbe; outer
sentinel, Ina Gilchrist. After the
ritualistic and team work a lunch was
To carry on the work of the Jason
Lee Atethodist church the following of
ficers have been elected, who will hold
New London, Conn., Jan. 6.
indication that the German
merchant ""Submarine Deutsch
laud is expected here shortly
with another cargo from Ger
many, wtt given today in the
arrival of more than a seore of
negro stevedores. They were
put to work unloading merchan
dise from the cars at the wharf
of the Eastern Eoi warding com
pany, owners of the Deutsch
laud. Most of this "merchan
Use" consists of crude rub
ber and nickel.
office one year: Superintendent, R. A.
Harris; assistant sucrinteudeut, (Tiff
Roberts; secretary, Miss Lenore Koon;
treasurer, C. M. Roberts; librarian,
William Chittiik, Angeline Smith; su
Mrs. J- M. Clark; suporintendei.l.
home department. Mis. Louise Knor;
superintendent cradle roll. Airs. Kais
it; superintendent missionary depart
ment, Aliss Ellen Currin; secretary
- --- .;..;....- .I.i. .,... ,t lt(i
' II. .,...,-.. T ...... 1 1 - ',,.., ll..,l..t
peranee department, H. Anderson; sec
retary primary department. Miss Inez
Tyler; secretary Sunday school board,
Miss Kllen Cuirin. t
Second hand sewing machines. I
have a nice assortment of second lian l
Iron head sewing niiichines. cnnsistin-
of 2 Standard $25.00 each; 3 Davis ver
tical food, same as new. 1 D.oh, 15,00,
120.00; 2 Domestic 1S.00 and l'.".0i ',
and a number of box top machines
ttfiO to $7..')0 of reliable ninkvs. Geo.
C. Will, 432 State St.
Lea Dany take note: He who lights
and runs away will live to pick off th"
American dollars if he's good enough
Han Johnson is said to be contemplat
ing moving the Washington club int j
the American league.
?jc )fc r( fc '" 3( jg tg
ESTKS At her home. 94.1 South l.ibei
ty street, January 6, 19.17. Alice B,
Estes, at the age of 57 years.
She is survived by her mother, Mrs.
Alary B. Estes. The funeral services wi I
be held at the residence at 2 o'clock
Mondav aftori n.
HILI. At the Willamette Sanatoria! i.
Friday afternoon. January 5, 1917.
Airs. Velma Glover Hill, at the age tii
27 years.
Her death followed an operation fi r
appendicitis, she was the wife of Bud'l
G. F. Hill.
Beajdes her husband, she is survived
by a son seven years old. Other rela
tives surviving are her mother, Mrs,
E. G. White, her grandparents, Air. and
Airs. W. R. Anderson, all of Salem, and
two brothers of Portland.
The funeral services will be held at 1
o'clock Monday morning from the par
lors of Rigdon & Richardson. The bWy
will bo taken to Portland for crema
tion. STUMP At the Good Samaritan hos
pital, Portland, at 11:40 o'clock Fri
day evening, January 5, 1917. Mrs.
Martha A. Stump, in her 77th year.
Her death followed an operatic in
She is survived by a son, Fred Stunt; .
of Stiver, and a daughter, Mrs. Cla
ence S. Hamiltonymf this city.
The funeral services will lie held at
10:30 o'clock Aronday morning from fche
home of Mr. and Mrs. fj, S. Hamilton,
290 North Front street, and w ill be .con
ducted by the Rev. William T. Elliot,
of Portland. Burial will be iu the Odd
Fellows' cemetery.
Mrs. Martha A. Stump was born in
Illinois in 1840 and came with her fatlt
er to Oregon at. the age of 12 years. Fi t
several years the family made the ir
home on the Luekinmutc not far from
Independence. In recent years she has
lived with her daughter. Airs. C. S.
Hamilton, of Salem, and her son, Fred
Stump, at her home near Saver,
Household Furniture. Woodry
the Auctioneer will pay highest
cash price for same. Phone 511.
When in SALEM, OREGON, stop at
Strictly Modem
Free and Private Baths
RATES: 75c, S1.00, $1.50 PER DAT
The only hotel in the business district.
Nearest to all Depots, ThoHtres and
Capitol Buildings.
A Home Away From Home.
T. G. BLIGH, Prop.
Both Phones. Free Auto Bus
Taxi co
Better Known as Jimmie
CAR5 0l
Any kind
Any time